Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. total amateur says:

    Anyone know the source of the aerial photo of Morgan’s recovery sight? (the grid pic) I cant find it anywhere… it looks like a cropped and sized-down version of a larger, clearer high-resolution shot. I’m sure it’s probably not available.

  2. Lovely says:

    One more question directed to Blink:

    If the murder(s) were following various web sites for information (and i assume they would) – wouldnt it be possible to run a report of an IP address that has hit your Web site or others repeatedly? I know many people lurk and visit the sites frequently, but I would assume that IP addresses are being checked by LE on a regular basis in regards to readers of these sites?

    I would assume that LE would go back to the very beginning – to the first few days after her dissapearance, and check for repeat IP addresses?

    Also, when police made their request to call in – they also mentioned that any college students who had been to the area for school related purposes call in – this struck me as odd.

    Is it possible this area was used for a class? In highschool, my marine biology lab was held at the beach – we were bused back and forth. Its possible UVA or surrounding schools used this marsh area to study specimins for a class?

    Lovely, that is a great question, LE has the capability of tracking anyone that they have a reason to- yes.

  3. bluewillow says:

    E in SA says:
    February 18, 2010 at 7:43 am
    I was sad to read your post; I have been there a couple times in life and it is a sad place to be, a place of questioning and not understanding and hurting and sorrow and no resolution.

    I think maybe it is just that the forces that were ripping your friend’s life away from her were *unseen.* But no less powerful, sigh…

    You said, her own mother didn’t go to see her in the hospital “bcause she was busy working”… I think you summed up a whole lot right there. It reminded me so much of someone I knew.

    Earlier, Highlander, speaking about that horrific murder said about one of the participants that she had been offered for sale by her mother at one point.

    I have told you guys about my Attachment Disordered foster son…
    Honestly, the more I see, the more I feel that so many of these issues come down to the quality of the love of the mother for her child. Not that other people in a child’s life are not important! But that mother-infant relationship sets the scene for everything to come. When the attachment is weak, people live out their whole lives with a giant hole in their hearts. When it is non-existant, people turn into monsters.

    I wish I could shout out to the whole world- Mothers, love your babies!! Nothing else is really more important!

    Sorry about that. Carry on.

  4. skyler says:

    Minnie — your stories are wonderful ! That’s a hoot about beating Denny Hamlin’s record — I would have peed in my pants and then hot-footed it outta there — shew — and I AWMP when I read about “Ol’ Sparky” having the final word in that man’s life who murdered his wife — I have heard some tales — probably not true — from the men who used to work in the prison when Ol Sparky was still firing and the penatentiary was in downtown Richmond, about how sometimes it wouldn’t work the first time and they’d have to “fire it again” and there would be sparks and smoke coming out from the person’s feet —

    Well, I have finished Morgan’s little memorial plague from us — I couldn’t find my paint brushes and only had half the colors of the outdoor paint you have to use — and never painted on a piece of slate before — so I couldn’t do the BOC logo — although the drawing looked awesome ! — and it looks like what your garden variety second grader could do — but it’s hokie and arty and kind of like Morgan — in the end, I like it

    I painted the hill of AF and put in a little line of trees and then painted a thin line and “hung” a string of Tibetan prayer flags between the trees — then I painted an area in blue like the BOC logo and just painted on “Rock on <3 BOC — I put some angel wings in the sky — I put in a new moon and some clouds and some stars; the moon was new when she was killed — and then I flicked on some snowflakes because of all the snow she was under — in the end — I took some of that Martha Stewart fine particle glitter (which is so cool — anybody got kids, wonderful project — go to her website) — and so when someone sees it they’re going to say: why did that person paint a Christmas tree lot with Christmas lights on there —

