Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. skyler says:

    remember, I am not a professional painter and I only had two paint brushes, no small linear brushes — and you have to use what’s called patio paints for outdoors and I only had a couple of colors — I think my art supplies are buried in the shed somewhere from moving — so this is “representative” not Monet — ha — you can’t really tell, but the farm area is painted a dark green — I believe she was placed there in the night — so the moon is a new moon — the trees are because she was near the tree line — the little Tibetan flags are strung between two trees — not Christmas lights — the angel wings and the 2 4 1 dots and the stars and I put in “rock on” because of her music connection and our stating our first concerts — and there’s glitter on top of it because she was “shiny” — when my son gets here, I’m going to also spray it w/ polyeurothean to help it stay — the Harringtons can take it and put it a flower bed if they like — oh, the white dots represent the snowflakes that fell

    oh — the big white things are supposed to be “angel wings”

  2. keekee says:

    concernedbystander – thank you


  3. keekee says:

    one more stab at the tip line

    someone posted that it might be a birthday, and if so

    could be someone in their last year of college 2 to 3 years ago utilizing af for some reason that others know about…through no fault of their own

  4. susanm says: this is a list of music events and locales for october 17 th 2009. there’s fardowners in crozet.

  5. total amateur says:

    I am not aware of Blink or anyone else confirming (or denying, for that matter), that there are images of Morgan at JPJ with necklace, then at an ATM sans necklace.

    I am not even aware of ANY images being confirmed/denied.
    I read where a poster suggested this, but that all.

    Did I miss something?

  6. clementine says:


    They are the same Clem.

  7. susanm says:

    juliemooly,when you took your ride ,i was right along with you ,when you were leaving and decided to cross over to the other side of red hill road(is that what you did?,did i get that right?)i was ,yep, check out the otherside for alittle ways.that’s gotta be close to the quarry ,talked about earlier,right? on red hill road.

  8. susanm says:

    the back route to blandemar lines up really close to crozet,right?

  9. mosaic says:

    Maybe this has already been posted, if so, disregard….

    Have you seen the ‘Orthophotos 2009′ feature on the Albemarle County GIS mapping site? These aerial photos have quite a bit of detail. I can actually see individual tree shapes, fences and little cars when I zoom in. Plus, much more detailed elevation information. No leaves on the trees so they were taken in either spring or fall of last year.

    Plug in a street address around the recovery area.
    Go to the pull-down menu labeled THEMES.
    Select Orthophotos 2009.

    [ are so right! I've been eating veggies that have grown in black gold every night at my dinner table!]

  10. melissa says:

    B, I’m gonna say it again, ya know I’m slow so help me…is OYE (you or someone said she may have been in the group photo we were looking at at that time)one of the girls who went to the concert w/Morgan? Is she girlfriend of the guy who attended also? Could the flunky to the BG be his girlfriend who help the retard clean up his mess? Could this dumb bunny live/have grandfolk in the area where Morgan was found?

  11. Minnie Penney says:

    Blink – that would be great if you can get permission to visit the site and look it over good. Nothing like seeing the real place – take your camera, too. I think you will get permission for the police and Mr. Bass. Yeehah !!!!!!!!

  12. cosmo says:

    has the ex/bf officially been cleared? anyone?

  13. bevolovr says:

    27.HokieHi says:
    February 18, 2010 at 6:01 pm

    Since you brought up camping, check this other photo from the same poster on Flickr:


    Yep, Hokie, that makes me think this was an easier route to Morgan’s remains. I’ve been looking @ this in-depth. Looks like no creek to maneuver. Great find!

  14. Minnie Penney says:

    thanks DTA – I’m an old retired coot in my sixties – just me and two little old doggies and so glad I found this site….keeps me thinking and keeps the old brain from going entirely senile thank you Blink for providing this wonderful site and for all you great detectives who post here and of course for your wonderful support for the families of the missing and the victims YOU GO GIRL ! ! !

  15. Josie says:

    Thank you so much Skyler and blessings to you and your boy. I look forward to seeing a picture of the memorial stone that you’ve designed. From your desciption, it sounds beautiful and very befitting.

