Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. Kathy says:


    I wish I could see the slate you made for Morgan. You should take a picture and when we all get on our facebook for Morgan you could post it. What a wonderful thing you have done, and know we will all be with you in spirit as you place it at her Memorial. A commercial just came on for a computer game and the song was “Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone” by Bill Withers and I instantly thought of our Shiny Morgan. It was one of my favorite songs in my teens and now whenever I hear it I will always think of Morgan.


  2. acho says:

    7.skyler says:
    February 18, 2010 at 8:28 pm

    Lordy, Skyler. You are something else. The prayer flags … what a nice touch for Morgan. Thank you, and I will be making a beeline for Copley Bridge to see it next time I’m there–IF the memorial remains. My hope is it won’t be there because Morgan will have had justice, and your creation will be in the Harrington home. Hugs and gratitude, and thanks to your boy for accompanying you.

  3. Chad says:


    What a great post. You are so your name. I did get goosebumps when you said that everytime he looked in the mirror, he saw the dead man standing beside him. This killer obviously had a conscious. Not sure Morgan’s killer does, he may beyond a mirror. But just in case he may have an ounce, I posted for special reading for him.

    “The Man in the Mirror”

    The Man In The Glass.

    When you get what you want in your struggle for self,
    And the world makes you long for a day,
    Just go to the mirror and look at yourself,
    And see what THAT man has to say.
    For if it is not your father or mother or wife
    Whose judgment upon you must pass.
    The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life
    Is the one staring back in the glass.
    Some people might think you are a
    straight shootin’ chum and
    call you a wonderful guy,
    But the man in the glass says you’re only a bum,
    If you can’t look him straight in the eye.
    He’s the fellow to please, never mind all the rest,
    For he’s with you dear up to the end. And
    you have passed your most dangerous, difficult test
    If the guy in the glass is your friend
    You may fool the whole world down the pathway of
    years, and get pats on the back as you pass.
    But your final reward will be heartaches and tears
    If you have cheated the man in the glass.

  4. bluewillow says:

    Gil expresses herself so amazingly and she is also giving a voice to so many who have walked in her shoes and had no way to express themselves, and she is giving a name and a face to what has been suffered that others cannot turn away from or sweep under the rug. She refuses to hide away and hide her pain. God bless her, she is awesome!

  5. yoshi says:

    Lovely-didn’t see your previous post addressing the ‘shroom angle. Didn’t know about eating them raw and I agree…don’t think mushrooms have much to do w/anything unless there was a connection to the spot in previous years. Maybe someone got in trouble for doing something in that area as a juvenile? Just thinking out loud.

    Chad/fish/skyler- I responded to your posts on February 16 at 8:38pm (think it’s currently post #24) My posts get held for a long time. Don’t know if they spend time in the spam folder or if it’s because they’re so notoriously long that Blink saves them until she has time to weed through them. (Which I understand and appreciate) It was in that post that I said that I was a girl (er…woman, whatever) Don’t feel funny about asking me if I was a guy. I thought you, Observer and bob-dog were male posters for awhile, too. I asked you about labs because we have 2 crazy one’s ourselves. (chocolate and a yellow)

    Blink, with respect to posts that are found in spam or held by you until you can determine if the content is okay to post, are you able to add them so they follow the current page of comments vs. back posting them to the date and time they were submitted. A lot of mine are held for hours and when they do get posted, they’re buried. It’s a bit discouraging and it kind of cuts the poster out of the conversation. I didn’t think it mattered much before since everything appeared on one long page of comments. Just an idea.

    I hope this request and my last two posts don’t give you a huge headache. I think you said your head already exploded once today.

  6. Chad says:

    Yes, I agree bluewillow, MsL is a wonderful contributor.

    Kee Kee:
    You have to send me your e-mail that is connected to your FB, not the straw man one. I say that to all. 2 different things. We need ya over there.

  7. RNmom says:

    EVIL like killed Lennon, King, JFK
    Decided to take out a girl on that day

    Weren’t they all shot?

    They were.

  8. Saramom says:

    J2K, Word Girl, Hokie,

    Had to pick up kiddo and then b’day party.

