Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. keekee says:

    can anyone link to oye’s original posts?

    yoshi i hope you found sumpin good

  2. Pepper says:

    Skyler, Thank you for painting the slate and bringing it to the Copeley Bridge. You are so sweet and kind. Also, thank you for your pictures. What a beautiful area. I can’t wait to visit Charlottesville someday. Please join us on facebook!

  3. clementine says:


    Going back two pages on the link I posted to Susan earlier, I spotted Mom 3.0′s concise compilation of OYE comments.

    Though I sit next to J2K regarding said comments being given more weight than they deserve, am posting for the fellow Blinkstas here who recently expressed a desire to revisit said comments.

    Momof3/Mom3.0 says: December 17, 2009 at 8:39 pm:

  4. MarchmallowWI says:

    Regarding Chopin Drive
    J2K (February 20, 2010 at 9:22 pm) I agree with your post. There was an early short comment mentioning a Chopin Drive ‘party barn’, but I have looked and cannot find it. I don’t know whether it was on BOC or maybe on the comments for one of the readthehook articles. A poster named George noticed a farm fence in that area of the Anchorage Farm boundary, and tracks indicating crossing the fence in that area.

  5. Bj says:

    skyler says:
    February 20, 2010 at 6:41 pm

    Georgia asked:Now I’m going to bring up something which has been discussed, but never answered with enough conviction to satisfy my curiousity. WHY THE HELL was Farmer Bass driving his tractor in that VERY remote location in the middle of winter? Not saying he’s involved, not at all, but was he aware of some “goings on” out there? I just find it to be a huge coincidence that he was right there, and “happened” to look at exactly the place where she was. This has been bugging me from the day he found her, WAYYYY to lucky, imo.

    Minnie Penney says:
    February 20, 2010 at 6:46 pm

    I love the name Morgan. I wonder if her parents fancied Tennyson. King Arthur’s half sister was Morgan Le Fay – she was really something – quite a character ….not a woman to be trifled with…she didn’t just get mad – she got even.

    >>not a woman to be trifled with…she didn’t just get mad – she got even.<< ……

    Which leads me to believe Morgan herself led Farmer Bass to her.

    I do believe, I do believe.

  6. susanm says:

    it just seems that le ,based upon enquirer,and blink,and early rumors that morgan called someone to get her ,has spoken to someone who was supposed to ,or did pick up morgan ,and that person must have an alibi .do dna matches take this long ? assuming there is dna from other than morgan to match to match to someone. blink ,enquirer,is this the guy?or does he got good alibi?

  7. Amanda850 says:


    I never would have had the chance to visit dear Morgan’s memorial without you, your huge heart, and your wonderful pictures. Thank you for including us and taking us with you. And thank you for your wonderful heart of gold.

  8. clementine says:


    Dubi says: February 20, 2010 at 11:05 am:

    [Hello to all you good people here at BOC. This is my first post here but I come here almost every day hoping to read that the LE finally found person(s) responsible for this heinous crime. I live in Dubrovnik, Croatia and I first read about Morgan’s case in People’s magazine few months ago when I was flying to America for the first time in my life.]

    [I send you all many warm hugs from rainy Dubrovnik.]


    Hi Dubi from Dubrovnik,

    A warm welcome to you.

    I think we are all eager for the day when we tune in here to news of

    an arrest.

  9. justiceformorgan says:

    Skyler, your painting is so thoughtful, meaningful and moving.

  10. skyler says:

    I’m pretty speechless at this point — I know, Blink, ck the IP addy, is this really me ? Speechless ?

    Morgan’s Dad — we are so glad you are here. Some of the things you may read here should never be read by a father about his beloved daughter — but you know Morgan is not the body she left behind. I hope you can read past some of the horrific details, and see how your “Shiny Girl” has captured all of our hearts. We are, of course, not alone in this quest, but we will not stop until you take that Memorial down.

    We were all brought here together by Blink, a woman who courageously fights for those who can no longer speak. Morgan has spread her magic to this group — we have become friends and we care so much for each other, but if we passed each other on the street, we wouldn’t know. Some have found healing from the murder of their loved ones. Others have learned to love a complete stranger.

    There are such smart people here. It was our intention for Morgan to be found. She fought and led to her body being discovered, by God’s grace, w/ evidence enough to convict those responsible for taking away her life.

    We don’t care how Morgan was dressed — we don’t care that she partied. We do care, however, that her life was ended. We care big time.

    It is now our full intention that her murderers be brought to justice.

