Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. Christy S says:

    Info on the green barn:

    Shed, Equipment…..288 sq ft

    Barn, Hay…..1536 sq ft
    It’s from county records online.

    IMO this is the way the BG would have accessed the spot where he placed her. I haven’t formed a clear picture as to what happened before they brought her body over but it would have been super easy for anyone with access to that property to move her to where she was found. Has anyone looked at any connections these owners may have? Grounds crews, younger family members?

    Just a thought,

  2. Moonchime says:

    juliemooly–When I read Gil’s poem to my husband, I asked him if he felt that Gil was telling us that Morgan had been shot. Hubby answered that it sounded as if Gil was telling us that Morgan had been “assassinated.”

    It is quite interesting that the Charlottesville Police aren’t issuing a strong warning to the residents. To me this says that they think Morgan was targeted and therefore no one else is in danger. I totally disagree on the part of no one else being in danger.

    Whoever is responsible for Morgan’s murder needs to be arrested and taken off the streets. Until this happens, no one is safe.~Moonchime

  3. yoshi says:

    Phyl, Observer, and others discussing “drug rape” – (this is my longest post EVER, BTW)
    There is a lot of “confusion” surrounding so called “date rape” drugs. I didn’t realize it until I started researching, but the term “date rape drug” is very misleading as the act of date rape is very different than the act of using a drug to commit sexual assault or to get a person to do something they normally wouldn’t. (empty their bank account. Go to the ATM w/?? and get $ for xyz) At any rate, I do believe that it is very possible that something was put in Morgan’s drink that quite possibly made her feel so ill and disoriented that it caused her to leave the arena. I have even read rumors that she had gotten sick at one point. And Observer, you are right. You are not knocked unconscious by these drugs as many would think. I believe that you can go back and forth between lucidity, aggression, submission etc.

    “There are other myths too. It isn’t about just “knocking out”
    the intended victim. The original Mickey Finn drug (chloral
    hydrate) did pretty much accomplish that. Today’s drugs may at some point render a victim unconscious, but even worse, at least initially, and, depending on which drug is used and/or the amount given, the victim may appear to participate or may even appear to be the aggressor early on in the attack. GHB is especially known for its sexual enhancement capabilities. But not only is a victim disinhibited and likely to engage in behavior quite atypical for her personally (HANGING ON THE ARM OF A STRANGER, entering a wet T-shirt contest or pulling her bra up for the crowd, for example), she most likely truly will not even remember such conduct.”
    (CAPS added by me)

    **”Harrington was exhibiting behavior that was atypical for her.”**
    **”Harrington may have been drugged or injured in a fall but she
    hadn’t willingly consumed drugs.”**
    **”She grabbed my arm and said, ‘Let’s go… kicked me…told me
    to eff off and call the police’.”**
    **Morgan left a concert she had looked forward to for 6 months
    (atypical behavior).**

    This is from
    The effects of Rohypnol can be felt within 30 minutes of being drugged and can last for several hours. If you are drugged, you might look and act like someone who is drunk. You might have trouble standing. Your speech might be slurred. Or you might pass out.”

    Or you might look and act like Morgan did the night she disappeared:
    **You might drop your purse and subsequently lose the battery in
    your phone.
    **You might lose your purse or forget it somewhere.**
    ** You might take off your necklace because it is bothering you.
    (You might even give it to someone, who knows?)**
    **You might trip and fall flat on your face, cut your chin, stumble
    (away incoherently.**
    **You MIGHT even hitch hike. (don’t think she did, but someone
    wants us to believe that she would)

    Wayne Townsend saw her on the upper level near the beer garden and ID check. I wonder what time that was? (I am only using his name as a point of reference to establish a time and a place for a possible drugging) Did she use a fake ID or know a vendor who gave her a beer? (I’ve thought that photos haven’t been released because she might have had a 21+ bracelet on) What time did she tell her friends she was going to the bathroom?(can’t remember..) What time did she fall? What time did she leave the arena?