    Hugs to you.

    241 Morgan.

  16. cadillac says:

    To all – never be afraid to KEEP reminding your children (and friends) of using common sense. It is when our guards are let down that we ALL can become vulnerable.

    My husband and my 21 year old son went to an outside concert about a year ago, as they both love music. My son went to sit with his friends, naturally, and my husband sat down in his “assigned” seat. He struck up a conversation with some nice people in the seats next to him, about his age, and this continued through the evening. Towards the end of the night, the other people got up to go get a beer (draft in a cup) and returned to their seats. The guy asked my husband if he wanted the beer as he had to drive home soon and wasn’t going to drink it. And would you believe, my husband took a drink from a stranger??

    Well, very soon after he started it he began to feel drugged. The other people had left. He put the rest of it down and phoned my son to come find him and take him home. When he came in the door, he was very disoriented and his heart was racing. He refused to let me take him to the hospital, as he said he really didn’t have that much of it.

    My son and I stood there staring at him and said, “YOU TOOK A DRINK FROM A STRANGER??”

    His comment to us, in front of my son, was “They seemed like very nice people.”

    If can happen folks, to anyone, anytime.

    Sorry for the lecture. (My kids are sick of it – too bad)

  17. Judi says:

    First off, WOW, what a powerful and moving poem by Gil. As a mother, I just cannot imagine what she is going through, the pain, I just can’t imagine. And, as I have always been since this nightmare started, I am in total awe of her. What an absolutely wonderful woman. I am positive Morgan felt so much love in her life, and what a role model to have as a mother.

    With that said, did her poem include a clue to the COD? Was precious, beautiful Morgan shot by this monster?

  18. clementine says:

    Localcvillegirl says: February 19, 2010 at 10:03 am:

    [I’m anxiously waiting to hear about what Clementine came up with! You all amaze me with your research.]

    Chad says: February 18, 2010 at 11:25 pm:

    [Clementine: Please tell me Blinks head exploded because you just broke the case wide open. Pretty please?]


    Hi Chad, Hi Localcvillegirl (winking to my Blinkstas)

    Thanks for the vote of confidence, but the info I gave to Blink may very well turn out to be zip-zero-nada.

    Please don’t get your hopes up on my account. (This case has already seen more than its fair share of ups and downs!)

    I think some of you may be misinterpreting a comment Blink made to me yesterday (February 18, 2010 at 8:06 pm):

    “Thanks Clem, I think people sometimes do not realize how old googe maps are.

    There are some posts I am holding that are hot on the trail so to speak, I would also advise you check the county circuit court site for updated info. I have to connect first before I can put it out there.

    Blink says: “There are some posts I am holding that are hot on the trail so to speak”

    Some here may have interpreted this to mean:

    Clementine’s posts are being held because she is “hot on the trail” of Morgan’s murderer/s.

    My interpretation of Blink’s comment:

    In addition to some of my posts being held, she is holding back posts made by others here who are hot on *my* trail.

    I hope this clears up any confusion.

    Thanks Clem, I am working on another case today out of necessity, and have some afternoon obligations. We continue to run down info, and will post when vetted.

    I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to address my blinkism’s, as I have not.

  19. mojo23 says:

    Sorry I am just catching up and I just read about that girl who was killed by those sick misfits…I can’t even wrap my mind around how horrible that must have been for her. It just sickens me to know how scary this world really is sometimes.

  20. Judi says:

    One more note on Gil’s poem (sorry). Morgan, Gil, Dan – just the people that they are, everytime I see a picture of Morgan or read something Gil or Dan say, it just makes me want this monster(s) caught even more than before, which I didn’t think it was possible to want to see them caught anymore than I already did, but I do.

    I hope LE and the FBI are using this site as an additional resource – we are all working so hard to help find any connections, clues, etc – and to know that they may be using any info we find makes me feel like we all ARE doing something, that we ARE helping to change something (like another girl being murdered at the hands of this SOB), that we ARE helping the Harrintgon family.

