Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. anotherB says:

    @ dda MsLurkALot

    Thank you :-)

    Still wondering about that strange shadow – it is in the upper left corner of the field, in the tree line, and it looks like a person standing there. Does anybody have a clue what it might be?

    Whatever these tracks are, they indicate someone goes there. This is quite important.

  2. gifter3 says:

    Hi Total Amateur,
    I believe you are referring to a
    post from our dear friend Liam in Ireland.
    This was in reference to Wayne Townsend.
    I hope Liam will re-post, or someone else can find it.
    Liam corned WT, and his answers were iffy, vague,inconsistent.
    IMO WT was up to no good that night-whatever it was!


    Suz, Diogenes, Georgia,
    I also have questions.

    I tried to go down that road when I posted the
    video of “Here’s to the Long Haul” playing at Anchorage Farm!!!!
    But….I was nixxed because “Mr. Bass was a distraught, good guy.

    “Is it a crime for the Basses to entertain bands on their
    own property?-No.
    Does it strike me as EXTREMELY interesting that the band happened to be HTTLHaul? Yes.

    Do I wonder what other partying connections there are at AF? Yes.

    Why? Because HTTLHaul also played at Bonnaroo, which is one of the venues Morgan and her friends have attended for the last 3yrs.
    Mr Bass also has a daughter a little older than Morgan who lives on the property and probably enjoys music. She probably has friends that like music.

    A picture was painted of Anchorage Farm-a lone farmer-not even a working farm-just a farmer with some money, no farm hands, few cows out in the middle of no where, only 4 hunters allowed on property….

    What I object to, is that no one is forthcoming in accurately describing what has and is going on at and around Anchorage Farm.

    There is a lot of land, but it sounds like a pretty busy place to me-annual bike races in the area with bonfires and camping, college housing right around the corner, Blandemere subdivision, campgrounds and more.

    There are just too many connections with these music venues, all these different bands, friends, neighbors, parents that own these venues, money, land,breweries etc.for NO ONE to know anything about how Morgan ended up at Anchorage Farm!
    I don’t buy it.

  3. sailor says:

    Do LE and emergency personnel have access to keypad numbers?

  4. Saramom says:

    Is my post from 2-19 being held for a reason?

    Thanks for all you do.

    Yes, you said you trusted me to post only if appropriate

  5. Sin City says:

    Here I am, Will you send me an angel
    Here I am, In the land of the morning star

    —Scorpions “Send me an Angel”

    Our Shiny Girl is dancing forever!

  6. anotherB says:

    Sorry for the confusion, here is a better way to describe the spot:

    Find the tree line X on 2009 orthophotos and follow the trees to the left towards the border of Anchorage Farm. There are two large, dark cone shaped trees, with a free space in between. What is that between these trees?

  7. Nice lady says:

    Searching around I found a great site with real street level views and an interactive feature that lets you “walk” the route you’re interested in. I think this link will take you right to the Ivy/Copeley Street intersection, then you can “travel” up over the Copeley St Bridge and get some idea of distances Morgan walked that night. I don’t know when this was taken, but Morgan’s memorial isn’t there, must’ve been before Oct 17th. I hope the link works…

  8. justiceformorgan says:

    keekee, I’m not convinced the purse was placed there. I still hold the opinion that the purse was dropped by Morgan when she was abducted. Have I missed something?

  9. maggie603 says:

    here are the past posts/discussions regarding OYE:

    1. Momof3 says:
    December 24, 2009 at 3:33 pm
    Thank you for your kind words. I also value your contributions.
    Believe it or not, I also valued OYE’s posts. But, as much as I valued them, I do not think she should have been left unchecked to voice her scorn of Morgan. After all, Blink’s site is for the victims. She allows no one to disrespect the victims ,their families or one another on her site. I think that is a good thing. (keep in mind Blink told OYE she would have to respect others or she would have to boot her from the site which happened to OYE on another site))
    I do not know who OYE is either. I think no one here, besides Blink, does. Although, her status is not known now, it was then.
    So, to a certain extent OYE has the cover of anonymity still.
    I agree, most people will shut down when they feel threatened. That is human nature.
    These are the important *facts?* from OYE’s posts:
    Morgan, instead of driving around drinking and smoking all night,went to a party before or after the concert (unknown to OYE) Some how whether from the fall or alcohol poisoning Morgan dies. The young people 18-21 panic and cover this up. Leaving Morgan to be listed as a missing person.
    Quotes from OYE
    “Do you think a 18-21 year old would come forward? Or, would you hope to God that someone would eventually connect the dots?” Paraphrase- If those with her were drinking or doing drugs would they come forward …”and, would they make sure she still had her camera?”
    “I have it on good info that MH was told “not to get drunk at that party”. I dont know if the party was before the concert, or maybe one to which she went after leaving the arena. . .If that is true perhaps scenario was this: MH “I cant get back in, I’m going to get a ride to X LOCATION for the party” SS: “Ok well then dont get drunk, etc” MH “yeah, WTF ever, dont worry about it” After concert, no Morgan, so SS & Company are like “I told her not to. . . .we can’t wait on her forever” EXIT SS & Company. Meanwhile, MH partied it up at X LOCATION, she OD’s, partiers freak and she is left in some unknown location…….and assuming for A SECOND that rather than ride around in a car all night smoking and/or drinking, she went to a party with some “friends”: #1 where would students most likely meet up to party? a local hotel? abandoned buildings somewhere? a local back road? students in my area tend to meet up in a wooded area near a State campground. . . back at JMU from whence they came?
    I don’t know knew these tidbits to be fact or whether,she like us was just being an arm chair detective. I am hopeful that LE does read this board and they have followed up with OYE in order to find out the truth.
    2. Momof3 says:
    December 24, 2009 at 3:39 pm
    Forgot an important post of OYES
    “local comments immediately following MHs disappearance (a couple days after and BEFORE everyone close stopped talking) were that she was at a party. Not sure if before or after the concert. IF after, and if Econolodge comments ring true, should be easy enough for LE to find out who was in rooms. . . or at least who booked them and go from there. Econolodge is a stones throw from JPJ. Look at google maps”

    1. roageo says:
    December 26, 2009 at 2:13 pm
    OYEs seemed to have some ‘inside’ information, perhaps, from ‘whispers’ floating around within her student/social circle/community. I think she tried to share some of this with the posters on Blink, in her own way…through frustration and tears for a friend.
    I think some of OYE’s postings are worth reviewing:
    # Comment by OPEN YOUR EYES — December 9, 2009 @ 12:53 pm
    Also–I have it on good info that MH was told “not to get drunk at that party”. I dont know if the party was before the concert, or maybe one to which she went after leaving the arena. . .If that is true perhaps scenario was this: MH “I cant get back in, I’m going to get a ride to X LOCATION for the party” SS: “Ok well then dont get drunk, etc” MH “yeah, WTF ever, dont worry about it” After concert, no Morgan, so SS & Company are like “I told her not to. . . .we can’t wait on her forever” EXIT SS & Company. Meanwhile, MH partied it up at X LOCATION, she OD’s, partiers freak and she is left in some unknown location.
    # Comment by OPEN YOUR EYES — December 9, 2009 @ 2:40 pm
    Also, i would point out that i did not say Morgan was using DRUGS. ..those were YOUR WORDS, my dear. I said she was STRUGGLING WITH SOMETHING. Are you ignoring the parts of my post that were re-statements of FACTS as well? Please re-read. .
    Comment by OPEN YOUR EYES — December 11, 2009 @ 9:24 am
    You should at least consider the information from those closest to the night, the venue, the community where this occurred
    # Comment by OPEN YOUR EYES — December 11, 2009 @ 10:54 am
    i guess live and reside are the same thing?
    # Comment by OPEN YOUR EYES — December 11, 2009 @ 5:56 pm
    going back to J2K’s #2012 post, and assuming for A SECOND that rather than ride around in a car all night smoking and/or drinking, she went to a party with some “friends”: #1 where would students most likely meet up to party? a local hotel? abandoned buildings somewhere? a local back road? students in my area tend to meet up in a wooded area near a State campground. . . back at JMU from whence they came?
    2473• Comment by OPEN YOUR EYES — December 17, 2009 @ 9:10 am
    @ Yoshi & Counselor 4u: local comments immediately following MHs disappearance (a couple days after and BEFORE everyone close stopped talking) were that she was at a party. Not sure if before or after the concert. IF after, and if Econolodge comments ring true, should be easy enough for LE to find out who was in rooms. . . or at least who booked them and go from there. Econolodge is a stones throw from JPJ. Look at google maps.
    (Other postings on Blink not by OYE).
    Blink, could Morgan have been trying to get to the video shoot after she found herself locked out of the concert? Is this the party OYE may have been referring to in her posts? The unknown male textee was not in Charlottesville, could he have been at the shoot? Did Morgan try hitching a ride there and never made it, or did a friend come to get her??? Things that make you go hmmmm…..
    on their facebook wall:
    Electric Chameleon
    Getting ready to for the “Hey Girl” video shoot, working with premier producer/director Scott Hansen check his work out at
    October 17 at 8:35am
    From FB “Please help with finding Morgan Dana Harrington. Please.”
    In this photo: Amelia Janel Melvin, Morgan Harrington, Sara Turner, Ramona Turpin, Chelsea Stuart Groggins