    We’ll keep it our secret —

    I am going tomorrow — I had to bribe — yes, I said “bribe” — my son to go w/ me so I wouldn’t have to drive back after the concert alone — He said to me: buy me a carton of cigarettes and I’ll go. I said, give me back my car permanently and I will drop you off at home on the way to C-vlle. He decided he’d “come w/” we may have to take a little sight-seeing tour through the McMansions of Charlottesville — took off early from work — if there’s a sneaky way into the back of that property, my boy will find it — I’ll try to take some pix —

    Chad, I will take your lily, and I’ll put in a bouquet from us to make up for the painting quality —

    wherever Morgan is, she is free from pain — if she can help it, I don’t think she’ll let whoever did this to her, do it to someone else — again, I hope she’s haunting the heck right out of ‘em —

    wouldn’t you love to be in that room when it’s the middle of the night and quiet and all of a sudden the stereo starts blasting out Metallica’s Dawn of the Dead … ha : )

    Rock on, Morgan — 2 4 1 !

    As an aside, two of my uncles were Va. St. Troopers. One was killed in the line of duty — the other one shot, and got back in his car and chased after the bad guys who drove into MD and hid in the woods — after a week they came out begging the LE not to shoot — the place was swarming.

    My aunt lived w/ us when she was in college, and the one uncle who was killed used to come to our house to pick her up for dates — and boy, did we give them the razz —

    Blink, you tell your cousin to stay safe !

  5. total amateur says:

    Interesting the bracelet never made the news, but the necklace did.

    What is the “extra” significance of Morgan’s necklace?

    I always figured it wasn’t talked about early, because its distinctive, and could weed out “real” sightings and witnesses.

    Then, once that part of the initial investigation was done- I figured it was released so that merchants, ebayers, pawn shop owners… anybody really, might recognize it if someone tried to sell it, or someone saw it somewhere.

    What am I missing?

  6. total amateur says:


    Dont post this Blink, if you think it might give a BG the heads up-

    If Morgans camera were to be discovered, can images or video that the perp thought was deleted, be recovered…like it can on a computer hard-drive? My camera for instance, has an internal memory AND a memory card. Some people might not even know this.

    The unsub knows this, yes.

  7. starbucks says:

    “A State Police spokeswoman says they still don’t have the cause of death, and that the medical examiner is still working on trying to determine that.”

  8. bluewillow says:

    Blink, you said
    I do not think Morgan came but from just inside the tree line once it swelled. If you review the overhead recovery scene, it is very contained.

    Thanks. I had been wondering (probably way off, but the limits of looking at maps) if she could have washed down that stream from the Blandemar Farm Pond when the water rose and maybe been pulled out to the field by an animal… But, you are right, she was too far from the water (judging by the photos of the recovery scene) and they are treating that as The place of interest.

  9. clementine says:

    Yoshi says: February 18, 2010 at 6:16 pm:

    [Maybe the point is that it’s a place this person knows of because they have a history of going there to pick/grow or harvest?]

    [I would think that if VSP was aware of a history of illegal growing of marijuana/harvesting of mushrooms that they would be all over this a long time ago. Maybe they already were and that’s part of the history angle.]


    Hi Yoshi ^ That is the angle I’m coming from. ^ History.

    I don’t believe anyone really thinks Morgan was brought there on the night of October 17th to go gallivanting for shrooms…

  10. starbucks says:

    “During a brief press conference today at Copeley Bridge near John Paul Jones Arena, the parents of Morgan Harrington said that DNA tests conducted on the remains of their daughter will likely take five to six months before they provide information about her death. Dan Harrington said, however, that the family’s pursuit of justice and presence in the community would persist.”

  11. starbucks says:

    “Asked whether she had received a bracelet worn by her daughter the night she disappeared, Gil Harrington rolled up her sleeve and presented it.”

  12. MsLurkALot says:

    bluewillow says:
    February 18, 2010 at 8:28 pm
    E in SA says:
    February 18, 2010 at 7:43 am
    I was sad to read your post; I have been there a couple times in life and it is a sad place to be, a place of questioning and not understanding and hurting and sorrow and no resolution.

