Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. ohiomom says:

    I think my first concert was Seals and Crofts at Blossom Music Center in 1973, but the 70s remain such a haze that I’m not sure. I do remember that they were very approachable, sitting on the edge of the stage afterwards discussing their Baha’i faith. I think that Morgan would have liked their music and appreciated their faith.

    A very memorable concert for me (tickets third row center) was The Eagles on May 3, 1975 in the old Memorial Gym at Kent State University. Joe Walsh opened and the crowd practically booed him off the stage. The date was one day shy of the 5th anniversary of the Kent State Massacre. The KSU Concert Board had wrung a promise from The Eagles not to play Neil Young’s “4 Dead in Ohio,” but they opened their second set with it. The song had received absolutely no air-play in Ohio, and many in the audience had never heard it before. What a moment!

  2. cosmo says:

    why wasn’t the DD with his girlfriend? did HE go find Morgan outside and have an extra ticket to get back in?

    someone give facts in bullet points about what is known and confirmed by LE / credible source. NOT WHAT THE FRIENDS SAID or supposed WITNESSES THINK THEY SAW. if we know the facts:
    Morgan was with the friends before the concert.
    Where did they pre-party and who did they pre-party with?
    When did they arrive at the concert exactly?
    Has it been confirmed by LE there is photo / video data proving without a doubt Morgan was there?
    How many tickets were there?
    Have all tickets been accounted for? Were they confirmed scanned?
    Did anyone have two tickets or an extra ticket?
    Where is the ex-bf during the concert?
    Where is the RSO during the concert?
    Where is the DD during the concert?
    Were calls made to Morgan’s phone by friends after 9:30? 10:30? after the concert?
    Has the phone company submitted the phone records?
    If hitchhiking is/was true to the bridge – has LE looked at all surrounding traffic light cameras during the time of disappearance?
    Have Security / EMS / Police on duty at the arena days before, the evening of and the days after been evaluated / connected / re-checked?
    Which of the friends has family on LE?
    Have they been assessed / evaluated / conflicts of interest?
    if MH was trying to score drugs, why wouldn’t she do it well in advance?
    Did Morgan’s dad pay for all of the tickets?
    if so, when Morgan was outside and couldn’t get back in, was the show sold out?
    if not, wouldn’t the friends have enough money / credit card to get one more ticket to get Morgan back in?
    if the show was sold out … were there cabs available?
    who was in the RV lot? … does LE have a list of all RV lot parking?
    if it was more than one person, then what 2/3/4 people know Morgan and are always together as friends … i.e. dominant and submissive friends / sidekick / etc.
    this shouldn’t be that hard and i am not even from Virginia. home of the CIA. i don’t know why i want this solved so badly .. i guess because i am a new father and the thought that this kind of stuff continues to happen in the US where people just “disappear” and nobody including the best friends, family, LE and local community know nothing is just really too much to believe.

  3. Susan says:

    I apologize if this has already been discussed but DW went to Albemarle High School apparently. He claims he spoke to Morgan the night she went missing. Has anyone confirmed whether he discussed this with LE or what his actual interaction was.

  4. DMB says:

    Maybe the killer(s) had asked permission to hunt on AF and Bass denied them. Vendetta?

  5. suz says:

    Word Girl, i’m a helper! lol

    I was totally curious as to where it was taken cuz it really does look like my friend’s pond. I am guessing it is manmade as you can see the dam. I never noticed a pond on AF. does it have one? he’s got to water those cows somehow. is the creek big and easy to get to?

  6. total amateur says:

    keekee- A few days ago you(or somebody) made reference to the AF tip line being coded…like 709 as 709 main st. So, I ran with that idea and punched it in to Google Earth as 1685 Red Hill Rd, Charlottesville, VA. It marks a spot right near a Blandemar Farm entrance that I believe is the shortest to Morgans remains. I thought that was interesting, so out of curiosity, I punched in 709 Red Hill Rd. It marked a spot on the road south of rt 29, that is near what looks like some sort of quarry, or sand pit (not sure what it is).

    I tried 709 red hill rd again today, and noticed it marked a different spot for some reason- way over toward the main city area, some big u-shaped building that is not far from JPJ. Probably just a glitch, not sure. Anyone know what building that is? Anyway… after trying 709 red hill rd again, the spot near that quarry/sandpit came up again- but the area is listed as a different town on the map, so maybe thats why I didnt get the same result as first.

