Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. ohiomom says:

    I am still stuck on the fact that from the very beginning LE said that the found purse and phone were not material to the investigation. (LE did not use the word “material” but they said something close to that in meaning.) Anyhow, that says to me that they must have a very reliable witness who saw Morgan drop her purse more than once. Was it the limousine driver? Do we know if the limousine driver was a man or a woman?

    I can’t decide if the purse and phone are connected to the BG or not. Maybe police tested everything and got valuable info, but just wanted to keep it from the BG, thus they said the purse and phone are not evidence. Even facts we think are known could turn out to be unknown. Everything seems to be going in circles.

  2. MsLurkALot says:

    Saramom says:
    February 20, 2010 at 7:58 pm
    You guys are just AMAZING! All of you.

    When we look at location, location, location…how can we not reexamine our thoughts about how the B. Family may or may NOT be involved, possible indirectly. Is it possible that someone entered his property who would have never raised a red flag to him.

    Can someone local please answer if there is any pressure on large land owners to place their land in conservation trust. Many in the area do this, from what I have read. Tax credits, etc. I know it is a controversial issue. Right? I am like a dog with a bone. If I am wrong, please tell me.


    Good morning, Saramom. Did some research after your question, and yes, conservation easements are possibly a topic of interest on those properties, especially ones that North Fork Hardware River runs through. Students and EPA have apparently done a lot of analysis of the river. Here’s a link.

  3. Justice says:

    Skyler, any other local, Can you advise if trash collection is done at night in and around the Charlottesville area by private companies? I see that Charlottesville has it’s own department, but what about in the more remote areas and out of the way area areas such as near Anchorage Farms? Would one have to hire a private company, and if so, do they do night time pick up?


  4. skyler says:

    Bevolovr — which pond ? Some of the pix are actually of water/ponds in the area — but they were iced over w/snow on top so you can’t see them — and some are larger than others — I was thinking about New Poster’s comments, too — my friend ‘saw’ her near water, but not in it — saw her in “woods’

    I felt she was dead from the get-go, too — simply because I never felt she would put her parents thru this horrible time of waiting — that she was close enough to her parents — and/or at least Alex — to call and say: I screwed up, call off the dogs, I’m fine, help me get home ….

    and now I’ve got that song in the my head — thanks a lot (JK) — over the river and thru the woods … the horse knows the way to carry the sleigh …

    is that how she was placed — and especially if she was near the property line of AF

    bevolovr says:
    February 20, 2010 at 9:02 pm
    18.New Poster says:
    February 19, 2010 at 1:57 am

    After looking on Google Earth for a while, I think it is at least a possibility that her body was dumped into Blandemar Farm Pond.


    WOW, New Poster, this is the closest yet I think anyone’s come to the real scenario!!
    This I say because it fits exactly my visions of where Morgan was “put” and where she was “found”.
    I originally saw her in water and unfortunately, I felt, dead.
    But I always saw her being found on a farm.
    I could never reconcile these 2 visions. Now, I feel this is truly what may have happened.
    I live on 110 ac. surrounded by another 1000 or so. We have a creek running thru our land that overflows during extremely hard rains. This creek has banks over 10 ft high and tradionally has 1 ft of water running through it. When it overflows it floods @ or about 10 -15 ft over the banks!! We have to remove large trees from under our bridge each time. Once we had to dislodge a refrigerator!
    Yes, way more force than needed to move a 120 lbs.
    This changes the face of ARAKIS!!

    Sky and Lovely – can you give me some thoughts on this? I really trust y’alls sensativity!!!!

  5. ode says:

    The “Rock” is wonderful. You are so special in so many ways. I would love to be able to go to the bridge but I am very far away, but I will never say never. I would love to see Virginia. Even though it was Evil that brought me here I have found pure and touching Goodness. I have decided that I would love to see Morgan greet us in Heavan. Even if we may not visual recognize each other I think Morgan would recognize each and every one of us. Thanks again Skyler for just being you!

  6. skyler says:

    Mosaic, again, i wish i’d had your map before i left —

    the area literally is under 2 feet of snow — and maybe the building I was thinking was the “green” barn wasn’t the green barn — there is no green barn off Blandemar anymore — what I thought was the barn is now behind a large metal gate, along w/ behind the wooden fence posts – -

    At some point I was on Chopin — again, I’m all for recon again when the weather clears and can take overhead maps/photos w/ me —

    Okay — looking at Google maps — I did take a pix of Blandemar Farm Pond — I’ll try to figure out which one it was — but remember, it was like a one-lane road by that point where the snow plow had gone thru –

  7. Judi says:

    So, if LE knows that someone picked up Morgan or that Morgan was intending at the very least to meet up with someone, I am sure she told her friends and the BB players.

