Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. SuzeeB says:

    Judi, you will find some excellent maps and photos here. Scroll down about half way and you will see a map with the cemetary on it.

  2. skyler says:

    Georgia asked:Now I’m going to bring up something which has been discussed, but never answered with enough conviction to satisfy my curiousity. WHY THE HELL was Farmer Bass driving his tractor in that VERY remote location in the middle of winter? Not saying he’s involved, not at all, but was he aware of some “goings on” out there? I just find it to be a huge coincidence that he was right there, and “happened” to look at exactly the place where she was. This has been bugging me from the day he found her, WAYYYY to lucky, imo.


    That area had had some major weather just previous to that — another storm was brewing — the previous storm had knocked down trees — Mr. Bass stated he was on his tractor surveying the property to ensure no fences were down and that his new calves were warm — I am surmising from the post about the horrific odor he may have been curious and driven down that way to ensure none of his calves were dead — he stated in one of the interviews that he just happened to glance down from the tractor and spoted the remains — thinking first it was a deer — and I can attest, when we were out yesterday we probably saw literally a total of at least 100 deer and lots and lots of tracks in the snow —

    It’s just my opinion, but I don’t think he is complicit or was tipped off — I will also say, on the road Blandemar intersects, there was a dead skunk and even in the very cold and all that snow the smell was horrific — and durn if there wasn’t another skunk about 2 miles up that road —

    I understand we’re all just trying to make sense out of something that is nonsensical, so I appreciate all posts and thoughts ….

    to JJ — glad you got to go to the show — weren’t they wonderful ? The lady I was speaking w/ on the way out said she had just seen them in Roanoke and in that concert they said this was the last US tour for awhile — it’s why I went to Cvlle after just seeing them in Richmond this past June, they are going to be in Europe after this — aren’t the drummers just fabulous ? (sorry, I got carried away) — and I, too, thought of Morgan the whole night ….

  3. Minnie Penney says:

    I love the name Morgan. I wonder if her parents fancied Tennyson. King Arthur’s half sister was Morgan Le Fay – she was really something – quite a character ….not a woman to be trifled with…she didn’t just get mad – she got even.

  4. bluewillow says:

    Skyler, wow wow wow just wow!

  5. skyler says:

    sorry, don’t mean to post so much — was gone almost all of today until now –

    Jessejane, what a lovely posting to the Harringtons — Dr. H reads here sometimes, I know he will find comfort in your words —

    Before I forget — I was reminded last night as I watched the roadies immediately come to the stage to tear down the set and I asked my kid about the roadies —

    The Roadies for Gojira and LOG WERE DIFFERENT than the roadies for Metallica — before — Metallica’s roadies are part of the Metallica production and they have been on albumn covers and are on DVD’s — because — one guy was tuning James Hetfield’s guitar beside my blessed child, who’s been an angel today — and he asked him if he wasn’t the guy on whatever CD cover it was and the guy was like: hell, yeah, I was — and he said he wanted to ask him if he could just “touch” James Hetfield’s guitar, but he was afraid — ha —

    So, just to answer that question that’s been brought up here a couple of times — yes, the roadies were different — but I still wonder “where” they loaded and unloaded the equipment — CW had a stage on one end — Metallica was in center stage, and the band members walked out thru a curtained-off area on the side — so I wonder if they off loaded the LOG equipment thru that area, and then someone drove the haulers up to outside JPJ while the Metallica portion was onstage …. I don’t know — but just my opinion, where she was found downshoots any association w/ anyone outside of the area — someone had to not only be familiar w/ C-vlle, but that specific area —

    And I had feared animal predation and the post about the body decomp — great find, btw, don’t remember who posted — makes sense to me that perhaps an animal had been able to move the remains from where they were originally placed — and praying to the DNA gods there was enough there or foreign or trace DNA —

    I hope this smugg-ass SOB stays in a constant state of ATWMP out of fear !!!

  6. Word Girl says:

    Jessejane and Dubi, welcome. Thank you for sharing your special (and painful) stories. Please post whenever you wish–we all grow through the words and thoughts of others here.

