Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. concerned says:

    I have always beleived Morgan was angry when she walked out of JPJ. Some people are what I call “walkers” when upset. Years and years ago, my then boyfriend and I had an argument at a show and he walked out mad. Without thinking and because I’m a follower, I went after him. Once outside I couldn’t find him and couldn’t get back in. This was before we all had cell phones, but I did have my keys, so I waited in the car for the show to end and reconnected with my group.

    I think it’s a very real possibility that Morgan was upset and impaired (which makes everything so much worse) and left or possibly went after someone (depending on if she’s the walker or the follower). And I can imagine how upset she would have been when she decided to come back, but couldn’t get in. I mean this was a huge show that she’d been waiting for months to see. And I believe it was stated in the beginning that she had tried to contact her friends (I assume it was loud inside so her friends wouldn’t hear the phone) and had left a message on thier phone.

    Who had that 4th ticket and could that person have been a source of conflict for her? Maybe her freinds weren’t concerned because they knew there was something going down with her and this guy and that they were together and then when they couldn’t find her after the show, figured it was okay to leave. Maybe they never thought she was alone. However, I doubt that the reason she left led to what happened to her, but it was the reason she was left defenseless and an easy target.

  2. keekee says:


    i like stubborn people. are you still chewing on that dogbone of yours?

  3. keekee says:

    hey justice,

    if your facebook page has private settings, fellow group members do not have anymore access to your email than the general public. it would only be if you “friend” someone separately which you never have to do.

    i feel ya, but it seems fruitful to lessen blink’s burden and help shorten posts on here. it has helped me so far

  4. juliemooly says:

    I am finally back in town and catching up on posts, & this segment of Gil Harrington’s poem nags at my mind:

    “To kill and vanquish her beauty
    EVIL like killed Lennon, King, JFK
    Decided to take out a girl on that day
    And threw her like refuse in a field of hay”

    Lennon, King and JFK were assassinated. I remember Blink’s feeling after Morgan was found that she was Marched into that field, and when I read that I envisioned a hit man marching his mark into a remote location to be executed.

    I originally felt Morgan was a predator’s opportune victim, not chosen for who she was but for how conveniently incapacitated and alone she was. Now I am not so sure. Gil wrote:
    “Didn’t know people could be so damn mean
    That anyone would want to hurt her
    He was checking the scene planning a murder”

    Maybe Gil was just looking for words that rhymed and fit into her poem, but the choice of the words “planning a murder” and the reference to the power figures who were assassinated makes me think she believes Morgan was targeted for being Morgan. It gave me a vision of her being pulled into the woods by the arm at gunpoint. Or, if the killer(s) was/were not specifically targeting Morgan Dana Harrington, then he/they chose someone who represented all beautiful young women that he/they resent(s), as in this line:
    “Decided to take out a girl on that day”.

    Also, in the poem the word evil is in all caps, which of course is shouting on paper, and I can feel the rage. Also, EVIL’s letters spell VILE, LIVE, VEIL…do those letters mean anything or is she simply screaming with rage?

    I feel so disturbed and saddened.

  5. Josie says:

    bluewillow says:
    February 22, 2010 at 4:32 am

    Snipped from above post:

    From bluewillows convo w/husband:

    ‘Also he was saying sometimes there are barbed wire fences but people may know that at a certain location, the wire ends and is looped over a post, and if you know about it, you know how to lift it off and replace it.’

    Wow bluewillow! Your husband is exactly right. Your post made me think about my Papa’s farm and that is exactly how they got the tractors w/machinery and wagons in and out of the ‘back fields’ when making hay. There are two or three strands of barbed wire stretched from post to post. On one post each strand of the wire is looped over a nail driven in at an angle. All you have to do is pull the strand a little toward the nail and back toward you and you have an opening to drive through. So, who would be aware of this? Someone who is familiar w/this area of the farm. When we used to make hay, we hired a few people in the area to help out when it came time to load and put up the hay. Sometimes payment was just ‘you help me with mine and I’ll help you with yours’ or just a few cases of beer for some. Or sometimes just someone looking to make some extra cash.

  6. John says:

    Re Fish #33
    When you say Mr. Bass had a registered violent sex offender in his home , are you referring to Eric Michael Howell? It would seem you probably are, since they are neighbours.

  7. Judi says:

    4.juliemooly says:
    February 22, 2010 at 11:02 am

    Yes, I too feel that Gil’s poem is telling (and heart breaking). Lennon, King and JFK were all planned targets and all shot.