    I think everyone here are wonderful, dedicated, good people. I enjoy (if we can even use the word enjoy in situations like this) seeing so many good people coming together to find and root out the the evil. God Bless all here at BOC.

    And, if the responsible parties are silently present on this site, know that we will NOT quit until we find you. Morgan will NOT be forgotten. This will NOT go away. You ARE going to be caught. Justice WILL prevail.

  21. J2K says:

    Chad, Mom3.0 – re: OYE

    (Chad wrote to Momo:) “I hate to go back to the friends, but doesn’t OYE haunt us? She does me. WOW. She pegged it all didn’t she? Were we listening? She had the damn location down, and we can assume she had the ‘party’ factor down too.”

    I may be in the minority here, but I don’t recall OYE pegging this horrific outcome at all (though, I can’t reference her exact words right now – I spent 10 minutes I do not have today trying to find OYE’s chunk of posts or the summation put together by Mom3.0 more recently, and could not find them through the new set-up).

    But! I do recall that OYE was very much in the “accidental death from OD or alcohol poisoning/dumped somewhere by the panicked people she was with” camp. She never once noted the possibility that MH was brutally murdered (that I remember); and in regard to the location of her body, OYE asked: where would young people party other than at a home? Answering that, from her own experience, she noted it could be in an abandoned building or even a state park. I don’t recall her suggesting private farmland (but, as I noted, I could not find her comments, so take it fwiw).

    If anything, the creepy “Want-to-be-Profiler” who posted on another site in November pegged it (in an unsettling way), stating way back then that MH would be found murdered (he thought strangled, but also noted BFT was possible) on the edge of a farm field by a line of trees. (Albeit, the same dude defended his comment – which disturbed other posters with its details – a few posts later by casually noting he had also foreseen 9/11, so… yeah. Also an FWIW, but still.)

    Not to say OYE’s contributions weren’t valued – *and* the impetus for many productive conversations here – but I don’t think it’s accurate to say OYE “pegged it all.” She concluded partying was involved in the situation that night (not a leap by any means), but that was about it… right?

    B – re: The “Why?”, commented -

    “It was painfully clear to me that the ‘why there?’ is the focus of VSP.In other words, who was this a message to, or who was this a message from, and why? More on this later in a new piece- B”

    I look forward to the new piece, B, so perhaps I should reserve comment for when I see whatcha got. …Or not.
    I am not at all convinced that the placement of her body was cunningly purposeful – an attempt to send a message to someone or a group of people. For one, she was not in a place where her body would be easily found – quite the opposite. For now, I believe LE’s interest in and public expression of: “Why there?/Location, location, location” was more related to WHO would know of this hidden, remote, hard-to-access spot at the back of a private farm?

    i.e. – the WHY is: Perp needed a secure, out-of-the-way location in which to hide the body of a murder victim; and instinctively thought of that obscure tree line shrouding a creek in the middle of sprawling, lonely farmland acreage that *only he/they* knew how to get to (in a way).

    If someone wants to leave a message, there are plenty of spots in the vicinity that would have served such a purpose much, much more effectively than the hiding spot in which she was placed – in fact, if various aspects of nature had not colluded to reveal her location, and Bass hadn’t – because of said nature: unprecedented snowfall – gone to check his back fences, she’d still be a “missing person.”
    But again, I look forward to *tentatively* pickin’ up what you plan to put down.

    suz, Red Ranger, B -

    So funny to see these posts about sneaking/getting permission to go onto AF circa BF. Looking at the aerials last night that Hokie and others brought over, and some of the comments referencing them, I suddenly had a burning desire to drive out to the property one of these days (which, from Philly, would be a fairly long haul, probably for naught). But to have that thought right before I went to bed, and read suz’s post first thing in the morning:

    “…Ok, 101% chance I’d probably chicken out, but I’m sure I’m not the only one whose first instinct is to see how hard it is to get to the remains site. I wonder how many new trespassers they’ve had….) Don’t try this at home, kids! Trespassing is illegal. But man I’d like to, lol.”