    In regard to placement of Miss M. (keeping in mind that significance of location will lead us to WHO)–I do not think that the killer or killers were trying to pull a “gotcha” on Mr. Bass or on anyone else. I don’t think he, or they, are that smart either. I DO NOT think that they wanted her body to be found. I think he/they feel a real sense of entitlement; almost as if he/they have a right to be there–kind of an almost animalistic territorial kind of way. (She was, unfortunately, their prey.) I would suspect they are angry at having their lair disturbed.

    I feel compelled to continue researching land disputes, which are MANY and the history of this property. Not to mention zoning ordinances and planning commission meetings.

    I don’t know a thing about mushrooms. (I’m glad!) ZZ TOP! My first.

  9. fish says:

    Lovely, What a lovely question! Track IP addresses and coupled with the fact that so many social net sites are disappearing faster than in a “BLINK OF AN EYE”, would suggest to me that there are more than a few people worried. I am have put my faith entirely with Dr. and Mrs. Harrington. They will do right by their daughter, Morgan. They will find out who did this to her and make him accountable to all of us. Reading Mrs. Harrington’s post, I feel as sure as her, as I have my own parents, in a similar circumstance. Positive!

    Skyler: First tell your son to stop smoking, Ok? Tell him “fish” said so! Thank him for accompaning you. Even though he may not believe…tell him that there will be a special place in heaven for him and give him a big hug from me. Second, be careful. Third, try to have a good time. Wish I was there with you. Although, I have their CD, I’ve come a long way from Poison, and yes, I watched Rock of Love (deuce) and Rock of Love Bus. Sorry folks.
    Fourth, Thank you for our own “Rock of Love~BOC style”!

    et al; After looking at the maps and photos and having experience driving a rather large rig at one time in my life…I did my own test and yes, in my much smaller suv, I drove right up and over different areas here. Yes, ground in a bit frozen but some areas just plain messy. He had to have mud on the tires. Especially, since that night was raining and no doubt, soggy. Family is aware. Heck, my neighbor asked me about my messy tires.
    And, my husband told me to stay off our lawn!!!

    “The unsub knows this, yes.B”
    So I would think that he destroys?

    Care to venture a guess why some sites are disappearing?

    Blink, I apologize, as I was going to stay on task and this is off topic but I wear a necklace that was my sister’s everyday!
    Gives me peace when I twirl it.

  10. keekee says:

    blink, can you or anyone here verify if there actually is a 1685 red hill rd address? when i punched it in to google, it went right to the rock quarry…which is wrong. now at least twice i have seen it referred to as an entrance drive leading to the area where morgan was found? wha? is that so? that would be great if it is and props to whoever has posted that ever so politely. i can’t find either of them now

  11. fish says:

    From one Mom to another!
    Mrs. Harrington:

    EVIL, EVIL, EVIL may have taken her… but her beautiful spirit will
    LIVE, LIVE, LIVE in our hearts forever!

    Her words inspire and sometimes make me cry – hard! And, sometimes they make me want to go kick some…! I thank her for sharing the pain and honesty. As sometime we all have said here at BOC…I heart you. Well now I really, really heart her too!

  12. Chad says:


    I hate to go back to the friends, but doesn’t OYE haunt us? She does me. WOW. She pegged it all didn’t she? Were we listening? She had the damn location down, and we can assume she had the “party” factor down too.

    Highlander: Your post was excellent. Thanks for the edge and perspective. Thank you for sharing to all of us. Although it was so ugly, and so evil and real, we needed to hear it. I think we all took it all in, took a big breath, and realized the depth of what people can be capable of doing to another human being. I’m still absolutely sick from it. But thank you for making evil real.

    Sky: to the sweetest of all posters: seriously. I thank you. Thank you for all you are doing on behalf of Blink, and posters here. THANK YOU> Let me know what the lilly cost you, and somehow, will re pay you. It means a lot. The lilly is the most fragrant flower of all. Just like Morgan.

  13. bonbon says:


    The green roofed building is part of the 1435 Waldemar property. It’s a barn.

  14. justiceformorgan says:

    Skyler, creating and leaving a memorial plaque on Copley Bridge from the “BOC family” is such a thoughtful gesture! I’m sure it will be well received by all who see it tomorrow and in the days to come.

