Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. MsLurkALot says:

    Redrock says:
    February 19, 2010 at 9:51 pm
    Maybe someone saw some fresh trail bike tire marks in the general area while processing the scene.

    ………….very possible. Mountain bikers not easily intimidated by fences, creeks, hills, etc. Might even seek them out, even if on private property.

  2. bluewillow says:

    Mosaic, thanks for the themes tip on GISweb. It seems like you can see the gate on Blandemar Farm Dr. I wonder if an atv could turn in before the gate? is it too dense?

  3. bluewillow says:

    total amateur says:
    February 19, 2010 at 5:38 pm
    I tried 709 red hill rd again today, and noticed it marked a different spot for some reason- way over toward the main city area, some big u-shaped building that is not far from JPJ.
    I think that if you put an address into Google Earth that is wrong or it can’t find, sometimes it will substitute something similar? I’ve had it jump to some odd things a few times, too.
    melissa says:
    February 19, 2010 at 8:34 pm
    Wish Kleat would come over.

    Me too!
    fish says:
    February 20, 2010 at 12:48 am
    …A piece of advice…you can never spoil them when they are young. Be firm, fair and gentle and you will have more love than one could imagine.

    I heart you, fish!
    Cosmo- yes, it is perplexing that there is so little fact to go on about this case. Confounding! It’s hard to understand why not but there must be a good reason these details are not being released. I hope that someday it all makes sense.

  4. skyler says:

    Yikes, Blink — sorry about the server crash — must be something in the air — my cell phone died today and I had to have a cell to talk to my son and it delayed us leaving by 30 mins. and then I had to pull over on the side of the road to activate the new one because my son’s cell loses service in one part of 64 — shew — and 64 about 20 miles outside of C-vlle just got pounded by the weather — there were downed trees on both sides of the roadway — obviously where they had cut trees to get them off the interstate — some trees laying just a few feet from the side — they were hammered !

    Hi, guys — well, Goober and Barnie Fife are back from the recon mission — i have to tell you — it runs in the family big time. I gave my boy directions to get to the downtown mall — he stopped four times and asked people – the last one a cop — and he still lost his way !!! But miraculously — I found mine —

    J’s comment: I feel less sure that the perp(s) entered the farm through Blandemar Drive – how would a vehicle get past the electric security gate? Also, the guy who owns those Waldemar properties (house/green barn) is a mega-wealthy developer, and I’m sure he and his wife have various security/monitoring devices in place – in addition to the gates – along the long, lone road up to their estate that passes the barn.

    ** I have to agree — and Red Hill should weigh in on this because he is more local than me driving around the gorgeous area — Oh, man, anyone want to loan me 1.675 million — the view of the mountains in that area is spectacular –

    but that house that’s half-finished — it’s a piece of junk — you can tell they ran out of money and were trying to cut corners — it’s really tacky looking — and there’s this huge area above the front door that still has the “Lowe’s” siding exposed — and right down the road is a another hummer that if I had 1.675 million I would consider buying for the backyard views — gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous area —

    but I was driving on 29-S and saw Anchorage Farm Drive — which I did not turn on — but it’s right off 29-S — but there’s also a NURSERY right there, too — hmmmm — but the area of the back of the farm is almost a straight verticle slope up — even if some kind of vehicle could traverse the fences (and I saw the barbed wire fences along the road, plus there are wooden fences along property lines — and — all of the driveways had big gates — I just do not think in the middle of the night a vehicle could access that area — w/out drawing huge attention to itself — plus run the risk of getting stuck — it’s not a straight shot up — however, there may be tracks/trail there covered by the snow, but I dunno —

    I began to wonder if the smartazz on CNN was maybe right when they said someone tossed her out of an airplane —

    One thing I know for sure — whoever put her there — and why they chose there, they will have to reveal — never meant for her to be found — I’ve got pictures I’ll have to get Barney to help me w/ tomorrow — whom, by the way, I was making stand up thru the sun roof to take pictures — ha — it is trees and scrub pine and just unfathomable to think they went up the back end of that property —

    Also — this is gross, turn your heads — I understand why Mr. Bass thought it was a skeletalized deer carcus — because there was a deer carcus right at the entrance to 64 E from 29 and I almost wrecked — I’d never seen just the bones of a deer before — the rib cage is huge — and if he saw the rib cage first, it’s a miracle he took a second look and realized it was human remains — and only by God’s grace and maybe Morgan’s help, he saw her at all — and we saw plenty of deer trying to find any grass area not covered in snow — we saw an entire herd of deer w/in feet of the backdoor of one house — I got pictures —

    There is literally 2 ft of snow on the ground out there, so no chance of anybody going poking around on the property w/out permission from the back side — but a car passed us and gave us one of those looks like Juliemooly got — so I waved — I told my sidekick in the country people waved — the driver — a female w/ grey hair — looked appalled that I waved — ha

    so now my cheese is once again moved to thinking it’s connected to AF and that Mr. Bass actually does know the geography and terrain of his own property — and LE knows what they’re talking about when they say: location, location, location — she had to have been put there at some point when it was light — maybe dawn — it was another dark night here where I live, but no clouds — even if someone was familiar w/ the area, I just do not believe they would be able to drive any kind of vehicle in the dark —