  8. Josie says:

    Blink, would the ME be able to tell if the body was first put in a pond or creek and washed to it’s location due to flooding? Or would that be impossible to tell due to all the snow melting and rain that fell on the remains?

  9. GnM says:

    Not sure if relevant at all, just pointing out the fairly new term “scene kids” in reference to Gil’s poem about Morgan wanting to be part of the scene.

    snipped: We have all seen these scene kids before- the boys and girls at music shows and the mall with the tight skinny jeans, cool hair, and oversized sunglasses. In just a few short years, the scene culture’s popularity has skyrocketed. Scene kids are often stereotyped as “preppy emos” or simply “emo kids;” this is a common misconception.

    If you happen to be reading this, chances are that you’re interested in the scene subculture and/or want to become part of it; hopefully, this convenient little guide will be of help to you. Here’s how to become a true scene kid.

  10. keekee says:

    juliemooly – pretty please come over to the wild side of our facebook group where we triage leads in the 241 emergency room for morgan before laying them down here with less verbage (i’m referencing myself here)

    and i so am on the same page you are with gil’s words. that woman deliberates every word she utters and/or puts on a page. there is a pointed reason for everything. may even be she alludes to a much bigger scenario as far as involved people. this will touch many lives when said and done in an unexpectedly devastating way.

  11. keekee says:

    i look forward to seeing this case solved, but i will not get any pleasure from seeing the devastating and tragic consequences that some families are going to suffer

  12. Liam says:

    Is it possibe to pay for a cab with a debit/credit card?

  13. keekee says:

    i mean innocent clueless family members. the others, well, you know who you are and we will, too.

    tick tock

    have a heart, would ya?

  14. Judi says:

    If LE doesn’t make an arrest soon, I think he will gain the confidence to strke again.

    Please let this be the day I see the headlines that Morgan’s killer(s) have been caught.

    Time is of the essence to save the next victim.

  15. keekee says:

    sin city – ah the hair metal makeup wearing boys. ya know, a lot of the kids now are back into those bands. my kids’ friends have an 80s cover band that is awesome, but i have to giggle cause they act like they discovered it

    lurkalot – ew to the river poop, but i know it’s common. ew

    lakeluver – holymoly, you just triggered a memory. if the harringtons referenced morgan’s seating area, i recall an older gentleman either posting or responding to an interview that he observed morgan and her group from his seats behind them. i tthhhiiinnk he said he saw her stumbling with a dude hellping her. i will look for a link because my memory could be faulty.

    it jogged my memory because i threw out a theory on another site about the possibility of an authority figure/stalker from morgan’s life being there and maybe going back to her reason for transferring highschools her senior year. it had to be a pretty serious reason to transfer like that in hs.

  16. DTA says:

    I was wondering if you could answer a question for me? They have said that it could take 6 months for the DNA to come back. Is that a normal timeline for DNA or is it due to the toxicology. Do you think they already have some DNA but they are unable to match it? I am only asking because if they have uncovered some DNA but cannot find a match that would rule out certain people already in the data base. Just wondering.

  17. keekee says:

    by the by…i was shot down, but good on that other site. repeatedly.
    with mucho heat. didn’t seem to warrant such a strong response, but oh, well

  18. TDBone says:

    I am not sure if I can post links to another forum (If it is not allowed, then please delete). These are the images I put together the other day. NOTE THE UPDATE PLEASE.

  19. localcvillegirl says:

    hi justice, were you the one who asked about country-people trash pick up? In Crozet we have companies like Sandridge (yes I know about the RSOs) and McCauley’s, maybe a few others. Ours comes at 3am in a large truck that backs all the way up the driveway. I don’t know who they use over in North Garden, maybe the same families.

    wordgirl…seems a little opportunisic for the limo driver to have stated that Morgan was being followed by a hispanic guy. I don’t know if that’s what he said, but it’s a little like blaming the first black guy that comes along, or a Shifflett. Who is this limo guy, really?

  20. HokieHi says:

    @Keekee – regarding Morgan not purchasing another ticket to get back into the arena. Personally, I don’t think she had the choice. I’m not sure what information is acurate but IF she fell inside the arena, and IF she was bloody, and IF she was crying and more importantly IF she was drunk, I think it’s likely that a security guard removed her from the arena and thus she was not allowed to reenter. Just my .02.

  21. dda says:


    I do not think it is a high voltage line. Look up 6662 Gordonsville Rd. in Albemarle Database orthophotos 2009. I am familiar with this property for comparison purposes. The north boundary of that property is a high voltage power line that is used for riding horses, etc. FWIW, to me, it is much more distinct and wide than the one on AF.