  15. susanm says:

    thanx concernedbystander,so where she was for at least forty five minutes til card usage that no one saw her? his house?the barn? his vehicle?he hits on her ,she says no ,take me back,he starts to take her back (as blink has already premised)they stop at store and he changes his mind,says he needs to stop by somewhere else first,friend at blandemar?(whether its true or not),he goes back to rv lot cuz that what he would ve done had he done what he supposed to ,so it follows his alibi ,in the event he needs one,”i dropped her off back in the lot, to wait for her friends ,someone leaving the concert must of snagged her,at that time ,not earlier. unfortunately,they ve had every opportunity to come forward with this info,pre emptive strike ,cops-1,bg-0.

  16. New Poster says:

    I know this theory has already been discussed briefly and dismissed, but I think it needs to be revisited:

    After looking on Google Earth for a while, I think it is at least a possibility that her body was dumped into Blandemar Farm Pond. Bass found the body after 2 feet of snow melted which means that the creek coming out of the bottom right corner of the “pond” (looks more like a lake to me) could have been full of water – perhaps enough water for the body to float under that small bridge and into the creek. If you trace the line of the creek down, it (or at least one branch of it) ends up going RIGHT past the spot where her body was found. If you look at the elevation feature on Google Earth, her final resting spot is only 1 meter higher in elevation than the bottom of the creek bed, suggesting that if the creek overflowed in the days following the snow melt, her body could have floated over to where it was found. I’ll admit this isn’t a likely scenario, but maybe not impossible.

    Assuming that this float-down-the-creek scenario is possible, the lake makes much more sense as a dumping spot for the body because a road comes up right next to it. All you would have to do is open the passenger door, drag the body out and push it into the lake. The killer may have miscalculated the amount of weight it would take to weigh the body down at the bottom of the lake, especially after it got all bloated or whatever. In any case, dumping it in that pond would be much simpler and less risky than driving through a field in full view of that big house that sits at the end of the cul de sac (unless of course he wasn’t worried about that house for other reasons).

    Does anyone know the amount of water that is usually in that creek, and whether it could fill up with enough water to transport a body?

  17. New Poster says:

    Also, one more theory to throw out there:

    An earlier poster was speculating that Morgan was taken to another show that night at a brewery/music venue on Main Street. Everyone is saying Zinc, I say Starr Hill makes more sense because they have a big music venue upstairs, but in any case they are both in the same vicinity. What I want to point out is that parking in that area of Main Street is very scarce – there are a few street spots, and if you don’t get one of those, probably the best option for parking is the big gravel parking lot across the street, which serves as a parking lot for the Amtrak station AND … Wild Wing Cafe.

    There has been another rumor that the dogs picked up Morgan’s scent at Wild Wing Cafe, and people have been attributing this to the possibility that the friends ate dinner there before the show – but perhaps the scent was picked up in that parking lot because someone picked Morgan up from Copeley Bridge, drove her to another show on Main Street at Starr Hill or Zinc, and parked in the parking lot next to Wild Wing Cafe.

    *** OR ***

    What if a stranger stopped to pick up Morgan as she was hitch-hiking on Copeley Bridge, she got in the car with them and asked to be driven to the Amtrak station? She could have said something like “Hey, I need to get back to Harrisonburg tonight, can you take me to the bus / train station?” They could have then driven her as far as the Amtrak parking lot, but then not let her get out of the car.


  18. New Poster says:

    And if you’re wondering why the hell morgan would want to take a train when she could just ride back in her own car with her friends, maybe:

    a) she was sufficiently pissed off at them for not coming outside JPJ to help her, or

    b) she and whoever she was with were occupied for several hours before she realized it was too late to ride back with her friends

  19. New Poster says:

    The Amtrak from Charlottesville has routes that go to Staunton, Lynchburg and Danville, but not Harrisonburg, Roanoke or Blacksburg. Maybe she gets back in the car after learning that there isn’t a train that will take her where she needs to go… maybe perp was not originally planning to be a perp but things escalate once he realizes that he has her in a vulnerable position.

  20. J2K says:

    MsLurksALot – re: entry to AF, said -

    “Not to be a PITA “I told you so” nerd, but I (have referenced) the pic of the green roofed ‘barn’ and the nearly direct path to where Morgan’s body was discovered. It just seems so likely the point of entrance. But, at this time … we should focus on … why, and who was familiar with that entrance. IIRC, they would have been coming from Rt 29, onto Blandemar Drive. Will have to go back and look at the maps to refresh memory. But, I think others have already made that connection.”

