Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. clementine says:


    My next post will contain very sensitive information.

    Please keep an eye out for it and do not accidentally post it.

    I will be sure to mark it as private.

    Thanks :- )

    While I am picking up the pieces of my exploded head, I am pondering.
    Let me drill out any possible connections and check in this evening.

  2. suz says:

    shoot, we’ll have to keep looking for the source of that photo. the guy who posted on flicker didn’t take it; he puts copyrights and his name on his own stuff and this doesn’t have that info. and he seems to be in HoustonM not that it means it couldn’t be him.

  3. Saramom says:

    If your remarks were met with sarcasm in “some neck of the woods” I can’t help but think of “rednecks.”

    Is there a conservation land easement connection?

    I will definitely have another look at the history of this particular property.

    I so hope that the WHERE can lead us to WHO!

  4. JEEZ! says:

    Blink, you have posted a few comments in the last several days that have led me to ask you for further clarification:
    Enquirer asks: Location–”WHY THERE”-”why that specific part of AF”

    Several of your posts lead me to believe you feel we are looking for someone who chose AF, and this Specific location, because they could keep an eye on Morgans body. So this “spot” waw chosen , perhaps by a roofing contractor working on one of the houses in that area. Find the roof that overlooks her spot and find an individual who may be the suspect? Furthermore you also seem to feel that person may have a (wife, girlfried, etc)someone not too happy with his interest in other women. Perhaps Morgan was one of these women, and perhaps the two people involved with her murder are-Roofer and Girlfriend, or roofer is girlfriends brother, friend, etc–someone who would feel the need to “keep an eye on” their WORK. That may be why they would like to speak to bikeriders going past that area. If they saw any work being don e at that time, or perhaps even a bikers involvment—they would have an overall view of that spot on their rides. What do you think??? Of course if this is WAAAAAY OFFFFF—Never Mind!!!!! Just sayin–like to know your thoughts.

  5. ozinlon says:

    Just a lurker…

    Any relevance? Related to crozet angle.

  6. J2K says:

    clem, B – re: The ‘Shrooming Curve

    Clem asked:
    “Would the ‘town shroom grower’ necessarily have to live on property adjacent to Anchorage Farm, or might he live elsewhere (let’s say approx. 11 miles down Monacan Trail Rd/US-29 North) and just farmed his funky fungi on said property (namely- close to where Morgan’s body was found)?
    Would the town shroom grower have been operating in that vicinity five years ago?…”

    If I may help you push you through the Pychedelic Lerning Curve, B – and take a guess at your question based on my own orientation, clem – here goes:

    If AF was a spot where ‘shrooms grew/grow, inevitably teens would find out about it and some creep into the pasture at one time or another with a garbage bag under a full moon in early fall before the first frost – or something like that. (There are specific harvesting parameters one could probably find online these days; in my youth, the details of when to pick ‘em was something that people interested in such were aware of – not that I was one of those picking apart cow paddies, but I knew people who knew people.) Anyway!

    My point is, if the ‘shrooms sprouted there a few times a year, I’m sure that a small group of kids/young adults knew about it and occasionally snuck onto the site – probably while high and with a mad case of the nervous/joyous giggles – to pluck as many crap-covered delights as they could stuff in a sack (or find in the dark). I highly doubt there was a “Town ‘Shroom Grower” known to some, who treated the targeted pasture like an inner-city drug corner – after all, even *if* they grow, ’tis not a regular, year-long thing; there are “magic” windows a few times a year. (…or that was high school folklore.)

    Think: ‘shroom hunting = mischevious fun

    (Just my opinion, I should note. They may, in fact, take their “natural” drugs more seriously down there than up here in the Northeast… where it’s the synthetic drugs that are taken seriously.)

    P.S. clem – you suggested (very specifically) that such a “Town Grower” may travel from 11 miles south down 29. Don’t if you have a certain person in mind, but I did see that’s right around a place called Bungletown. Bungletown! Awesome name. (Oh how the local reporters must have a field day with headline writing about municipal affairs in that town…)

  7. Word Girl says:

    Saramom, I agree that the word “easement” causes some folks to get fighting mad, even after 100 years!

    The remains site seems far from an easement issue, though.

    Btw, interesting photo–apparently on the farm–here

  8. mike says:

    somebody mentioned here that perhaps Morgan intended to stay in C’ville the night of the 17th after not being allowed back into jpj. My question is: did she ever stay in C’ville over night in the recent past and where and with whom did she stay?