  10. keekee says:

    lurkalot!! i was researching the exact same thing about the land conservation thing and found a document from 2007 where farmer bass withdrew almost 654 acres from the hardware district. it was the largest withdrawal out of a handful and helped reduce the total acreage from over 4000 to less than 3000. if i understand correctly, the whole of anchorage farm is 742 acres.

  11. suz says:

    ohiomom, seems to me the purse is either:

    -Dropped or left behind accidentally by Morgan in the lot
    -Dropped or left behind accidentally by Morgan elsewhere, then moved to lot by passersby
    -Dropped by Morgan accidentally due to blitz attack in the lot
    -Dropped by Morgan on purpose as a clue after attack in the lot
    -Returned by BG who luckily returned it to the lot she was last seen in
    -Returned by BG who knew she had been in that lot

    Not sure if I’ve missed any permutations, but you’re right, LE has totally downplayed the significance of the purse.

    How the battery gets out of the phone is of course another list.

  12. dda says:

    I see it too. Not sure about a big power line but does look like some type of utility easement that has been cleared. Too straight to be natural plus you can see trees have been removed or cleared. Maybe just a single above ground line that just had the trees trimmed? What all this says to me is that just because Mr. Bass does not frequent that part of the farm, it is not complete wilderness–there are signs of activity in some form or another.

  13. justiceformorgan says:

    Chad, I hope the FB page is only for OT discussions ~ I don’t want to miss anything :( I want to follow the case with the minds on BOC but I’m only comfortable giving my email (ip) address, etc to Blink. I’m probably being overly-protective but there is still a very evil person(s) out there who did this horrific thing and I’m sure that person(s) is lurking on the internet, reading comments, and perhaps even getting a great deal of pleasure out of doing so, and that terrifies the h*ll out of me…and, I don’t even live in the United States!

  14. SuzeeB says:

    Lee – Darrell Rice was in Federal Prison at the time of Morgan’s disappearance. See article

  15. Redrock says:

    I think LE initially used the word “abandoned” to describe the purse.

  16. susanm says:

    was he going put her in the pond ,and chickened out ,opted for the woods near the pond.

  17. Word Girl says:

    Justice 2/21 11:36 pm

    Thanks so much for painting that picture of your fence inspections, mending, the boys winter hunting tracks being seen until spring, and more. Great information. Hope everyone gets a chance to read it.

    ohiomom, we have identified the limo driver as male. We have a secondhand account of what he told his boss and LE regarding MH being seen with the bball players. Limo driver’s boss spoke to the media about what his driver reported. We also have rumor that driver is ex-LE.

    Also, Justice, the only places I know of night trash collection would be in large cities. It seems like a precarious job to navigate rural roads and roadsides without benefit of light? Dark, dark out there! Besides, many rural people compost and go to the dump regularly, don’t they? Naturally, I can’t say for sure, but you could call the garbage company there and let us know.