    … I once again felt the ol’ kinship here. And, I took comfort in knowing that if I *were* to indulge my desire to explore the site and surrounding areas, I have a small gaggle of potential partners in crime to tap for the endeavor… (JK, B!)

    Oh, and looks like we already have a Command-Post Coordinator in Mr. Ranger:

    “Hey Suz, When you go strolling across the field, carry a box of Girl Scout cookies. You could always claim you were heading to the big house to see if they were interested in a box of Samoas…
    Is there any such thing as a conspiracy to help trespass charge?”

    (It is, in fact.)

    And finally, the PSA I knew would be coming from Blink Headquarters in regard to same:

    “Please do not trespass anyone, not that I really needed to say that.~B”


    For now, I’ll have to live vicariously through our wonderrrful Mom On the Scene, skyler, and her reluctant-but-ever-loyal maternal sidekick: The Embarrassed One.
    God Speed, BOC Ambassadors!

    No doubt they wanted her found…. But if by chance she was.. why there?

  22. lakelover says:

    Hope this is not a duplicate, my post went ‘poof’

    Metallica played Bonnaroo in 2008

    DW’s little Irish gal is working for Bonnaroo “again this year”
    see post Feb. 4th 5:22 am

    Back in December someone reported that MH was seen getting into a weird looking van with a heavily tatooed dude at a 7-11 in Cville.
    Did she in fact use her card at a 7-11 or was it an atm?

  23. zarpisimo says:

    New Poster @ 2-19-10 1:57 a.m. – Welcome to BOC. Re your post about could Morgan’s body have been placed in the Blandemar Farm pond and the overflow moved her onto the AF property. That hypothesis sounded good to me, but I would think if LE suspected that to be the case, they would have had divers in that pond very quickly after finding her remains. I haven’t seen anything about them searching that area, but who knows? That could be something they’ve kept top secret too.

    Saramom – re your searching property records, I’m waiting to see if you come up with something. I’m curious about that too, but have no access to the records. It appears the clerk’s office has them on-line, but you have to pay to access them. It’s the same way here where I live.

    Clem – You have everyone waiting for your next post so we can see what you’ve come up with!

  24. Concerned Mom says:

    Can you privately tell me how you know that again, I am losing track, lol.

  25. Word Girl says:

    total amateur,
    I appreciate your take on the “you’ll have to ask the police” comment regarding Morgan’s COD.

    However, the Harrington’s have been extremely trustworthy in not divulging anything they have been told.

    Law Enforcement may have felt they could tell them their conclusions because 1) Dan and Gil are medical professionals, a doctor and a nurse 2) the damage to the skeleton was visibly obvious 3) they felt compassion for these grieving professionals, very much as if they were one of their own.

    It is almost unheard of to allow relatives of a crime victim to see the body in the morgue, especially if skeletonized, because people just couldn’t take it. I don’t know how the Harrington’s are able to do it, either. They are made of tougher stuff than I.

  26. bluewillow says:

    bonbon says:
    February 19, 2010 at 12:48 am


    The green roofed building is part of the 1435 Waldemar property. It’s a barn.
    bonbon, thanks for that info! So… this is only a barn… it is a pretty good distance away from the house. The view of where the driveway pulls into the barn and also the entrance into the barn is blocked from the house, but it appears someone driving on down the hill could be seen by someone in the house. I wonder if the bg is familiar with these homeowners’ schedule and what they were doing on the 17th/18th.

    You know, in a lot of neighborhoods these days, most homes are deserted during working hours. You just have to know the neighborhood.

    One would assume the barn is not occupied by people a great part of the time and likely you would not run into anyone if you slipped in there at the right time of day.

  27. Word Girl says:

    Thanks for clarifying that pond photo being at Bland farm, not AF.

    I left it hanging, I know, as it accompanied a news article about MH’s story.
    I think I called it ‘interesting’ (!) I appreciate you calling me on it. Ha!
    As an editor, I would have grilled that photog before printing it with the story.
    But that’s just me.