    Anyway, just wanted to clear that up- I said at the time it’s probably nothing, and nobody remarked about it… so I figured it was a coincidence. Or clue? Lol. IDK, just seems weird. Like alot of stuff in this case.

  7. kjmcbrien says:

    I was remiss is my earlier post. REO Speedwagon circa 1980 at the Capital Center in Landover, MD.

    A heartfelt thanks to Blink and each and every contributor on this site. I have a feeling that the end is very near for the BG.

  8. cosmo says:

    was any alcohol purchased / given to Morgan / friends inside the arena?
    can this be confirmed / denied?

  9. Kim says:

    HokieHi asked at February 19, 2010 at 10:54 am: The e-mail went out while the crime scene was being processed. Why cyclists?

    I wonder if there were cyclists out during the time the scene was being processed. Maybe LE noticed them and realized their input may be valuable?

    Also, total amateur @ 10:13am: I agree with you about so little info being released, and so cryptic. Im’ hoping it’s becuase they don’t have to release it because they are ‘circling the wagons’. To release it would show their hand. It’s win-win to not release. i think if they did, it would be because they NEEDED the help to tie times/sittings together. They KNOW.

    Seriously, look at all you guys – I’m picturing multiple monitors on desks… index cards pinned to walls… I’ll tell you what, I can see a local being concerned for their safety if they knew something. They have to go to LE. I”m in suburbia in another part of the country and I even hesitate looking outside in the dark after looking into this so much. To live in the same town? Knowing? If you’re reading this: get them locked up before it’s you.

    (First concert: Triumph. I think .38 Special opened)

  10. total amateur says:

    I am anxiously awaiting Blink’s piece, because up to this point- I don’t believe in any link between Morgans location and some land dispute, or the location sending a message to someone. Or even framing someone, for that matter. To me, that points to a whole lot of premeditation.

    Even LE said in the presser that “someone returned here in a time of high stress.”

    It was a secluded spot that the perp was very familiar with- confident they could get in and out without being seen- and it would be a LONG time before anyone found her. I think it was truly a miracle that she was found in the middle of January. I even have a hard time believing that she was originally left out in the open, unless the perp actually knew the body would decompose faster in the elements. I doubt that though- because if they knew that- they would have known not to leave any clothes for fear of DNA evidence.

  11. Blink says:

    Ok all- Major server glitch today. Tossed some posts into spam, that should not be, some crap like that on a Friday afternoon.

    I heart you guys so, and If you heart me, please dont give me 50 posts asking where your post is. I value you, it will get fixed, but let’s just please roll with it and keep the convo flowing.

    Hearty heart to you.

    ( noise of Blink popping lid on Sam’s size tylenol)

  12. alexandra says:

    Hello cosmo. I know it feels like you’re talking to yourself. You had so many questions that we’ve all been asking for the past 4 months. It’s all on here, but it is a lot of reading and no answers. Alot of speculation. Dr. Harrington bought the tickets for Morgan and her friends 6 months in advance. We don’t know why the friends weren’t more helpful to Morgan, they won’t talk to the public at all, even to answer simple questions. We can’t even get the number of tickets right. some think the DD had his own ticket, but nobody will confirm anything to the public. We have been in the dark and we all want very much to find who did this to Morgan. We are struggling with it day in and day out. I pray LE knows, as many believe they do, and an arrest is nigh.

  13. Justathought says:

    Is there a chance there is any connection with Morgan’s case and Brittney Drexel in Myrtle Beach?
    –Morgan’s body not planned to be found. Drexel’s not found.
    –Pretty blonde girl walking somewhere alone?
    –Both in areas frequented by young people?
    A thought that has been bugging me the past few days.

  14. DesertGirl says:

    Ok, I am going to say it. I’ve seen it at least three times in the past week – please stop using “retard” when you really mean something else. Perhaps you mean ignorant or stupid or lazy? If we can sometimes post about personal, light-hearted or otherwise or OT things, can’t we also please be mindful that many, many other people read here?

  15. fish says:

    Belleboyd, localcvillegirl & ConcernedMom:

    FWIW: I have a copy cominnnnggggg!!!!
    Pays to know an older well, older as in slightly, older sister-type of new friend that happened to be a librarian! Wow, what a small world Virginia is! I am amazed right down to my Yankee socks! Who would have thought this would happen! Yes, J2K I have to use alot of these!!!!!!!