    Incidentally, I believe that there are crossovers between brew/bike/music/festivals w/JPJ/SMG/RedLightManagement. Makes me wonder about JPJ security videos and all of the guest list/internet deletion going on over the last few days. And at least one member of a local Charlottesville band was allegedly at that arena that night.

  4. yoshi says:

    also meant to ask:
    Who was there that she recognized or knew who bought her a beer and was outside the arena close to the time she was?
    Who kept track of her after she drank her beer? (I know nobody can answer…just thinking out loud)

  5. Ragdoll says:


    I did not realize your connection to Morgan’s disappearance until now. I just read Blink’s response to Dr. Harrington.

    Now I understand why you feel so deeply connected. The slate is beautifully celestial and captures Morgan’s ~light~. Simply, simply breath taking.

    ~God Bless~

  6. cosmo says:

    would love to know who has been cleared / alibi checked out / etc.
    Morgan doesn’t tell the friends about the exbf meeting because a little embarrassed, wants them to think she has moved on (she has?) interested in someone “cooler” etc. doesn’t want the concert to be ruined due to this guy. can’t get back in, tries to play like she knows so of the people still coming in, or going out to the RV lot, or the bball players, but the exbf is still lurking and knows what she is doing. ultimately he convinces her to leave the venue…

  7. lee says:

    keekee, and all….I thought the use of the card later in the evening was never confirmed to have been used by Morgan herself (?)…is there any report on that?


    keekee says:
    February 22, 2010 at 9:27 am
    k, i think if morgan had her purse and atm card (that she supposedly had later and used), AND the box office was still open because they were not sold out…couldn’t morgan have used her debit card as a credit card to purchase another ticket to get back it???

  8. gifter3 says:

    I am continually struck by Gil’s grace and love
    in the face of this horrific tragedy.

    Gil Harrington’s thoughts.

    February 22, 2010

    I loved it that our friend/neighbor/funeral director personally retrieved Morgan’s remains from the Medical Examiner in Richmond. He told me that when they had arrived in Roanoke, he drove to our home and parked outside and opened the vehicle’s windows to let Morgan’s spirit return home. I was very moved by this story.

    Our community has been so supportive, our neighborhood has been festooned with a semaphore of support with ribbons: first yellow to bring Morgan home and keep hope alive and once it was clear she was not alive changing to black. Now that she is here and honored, I have taken those ribbons down and left one spring-colored green ribbon on our tree to show that we are capable of, and intend to grow through this experience.

    Formula for survival = Love more than you fear or hurt and eventually love will prevail.


  9. cosmo says:

    i do think that who ever took her / killed her, DID return to the concert/arena either:
    A) to return the purse to the RV lot for misdirection
    B) to get back to the concert as to not arouse suspicion
    C) maintain alibi
    D) all of the above

    same thing here though … if the killer(s) did not return to the arena to drop the purse after the fact, then logic would mandate the purse was in the RV Lot at the time of abduction, therefore, she dropped it when abducted / taken / got in the car or vehicle AT THE RV LOT.

  10. Word Girl says:

    Regarding hispanic man: Blink—ohiomom was asking for the background on limo driver (male, female? etc) so I posted her this:

    ohiomom, we have identified the limo driver as male. We have a secondhand account of what he told his boss and LE regarding MH being seen with the bball players. Limo driver’s boss spoke to the media about what his driver reported. We also have rumor that driver is ex-LE.

    She then took this W(orthless)S(tuff)-at-times link and mentioned the rumored man discussed there.
    She was just saying she hadn’t heard that before. Nor had I.
    (I didn’t mention it, either, because it was off-the-wall.) Then another poster picked up on that as if was true, and here we go again!

    Sorry to have let that slip up. I should have mentioned the uncorroborated information as being an isolated mention that we have not tracked down.

    All the cautions about what we read and believe are good advice! And also about what we bring over!

  11. Word Girl says:

    Blink, more clarification on limo driver’s possible statement or non-statement.

    I also wrote this 24 hours later on 2/22 10:52 (BST)

    “ohiomom, the comment about the limo driver seeing a hispanic man following MH went in the small “possible, but not corroborated” hat. While we can’t discard tips entirely, some appear less relevant over time. I also sniffed a little racism there. And that’s not my brand of cheese.”