    I was merely a messenger. The little painted slate is shaped like a heart. The actual art is simplistic, but kind of ketchy — like Morgan. Those are Tibetan prayer flags between the trees — not Christmas lights. The white flecks are snow — I believe she was surrounded by angels when she slipped from this life to the next, so I put in the angel wings, w/ your family’s special Morgan code — 2 4 1.

    I don’t know who did this terrible thing to your Morgan — yet. But I will know. And I also know the people gathered here care so much for your girl, for your son, for you and Mrs. Harrington.

    Please stop by and visit when you can. You are always welcome, but warning, sometimes we spat, then Blink reminds us we’re here for Miss M.

    Lean on us in the coming days when times are difficult. I promise you I will never forget Morgan for the rest of my life, nor will anyone who’s ever come to Blink’s house.

    We’ve given Morgan her own handle here — J4M ! We will not stop until we have Justice for Morgan !!

    W/ Bunches of Love, BOC via Sky

  11. Mom3.0 says:

    SuzeeB, just wanted to say thanks for posting this link. Along with Sky’s and Barneys trip I am able to visualize the area much better.

  12. gifter3 says:

    Hi Marchmallow,
    I was the one that posted way back about the
    Chopin Rd access and the party barn.

    Blink quickly shut that down, so I didn’t pursue it.
    Is Chopin Rd a possibility now Blink?

  13. skyler says:

    J2k — did you know I used to live in Chesterfield County — how funny is that —

    I was driving while my precious boy took the pictures as we were pulled over on the side of the road and he was having panic attacks because sometimes there were cars — and — to answer the question — on the “cul de sac” which is very small — he got out and peed — walked thru the 2 ft of snow to a tree outside —

    That “green barn” is almost impossible to get to unless that big gate is opened — and then you run the risk of yes, you can get in, but suppose the gate closes and you can’t get out —

    I’m all for another recon mission, but I want to wait until the snow is gone — which could be weeks — we saw one pickup truck buried up to almost the passenger side window — one of the smaller baby deer, the snow was literally up to its belly —

    Until either the police or Blink tells me otherwise, I am taking a stand (w/ Suz’s caveat of “unless someone is arrested otherwise”) that entry to the farm was thru the front gate.

    I have also taken a stand in my mind, that I won’t post here, but leaning on Cooper’s years’ of experience and LE’s proclamation of “location, location, location” of at least one suspect — I believe there are two — have always believed that — and I think I know at least one — and … — I’m still not ready to release another one in my mind who may have played a periphery role —

    Until the tox screens come back — which I understand could be months — I am firmly standing on my belief that I think Morgan was drugged inside the arena — not by anyone riding in her car — but that the person who drugged her inside did not do the ultimate final act —

    Again, Mosaic, great find on that map —

    when I carried that little painted slate to the Copeley Bridge, I carried you all w/ me. I meant it when I said I was just the messenger, and our message is: Absolute Justice For Morgan — nothing else will do !!!

    I heart you all — Big time.

    Sky — who is going to go fill her goblet w/ hot chocolate — it is freezing outside, so of course, the dog had to pee —

    Blink, extra hugs to you — S.

    Not the front gate.

  14. MarchmallowWI says:

    gifter3 – Thanks, I just found your post about Chopin Rd
    “gifter3 says:
    January 27, 2010 at 3:18 am

    I haven’t had a chance to read all the posts, so this may have been mentioned already. I was trying to go to bed but couldn’t sleep, so I started reading some comments from The Hook.

    This person keeps mentioning Chopin Rd at the back of the Bass farm, and a huge barn/Rv garage and possible place to party.

    Travel lite January 26th, 2010 | 9:44 pm
    The house in the back on chopin road has a Freekin RV BARN!!!

    Travel lite January 26th, 2010 | 9:50 pm
    Theit freeckin garage is bigger then their house!!! whats in the garage!!!

    Travel lite January 26th, 2010 | 9:52 pm

    Travel lite January 26th, 2010 | 10:03 pm
    If you look at google maps in the back of Bass’s farm in what he should consider the remote area on the other side of the fence their is huge barn big enough to hol four RV’s and I also see a ring my best guess is for parties. zoom all the way in on chopin rd

    Travel lite January 26th, 2010 | 10:04 pm
    Broken wood lines hay field down below.”

    and George’s post:
    “George says:
    January 27, 2010 at 9:52 am
    Using the Google Earth maps there is a fence across the back of the farm where Morgan was found. There appears to be a gate in the fence as there are vehicle tracks leading to the fence from another field on the Chopin Road side of the fence. It is 1/4 mile from Chopin Road to the fence and an additional 300 feet to where Morgan was found on the farm. Chopin Road itself seems like it might be a private road also.”
    The evidence is piling up to arrest those who murdered Morgan. Soon!