    So, I am trying to think about LE questioning this person already and them saying yes but I dropped her back off here or no I was supposed to meet her and she never showed.

    And, if LE is trying to break the alibi, you would think that they would be needing the public to do so to place or not place him where ever his alibi says he was.

    So, if LE is not looking to the public, not letting the friends and the BB players talk, and is being so clsoe to the chest with things, then you got to ask yourself why?

    If is was a low-life RSO, would LE act like this? No, I don’t think so. I think LE’s behavior screams that this is water that they must tread carefully. Why? I think it is because the person who is responsible is either someone involved with the community, with ties or means, or all of the above, and must have concrete evidence, not circumstancial, to be able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are guilty before making any accusations.

  8. Lovely says:

    total amateur – I beliebe it was WT who was speparated and unaccounted for for about an hour or so during the concert.

    keekee – please do not waste time on OYE’s posts. She is a complete red herring. There are no clues in her words, just ignorance (of the beautiful, blissful kind).

    belovr – i have to look at the maps and get back to you, but i am not a good person to ask…i havent been studying the maps for access routes or have gone as much in to depth as others here. J2K or Skyler or keekee or someone would be good to ask. They have done lots of work, so have others…me…I just throw out questions or angles to keep our minds open and conversation flowing.

  9. Justice says:

    A local RSO just had his pic taken yesterday. Can we “hope”? 22932

    Not in 22932. He is living in the Noke.

  10. skyler says:

    sorry about all the posts — I’m turning the computer off in a bit — this picture is really blurry because a car was behind us — this is Blandemar Farm Pond — the dark area in the middle — and it’s only surrounded by the wire fence

    this is another shot of the pond — see in the hill side where there is a “dip” it’s because the area is cleared of trees — is the little building there the “barn” — you can’t see the pond very well, but that’s what this is a pix of — wish we’d done a close up now — shoot !

  11. skyler says:

    okay — go to google maps — plug in 1740 Chopin Road — I did not drive that close to the pond, I do not believe — to the right of 1740, if you follow Chopin down around, is that the big barn-type RV building the person is referring to ? I did not visually see that — I think I didn’t go far enough — we wereon Poorhouse Rd., too, because I told my kid if he didn’t get a job that’s where he was going to send me — and I think I turned around in someone’s driveway before going around that corner from the top of Chopin near poorhouse, not from 1740 to the right around the pond because the road was really narrow and it was getting dark —

    Blink, is that the back entrance to AF you’re referring to ?

    dang, so close, so far away !!

    BG’s probably eating brunch, hung over from last night’s partying, not even knowing his sorry butt is one day closer to being caught !

    Rock on, BOC !!

  12. skyler says:

    again, sorry about all these posts — but I’m slow on the upload for maps and my brain to connect — but when it does —

    mosaic’s find is great — also remember, we saw literally herds of deer — and deer tracks all thru the snow — some of the tracks onto AF could also be animal paths that deer have been using for very long time — which a person could certainly use, as well —

    makes me wonder again if Morgan was trying to run away and that’s where they caught her —

    whatever the shed or garage or barn is, it’s huge

  13. lee says:

    In doing a little research of persons convicted/serving time (but now out)for prior crimes from central VA area, the name of Darrell Rice keeps popping up (he was suspectd but never convicted of the Route 29 stalkings in mid/late-90s and serving time for other crimes)…excuse this post if this has already been discussed and vetted. Articles online indicate he was let out in 2006(7?) then monitored for 3 years and lived then in the Baltimore area. In addition, apparently his attorney (in C’ville) was holding his truck for him while he was in prison. anyone know where this guy is now?

  14. MsLurkALot says:

    anotherB says:
    February 20, 2010 at 11:17 pm
    Could anyone please have a look at the 2009 orthophotos on gisweb and tell me whether I am going nuts? Were these pictures there before? I only remember older ones.


    No, you’re not going nuts. The Ortho 2009 feature was just activated on GIS one day this week. Before that just Ortho 2005 and 2007 were available.

    Something interesting I noted in this Ortho 2009 view. If you click on parcel 88-3M, and zoom in about 7 ticks down on the blue zoom in/out bar, then look almost due south through AF parcel (88-5). There is a nearly straight line that appears to have been cleared through AF through the clumps of trees. Am wondering if it is a power line clearing. It looks so precise. Am thinking those types of clearings make for easier navigation, and, increases the numbers of people familiar with ingress to the farm (power company employees or sub contracted tree trimmers). I don’t recall seeing that clearing on Ortho 2007.
    Does anyone else see what I’m talking about?

  15. Bj says:

    Either way, I believe Morgan led Farmer Bass to her.