    I think maybe it is just that the forces that were ripping your friend’s life away from her were *unseen.* But no less powerful, sigh…

    …….To E in SA…..bluewillow’s words are so true….we can never know the full extent of what goes on in the minds and hearts of even our closest friends and family, especially if it is painful. Those feelings are the most hidden parts of the soul, and the self-dialogue that goes on within is in a language most of us don’t understand. Please be somewhat comforted that your friend is now at peace. That is little comfort to those left behind, but we can learn to accept what is, even if we don’t understand it. Peace to you and your friend’s family.

    bluewillow says…But that mother-infant relationship sets the scene for everything to come. When the attachment is weak, people live out their whole lives with a giant hole in their hearts.

    ……blue, so true….even “good” mothers and fathers can fall into a self-centered trap that makes them neglect their children, emotionally and physically. Touch is especially important, especially for infants. Probably a topic for another forum, but so relevant to the detached-ness of so many youth, I think….

  13. MsLurkALot says:

    Sky says….Well, I have finished Morgan’s little memorial plague from us —

    Can we see a pic? You have put so much thought into this…thank you.

  14. alexandra says:

    total amateur. Keekee gave the best explaination for the necklace I have heard yet. She thinks because it was on Morgan’s neck at the concert, and not on the supposed ATM camera when we think her card was used after 9:30pm. Did I get that right? We don’t know for a fact but this does make sense of how LE knew her necklace was an issue.

  15. starbucks says:

    While the Medical Examiner in Richmond has publicly ruled Morgan’s death a homicide, her parents may also know more specifically how their daughter died. Asked if police had shared her cause of death, the Harringtons paused and looked at each other before replying. “That,” said Dan, “you’d need to get from police.”

    State Police spokesperson Corinne Geller declined comment, citing toxicology tests still being conducted by the Medical Examiner.

    One forensic expert says he believes there should be plentiful physical evidence, even if Morgan perished the night of the Metallica concert, October 17, thanks to cool fall nights followed by the two-foot blanket of snow that buried Central Virginia from mid-December until days before January 26 when Morgan’s remains were discovered by Anchorage Farm owner Dave Bass as he rode his tractor checking fences.

    “In decomposition, a major factor is temperature,” says Dr. Bill Bass, a UVA-educated forensic scientist and founder of “The Body Farm,” a research facility in Knoxville, Tennessee that studies the breakdown of human remains and which was the subject of the eponymous 1984 novel by Patricia Cornwell.

    Bass, who is no relation to the Anchorage Farm owner but who coincidentally owns his own farm near Lynchburg, says toxicology tests and DNA tests can be run on minimal amounts of tissue, even on partially or mostly skeletonized remains, as Morgan’s have been described by both police and her parents.

    While forensic expert Bass is not working on Morgan’s case, he says the medical examiner’s immediate ruling that Morgan’s death is a homicide suggests “they have found something in the body that is damaged. It could be a gunshot, could be stabbing.” Toxicology and DNA tests can take weeks, even months, to complete, he notes, although he says it’s reasonable to believe police know the cause of death but “may not want to say yet” for investigative purposes.

    . . . .

    Police and the Harringtons decline comment on any other items recovered with Morgan’s body including a widely publicized Swarovsky crystal necklace; however Dan Harrington seemed to suggest that the bracelet was not the only piece of jewelry found.

    “He didn’t even want her jewelry,” he said, adding his belief that Morgan’s death was a sexual assault that “ended up in her murder.”

  16. Lovely says:

    total amateur- im with you. everyone is talking about the necklace. the photos make it look larger than it really is, but it is actually delicate. not sure someone would even notice it, especially if tucked under her shirt.

    BUT, just because the necklace wasnt found with her doesnt mean that it hold any significance, especially if we are killing the ex-bf theory.

    i think the necklace, while she did wear it that night, is a red herring.