    Another thing I’ve been thinking about is are we discounting that the perp may be some older more hardened criminal pyschopath who too had familiarity with the farm? Are there such people in the area. I realize that most of the POI’s have been young people with some interest in local music and who have had some involvement with the criminal justice system. However, in order to think outside of the box, is there merit to the scenario that she was abducted by a genuine older psycho (maybe I got to thinking about Bates Motel)? Seems that a lot of the real serial killers, ted bundy aside, have been older white men who go undetected for a long time, i.e., Green River Strangler.

    BTW, here’s a topic our crime buffs may find interesting – have you ever heard of the “smiley face murders?” punch it in in your search engine. I’m in NE PA and some think that there may have been one such murder here. Anyway, the murder(s) have been linked to areas far away from each other. Now about Morgan, are there any other sort of similar circumstances that occurred in and around music venues in other parts of the country?

    Mike, I have personally worked on that case, I do not wish to start down that road on Morgan’s case if you do not mind. It is complicated enough and there is no connection. Thanks for understanding.


  9. mike says:

    Blink, I wasn’t suggesting a link between the smiley face murders and Morgan’s case, however, I was interested to know if there have been other similar disapperances of young people, particularly attractive females from music/concert venues in other parts of the country.

    The reference to the smiley face murders was just a point of interest for your readers.

    Got it, thank you, Can you tell I am on case overload? That issue is a weeklong series. Definitely worth doing, and I probably will, but not soon.

  10. Word Girl says:

    J2K. Bungletown! I thought that was closer to DC!
    Here are some funny city names I just found–doing some different work.

    My favorite is Boring, Oregon. Must be.

  11. mosaic says:

    Magic or not, I’m not sure I would eat something that had been growing in cow poop.

    *Post of the Day*

  12. Josie says:

    To localcvillegirl- You still have me! Go Hoos!

    Judi, I so share your feelings in your post above @February 18, 2010 at 3:07 pm. ‘**BLINK** Please tell me that you really do feel in your heart that they will solve this case and that it won’t take years to do. I fear that even if Morgan is the first person that this person or persons have done this to, now that they have done it and gotten away with is thus far, that they will strike again, only a matter of time.’ I worry so much about this, too, and if there’s anything at all I question about the way LE has handled this case, it’s that they haven’t felt it necessary to warn UVA and the Cville community. Until an arrest is made, there is still a killer on the loose. Unless of course, LE knows who it is and they are under constant surveillance, which I have seen that happen before. I really hope this is the case. That they need just some piece of evidence from someone and they can make an arrest.

    There’s so many great posters on BOC and everyone of you play a part. We all play a part. It’s kind of like knowing your calling. I’m not so good at research, but I’m great support and ‘baby, I got your back.’ But first of all and above all things, we’re here for Morgan and her family and to see justice served. What this monster has done, he has done to us all and we will not let him/them get away with it. We must stick together! I hope that no one will quit posting, but will continue to help out in your own way. We might all double check our posts and try to take some of the pressure off Blink. She has a great site here and actually has the most peaceful and ‘respectful of others’ one I’ve been on. So press on weary ones, there’s work to do…

    Ms. Minnie, I love that pic of Morgan and her little dog, Kirby, too. Dr. Harrington said that he is a Silky Terrier. Gorgeous!

  13. Minnie Penney says:

    yeah APS was both sad and interesting. I once visited a man who was 109 years old. His mother was a former slave and his father had been a freed man and he bought his wife’s freedom. I met him in 1969 and he was 109 then – I saw his old family bible born in 1860. He lived in a total shack way out in western Henrico County. He told me stories of his father secretly teaching him to read and the family lived in a cabin with a trap door and where they hid their books when the Klan came riding. Well, when I returned to my office with my story of meeting him – one of foster care workers came up and told me that the old boy was a millionaire — he had become a land speculator and had just sold hundreds of acres to developers for around ten million – and that was not his first sale. One of my co-workers from Petersburg was also a reporter for the Petersburg paper and wanted to interview him for the paper. I contacted him and he agreed and the guy taped an interview and it was published and very well written with many positive letters from readers. Some years later there was a murder-suicide (husband and wife) on the same land that I think the old fellow lived on. I went out after that to see if he was still there but he had passed on… at 111. Bless his heart I still remember that day all these years on. Then there was the day my one of my neighbor’s Redbones came trotting by with a human hand in his mouth…Jimmy called 911 and a bunch of those gorgeous state troopers showed up and I came out to take a look…It was a young guy and a suicide. Has anyone ever seen a homely state trooper…nah

    My cousin is a “Statie”. I am 12 years older than him so I had the luxury of babysitting him when he was little, changing the diapers and so forth. Cleaning up his messes when he was over; so I got zero attention at my own house and cleaned up the tyke for the privilege.