    Although it may not provide us with the answer it may just provide us with some insight. Who knows but I am interested.
    Did I say WOW as in Wowzee!!!

    That Morgan girl was and is truly a gift from God!

  16. suz says:

    Skyler, don’t be down on the little Flip videos! They do an awesome job. I love mine. : )

  17. bluewillow says:

    We used to have a friend who hunted on bicycle, no joke. I’ll never forget the sight of him pedaling down the road with his rifle slung on his back. Nicest guy you’d want to meet. I guess he would go get his vehicle to retrieve his deer when the time came.
    We were really rural, heh.

  18. J2K says:

    RNmom, B – re: hints?

    (RNmom, in quoting Gil’s new poem, said:)
    “EVIL like killed Lennon, King, JFK
    Decided to take out a girl on that day…

    Weren’t they all shot?”

    Another article, in this week’s Cville, had similar shooting-related terminology (but I could just be overly analyzing her prose):

    From: “Morgan Harrington’s parents won’t hold John Paul Jones, friends accountable” (2/16-2/22)

    … “I think the only blame to be drawn, the finger to be pointed, is at the man who murdered my daughter,” said (Gil) Harrington, reached yesterday at her family’s home. … (She) describes the family’s time since the discovery of her daughter’s remains as “shot through with Morgan.” …,+we+have+been+shot+through,+with+Morgan&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

    Just when I feel more confident of what the COD likely was (if GH is truly trying to subtly hint at it), I feel less sure that the perp(s) entered the farm through Blandemar Drive – how would a vehicle get past the electric security gate? Also, the guy who owns those Waldemar properties (house/green barn) is a mega-wealthy developer, and I’m sure he and his wife have various security/monitoring devices in place – in addition to the gates – along the long, lone road up to their estate that passes the barn.

    *sigh*… think I’m going back to the woods bordering BF as the entry point – wonder if Canpamo’s (Flickr dude’s) speculation that there is a campsite in the woods is right-on. If so, I’m sure LE would have come across it in searching the area for evidence/clues. However, I suppose there would be scant trace of any mid-fall activity there from last year – even if it *was* the crime scene on Oct. 17.

    Perhaps stumbling across the (possible) campsite is what prompted LE to reach out to Red Hill Road bikers – some of them would likely know if kids/locals come in and out of those woods at odd times (or id they *used to*), or if people parked at pull-offs along Red Hill Road at night to access the (theoretical) camp site therein.

    P.S. to clementine: You’re a peach!

    P.P.S. to total amateur: Just saw your comment on my “crap-covered delight” comment from yesterday. Didn’t even remember writing that! TY… but sometimes I just don’t know about me…
    Also: Agreed, on the meaninglessness of the necklace.

  19. suz says:

    Kim, I’m guessing that when LE was quizzing Bass on who comes near the farm, he mentioned maybe he’s seen bicycles riding by. Of course I could be way off, but that kind of makes sense to me. I think the bike rides are on weekends, and the body was found, and the note sent, during the week, so I’m thinking it was either from talking to Bass or talking to the neighbors around there.

    Last night a friend asked me, Hey, has that farmer been cleared? And I wasn’t exactly sure how to answer. No one’s above suspicion in my book, but what’s the scoop? Was he out of town or not?

  20. DesertGirl says:

    wrt throwing the “R” word around carelessly… I didn’t mean “you” Blink – was directing to us all to be mindful, and most recently melissa at 12:42pm 2/19.

  21. suz says:

    DMB, country folks aren’t so subtle. A super crazy disgruntled person who was turned down for hunting on your farm might end up poisoning your dog or putting a bullet in your horse or prize bull, but, they wouldn’t kill a strange girl and dump her there.

  22. Chad says:

    Hey yas J2K:

    RE: OYE. OYE said many things. Not everything I am haunted by, I should have been more clear in regards ot my post regarding OYE had made several posts several months ago that spoke of “location” through clues here on this board. Whether thats where LE would find her, or where she was going. OYE states: #1 party school in the nation, and those types of comments. Where would Morgan party? How about a wooded area, close by the arena, an abandon building perhaps, she eluded to things in which was directed at location. Nothing more than that. Those comments fit into what i was trying to say.
    Yes, you are correct, she was of the opinion of the OD theory, and “Sometimes bad things just happen” comment.”
    I am not a fan of the OD theory, no..