  17. keekee says:

    skyler – you are sweet awesomeness to the nth! have a good trip with your son (and be careful).

    lovely – great about lurkers being tracked………..

    and speaking of a good trip, er, well, as a wildchild from early 70s on, i drank electric koolaid and had most loverly time(s). and you are correct about not drying them out; in fact, the very first time i tried them. ack ack ack. i sat on the toilet in a bathroom stall (won’t say where) with a can of coke and a plastic sandwich bag of slimy mushrooms. i tore them into bite size pieces, and forced them down swigging coke and gagging. by the time i got them down, i had spewed coke out of my nose and hurled coke fizz onto the back of the locked stall door. after making all that noise, i staggered out into the open public area with tears running down my face. i was greeted with looks of horror from two girls brushing their hair at the sinks. i just smiled and breezed out. ended up at a friend’s houseboat on the river jumping off the roof (again the jumping) and had a grand old time. the boys i knew who procured the shrooms from the farmfields didn’t have a mean bone in their bodies. honestly, i never met a mean person who did shrooms. a lot of em were into pot, too…and just kinda doin nothin. i hated pot cause it felt like i had 20 lb cinderblock feet and everybody talked like charlie brown’s teacher.

    my kids are horrified by my stories of drug experimenting. luckily, i could try something and leave it. many of my peers didn’t make it out of those times. some have amazing “turn your life around” stories. the most important thing i have imparted to my kids is that i never had a problem saying “no” and standing up for myself if i did not want to do something. to this day, i have people insist that i must have smoked pot in the 70s or even now. no. a roommate in college used to beg me to smoke. no. i did not like it. don’t know how, but i was an athlete in hs and college even with all of the partying and made decent grades, too. who’da thunk it? now, i work out and go to concerts for that natural endorphin high. that beats all.

    oh, so anyway, we never partied where the mushrooms were gotten cause they weren’t s’posed to be gotten…

  18. keekee says:

    chad – is the facebook email still working. it got bounced back to me

  19. clementine says:


    Yes, it is. I checked before I sent you that comment.

  20. total amateur says:

    Just because Dr. Harrington mentioned “he didn’t even want her jewelry”, doesnt mean that the necklace was found- at least at Anchorage Farm.

    Until proven otherwise, I’m believing in what Blink says- when she says it with conviction. A while back, Blink adamantly stated that the necklace was NOT found with the remains.

    I’m racking my brain… but I can not figure why this is so important- unless its been recovered at a primary crime scene.

  21. Highlander says:

    Chad, I went back and forth whether to share that horrific story, but in the end I felt the message of one tip is all it takes, prevailed. Each day after the arrests, the stories in the news paper about those 6 grew more and more bizarre. Today’s article was that they have lice and had to delay their Preliminary hearings until March. I would never be selected as a juror in that trail as there is only one thing to do with those six inidivduals

    BTW…My first concert was ZZ Top on the Eliminator Tour

  22. MsLurkALot says:

    HokieHi says:
    February 18, 2010 at 5:04 pm
    Here is another link to that photo. It says in the bottom left corner that it was taken on 2/1. It also shows uploaded to Flickr on the same day. Check the 2nd link too as this is an interesting ground level satellite view of the green building on the Blandemar side leading into the back way of AF (uploaded 1/27).

    Thanks Hokie, that is very interesting. He did a sim drop in of the recovery site as well.
    He or someone he knows has a strong background in aerial work, quite good.

    ………….. The tag “no fence” is interesting, also the label indicating the distance from the barn to recovery site is .3 miles. If so, that is not a far distance at all, by vehicle or on foot. I wonder if the photographer was able to see “no fence” from enhancing the photos, or if he/she has first hand knowledge of the area.