    Today, he is 6’4″ 230 lbs of wicked strength with cobalt eyes. He is as handsome as he is kind, and gentle with my children, and the children in our family.

    Last Thanksgiving, he pulled up in his patrol car at the Blinkrents and my son, Blink Jr yells.. “What’s going On the Cops are here?” He did not even recognize him in his uniform as he was walking up the driveway.

    He looks total badass in that uni- I am not a fan because I see him as “lump lump”, which was our nickname for him. I will make sure I show this to him, he will L O V E I T !!

  14. Hannah says:

    NBC 29 : “VA State Police say still no official cause of death for #MorganHarrington and hint that even once they know, they may keep it secret.” Source:

  15. concerned says:

    Good afternoon! Over the past few weeks, I’ve been thinking alot about Morgan’s friends. My best friend and I met at age 5 and that was 35 years ago (wow, that sounds crazy just saying it). We went through 13 years of school and 4 years of college at Radford together.

    I think about all the crazy, insane and not to mention dangerous things we did. I recall going to a concert in Richmond when we were 19 and meeting 2 cute boys that offered to give us a ride to our car (parked a little ways away), but somehow we ended up 20 minutes away at a nearby college. And when they realized we were not going to be the “fun” they hoped for, well, the driver wouldn’t take us back. Luckily, the other guy was decent and drove us back in his 2 seater. We had a double date once that ended at a vacant hunting club somewhere in south west VA and again, made it out without incident. So, when I look back at that (and 100 other things we did), I can’t believe that number 1, I did that and number 2 we made it through.

    BUT, we were always together! Never once did we leave each other’s side when we were “out”. We had fights and storming off, but the other was always right behind. I honestly believe that had we not, things could have been different on a few of those occassions.

    So, what’s my point?? Well, I’ve been thinking that these girls are going to need alot of help to get through this and I do hope that they can get through it. I would love to see them spread the word to other girls their age about the dangers facing young women today and how important it is to have your network of friends stand by you no matter what, no matter when. When your best friend drinks too much and starts a fight with you, forgive her for the moment and stay by her side. Talk about it tomorrow when she’s reasonable. When she takes off with some cute guy she just met, follow her and let that guy know that you have no intentions of leaving her.

    I’d love to see these girls set up some speaking engagements at local highschools and colleges. It could very well make a difference to somone. Hell, it could save a life. I can’t imagine being a young girl and hearing this horrific story from the mouths of Morgan’s friends and it not having a profound effect on me. I hope they’ll consider this. Maybe they can bring a little good from this tragedy……

    I’d like to add – 1st concert was Bon Jovi, Slippery When Wet in ’88.

  16. HokieHi says:

    Here is another link to that photo. It says in the bottom left corner that it was taken on 2/1. It also shows uploaded to Flickr on the same day. Check the 2nd link too as this is an interesting ground level satellite view of the green building on the Blandemar side leading into the back way of AF (uploaded 1/27).

    Thanks Hokie, that is very interesting. He did a sim drop in of the recovery site as well.
    He or someone he knows has a strong background in aerial work, quite good.

  17. Minnie Penney says:

    Is there still a farm in Albemarle named White Hall ? Back in the 50′s and 60′s it was a famous Angus breeding farm. I once dated a fellow who worked there – he helped deliver calves and later went on to Tech and became a large animal vet. I remember going to steak houses back then that displayed framed photos of the White Hall bulls.

  18. Minnie Penney says:

    thanks for that photo, Hokie – wow she really was out in a remote place.

  19. zarpisimo says:

    Word Girl & Saramom or anyone local: does anyone know the terms of how the Basses acquired the farm? Was it from the White Estate? Was it vacant when the Basses acquired it, or was some other family member living there? Did the sale cause a family rift? In other words, did some member of the family force another family member to sell?

    Word Girl: is that link with the pic shows a pond. Do you know if that pond is on AF property or some other property nearby?

    What I’m getting at is, the Basses bought the property 20 years ago. Maybe 20 years ago some kid fished that pond, built forts in the hay fields, played army in and around the creeks … you get my drift. That kid now would be 20 plus years. If that kid grew up thinking that he was forced out of his inheritance … he would certainly think he had a right to be on the property.

  20. peggy says:

    Hi Blink-

    I have to admit the latest theory that the perpetrator of this horrific crime could be the ‘town shroom grower’ is amusing.Why mushrooms? As opposed to pot or some other drug.