  23. fish says:

    Kim says:
    February 19, 2010 at 5:55 pm
    “Seriously, look at all you guys – I’m picturing multiple monitors on desks… index cards pinned to walls…”

    Miss Kim:
    I am way beyond index cards, girlie! I have posterboards now up and running. The kid is going to let me use her whiteboard for those quick thoughts. And, yes, two computers plus because I have to open multiple browsers on both, to run through the comments here.

    I too, can feel Blink’s pain of the “GLITCH”!

    Sometimes I overwhelm her moderation ability by over-moderating because I am moderating myself!! Get it?

  24. Chad says:


    Oh, that was really creepy. Can you source that? I believe that was on another website…wasn’t it?

    If anything, the creepy “Want-to-be-Profiler” who posted on another site in November pegged it (in an unsettling way), stating way back then that MH would be found murdered (he thought strangled, but also noted BFT was possible) on the edge of a farm field by a line of trees. (Albeit, the same dude defended his comment – which disturbed other posters with its details – a few posts later by casually noting he had also foreseen 9/11, so… yeah. Also an FWIW, but still.)

  25. suz says:

    I kind of picture myself sneaking onto the farm and then having bunches of camouflaged LE spring up all around me out of nowhere, guns trained on me, cuz they are waiting for the perp to come back to see if he dropped any evidence.

    ANOTHER good reason not to trespass, boys and girls!

  26. Phyl says:

    No doubt they wanted her found…. But if by chance she was.. why there?
    to implicate someone who lives close by? Someone they knew would be a poi
    due to the location? The placing of the purse shows they like to leave misleading clues.
    I have a hard time though giving them so much credit in their planning.

  27. Judi says:


    Taken from ….

    …..Cemetery: On the crest of a hill to the south of the main house is the family cemetery. It
    contains1 3 known graves. It is surrounded by a simple iron fence and is planted with boxwoods.
    The stones reflect changing modes of grave marking from the 1880s to the 1990s. The cemetery
    contains the graves of the following family members:
    Martha D. White, October 29, 1810-May 1, 1887
    John 0. White, “Johnnie,” May 8, 1861-Feb. 7, 1880
    James Garrett White, “Father,” Feb. 24, 1864–April 9, 191 5
    Mary Carpenter (wife of James G. White), Sept. 15, 1865-Dec. 30, 1939
    James Garrett White, Jr., Aug. 16, 1889-Aug. 23, 1945
    John Stephen White, Virginia, S2 USNRF, World War I, Nov. 14, 1896-Aug. 5, 1952
    Mary Massie Turner (wife of James Garrett White, Jr.), May 29, 1888-July 3, 1958
    William Jerry White, Feb. 1, 1906May 17, 1961
    India Overton White, Dec. 2, 1890-June 6, 1961
    Fannie White, March 8, 1865-August 30, 1965
    Josephine White, December 2, 1893-October 29, 1978
    Bernard Peyton Teel, August 21, 1902-May 15, 1990
    Mary Page White Teel, Oct. 30, 1909-Dec. 29, 1992

    …..James Garrett White (b. 1864, d. 1915), the son of John Stephen White and Martha Overton Moon,
    proved to be one of Albemarle County’s most prominent and successful farmers and businessmen.
    He inherited The Anchorage, a farm of over one thousand acres, from his father. On November 30,
    1887, James Garrett White married Mary Carpenter in Ashland, Virginia. Eight of their twelve
    children survived to adulthood: James Garrett, Jr., India Overton, Caroline Anderson, Josephine, John
    Stephen, Edward Moon, William Jeny, and Mary Page (Polly).
    James Garrett was a community oriented man, involving himself in the building committee of the
    Trinity Methodist Church, as well as participating on the Board of Supervisors for Albemarle County
    from 19 12 to 191 5. Upon his death in 19 15, the Board of Supervisors recorded a testimonial of its
    late member:
    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That in the death of James G.
    White, the State of Virginia and County of Albemarle has lost a
    valuable, upright, noble gentleman, whose services to the
    Commonwealth and his native County can hardly be over-estimated
    and this Board has lost not only one of its most useful members but
    one who was to each member an esteemed and beloved friend.
    Neither Josephine nor India (“Innie”) married, rather they lived at the homeplace managing and
    overseeing the farm after their father’s death. They did, however, have tenant farmers that lived on
    the place and helped to take care of the manual labor. Edward worked in construction and was
    constantly traveling, yet he always came back to help oversee things on the farm. He then later retired
    and lived at The Anchorage with the girls. India died at The Anchorage on June 6, 1961. Edward
    died ten years later. Josephine lived a long life dying at the age of 84 in 1978. In 1983, David Bass
    bought the property. The house has been occupied by the same rental tenant for almost 20 years.