    Respectfully, MsLAL, many people – including me – have deemed the Blandemar Farm Dr. entrance as the most likely point of entry; but like every other point from outside the property, it is rife with obstacles. My point in regard to seeing the 2007 angle-terrain/satellite photo (with the possible camp site and the clear dirt road through BF to the body location) was just that – it was from several years ago, when the road was still being used on occasion; now, that does not appear to be the case as that older, angled photo (though most Google satty shots on the East Coast are currently circa 2007) was the first time I saw the those tracks.

    For me this underscored the hunch that someone familiar with that dirt path from 2-3 or more years ago followed it that night, despite it being overgrown and no longer used. Someone with ties to that neighborhood region who accessed AF that way before and was guided Oct. 17 by what he knew, not what he saw.

    Also, I disagree with your argument that the entrance point doesn’t matter/we should focus on the “why” and the “who” – I think, as do most, that they’re all intrinsically tied together, per my point above about the former dirt tracks to the AF tree line, and the BF Drive entrance itself, which would not have been a lucky guess entry-wise for a killer with a body. But I get what you’re saying, and I think that’s what we’re all focused on.

    For me, the aerial image from 2/1, which was clearly commissioned to review possible access points, tells me it is a significant piece of the puzzle and certainly a priority. I think that particular horse has died by majority agreement. It was painfully clear to me that the “why there?” is the focus of VSP.

    In other words, who was this a message to, or who was this a message from, and why?

    More on this later in a new piece-

  21. DTA says:

    Your stories are great!

    Skyler thank you so much for the painting you placed from BOC. You are so sweet. You have a kind heart.

    Chad how do you get on the facebook. I sent a email???
    I had to use my other name

  22. bluewillow says:

    Skyler, I’d like to see the slate, too. It means a lot to me that you are doing this as I will never get to be there personally. Thank you.

  23. bonbon says:

    Just an FYI, the properties in Blandemar Farms are at minimum 21 acres. When pulling up an address on Albemarle County GIS you will only come up with the HOUSE parcel. Each owner owns multiple parcels. In order to come up with the entire parcels owned, you have to put in the OWNERS name.

    Hope that made sense. :)

    Also hope this clears up the Green Shed/Barn/Building questions.

    btw, ya’ll rock!

  24. E in SA says:

    Skyler and J2K, thank you for the warm welcome. I didn’t mean to be a “lurker” for so long, but I was reluctant to post because I didn’t have anything helpful to contribute to the investigation. I did not want to “waste space on the internet” by only posting trivial, off-topic stuff that would serve no useful purpose. I guess I just felt “useless”, as I am so far away and have never been to America, and I never came up with any theories or made any connections that you guys hadn’t already – you have always been way ahead of me! But now it seems like the people here have really become friends and you guys have started sharing more personal stories and finding at least some joy again in things (stories about music concerts, family, etc.). So now I finally feel able to contribute something to the conversation, if you know what I mean.

    There was a similar case (to Morgan’s) here. A pretty blonde student named Leigh Mathews disappeared in broad daylight from the parking lot of her college on the eve of her 21st birthday, on 7 July 2004. Later that day her parents got a phone call from a guy demanding a ransom for Leigh. Her father dropped off the ransom money that night. He stopped on the side of the road, the guy came to the window and her father threw the envelope of money out the window. The guy took it and drove away. Turned out later that Leigh was bound and gagged in the boot of his car at that point. Everyone searched for her but could not find her. There were also photos released of a ring she had been wearing – a ring with her birthstone, which her parents had given her as a 21st birthday present. Then her body was discovered by a grass-cutter in an open field on 21 July. She was found naked, wearing only her earrings, but she had not been sexually assaulted in any way. She had been killed by a single bullet to the back of her head. There were indications that her body might have been kept frozen at some point, but it was never proven. About 3 months later, a fellow student at the same college she had attended was arrested for her murder (they had not attended the same classes, but it is a small college so she had probably seen him around). He confessed that he had approached her in the parking lot and asked her for a lift. She agreed and he got in the car, but he then pulled a gun on her. Once he had the ransom money he shot her because he “didn’t know what else to do with her”. He took her clothes and bag and burnt them. He kept her birthday ring as a souvenir. He confessed and got a life sentence (no death penalty here) but is now claiming innocence, says he was forced to confess, etc. etc. (yeah right!!). They have never been able to prove it and have no other suspects, but it has always been thought that he had an accomplice (need 2 people to move the body, the fact that she had apparently been kept frozen at some point and the killer still lived with his parents so would not have kept her at his own house (so whose freezer did he use?!?!). His parents had no idea, he was a well-brought-up guy, they were as shocked as anyone (his father is a Baptist minister). No-one could figure out why he needed the ransom money. As with this case, someone else knows something in the Morgan case. Leigh’s parents and sister remind me of the Harrington’s – also very good people, they handled everything with such class and have done good things in Leigh’s name.