    There are hundreds of varieties of mushrooms and many are poisonous-if you pick the wrong one you’re likely to poison yourself (which could result in death).

    Psilocybin mushrooms can sprout organically from cow dung (*though not the only type of fungi that can organically sprout from cow dung), but to think this guy is ‘growing’ them is incorrect-unless of course you think he’s out in the pasture spreading spores..IDK, I find this highly unlikely if not impossible.

    Most of the “magic mushrooms” on the market today are grown and harvested like any other mushroom.

    There’s another drug I think is worth mentioning (again)-it’s called Salvia (Salvia Divinorum).I had previously mentioned this-though someone shot it down and told me I had ‘no idea what I was talking about”.

    There’s not a lot of data (scientific) on the drug. It was legal in Virginia until about three years ago and in some states it’s still legal- and even though it’s now illegal in Va, it’s relatively easy to purchase via the internet. Many people haven’t even heard of this drug,I hadn’t until my son told me about it a few years ago.

    My son goes to W&M (he’s a year older than Morgan) but does what they(him and his friends) call “the circuit” every weekend-that is travelling to various schools through out Virgina for parties, soccer games and get togethers.

    True story- My son went to a party at JMU(his freshman year)-a young man at the party thought he was smoking a marijuana joint(common for that age group), turns out it was marijuana and salvia. Many people knew that it had salvia and said nothing, many thought it was ‘funny”. My son did wasn’t in on the joke and didn’t know until after the kid smoked it. According to my son about 5 minutes after he smoked it he started to freak out (kid had no idea he smoked salvia)…he proceeded to take his pants off and then he became combative-he was rambling nonsense-screaming then crying-a fight ensued and the poor kid put his had through a glass door. At this point my son and his friends left the party. The campus police finally showed up and they transported him to the local hospital. My son later heard that the kid ended up with a hundred or so stitches and had absolutely no recollection of the 2 hours he spent ‘tripping’.

    From what I’ve read it’s more potent than LSD, mushrooms, peyote and so on-basically dangerous stuff. If you look up salvia, every single site suggests or recommends you have a ‘sitter’ b/c it’s possible you can freak out (just like that kid did at the party).

    I’m in no way suggesting that Morgan took Salvia- just thought I’d throw it out there since many believe there’s some sort of drug connection.


  21. bevolovr says:

    1.HokieHi says:
    February 18, 2010 at 5:04 pm
    Here is another link to that photo. It says in the bottom left corner that it was taken on 2/1. It also shows uploaded to Flickr on the same day. Check the 2nd link too as this is an interesting ground level satellite view of the green building on the Blandemar side leading into the back way of AF (uploaded 1/27).

    Hokie, wonderful!!!
    So I saw possible campsites, important because we have found those on our property and know someone’s been partying here!!! I thought that could be a clue early on.

    I am seeing a bevy of kids in the mix at what looks like makeshift campsites all over VA.
    And to think I had peeoutsidephobia in my yute!

  22. Minnie Penney says:

    Blink, that was not my first run in with body….When I got my very first social worker job I worked for Henrico County and in 1969 our office was an old historical home called the Dabbs House. It was Lee’s headquarters during the battle of Seven Pines. The social service dept was on the first and second floors and the police dept was in the basement. I had gone out on an early home visit and was returning about 8:30am. I saw a man’s body in the road. There was a large hole in his forehead. I set my own I could have beaten Denny Hamlin record back to the office – jumped out of the car and rushed to the basement to the PD and the cop went out and some more police cars arrived. The victim was known to them. They took my statement and would let me know if I was needed for anything else – I guessed court testimony or something. But I was never called to court on this case but had to testify in many other adult abuse cases.

  23. skyler says:

    Need some guidance — input

    I’m working on the little memorial for Morgan — I decided to paint it on a small slate from my walkway — but — I was thinking about the 23rd Psalm and adding the line …

    :”He maketh me to lie down in green pastures…”

    Is that too tacky ? This is not from solely BOC, but I want to put you-all’s name on it w/ the Blink logo — which I can’t find all my paint brushes, so I might make a little collage, as well —

    but then I was thinking — in the perp’s twisted mind — or if the perp asked someone to help them who may not have done the actual killing, that they put her in that field to “lie down in green pastures …”

    I know that sounds way off, but it made me stop to say, hmmm ??