    I know it’s hard to visualize, but AF is large, and the surrounding parcels are large. There are most certainly several areas that the existing fencing can be breached. The streams are probably not difficult to cross in many places. But, I say this without having seen it up close and personal. We live in the country, large farm next door, and we hike there frequently with permission. The boundaries between our “space” and the farm are not always well-defined. We are constantly going through barbed wire that has sagged, or been cut, and crossing creeks. The terrain here is steep. It appears the terrain in that part of Albemarle is more rolling. It is do-able, fairly easily IMO, especially for any local who has spent lots of time in that area. Realtors ride around on parcels like that all the time, to get a feel for the land, and to take prospective buyers on tours. Riding around on vast properties is just something that is done, usually with owner’s permission, but not always. Anywho, one more thought. The green roofed “barn” — I read somewhere way back a comment that it is an RV or horse-trailer storage building. The RV angle is interesting, as some bands, if they have the means, travel in RV’s. Or maybe they haul their equipment in horse trailers. Just based on pics and gut feeling, the “how” of the location is not so much an issue, the “why” is the puzzle. Or, maybe there is no “why” other than they were familiar with the territory, and felt the site was hidden enough to prevent discovery for a long while. JMO.

  23. total amateur says:

    Although Blink, I will have to respectfully disagree with you about the Harringtons knowing the cause of death- especially after reading that article.

    There is no way I can address that without being specific. Respectfully, I stand by my previous statements.

  24. susanm says:

    bob dog ,my link didnt work,but when you reposted it ,it works on your comment,but i was showing ,merely ,that there are magic mushrooms in albemarle co. as per the article,which co-incidently other than the headline, i couldnt find anything else.

  25. Liam says:

    Blink i read somewhere that Mr Bass was checking his fences on his property because of the bad weather in the area the 2 weeks prior, when he was on vacation. That was when he located Ms Harrington. He was on vacation in the Bahamas? He stated he didnt think they would have used his drive without him being alerted to it, which also indicates he was at home on OCT 17th, i`m pretty sure this came from the findmorgan site fwiw….. i`ll try and source..

  26. susanm says:

    when i read gil’s poem about the bracelet,i was so hoping,that if a struggle, that bracelet had the perps dna too,i guess they wouldnt release the bracelet out of custody (or could they?)if it did,but maybe there was some piece of her jewelry that caught something.Thanks for the picture of the bracelet,on gil’s arm .

  27. MsLurkALot says:

    bevolovr says:
    February 18, 2010 at 5:44 pm
    1.HokieHi says:
    February 18, 2010 at 5:04 pm
    Here is another link to that photo. It says in the bottom left corner that it was taken on 2/1. It also shows uploaded to Flickr on the same day. Check the 2nd link too as this is an interesting ground level satellite view of the green building on the Blandemar side leading into the back way of AF (uploaded 1/27).

    Hokie, wonderful!!!
    So I saw possible campsites, important because we have found those on our property and know someone’s been partying here!!! I thought that could be a clue early on.

    I am seeing a bevy of kids in the mix at what looks like makeshift campsites all over VA.
    And to think I had peeoutsidephobia in my yute!

    …………… OK, one more post and I’m done hogging. B, you’re cracking me up! One of the first things we learn here in rural VA is about peeing outside! My granny had an outdoor privy for years, and, growing up in the “country”, riding around doing what we shouldn’t have been doing, peeing outdoors was a necessity. We have 3 bathrooms now, but we still pee outside on occasion, just ’cause we can! And those outdoor music festivals, well, late at night, when too tired to hike to the woods or porta-potty, a good bumper pee will suffice. You just made me LOL. Thank you!

  28. Loca says:

    Wondering about the college kid angle again:
    -keekee’s comment about graduation
    -Lovely’s post about college kids calling in & her speculation re:
    class work on AF
    -LE’s request to be “educated” about the land

    From Gil’s last poem it appears she believes the murder to be pre-meditated.

    I believe I remember (but can’t find) that LE requested info on the
    POI/land from 5 or 3 years ago. Why the 2 year gap? Could the POI(s)
    have “used” the land (in whatever capacity) 5 & 3 years ago but not for a couple of years in between?

  29. Cat says:

    I think it is important to keep in mind that animals never sh&$ where they eat. Although the location of the body is important, I believe it is going to be quite difficult to tie the perp(s) to that specific location.