  22. anotherB says:

    @ suz February 22, 2010 at 9:47 am

    “anotherB, re that shadow—-Bigfoot?”

    Could be. But it looks more like a scare crow. Just that there is no use in putting up a scare crow on a hay field.

    Does this ring a bell? Something to practice shooting, for instance? Or what else could it be?

  23. Judi says:

    Adding to the tributes to Morgan, I often express my feelings through poems, so here is my tribute to Morgan…

    From the moment the life begins inside of you
    Your life changes, focused now entirely on this life so new
    You change, you see more, feel more, love more
    The gift of life of the precious child you just bore
    You watch them grew and learn, witness all their firsts
    Try to teach them to love, but also to watch for the evil that lurks
    You pray when the time comes for them to open their wings and fly
    That all you’ve taught them will keep them safe as they kiss you good bye
    Watching your child blossom into a beautiful, loving adult, chasing their dreams
    Just the life you envisioned for them it seems
    Then along comes evil, pouncing on their prey
    And, in an instant, just snatches them away
    How dare they, what gives them the right
    To take away the child you bore and raised on that fateful night
    They think no one saw them, that they’ve gotten away
    Little do they know, justice is on the way
    The thing is when you are a beautiful soul, you shine a light
    A light that calls people to you, to join in your fight
    Morgan shines with this light, and so many of us have answered the call
    Morgan’s light so strong, it has called together thousands if you add us all
    We are Morgan’s army, we will stand together, fight the fight
    Until we bring to justice for the evilness that she encountered that night

  24. bevolovr says:

    30.Mom3.0 says:
    February 22, 2010 at 3:54 am
    Notice please, her choice of words, Morgan wanted to be part of the “scene”

    Who else stated Morgan was into a “scene”?

    OYE- “once someone is into a “scene” that people don’t approve of, first thing friends do is try to help. If the “struggling” person refuses, sooner or later, friends eventually write them off because it is just too frustrating to deal with.”
    Mom, this is very insightful.
    So, in essence if Morgan were doing something/seeing someone the “friends” disapproved of, this could be why they were so nonchalant when Morgan never returned. Perhaps they wrote her off, blaming her, believing she brought this on her self.
    What a chilling thought. Those “friends” and their seeming indifference to Morgan have always bothered me. And maybe Morgan, sensing they’d be angry about her plans, decided not to share all the details with them. I feel there was tension between them when they parted ways that night.

  25. bevolovr says:

    Sky, sorry, the property I was looking @ was on Blandemar Farm Dr, not Chopin….big green barn…

  26. bevolovr says:

    Blink et all – does it seem strange that sooo many missing folks have surfaced just recently, and the arrest in Somer’s case??? Morgan, Christine, Somer, they’re all joining forces, our avenging angels, with Morgan leading the way!!!!! Now we have to find Haleigh!!!!!

  27. bevolovr says:

    Does anyone know if a certain drummer/vocalist, WF, has any relations living on Red Hill School Rd?

    Just an fyi, many have been down that road already, and unless there is a verifiable connection, I do not want full names on here.

  28. skyler says:

    Morning, all — I spent several hours yesterday looking at maps — my eyes are still crossed — I wish I had the computer skills to do the overlays, but I do not —

    however, if you do a google map and plug in 1740 Chopin Road C-vlle Va you see the pond off Blandemar Farms, but it’s actually on Chopin Road — the end of the pond nearest AF is a straight line — if you create a diaganal line from the right corner of that straight pond line up to the cleared area of AF where Morgan was found — which is also almost a straight extension of AF Rd — there is the clearing where I think you can probably just drive up the back side of AF — also — to the NORTH of AF is another private road off 29 S — it is not listed as to name — if you go to the back of that property — parallel to AF Road — you’d only have to cross one fence to get Morgan in that area — I wonder if that property is owned by the man who gave an interview who said that AF is only 1 mile away from his property — that looks about correct in distance between the houses —

    Blink says access to the area was not gained by going thru the front gate of AF — she may know that because someone on here (Fish?) did the research that shows dogs can track back, even after 101 days which can show the direct point of ingress onto the farm —

    I have to conclude that LE is correct in location, location, location — whoever put her there had to know about AF — had to know either about the property to the direct north of AF, which is parallel to where Morgan was found — or know about the back end of Blandemar Pond property on Chopin — which opens the door wide open —