    And as an aside: B2serv —

    J2K, I was literally ATWMP —

    I know you’re a journalist, but you ought to write comedy — what a joy you are : )

    B2serv was mine! Now your just tilling it all up again :)

    Kidding. I think religious psalms are highly personal so you should put what moves you.

  24. HokieHi says:

    Not sure how the Basses came to own the property but I assume auction. The last remaining child of the White family (who owned the property for 131 years prior to Mr. Bass) died in 1978. Mr. Bass then purchased the farm in 1983. There is some interesting information in this link:

    It says that 2 of the White sisters lived on the farm (one died in 1961 and the other in 1978. It states that there were tennant farmers living on the land and running the farm. I wonder if there is any record of who the tennants were? Families living there with them? Perhaps young children who grew up there?

  25. HokieHi says:


    Since you brought up camping, check this other photo from the same poster on Flickr:

  26. bevolovr says:

    11.bevolovr says:
    February 18, 2010 at 5:44 pm
    1.HokieHi says:
    February 18, 2010 at 5:04 pm
    Here is another link to that photo. It says in the bottom left corner that it was taken on 2/1. It also shows uploaded to Flickr on the same day. Check the 2nd link too as this is an interesting ground level satellite view of the green building on the Blandemar side leading into the back way of AF (uploaded 1/27).

    Hokie, wonderful!!!
    So I saw possible campsites, important because we have found those on our property and know someone’s been partying here!!! I thought that could be a clue early on.

    I am seeing a bevy of kids in the mix at what looks like makeshift campsites all over VA.
    And to think I had peeoutsidephobia in my yute!

    LOL, B, too funny. My grandpa knew all the roadside stops to pee and whatever. I remember seeing rolls of TP hanging on mesquite branches!!! I’m a germaphobe today ( thx MJ), but back then, oh no!!!

  27. cosmo says:

    back for more … correct me if i am wrong… two of Morgan’s friends are daughters of LE? is this correct? anyone could do a search (as proven by this site) for RSOs in the area and plant / dump body accordingly. does LE know at least if the farm is the primary or secondary crime scene?

    if the friends are not involved … then RSO EH. lives very close to the location of the body. worked close to JPJ and the bridge. may/may not have been at the concert that night. may/may not have been linked via internet to Morgan and the girls. if the friends would have known who Morgan was meeting, they would not have left without her, etc. if the perp took advantage of MH and things went way south, i.e. brutal murder, then most young male perps consciously / subconsciously go “home” and many go to their mother.

    if the friends are involved, then this is a cover up. two friends have fathers on LE (correct me if i am wrong) and would know how to do the research / decomposition / throw off LE investigation. the brutality would be unknown, but then again, it appears there is no evidence, witness(es), COD … at least unknown to public.

    if not friends or RSO, then RV lot perps. partied at the farm before. close to the JPJ. familiar with the local characters / circles of potentially BGs in the area / hunters / and take her there to do evil and/or dump her.

    LE has to have this one so close to figured out. i just can’t believe they and the community don’t know what is going on in their backyard.

  28. yoshi says:

    I haven’t read everything yet today so I may be way off. I’m not sure which way the ‘shroom conversation is going, but they aren’t picked and then eaten immediately. They need time to dry. So they wouldn’t go out there with the plan to consume. Maybe the point is that it’s a place this person knows of because they have a history of going there to pick/grow or harvest? (see below) Did the cows even go out this far?

    Honestly, I thought that maybe it would be a better place to grow marijuana. You can hide it in the tree lines, go out to visit it just a few times during the growing season, let the rain take care of watering it etc. I even thought that maybe they went out their to pinch buds off someone’s plant. But again, the drying thing. Also, I would think that if VSP was aware of a history of illegal growing of marijuana/harvesting of mushrooms that they would be all over this a long time ago. Maybe they already were and that’s part of the history angle. IDK.

  29. zarpisimo says:

    Thanks HokiHi. I had read that before when it was posted right after Morgan’s body was discovered. It was interesting that Edward, Indie & Josephine were the last named White family living on the farm. I’m assuming the three siblings did not have children, which means, their estates would then go to the nearest living relatives, correct? You would think members of a family such as this would leave a will of some sorts. If they died intestate, what does the State of Virginia do? I’m probably waaaay off base with anything that has to do with Morgan, but I’m just thinking a family member that had a majority interest may have forced another family member to sell their interest and it may have caused some hard feelings.
    The Tax Assessor’s site did not list the original sale of the property or the name of the previous owner. It has “invalid sale” which to me means it was not an arms length transaction. I was just curious and thowing what ifs around.