    (Per keekee – TICK TOCK)

    In re to – Diogenes says:
    February 21, 2010 at 3:19 am

  16. MsLurkALot says:

    Justice says:
    February 20, 2010 at 11:20 pm

    I asked this question before, and never saw an answer, so I’ll ask again. Via the terrain view from the link above, does anyone local know anything about the North Fork Hardware River in this area? Would it be wide enough for a john boat, or is this just another name for one of the “creeks” on the property, that is to small in size for any type of water craft?

    &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Yes, NF Hardware River well known to kayakers, canoists. I will repost link I provided earlier:

    UVA, VA Tech students have also been involved in research on the North Fork Hardware. If you google it, you can read all about it.

    It’s funny, but seems many more feet have traversed this area than originally thought.

  17. skyler says:

    the reason I don’t read maps is because they cause more questions than answers —
    we’re looking to the south of Anchorach Farm Drive thru Chopin/Blandemar — but what about the house that’s to the north of AF Drive off 29 S/Monachan Trail — there’s a McMansion there, and if you go straight down the back part of that property, you just have to cross the one fence line to where Morgan was found –morgan was found almost at a direct line if you extend out AF Drive — plus, the “horrific” ordor comment is getting to me — why didn’t they smell it before — November was downright hot — most days in the 70′s — this isn’t making sense to me — and i hate when that happens !

  18. moxiemom says:

    Blink, I rarely post but read regularly (sometimes all day if I need to catch up), and I want to thank you with all my heart for your dedication to finding the scum of the Earth who take the shining souls like Morgan & Christine from our world. I am amazed at the intelligence, insight, and caring that your regular contributors share daily with those of us too shy to speak up. I know I represent many others who read but don’t post when I say Thank You to all of you for working together to solve Morgan’s murder. As someone pointed out earlier, many of us who have followed this case since the beginning have been touched in our own lives by violence and loss (in my case, my paraplegic younger brother was murdered by his care attendant but was never held accountable, and many questions will never be answered). Morgan’s family has been an inspiration to all of us – I don’t know how they do it. I pray for all the answers to the questions in this case and for arrest(s) soon.

    TY friend.
    We are the sum of our parts here.

  19. Phyl says:

    I hope LE really looked into to the Wanna-be-a-profiler poster. Either to rule him out, lock him up, commit him, or offer him a job!!! That post is freaky.

  20. Phyl says:

    Just found this:

    Date rape drugs is a very complex entity which has been highlighted by the media in recent years. The two most notable drugs, gamma hydroxybutyrate, known as GHB, and Rohypnol are the most frequently discussed. Rohypnol is in the category of benzodiazepines. Other drugs also in that category come under Valium, Atavan, Xanax, Halcion or Librium. Other preparations which should be considered are Benadryl, even things such as Nytol, which can be purchased over the counter. The ”date rape” phrase suggests these drugs are unknowingly consumed and a sexual encounter takes place after the victim has been intoxicated.

  21. Lupine says:

    Hi there, I’m new to commenting, but I’ve been observing the case for quite some time now.

    I would like to ask some oppinions on some of these points:

    I feel there is a strong connection between Morgan’s murder and the hippie community in that area. The hippie community brings together many of the things that connect, Morgan, music, festivals, and most of all, parties & events held in secluded areas such as on farmland. It also introduces something I feel to be very important in piecing things together, and that is shrooms. A lot of people in the hippie community use mushrooms (no offense at all to recreational mushroom users, my feelings on drugs are very open minded). Also mushrooms thrive in cow dung, that is where they grow. Morgan was discovered in a cow pasture.

    Maybe the bass farm, and that particular field, had been a place where members of the hippie community grew mushrooms, and went there to party and use them free from the fear of being caught.

    Wether Morgan did or did not use mushrooms herself, she had almost certain ties with the hippie/alt community who most certainly do, leading to the possibility she knew someone who knew the land around Anchorage Farm.

    They might not have been freinds per se, but ‘know by sight’ types who she felt comfortable chatting to. There is a chance that a chain of fluke events lead Morgan, and her killer/s to that Metallica show. The links to the music scene are simply not ignorable.

    It is more than possible she met with these people at a festival/gig/event pertaining to the hippie movement long before she was killed. It is possible a chain of events started a long time before Oct 17th 09.

    Also, is it possible the house that burned down around the time of the murder, was an ‘acid house’ sort of place where people gathered to use drugs & listen to music? A place where hippie types might have gathered? Maybe there was some, tiny piece of evidence inside that house someone did not want getting out, such as a map of the Basses farm showing where the shroom patches were?

    This is all of course speculation on my part.

    Also, Blink, you mentioned you were on a HUNT for WAYYYYY BRIGHT folks to come in on the case? I assume this means the name Waybright and possibly the name Hunt? Or maybe something to do with a hunter who used the land around the farm for hunting? Hence you saying on a HUNT. Thanks for the clues though.