    It could certainly be someone connected in some way w/ a member of the Bass familly or anyone who rented that old historic home before the daughter moved in over the summer — btw, she travels in many of the same music circles as Morgan, attended Bonaroo and is FB/MS friends w/ some of the same friends of Morgan — She attended UVA and may have known Alex and/or Morgan thru Alex or an association thru same family friends, or thru the Harringtons employment at UVA — speculation —

    There could be an association thru employment of outside contractors — such as lawn maintenance, home repair — or somehow associated w/ that large building which is on Chopin Rd — could have been associated w/ parties on AF in the Historic home, like the one in Dec. — it could be someone familiar w/ the property via the powerline/cell phone tower/cable TV, etc. easement that runs from the back of Blandemar — Chopin Road — to the back of AF — there is a pix in the set I took of the pond farm — then if you look at AF, there’s a chunk carved right out of the hillside — that’s the powerline easement — more than just powerlines go thru those easements —

    it could be someone who flew over the area — the airport is in the vicinity — in a private plane and knew about the area — again, all speculation —

    If Morgan was brought in from the farm to the north — that may cut out some of that speculation — but we just don’t know

    once a COD is released by the ME to police — and/or the family — if it is GSW, that will open the door to a lot of warrants which can be issued for firearms of any of the properties — but — if it is a GSW, it would have been readily apparent to the ME — they may have even recovered the bullet casing — and it seems those warrants would have already been issued — they don’t need tissue sampling, DNA for GSW to do initial testing if the bullet casing was recovered —

    we just don’t know —

    Color me Crazy — and that’s okay — but every day I talk to Morgan now and ask her to lead us to her killers — I think she led Mr. Bass to recover her body –

    But I also believe strongly in the power of intention — it is our collective intention that her murder be solved and those responsible be made to pay —

    I can only surmise that when Blink made the determination years ago to start being an advocate to the missing, it was her intention that those who cause harm be brought to justice — because of that initial intention, we are all here, as guests in her house —

    Intention is a powerful thing. BGs really would be wise just to turn themselves in.

    Peace and good sleuthing to you all !! — Hugs to you, Blink, know it’s been a rough few days ..

  29. skyler says:

    OT — Word Girl, I am sooooo jealous — both Paris and NYC — and you kook — uh, cook — plus write beautifully ! : )

  30. acho says:

    hey justice,

    if your facebook page has private settings, fellow group members do not have anymore access to your email than the general public. it would only be if you “friend” someone separately which you never have to do.

    i feel ya, but it seems fruitful to lessen blink’s burden and help shorten posts on here. it has helped me so far

    Everyone: I adore you and want to connect with you. I hate to be Debbie Downer again, but please be so careful on FB. Remember they will change settings on you without warning–or with possibly misleading warning at best–and you have to read carefully when they’ve done so to ensure nothing on your acct changed. Remember how much detail was cached in Morgan’s case thanks to that very situation. I gotta say, I’m wary.

    I have seen hours-long FB glitches occur as well, and I therefore put a bare minimum on my FB as it is. I continue to be tempted to drop my account (but it’s so useful sometimes!).

    Sorry. Throw virtual rotten tomatoes at me if you want to! I can take it. I just want everyone to be super careful.

  31. Cairn says:

    Gifter 3,
    My hat’s off to you for having the courage to say what several of us may have been thinking and some have even tried to say, but appeared to have been met with wrath by a few.
    In my opinion, there should be more discussion around your very topic without personal defensiveness from *anyone* due to knowing any person being discussed.
    This is a horrific murder case and someone did it, whether the person involved is my friend/acquaintance or your friend/acquaintance and, sadly, there *will* be more families hurt before it’s over.

  32. cosmo says:

    Morgan had planned to attend this concert 6 months in advance. Bought tickets in advance. Parents indicated somewhere the relationship over that 6 months was good and getting better … alluded to turbulence 6 months earlier.

    not sure. Morgan was a sophomore / junior education major?
    rumor or confirmation she had argument with Ex-Bf on Oct.16th.