    It makes absolutey no sense to me unless it’s part of the hunters who have permission — but still — the lay of the land, the terrain —

    Again, Red Hill should address what this looks like w/out all the snow —

    I read a couple of posts — I saw 5 different ponds on properties on Blandemar Rd and other roads and the creek or even multiple creeks if it wasn’t the same one — there are deep gulleys on either side of the creek; not something you could drive across, the ones I saw — and the big barn structure — I took pictures of what I think it is — the land is absolutely verticle up that hill —

    Now on to Copeley Bridge — which this time I actually knew where I was because I’ve seen it so much on Google maps — Observer was right when she said back in Nov. you can walk from the arena to Copeley bridge — the bridge is just a min’s walk across — her memorial is on one end of the bridge nearest to the arena — I saw the RV lot, and there was a big bus from “Maryland” painted across the side — I saw the U-hall lot — her memorial is heart breaking — the black ribbon Alex and Dr. H hung on the lamp post is tattered already from the wind and weather — there is a large string of tibetan prayer flags, which have lost their color, but the prayer lines are still visible — there was a picture of when she was a little girl — holding a dog — there’s a big bulletin board someone put pieces of paper in a ziplock bag and a Sharpie pen to leave a note for Morgan — I did — there are VT shirts and a t-shirt from the Omni Hotel and it looks like a Christmas tree and silk flowers and jars where people have left candles — the signs w/ her picture are huge and the H’s I surmise have put a red banner across one that says “murdered” —

    I stopped at the Kroger and got a large bouquet — and Chad, they had one little lilly plant and the manager took it out of one bouquet to put in ours — but it’s small and white and smells wonderful — I got pix — I put our little BOC slate and the bouquet so she’d know we cared about her —

    And of course, as we were walking back to the car — this was around 7:25 and the concert started at 8 — a train pulled under the bridge and of course my child — a boy — had to spit in the back of the train as it pulled under the bridge — ugh

    But I absolutely see why Morgan walked out of the arena — it’s smaller than I thought — and I won’t name names, but one person who said he couldn’t see her in the very next section over lied — you absolutely can see people — very clearly — not only in the section next to yours — but clear across the arena floor — there are no signs that are in your face saying no re-entry — there are multiple doors and I bet she walked outside either to make a phone call — or smoke a cigarette — or even get a breath of fresh air –thinking she’d be able to come right back in — and boy, did she ever try —

    I was talking to a lady on the way out — because my seat was on the floor, too — and I was saying this was my first time at JPJ, that I had brought my son to see Metallica and she said: wasn’t that sad about Morgan — the gentleman at Kroger said the same thing — she’s not forgotten — I told her to check us out here at Blink — I hope so —

    But as I listened to the wonderful music of Celtic Woman — if you get a chance, you must go — this is their last US tour for awhile — Morgan would have loved it — and as I thought about that, I thought somehow her family is going to have to be happy again — but I have no idea how they achieve that — but they have to know it’s okay to laugh and smile at life again — and that we can’t let the evil this person did cloud our sight to the joy the world has to offer, as well —

    sorry this post got so long — wanted to let you guys know how it looks there –

    thank God she was found because I honestly do not think the person(s) who put her there ever thought she would be —

    Guide us to your killers, Morgan — and in the meantime, rock on for us !!

  5. justiceformorgan says:

    B, not sure if my comment went through – I don’t see it but the system won’t allow me to submit it again. I’ll just send the link here and will send the message again on Saturday afternoon (evening at your end) if the message still isn’t showing as awaiting moderation.

  6. justiceformorgan says:

    OMG ~ sorry about this! The comment I am referring to as not showing pertains to the link I just sent, not the “probably unimportant” message.

  7. suz says:

    Do we have any photos that show the boundaries of Anchorage Farm, and where the other properties begin? Is that green barn part of AF or does is it on some other property?

  8. suz says:

    keekee, I wonder how easy it is to come by a custom cell phone number. When I got my first cell I was able to choose my last four digits, but not the first 6, but i think even those days are gone; now you’re lucky if you get a recognizable area code. Could be different down in Danville; maybe cell phones aren’t in high demand.

    That tipline number doesn’t seem to spell anything:

    We found these eleven-letter mnemonics by adding an extra digit to the end

    heir-091-mule heir-091-mull heir-091-null
    I-dip-091-mull I-dip-091-null I-fir-091-mule
    I-fir-091-null he-is-091-mule he-is-091-mull
    id-is-091-mule id-is-091-mull id-is-091-null
    if-is-091-mull if-is-091-null he-I-7091-mule he-I-7091-mull
    he-I-7091-null id-I-7091-mule id-I-7091-mull id-I-7091-null
    if-I-7091-mule if-I-7091-mull if-I-7091-null

  9. suz says:

    Hey, looky here, a dailyprogress article actually addressed our bicylce question:


    A recent call for bicyclists who ride in the area where the body was discovered to contact authorities was instituted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as part of a blanket call for information and not in response to any specific intelligence, Geller said.

  10. mosaic says:

    J2K—I’m looking at the county topographic map (if I can figure out how to capture the image and post it, I will, but instead I’ll describe it and provide the link).