    Skyler, many thanks to you and your son for the great photos. The plaque is awesome. When I made out the prayer flags, I caught my breath. You are such a love for doing that for us all. ~WG~

  7. keekee says:

    local and others who are interested in clue triage at facebook, send request to and i think you give your facebook profile name. you can make a page if you don’t have one. it’s easy.

  8. skyler says:

    Tall leggy blonde w/ the hula hoop — I think it is — bless her heart —

    you have to click on the top link of her post and use the “next” link to 74 — Morgan’s in the white shirt — center of pix —

    sorry, Blink — know you’re busy w/ other case — but I do think this is Morgan

    susanm says:
    February 20, 2010 at 3:57 pm photos 3,10,74. the making of the sugar shack at blue mountain,site of gemini fest,in the summer,and blue mountain fest in fall.if link doesnt work acess thru bluemountain link on morgan’s facebook

    susanm says:
    February 20, 2010 at 4:00 pm
    blue mountain is too far to be involved,but i do think that is the mystery room,from camping pic.

    susanm says:
    February 20, 2010 at 4:02 pm
    is that morgan in picture 74?

  9. Lovely says:

    Skyler – thanks so much for making the rock for Morgan. Its beautiful :-) xx

  10. Saramom says:

    You guys are just AMAZING! All of you.

    When we look at location, location, location…how can we not reexamine our thoughts about how the B. Family may or may NOT be involved, possible indirectly. Is it possible that someone entered his property who would have never raised a red flag to him.

    Can someone local please answer if there is any pressure on large land owners to place their land in conservation trust. Many in the area do this, from what I have read. Tax credits, etc. I know it is a controversial issue. Right? I am like a dog with a bone. If I am wrong, please tell me.

  11. cosmo says:

    fish – many thanks! that was fantastic, clear and concise. much appreciation to you, and the other good people trying to figure this out. thank you to blink for making this happen. Thoughts and Prayers from Austin, Texas to The Harrington Family.

  12. Annika says:

    Fish: Good synopsis for newbies like me.

    Sky: Very beautiful, meaningful painting on the slate.

  13. MsLurkALot says:

    J2K says:
    Should any of you venture over and take a gander, I have a question for you:
    What is the black shape in parcel 88-A1 (along the Northfork River)? And what *is* that area? Don’t recall it from the satellite shots…
    Anyone? … Bueller?

    Hey J, no laundry getting done here, today, either! That black shape looks like Sasquatch….but, could be a really big tree, or maybe even the brick or stone chimney from an old old house. The cleared area could be another leftover from days gone by. If there was on old farm house or slave cabin, that area might have been cleared and just never grew back fully. Could have been an old garden spot. Indians may have camped there, as they tended to camp near rivers & streams. Your observation caused me to google North Fork Hardware River. Apparently, that river is known to kayakers and canoists, and the route to the put-in point is Rt 708, Red Hill Rd, to Rt. 20. Anyway, here’s a link to check it out FWIW.

  14. Loca says:

    acho 1:18 pm:
    That could’ve been an allergic reaction to whatever the particular draft beer served. I get somewhat similar symptoms to some beers (the hops possibly?). Although, getting fresh air does not help in my case.

  15. suz says:

    Skyler, fantastic job on the slate!! Really sweet. Thank you so much for including us all (the big ‘ol extended BOC family of past, current, and future Blinkers) in your memorial. That was really nice.

    I just hook up the Flip camera to the USB port and transfer the files to the hard drive and it works like a champ when I play them on there. I have PCs, not a Mac (not sure what you are running). You sure got a great price!

    Yes, of course it would make no sense for Bass to find the bones if he’s the one who put her there, but stranger things have happened. Just wondering if there was any “official” clearing of the fellow.

  16. Minnie Penney says:

    Skyler – a picture really is worth a thousand words – thanks for sharing them. But looking at the terrain this story just gets curiouser and curiouser….