  30. J2K says:

    B – re: Whadup?
    “43.J2K says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    February 18, 2010 at 3:26 pm”

    Also: I am rather shocked, B, that you were averse to “Girlscouting it” while growing up. We’re clearly not the same person! – I keep a roll of TP in my trunk to this day, should there be an emergency call from nature when no bathroom is around.

    skyler, B – re: “B2serv”

    Yes, sky – quotes around something mean it’s not mine (and I wish I’d thought of it first)
    B – we should round up Observer and take our one-woman comedy show on the road!

    also, sky – I love that you’re makig a memorial rock from all of us to put at the MH bridge site. Thank you.

    Word Girl – re: After seeing that worst(best!)-named cities list, I’m from somewhere like “Wowville, J2K”. Many of those places, while legitimate, probably could not be posted here in keeping with (relatively) good taste.
    (Dirty Butter Creek, AK, indeed.)

    lol. Dunno if I missed your post because it went to spamalot. My apologies, I had a few of those today and I do not know why. I have alerted the people that get alerted to the alert.

  31. ohiomom says:

    Minnie Penney, I love reading your stories. You’ve had a lot of interesting experiences! So glad the old fellow at 100+ was a millionaire; so sad that they had to hide their books.

  32. awa says:

    oh my darlin’ clemetine!!!! we wait with baited breath to learn that you are on to somethin’!!!!

  33. clementine says:

    J2K says (February 18, 2010 at 4:24 pm):

    “I highly doubt there was a “Town ‘Shroom Grower” known to some, who treated the targeted pasture like an inner-city drug corner”

    In response to me (February 18, 2010 at 2:17 pm):

    “Or would the ‘town shroom grower’ be someone known only through word of mouth (currently operating under the radar) by locals with their ear to the ground?”



    Though I very much appreciate the visual (inner-city drug activity on Anchorage Farm!) your response conjured in my mind, my last question was intended to describe a burgeoning up and comer Shroomer, unknown to the authorities as of yet.

    A Shroomie Newbie who may have only climbed one or two rungs on the dung ladder, as opposed to the Seasoned Shroomer (who I was alluding to in the first part of my post), who has already been knee-deep in s*!t, if you will.


    Sounds like a fictional place in a Rankin/Bass Christmas Production specializing in hand crafted ‘Misfit Toys’.

    (My apologies to the readers in Bungletown, Virginia. I’m sure Bungletown is a beautiful place to live…)

  34. TooSlow says:

    The heli shot and google earth generated photos that were posted in this thread as well as other BOC threads were from another sleuthing site either taken from or another source.
    The aerial was from a news or police heli, I believe. I’m trying to find my BOC post from 3 weeks ago to see where I got the link I had posted.

  35. TooSlow says:

    The photo that was recently posted is at a different time than the one I posted a while back in the other thread.
    The one I posted was from here:
    It shows the investigative units.

  36. mitchell johnson says:

    i doubt shrooms, but that looks like a fine spot to grow weed!

  37. Slowroller says:

    11.mosaic says:
    February 18, 2010 at 4:42 pm
    Magic or not, I’m not sure I would eat something that had been growing in cow poop.

    *Post of the Day*

    hate to break it to you, but you probably do everyday…cow or chicken poop…most green veggies…most nut trees…

    see, i’m a california guy and it aint all beaches around here, especially when the farmers fertalize…..wwhheeeewww…

  38. Word Girl says:

    You tried to sneak that shifting and swaying in there, didn’t you?
    Since B’s head just exploded with Clem, I’m just gonna say that
    Word Girl didn’t let that cuteness go by, unnoticed!

    (Just name code for any puzzled readers ;=)

  39. keekee says:

    no, not a pro…he just had film of young skinny kid lifting/weight training in a gym. he may still be in highschool. i do think i recognize him in some other fest photos, but nothing solid. and it’s still extreemely odd that he took down the youtube vids so quickly

    i did not mean to waste anyone’s time with my research direction (thanks for the props justiceformorgan), but it wasn’t wasted and yielded a lot of relevant information that i will keep to myself until nailed down well enough. my zeal got the best of me. i appreciate all of your local knowledge. my bad for using a concert poster with no year (why do they do that?)…and not (duh oh) knowing that certain venues were closed. meh. it is a blessing we have so many here to correct each other.

    the cryptic stuff i am compelled to continue cause i don’t want to name innocent people, and it helps me throw out info to those on here in the know. when i’m off course, they put me right. running off the road is inevitable and i sssooooooo appreciate all of you who help me back off the shoulder!