  30. clementine says:

    Hi Lovely, hi Awa (waving to both)

    Please don’t get your hopes up on my account. Though my posts to Blink are rather cryptic (I do apologize), it is only because I am tying in newer information with older information that I sent to her a couple of months ago.

    It is the older information that is of a sensitive nature (and may not be related to the new information, which will likely be posted by someone else here by the time you read this.)

    With that, I’m sure I just confused you further.

    Perhaps I should start a new game. Clarification or Cloudification?

  31. PhylNo says:

    has my cheese been spammed or banned for having too many holes (like Swiss).

    No ma’am

  32. bluewillow says:

    bevolovr says:
    February 18, 2010 at 5:44 pm
    So I saw possible campsites, important because we have found those on our property and know someone’s been partying here!!! I thought that could be a clue early on.
    That is interesting. When I was searching the google map of the woods by the Hardware River I saw a few objects I wasn’t sure of, almost looked the size & shape of vehicles but impossible to tell what it was, if anything, without being able to zoom in further for a sharper picture. Maybe just the sunlight playing on a fallen log or something but a couple of light spots looked very rectangular. Did anyone else see anything like that?

  33. Cat says:

    Also, around the 9:30 timeframe, were there any organized events letting out around the JPJ arena? I know it would appear obvious that the possibility of Morgan being abducted by a concert attendee is probable; I also believe it is important to broaden the perspective to encompass all possible scenarios.

  34. Phyl says:

    Word girl, you don’t miss a thing! Lol.

    Chad, thank you. We need a little humor to help us get through this.

    Keekee, Thks. You are amazing

  35. bluewillow says:

    oops, sorry, Blink, that was bevolovr quoting you… I’m still getting mixed up with the new layout! :-P

    I was definitely a peeoutsidephobic in my yute as well, and I still am! hah

  36. MsLurkALot says:

    J2K says:
    February 18, 2010 at 7:22 pm
    The pic Hokie found on Pancamo’s Flickr account:

    Literally shows a dirt road from Blandemar Farm Drive, behind the green storage barn, almost directly to the spot in which she was found. Amazing! It reminds me of a news article in the days after the discovery that noted LE was seen carefully examining a *cul-de-sac* a bit away from the dump site – could that dead-end driveway/park area at the green barn be what area residents who spoke to the press were referring to? I never could figure that out, as there does not appear to be an true suburban cul-de-sac’s in AF’s vicinity.

    But, regardless, I still think (after seeing that picture) there is a veritable direct path taken to the secondary crime scene from Blandemar Farm Drive.

    …. But. Where on earth was/were he/they coming from?

    ………. Not to be a PITA “I told you so” nerd, but I think my first ever post on this forum, (could possibly have been one other forum), was referencing the pic of the green roofed “barn” and the nearly direct path to where Morgan’s body was discovered. It just seems so likely the point of entrance. But, at this time, am convinced that the how they got in is not what we should focus on (where there’s a will, there’s a way), but on why, and who was familiar with that entrance. IIRC, they would have been coming from Rt 29, onto Blandemar Drive. Will have to go back and look at the maps to refresh memory. But, I think others have already made that connection.

  37. ross says:

    Yes Ross, it was thoroughly processed first.

  38. susanm says:

    who was playing at ‘is’ that night ?and raw dawg was or was not playing at the corner,if not who was.

  39. awa says:

    to me, it seems very personally invasive that morgan’s lace- up boots were not with her when she was found, more than a rape or killing somehow…. seems vindictive and in your face… granted, there is nothing kind about a child dying….invades my dreams nightly… sky, the scenario your ‘friend’ imagines is almost exactly what i fear…. i think there were some very mean girl(s) involved… basing that on absolutely nothing, but a real sick pit in my soul