  28. MsLurkALot says:

    fish says:
    February 19, 2010 at 3:48 pm
    “Fish, I have told that boy to stop smoking, but he is 19 and doesn’t live w/ me — my friends have tried to get him to stop — and it usually ends up w/ his smoking more — it’s heartbreaking to me, but whatcha gonna do ???”

    OH Sky: I know of something and I have amazing help!!!

    FISH! Do tell, for some others of us who need to quit!



  29. Judi says:

    Taking the above a little further back to the origin of Anchorage Farms from same website….

    The land that eventually became The Anchorage was originally a portion of the North Garden section of Albemarle County patented in 1738 by Robert Lewis. His son, Colonel Robert Lewis, was a successful businessman in western Albemarle and the grandfather of Meriwether Lewis, the famed explorer. The second Robert Lewis sold property including what is now The Anchorage to his cousin Charles Lewis, Jr., who, in turn, gave it to his son Isham Lewis. Isham left all of his land in North Garden to his nephew, Charles Lewis Thomas. In 1826 Charles Lewis Thomas’s estate was settled and his daughter, Mary Walker (Thomas) Clayton, inherited 180 acres “on which the dwelling house is situated.” In the same year Mary and her husband Alexander M. Clayton sold the property to Howell Lewis. In 1846 Lewis’s sons sold the property (“being the same on which the late Howell
    Lewis in his lifetime resided”) to S. Shepherd Moore. In 1850, Elisha Thurman bought the property and sold it to John White in 1852. John White’s descendants owned The Anchorage for the next 131 years.
    John White (1797–1877) married Caroline Moore and lived at the Quarter Place, which had originally been purchased by his father in 1816. He later lived at Linden. “Although he inherited several thousand acres of land from his father, he bought a great deal of land and property and at his death in 1877, he owned approximately seven thousand acres. He left each of his six children large
    estates, which included Linden, The Anchorage, Quarter Place, Pagebrook, and Lewis Level.” (Williams) It is unclear whether John White built the original house at The Anchorage, or whether it was standing at the time of his acquisition of the property. The property transfers discussed above clearly indicate that there was a dwelling there in 1826 and in 1846. It would seem likely from the American bond
    brickwork that the original hall-parlor house was built between those two dates by Howell Lewis. The more difficult question is who was responsible for the mid-19″-century additions and alterations.
    They may have been begun by John White and finished by his son John Stephen White. Or they may have all been undertaken by John Stephen White (1832-1888) the fifth child of John and Caroline White. At the age of 26, he married Martha Overton Moon, the daughter of a neighbor, Samuel Overton Moon, reported to have been the wealthiest man in Albemarle County in 1870. Samuel 0 . Moon lived in Westbury, a late federal-period house in Batesville only a few miles from The
    Anchorage. This house “was expanded before mid century to include another two-story brick unit, and the entire house was Victorianized after the Civil War.”(Lay) The two-level porch on the front
    of Westbury has the same unusual octagonal columns with bracket caps as are found at The Anchorage. So there are architectural as well as family ties between the two houses. More research is needed to identify the talented craftsman who certainly worked on both houses and probably others in Batesville and elsewhere in the region. In any case, one or both of the John Whites transformed The Anchorage into the amusing Victorian confection that it is today. John Stephen White served as a corporal during the Civil War “under General W. A. Lee of Lee’s Division in Company F, Tenth Virginia Calvary, Lomax’s rigade.” John Stephen and Martha had nine children, five of whom died shortly after birth, as well as one who died while a student at the University of Richmond. The other three survived through adulthood.

  30. melissa says:

    Wish Kleat would come over. I miss her music references. Sky and Fish kinda remind me of her. I’ll have to go visit and see what wonderful things her brain is churning out over there. She might like it here too.

  31. gifter3 says:

    Re: SPAM and missing posts. No worries.

    We Heart You to the Max! We understand.
    Can you take the night off?
    You need and deserve it!

    TY friend.
    I tried.
    Here I am, for a bit.

  32. Minnie Penney says:

    OK I’ll join in on the first concert….ya’ll gonna laugh…The Black Watch aka “the ladies from hell” His mother was from Inverness – Macbeth’s old hood – no wonder she left….I have a bunch of Black Watch cds – used to scare the dogs….they used to howl…now they just leave the room.