    There is a significant slope (they call it a Critical Slope because the angle is greater than 25%) that runs parallel to the NF Hardware River within the wooded area. This steep incline goes from Waldemar Drive just west of the river, all the way past the area where Morgan’s body was recovered. The slope is *between* the alleged camp area and the river.

    What this means to me is that there is a physical hurdle in addition to the denseness of the woods that stands between Red Hill Road and the NF Hardware River—easy to see on the map, hard to explain on paper, er, computer screen.

    If he came through the woods he’d have a heck of a time driving/walking through this area. Not that it couldn’t be done, just doesn’t make sense to attempt all that then leave her in an open exposed area.

    I can understand the thinking that keypad entries might reduce the likelihood that the perp entered from Blandemar Farms, but I’m not ready to give up on that theory. Where exactly are the gates? I noticed that the mega-developer owners of the house and the green barn also own the two parcels adjacent toward the west-southwest bordering Red Hill Road. Is it possible to drive/walk/climb around the gates?

    Depending where the keypad gates are, maybe the perp came in from Waldemar Drive just to the LEFT (west) of the NF Hardware River. It looks like there’s a maintained open area/path there that follows south along the left side of the river.

    If entry through Blandemar gets ruled out then #2 on my list is entry from the little bridge at Red Hill Road (perp drives vehicle all the way along the right side of Hardware River until he reaches tree barrier at end, discards body, then returns). This could explain the call-out to cyclists as they might have seen something when they were unloading/loading their bikes.

    I encourage people to look at this map (my last ditch effort then I’ll shut up about it).
    Plug in Waldemar Drive as the street address.
    Click on ‘map’ to pull up the map.
    Go to the pull-down menu THEMES (choose a theme).
    Select Critical Slopes >25%

  11. melissa says:

    Since I was named for using a word that might insult some I feel the need to apologize cause I never intend on hurting anyone’s feelings with what I say or put on screen. Sorry, won’t happen again.

    Fish–I would also like to know about the stop smoking. My hubby is only 36 and just diagnosed w/COPD. Been smoking since he was 13. Sorry B for OT but my son and I would not know how to deal with losing him especially if it can be prevented. Praying has worked some…I’ve seen a slow down but any extra help would be wonderful.

  12. HokieHi says:

    Question – does anyone know why Mr. Bass stopped renting the historic AF farm to UVA students? I believe the document that has been linked to the historical significance of the house was from 2001. The last sentence says that the home has had rental tennants for the last 20 years. So if last summer was the last UVA crop before his daughter moved in, why? Why did he stop renting the home after 28 years? Possibly something going on he didn’t approve of?

  13. mosaic says:

    oops…here’s the correct map link:
    Plug in Waldemar Drive as the street address.
    Click on ‘map’ to pull up the map.
    Go to the pull-down menu THEMES (choose a theme).
    Select Critical Slopes >25%

  14. Dubi says:

    Hello to all you good people here at BOC. This is my first post here but I come here almost every day hoping to read that the LE finally found person(s) responsible for this heinous crime. I live in Dubrovnik, Croatia and I first read about Morgan’s case in People’s magazine few months ago when I was flying to America for the first time in my life. I’m so sorry that this case ended this way, she was so young and had so much more to give to this world. I will tell you a story that happened to me few years ago while I was still attending techno parties and doing drugs over the weekend. My best friend and I were at this party in a club 9 miles from my home so we had to take not one but two bus lines to get there. We were high on E and when the time was to go home, my friend was having a great time and she didn’t want to go home with me. I was also wasted but I didn’t want to miss the bus home, so I walked almost 2,5 miles to the main bus station so I could be home on time. I was so angry because she left me alone that night, it was a very dark and cold night and thank God nothing happened to me but I could have ended up just like M. After that night I din’t want to hang out with her anymore. I told you this story because I believe Morgan’s friends were drinking or doing drugs that night and that’s the reason why they didn’t leave the concert to be with her, they were wasted and didn’t want to leave. And I think that Morgan was angry at them and wanted to go home alone and that’s why she decided to hitch hike. She was also UI and didn’t feel scared to do that. Someone must have seen a pretty blond girl hitch hiking and offered her a ride, maybe tried to rape her and when she fought back killed her and left the body where she was found. I suppose it was someone who lives in that area so he knows about AF. I really hope that her very brave parents and brother will finally have some closure and that her soul will be at peace after the killer is found.I send you all many worm hugs from rainy Dubrovnik.

    P.S. I just watched The lovely bones movie, very disturbing but beautiful at the same time.

  15. SuzeeB says:


    David Bass was checking the fences on his land Tuesday morning when he came across a horrid odor about a mile behind his home in a hayfield

    “Horrid Odor”???????
    Would that still be possible after 3 months?

    Would this suggest that the body was not there as long as we think?