  15. ohiomom says:

    Skyler, thank you so much for creating your touching slate painting and including all of us in the message. I feel that beautiful Morgan was very near to you in your travels today. Listen very carefully – perhaps she has a message for you.

    The pictures of the properties along Blandemar road made it clear to me that there are very few spots from which the BG could have accessed the back fields at Anchorage Farm. When Mr. Bass first found Morgan, I was reminded of the line “Good fences make good neighbors” from “Mending Wall” by Robert Frost. Your pictures bring to mind another Frost poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,” and the lines “The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.”

  16. HokieHi says:

    So the thing that jumps out at me in looking at the 2009 Orthophotos is the actually boundaries of the AF. I never realized it before but Morgan was placed just inside the property line. If you use the Measure Distance icon in the upper right corner of the photo, it appears she was found only about 75ft from the property line. I’m still thinking that the access point was from Blandemar. According to the same map, it was only about 1700 feet to the location of the body to the green bar (as the crow flies).

    Another thing that I noticed is the difference in color between the different parcels. Mr. Bass had mentioned that the area where Morgan was found was last cut in August and the grass/hay would have been about waist high in October. But what about the other areas, say the parcel behind it? Based on varying color differences in photos he may cut them at different times. Perhaps this area was not as high and easier to travel by vehicle. The perp spots the taller grass area and thinks it would be the perfect place to the hide the body. I also think that the grass coming from Blademar might have been more manageable too. Since this was not Mr. Bass’ property, perhaps it had been cut more recently.

    Final thought and it’s WAY out in left field but has to do with the “dropped from an airplane” idea. I was watching Nancy Grace that night (embarassed to say that but true) and had honestly thought that it was possible she was dropped from a plane prior to that that being mentioned as an option. Once I heard how ridiculous it sounded when said out loud, I changed my mind quickly. I still don’t believe it but IF something like that were an option, we’d also need to consider Hot Air balloons. There are several hot air balloon companies in Charlottesville and I used to see them all the time when I lived there. FWIW, I would never be convinced that was viable but just throwing out an idea to kick around.

  17. fish says:

    “More on this later in a new piece-B”

    Is it later yet?

  18. jessejane says:


    (Why am I nervous posting?!! You’d think I was public speaking for crying out loud. Which I guess I am… Let’s not go there.)

    Sky — Beautiful slate. Beautiful heart in you, Sky.

    WordGirl — thanks for the shot of courage.

    Now, here’s my question: where do we think the primary crime scene is if the AF is secondary?

    Who: 2 perps, different sides of the tracks perhaps, 20s most likely, one with family name/money and/or land

    What: likely SA and definite violent killing of MDH taken from a concert in Cville — leaning toward gsw but could be bft

    When: timeline officially ends 9:30 pm 10/17/09 on the bridge …

    Where: MDH remains found at AF on the edge of a remote field in rugged terrain following torrential rains and local flooding in the midst of a winter of record snowfall in the Cville area

    Why: Evil Unmitigated

    How: MDH exited the JPJ for unknown (to us) reasons, reportedly disappeared from the Copeley Bridge approx. 9:30 pm where she ostensibly got into a vehicle and subsequently met a violent death

    So… it was originally postulated that the field at AF was the primary crime scene… the terrain seemed too tough to navigate. More recent posts indicate/surmise that this was a secondary scene and Morgan was deposited at AF (in the field or nearby) after her death/near it likely via an ATV transport. It is known by LE which direction the perp(s) approached from onto AF… we do not know but Blink most recently indicates not the front entrance… at one point indicated she had settled on Red Hill Gate?

    At any rate, if this is not the primary, where is it? Interesting Blink comments regarding the boots — perhaps found in Crozet? Unisex, to boot (pardon the pun)?

    Where in Crozet? Is this location likely to be the primary scene?

    Welcome to BOC jessejane-
    I am not definite on the ATV transport, a simple 4×4 would also work.