  17. fish says:

    cosmo: your welcome. know it was not really well written but I tried.

    skyler: thank you from the bottom of my heart <3!
    And, I am well shrink-wrapped, thank you very much!
    Hope he took my advice!

    j2K: not going there in near future but here’s what I know. My critical slope is greater than 25% but not more than 38% and I drove it just fine. But like I said, I have muddy tires. I also do not have to drive through trees but could if you want me to road-test that out!

    Localcvillegirlie! GHB (gamma-Hudroxybutyric acid) is the “date-rape drug. There are others that can be used and are, unfortunately. Ketamine (special K) MDMA (ecstacy) and a combo of a cocktail of Seconal/Demerol. Given mainly by physicians and dentists. Renders one limp but their eyes are open! They know what is going on but can do nothing about it. Absolutely frightening!!!

    Please if anyone has a question feel free, I will research. I am not the sharpest tool in the shed but I know many who are!!

    This guy should really call it a day and LE!!!!!!

  18. justiceformorgan says:

    Have I been kicked out of the cool group??? :( Just kidding, lol!!! I know it’s just some sort of ‘puter glitch. Probably my comment was too long.

  19. bevolovr says:

    18.New Poster says:
    February 19, 2010 at 1:57 am

    After looking on Google Earth for a while, I think it is at least a possibility that her body was dumped into Blandemar Farm Pond.


    WOW, New Poster, this is the closest yet I think anyone’s come to the real scenario!!
    This I say because it fits exactly my visions of where Morgan was “put” and where she was “found”.
    I originally saw her in water and unfortunately, I felt, dead.
    But I always saw her being found on a farm.
    I could never reconcile these 2 visions. Now, I feel this is truly what may have happened.
    I live on 110 ac. surrounded by another 1000 or so. We have a creek running thru our land that overflows during extremely hard rains. This creek has banks over 10 ft high and tradionally has 1 ft of water running through it. When it overflows it floods @ or about 10 -15 ft over the banks!! We have to remove large trees from under our bridge each time. Once we had to dislodge a refrigerator!
    Yes, way more force than needed to move a 120 lbs.
    This changes the face of ARAKIS!!

    Sky and Lovely – can you give me some thoughts on this? I really trust y’alls sensativity!!!!

  20. fish says:

    cosmo: my prayers and a yellow rose to you and yours in texas. a difficult time, no doubt.

  21. anotherB says:

    @ skyler

    Thanks for that! It all looks very different than on the satellite photos. It seems that there are just two possibilities left how she got there – either someone knew how to open the gates and knew how to navigate through the field on Blandemar or someone traversed dense woods and steep hills.

    As I said before, I grew up on the countryside, and, more importantly, I used to pick (porcini!!) mushrooms in the woods, a basket in one hand, a knife in the other and wearing a rucksack. My area looks very similar to Blandemar/Anchorage. With the right shoes you would certainly be able to cross the terrain, also the creek and the slopes.

    Not sure whether it would be possible to carry someone across these woods – it would take a while, it would be messy and you would need to be fairly strong and determined for that. Again, if he did that, then I can see why Blink thought of military training.

    However, if he came through the woods and hills, I don’t understand why he took her to that farm. Why not stop half way and bury her there? Why not leave her in the creek? This would have been easier for him and also more secure.

    The other option would be opening the gate and driving across the field on the border between Blandemar and Anchorage. For this, he must either have had the number code or other means to bypass the lock mechanism. This narrows it down to residents at Blandemar, workers employed there, even on a very short term basis, and burglars who would have the skills to open the gate without the number code.

    On an entirely different note, does it puzzle you as well that everything about this case is so totally strange and mysterious? Why she left, who she met, where she went – and then even her body was found in a very VERY strange location. It all started with kids at a Metallica concert, and now we are researching the history of farm land on the country side, going back at least two hundred years, and looking into a neighbourhood that has been described as retired or semi retired.

  22. PM1 says:

    Skyler, Thanks for making and taking the beautifully painted slate to the bridge. You are Morgan’s guardian angel.