    The jewellery thing and the “other people involved” similarities just got me thinking about that case, sorry, not of any use to Morgan’s case, but thought I would share.

  25. belika says:

    There were so many posts asking about the COD/MOD of Morgan. Especially recently, and after the yesterday’s article that said they were still performing some DNA tests and their results would be ready in about 6 months.
    What is much more important here is that MORGAN WAS MURDERED. I really hope nobody here is asking any longer if it condnt be some kind of accidental death. NO. IT WAS A MURDER>

    There certainly are happening some accidental deaths of young kinds, going to concerts, taking drugs, or drinking too much, sometimes falling from some high points like bridges or terraces… But this wasn’t the case here.
    She was found where she was found after 3 months. No one stepped out and said a word. Why?
    She was hidden. Very well hidden. In cases of accidental death, even if and when the party that witnesses the tragedy doesn’t feel like stepping out and taking the dead kid to the emergency/police, they don’t perform so many efforts to hide the body. Most of the times they just leave the kid in a park, or parking and run away, leaving some evidences, pointing to the possible reason of accidental death, like drugs, drinking, etc…
    About 10 years ago a friend of mine went to study art in London. He was a very good looking boy, willing to experience as much as possible from life. One year after his parents weren’t able to contact him, so they contacted the university, his possible mates and police. Nothing. For months. Not so long after another friend who was accepted for an internship in Interpol in France sent me a picture of a dead kid, naked, found on a dirty street in some London suburb. No identification. He was filed like John Doe. It was my missing friend. His parents were now able to put him to rest. Hope lost, but still…
    The main COD was overdose. But he was doing homosexual sex before his death.

    Here what we do is not a trial. The Morgan’s case is till an ongoing investigation. It’s up to the LE how they will build the accusations and the support evidences. But I am sure by now they know enough to name it HOMICIDE, and not accidental, voluntary taken drug related, or any kind of death from exposure.

    The snow and the rain didn’t kill Morgan. She was 20 years old. Old enough to be experienced how to the things most of the 20 something kids do when going to a concert/party and not to die from it in such a remote field out there in the middle of nowhere. But not old enough to meet evil people with CRIMINAL INTENT.

  26. total amateur says:

    If Morgans camera were to be discovered, can images or video that the perp thought was deleted, be recovered…like it can on a computer hard-drive? My camera for instance, has an internal memory AND a memory card. Some people might not even know this.

    The unsub knows this, yes.

    Do you mean yes, perp knows this-OR yes, somethings can be recovered after deletion.

    There’s basically only one way you could know the unsub knows this.

    Yes and Yes, That is my opinion, thus why it is missing.

  27. suz says:

    Word Girl, that newsplex photo is called “blandemar3″ so I’m going to guess it’s not AF after all. I took a close look at it because it looks sooooooo much like my friend’s pond on her farm that I was startled to see it and had to take a good close look.

  28. suz says:

    I wonder if they still have cops guarding or watching AF. 100% chance that if I lived down there I would try to sneak onto that property to look around. (Ok, 101% chance I’d probably chicken out, but I’m sure I’m not the only one whose first instinct is to see how hard it is to get to the remains site. I wonder how many new trespassers they’ve had….) Don’t try this at home, kids! Trespassing is illegal. But man I’d like to, lol.

  29. Red Ranger says:

    Hey Suz, When you go strolling across the field, carry a box of Girl Scout cookies. You could always claim you were heading to the big house to see if they were interested in a box of Samoas…

    Is there any such thing as a conspiracy to help trespass charge?

    Lol. You are trouble Mr.
    Please do not trespass anyone, not that I really needed to say that.

    However, I do hope to visit the farm with permission at some point. I am sentimental that way.