    after looking through posts and data over 4 months, i am back to my original cheese. this is a crime of passion. parents eliminate Ex-Bf from the equation 6 months or more earlier. Morgan stands by her family and respects the parents’ decision and believes in the long run, they are correct. she continues her life and tries to let the Ex-Bf down slowly over the course of 6 months to a year… they have history good and bad (as are many relationships during those ages – especially if transitioning from high school to college life). now, Morgan has initiated the “break up” … let’s take time apart, i want to experience life, be with friends, focus on my school and career, etc. because she initiated the separation, the EXBF now wants her more. wants her and can’t have the intimacy and closeness they once had … he still has it in the back of his mind he can be with her … similar circle of friends, music tastes, etc, but she is more goal oriented and maybe this ExBf really isn’t at the same place in life. so during 6 months, he tries to keep in touch, but the harder he tries, the more Morgan moves away from him… the opposite effect of what the Ex-Bf wants … the harder he tries, the more he pushes her away. he becomes more and more obsessed … painfully obsessed. this guy can be straight laced or he can be from the party / goth / metal scene … irrelevant. what is relevant is that for 6 months or more, he has been following her (literally and figuratively), watching her moves, who she is with, what she is doing. studying her social networking / facebook / myspace / etc. talking to mutual friends, being around places Morgan would maybe go for the seemingly “casual and unplanned” / “improvised” opportunity to make it “fate” that he and Morgan should be together. no results. he knows she is going to the LOG / METALLICA concert… he just knows she will be there and maybe he knows she is going with her girl friends / and friends, but doesn’t know enough about her male relationship interests (if there ever were any). she may have guys she was interested in, but hadn’t evolved those relationships yet if ever intended. the Ex-Bf goes to the concert, but doesn’t let anyone know. he just wants to talk to her. remember the good times. how they met. how they partied. he gets her outside, either beginning at the concert and finds her inside, at which point she wants to get away from him, or go to an area they can talk and then get back into the show. she feels like she owes the “talk” or “conversation” to him due to their history. or he is outside and gets her to come talk to him outside. i think he is at the concert. has a ticket or even two tickets or knows he can get back in later. she goes to talk. can’t get back in, but is now outside with the ExBf and can’t get back inside. she tries the RV Lot because she knows some people. she tries the BBall players because they seem safe and around. but she still can’t shake the ExBf.

  33. bevolovr says:

    Blink, have you looked into a band called “Lost Highway”? And a certain ex-member, RH?

  34. Slowroller says:

    when/where did Bass say that he saw clothing at the remains site?? you would definitely see black clothing before you saw skeletal remains against the background of hay…he also said he initially thought what would end up being Morgan, was a deer…so i wonder

    Do the deer in Virginia wear black clothing…?!? Or was that story about seeing clothing erroneous?

  35. fish says:

    Chad and all: I just got to thinking…wouldn’t you think that a roadie or a back stage hand would hang around hopeful to get a glimpse of the true “Rock Gods” and thus maybe a job with their tour group? I know that this is not probable but possible.

    I’m just asking because I think that the 4-MIB may be passing through. But why park at arena if they are walking say to another bar. It makes no sense. Maybe they are there scoring some drugs and happen to see Morgan.
    I’m unsettled about the bbplayers interaction and then 4-MIB’s. Seems like a close call. Did the boys of UVA bb team, see these guys? And, they kept quiet thus the suspensions. Conduct unbecoming. They probably were afraid, I know. Then if we believe Maggie Voth, she sees Morgan and bridge HH? She didn’t see anyone else. 4-MIB stay in lot?

    B: I heard about the Hispanic guy but I did not think he was connected to the Limo/exLE driver. I’m looking now. Was this on a chat site because no where can I find that Corrine G. said it.

  36. keekee says:

    lurkalot -

    i could be wrong, but it sure looks like a john boat could move onto the blandemar farm property. that would cover for moving body without accessing any road. a johnboat motor sounds like a little motor cycle so if local kids ride around on their dirtbikes, it would not be an unusual noise.

    all the hunter land/water/mountain/music/beer loving boys i grew up were perfectly comfortable carrying heavy kill on all manner of transport, including a johnboat

  37. clementine says:

    Blink says: February 22, 2010 at 9:57 am:

    [Where are we seeing the limo driver stating the info about the hispanic man? B]



    Re: Hispanic male

    Found this link going through my bookmarks of notable posts :- )


    Truthful Lies (Post #66) 10-29-2009 10:34 AM:

    [So I was out and about in Charlottesville last night...and Morgan came up quite a few times with locals at bars, etc...and I truly believe that she WAS seen outside of the arena.

    Our driver was outside of the arena that night...and yes, this was reported to LE. He/She is truly a wonderful person and never leaves my side on nights out. He/she said they saw Morgan (WITH tights on) walking in the parking lot WITHOUT her purse, and WITHOUT looking intoxicated. He/She also said they saw a hispanic male about 3 car lengths behind her walking. Usually, he/she would have stopped a girl walking alone and offer assistance, and he/she feels awful they didn't, but it was a concert and there were a lot of people around. It's part of this person's job to observe and be ready when needed... so, I believe this.]