  23. J2K says:

    Per my previous post, stemming from mosaic’s one on the county GIS maps: those “Orthophotos” from last year make it clear to me that the only feasible way onto AF and down to the bottom of parcel 88-5 (where she was found) is on the visible off-road tracks that run from thetop of the treeline triangle (88-5) and up through 88-41A past the southeast side of Blandemar Pond and to the right through parcel 88-3M, as the path runs along what I believe to be a creek on one side, along /through the treeline, and a large field (hay?) on the other, all the way to parcel 88-3R, which houses a smaller home and a large barn-like structure… and a yard dug out into areas of… I don’t even know what – a weird circled-by-a-fence thing, pits – does anyone know the address of this Chopin Drive property? I can’t get the map I accessed at one point with the house numbers. Who owns/lives at this place?

    That odd-from-overhead/lotsa-outdoor-activity homestead aside, the route I’m suggesting to her spot – again, clearly visible from above as of last year – is also accessible from Chopin closer to the pond; in fact, it’s a straight-shot to the pond, then off-road through 88-41A to the treeline-triangle (88-5) where MH was found.

    As far as I’m concerned, that’s the only possible entry point other than (as skyler noted) the, well, sky. So, what does this mean?
    It’s still related to a local – who goes off-roading in the Blandemar Farm estates region?

    Speaking of skyler – Stuff your “sorries” in a sack, woman! I love, Love, LOVe the memorial rock – how *perfect*, really. Such a wonderful gesture. [beaming] Great pics of the land around AF and BF, too (love the vision of you and young TEO crusin’ along appalling snobby locals. Who was driving?) The pics helped solidify my theory that the most likely access point is not AF Road, Red Hill, or Blandemar Farm Drive – but, as laid out above, deeper in the neighborhood, from the property in parcel 88-3R, or closer to the B pond on Chopin. Can you guys go back down and check it out next weekend? (JK! – you’ve done enough already, to the BOC-degree. Fa serious.) *clinks* to you, dear friend. (“Chesterfield! Order another cheese basket – this time for skyler!”)

    B – I’m just gonna come out and ask it: Does LE know from which geographical pathway the perp likely got her to that spot?


  24. elpy says:

    Is it possible that the police interest in the cyclists stems from more than an interest in what they may have seen in the days around October 17th? I recall reading that they had contacted the owner of the bike shop a couple of days after Morgan’s remains were found. Is it possible that there are bike tire tracks on the Bass property, and that someone who rode there prior to the murder might actually be the murderer? It would explain their familiarity with the property, and the inquiries at the bike shop. I don’t know if people who ride in a cycling club would also mountain bike, but they may.
    Also, as bizarre as it sounds, maybe she was dropped from a plane, as has been suggested and discarded. How are the band’s instruments and/or members transported from one venue to the next? Private plane?
    Skyler..what a beautiful gesture for Morgan and her family.I am so glad you were able to do this.

  25. bonbon says:


    Your beautiful memorial made me weep.


  26. Ragdoll says:

    #32 Cooper (previous page)

    I agree with you 110%. I also recall Blink making a comment like yours. Mr. Bass answered God’s calling. We don’t understand His timing (paraphrasing Blink) but I do believe God’s hand was on Mr. Bass’ shoulder the day our Miss Morgan was found.

    For those questioning Mr. Bass’ involvement, I understand. However, I personally do not believe he’s done anything but find Morgan’s ~lovely bones~ because of a HIGH calling. If he hadn’t, who else???????? I think we should look at this as a miracle and thank God Morgan could be laid to rest by her grieving family.

    Mr. Bass was in the right place at the right time. Thank GOD!


  27. cvillenative says:

    Skyler – The slate is beautiful. Thank you for representing us.

    Regarding acho’s 1:18 pm post: I have had something put in my drink in a bar, and my reaction was not at all what you describe. I made a post in November or December describing my experiences that night (I thought my behavior was very similar to Morgan’s reported behavior on the night she disappeared). The short story, though, is very similar to what localcvillegirl describes: acting loopy (my friends thought I was very drunk), very cooperative, and I eventually had trouble walking and passed out for about 16 hours. That’s not to say there isn’t more than one type of drug people put in drinks, though. I don’t know of any others and what their side effects might be.