  16. skyler says:

    Lord, it worked — some of these photos are duplicates, because I have no idea what I’m doing — and as we were there, it got dark — but the “green” building is no longer accessible from the roadway — the access road to it is now behind a metal gate, which is in the pictures — the barn is actually thru the woods and very difficult to see in the pictures, as it was difficult for me to see in person — also, it is much smaller than it appears on the google sat picture — I tried to take pictures which were representative of the fact, that it’s mostly trees going up that area and I don’t know how they would get to where she was from the back of Anchorage Farm —

    again, please defer to Red Hill as he has more experience w/ what the area looks like w/ no snow — I also wanted to take some pictures of the houses — they are beautiful — except the empty house, which stands out like a sore thumb from it’s counter-parts — that empty house is a long way from the base of Anchorage Farm — there is no way anyone working on that house could view Morgan’s remains from that property — or in theory from any of the properties due to the topography — they either dropped her from the sky (not likely) or went thru Anchorage Farm Road on the front side of the property off 29 — which I did not go down that road at all –

    here’s the link — I used a different camera for the little plague and Morgan’s memorial, so I’ll make another link

  17. SuzeeB says:

    Posted by Calyso 2-24-10 On InSessions
    Hi everyone. I’ve been following this case from the beginning and reading the forums all over the internet for a while now. I am local to Charlottesville and I wanted to post quickly before I have to go to work (very long day, but I will come back on tonight)

    This is in response to all the questions about the amount of decomp when she was found. I know an investigator who was on A.F. the day they retrieved her body. I question him all the time while trying to be respectful of his job and the limits of what they can tell people. He did say that there was a lot of evidence that animals and insects had definitely contributed to the amount of decomp and the condition and position in which her remains were found. Large and small animals such as wolves, foxes, raccoons, opossums, vultures etc. They also collected maggots and other insects in various stages of lifecycle. It was also stated in the news reports from the beginning that her remains were “partially skeletonized” which means that the weather (cold and snow) definitely halted the decomp process.

    One of the links from Moon about the Body Farm had a formula to figure the average amount of days it will take for a body to decompose depending on the average temp in celsius.

    I think the formula is Y=1285/X (Y being amount of days, X being average temp in celsius) I took the average of all of those temps that were posted earlier (I assumed that the 2 sets of temps listed were average high and low, so I averaged all of them and came up with 44 F which is 7 C) and entered this into the equation and came up with 183 days to total decomp.

    So, it is very likely that even with the animal and insect activity that there was still some sort of flesh/skin/hair and not just bones. I know this is graphic, I apologise, I’m just trying to help figure out if there was anything left other than bones for the ME to work with and for the possibility of D Bass being able to smell a horrid odor.

    Also, wanted to add due to the speculation about who lives where on the farm, the Bass’ have 2 daughters and the younger one who is 25 years old lives in the old historic farm house while the older sister is 28 and does not live on the farm (not even in the state I believe) and Mr & Mrs Bass live in the larger, newer house farther back on the farm.

  18. keekee says:

    my laptop has crashed more than half a dozen times in 2 days. so to picture all the blinksters with open laptops, multiple open browsers, notepads, whiteboards, spreadsheets……wowza…the net is on FIRE

  19. jessejane says:

    Long time lurker with first post — I’m afraid it’s O/T, but Sky, I wanted to tell you you were spot on about how terrific the Celtic Woman concert would be. I was talked into going and didn’t think I’d enjoy it, but wow! I’m sorry I didn’t have a chance to see your artwork, but I can promise you that last night, more than another concert I’ve been to at the JPJ since Morgan’s disappearance, I had her on my mind. She and her story consumed me the whole evening.

    I am in awe of the minds on this board and like so many who have already said it, have always felt inferior to contribute. I’m on here all the time though, reading, taking notes — and I truly believe that justice will prevail in Morgan’s case. As Observer pointed out, it’s a slow process, but I have faith.

    Blink, thank you for the terrific forum and all the work you do to keep these victims’ stories warm and to educate us all about so much, from the case details to the gift of fear — I have young children and it’s something very serious to me.

    Peace to you all ~ JJ

  20. Georgie says:

    First of all, Sky, that’s so sweet of you to make a memorial stone for Morgan, thanks from those of us who are not able to be there.

    Post #36 mitchell johnson Feb 18 6:56pm:
    “i doubt shrooms, but that looks like a fine spot to grow weed.”
    If you look at the pics of where she was found, it is secluded in that there is a triangle of trees surrounding the spot. You can’t grow weed in the woods, not enough light. You COULD, however, grow it an an area with trees close, but not blocking out the sunlight. Did LE find the remains of a pot crop close to where Farmer Bass spotted the remains? Here in SEPA, we usually don’t have a hard frost until end of Oct, early Nov, so I imagine “things” were still growing in VA. Middle of Oct may have even been harvesting time, and depending on the size of the illegal crop, could potentially mean ALOT of revenue for someone.

    Now I’m going to bring up something which has been discussed, but never answered with enough conviction to satisfy my curiousity. WHY THE HELL was Farmer Bass driving his tractor in that VERY remote location in the middle of winter? Not saying he’s involved, not at all, but was he aware of some “goings on” out there? I just find it to be a huge coincidence that he was right there, and “happened” to look at exactly the place where she was. This has been bugging me from the day he found her, WAYYYY to lucky, imo.