  28. skyler says:

    Hi, everyone — on break from work — I emailed Blink the pix of the slate — I just did the final coat of the polyeurathane — and it looks so pretty — Blink will post when she has time —

    Again, I am only going to look at the public and legal roads —

    But, I’m a little slow to the game, but J2K I do see what you’re talking about from the sat. imagery — it looks like on the sat. pix that if you turned into the green barn driveway, it would be a straight shot up the hill to the proximity of where Morgan’s body was found —

    I have read all of your posts — and I think everyone makes valid points, even if they differ — the post about maybe her being put in the pond has validity, too — they may not know the body secretes gas which make it float — they had 4 or 5 inches of rain in one storm/rain event — if that pond overflowed its banks, that’s certainly a possibility — although I’m leaning toward Blink’s thoughts that she was placed in the woods —

    From looking at it and thinking on it — I think whoever put her there certainly had familiarity with the property — this is not a place you choose at random — but I wonder if the connection is not more to Blandemar farm and not Anchorage Farm — because of the green building possible ingress to the area — *possibly* from working in the area *around* Anchorage, they had knowledge that Mr. Bass is not out working on that farm a lot, specifically that area — the grass was high, he doesn’t appear to have a lot of cattle — they may have thought they’d put her there and she’d never be found — I think her final resting place was disturbed by the weather and/or possible animal predation — especially if her clothes were found “near” as opposed to “on” —

    I still can’t shake the feeling that this guy is somehow connected to doing landscaping, or doing farm work like fencing, etc.

    I know there is a nursery up on Afton Mt. because I was thinking of buying some plants from there and looked it up on the internet —

    I’m not suggesting any names because I don’t have a clue as to names —

    A few days ago I was just really overwhelmed by the sadness of this situation, and thinking LE didn’t have a clue to a POI or enough evidence to prosecute or even to charge — but ….

    I can wait, if waiting is necessary.

    Fish, I have told that boy to stop smoking, but he is 19 and doesn’t live w/ me — my friends have tried to get him to stop — and it usually ends up w/ his smoking more — it’s heartbreaking to me, but whatcha gonna do ???

    Every single post of yours just amazes me — now you’re out 4-wheeling — ha

    I wish to everyone in the C-ville area we could get together — maybe we’ll do that when they catch her killers and again when they’re put in jail —

    Chad, don’t worry about reimbursement — I hope I can find some cala lillies — but if not, I know I can get the star gazers ….

    Minnie — I would have died right there sitting in Sparky — I can’t believe you did that — it was a bad way to die — but little justice for what the people in that chair did — now we’re all into the humane rights of the convicted prisoner — we give them their choice for the last meal, they meet w/ family and religious leaders, if requested — yet they don’t give their victims those rights — just take their lives — and — someone sued a couple of years ago saying the lethal injection was inhumane because it was “painful” — so now they have to give a drug which anesthestizes the person and they’re basically out of it before the fatal dosage …

    I do not want Morgan’s killers to get the death penalty — I want them in jail for the remainder of their lives. And that’s even too good for them — ugh

    gotta go back to work — can’t lose my job now that I’ve got it back —

    I <3 you all —

    oh, PS

    Our hi-8 video camera broke, so I have one of those crummy flip video cameras — cheap stocking stuffer from QVC — so the quality is not great but it will show video pictures — I’ll also take some still shots — again, from a legal road — don’t want to cause Blink and/or the Harringtons more stress by trespassing and bringing more negativity to Morgan’s plight (thank you, precious precious Blink for your insight in that matter).

  29. mosaic says:

    Oh, another neat feature in the Albemarle County mapping site—you can highlight areas with Critical Slopes >25%. This is actually a great at-a-glance way of seeing difficult spots in the terrain. Might eliminate some potential areas of entry that would have been too inconvenient to pass.

    Plug in an address close to where they found Morgan.
    Click on map, to pull up the map.
    Go to the pull-down menu that says THEME
    Choose Critical Slopes >25%.