    Does anyone know anything else about this Waybright connection? Or what HUNT meant?

  22. total amateur says:

    Find the four males dressed in black- find her killer.

    From all the witnesses, alledged witnesses, sightings, rumors, hypotheses, theories, and everything in between. I ‘ve tried to clear my head- go back to basic information. Simplify.

    No LE statement, no media report, no rumor has identified these people. To our knowledge- none of them have come forward. These people were the last seen with Morgan. They have thus far been unaccounted for. They were in the area where her purse was found. If LE knows who they are, then they’re not saying. If they’re not saying, then they are POI’s. If one (or more) of these people didn’t commit the crime themselves- they know where she was headed.

    The accountant saw Morgan with these men walking away from the main arena at approximately 9:05, and again near a vehicle in the RV lot 10 minutes later. So at one point before then, they ran into Morgan near the main arena. At 8:48 she had called her friends sounding if she had found a way home, or would catch up with them later. So, if she knew this at 8:48 before being seen leaving the main area at 9:05- these four guys were in the main arena area prior to 8:48. If at approximately 9:15, the accountant saw her around a vehicle with these same guys, then the UVA BB players interacted with her briefly, stating she was appeared alone when they left approximately 9:20. According to Skyler, no one on the bridge 9:20-9:25. Morgan is seen on the bridge at 9:30. This only leaves one scenario.

    Morgan is with these 4 males at some time before 8:48, and again at 9:05- 9:15.
    These 4 males are not with her at 9:20-9:25 when the UVA BB players interact and leave.
    The 4 males had gone to get their vehicle(s).
    Most likely in the Uhall lot.
    She wandered up to the bridge to meet them.
    Gone at 9:30.

  23. John says:

    Re Diogenes Post # 21
    I am with you. I have doubts about farmer Bass, as well. There was a search planned to start Jan 17, which had to be cancelled due to snow. It was supposedly to include a larger area than was previously searched. Harrington’s hoped to reschedule for Feb.1.
    Farmer David Bass all of a sudden finds Morgan, after her being there for about three months. I have read different stories as to what he has stated. (probably not all true) One story is “clothing was nearby” another was “she had black clothing on” 911 call states he was not “sure skeleton was human”, another that “he immediately thought it might be Morgan” Well, if there was clothing on OR nearby, why would he say that? I have lots more to say, but will not say it for now.

  24. Elizabeth says:

    Mom3 post 46. I agree. Was it a coincidence that Morgan got up, kissed her friend, stopped at the ladies room and headed straight over to the lot where the basketball players just happened to leave practice at that exact time. Was that the plan or a coincidence?

  25. Elizabeth says:

    I am so moved by all that Skyler and the other posters on BOC have done for Morgan. The kind words for her family. The memorial to comfort them. The beautiful slate with thoughts of angels and 241.

    Now I have to ask. What the hay have the “friends” done. Nothing notable but “keeping their silence”. Good work..keep it! You ain’t no friend of mine and you certainly aren’t or weren’t a friend of Morgans.

  26. cvillenative says:

    I just had a thought that I don’t believe anyone else has mentioned yet. We have speculated that LE knows the cause of death and is waiting for confirmation, and we have thought that is because of a visible gunshot wound on knife wound(s) on the remains. We have also heard speculation that BG left something at the scene where the remains were found. Could the BG(s) have left the murder weapon? We have heard that LE found an abundance of physical evidence with her remains. Could that have included a knife or a gun or whatever? Just a thought.

  27. lee says:

    hey Blink….do not see my prior post.. so sorry if it was wrong to post a name instead of initials(DR)?…felt like i could do that since that criminal has been widely publicized and there has been speculation about him of late…please excuse if I messed up!

  28. yoshi says:

    Skyler- Thank you so much for your detailed description of the area. Now I have to rethink my point of entry theory. Unless there wasn’t a point of entry. As in they were already within the the area (or surrounding area) where she was found.

    And Skyler, your memorial stone is so beautiful. You brought a little piece of each of us and placed it on that bridge. I thank you for allowing me to be a part of that. It must have meant a great deal to you to be able to come full circle, so to speak, to go back to that bridge and do something for Morgan. I know you have struggled with the fact that you just missed her on the night she disappeared.

    I’m still catching up. To those who sit with a bunch of windows and tabs open, I’m right there with you. I have almost started a flow chart a few times trying to keep everything straight.

    Don’t think we have discussed stagehands in any detail. This is the company that did the stage for Metallica at JPJ in Oct. They do lots of venues and own a couple of other companies. They operate like the security companies… use a call list. Wonder what they do during the concerts and where they park.