    I’ve only been crankily sleepy in Paris when the workers came down the streets, clanking, sweeping, and washing the sidewalks! And in NYC having to step around garbage bags on the sidewalks that disappeared overnight…

  18. Cairn says:

    Several neighboring equestrian services available in North Garden area.

  19. Sapphire says:

    MsLurkALot: They are power lines. If you zoom in more you can see the poles run the full length of the farm. There would have to be an access gate.
    Oh, hi all, been a lurker from the beginning. What great researchers on this site. Bless you all for the love and dedication to Morgan and her family.

  20. TDBone says:


    Wondering if my picture links (25) ever went through, I posted them this afternoon…it was my first post, so I may have done it wrong.


  21. yoshi says:

    Does anyone in the area own one of these? Seems like a little workhorse.

    Blink, please check spam or let me know if I should repost. 2 of my comments are awaiting moderation from 5:30 this afternoon. They were pretty straightforward, I think. If their being held, please disregard.

  22. TDBone says:


    Hold off on posting them, if you were going to. Turns out, they are a little off with their elevation…there is an exaggeration in those images. I will update/fix them tomorrow and re-post.


  23. Word Girl says:

    Sapphire and TDBone, welcome.
    Yoshi and TD, Blink just advised us to write shorter (more succinct) posts.
    It could be they went to spam…TD, I’d like to see the photos and yoshi, your
    posts are always great.

  24. fish says:

    “Elizabeth says:
    February 21, 2010 at 3:49 pm
    What the hay have the “friends” done. Nothing notable but “keeping their silence”.”
    E: Were you channeling me? They have offered nothing. It took a rock painted by a complete stranger to connect us all. It took me drivin’ my kid back and forth showing her Morgan’s memorial and warning her about the pitfalls of life. Trust yourself and I’m now telling her to question even authority. I tell her she better call ‘backup’ and that would be her dad and me. Better safe than sorry, as I just do not know.
    I’m afaid that both Sky’s and mine will be in therapy together, as well as, many other of our children, who’s parents are on this site. We have spent so much time here and laundry still building. I, of all people, know that many have suffered the loss of a loved one but I gotta believe, no I know, that this love for Morgan is rare, indeed. Just unbelievable, really. Helps renew my faith in mankind.
    But, the lack of outpouring love and support from the group of them makes me sad, terribly sad and thus, why I say they better seek the help. It will roll over them like a freight train.

    “Sin City says:
    February 21, 2010 at 8:53 pm
    Maybe I’m completely naïve,”

    No my friend, you are not.

  25. fish says:

    “J2K: B – I’m just gonna come out and ask it: Does LE know from which geographical pathway the perp likely got her to that spot?”
    “Yes. B”

    B: I’m following J2K and just gonna come out and ask…if LE knows from whence they came…does LE know the mode of transportation they arrived in? Did they use minimal lights? This horse-thingy, I’m not feelin’.

  26. Mom3.0 says:

    total amateur, I too think the 4 guys in black are very important. I would very much hope that LE has found them and interviewed them. IMO if the accountant was correctly identifying Morgan, than these 4 guys were the group she was seen walking “with”-

    Elizabeth, Hi, yes I am perplexed by Morgan’s movements also. But remember, she did not immediately head for the RV lot. She first tried several times to regain entry. She texted that friend- Several witness accounts state they tried to offer Morgan assistance, asked if she was ok, and she declined their offer of help. Some she reportedly declined strongly. She did not head to her car. She did not call a friend or family member to come and get her. She did not hang around JPJ.

    If she was walking with these 4 guys, why all of a sudden would she befriend these guys and refuse the help of others? If a women is in distress and scared, IMO she would first ask for help from another female. Why did she seemingly willingly walk away with these 4 guys? She felt comfortable with them. She IMO did not feel threatened. They were not strangers.

    Why would she purposefully walk toward the rvlot with them? Yet, witnesses stated she was walking in a group but not “with” the group.
    Why wouldn’t it have seemed like she was with the group but not? Was she in front? In back? On the phone texting,lagging behind?