    Something to this effect (possibly by the limo driver’s boss) was also posted on a sports message board (Techsideline?). I remember reading it and bookmarking it, however, I can’t seem to find it at the moment.

    Will post if I can find it.

  38. clementine says:

    Lovely says: February 18, 2010 at 8:12 pm:

    [on the hook, someone posted that early on, there had been a sighting of a blond girl who matched morgans description being spotted on the side of the road next to a black sub with its lights turned off. not sure if this sighting was discredited, as i have not seen it before, and it seems to be in the opposite direction from where she was found (but i dont think that makes much difference). blink, any thoughts or comments on the below…do you know anything about this? I cant find the post now - it was on the hook in the comments section under the New Angles article.]



    I know your question was posed to Blink, but I think I can help you with the source to that one.

    Wayne Townsend (Post #16) October 23, 2009 at 7:09am:

    [I've actually heard reports of people seeing someone that matched her description between Madison and Culpepper on 29n. From what I understand they said they saw a girl who fitted Morgan's description next to a black SUV/truck on the side of the road. What struck the women as odd was that the SUV/truck was just sitting there in complete darkness with no lights. The women claims if it had not been for her headlights she wouldn't have seen anyone. I'm gonna try to head up that way this weekend on my day off and toss out some flyers.]

  39. fish says:

    No Fish, I meant exactly what you thought, name is correct.

  40. keekee says:


    i have cheese on one bright boy cl who connects both sides of the tracks. he is very familiar with af and the society life that comes with that neck of the woods. needed to watch his figure at the college he and morgan both attended and he now works with the emergency services world. is comfortable in a john boat, with farming, hunting, conservation, and festival world.

    he may have given assistance to a relative in distress unknowingly “through no fault of his own”. he has already weighed in like the good boy he is

  41. J2K says:

    Greetings, all.

    Couple of follow-up points on some unanswered questions hanging over the last few pages in the thread (perhaps of little to no consequence in regard to the case, but thought I’d clear them up).

    B asked awhile back about a TFR (temporary flight restriction) put in place over the AF area around the time MH was found. A perusal of the FAA’s TFR records from Jan-Feb 2010 showed no flight restrictions in the Albemarle County region. It should also be noted that, while possible, it would be quite rare for the FAA to grant a TFR in support of a criminal investigation – even one involving the FBI. Non-security-threat-related and non-presidential-travel-related FAA flight restrictions (military = SUA/special use airspace) are unusual and reserved for certain emergency situations only.

    The crystal-clear over-head arial shot BOC used to head the previous MH article underscores this.

    In regard to trash trucks operating in the AF vicinity that night – good thought, but a No. Albemarle County residents/businesses outside Cville city limits must have contracts with private waste haulers. From large (Waste Management/Republic) to smaller contractors (Preferred, Home Paddocks – private servcies for farms/estates), they do not appear to collect on Sundays, so no haulers would have been rumbling arund the area in the early morning hours of Oct. 18.

    Oh, and also to one of your observations, MsLAL – and on top of Sapphire’s weigh-in – the powerline utility easement would not neccesarily have access gates unless Bass installed them.

    MsLurksALot – your guess is as good (or better, it would seem) as mine on that unidentified shape(s) on the BF-bordering parcel in the GIS Orthophoto. Keep me posted on your thoughts.

  42. clementine says:

    This thread is also the original source re: ‘Morgan’s’ jacket (*alleged* and *unconfirmed*) found by the railroad tracks.


    Jeshua Valentino (Post #8) October 23, 2009 at 5:44am:

    [10. Seen her jacket at the railroad tracks in the parking lot south of the PJP arena. (official investigation near Davenport and the stadium a block south of the PJP). It was a cold night at 40 F with light rain and slightly windy. ( The last train out was about 9 p.m. to Lynchburg. (]

    Claire Waddington (Post #9) October 23, 2009 at 5:47am:

    [That's completely new info to me-thanks -where did you hear this?]

    Jeshua Valentino (Post #10) October 23, 2009 at 5:55am:

    [Great job. Please check the other discussion topic thread. I was by the actual site yesterday, including Copeley Road which is an access road that leads from PJP arena to other parking lots and the railroad tracks. I took some photos (see this site's photo area of the darkness around PJP arena). I dropped off fliers from Northern Virginia (by key points on Route 29 [Emmet Street], Rt 33, Rt 15, and 17 just 10 miles north of Charlottesville. Someone needs to cover the southern route to Lynchburg – perhaps her friends from that area. It gets very dark there at night.]