  29. bevolovr says:

    25.suz says:
    February 21, 2010 at 4:37 am
    bevolovr, nice Dune reference!

    Thx, Suz,couldn’t resist.

    Regarding the PO ingress – I spent hrs studying the terrain in and around AF, thx to my recent discovery of GoogleEarth tilt mode. I live in a very similar area – hay fields, creek, hills, ravines. From experience I know if you can access an area by tractor, you can access it by 4 wheeler, truck, on foot, moto-cross, etc. The terrain from Blandemar to Morgan’s field is an easy go, it’s a fairly level stretch. If it were me I’d have chosen that route, staying close to the tree line. The land is higher @ that green barn, and slopes down to the field. I see now also how close to a creek bed Morgan was. I also now go with Blink, that the heavy rains and melting snow could have moved her.
    The Red Hill Rd entry looks more difficult to navigate. One would have to go thru trees and up and over a hill, plus across the creek. Now, as I mentioned before, we have a creek, very steep, but we have a low-water crossing that we can use in our truck and tractor.
    The front gate could have worked, especially since the Basses weren’t home, but Blink’s insistence has me doubting it, tho that’s my 2nd pick.
    As to Mr. Bass’s amazing luck @ finding Morgan – I too believe NOT a coincidence. I do NOT think he’s complicit. I DO believe he received some sort of message concerning that field that led him to go there, probably anonymous. Could have been about tresspassers, poachers, someone growing something, IDK.

    Now I’m back to that awful night of Oct 17 – WHY would Morgan leave a concert she anticipated for months???
    I can only think of 2 reasons (with varying scenarios):
    1) Something upset her so much she just felt like she had to get out of there, or
    2) She was meeting someone so special she was willing to forego Metallica.
    Thinking about #1:
    1a) What if she fought with her “friends”? What if she left, angry, thinking she’d just go sit the concert out in her car? She’s angry, hurt, exits the arena, heads to the car. But then she realizes she doesn’t have her keys, DC does. So she heads back to JPJ and tries to get in. No luck. Then she tries getting ahold of her “friends” to bring her the keys. Suppose the convo goes something like this.
    “Look, I need my keys, bring them down here to me. I’m waiting @ the door.” Suppose her “friends” refuse to bring them to her – they’re afraid she’s going to drive off. Now she’s really mad, and her response is, “Fine, go to h–l, I’ll find my own freakin ride home!! Enjoy the freakin concert!!”
    1b) Same scenario, slightly different, she sees someone @ the concert she doesn’t want to see, or maybe doesn’t expect to see. Maybe someone who wasn’t supposed to be there, and maybe they’re with someone else, a date, that should have been her. Again, hurt, angry, leaves, etc, etc.

    Now #2 – Someone Special:
    She says bye to her group, and leaves the arena, knowing this special someone is waiting outside for her, someone who isn’t GOING to the concert; knowing she isn’t coming back.
    Suppose she meets him, they leave, then what if THEY FIGHT? Morgan insists on going back to JPJ. He takes her back, she tries to get back in, fails, etc, etc.

    Morgan is now outside, alone. So perhaps she starts trying to find a ride, calling/txting friends/acquaintences, looking for a way out of there or something to do.
    She allegedly meets and talks to different people, apparently not distressed. And somewhere after this she disappears.
    I think it possible someone saw/overheard her predicament, and came to her “rescue” – someone who @ first seemed “safe”. Then things went bad from there.

    So, back to reason #1. Does any record exist of Morgan’s exact convo with her “friends” about finding a ride?
    Is there any evidence the “friends” waited for Morgan after the concert, on the chance she didn’t find one?
    Could this be a reason for their silence?

  30. yoshi says:

    Blink, since you’re having server overload, this one is for you but could apply to others.

    I know that many of us have been doing research and looking at cache pages. Be careful. (Blink, this might be the reason for your overloaded server problems…dns spoofing or cache poisoning) Have your people do a check to make sure there isn’t something on your machine/network that is occupying more space than it should) I was trying to see a cache of a facebook page and I was redirected to a site that directs to illegal porn etc. (DO NOT CLICK if this happens to you) It had nothing to do w/the young gentleman’s facebook page and everything to do w/someone using an ISP address that google owns. Here is a discussion that discusses this very IP address. I found the 3rd post from the bottom the most relevant. It’s very complicated and technical, but worth looking into.

  31. Observer says:

    To Dubi: I join others here in welcoming you remotely to BOC. I visited Dubrovnik, Croatia a few years ago; a very lovely place.