  19. fish says:

    B: could the BG have dropped something at scene? For example; a button, a rubber bracelet, some dna, a camera, a couple of cells, a hat, something plastic? Maybe LE does have his dna. They just do not know who’s it is yet. Maybe she fought back. Since, you are saying LE knows from which way they came…was it by tracks or by a dog picking up scent? I asked and a well-trained canine could track cadaver scent back. Even after 101 days. But, she would have had to perish nearby and then taken to that final spot. Was what I was told accurate? I believe her to be but at this point, I’m at a loss.
    If Morgan was killed close by, I understand that all it would take would be a drop of blood and the dog would be able to track there. I’m going to ask about if a dog can “hit” within minutes of death. What if Morgan was taken out to where Mr. Bass found her already deceased? If they, LE, had a no fly zone inacted, then we would not have had the knowledge that a dog was used. That’s all I’m saying. I need to go ask more questions. Also, since LE knows from which way they came…I will not continue my suv field testing.
    Whoever said here that we are now researching 100 year old land deeds well, I understand what you are saying. My 14 yr. old said…
    “He is at the arena, Momma. You guys are making it harder than it really is”. B, could this kid be right? We have it right in front of our faces? I’m thinking we do. But we keep sayin’ today, no today, no really today. When is today coming? I’m having an impatient nite, sorry guys. btw, ot, sorry about my spelling lately, it’s gettin kind bad. J2K dont be pointing it out, friend. As this nite wears on I’m becoming more & more in a fragile mindset because of Sky and son’s trip to cville. Talk about payin’ it forward and back again. Here Sky took her son to Metallica and now he took her to Celtic Women. There’s two differnt ends of the spectrum.
    Good job to our rock lovin’, soon to stop smokin’, beautiful adopted son of a Blink!
    Sky, can we tag him with a name? (((?))) hug, kiddo!

  20. total amateur says:

    Skyler- Nice job on the memorial, and kudos on the photos. As someone who follows this case from so far away, makes me feel good to know somebody close by can do something nice like that. Although I haven’t contributed much to the blog, I feel like a small part of the BOC crew. I’m a portrait artist myself, working with Prismacolors and acrylics- wish I could do something for the Harringtons.

    Now a question for Blink, or someone:

    When I first started posting on BOC, a poster mentioned an account of a “certain someone” becoming separated from HIS group in the arena, then not meeting them again until after the concert outside. Can anyone elaborate on this account? Was this accurate?

  21. Diogenes says:

    I’m not sure WHO said WHAT but….

    Re: post 4
    -Bj says: February 21, 2010 at 12:31 am
    -skyler says: February 20, 2010 at 6:41 pm
    -Georgia asked:

    “Now I’m going to bring up something which has been discussed, but never answered with enough conviction to satisfy my curiosity. WHY THE HELL was Farmer Bass driving his tractor in that VERY remote location in the middle of winter?”

    Exactment! That’s what I’m saying (I have other reasons to doubt or wonder, but not putting them out here, as I kinda got the shutout before!)

    I still have strong doubts (and strong convictions) about him in particular. I could be totally incorrect, but somehow, I’m dead sure he knows something. Or suspects something of someone. Condemn me if you must, but I’m still sticking w/ this one.

    My problem is not the tractor out in the “dead of winter” but that particular locale; and some things he said in his interview do not sit well w/ my gut. My opinion of him is no matter to anyone. Perhaps he is a fine, upstanding gentleman. I’m just telling you what I see/feel/sense. And sometimes, things are not as we would have them seem.

    Many posts ago, Blink said he is, (and I daresay others think of him as) “a hero.” A hero b/c he found her body? A hero b/c he called the LE?

    I find that preposterous. Since when does DOING THE RIGHT THING make you a hero? Is our country/society so devolved that doing the right thing elevates one to the status of hero?

    To me, that is sad. Someone did the right thing. Now they are a hero.
    Let’s all do the right thing. Goodness.

    I mean to imply no disrespect; merely stating my response to an above post. Thank you.

  22. Katesro says:


    A thousand thank you’s. Thank you for painting the slate. Thank you for placing this on Copeley Bridge on behalf of everyone here. Thank you for your willingness to be arrested. (lol) All for Morgan. For the love of Morgan and Justice for Morgan. The slate is awesome! Beautiful, absolutely besutiful, Morgan style.

    J4M 2-4-1

  23. suz says:

    bevolovr, nice Dune reference!

    I wonder what eliminates my patented Occam-friendly ‘right thru the front gate’ theory, or what makes LE and Blink certain that access was via another point? Is the gate ruled out because it wouldn’t work, or is another entrance ruled in because thar’s some evidence that says yep, this is the way? hmmmm….

  24. Katesro says:

    Can someone tell me how to join the FB group?