  21. jessejane says:

    Oops, one more comment —

    Dr. Harrington, I saw you and Mr. Smart when you stopped in to a location in Cville after your press conference not long after Morgan’s abduction. I saw you both and my heart dropped at the thought of — and almost palpable feeling of — the pain you both had endured at that point. I have watched and read everything you and Mrs. Harrington have said in the media, in the blogs, etc. I read each of Morgan’s printed words you all chose to share with us. I cried through her mass. I watched you and Mrs. Harrington and Alex comfort each other during that mass, and my heart went out to you. You truly seem to be such a special family — sharing, tight-knit, full of love, and gracious — even elegant — in the face of overwhelming pain and grief. I am in awe.

    I am so very sorry for your loss. I wish I could change everything and bring her back to you in such a happier way. It astounds me how one beautiful young woman can have touched so many of us, and how we are all determined for answers and Justice.

    My husband lost his sister years ago and I have seen first-hand how a loving, gracious, wonderful family manages to cope hour by hour with the loss of a daughter, a sister, and a friend. I have seen scholarships established, words written, gifts given, and babies named for our missing girl. I tell my children all about her so that she lives on as best I can.

    While the circumstances were very different (car accident caused by a driver who fled because he had drugs in his system), and I know nothing close-hand of the 101 days of missing and not knowing or of the pain following a violent death at the hands of another or others, I have seen a family cope, come to some sort of terms, and lovingly and publicly honor the young woman who was taken too soon.

    No parent should have to endure this pain — you and Mrs. Harrington are daily in my prayers. I dearly love a man who lost his beloved only sister, and so my heart goes out in a special way to Alex as well. I see in you a strong, smart, loving, graceful family on a horrible journey, but I have every faith that you all will persevere. I am so very sorry that you have to, though. I will keep you all and your beloved Morgan in my heart and mind.

  22. acho says:

    For the past two days I have been searching my uncooperative memory, thinking back to the C’ville music and bars I liked back in the day, circa early to mid 2000s. I am thinking on several difficult nights I had while at a music venue. I think I had to drank draft beer there, but not much (blech! I am a beer snob). On three different occasions, I was completely overwhelmed by nausea and crazy dizziness. Had to get out of there **fast*** else I thought I would vomit or fall down, and thank goodness, I think a friend went with me every time (lucky, as I was independent and probably argued to be left alone, a trait I wonder if Morgan had too). My husband and I have pondered over those experiences over the years and chalked it up to a lack of oxygen in that particular place. I do not remember it happening anywhere else and it has mystified me. I cannot believe this morning is the first time I have ever wondered about drugs.

    Before I go nuts on this, is there anyone who can speak to whether the date rape drug could have mild-ish effects like I experienced? Or anyone who experienced similar in a smoky, enclosed place? Once I got fresh air for a while I was better … so it was probably the poor air quality, right? I want to put it out there just in case.

  23. keekee says:

    shoutout to any blinkers to come over to fb private group. this might help lessen blink’s burden of moderating our lengthier story posts. might even help “triage” some clues and direction before we post here.

    we want to do all we can to help blink!!!!!!!!!!

    and it’d also be nice to help along the time blink spends on the moderation process

    blink we want to shout from the rooftops and sing your praises for all to hear. we admire you and your selfless work so very much

    thank you thank you…and i hope this comes to a fruitful end soon

  24. susanm says: this small plane pilot films alot of his trips around virginia area.departing or arriving charlottesville,i’d bet if not with this case in some cases,with the right time frame this type of footage could yield car color and time-line.they are closer than satelitte.

  25. fish says:

    Morgan drove in Morgan’s car with Amy Melvin to Hburg, Va and stopped at Sarah Snead’s apt to pick her up along with Dan Cassagne, the designated driver. We do not know if they pre-partied anywhere other than SS apt.(crozet?) I will not post her burg address. If we believe Dan Gardner(uva grad and NJ resident), he said they parked next to him. He is one that jumped on the news and said he talked to Morgan. There has been no confirmation that LE has photos from that nite. Nor have her friends posted any. There were four tickets. It is said that they were scanned in succession. Extra tickets, who knows. Ex-bf, RSO and DD during the concert: no answer for that. But DD Dan drove Sarah and Amy back to Hburg (JMU). She does not live on campus.
    Morgan texted during this time she is outside arena. The person was not in Cville, so it was stated.
    No one stated that they tried to call Morgan after the phone call she made to Sarah about not being able to get back into JPJA. Friends have not said. Not even in the early hours and days after Morgan has not been heard from. Strange. LE, I am sure have requested phone records. I hope that they have of her friends, as well. Traffic cameras?, Now onto Security, EMS and Police on duty. Only thing we can say is that Mr. W. Townsend,(emt not employed by JPJA) said that he too saw Morgan, she was inside of the arena. If this is her, he has finally put her physically inside of JPJA. She just passed by him. He told his story on Jane Velez Mitchell, check out her transcripts. His sighting sounds crediable enough. Also, the only other statement made is by Mr. DW or Mr. DM, whatever he wants to be called. D. Winston. That is not his name. He just makes the comment on a myspace page of another female friend of his. He states he wishes he had done more to help Morgan. Whatever. Morgan’s friends that have LE dads’…Maggie Herrick and some question as to Sarah Snead relation. Dan Cassange’s dad, was said to be LE in another state. I believe that this was not true. Officer Herrick participated in the search for Morgan. I in person, watched that interview he gave. He seems truly concerned. Just an observation, mind you. I met alot of people on that search. You could not have had more caring folks! If Morgan was trying to score drugs…I do not believe this to be the case. She would have been prepared. She seemed to want back in that arena badly. I doubt very much she wanted out in the first place. Did Morgan’s dad pay for the tickets…I suppose so they were on their fridge for six months. Maybe friends paid her back. Maybe not. The Metallica show was not sold out. Tickets available so if her friends had given a wad of money to Morgan for their tickets…then she would have just went to the window and purchased another. Who knows if the friends have credit…they didn’t even take her the keys to her car so I am not thinking they were going to pay for another ticket. Cabs were and are always available around JPJA. Esp during concerts. I have taken one. RV and UHall Lots used for uva bbplayers overflow during concerts. This is sticky because you take a spot where you can get one. I would think that the team was practicing earlier so they would be in UHall. The bbplayers state that they talked to Morgan. Verified by VSP.
    RV lot is not as big as you would think. The online photos are deceiving. You can walk side to side and top to bottom in minutes. Lined by trees.
    In any realtionship there are dominate/submission friends…I think Morgan was unique and a standout! Just a personal observation. I do not know this girl, friends or family. I think that of course, at times there was jealousy. Hell, I look at her and am envious! She was stunning and her chosen career path and her work with kids in crisis, well, I will say no more. She spoke volumes about herself.
    I am thinking that if we go back to the first few days of her missing, there are a good deal of people that remained very quiet. I just know from personal experience…YOU SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS! MY FRIEND IS MISSING!
    What? this is the one case that no one besides her parents do? Releasing a balloon does not qualify. I apologize, I am not going down that path. OYE has schooled me a couple of times about the goings-on of college kids. But as I digress…maybe they just too stupid. Maybe we just think that they are.