    TO Sky: My sentiments echo so many others’ here who thank you profusely for not only the time and attention you put into creating that special memento from BOC for Morgan’s memorial on Copeley, but for the obvious love and care you put into creating such a poignant piece. You carried the love of many with you when you placed it on the bridge. [BTW: I too attended the Celtic Woman concert at JPJ last Friday night; it was predictably awesome! You indicated earlier that you had floor seats; I must have been right above you, as I was in the lower-orchestra, center; perfect seats to enjoy that most amazing vocal, musical, and visual extravaganza!]

    TO Chad: I appreciate so much that you have established a private FB site for interested BOC posters to relay personal messages, thoughts, etc. While I would love to participate (and exchange personal thoughts w/ other BOC “family members”), I have chosen not to at this time. [I'm admittedly very "FB-challenged" (shoot--I'm "computer-challenged" as it is:-)))...but more importantly, I made a conscious decision some time ago (for personal reasons, i.e., a "stalkerish" former student who was a nice but rather troubled young man) to remove my FB profile entirely.]

    TO Dakota (if you’re still reading/following BOC–and I hope you are): No worries, dear friend; I took no offense at all, re: one of your now-long-ago posts (on a different BOC thread) when you tried to lighten things up a bit and spoke of seeing Ralph Sampson one evening all those years ago. (Remember, that was surely not me with him:-))) I found nothing offensive in your post then, nor do I now. I know that you, like everyone else, have only Morgan’s best interests at heart, and I “heart” you for that, as well. As they say “It’s all good”, Dakota.


    1. If it will be of any assistance to some here, I will be happy to provide a specific “feet on the ground” view, re: JPJ, etc. and do the following: 1) park at JPJ; 2) walk across the U-Hall parking lot; 3) walk to the RV/Lanningan Lot; 4) walk to the Copeley Bridge. [I'd already earlier walked the bridge and reported back on BOC both the number of steps and approximate time it takes to traverse the bridge.] I offer the above if it might be of help to some who are wondering about the time necessary to walk this distance as it pertains to the earliest established timeline. [Note to B: No worries; the BG will have no idea on what day or time I will undertake the above activities. Beside that, I remain convinced that this lower-life-form/bottom-feeder is otherwise distracted and hunkering-down somewhere in rural Albemarle County at this very moment, rightly sweating the proverbial bullets that LE is closing-in on him as I hit these keys on my keyboard...From my keyboard to God's ears...]

    2. RE: “date rape drugs”: [Early proviso: I am not asserting that I believe that Morgan was unwittingly given a date-rape drug--although that is clearly not out of the realm of possibility.] While others here have described certain date rape drugs, another that has had some “popularity” in college/university settings is rohypnol or “roophies”. After taken, the victim often does not lose complete consciousness but is semi-aware of what is happening–but is completely and abjectly unable to “fight back” from an assault (usually sexual in nature). They may be able to mumble or struggle to some, very minor degree; however, they are otherwise virtually helpless. After the assault and the effects of the roophie wear off, the victim is often able to recall what occurred, at least to some degree.

    It is especially terrifying for the victim who’s ingested a roophie to know what is happening to them but be completely unable to defend themselves or fend off their attacker. It is for this reason that college students are often advised never to allow someone else to get a drink for them or, refill their drink. Roophies and date rape drugs did not exist (rather, they were not used in “social settings”) when I was in college approx. 102 yrs. ago; however, ERs near colleges and universities sadly see their fair share of roophie victims. I know, having served as a s.a. victim advocate accompanying a young (roophie) victim in the UVA ER some years ago.

    3. RE: Mr. Bass: Mr. Bass has personally been thoroughly vetted by LE and is in no way, shape or form complicit in Morgan’s demise. [I offer the above to readers who may yet harbor questions or concerns about Mr. Bass's having found Morgan's remains on such a remote location on his property.]

  32. fish says:

    thanks suz!
    I’m going out of my mind trying to figure out how they got out there. Yes, I know they did but if we could narrow down with what…then maybe we can move to the next. I think that unless, I track it over there and see for myself, then I will just keep being confused. If they came from the green barn, then I do not think that it would be difficult. Hills or not. I am on a veeerrrry steep grade and I did it just fine. But, like I said my tires were caked.
    If they came from chopin, then yes, who had the keypad pin and who is helping. Also, they could be construction, relator or some department who would need this pin number to gain access when immediately nessesary. Maybe one is related to any of these. They easily have “surfed” the pin number to gate.
    Here’s another thing, does this pad even work? One time, at a medical building, I pushed 1,1,1 on a pad on the gate popped up. I was told by security of this feature. Could they have know this? Each pad is different folks!
    Maybe a general number is used for workers. Thus, identifying owners seperately and people who do not live there. Many home alarm companies provide us with this service. I give out our dog-sitter,
    (of our two very BIG dogs, BG!) a different code for just this reason. If needed, which we never have, we would know when she came and went.
    This is just a thought I had this morning, about how B said they got there. Not by front gate. Rules out AF gate.