  30. localcvillegirl says:

    Skyler, I’ll definately be stopping by the memorial to see your painted slate…it means a lot that you’ve done it for all of us, thank you. And thanks also for your words to E in SA yesterday about her friend who committed suicide. I too believe that there is no sin in suicide, it’s just a big, dark, hole that leaves nothing but sadness. I do know this much, and there really is little recovery for family members and friends left behind. I have really felt for Willie Morris, his family, and his police friends; they can’t help but wonder what they might have done differently. It’s a very helpless feeling.

    I’m anxiously waiting to hear about what Clementine came up with! You all amaze me with your research.

  31. lizzy says:

    Dear Fellow BOC Posters,

    Please be cautious with your wanderings in both the real and virtual worlds, and with how and how much you reveal yourselves.

    Whether the perp(s) and those around them are now operating out of fear or arrogance, we must not either over- or under-estimate them.

    Thank you.

    (and sorry if this is redundant; I posted before but it vanished)

    Good Advice, I sincerely hope that message is clear.

  32. total amateur says:

    Obviously, the Harringtons love their daughter very much, and are handling all this with a great deal of dignity. However, do you think they are at all frustrated with LE handling of the case, especially if they haven’t been informed how she died? If it was my daughter, I’d be beating down LE doors wanting to know what happened to my child.

    I do believe that LE is doing the best they can, and especially with the help of the FBI, are very competent and have conviction to how they are proceeding. I will say however, that I don’t remeber ever following a case with such little information being released, and with the quasi-bizarre cryptic messages and statements.

    The weirdest part to me is not what LE wont release, but just the fact that they wont even officially confirm/debunk things like the T-shirt being found, etc. Maybe they didnt say anything about a false piece of evidence like that because they dont want to give encouragement or airtime to some idiot who thought they were being funny and wasted LE time and resources.

    A couple of things have given me the sense that the FBI is using blog sites like BOC to their advantage. Thats good, because I’d like to think we are helping in some way.


  33. keekee says:

    localcvillegirl – did i already ask you to take a pic of skyler’s slate? will you? thank you so much. you are all such giving stand up people. i am awed.

  34. keekee says:

    yoshi – thanks for researching the possible va tech courses that might put students on af. that could yield something.

    also, does anyone know if morgan ever worked with the student run va tech radio station?

  35. In Memory of Gini says:

    Moonchime says:
    February 18, 2010 at 11:09 pm

    That story reminds me of Edgar Allen Poe’s Tell Tale Heart:

    Here is the end of the short story:

    I gasped for breath – and yet the officers heard it not. I talked more quickly – more vehemently; but the noise steadily increased. I arose and argued about trifles, in a high key and with violent gesticulations; but the noise steadily increased. Why would they not be gone? I paced the floor to and fro with heavy strides, as if excited to fury by the observations of the men – but the noise steadily increased. Oh God! what could I do? I foamed – I raved – I swore! I swung the chair upon which I had been sitting, and grated it upon the boards, but the noise arose over all and continually increased. It grew louder – louder – louder! And still the men chatted pleasantly, and smiled. Was it possible they heard not? Almighty God! – no, no! They heard! – they suspected! – they knew! – they were making a mockery of my horror! – this I thought, and this I think. But anything was better than this agony! Anything was more tolerable than this derision! I could bear those hypocritical smiles no longer! I felt that I must scream or die! and now – again! – hark! louder! louder! louder! louder!
    ‘Villains!’ I shrieked, ‘dissemble no more! I admit the deed! – tear up the planks! here, here! – it is the beating of his hideous heart!’

    Let’s all hope that the BG is seeing Morgan’s face when he closes his eyes, that he hears the beat of her heart…that it drives him out of his hole and makes him mad with guilt.

  36. keekee says:

    Keekee- I think I got the reference and I am not prepared to go there yet. More than 2 other posters have provided info that I am holding because I cannot just put out random names. There has to be a connection, which I do believe there is, but these things need to be vetted.

    Thanks for your understanding.

  37. Chad says:


    I have no e-mails with that name. Can you re send? Thanks.

  38. HokieHi says:

    “In other words, who was this a message to, or who was this a message from, and why?”