  28. mosaic says:

    Bluewillow, Skyler and J2K—Oh, I am so glad you pulled up the map! Here, let me share my basket of cheese with you! Grab your goblet…

    I see the gate very clearly on Waldemar to the left of the green building (thx Blue Willow!). Skyler, did you drive up to this spot?

    Do you see what looks to be a path (cleared area) from Waldemar Drive following along the west side of the river? Could he have come down that way? I have not moved over yet to examine anything within AF—there’s a lot of detail to absorb.

    J2K—do you mean the black spot in 88-1A by the river in the middle of the cleared area? Could that be a large evergreen shrub?

    The Orthophotos 2009 feature is fantastic….much better detail than the google maps.

    Not only am I not getting laundry done, I desperately need to be preparing my portfolio for a job interview. But I’m a map junkie….it’s hard to pull away.

  29. keekee says:

    hi skyler! i think i see morgan in the #74 photo to the right of the girl in the white shirt. if you tilt your computer screen and view it at diff angles you can get a better picture of girl’s face in dark top and it looks like morga. also, pic #84 and #85, i think that’s her on the left side facing the camera in a glowy light and then the next pic has her profile. does anyone else see that?

    Yep. Your correct.

  30. clementine says:

    Susanm says: February 20, 2010 at 3:57 pm:

    [ photos 3,10,74. the making of the sugar shack at blue mountain, site of gemini fest,in the summer,and blue mountain fest in fall.if link doesnt work acess thru bluemountain link on morgan’s facebook

    Susanm says: February 20, 2010 at 4:00 pm:

    [blue mountain is too far to be involved,but i do think that is the mystery room,from camping pic]

    Susanm says: February 20, 2010 at 4:02 pm:

    [is that morgan in picture 74?]



    Re: ‘Mystery Room’ from ST’s camping photo, a few of us fleshed that one out back in December:

    Blue Mountain’s Photos: Rooster Walk 2009:


    Re: Photo 74, I agree. That looks very much like Morgan.

    Right of center, hula-hooping her little heart out.

    Excellent catch, Susan.

    There are 3 photos of Morgan in that album.
    However, she is not in the white tank in that photo. She has the darker tie dye tunic to the right.
    Excellent catch is right. The gal in the white is Amy Melvin.

  31. anotherB says:

    @ acho February 20, 2010 at 1:18 pm

    As for date rape drugs in general – thieves love them, and they probably know which quantities they need for non medical use, so to speak. But some people react differently. Even common benzodiazepines can lead to paradox reactions, i.e.rather than sedating you they can give you panic and involuntary muscle spasms.
    Date rape drugs are defined by their use (i.e. by being implicated in crimes) rather than by their pharmacological properties. Most of them are also used in common medical practice. My friend, whom I mentioned yesterday, was given temazepam. He got anterograde amnesia, that is he couldn’t remember anything that happened after he drank his beer. He also did everything he was told. One thing they have on camera is him being approached by a woman in the streets, going to a cash point with her, withdrawing a substantial amount of money and handing it over to her, and then walking away in opposite directions. They have a few witness accounts – he was described as a bit flamboyant. He did not appear drugged at first sight, but after a brief conversation it became apparent that something was wrong with him.

  32. Morgan's Dad says:

    Skyler, do you have a photo of the slate you painted? If so, we would love to see it. Your earlier posting was beautiful, thank you for visiting the memorial at the bridge. We will keep the memorial there until the BG is arrested. Thanks for your support and caring. Dan

    Dr. H-
    I was planning on using this in a piece, but you ask, dear sir, you get-

    My editor Klaasend blew it up for detail:

    Just to give you a heads up, Skyler was literally on the Copeley bridge within minutes of Morgan.
    As many of us have been deeply moved by your shiny Morgan, her recounts of the evening are paramount.
    She was there. Her son believes he saw Morgan sitting fairly close to him.

    She was also willing to trespass to help find bg. I talked her out of it.