    my ref to natalie holloway was to illustrate how a parent can cover for their guilty child, perhaps convincing themselves that it was an accident. that is bad enough, but with what blink shared about the indisputable horrific way morgan was brutally killed, i felt the need to SCREAM out to anyone covering for their adult child NOW. people are sitting on information and it is so beyond wrong.

    blink, i don’t wanna say what graduation…if i am right, they know who they are. if i am wrong, no foul

    there continue to be very very bizarre goings on with internet deletions (and not just facebook). there are message board postings for certain groups that have old posts up to mid october, then nothing, and then february posting. one from blacksburg that has received not a mention on any website that i know of. not a peep. so why would they do that? that said, they are connected to many of the brew supplied music fests in a media capacity. what is going on?

    my personal feeling right now is that answers will be found within the morphing music fest world with its cast of characters from the landed gentry (and the relatives that hunt and/or sell their land), the brewery and music management people sponsoring events, photographers, and security people. it is mind boggling how inbred this whole scene is. there are also individuals who wear multiple hats in working these events.

    this scene is very seductive to highschool and college girls AND guys. they want to be connected and backstage. morgan was lured outside and her friends know how.

    peace out

  40. J2K says:

    The pic Hokie found on Pancamo’s Flickr account:

    Literally shows a dirt road from Blandemar Farm Drive, behind the green storage barn, almost directly to the spot in which she was found. Amazing! It reminds me of a news article in the days after the discovery that noted LE was seen carefully examining a *cul-de-sac* a bit away from the dump site – could that dead-end driveway/park area at the green barn be what area residents who spoke to the press were referring to? I never could figure that out, as there does not appear to be an true suburban cul-de-sac’s in AF’s vicinity.

    But, regardless, I still think (after seeing that picture) there is a veritable direct path taken to the secondary crime scene from Blandemar Farm Drive.

    …. But. Where on earth was/were he/they coming from?

  41. SuzeeB says:

    Here is the set of photos from DanP. Click on each photo to enlarge.

  42. total amateur says:

    J2K- I dont find much to laugh about often on BOC- I, in all honesty, usually skim over posts that are OT, or humorous.

    But I gotta tell ya, “crap-covered delights” peeled a grin across my face.

  43. Word Girl says:

    HokieHi, thanks for the assist to zarpisimo on the AF history. I hadn’t gotten there yet.

    Peggy, sorry you were shot down earlier in these threads. The salvia divinorum (sp) does have psychoactive effects–dissociative…as in other,so-called psychodelics. About 25 % of people get very hot while using it. I also recall that lots of people get wild trips off it that are exacerbated by loud noises, activity around.

    How did you counsel your son after the event? Did he call 911 when the boy put his hand through the glass? Why did they leave? Does he know about Morgan’s case? Has he offered any insights? Thanks in advance.

  44. cece says:

    He’s here: Harringtons warn killer he’ll be caught
    by Courteney Stuart
    published 4:27pm Thursday Feb 18, 2010
    They don’t know who killed their daughter, but Morgan Harrington’s parents say they remain certain about where he lives, and that he will be caught.

    “There is a bad guy here in Charlottesville,” Dan Harrington pointedly told reporters gathered by Morgan’s memorial on the Copeley Road bridge on Thursday morning, February 18, after he and Morgan’s mother, Gil, finished meeting with law enforcement.
    Gil Harrington now wears the silver bracelet her daughter Morgan was wearing when she died.

  45. Chad says:

    Hi everyone. Just took 2 hours to catch up on all the posts. Much to think about.
    Highlander: That was an incredible story you posted. I am sickened by reading that. These are simply psychopaths that are capable of horrible violence, and are a very poor excuse for a human being.
    Although it was hard to read, I appreciate you posting it. I pray, for Morgan’s sake, she didn’t meet up with a similar group of crazy, voilent young men such as these that were mentioned in the article.

    Mr Bass and his family seem to be very well received and basically, at least they appear to be respected and overall liked by the community. It is possible that there may be a connection with him personally if the family was forced out and they are attempting to set him up. But then again a rough, young hard criminal is probably not the social circle Mr Bass would run with.

    Gizmar and Pepper: Great music tributes to Morgan.
    Also, someone mentioned (Cosmo?) Thin Lizzy….awesome….the boyz are back in town. I think Morgan would have loved them too.

    Skyler: I think what your doing is special. Go with your heart on this. I’m sure the Harringtons will be comforted with any biblical reference.

    Judy: We can only hope that they are getting close. I definitely believe Blink when she says she is confident that there will be an arrest soon.