    So just thinking out loud here but what about the hunters? Could it be that BG knows someone who hunts on this land? Maybe it’s not a message but a sloppy cover up attempt. When I was in college, a friend of mine was murdered. She was strangled to death and afterwards (in a time of stress) the guy panicked and tried to make it look like a suicide by cutting her wrists. Of course LE know immediately that she was already dead prior to this but perhaps the stress had him confused enough to not realize that she wouldn’t bleed out if already dead.

    My point is what if a panicked BG’s mind starts racing and he comes up with the idea to make it look like Morgan was “accidentally” shot by a hunter on this private property. Does anyone know the whereabouts of the tree stands on the Farm? How about the general area of the farm that is hunted? The area where MH was found looks to be secluded and almost surrounded by treelines (sort of like a triangle of trees around the location). Do any of the other surrounding farms allow hunting as well? How far away would “public” hunting areas be from the farm?

    Again this is out there in left field but could be possible. In November a Ferrum College student was killed and another injured by a hunter. They were out in the woods doing conservation tests (?) for class and the hunter (hunting illegally) mistook them for animals and shot them.

    I also keep coming back to cyclists. Does anyone know if the terrain would be good for mountain bikers? Perhaps they ride there and camp there as well? I just can’t get over the e-mail about the FBI wanting to know who rides in that area. The e-mail went out while the crime scene was being processed. Why cyclists?

  39. keekee says:

    i think blink may have pointed out morgan’s necklace on at jpj and off at atm. that wasn’t my find. not totally sure who to give credit to, tho

    i am suffering from multiple post blog blend boggled brain syndrome

    alliteration – i just can’t help myself – ehh

    do want to say to peggy about your son’s experience in college…those stories are so numerous and make me want to throttle the kids who think that is funny. jeeez louise. i had my drink spiked in a bar in 81 (story later if anyone wants to hear). it is not funny one bit and that poor kid is lucky to be back from the edge…or should i say rabbit hole

    with my paranoia about drugs and where from and today’s various strengths and unknowns with the “street”, i may have gone overboard scaring the peediddlysquat outa my kids. heard one of my daughters explaining to someone why she won’t smoke pot…”my mom says it’s sometimes laced with rat pois0n” (don’t think i said that; i said other drugs that can harm/kill you). oh, well, that kind of embellishment i don’t mind. also, as my kids and their friends have grown, i have been witness to some going to the stoner side…got a couple of the boys to come back to the sports side by telling them that pot gives boys MAN BOOBS (true dat, but it’s usually after years). har

  40. skyler says:

    Suz, I am not going to respond to your post other than to say, I am taking my teenage 19 y/o son w/ me to C-ville and I took off 2 hrs early from work to get there in daylight — but, downside, my entire yard and property — only 1 acre — and all the property I can see is covered in snow — and c-vlle got more than we did — the ground here doesn’t perk very well, and walking outside in the yard area is like walking in a marsh — I was tossing the ball to my dog for a bit yesterday — so actually walking on the property — if someone did that — in these conditions probably wouldn’t yield much results — but I can sure take a pix of that green barn building while I am on the public road — if I can figure out how to do flicker I’ll post what I got —

    my kid’s on the way now, so he says, I’ll get him to help me !

    Suz wrote: suz says:
    February 19, 2010 at 9:23 am
    I wonder if they still have cops guarding or watching AF. 100% chance that if I lived down there I would try to sneak onto that property to look around. (Ok, 101% chance I’d probably chicken out, but I’m sure I’m not the only one whose first instinct is to see how hard it is to get to the remains site. I wonder how many new trespassers they’ve had….) Don’t try this at home, kids! Trespassing is illegal. But man I’d like to, lol.

    Check your e please.

  41. GnM says:

    The Harringtons viewed Morgan’s remains. If the COD was obvious, then they may know something without LE telling them. IMO, blunt force trauma or gunshot.

    Maybe the necklace was cast aside along a highway … boots too. just a guess.

  42. E in SA says:

    I meant to thank everyone for their kind words about my friend. I also in no way think she “sinned”. She was Catholic, and Catholics think suicide is a mortal sin, don’t they? Had her funeral in a Catholic cathedral and I was so afraid the priest would say something about that, but fortunately he didn’t. I truly think she is in a better place, because this one caused her so much pain.