  33. Minnie Penney says:

    the He I was referring to was my late father.

  34. juliemooly says:

    susanm, I am on pilfered WiFi here, so I have to keep this brief. When I drove down Red Hill Southeast of Hwy 29 I didn’t go far enough to see the quarry. I’m out of town, so when I get back I want to do another “reconnaissance” mission. I really want to go to the Copeley Road bridge to see skyler’s handiwork.

  35. cvillenative says:

    Judi says:
    February 19, 2010 at 4:20 pm
    So, enough tissue exists for DNA testing – see attached article…..


    Or hair. Perhaps some stray hairs were found on Morgan’s clothes.

  36. anotherB says:

    @ cadillac February 19, 2010 at 1:07 pm

    Happened to a friend of mine, tall guy, mid thirties, straight, athletic, certainly doesn’t look a victim. He left his beer at the bar to go to the bathroom, came back, and that is the last thing he remembers. This was at 7pm – he was conscious and oriented again by half past four in the morning. The police were able to reconstruct some of what had happened that night from surveillance footage and his credit card transactions.

    There is very little awareness about date rape drugs amongst men. He honestly didn’t know that criminals were looking out for people who are alone (his friend had left early and he just stayed to finish his drink) and that criminals were cruising the streets, ready to rob anyone who seems disoriented.

  37. Minnie Penney says:

    Great news about the DNA – long time to wait but may bring good results…..dang all the shows are about Tiger’s mea culpa….I can almost recite the lines…..

  38. Redrock says:

    Maybe someone saw some fresh trail bike tire marks in the general area while processing the scene.

  39. NYCDude says:

    Hello to all the Queens peeps and web invsetimigators.

    Some pretty creative analysis going on here.

    Still think the simple answer is the answer.

    I’m guessing no one talked……..


  40. gifter3 says:

    Just wanted to say that I hope you don’t feel that your questions, ideas, theories etc. are falling on deaf ears. I see you have made several attempts to get answers from our BOC group and have posted a list of questions. The truth is, we have so few facts to go on, therefore there are not many factual answers.

    I think we all share your sentiments. We have asked all of your same questions and more-over, and over, and over again. There are so few facts being shared. We have to believe that LE has a reason for this, and trust that the answers will come. Just try and roll with us if you can! :0) I appreciate your concern also as a new father. Congrats! What a special time in your life.

    If you have the time…reading back through the last
    4 1/2 months will address many of your questions. All of these music venues, friends, bands, land,recreations, families, occupations, all overlap. I do not believe this was a random murder.
    They Know!!

    We will NEVER stop until Morgan’s KILLER/S are found and prosecuted TO THE MAX!! I personally believe in my heart that this will happen sooner rather than later.

    Re:Feb 19th 450pm post, and others
    Cosmo says, “this shouldn’t be that hard and i am not even from Virginia. home of the CIA. i don’t know why i want this solved so badly .. i guess because i am a new father and the thought that this kind of stuff continues to happen in the US where people just “disappear” and nobody including the best friends, family, LE and local community know nothing is just really too much to believe.


    Thank you so much for your kind and
    loving gesture with the painted rock,and for
    including all of us. I would so love to be with you!
    I know we can count on you for some great detailed
    stories from your trip.
    The “Justice Seeking” Motherbear in all of us would like to turn
    Charlottesville upside down, but please be CAREFUL!

    Cadillac-Wow….Unbelievable story
    about hubby’s drink being drugged! Glad he acted quickly,
    and was o.k. Thank you for sharing…as this has been put in my file
    for my “teen-age daughter” that knows everything at this age!
    She too is tired of hearing me, so it helps to share other’s warnings! :0)

    Thanks to ALL of you amazing Blinksters that are helping move Morgan’s case forward. I <3 you all!
    To Blink, as always, YOU are the Best!

  41. keekee says:

    my bad blink! don’t want to give you any extra work. your workload is too heavy now as it is. i am blinking a heartfelt sorry to you

  42. keekee says:

    if you hold this, it’s all good. found some numbers pertaining to the tipline that points to another farm northwest of jmu. there is an s boy in va tech agriculture. the northwest farm owner is involved in the dept of agriculture and the whole farm world. wondering if morgan was lured out of jpj, went willingly to jmu to meet up with concert buds later…then bgs got her to nw farm somehow where murder occurred. taking the body all the way back down to af to thwart le would also support taking purse back and dumping it at jpj.

    nw farm owner is bc. address box 434. last 4 digits of phone 1685. should i not stay in this research area?