    side note: there have been witnesses, un-named to have claimed to see Morgan that nite. Grandma, newspaper lady, late arriving CPA lady and hubby. Strange behavior by some kid asking directions to Hburg at boyd tavern and sighting the next am by nurse in Orange, Va. And, Maggie Voth on facebook states she saw Morgan HH on bridge. Posts this Oct. 19th? i’ll check. Morgan is also mistaken for Dee Spolaric of JMU.

    Morgan is missing her ticket, her boots, her camera, her necklace and oh yea…her life! He/they need to be caught and accountable for what he did.

    So, Cosmo…I hope that this helps. It is somewhat discombulated but if I posted everything Blink On Crime would be called Blink On Crime Crashing! She for sure would have a major glitch and a breakdown of epic proportions. I tried to condense to keep it short and sweet. And more importantly, before anyone goes apeshit on me naming the above names well, they shouldn’t have went on the evening news! It is now public record.

    Maybe bullet points could be done if we break up months. One of us take october, one november and one december and so on…

  26. Judi says:

    Trying to use Google Earth to find out where the family cemetary is located compared to where Morgan was found. Just trying to figure out if someone visting the cemetary would give them knowledge of this particular area AND not draw attention to themselves being there because of the cemetary.

  27. Phyl says:

    I read that employees from Facilities Management have volunteered in the past to help clean up trails and campsites.

  28. Katesro says:

    14.bluewillow says:
    February 19, 2010 at 7:01 pm
    We used to have a friend who hunted on bicycle, no joke. I’ll never forget the sight of him pedaling down the road with his rifle slung on his back. Nicest guy you’d want to meet. I guess he would go get his vehicle to retrieve his deer when the time came.
    We were really rural, heh

    That is hilarious!

  29. alexandra says:

    Blink. I worry about you. You have so much on your plate. I know you’d take it all on if you could.
    How does one eat an elephant?
    “one bite at a time”

  30. susanm says: photos 3,10,74. the making of the sugar shack at blue mountain,site of gemini fest,in the summer,and blue mountain fest in fall.if link doesnt work acess thru bluemountain link on morgan’s facebook

  31. susanm says:

    blue mountain is too far to be involved,but i do think that is the mystery room,from camping pic.

  32. susanm says:

    is that morgan in picture 74?

  33. Cooper says:

    What ever happened to Morgan?
    It’s a question that haunts me, especially since the discovery of her body in that MOST unusual spot. I can only imagine how the Harringtons are dealing with this. My deepest sympathy goes to them. Such a specific place and so very hard to get to.
    I can’t believe that LE doesn’t have an ever narrowing list of POIs.
    total amateur wrote:
    It was a secluded spot that the perp was very familiar with- confident they could get in and out without being seen- and it would be a LONG time before anyone found her. I think it was truly a miracle that she was found in the middle of January.
    ITA total amateur..IMO he never thought she would ever be found by anyone.
    It’s like Morgan beckoned Bass over to that part of the field…a place he said he NEVER went to.

    Still thinking about Morgan…wishing all the best to the BOC gang!

    Waiting patiently…Cooper

  34. alexandra says:

    Skyler. Thank you for painting the rock for Morgan from BOC.
    The flowers are lovely. You are very special. Thank you

  35. Fletch says:

    Skyler — thank you very much for doing the slate and bringing it to Charlottesville. Your post about your trip and the pictures you shared were very moving.