  25. Connie says:

    Dear Blinkers, I have been keeping up with your progress and I must say you all restore my faith in mankind. It just breaks my heart that
    some sicko would hurt this lovely girl. I pray for her family every single night. I am a mom of 2 and preach to them every time they go out – even if it is to a neighbor’s house. I am so impressed with
    everyone who is trying to find who did this- I was thinking – I do not know Charlottesville that well but if newscasters were coming in to broadcast a Hoo game – could there possibly be some video out there? I realize this probably has been researched but I had to ask. There has to be some clue out there – Skyler – you deserve many millions of thank yous- the photos were very helpful- also- has every
    single person who is a contractor or sub or roofer, framer etc. been checked out? Thanks for putting up with my amateur thoughts and poor grammer even though I have a B.S.

  26. belika says:

    Skyler, just wanted to say: Thank you for your beautiful art work you have don for Morgan, and for all of us here in BOC! You are amazing.

  27. suz says:

    fish, even if the front gate doesn’t turn out to be the point of access, they still had to travel over some serious terrain from some direction or the other (say the back of Blandemar gated community—maybe that’s how the gang figures at least one perp has money—-(so who used the keypads to let themselves in that night, or would we even know?). So don’t despair about the SUV testing. They got there SOMEhow.

    Diogenes (heh! living up to your moniker, i see. well chosen!), I, too, bristle over what I see to be the overuse of the word hero these days, and had the same uncomfortable reaction with that term being applied to the farmer. I swallowed hard and chose to interpret it as the kids here saying, “We don’t think he’s the perp; we think he’s a good guy, or at least a guy with the very unfortunate distinction of having the remains of a nationally sought after missing person wind up on his land—let’s not try to drag him through the mud, as it must already suck to have the cops and media crawling all over you.”

    But I remain suspicious of everyone with a Y chromosome until we have our arrest and trial, so I haven’t ruled out a soul, even the fellas on here. Besides, his kind of fame or infamy is double-edged; for instance, many more people have now been introduced to his wife’s art work. Heck, I’ve come close to buying a piece myself. I guess that old saw about there being no such thing as bad publicity is true.

    I can’t tell if Bass’ accounts don’t add up, or if it’s just a continuation of the sloppy reporting so evident in this case (we should really never trust what we read in the news, anywhere, any time; I don’t think this is at all unique). It might be that his initial startled statements being a bit off because he was in a bit of shock, and he still can’t clarify anything because LE has gagged him.

  28. Cairn says:

    The horse knows the way. Woke up with that song playing in my head. Could it be…. a horse. A horse that knew the way to the creek for drink? A horse that could have easily seen in the dawn and could have trodden around the earthen holes. A horse familiar to the farm land, familiar because he had been there many times before, ridden by his master.

  29. keekee says:

    facebook group join – send email to

    dummy emails are being used for security and anyone worried about being on facebook can make a dummy profile. i mean that you don’t have to use your legal given name…just a name with an email and you could use something completely different than your boc handle. it is very paranoid over in that group so don’t worry if it takes some jumping through hoops to get in. paranoia is not such a bad thing even when it brings a good chuckle or two

  30. keekee says:

    and thank you very kindly to those who posted oye’s comments. that was very helpful. smiles and hugs

  31. total amateur says:

    Diogenes- I hear what your saying, but I think it’s been pretty well confirmed that the owners were out of town around the time Morgan went missing. I had never heard the account of the owner noticing an odor before the other day- if true, then that makes the finding less unlikely to me. If they had a storm and he was cruising around his property line checking fences it makes sense. If you were a farmer with livestock and noticed a foul odor, you would follow it to check it out. I am of the feeling that he may well have noticed the clothing first. Black would stick out like a sore thumb against pale brown grass. As he moved closer he would see the remains and investigate. I dont know about being a hero in the literal sense, but I think in this case there are two kinds of people- heroes and villians. The owner is on the hero’s side, after all- he HAS made the most important discovery of all in this case. Fortunately, I believe the heroes far outnumber the villians this time- and justice will prevail.

  32. PMShadow says:

    Skyler, thank you for creating the beautiful artwork on the slate for BOC and placing it at the memorial for Morgan. It is absolutely perfect in every sense. You are a big-hearted, compassionate person – thank you for thinking of this beautiful offering. J4M 2♥ ♥ 4♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 1♥

  33. keekee says:

    and what about the river runs through it? or the crik? i think i read somewhere of someone local saying it was walk/wade through size at af, but i could be remembering wrong

  34. keekee says:

    a white 4×4? a wooden 4×4?