  30. oblio says:

    With regard to Yoshi’s post about coordinates listed in university data sets…some of these are for designing GPS systems. I read a comment on one of the news pages saying that a lot of people do “geo caching” in the area. This is kind of like a treasure hunt, you hide something and then others look for it, presumably using GPS, satellite, or other technologies. Can’t imagine the link, but I thought I would bring the idea over (hope no one already did, I’m behind).

  31. Highlander says:

    Skyler….There was someone on who took pictures of the area a week or so ago and you will not be able to access the road in front of the green building. It was my understanding that it has keypad access at both ends. They took some pictures through the trees of the green building but not from the road right next to it. I’ll be interested to hear what you think about access after seeing it in person.

  32. Slowroller says:

    No doubt they wanted her found…. But if by chance she was.. why there?

    ok, so WHO would NOT want her found THERE..

    the hunters
    the RSO within a stones throw
    the Bass family
    basically anyone with “known” direct ties to there…right??

    and who WOULD want her found there:

    someone with a vendetta against one of the above??

    perhaps VSP’s plea is to the owner of an “unclaimed” hunting camera??

  33. belleboyd says:

    Is there any one local that might have access to Albemarle libraries which may circulate the following book? Amazon states it is no longer in publication.

    Anchorage Farm: Holding the Family Together (Architecture in Virginia)
    ~ Traci Ann Neenan (Author)

    I am curious to find out if this is THE Anchorage Farm.

  34. fish says:

    “Fish, I have told that boy to stop smoking, but he is 19 and doesn’t live w/ me — my friends have tried to get him to stop — and it usually ends up w/ his smoking more — it’s heartbreaking to me, but whatcha gonna do ???”

    OH Sky: I know of something and I have amazing help!!! ;)

  35. localcvillegirl says:

    Yes belleboyd, that book is about The Anchorage Farm in North Garden. I don’t have access to the book, it may be at UVa’s Fiske Kimbell library, but it does include an oral history of an old friend of mine who I believe grew up on the farm, or right nearby. Teel is the maiden name.

  36. In Memory of Gini says:

    Speaking of the camera’s. I wonder if any of the surrounding properties also have camera’s to monitor traffic on their property. Could LE possibly have information from other property owners this way?

    Blink, do you know if this has been mentioned to LE?

    Yes. It has

  37. fish says:

    Mosiac: Could KeeKee be thinking this is the confusion of the “quarry”? I know that this is a multi-million dollar company just down the road on 29. MMM, inc. owns property in BF and a big chunk of it. Some expensive land. Do they do the stone work around the area. Workers might just know the area very well.

    Red Hill Quarry
    2625 Red Hill Rd
    North Garden, Virginia
    Phone: 434-296-5561

  38. cosmo says:

    who is DC’s girlfriend? DC was the designated driver to the JPJ arena with MH and SS and one other, right? i think there was a fight inside the arena between Morgan and one of the “friends”. she could have fallen / moshed / etc., but she was upset and found herself outside. this sounds more and more like she got into it with one of the friends.
    i can absolutely see jealousy issues.

  39. Judi says:

    ** BLINK ** – OT, but are you following the Ryann Bunnell case at all?

  40. cosmo says:

    perp would want her found there due to speculation on RSO in proximity, the frequency of college aged people who party, and high traffic by the demographic LE would be looking at.

    another thing to look at is where MH and the ex/bf met originally … was it at a Farm party? i live in Texas and back in high school, we would try to stay one step ahead of the local police for party spots. often time we would find a secluded spot in the hill country where the police wouldn’t think of looking / going because the seniors / juniors wanted to party and not get arrested for MIP / DUI / DWI, etc.

    LE prob has it down to:
    accident / friends
    jealousy / friends
    crime of passion jealously / exbf
    rso crime of opportunity / EH
    crime of opportunity / friend of friend or boyfriend of MH friend
    disconnect crime of opportunity / RV lot mystery peeps

  41. redly says:

    Slowroller says:
    February 19, 2010 at 3:18 pm

    No doubt they wanted her found…. But if by chance she was.. why there?

    ok, so WHO would NOT want her found THERE..

    the hunters
    the RSO within a stones throw
    the Bass family
    basically anyone with “known” direct ties to there…right??

    and who WOULD want her found there:

    someone with a vendetta against one of the above??

    perhaps VSP’s plea is to the owner of an “unclaimed” hunting camera??
    Pretty sure Blink meant to say they did not want her found.