  36. skyler says:

    Blink, not to step on your toes, but this should be in the running for post of the day

    J2k>>(Is it cold in here? I’m suddenly getting the chills….

    Fish! Pickles plastic-sealed the damn windows wrong again!)

    ROTFL !!!

    Not at all, please do Sky.

    Also, my apologies my time is on a significant development in the Sheddy case.

  37. keekee says:

    SKYLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you lovely lovely wonderful woman i want to give you a big hug. i am blubbering like a baby and the only thing saving my laptop is that i am reclined with it on my lap…but now my glasses are all salty spotted.

    your description of everything put me right there with you

    oh my, thank you

  38. Judi says:

    I have just few questions (if anyone knows any the answers to any of them)….

    I am convinced the beginning of this all started either a) before the concert (my personal least likely) b) inside the arena or c) in the parking lot. I definately do not think that Morgan’s initial contact with who did this to her was on the bridge or that she was hitch-hiking.

    Have the 4 men she was walking and laughing with been identified by LE (even if not made public)?

    Are ANY DNA results in (I know it will be months for the all DNA results to be back)? I ask because if so, and no arrests have been made, are we barking up the wrong tree with a known BG?

    Toxicology reports, when they come back, would tell us if she had the date rape drug in her, right? If so, that places the whole thing back to inside the area or before? From what I have read, the date rape drug takes effect in 20-30 minutes, right?

    How long were they seated inside the arena before Morgan became seperated (for lack of a better term) from her friends?

    Did they do any DNA or fingerprint testing on her purse, contents, or cell phone? I believe that what happened with the purse was that it was left in the car by accident and the person(s) were returning to the arena anyway, and when they got back, noticed it still in the car and tossed it to dispose of it.

    I think it is likely that she was with someone prior to the BB players (such as the men she was seen walking and laughing with??) who possibly were parked in the parking area where you had to park if you did not have a pre-paid parking ticket, told her that they would go get the car and would meet her up on the bridge in X minutes, she talked to the BB players while waiting, then proceeded up on the bridge and when she seen them, waived or something, which was mistaken as hitch-hiking.

  39. Chad says:


    You are such a kind person, and so generous of your time to do all this for all of us and especially for Morgan. I am so terrible far away,so it was great to see the bridge, memorial, and the rock you donated! Thank you too for the purchase of the last and only lilly, and it was white too! THANK you.
    It is nice to see some real pictures of the farm instead of looking at a map.
    The Blademar Farm is monsterous! Whew! That is some serious land there.
    The pics were a real treat for us non locals Sky.

    J2K: Oh man, didn’t you once refer to me as chilly Chad? Oh, after reading that again, it is very chilling indeed. That perhaps was a possible insider with real insider information.
    I believe that even Gil had said in an interview, that something either happened on the trip to the bathroom.
    Thanks for posting that our J to the very K and the 2.

  40. Judi says:

    I hope Morgan’s parents know the blessings that they bestowed on Morgan by just being her parents. What amazing people…..

  41. acho says:

    Skyler, the slate is beautiful. Well done and thank you.

  42. Phyl says:

    For the critiquers that think we are just a bunch of cooks, oops I mean kooks (Mrs. B, I still chuckle at that one), wise members of LE realize what a valuable resource we can be in help solving these evil crimes by providing information to them (whether online or phonecall) for them to evaluate. Look how much John Walsh of America’s Most Wanted has helped by asking the public for help on TV, and now the the net!

    Here’s another example that I just found:

    PORTLAND, Ore. – Multnomah County investigators on Monday unveiled a new Web site in their renewed effort to solve cold homicide and suspicious death cases.

    A squad of eight retired county sheriff detectives is now reviewing 35 such cold cases, the oldest of which dates to 1976.

    All of the cases were initially investigated by the sheriff’s office but were never closed for lack of an arrest.

  43. localcvillegirl says:

    keekee, chad, I’m sorry…can you tell us again how to get into the fb group?

    skyler, I love the pics. I think the BGs took Morgan right up the front drive through the gate on Rt. 29. It would have been the quickest way in and out, and I’m betting they were in a hurry.

    I am so moved by the work you put into the slate, thanks again for representing us at the bridge. I had to laugh about the photo of the Dick Woods sign…my kids used to get a big kick out of that too, and really got fired up a few years ago about Al Weed’s political signs. We got a lot of milage out of those.

    J2K, I hope LE is onto that “profiler” guy. Is he for real?

  44. lee says:

    Thank you Sky for all you have done for the BOC community as a memorial to Morgan and all your research, photos…just all that you do. I am in C’ville a lot and look forward to seeing your wonderful slate next time I am at the bridge…thanks all of you for your support of Morgan and the Harringtons….I wish i could add more to this site other snippets of nothingness from time to time….I have been haunted by this from day one and I am only more anxiety-laden because I have a daughter at UVA. Now to the business of the guy(s) that murdered Morgan….c’mon out you “fillintheblanks”…come out from under your rock……before the rock gets kicked down the road and you are exposed once and for all!!!

    And Blink…bless you for your strength, perseverance, and humanity in the face of all that is Evil…..

  45. localcvillegirl says:

    Could the profiler guy be DW? I’m still so curious about DW, whatever his real initials are. He and his Irish friend sure seem to be (or wanna be) right in the middle of the Charlottesville music scene. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they knew Morgan from a festival, even if it was just by sight.