  40. C-ville says:

    Hi everyone! First time poster here. I noticed that you figured out those photo’s of AF were possibly dated from google around 2007. I just wanted to add that even if there are some photo’s of the area that were indeed taken recently (and after discovery on AF) they would have to have been taken between Jan 26th and 29th. The December 19th snow of 20-26″ melted after a brief warm spell and torrential rains which is when they located Morgan’s remains. It snowed here immediately after they concluded their investigation of the farm and we have been snow covered since then:
    Jan 30th 8-12″
    Feb 2nd 3-6″
    Feb 5+6th 16-30″
    Feb 9th 6-10″
    Feb 15th 3-6″
    So if there are photos of the area with no snow in them there was a very brief window of time that they could have been taken if they were indeed taken this year!
    Just thought I would offer up the weather info…It really is a miracle that her remains were found at all considering the weather we have had here this season.
    This is a great site! Thank you for posting all of your well researched ideas!

  41. yoshi says:

    Lovely and Blink-
    I was researching last night and found the coordinates of Blandemar pond and the dam listed on computer science courses at both JMU and Vtech. The courses have to do w/data sets, algorithms and a bunch of stuff I don’t understand. Could we be looking for someone w/knowledge of satellite data/personal navigation systems? Who knows that they (or Morgan) wouldn’t be picked up by satellite surveillance? A computer science student/prof. or professional? There could be much more to explore here, but my brain hurts just looking at the stuff.

    and at VTech

    and UVA

  42. bluewillow says:

    Minnie Penny, if you wrote a book I’d sure enjoy reading it!

  43. MsLurkALot says:

    Mystified says:
    February 18, 2010 at 3:19 pm
    Any easement would show up on the property records so if it’s there we’d know about it.

    ……… Maybe only if someone knew what they were looking for and where to look for it in the property records.

    Mystified says:
    February 18, 2010 at 3:19 pm Also, I’m a local and am not aware of any 29 construction plans for that area of the county. Most efforts–back when there was funding–were focused on doing something to help traffic on the north side of town. On the otherhand, there could be some other type of property dispute going on, so I certainly wouldn’t dismiss the idea completely.

    ……….. Yes, just judging from GIS searches on a large parcel in a VA county I am familiar with, there is no listed owner, which tells me the public records are not available, or not easily accessed. The one I’m referencing is, from what I’ve gathered, involved in an ownership/inheritance dispute, and after many years, there is still a question as to who actually owns the property. And, there is an “easement” across that property, but the mystery “inheritees” would have good reason to dispute the easement if it interfered with their desire to sell the land with the encumbrance of that easement. Does that make sense?

    Anywho, not sure any of that is relevant here. Only an exhaustive physical search of property records in Albemarle/C’Ville courthouse would yield any of that information.

  44. yoshi says:

    Did I send this?

    Do a Contol F and search for Blandemar. A search for Charlottesville brings up 100 matches. Haven’t been able to look at all of them yet.

  45. Moonchime says:

    Skyler–I want to thank you for taking such great care to paint a rock for Morgan. It sounds incredibly beautiful and meaningful. I’m sure the Harrington’s will love it.

    For the poster who said they hoped Morgan was haunting her killer–I’d like to share a true story with you all.

    In the 80′s we lived in Tucson, Arizona. At the time, our Chief of Police was Peter Ronstadt, Linda Ronstadt, the singer’s, brother.

    Well, one day a guy walks into the Tucson Police station and frantically insists that he needs to speak with Police Chief Ronstadt. As soon as he is in The chief of Police’s office, he confesses to a murder. No one has even been reported missing. This dude leads Ronstadt and some of the other Tucson police to a shallow grave way out in the desert. Sure enough, there is this guy, with bullet wounds through his head, in a shallow grave.

    Chief Ronstadt asks the killer why he confessed, since he would surely have gotten away with murder. You see, this man had picked this guy up as he was hitchhiking. The driver questioned the hitch hiker enough to realize that he had no one he was reporting to back home. He was just hitching his way across the USA. That’s when the driver said he decided to kill the guy and bury him in the desert. He too figured that he’d never be caught.