    In support,

  33. Swiss Miss says:

    Skyler, what a beautiful scene you painted on the slate. Thank you for creating this heartfelt memorial to Morgan.

  34. mosaic says:

    skyler—wow, check out your photos! Beautiful job on painting the slate.

  35. rnmom says:


    Thank you for taking us all with you to the memorial at the bridge! It really means a lot especially to those of us that aren’t close enough to go there ourselves. Also, thanks for sharing your pictures they were great. From a fellow Libra, i must too weigh everything out but must have justice!


    I indeed caught the other shot remark by Gil. I truly believe Morgan was shot. How does this help to narrow down who did this? Lots of thoughts running through my mind, I would love to hear yours!

    In the Blue MTN pics, I thought Morgan was the girl with the darker shirt on in pic 74, look at pic 85 I believe that is the same girl.

  36. susanm says:

    skyler,thank you for the boc memorial monument stone ,now i have solid claim to visit charlotteville.

  37. clementine says:


    Regarding Recon Mission:

    Thank you for sharing your experience with all of us here. Very, very insightful. (And entertaining at the same time. I’ll just bet your son could write his own book based on some of his experiences with you!)

    As for the painted rock…

    Absolutely beautiful. If ever there was a way to infuse heart and soul into a cold hard slab of rock, well, you dear Sky have certainly done just that.

    I clicked on the above photo, and it literally took my breath away.

    In all of three seconds, I got a lump in my throat and tears welled up in my eyes. Thank you for thinking of us all.

    We are lucky to have you as Ambassador of BOC.

    Represintin’ tha Blinkstas.

    Rock on, indeed!

  38. Mom3.0 says:

    Sky, thank you for your beautiful artwork.

    Susanm, Hi, yes I do believe the sugar shack is the location of the pic.
    You can see the black “trashbag” wall behind the decorative hangings.
    I also think Morgan is the girl dressed in shorts and darker shirt. You can see her in several pics,just not full on.

    Welcome to all new posters. Cooper, glad to see you back.

    SuzeeB, thank you for posting that link. That is the first time I heard tell of a strong odor. Someone, sorry I don’t remember who, posted the dates of the snowfalls. First was Dec 12 or 30? Were the nights cold enough prior to that to help preserve Morgan’s remains? Or was Bass smelling a dead animal, which led him to worry about the welfare of his animals, which led him to Morgan?

    Fish, Thank you for answering Cosmo to the best of your ability. I would also like to add that on FB a friend of a friend said that they had tried to contact Morgan many times but there was no answer. I do not know if this is true. Fish, do you remember what DC girlfriend’s name was? Morgan___? Cosmo, don’t know if the 4th ticket was originally for her and DC was the stand in…that has been speculated upon. I will post previous known facts soon.

    Chad and J2k, OYE said many party spots, she was not extremely specific. She did buy into the whole acidental death, but said IF Morgan accepted a ride from friends (at least 2 guys, ages 18-24) she would not drive around all night smoking and drinking, hence the spot to party.

    I would like to say IMO if the Sugar Shack is the scene of that pic,(Seems to fit) the dimensions for someone to be standing behind Morgan,(guy in band in front of black tarp ,with door showing) and RT and the rest, in front of him doesn’t quite fit . So I’m not sure about photoshop job or not. Check out the photos on FB from SuzeeB, copy paste them to MS word and lighten the pics- IMO that shack would have to be Dr. Who’s phone booth, inorder to show all the detail and space/people that it showed…..

  39. anotherB says:

    Could anyone please have a look at the 2009 orthophotos on gisweb and tell me whether I am going nuts? Were these pictures there before? I only remember older ones.

    In the field where Morgan was found are bike tracks, as in mountain bike or motor bike. They come from further down the river. And it looks as if there is someone standing in the upper left corner of that field – how high are the trees in this place? Does anyone know?? Is this just a weird shadow, or could that in fact be a person? Or am I looking at the wrong field?? It was a long and exhausting day – could be completely wrong.