    I agree with Total, as I stated in an earlier post, I think these guys were either accompanying her to meet a friend there, or they were heading towards their car. Why did they seem to part ways while she interacted with the BB players? BBP stated she was alone but was waiting for someone,who? The 4 guys and their car? Did they park farther down from the BBplayers? Did they meet up with her on the bridge? This seems way more plausible to me than Morgan HH. She was already seen playfully shaking her leg at them. Did she also playfully shake her thumb at them, when she saw them drive onto the bridge?

    If something bad happened later with these 4 guys, they would know where Morgan was last seen. They would know who she was last seen talking with… would they leave her purse at the lot in order to place blame on the BBplayers? Would they leave a trail of clothing/shoes strewn away from Anchorage farm and Route 29 in order to throw off the scent?

  27. ohiomom says:

    Word Girl, thanks for the link to the info about the limo driver. I had never seen that before. What do you think about the limo driver supposedly saying that Morgan was being followed by a car driven by a hispanic male? I had also never seen that before.

  28. Mom3.0 says:

    Lupine, welcome. I agree that the music scene was very important to Morgan’s life and in Morgan’s story.

    Gil’s latest hauntingly beautiful yet tragic words speak to this importance…

    Our girl wanted to go out and dance

    Didn’t know she took such a chance

    Just wanted to be part of the scene

    Didn’t know people could be so damn mean

    That anyone would want to hurt her

    He was checking the scene planning a murder

    EVIL lurking, around the periphery

    To kill and vanquish her beauty

    EVIL like killed Lennon, King, JFK

    Decided to take out a girl on that day

    And threw her like refuse in a field of hay

    Now I have felt the heft of her skull in my palm

    An abomination for any mom

    Your crime and your EVIL fill me with rage

    Will not rest till you’re locked in a cage

    We will catch you, I know that we can

    We’re after you – me and Dan

    So other girls will be safe on the street

    To follow the music

    To follow the beat


    Notice please, her choice of words, Morgan wanted to be part of the “scene”

    Who else stated Morgan was into a “scene”?

    OYE- “once someone is into a “scene” that people don’t approve of, first thing friends do is try to help. If the “struggling” person refuses, sooner or later, friends eventually write them off because it is just too frustrating to deal with.”

    When we first read OYE’s words we all for the most part, assumed she meant drugs and or alcohol. What if it was initially, the Metal scene? Everyone here knows, that I do not generalize metal fans, nor any other fans, horror movie, rap, “hippie”, as you called it, but IMO
    “Metalers ” are known to love to party,(not all do) They are none to do everything hard, drink, mosh, skip school, stay out late ect ect. Some do party with lots of other stuff, some going the whole dabbling in “Wiccan”, just like some “hippies” that are also known to smoke weed, drop acid ect ect.

    Gil seems to believe that Morgan was preyed upon in the one thing she felt the most free in, her love of music. OYE stated Morgan was too trusting and naive. Did someone she knew from her love of music, wait for the mot opportune time to prey upon Morgan? Yes, I believe so. Someone out there knows who, they know why, and they know where, and the reasons behind the farm and it all ties into the “scene”

  29. Mom3.0 says:

    *known* not none should have read -often times mistakenly known-

  30. bluewillow says:

    I showed my husband the google map of Anchorage Farm and Morgan’s location and how remote it was, his first immediate comment was “oh, there are paths through there, for sure” “and there are people who know them.” He felt like an ATV would be able to get around the area and would be able to get past the security gate. Also he was saying sometimes there are barbed wire fences but people may know that at a certain location, the wire ends and is looped over a post, and if you know about it, you know how to lift it off and replace it. Or things to that affect.

  31. bluewillow says:

    Skyler, I keep thinking about what you said, that it is not that obvious that you cannot re-enter the arena if you leave. All of the early things I read talked about how it is clearly posted, blah blah… Well, this sure makes things make a lot more sense but it makes me angrier that she was denied re-entry.

  32. justiceformorgan says:

    Chad, when I left my last comment I was assuming that if I join the FB group, my email address, etc would be available to everyone in the group. Is that correct?

  33. suz says:

    Lovely, I think the Harringtons (and/or the article) was saying that MORGAN was found 10 miles from where she had disappeared (at JPJ).