  43. TooSlow says:

    Blink, my typing sucked on that last post. Could you replace with this, please?

    Ok, kind of strange but…

    A few weeks ago I posted about someone mentioning in a forum that they had picked a large quantity of psycho shrooms in a cow field in VA. I posted the forum link I found it on. (
    Last post…note the screenname. (type of car)

    posted on 10/28/2009
    “i live in va also idk if im the luckiest person alive but me and 2 of my friends picked 2 pounds of liberty caps the other day in a couple cow fields. Just look for em. if you know the owner of the field find out if he feeds his cows oats because that raises the likelihood of you finding them”

    So I see highlanders post…
    31.Highlander says:
    February 19, 2010 at 3:17 pm
    The link to the photos on

    The photos were posted by someone with a VERY similar screenname. (Same car)
    Even if it is the same person, it doesn’t mean much of anything but just something that made me say “What the …?”

    So I guess if Bass feeds the cows oats, can we assume it could be the field?

    Just interesting…

  44. fish says:


    Congrats on the baby! Glad to see you are representin’ babydaddies everywhere. We do have them here so you are not alone. A piece of advice…you can never spoil them when they are young. Be firm, fair and gentle and you will have more love than one could imagine. This is where I learned about payin’ it forward. Even in my darkest hours, mine never left me. They stayed right there next to me. Making me laugh and well, the hugs. They are just the best. And, Oooooo, their smell. You’re making me want a baby fix, daddy cosmo!

    But onto your questions. Gifter3 is correct. You have as many as all of us do. Unfortunately, we do not have answers for many of them. I will bullet point for you and post tomorrow. Have faith in her parents and LE. They want what we want.

    *We all want to see this solved because it’s the right thing to want!

  45. fish says:

    B: PhillyJ, gave me an idea with something she said so I am going back and rereading posts. If I thought that it was just one then about halfway (series of GG, BG, GGBG, and such) through I changed my mind and started thinking it was two and well, now I am thinking it is definitely three. I just think that unless your Sky’s kid and its just him and a friend and even they brought along Mom. Then I think that there was a group. A group can mean at least three to me. I think that the chances of someone feeling the heat this weekend will crack. Maybe we have a bad guy, the helper and well, the guy who never was there or didn’t want to be. Maybe he has just kept quiet because of fear. Maybe he just wondered where everyone went. He was standing in the dark. That is the guy that should be calling. He should not want to be an accessory. I don’t know how BG is back needing to be accountable for around the 1100 hour and someone not suspect. Maybe not murder but something was amiss. The helper is just not allowed to hang totally in their group, so he’s out of the picture for the night. Guy #3, of the group is the one I be pressing.
    Sorry, it’s just a thought. No factual basis just me soundin’ off.

  46. MsLurkALot says:

    total amateur says:
    February 19, 2010 at 6:16 pm
    I am anxiously awaiting Blink’s piece, because up to this point- I don’t believe in any link between Morgans location and some land dispute, or the location sending a message to someone. Or even framing someone, for that matter. To me, that points to a whole lot of premeditation.

    ……TA, I so agree. Don’t know how to articulate, except that it doesn’t seem as well thought out as we have given them credit for. They are local, they know the area. Other than that, nothing else really sticks out. There may be other connections, but we just have to wait and see.

  47. J2K says:

    Chadcakes -re: WTBF

    Yes, another site – an odd, sort of barren one called U Add It (.com):

    There were only like 20 posts between on the lone MH thread between then and now. Someone else here on BOC referenced it awhile back. Here is it in full, with equally WTF follow-up (emphasis mine):

    Want-to-be Profiler
    11-09-2009 – Dont take this serious but

    “There was a possibility that a man may have offered her some drugs or alcohol by the ladies restroom. Later they were found arguing, she was let outside not allowed back in then whomever she was arguing with may have followed her to the bridge and then while no one was aware that she may have been in trouble they may have had another argument and before she could do anything she dropped her purse as she was abducted into the night.

    I say this because she seems to be the ‘trusting type,” also her pupils are always dilated and her skin is unusually yellow which seems to denote drug use the perp., probably was in his early to middle thirties, white and sort of short with some kind of facial hair? Probably not so very well groomed and has a personality that is a bit introverted as well as stalker-ish but easy to talk too.