  42. Justathought says:

    In your response 50, did you mean to say they didn’t want her found?
    Or do you truly mean they did want her found, and if she was found, why did they want her found there? Sorry, the response confuses me.

  43. In Memory of Gini says:

    Lakelover – could it be an ATM at the 7-11??

  44. cosmo says:

    does anyone know if there is evidence that any of the “friends” called or tried to call Morgan after 8:45 / 9:30 / 10:30 / after the concert ended? has it been confirmed? even if the battery is not in the phone…isn’t it correct that when you put the/a battery back in the phone you can see incoming / history / missed calls / messages / etc?
    even if that is not in the phone, then her phone company would have this information even if the perps erased the info from the phone and then returned it to the lot the next day / after.

  45. Concerned Mom says:

    17.belleboyd says:
    February 19, 2010 at 3:24 pm
    Is there any one local that might have access to Albemarle libraries which may circulate the following book? Amazon states it is no longer in publication.

    Anchorage Farm: Holding the Family Together (Architecture in Virginia)
    ~ Traci Ann Neenan (Author)

    I am curious to find out if this is THE Anchorage Farm.
    YES! Looks like it was written about this Anchorage Farm. It was published in 1994 by UVA School of Architect, which makes me think it was Traci Neenan’s dissertation, perhaps. I am going to try to track it down. It is supposedly at the Fine Arts library that serves both the A-school and Fine Arts school. Take note of Subject: White Family.

    Anchorage Farm : holding the family together
    Neenan, Traci Ann.

    Author: Neenan, Traci Ann.
    Title: Anchorage Farm : holding the family together / Traci Ann Neenan.
    Publication info: [Charlottesville, Va. : School of Architecture, University of Virginia, 1994?]
    Description: 2 v. (various pagings) : ill. (some col.), maps, plans, facsims. ; 29 cm.
    Note: Under the direction of K. Edward Lay.
    Note: “Fall, 1994″
    Note: Includes bibliographical references.
    Subject: White family.
    Subject: Anchorage Farm (Albemarle County, Va.)–History.
    Subject: Vernacular architecture–Virginia–Albemarle County–History.
    Subject: Farms–Virginia–Albemarle County–History.
    Subject: Architecture, Domestic–Virginia–Albemarle County–History.
    Subject: Architecture–Virginia–Albemarle County–History.
    Subject: Architecture–Virginia–History.
    Subject: Historic buildings–Virginia–Albemarle County.
    Related name: Lay, K. Edward.
    Related name: University of Virginia. School of Architecture.
    Series: Architecture in Virginia ; [no. 159]

    Location: SC-STKS —
    Library has: v.1-2

  46. someone watching says:

    Are any of you people detectives? Why are all of you spending so much time and energy with this? Your information seems good but outside of these forums where do they go? what are you doing with the information other than sharing it back and forth amongst yourselves ….and are you interfering in the case by trying to be helpful? do any of you have day jobs? It just seems a lack of respect for the checks and balances of the system….If you think your information is useful then dont share it on a public forum take it to the homicide detectives.

    Lordy. For real?

  47. ohiomom says:

    Skyler, when I think of you taking your beautiful slate to the bridge today I am just overwhelmed with emotion. I know you realize that your journey represents a trek that all of us would like to make with you. Thank you so much for carrying our hearts with your heart.

    I have never been to Charlottesville, but after looking at so many maps, pictures and aerial shots, I feel like the next logical step is to get in my car, drive there and see it all for myself. I could meet up with J2K, Suz, plus all the locals, we could fortify ourselves with GS cookies (thin mint, please) and do the tour.

    But the closest I’ll probably get to Cville in the foreseeable future is the little part of all of us that Skyler takes with her today. Sky, thanks so much. You’re an outstanding representative and a compassionate soul.

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