  34. lee says:

    14.SuzeeB says:
    February 21, 2010 at 11:19 pm
    Lee – Darrell Rice was in Federal Prison at the time of Morgan’s disappearance. See article
    Thanks SuzeeB for this link and info.

  35. MsLurkALot says:

    keekee says:
    February 21, 2010 at 10:14 pm
    lurkalot!! i was researching the exact same thing about the land conservation thing and found a document from 2007 where farmer bass withdrew almost 654 acres from the hardware district. it was the largest withdrawal out of a handful and helped reduce the total acreage from over 4000 to less than 3000. if i understand correctly, the whole of anchorage farm is 742 acres.


    keekee, interesting! I’m just guessing, but thinking the reason he would do that is to avoid being impacted by the water quality tests being conducted on the Hardware. They have found fecal coliform in the river, caused mainly by cattle waste. He probably doesn’t want to incur any liability, or costs of fencing off the river to keep the cattle out of it. Or, it could be in attempt to change the official land use of that particular property from agricultural/residential to say, recreational? Whatever his motivation, I didn’t know that it was possible to have land withdrawn from a it’s designated district. That’s curious. Gotta rush off to work, but can’t wait to learn more about this! Thanks!

  36. MsLurkALot says:

    Sapphire says:
    February 22, 2010 at 12:46 am
    MsLurkALot: They are power lines. If you zoom in more you can see the poles run the full length of the farm. There would have to be an access gate.
    Oh, hi all, been a lurker from the beginning. What great researchers on this site. Bless you all for the love and dedication to Morgan and her family.


    Sapphire, thanks for confirming that. I imagine the cleared area is about 30 feet across, for high voltage line.

    Welcome to the jungle!

  37. luvblink says:


    Chad is the only person that would have access to your email, if you send it. It needs to be the email that your FB is setup under. She would send the invite to that email. You can set your privacy on your FB so only your friends can see your private info. Don’t feel bad about being cautious, that is our lesson from Morgan.

  38. deaf ears says:

    As someone who has some previous experience with JPJ, I can tell you that that place is absolutely FULL of security cameras. If Morgan was in JPJ that night, I find it absolutely impossible to believe that she was not recorded on security footage. Has LE categorically stated that there is no security footage of her in or around the arena, or have they just not said anything publicly either way?

    Morgan, whether she realized it or not at the time, would have good reason to approach and talk to the basketball players in the RV lot; JPJ is primarily a basketball arena, and the basketball players are treated like royalty there. If anyone could succeed in getting Morgan back into the arena through a back entrance without having to rescan her ticket, it would be someone on or connected with the basketball team. It wouldn’t surprise me if Morgan approached them to ask if they could somehow help her get back in.

    I will also say that I don’t see them wanting to get involved with the situation for a few reasons – they are already under a lot of scrutiny to begin with, they have more to lose from disciplinary issues than the average student, etc.

  39. acho says:

    43.redrock says:
    February 21, 2010 at 6:45 pm
    Obviously, the offender did not attend the concert. Hoe do you connect dots?


    Hi redrock, the only thing I would add is … did not attend *Metallica*. I think it’s possible BG(s) did attend LOG and Gojira.

  40. Concerned Mom says:

    Posted by gifter
    I tried to go down that road when I posted the
    video of “Here’s to the Long Haul” playing at Anchorage Farm!!!!
    But….I was nixxed because “Mr. Bass was a distraught, good guy.

    “Is it a crime for the Basses to entertain bands on their
    own property?-No.
    Does it strike me as EXTREMELY interesting that the band happened to be HTTLHaul? Yes.

    Do I wonder what other partying connections there are at AF? Yes.

    Why? Because HTTLHaul also played at Bonnaroo, which is one of the venues Morgan and her friends have attended for the last 3yrs.
    Mr Bass also has a daughter a little older than Morgan who lives on the property and probably enjoys music. She probably has friends that like music.
    A while back someone posted a video of HTTLH playing at AF(not sure if on BOC or FB), but there was someone who I thought was EMH. When others viewed the video, more than one person thought it was DW. Any thoughts on who it is? I can’t find the video, but there were actually 2 different videos of the same night, but at different angles. The guy I thought was EMH, but others thought was DW, is a shot of him on the couch and when the camera hits him, he wags his tongue back and forth.