    ***She is probably not buried or in a very shallow grave, and on the edge of a forest in a field about 6-15 miles away, she may be nude and possibly posed to make it look like something else may have happened. The more I read about her case I can almost suspect the guy drives a red car or some sort of white truck. ***

    ***The perpetrator may live close to where Morgan was laid to rest, she probably was strangled or bludgeoned to death by an object or if they knew each other by bare hands. Poor Girl she should have picked better friends to be with and watch her a little more closely. This is purely speculation on what I have read though… I do hope they find her! Alive!”***

    Enter (the appropriately named) ATadFreakedOut):
    “Wow! ‘Want to be profiler’…At first I thought, more like want to be psychic…But as I read on, it appears, want to be killer! And hopefully not the actual killer, which if that were the case…Then I’d be looking for anything BUT a red car or white truck, btw way too random for a profiler…Or a psychic. Jeeze, could you just rent Hostel and have it be enough for you, please?!”

    The, more than a month later, the response:
    Want to be profiler

    “No not a killer or a psychic just my gut feelings are almost always right… Sometimes gut feelings are uncomfortable but just with instinct people just know. I mean have you ever had a feeling that something has happened and then later on it was true? 2001 I told my teacher that something bad was going to happen someone might die, and then the terrorists hit the WTC and she was shocked and called my mom. some are more sensitive to more things than others but I had a dream about her so i looked up a missing person and there she was a young blonde girl…
    Please don’t think ill of me I just had to say it… People fear the unknown.”

    As you can see, Chad, OYE was pure Amateur Night compared to the, um … imaginations… of some who weighed in around the same time as she last year.

    (Is it cold in here? I’m suddenly getting the chills….

    Fish! Pickles plastic-sealed the damn windows wrong again!)

  48. MsLurkALot says:

    J2K says:
    February 19, 2010 at 7:07 pm

    Just when I feel more confident of what the COD likely was (if GH is truly trying to subtly hint at it), I feel less sure that the perp(s) entered the farm through Blandemar Drive – how would a vehicle get past the electric security gate? Also, the guy who owns those Waldemar properties (house/green barn) is a mega-wealthy developer, and I’m sure he and his wife have various security/monitoring devices in place – in addition to the gates – along the long, lone road up to their estate that passes the barn.

    ……OK, just shooting from the hip, again :) as I slowly work through all the new posts….we don’t know who all has the combination to the locks on gate/gates. My thinking is, I’m not wealthy, only I know the combination to my gate. But, if I’m wealthy, and have a housekeeper, landscaper, groundskeeper, realtor, former realtor, kids, step-kids, blah, blah, and I am busy doing my thing, I have given that combination to some of those people….Not knocking the thinking, but just recalling people I know that are very trusting and might be inclined to share that information for convenience sake…..And, in the south, people overall tend to be more trusting with people they “think” they know….just an observation…

  49. fish says:

    “having bunches of camouflaged LE spring up all around me out of nowhere, guns trained on me”

    OMG Suz! I thought the exact same thing. That is why I did my drive test on my back lawn! How is it that we are so afraid of the PO PO but the ones that should be are not?
    I can only tell you that from the photos, the elevations photos and of course, the girls that drove out there and posting descriptions back…I think that it is totally doable to drive right out there. If you could see where I tested then you would understand. Why do we need an ATV or anything else if we have a sturdy suv. One wouldn’t.
    I would love to try but the fear of the “Rambos” keeps me prohib-ba-tedddd. That’s me studdering!

    B, Is there any more information coming? It’s just that I wish they would release some information. Even if it is just a morsel. Speaking of which. Where is mouse? Thinkin’ about her.

  50. fish says:

    All by myself…don’t want to be all by myself. anyone?

    Well fish, do you think that she never made it inside of JPJA that night and was just outside?

    Good point. I think that cosmo brings up another good point. I need some proof. And, other than her friend statement. Only, one talked. Other than people who I do not even know that are crediable. I do not want a confusion between her and dee and her and some other blonde girl in black. I want a photo!

    fish, do you think that B’s other editors still have their cheese she never made it?

    Well, LE said she did. But what if she arrives later. What if she lost her purse, remember the report? I remember. We do not know who used her card. Maybe she did to get money to buy a ticket. Maybe she just wanted someone to bring her ticket to her? Remember there was no ticket in her purse or on her person.

    Please I beg…release some information. Just a little.
    A photo would be nice.

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