    Phyl: You are funny! Loved your post.

    Kee Kee: keep it coming, we love your style. Mamma, don’t your boys grow up to killers. (only with a Whalen Jennings swang)

  46. melissa says:

    I’m gonna have to say I don’t think any shrooming was going on. It needs to be somewhat warmer, air kinda thick. Perfect conditions are early, almost first daylight, light rain or mist, even a thick fog, decent cattle and an “optimum pooper”. Type of cattle doesn’t matter, diet does a little and you can only eat certain types of the shroom. Told ya’ll I was a county girl. Have you guys noticed that the ‘fave’ concerts listed have not included country acts? Not my cup of tea anywho. My first was Tina Turner during her “What’s love got to do with it” days. And yes, you can pick up the mushroom right out of the dung and eat it. First time I ever had Georgia moonshine too. What a freakin combo, trippin and can’t get up to run from em.

  47. cece says:

    “It’s as if you’ve had an amputation,” Gil Harrington said. “And perhaps you learn to write with the non-dominant arm, but you never forget you’re missing your right arm.”

    The Harringtons said they will continue coming back to the Copely Road Bridge, the last place Morgan was seen alive, until they find justice.

    “Evil just amazes me, that we have it around us, I guess,” Dan Harrington said. “But we need to find the person that did this, and you may get tired and not come anymore, but this [memorial] ain’t going away. This will be here until Morgan finds justice.”

    The Harringtons want to keep the memorial at the bridge going for as long as they can.

    Gil Harrington wrote a poem filled with poignant words from a mother’s heart addressed to whoever took her daughter’s life.

    Morgan, Music Fan
    by Gil Harrington

    Our girl wanted to go out and dance
    Didn’t know she took such a chance
    Just wanted to be part of the scene
    Didn’t know people could be so damn mean
    That anyone would want to hurt her
    He was checking the scene planning a murder
    EVIL lurking, around the periphery
    To kill and vanquish her beauty
    EVIL like killed Lennon, King, JFK
    Decided to take out a girl on that day
    And threw her like refuse in a field of hay
    Now I have felt the heft of her skull in my palm
    An abomination for any mom
    Your crime and your EVIL fill me with rage
    We will not rest til you’re locked in a cage
    We will catch you, I know that we can
    We’re after you–me and Dan
    So other girls will be safe on the street
    To follow the music
    To follow the beat

    I think we can all assume the music connection is pretty much established.

    Interesting the bracelet never made the news, but the necklace did.

  48. clementine says:

    HokieHi says: February 18, 2010 at 2:57 pm:

    [Sorry if a repost but this is a good aerial photo of the location where Morgan was found. Gives a little better “lay of the land” vs the satellite images from Google. ]


    Blink’s reply: Thanks HokieHi- do you know when this was taken for cross reference to some images I have?


    According to the original poster, these photos are from 2007:

    Dalepa: “Yep, it looks to me that the tracks were there in 2007 from all these image, however they may not be there any longer…

    If the tracks are no longer visible today at the location or high grass maybe, it would suggest to me that someone new about this path in the past, and where it leads.

    It would be nice to get a new picture of the area, and also confirm if the road to the barn is public or private.

    It would be VERY interesting to know if Morgan knew anyone from this subdivision.”

    Additional comments from Dalepa on Find Morgan:

    Thanks Clem, I think people sometimes do not realize how old googe maps are.

    There are some posts I am holding that are hot on the trail so to speak, I would also advise you check the county circuit court site for updated info. I have to connect first before I can put it out there.


  49. Lovely says:

    yoshi – i think you can eat shrooms raw and they are much more powerful that way. drying them breaks down the chemical compounds that cause hallucination, etc…it seems drying them is just a more economic way of transporting them. in amsterdam, they sell raw shrooms to be consumed.

    but…i dont think shrooms has anythng to do with this, and if it does, it was just for recreational use. i dont think the field is used to grow anything.

    i wonder if the property line used to be larger and that area of land may have belonged to someone else? blink alluded to the fact that property disputes might have some percentage in this.

    clementine…i cant wait to see what you have come up with!?!

    FYI – on the hook, someone posted that early on, there had been a sighting of a blond girl who matched morgans description being spotted on the side of the road next to a black sub with its lights turned off. not sure if this sighting was discredited, as i have not seen it before, and it seems to be in the opposite direction from where she was found (but i dont think that makes much difference).

    blink, any thoughts or comments on the below…do you know anything about this?

    I cant find the post now – it was on the hook in the comments section under the New Angles article.

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