  40. Justice says:

    For those of you good with maps, I suggest going to the Geo Hack site for The Anchorage (the coordinates are the same as Anchorage Farm, even though the wiki article in the title has been deleted:,_Virginia&params=37_58_24_N_78_37_0_W_&title=Anchorage%2C+The

    There are many links to choose from, but personally, I like this one:,-78.616667&z=15&t=T&marker0=37.973333,-78.616667,Anchorage,%20The
    You have choices for map, satellite, hybrid, terrain, Topo, DOQ, NEXRAD & Mapnik.

    I asked this question before, and never saw an answer, so I’ll ask again. Via the terrain view from the link above, does anyone local know anything about the North Fork Hardware River in this area? Would it be wide enough for a john boat, or is this just another name for one of the “creeks” on the property, that is to small in size for any type of water craft?

    (I’m going to try and post a screenshot, but have had trouble in the past, so if it doesn’t link, you’ll have to go by the directions above)

  41. MarchmallowWI says:

    Blink – Don’t post this. Shouldn’t the name (of the victim) in klaasen’s enlarged photo file for BOC read Harrington, not Sheddy on the memorial rock painting).

    I am so happy there is progress in finding Christine Sheddy, but Skyler’s rock painting is for Morgan Harrington’s memorial on the bridge.

    Thank you!
    Great job on the Dana Pretzer show. I finally managed to hear it live rather than waiting for the podcast link.

    Thank you, we are burning candles at every end in these 2 cases in particular

    please use:

  42. Mom3.0 says:

    Dr. Harrington and Family, I am so glad that you will be able to see Sky’s tribute to your beautiful daughter, Morgan. Please, know that you will forever be in our thoughts and prayers.

  43. yoshi says:

    Blink- Are you around to get a private post?

    yes Yoshi, for a bit, shoot-

  44. yoshi says:

    Okay- check spam. It’s a doozy. (I’m so sorry)

    Got it, may not be able to review until late tommorrow- on location.

  45. SylV says:

    Your slate is beautiful. Thanks for including us all here on BOC on your journey with your son to the Copley Bridge Memorial. Your are absolutey a wonderful person, and I am glad that your son threw in some humor into those pics. That was funny!

  46. Mom3.0 says:

    Cosmo, as promised this was posted by me on an earlier thread. (added some more) If you go back and read everything,here at BOC, I am sure you will find more info, especially in Blink’s articles.

    Starting from the P.lot…according to the link provided by rvrb (thanks)

    Between 8:20 and 8:30 Morgan is seen trying to reenter JPJ she then walks to the p.lot closest to Massie Road and is reported to have talked with several people there-
    At 8:48 her friends call her she tells them she is locked out to which they reply with several suggestions about how to go about getting back in… at this point Morgan tells them she might try to get a ride home with friends in Charlottesville.

    For the next 12 minutes until 9:00 she is seen in this same area and to LE knowledge never got back inside.
    At 9:10 she has crossed Massie Road and now is seen in the University Hall p.lot walking in a group of people (not necessarily with), -this is the 4 guys I believe- Morgan was carrying her black bag going in the direction of Lannington Field Rv lot.

    Morgan is seen having “limited interaction” with persons in this lot at approximately 9:20. The last confirmed sighting of Morgan is on Copeley Bridge at 9:30. Morgan’s purse with cell is found in the RV lot the next morning.

    To me, Morgan seemed to know where she was going. If this link is correct, and these were her movements, she last told her friends I might try to get a ride home with friends in the area.
    Even if she did say this in a pi#*ed off state, in my opinion she meant it. The fact is she did not wander around aimlessly, nor did she double back at anytime, this tells me, Morgan knew where she wanted to go.
    This is a pretty tight time line. She texted 1 friend during this time period, what was said? She did not try to call any friends to have them come pick her up, nor did she try to call those inside the arena. LE must have her cell records, who did she know in Charlottesville? Or who had she met in the parking lot? The shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line, was she trying to meet up with someone in the rv lot? If so, they obviously weren’t around or was she in fact walking with the group of at least 4. IMO Guys will walk behind a girl to check her out, even if they are “walking together…..