  35. Cairn says:

    The murderer had to have been in the parking lot to have seen Morgan and know where to throw her purse. Maybe even needing to get back there before the last concert was over to be seen by other friends of his. If not back to the concert to meet friends, then to a party at a local bar or home in town.
    The murderer knows the area and the AF, and neighbor farm, really well. Maybe well enough to know the combination to the keypads. How else would they get through the gates and onto the farm? Unless, they never left…such as a guest spending the night there. Could that be?
    A need for a quick body hide – a nearby (green?) hay barn, and back in the dawn, saddle up and drop off body near creek/tree line, cause the horse knows the way.

    Thus, a local(s) who attended the concert. LE probably has a list of purchasers. From these, they are connecting the dots to the murderer.

  36. Judi says:

    Sklyler: What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful person from a beatiful person!

    Dr. Harrington: Please know that you and your family are in all of our hearts and prayers, every day.

    ALL BOC: This is a wonderful, caring group of people here whose hearts are filled with good and love. We have a wonderful, kind and dedicated leader (Blink). The good will from everyone here warms my heart and reminds me that inspite of all the evil in the world today, that there is still a whole lot of good left too!

    Bless all!

  37. total amateur says:

    In addressing the owners’s behavior in TV interviews- Imagine you are wandering around your back yard and you stumble across some bones- you walk closer and notice a human skull- a horrific chill would run down your spine. You would slowly back away, looking around with a thousand thoughts coursing through your mind. You would be overcome with adrenaline- perhaps even fearing for your own safety. You would remember that there is a widely publicized missing person… and know at that very moment that a murderer was likely wandering around your home. You could not get to your house and call police fast enough.

    If you buy a 750 acre farm- you are a person that likes his privacy and solitude. Having people crawling all over you property and camera’s in your face after making such a disturbing discovery would make the most social person uncomfortable. Then you have LE telling you “Don’t say this, Don’t say that.” Its going to be hard to make a statement while you are still unnerved and at the same time trying to consciously guard your words. That being said, I think he handled himself quite well.

  38. Minnie Penney says:

    Farmer Bass was checking his fences after a wind storm. If your fence is down and your critters get out in the road and cause a car wreck – you will be liable for damages. A cow can do a lot of damage to a car.

  39. Justice says:

    For those questioning Mr. Bass, I do understand, but…

    From someone who owns a measly 100 + acres, we always, always go check the fence lines after severe storms, snow/rain or wind. There are hundreds of small pines all along the outside of our fence lines and any strong storm will take them out easily. Being that our farm is much smaller, and other land owners all around also have cattle, it is imperative that those fences be mended asap, else someone else has our bull or we have theirs, or worse, the bull is never found until it is hit by a passing car, which makes us liable.

    As for the hay fields… We have 5. We cut 1, and always with the help of several neighbors or hired help, bale & pack into the barn. Then we cut another, same routine. None come in at the same time, as we fertilize & graze in different phases, so the cuts come in different phases. Also, along our creek beds, it is always damp & marshy, even in the summer heat, but especially the area’s that are mostly shaded. Footprints from our boys winter hunting can be seen up until spring, as can their 4 wheeler tracks, IF the cattle hasn’t been left in that particular field. During the bitter winter months, we always keep the cattle closer to the house where feeding bales of hay is much easier. We give the cows 1 access to the creek and the rest is left to nature. For these reasons, I have hope that there are clues/forensics that will lead LE down the right road to a BG…

    #28, Cairn: yes, this is true, BUT (gotta throw a story in here). We have friends with horses. I don’t ride, but I’m the exception. When everyone else rides, it has to be before the sun begins to set. No matter where or how far out, those horses will always turn back towards that barn as soon as the sun begins to set over the horizon. Even a bucket of oats won’t coax them back out until morning.

    While I wouldn’t necessarily call Mr. Bass a hero, I do believe he was doing what he said he was doing, and happened upon Miss Morgan He most likely waited until much of the snow melted before he could access those areas without tearing up the land. If he didn’t have his cattle there, it wouldn’t have been a problem to wait. Our snow falls were full of high winds, and devastated our fences…

  40. belleboyd says:

    Fish! Thank you for finding a copy of the Anchorage Farm book! Now, could you please read it for us? (LOL)

    Skyler! You have such a kind heart. Thank you for representin’! I am going to make a trip over the mountain one day so I can see your beautiful work and to pay my respects to our shiny girl.