    Also, while we are on the subject of Mr. Bass. The only thing that this man should worry about is the registered, violent sex offender that was in his home, that he pays for, sitting and enjoying the soothing sounds of “blue grass”, all the while with his toungue wagging to and fro! Mr. McCreepy to the max!

    Mr. Bass found our shiny girl because he was doing what Morgan was doing any other time in her life…She and He was just livin’ it!

    But, I do understand your point Diogenes, nobody ruled out until HE is caught. But, somehow I believe that LE is sorting through and ruling out certain people.
    It is just my opinion, but I believe that Mr. Bass has that tiny little miracle that he should just tuck into his pocket and know deep down, that without Mother Nature rearing up, some beautiful storms over the Blue Ridge, he and we may never have found Miss Morgan.

    I still would like to know about mud in a wheelwell. Dirt is very specific to location, location, location.

    (ok, i lied! pooch has more bark than bite!)

  33. bevolovr says:

    25.suz says:
    February 21, 2010 at 4:37 am
    I wonder what eliminates my patented Occam-friendly ‘right thru the front gate’ theory, or what makes LE and Blink certain that access was via another point? Is the gate ruled out because it wouldn’t work, or is another entrance ruled in because thar’s some evidence that says yep, this is the way? hmmmm….
    Suz, sorry I never really addressed this question. I believe the BG may be VERY familiar with Blandemar Estates as well, as in living close by. JMHO.

  34. Josie says:

    Thank you so much Skyler. The stone is absolutely beautiful. Thanks too for taking it to Charlottesville and placing it on Copley. I’m glad you took some pics of Morgan’s memorial there on the bridge. It means a lot to actually see some close ups of it. The pictures are beautiful that you and ‘Barney’ took out around Anchorage Farm and surrounding area. I’m glad you and your son were able to spend the day together and it sounds like you had a great time. I had to lol about him taking a pic of the road name. Tell him that’s one of those names that you wanna whisper when you say it. Glad you got to take in Celtic Woman. I love Celtic music and if you haven’t already, you need to go to a River Dance show sometime. Awesome.

    I lived in Chesterfield Co. for four years in the Bon Air area.

    Thanks a million for everything. A big hug for you and the boy!

    Blink, I’m back in SW VA now for a few weeks, so it’s a different computer, but still me, Jo2daZ.

    Also welcome to all the new posters. I am amazed at the great minds here at Blinks. Blinks our girl and we love her!

  35. Josie says:

    Sorry, I forgot the apostrophe. Blink’s.

  36. C-ville says:

    There are some amazing aerial photos on the findmorgan site. I believe they just posted today and are on the main page of the forum titled “aerial photos”. They give you a real perspective of the topography in the area. I suggest checking them out if you can! So many more hills and mountains in that area than any flat map can show. Obviously they are still old maps from google and not as updated as Albemarle GIS maps, but they are great for getting an understanding of the area.

  37. C-ville says:

    OOPS! Sorry, it is titled “Aerial Images”. There are links but if you scroll down the page all of the photos are there without linking!

  38. redrock says:

    Obviously, the offender did not attend the concert. Hoe do you connect dots?

  39. Observer says:

    Correction to above post, re: roofies: Morgan may have been given (not “unwittingly given”) a roophie. [She may have "unwittingly" ingested a roophie, at the hands of the BG--or someone else and the BG later took advantage of it.]

  40. Phyl says:

    I’m hoping LE checked into this as well.

    Based just south of Charlottesville on Rt.29 (North Garden, VA), Metro Sports Club
    is looking for QDM minded members to join their 1,200+AC hunt club for the 2009-2010 season.

    The land consists of numerous food plots and the terrain varies from mountains to swamps from thick bush to open timber to field edge. There’s bascially something there for just about every type of hunter. Throughout the prroperty there are plenty of ATV trails so all 1200AC is readily accesible. If you don’t have an ATV then don’t worry. Some of the best hunting is just a short walk away from the house. The place is loaded with deer, turkeys and bear with very little pressure so there’s game everywhere. And being in their 7th year of well managed QDM program in conjunction with the VDGIF’s DMAP program there’s plenty of nice bucks to be had as well. Plus there’s access to a number of quarry ponds that are filled with all types of fish during the off season and they have a shooting range that runs out to 150yds. Yes, you have year round access to the property as well. On the property is a house
    that sleeps 30+ people with running water and electrifity. There’s even elecrical hook-up’s outside if you want to bring your own camper down to sleep in. Behind the house is a covered area that holds up to 10 ATV’s and a covered check-in station. Plus there are no “seniority rules” either so everything is equal and open access to everyone (ie. Beds, stands, etc…)

    The property is part of the VDGIF’s DMAP program so there’s bascially unlimited doe tags and every day of the hunting season is an open doe day on this property. The property also acts as it’s own check-in station as well with their own supply of deer tags given to them by the DMAP program so you don’t have to use yours. Locally there’s a meat processor that will take care of your game for an excellent cost ($35/deer) and there’s an award winning taxidermist near by as well.