    At 9:20 Morgan then “interacted” with the BB players, they drove off in their separate cars, and she was left standing there… Did she always have it in her mind to cross the bridge? Did she still have her purse, her necklace, her cell, her camera? Did she ask the BB players for a ride? Or was her only destination at first, the rv lot? Was she trying to get to where someone had their car parked?

    It seems to me, even if I was totally inhebriated, 20 yrs old, cold, and wet, before HH ever entered my mind, I would ask people for a ride (or accept a ride) from someone that I would think would be safe, someone whom I knew at least from someone, my friends, my hanging out with them at least once before with friends ect.

    Morgan never asked any of the people throughout those lots for a ride, she never once waved down a cab, she did not stop and ask the limo driver for a ride. That we know of… So suddenly on the bridge she decided it was too far to walk? On the bridge she decided not to turn back and get a cab? She had her cell, it told her the time, she never once decided to return to JPJ and wait for her car? Why?

    Why wait till she was on the bridge to decide to get a ride from someone? Skyler has said there were many people still dropping people off. Skyler has said there was many cabs to be had. We know there was several people leaving, including the BB players. Were the group she was walking in/with actually leaving?- was she gonna wait for them to bring their car to her…..

    Why walk in the direction of the RV lot? Why not call a friend for a ride? Morgan knew what she was doing, where she was going, who she wanted to meet or was she being led somewhere by a group of “friends”

    HH is not the shortest distance between 2 points, walking around the p. lots, then HH is not the shortest distance between 2 points. It would have been shorter to walk in the opposite direction and catch a ride there. Why the RV lot and why the bridge? When she stopped to talk to the BB players did the group move on to get their car? Did Morgan wait on the bridge for them to return? Did they accompany her to the RV lot to try to meet up with another friend of Morgan’s?? Maybe she couldn’t find them and the group offered to go back and get their car, meeting her and picking her up on the bridge??

  47. dda says:

    Looked at 2009 orthophotos. There are tracks in the field where Morgan was found–assuming we all have the correct field. What is interesting is if you follow the tracks south through AF, they go through a thin place in the trees into the next field and follow the tree line through that field. They are much deeper in that field. And then if you follow that south further, there are lots of those tracks in another field leading down to what looks like a small barn with two small fenced paddocks. It looks like someone/something is travelling a regular path in those fields and wearing tracks.

  48. Elizabeth says:

    keekee you truly are amazing. It is like a train…coming down the track. Choo choo. Slow but steady. Better pack over!

    ” 1. keekee says:
    February 18, 2010 at 9:48 am
    please let the right people read this:
    could be that big daddy knows and wants to believe it’s a natalie holloway thing, but it’s not….it’s worse, though that feels really weird saying. they are both hideous acts of murder
    o poor daddy…nothing can make this go away
    families that pray together don’t always play together, but we might know four
    more cowbell please
    so cousins, aunts and uncles who have seen that nephew gleeful and a little too happy about his big kills, your gut speaks to you well
    now i could be underestimating the womenfolk and mama knows
    mama, don’t let your babies grow up to be killers
    t boy, you prolly are not gonna make it to graduation next year”
    Not sure what you mean by Natalee Holloway thing, but she was never found.
    Which graduation?

    Thought they were soooo smart. Notice the distance being put between them? Interesting how this is going to come down.

  49. clementine says:

    Blink says: February 20, 2010 at 10:06 pm:

    [There are 3 photos of Morgan in that album.
    However, she is not in the white tank in that photo. She has the darker tie dye tunic to the right.
    Excellent catch is right. The gal in the white is Amy Melvin.


    I agree with you, Blink, I did say right of center. It was another poster who pegged her in the white tank top :- )

    This was the only other photo I thought could be her as well:

    Seeing candid photos of Morgan, unaware of the camera, just living

    her life, is very touching. Poignant, really.

    I still wonder if somebody out there has photos of Morgan in JPJ

    Arena, and is completely clueless.

    Your on my page. I have always felt there is like, some fat SD, card with every answer on it, just waiting online for the kismet ride.

  50. Dan Harrington says:


    Thank you.

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