    Cairn? You must have been reading my mind, because I had a thought this morning about a horse being used! Thank you for posting that for me, lol.

    I wake up in the middle of the night, quite often, with the vision of Morgan’s big beautiful haunting eyes. I pray her face is haunting the anal wart(s) that took her life away. I hope their dirty deeds are eating at their scummy brains. I hope they wake up sweating, shaking, to the point of being sick. Most of all, I hope they call LE now. Still praying for peace, Belle.

  41. keekee says:

    do you think during this long complex hunt for poi(s)and those in the know, wouldn’t the really bright folks already have weighedd in on morgan’s case?


  42. keekee says:

    i think the person responsible for the placement of morgan’s purse is someone with crime investigation knowledge…and that, my friends, scares the cheese outa me!

  43. Georgie says:

    Wait, according to Skyler, Farmer Bass “smelled a horrible odor”??? Where/when was that stated, because I apparently missed it. IF that’s a fact, then maybe I’m a little less surprised he found her. For those of you that believe God led him there, I never question anyone’s faith, that is a personal matter. However, for those of us that don’t subscribe to that, it still bothers me that he “happened” upon her exact location. Again, as I said before, I am NOT incriminating Farmer Bass, I just wonder what he knew about that area of his land. Did people party out there, near the pond, and he had problems with that? Did he wake up that day and say “hmm, think I’ll make a little trip out towards the pond, make sure those damn kids haven’t torn down the fences again”?? Maybe his resaon for going there is known to LE, but he’s been told to keep quiet (like everyone else in this case, apparently).

    acho, Feb 20, 1:18pm: regarding your question about feeling sick in a crowded venue….Yes, this has happened to me MANY times, particularly at small clubs or close crowds. I don’t drink alcohol, but did smoke weed back in my clubbing days. There were times when (I am short) the crowd seemed to be closing in on me, everyone was towering over me, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe, heart pounding, cigarette smoke choking me ( I don’t smoke cigs). The ONLY recourse was to get outside and get some fresh air. When I get like that, it wouldn’t matter what I paid for tickets, or if I could re-enter, the main thing was to GET OUT! I’ve said before on here that I think it’s possible Morgan had a panic attack, or just felt sick, so she left the arena to get some air, or be sick, which you would NOT waant to do in front of alot of people, Heaven forbid, that would be SO embarassing. I’m not trying to be flip, but that’s how I think she would feel..”ugh, I think I’m going to hurl, NO WAY am I doing that in front of all these people”, and if there was a line at the bathroom, well, self explanatory.

  44. suz says:

    HokeiHi, we were watching the coverage when Morgan was found my mom said, “How’d she get there? Was she dropped from a plane?” not 10 minutes before the guy said it on NG. We burst out laughing.

    I don’t think hot air balloons go up on cold, rainy, dark nights (that’s a good way to end up wrapped around a power line, zzzzzap!) and even though they’re pretty quiet except when they’re firing, they’re really noticeable, so i think you’d be drawing attention to a planned body drop. Airplanes sometimes do fly fairly low over farms (n.b., if you have a plane, fly it over my friend’s farm—her policy is to get all the gals to flash the pilot—think Bourbon St and beads, lol), but I don’t know how easy it is to shove dead people out of airplanes. Planes are LOUD when they fly close to your fields, so again, as subtle as a naked smuggler.

  45. sweetpea says:

    I have had the same theory since the beginning of the investigation.
    Unknown assailant and now that I see the location of the body, unless the body was disposed of after the fact by way of an ATV or 4 wheel drive. More than likely two or more murders.

    I have always felt that Morgan was taken after speaking with the BB players from the RV parking lot and that she herself dropped the purse there as a clue. I think this because of her work, I would not be surprised if through her work or training she had heard of someone that had been through some form of kidnapping and did the same thing.

    Early on I asked if there were records of those who stayed in that RV park the night of October 17th. It’s not unusual for a local to park an RV in a lot near a concert venue (tailgate party location). Of course, this party would be over or least on standby at the time of Morgan’s abduction because the concert would now be going. It would be easy for a person or persons to lock Morgan inside an RV and not be seen.

    I have not followed all of the posts so I am not certain if it has been verified that Morgan was shot. If so I would definitely be leaning toward a hunter type individual that is familiar with the area where Morgan’s body was found. Most hunters I know are used to maneuvering in that type of terrain, in the dark early morning hours, and packing out their their kill(in Morgan’s case packing in, sorry don’t mean to sound crass; just logical) weighing far more than Morgan.