  46. C-ville says:

    In regards to this post
    16.SuzeeB says: February 20, 2010 at 11:54 am

    SuzeeB brought over a comment from another forum and I happen to have been on that forum as well so I wanted to add a little more info from the discussion after that post.

    We realized that an error was made in the calculations of average temperature and decided that the actual amount of days until total decomp would be 138 not 183! She was found after 101 days.

    We got the formula for this equation from a forensic anthropolgist at the “Body Farm” in Tennessee (he commented in the recent Hook article on the probability of DNA still being present on Morgans remains).

    Basically, this all means that she was approximately 75% decomposed as of Jan 26th and this is mainly due to the fact that the average temp was cold and she was covered in snow for a long period of time.

    We were just speculating on whether or not there would have been enough tissue left for testing and with the news from yesterday (or maybe day before) they stated that there actually was some tissue left (although it may have been very descicated, almost mummified at that point) and it is in the process of being analyzed. Of course this process could take up to 6 months for DNA results (not sure how long for tox screen results).

    Also, we concluded that there are no wolves in this area (this point was just given as an example of animals that would forage for dead flesh in the winter) however there are coyotees, either way there was substantial evidence that animal and insect life definitely had their part in the decomp process.

    I hope this info helps in understanding this process…it took us all awhile to research and work formulas etc to come to these conclusions!
    Thank you again for this site!

  47. localcvillegirl says:

    acho, I don’t know much about the effects of the date rape drug (is GHB the same thing? I understand it doesn’t completely incapacitate you, just makes you loopy and cooperative), but my oldest kids have told me that it’s definately out there, and sometimes given to people as a joke. They are terrified and have their eyes wide open, so they tell me. I’m sure this age group knows plenty about it, and may even know how to give the right amount that would make someone simply “funny”. I can’t imagine. We need a pharamacist on here.

  48. skyler says:

    Mosaic, this is a really great find – I wish I had seen it before I went — but — again, please defer to RedHill because I don’t remember, but I think this entire area is fenced either by the barbed wire and/or the wooden pasture fences — and it’s a really sharp little turn there –

    I just cannot fathom that this person drove up the back side of AF — but he got her there somehow –

    Suz, how do you get your camera to work — I’ve had two different brands, and the playback on the little camera is great, but when you put it to regular computer it’s not — but I paid $24 reduced from over $100 on a QVC special at Christmas, so even if it’s lousy, for 24 bucks …

    Second, you asked the question about whether Mr. Bass had been cleared — good question — but in answer to it — if he had put Morgan there, or had knowledge — then why call the police ? Why not bury the bones — I don’t bellieve anyone would have looked in that particular part of that farm in a million years — just my take ….

    I feel bad for them that she was found on their property — but — the cemetery right of way may have given someone access to that part of the farm w/out drawing attention to themselves ….

    who knows ?

  49. J2K says:

    mosaic – re: lay of the land

    mo – my people are sending you a cheese basket for that one! You’ve really helped me understand he limited entry points, and I think what you’re pointing out (re: the 25%/223-foot incline) between the woods along RH Road and then the river. Coupled with skyler’s post about the rolling hills between Anchorage Farm Road and her body’s location, it appears she had to be brought in from a point in the neighborhood northwest of the Bass house. In interpreting the GIS mapping, you noted:

    “There is a significant slope (they call it a Critical Slope because the angle is greater than 25%) that runs parallel to the NF Hardware River within the wooded area. This steep incline goes from Waldemar Drive just west of the river, all the way past the area where Morgan’s body was recovered. The slope is *between* the alleged camp area and the river.

    “What this means to me is that there is a physical hurdle in addition to the denseness of the woods that stands between Red Hill Road and the NF Hardware River—easy to see on the map, hard to explain on paper, er, computer screen. If he came through the woods he’d have a heck of a time driving/walking through this area. Not that it couldn’t be done, just doesn’t make sense to attempt all that then leave her in an open exposed area.”

    I did follow your map link to see an illustration of what your saying (J2K Recommended):

    Plug in Waldemar Drive as the street address.
    Click on ‘map’ to pull up the map.
    Go to the pull-down menu THEMES (choose a theme).
    (Select Critical Slopes >25%)

    I put that “Theme” parenthetically because, while I see it gives a realistic view of the topographical challenges of the area (again – great find, mo!) if you select the:

    “Orthophotos 2009″ theme

    …you can get very close overhead photos of the entire area from last year – either winter at the start or winter at the end – trees are bare. It’s a lot closer than satellites anyway, as far as details go. I still have it open, but if you want to blow any plans for the next hour or so and peruse it, you’ll understand why I still haven’t gotten my laundry started.

    Should any of you venture over and take a gander, I have a question for you:
    What is the black shape in parcel 88-A1 (along the Northfork River)? And what *is* that area? Don’t recall it from the satellite shots…
    Anyone? … Bueller?

  50. DTA says:

    Oh Skyler
    I am just rotfl at your post. Barney aka your son standing up through the sunroof taking photos. You are so funny and so kind too. Thank you for doing all of this and for making the painting. LOL LOL LOL

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