    Claire Waddington (Post #11) October 23, 2009 at 5:57am:

    [Thanks, I had a look at that section. Great work!! Where was jacket found compared to where the purse was?]

    Jeshua Valentino (Post #12) October 23, 2009 at 6:07am:

    [The purse was at the parking lot, the jacket (to be confirmed by law enforcement) was at the railroad tracks about two blocks. Under Emmet Street (Rt. 29) the tracks are above the street, which on a cold wet day would be hard to climb up, but at the parking lot near Davenport fields and lots, it’s just a walk on the tracks.,+Charlottesville,+VA+22903&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=29.992289,77.519531&ie=UTF8&hq=John+Paul+Jones+Arena&hnear=John+Paul+Jones+Arena,+Charlottesville,+VA+22903&ll=38.044458,-78.507121&spn=0.007266,0.018926&t=h&z=16


    There is also a post from Miss M. Tyree somewhere in that discussion. To her credit she is one of the *few* friends of Morgan’s who addressed some of the questions posed earlier on the HFMDH Facebook page.

    Happy Hippie (JH) pops up there as well (to defend his name after several mentions).

    I also bookmarked posts re: a boot/boots being found months ago (the boot/boots were mentioned again here recently, a few pages back).

    Though I cannot vouch for their validity, I will post them if I can find them.

  43. keekee says:

    ZOINKS SENSITIVE POST AT 2:29 … i didn’t flag it meh

  44. J2K says:

    Lakelover – re: clarifications

    In your post to skyler, you noted:
    “Sky, you said that inside the venue you could most certainly see whomever was sitting in the next section.
    This triggered the memory of Dan H saying ‘If only the tickets were in another section”…or something to that effect.’”

    I’ve cleared this up before, but do not mind doing it again for newer posters: Gil said that, during an interview near the start of the investigation – and she put it forth as an example of thoughts she and Dr. H were trying *not* to think, e.g., “what if I never bought the tickets,” or “what if the tix were for another section…”

    The H’s do not know who did this to their daughter, though they may have zeroed-in on the POI(s) as of late. Back then? No way – they were *not* referring to inside information in that quote indicating MH was targeted by a fellow concert attendee sitting in her section.

    You also said:
    “There are lots of LOG fans and it’s possible some of their fans went to see them and not Metallica. It also sounds as if Morgan was not the only one that left the arena before Metallica played, hence all the black clad people roaming the lots.”

    I agree that it’s feasible some more hard-core metal fans came for LOG/their opener and not the headlining Metallica… a thought that leads right to the alleged encounter MH had with the Dude Quartet in walking from the arena to the RV lot.

    That said, those same young men could have been there for Metallica *only* – and headed into the arena before she approached the BB players. Seems an odd area to make a beeline to (the RV lot) as the main act was starting (Metallica went on around 9:10 – witness puts the 4 guys with MH in the RV area at about 9:10-9:15), so I’m more inclined to believe the former, but it’s still a heavy question mark.

    Lastly, you said:
    “I wish ‘granny’ could enlighten us a bit more, as well as the BB players. They have to have seen something that could help us out a little more.”

    [heavy sigh] Granny’s sighting was discredited by LE.
    The BB players were thoroughly interviewed by same; investigators apparently satisfied with the info they got from them, and subsequently moved on. We don’t know what was said, except that MH “approached” them, and they left her around 9:20 “by herself in the RV lot,” but investigators have all of that info at their disposal, even if we do not.

    In addition, it should be noted the BB players were free to share the context of their interviews with LE with the public, according to UVA spokeswoman Woods, and clearly have chosen not to do so (not surprising). Personally, I don’t think they contributed much except in accounting for a portion of her post-arena timeline and their observations on her state-of-mind/intentions at the time she encountered them (which may have been, as far as intentions go, to hitchike to JMU, as LE was seemingly clear on what she was doing when she stepped onto Copeley Road, which was likely from a combination of vetted witness reports, including from the BBs, who actually spoke with her just before she was seen on the bridge).

    Hope this helps.

    Oh, and would anyone second my motion that maggie603′s lengthy post compiling all of OYE’s comments be the *last time* someone submits such a compilation? They exist on their own in the early December threads; Mom3.0 did an excellent job herding them all together in a January post; and clementine even provided a link to such.

    Particularly in regard to the new page format as well as B’s request that posts be shorter, I think OYE’s views been duly catalogued and can be easily found without reposting them in their entirety again.