    I hope and pray that when I next log on here on Monday morning, there will be a huge headline screaming “Breaking News: Suspect in Morgan Harrington murder arrested! Pees his pants and cries for his mommy when dragged out in handcuffs!” No, actually, make that SUSPECTS (plural)! Along with the announcement that all of the BOC posters who have worked on the case are allowed to be left alone in a room with the suspects to do as they please, no questions asked by police afterwards about any “mysterious injuries” the suspects may have sustained during that encounter! (I know that any suspects are “innocent until proven guilty” etc., but I am hoping for a confession).

    I hope that everyone has a lovely weekend, thanks for listening.

  43. Minnie Penney says:

    Thanks for the comments about Ole Sparky…I took a criminolgy course at VCU – and one day we visited the old State Pen on Spring St. in Richmond. I had attended a small junior college in Franklin County VA -known for moonshine – and several times in our dorm we were awakened by the sound of gunfire and helicopters – the dorm mothers were on the PA telling us to stay in the building and that it was just the the police closing down a still….sounded like Vietnam to me. Anyway back to Sparky. Our guide at the Pen asked me to sit in Sparky so he could show how executions were performed. He strapped my ankles and my wrists. My hands were flat in the wooden arms and where my fingers rested there was a “dip” in the wood. The guide smiled at me and asked if I felt “it” and I said yes and then he told me that was years and years of men nervously rubbing the wood – waiting to learn if perhaps they would receive that stay of execution that never came. I’m in my sixties and I forget what I did two minutes ago LOL but I haven’t forgotten that wood……Sparky was retired now it’s lethal injection. When I was in France in the summer of 1966 a man was guillotined….. don’t know if it is still an option over there. For Morgan’s murderer(s) I suggest something more worthy….many bad things have happened in the Tower of London – but one of the best was the demise of Edward II married to the hot French Princess in Braveheart…she had her husband thrown in the Tower and ordered that a slender iron rod be heated over a fire and then…..shoved up her husband’s rectum….he was burned from the inside out….now you know how the Tower got a bad name…Mel Gibson left that out of the film. Now you know the rest of the story – the perfect ending for those who harmed Morgan, imoo.

  44. keekee says:

    oh yoshi -

    could you look at forestry coursework? agriculture? earth sciences? live green is a running theme between many of morgan’s friends, work associates, and most of the fest world

    if you need me to join the search, i will but don’t want to duplicate your efforts

    everybody here ROCKS

    shout out to the worried lurkers leaving cheese crumbs:

    you are helping, too! no…thank YOU

  45. ConcernedBystander says:

    KeeKee – This is what I got when I looked up 1685 Red Hill

    It looks like it’s near the entrance of Blandemar Farm Dr.

  46. keekee says:

    blink – i more than understand ANYTHING you deem inappropriate to post

    lead, and i will follow

    the hunt continues unabated while we try to help make solid connections

    is there still a place where pictures of morgan at different concerts can be viewed? just wondering

  47. Ragdoll says:

    #34 E.

    I believe your friend is in a place of complete peace and mercy. And I’m with you…..I’m waiting for the same headline, mostly for the sake of Morgan’s parents. It won’t bring their beautiful daughter back but for them, justice will be served!

    Happy Friday everyone. Be good to you! xo

  48. keekee says:

    oh, darn blink…you didn’t post from 10 something pm and i assumed it was another post…and and now i can’t remember what i said. dang.

    boggled brain syndrome

  49. keekee says:

    wait, blink – was it the one where i used the word public, but used no names…ah yeah, but it would have been obvious to the public about what i was referring to??? is that cryptic enough to answer?

    sometimes i feel like i’m using an awful lot of words to say nothing


    respectfully, If I hold a post due to content, me explaining that to you gives away what I did not want out in the first place.

    I do not want to hold any back from private posts, it is important, but If I hold it or delete it out of necessity, I cannot go back and look at it. I do this very, very minimally, and hate to frankly, but at this stage of the game in some instances I must.

    Lastly, for some reason, the really lengthy posts are getting sent to spam, because of the volume, I cannot fish for them, all spam is deleted automatically. What I think it is as that the server is timing out the upload for length, so if we could all try our best to more succint, it will help.

    My apologies for any lost posts, it is simply a volume issue we are working to correct.

    Happy Friday.

  50. Lovely says:

    Yoshi – thanks for checking up on the classes. Why are the coordinates used for a computer class? Weird.

    Something bigger is going on here..there are just too many twists and turns and ambiguity. Morgan may have been a pawn in a larger scheme…

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