    Dues are ONLY $500/yr and the only other responsibilities are mandatory work detials days which keeps the firewood in the house stocked, food plots planted and, trails cleared and upkept.

    If you’re interedted in learning more about the property, even to scheudle a tour, please contact Ted DiBenedetto at 703.597.6714 or eMail him at

  41. Minnie Penney says:

    I read that Mr Bass was checking his fences to make sure they had not been damaged in a wind storm. I guess the height of the tractor gave him a better view. I think I also read that he and Mrs. Bass were not at home the night Morgan was abducted.

  42. redly says:

    lee says:
    February 21, 2010 at 1:54 pm

    In doing a little research of persons convicted/serving time (but now out)for prior crimes from central VA area, the name of Darrell Rice keeps popping up (he was suspectd but never convicted of the Route 29 stalkings in mid/late-90s and serving time for other crimes)…excuse this post if this has already been discussed and vetted. Articles online indicate he was let out in 2006(7?) then monitored for 3 years and lived then in the Baltimore area. In addition, apparently his attorney (in C’ville) was holding his truck for him while he was in prison. anyone know where this guy is now?


    Pretty sure he is in prison on a probation violation (and was when Morgan was taken). I believe the police stay on him and put him back in lock up whenever they can as they are pretty confident he was the Rt 29 Stalker.

  43. Concerned Mom says:

    45.keekee says:
    February 21, 2010 at 11:55 am
    i think the person responsible for the placement of morgan’s purse is someone with crime investigation knowledge…and that, my friends, scares the cheese outa me!

    Or was advised by someone with crime investigation knowledge??

    I drove over Copely bridge this morning to see the slate Skyler painted and it is beautiful. I was so moved by everything on the bridge. I had not driven over it for a few weeks and couldn’t beleive everything that is now there.

    There is truly a lot of love for Morgan!

  44. bevolovr says:

    6.skyler says:
    February 21, 2010 at 12:51 pm
    Bevolovr — which pond ? Some of the pix are actually of water/ponds in the area — but they were iced over w/snow on top so you can’t see them — and some are larger than others — I was thinking about New Poster’s comments, too — my friend ’saw’ her near water, but not in it — saw her in “woods’


    Sky, I’m referring to the pond/lake by Chopin and Waldemar, northeast of Morgan’s field. I now think that may be too far a distance for the body to travel, but I see what looks like a creek, maybe an overflow for the pond, that travels down to the field. I have seen the force of the water flowing thru our creek and as I said the water gets very high. Our creek and pond were frozen too, on top, but water was still flowing underneath. Just a thought…but I too think this is simple.
    Beautiful work on the memorial for Morgan, too!!!

  45. bevolovr says:

    Sky, shoot, just saw your pic of Blandemar Farm Pond, That’s the one!!

  46. Sin City says:

    Maybe I’m completely naïve, but don’t emergency personnel have emergency access codes to gated properties? I only mention this because I believe LE, Fire & Rescue have emergency access codes to gated communities in my city. Didn’t one of the previous posters, who was in the local area, mention that one of the gate key pads was broken? If someone is ‘in a time of stress’ a gate isn’t going to stop him from doing what he feels he needs to do.

    This is only my two cents worth. I’ll return to my reading of all the great work you all are doing.

    First concert: Scorpians (Here I am, Rock you like a hurricane)

    Rock on Morgan!

  47. Ragdoll says:

    Would anyone mind letting me in on who OYE is? I’ve tried and tried and was determined not to ask for help. Is it code for someone else’s name that some of us are not privy too? If so, my apologies for snooping?

    TIA! ~xo~

  48. bevolovr says:

    Sky, okay me too slow on reading!! 1740 Chopin is the address I was referring to above, skirting that treeline, down to Morgan’s field – the ingress…

  49. Lovely says:

    Just found this snippet from the interview the Harringtons gave recently:

    Police, the Harringtons said, are convinced the killer or killers live close to where Morgan’s body was found, just 10 miles south of where she disappeared, and they’re convinced justice will be meted out. “There is a bad guy here in Charlottesville,” Dan Harrington said. “Students and citizens need to be aware of their surroundings and not make themselves unsafe.”

    The “10 miles south of where she disappeared” struck me…

    Those doing research – do any of our BG live 10 miles south of our ground zero?

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