    I do not believe that whomever did this lives in this community. Why leave a body near your own home when you have all that nearby wilderness available.

  46. skyler says:

    Wow — reading this AM — OK, Suz, you make a good point about Farmer Bass —

    Fish, yes, absolutely we have to make him a moniker, handle — I think he feelsa little jealous because I care so much for Morgan and I can’t tell him why I care — I can’t tell myself — I don’t know why — I just do.

    I think your daughter, and Suz, are right — we’re making this too hard —

    I hate to bring this part up, but I will — my friend w/ the vision — who I have to say nailed the “old farmhouse on the outskirts of C-vlle” — said LE, etc. were trying to make the evidence fit the theory.

    Why don’t we just let the evidence speak for itself ?

    We, of course, don’t know the evidence — but we know some important parts — she was murdered and placed in a remote location that you had to know about — irrespective of how they accessed the property, you had to know about it beforehand —

    If we believe the poster who knows an investigator who confirmed there was animal predation and other biological evidence — where she was found was not where she was put —

    Also, to the person who posted about the decomp rate — thank you for bringing that here, I could never in a thousand years do the math —

    I have a theory, but I don’t want to post it here — names, etc. — and will do FB if I can figure out how to do it — not not including you in that theory Number 100, Blink, will offpost to you personally, but know you’ve been busy — I’m so proud of you on the missing Mom — it was your intention way back then to find out what happened to her — you did — intention goes a long way —

    If we are going to talk about specific people — someone asked a question about alibis maybe not lining up — let’s have that discussion on FB — I’ll share what I know and what I think —

    PS — on the pictures from the Blue Ridge — when I looked at those again, I did see Morgan in the darker shirt —

    i’m telling you, the persons who did this should be shaking in their shoes, whether they know it or not — it may not be tomorrow, but Morgan’s murderers are brought to Justice –

    And I’ve got to go find the snow shovel — to help me par down the mountain of laundry I haven’t done, either — ha, which I have vowed to start today !!

  47. skyler says:

    ohiomom — I love the Road not Taken and the “miles to go” poem — one of my favorites from when I was back in 8th grade and heard it the first time –

  48. acho says:

    Apologies if everyone already has read it, but this article is the first I remember seeing of LE stating that cars frequently parked at rear of AF property. Really??? Sky, did you see where they might have meant? (Just thinking about worn paths/trails onto the property …)

    “Wolfe says it’s common for people to go hunting on the Anchorage Farm property, and police say many people park along the back of the property.”

    When there’s time, I wonder if it’d be worthwhile to try and obtain aerials of days in hunting (including bow hunting) season to see if we can see the parked cars. B, I gather you’ve looked at early-morning aerials from 10/18 and did not see cars … BUT, I think hunting on Sundays in VA is still illegal. Is it a pain to obtain these aerials and could they be reviewed for numerous days?

  49. sweetpea says:

    One more thing:
    I hope that if there is records of all the RV’s in that lot hat LE interviewed each and everyone of the those individuals staying there. It would be interesting to find out if someone remembers an RV pulling out that evening and not staying through the night.

    Of course that maybe wishful thinking, as I recall the early on investigation appeared pretty shoddy to me.

  50. skyler says:

    Cairn, I think everything in your statement is true —

    and I want to reiterate, having gone there and seen the area for myself — there is absolutely no way this is random — the turn onto AF Rd from 29-South is so quick, if you were not familiar w/ it, you’d miss it —

    The same w/ Red Hill Road — it’s not a place you’d choose at random — you had to have prior knowledge — plus — now that I am famiiar w/ Copeley Road — I can see why local people would use that to skirt the traffic — because we were on Emmett — went to the bagel shop there — and the traffic was standing still in both lanes — I saw the turn to Copeley prior to JPJ, and turned there and was around and parked down at the Sun Trust bank before the line of cars probably made it to the stop light at massie — very easily someone just local could have driven thru there and saw her on the bridge, or in the parking lot — when this is all said and done, the explanation is going to turn out to be a lot simpler than it “appears” — especially w/ how she ended up outside — I think it’s simply she went out to get fresh air or whatever — there were no signs on the inside of the doors stating no re-entry — and there were no security people at all of the exits when I was inside on Friday night and no one told me, and they checked my purse, once you’re in, you’re in — I went thru 3 different people — the initial door, the person who scanned my ticket, then the third person who looked in my purse — not one of them said: no re-entry –

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