  45. Christy S says:

    Gil Harrington’s thoughts from February 22, 2010On February – 22 – 2010ADD COMMENTS

    February 22, 2010

    I loved it that our friend/neighbor/funeral director personally retrieved Morgan’s remains from the Medical Examiner in Richmond. He told me that when they had arrived in Roanoke, he drove to our home and parked outside and opened the vehicle’s windows to let Morgan’s spirit return home. I was very moved by this story.

    Our community has been so supportive, our neighborhood has been festooned with a semaphore of support with ribbons: first yellow to bring Morgan home and keep hope alive and once it was clear she was not alive changing to black. Now that she is here and honored, I have taken those ribbons down and left one spring-colored green ribbon on our tree to show that we are capable of, and intend to grow through this experience.

    Formula for survival = Love more than you fear or hurt and eventually love will prevail.


  46. Gypsy DD says:

    First I want to thank the super angel in disguise as a lovely human being SKYLER. What a beautiful slate rock you have painted for Morgan. It was sweet of you to include all of us with the BOC on the slate.

    Second thank you to all the posters who supplied info on the experiences a person might have or did have after being slipped a date rape drug. It sounds like that may have happened to Morgan.

    I never believed the hitchhiking story , it seemed so out of character to her family and friends. But now knowing how people react on the date rape sounds as though someone told her to go over to the bridge and hitchhike. The loopy walking around outside the arena, the talking to the groups of guys standing outside and the BB players..all of that would make sense after someone slips a drug in your drink. It appears to me this was very well thought out and planned from the beginning ..whoever did this knew the outcome was rape and murder…they even had, what they thought to be a very secure place,to place her body.

    Poor Morgan..she never had a chance that night. Now her killer doesn’t have a chance…the world is a very small and dangerous place once you commit a crime like murder. People talk, others listen..someone is going to drop a dime on this one, mark my words.

  47. belleboyd says:

    Question? Have Morgan’s “friends” made any visits to the Copely Bridge Memorial? Have they placed any momento for their dear sweet “friend” Morgan?

    Don’t hurt me ya’ll, just asking because the “friends” always left me with a bad suspicious feeling. Like I’ve asked before, who really thinks Morgan was studying on the way to the concert in the backseat of the car? Let me see a show of hands….

  48. skyler says:

    Hey, Juliemooly — glad you are back safe and sound —

    I, too, am saddened and disturbed by Gil’s poetry and the “implied” content –

    If Morgan were my child, I’d be so damn mad I’d be ready to literally wring somebody’s neck — especially if they know the cause of death —

    I was looking at one of the pictures from her discovery of that day, and the camera tightened up for a close up – but it almost looked like a skull w/ a bullet hole in it — it was not — just a close up of the land area —
    but I was absolutely overwrought w/ emotion

    It’s one thing to think in the abstract that yes, Morgan was murdered — it’s an entirely different thing to see the skull of a 20 y/o young woman who was so full of life w/ a bullet hole in it —

    Even though I was looking at the picture wrong — if Gil and Dan know the COD and actually held sweet Morgan’s skull in their hands and it is obviously damaged in some way — they conduct themselves w/ such dignity, but inside they must be fuming —

    Absolute Justice for Morgan 2 4 1 !!!

    In the meantime, I hope she haunts the BG (them) day and night — that the BG is jumping at every sound or every car that gets too close on their rear bumper or every time the doorbell or phone rings and it’s a strange number —

    My son was telling me over the weekend, he has a friend out in AZ and there was a case there where the man finally came into LE and turned himself in — they went out and found the body — he picked up a guy who was HH’g out in the desert — LE asked him why did he turn himself in, they probably would have never connected him to the crime — he said every time he looked in a mirror, he saw the person he killed standing beside him asking him why he killed him –

    Show yourself, Morgan — stand beside them — make them squirm !!

    Yeah, I guess I’m more than a little bit damn mad about this, too !

  49. bevolovr says:

    32.bluewillow says:
    February 22, 2010 at 4:32 am
    I showed my husband the google map of Anchorage Farm and Morgan’s location and how remote it was, his first immediate comment was “oh, there are paths through there, for sure” “and there are people who know them.” He felt like an ATV would be able to get around the area and would be able to get past the security gate. Also he was saying sometimes there are barbed wire fences but people may know that at a certain location, the wire ends and is looped over a post, and if you know about it, you know how to lift it off and replace it. Or things to that affect.
    Yep, Blue, hubby’s right!

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