  41. ode says:

    If Morgan was murdered by a gunshot perhaps it is the bullet that the bg left behind. Also is it possible that were they found Morgan is a compost pile? Our neighbor has one at the back of his property.

  42. Katesro says:

    I came across this article, found it interesting. Only pertaining to the case if the camera were ever found in water.|hp-laptop|dl3|link3|

  43. keekee says:

    k, i think if morgan had her purse and atm card (that she supposedly had later and used), AND the box office was still open because they were not sold out…couldn’t morgan have used her debit card as a credit card to purchase another ticket to get back it???

    it looks more and more like she did not want to get back in after she spoke to sarah s. if she was upset enough with them for something they did or someone inside she unexpectedly saw or just mad enough at herself for ending up outside in that situation. dunno, she was not afraid while at jpj, she was pissed. seems she was intent on continuing her party night with others and not concerned with safety cause she knew those mib

  44. acho says:

    Morning everyone,
    Does anyone know if Morgan visited Charlottesville after Allgood this summer, say on July 16th, 2009? Would love to know, yay or nay.

  45. keekee says:

    also, if she was cranky intoxicated as some have repported, she might well have caused a big ol scene to try to get her keys. course, if dd was in another section of the arena, her girlfriends would not have had them anyway. down the rabbit hole again

  46. lakelover says:

    Sky, you said that inside the venue you could most certainly see whomever was sitting in the next section.
    This triggered the memory of Dan H saying “If only the tickets were in another section”…or something to that effect.

    There are lots of LOG fans and it’s possible some of their fans went to see them and not Metallica. It also sounds as if Morgan was not the only one that left the arena before Metallica played, hence all the black clad people roaming the lots.

    I wish “granny” could enlighten us a bit more, as well as the BB players. They have to have seen something that could help us out a little more.

    Blink was my private cabbie message of any merit?
    Thanks for all you do.

  47. suz says:

    anotherB, re that shadow—-Bigfoot?

  48. Judi says:

    So, the limo drive, who happens to be ex-LE with a trained eye, notices a hispanic guy following Morgan.

    Do we know of any hispanic families in he area of Anchorage Farm.

    And, to all who believe the music connection theory, I agree. And, if it turns out to be true, how sad that Morgan’s love of music could have resulted in her encounter with the individual responsible for her demise. She should have been able to enjoy her love of music, her passion, and be safe doing so. Oh, how I wish she never seperated from her friends.

    This whole thing, it all just shouldn’t be – Morgan should still be alive.

    Where are we seeing the limo driver stating the info about the hispanic man?

  49. Chad says:

    Thanks for posting about OYE. I thought I my cheese was alone. I have always felt that OYE was an important poster. Good point about the Metal Scene. Perhaps the drugs and alcohol go along with it.

    MIB: If they were all dressed in black, could it have been the roadies or back stage guys from Gojira?
    Security different uniform right? I know we have dicussed this before, but we never seem to get anywhere with who these men are? Is it Goth fans? Is Gojira a Goth band?

    Toxicology: I have a question for anyone concerning the comment about the pond, and Morgan possibly being submeged in the pond intially on the Bass property. Perhaps Sky or anyone: If there is any tissues left, would they be able to tell if this is the case?

    Justice: No, you just set your FB on the highest privacy setting, and no one will see anything. Just your name of your fb and you can be whoever you want to be.. No emails associated in the view of the group.

  50. Word Girl says:

    ohiomom, the comment about the limo driver seeing a hispanic man following MH went in the small “possible, but not corroborated” hat. While we can’t discard tips entirely, some appear less relevant over time. I also sniffed a little racism there. And that’s not my brand of cheese.

    justiceformorgan, the FB people can explain better, but they seem to be asking interested parties to create an email account (like gmail) and set up a ‘dummy’ Facebook account (a fake one) so you can “Friend’ each other and participate in discussions there. I had the sense that they would then bring any salient points back to this forum.

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