    And he may well never have been–except that the victim didn’t go quietly into the light, so to speak. The killer said that every time he looked into a mirror, he would see the face of the guy he had murdered standing beside him. He said he tried to avoid mirrors, but mornings were especially rough, since he had to shave before going to work. He couldn’t shave without looking into the mirror. The murdered man always asked why had he killed him. The murderer couldn’t stand to be haunted anymore, and that drove him to turn himself in. He would rather spend the rest of his life in prison than be haunted anymore by the victim’s spirit.

    This story was in our newspaper in either 1982 or early 1983. I wish I had clipped it out of the paper and saved it.

    It surprised Chief of Police Ronstadt because the murdered man was well hidden. He never doubted the killer’s story because he told the reporter that the man was terrified of the man haunting him. After confessing and leading them to the dead man’s body, the murderer seemed at peace.

    Therefore, I am with you–whoever posted that about hoping Morgan was haunting her murderer/s. I hope she haunts them every minute of the day and night.

    Take care everyone. May tomorrow bring news of an arrest. We all want justice for our shiny girl, Morgan.~Moonchime

  46. bluewillow says:

    Cul de sac could also mean that last house at 1435 Waldemar Dr. possibly. When you look at the map, it actually looks as if someone could turn off the road above there, at the corner where it jogs around the lake, and head down along the treeline. The fences seem to stop short of the trees, leaving a space. At the time of this map, at least.

    I guess that *Green building* and the surrounding area has always caught my interest, though. I wonder what it is. I’ve seen it referred to as a farmhouse, is there actually a house with residents there? In the aerial it looks more like a barn or what we used to refer to as a “shop” out in the country.

    When the snow clears, it would make for an interesting time to explore Anchorage Farm in detail!

  47. total amateur says:

    I don’t know Blink, I may have to pull back my disagreement about the Harrington’s knowledge of COD. The way the Hook quotes them, as to the effect of [thats something (pause) you'd have to ask police], you could interpret that as they don’t know and are irritated about it. Just not sure. NBC 29 and Newsplex quote LE as stating that they’ve yet to determine COD pending toxicology. The only thing I can take from that is that there could be signs of trauma, but they cant be sure it caused her death. The trauma could have been post-mortem or non fatal, and she first died of some sort of OD, willfully(not) or forcefully. Yet you seem to be certain of a brutal murder, and I take your information as practical fact when you are very deliberate about something.

  48. bluewillow says:

    MsL, you are needed and appreciated here.

  49. ConcernedBystander says:

    susanm says: “who was playing at ‘is’ that night ?and raw dawg was or was not playing at the corner,if not who was.”

    IS Venue closed at the end of Sept., as well as Si Tapas which was downstairs.

    IS was owned by Mo Roman, who incidently “…had been charged with the crime of sexual battery last April and speculated the situation may have necessitated Si’s closing. The case was filed in Charlottesville District Court where the charge was amended to misdemeanor assault and has been appealed to Charlottesville Circuit Court.”

  50. Chad says:

    CeCe Sky,
    How many more times can our hearts break reading these words of Gil? LE, please, put us out of our misery. This is like a meat grinder.

    Our girl wanted to go out and dance
    Didn’t know she took such a chance
    Just wanted to be part of the scene
    Didn’t know people could be so damn mean
    That anyone would want to hurt her
    He was checking the scene planning a murder
    EVIL lurking, around the periphery
    To kill and vanquish her beauty
    EVIL like killed Lennon, King, JFK
    Decided to take out a girl on that day
    And threw her like refuse in a field of hay
    Now I have felt the heft of her skull in my palm
    An abomination for any mom
    Your crime and your EVIL fill me with rage
    We will not rest til you’re locked in a cage
    We will catch you, I know that we can
    We’re after you–me and Dan
    So other girls will be safe on the street
    To follow the music
    To follow the beat

    I think we can all assume the music connection is pretty much established.

    Interesting the bracelet never made the news, but the necklace did.

    Clementine: Please tell me Blinks head exploded because you just broke the case wide open. Pretty please?

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