  12. cosmo says:

    Morgan really wanted to go to the concert. she had her own apartment, right? she didn’t need to “meet up” with anyone at the concert. she could do this at her apartment or somewhere else. she wanted to be at the concert – 6 months. she had plenty of time to prepare for the concert … i.e. score brew or drugs or whatever (not that she did).
    this leads me to believe she “kisses” her friend to go to the bathroom or to wish her luck cuz there is a new interest at the concert, but someone (jealous ex-bf)intercepts her on the way to the bathroom or on the way out of the bathroom. she knows this person, she knows it will be a hassle, doesn’t want him to see where she is sitting at the concert and hopes / works out ways to avoid and get away from him so she can get back to the concert.

  13. cosmo says:

    add in a date rape drug – “let’s have a beer for old times sake” and this gets a lot easier to see. jealousy will make people insane.

  14. Lovely says:


    Can we go back to the police report someone posted a few months ago that stated a call had come in that a purse had been stolen around 9:00pm? There was some discrepancy as to whether the call came in at that exact time, or if the purse was stolen at that time. Either way, a report exists that a purse was stolen from the JPJ parking lot during the concert.

    I’d like to look at this again…it never got pieced together…

    Any thoughts?

  15. Tarheel says:

    I realize this statement wont be popular, but i don’t recall hearing that LE has cleared the BBP’s. If I missed that somewhere, my apologies. Do others feel comfortable that the BBP’s are not suspects?

  16. skyler says:

    J 2 da K — glad to hear from you — I was having J2K w/drawal —
    actually, my post about being able to see people was accurate — there is a person we’ve talked about forever and his seats were in section 311 — he stated he didn’t notice Morgan in section 312 because you couldn’t see the people sitting in the next section — which is just not true — I was on the floor in section 105 and my seats were facing section 312, which was directly across the arena and while I didn’t know any of the people, I could distinctly determine their sex, their approximate age, their features — I could clearly see the people who were in the sections all around me — so a little fibbin’ going on —

    Slowroller — as to Mr. Bass’s statements about the clothes — he only said there were some clothes “near” the body and that the police had asked him not to make any further statements — he was on a tractor and he says he looked down and thought it was the skeleton of a deer and looked closer and realized it was probably human and probably Morgan — don’t know at what time he saw the clothes — if she was put someone else, and an animal had dragged her — if there is no flesh, the bones may have slipped right out of the pants — as well as boots, etc. — again, just speculation on my part

    Ragdoll, I intially was shocked when I heard the first news report because we had been at the concert — then when they said she was HHg on Copeley Road around 9:30, I was reeled in — I got way lost and drove over Copeley Road twice — doing a u_turn at the same spot — from my estimate I was there between 9:20 to 9:25 but intially 9:30 seemed to fit — she was NOT on that bridge at that time — I would have stopped and asked that girl if she needed help — but there was no one on Copeley — because — I saw other girls walking around campus — a group of 3 (w/out coats, and as a parent, that was my thought) then around 9:10 I saw a girl jogging up by the 7-11 — by herself in shorts, w/ an opened sweat shirt — and I said to the car’s interior — what is she thinking ….

    As time went on and no Morgan, my heart was just ripped out for the Harringtons — I always felt she was deceased and the not knowing for them was just heartbreaking for me — not that it’s the same thing, but I had recently moved the 2nd week of October, and my cat got lost — went outside and never returned — I later learned there was literally a bear loose here — I knew how much I missed my cat — I could not fathom the Harringtons’ pain —

    we’re all drawn here for different reasons — we all will work together until this murder is solved and the person(s) responsible put behind bars !!

  17. skyler says:

    PS Am watching the discover channel’s episode on King Tut’s Dna — they are using a new technique which the FBI uses when DNA is corrupted — and they were successful in getting the DNA markers w/ that process on 3300 y/o King Tut’s DNA —

    Please, God, let there be one small cell still on Morgan !

  18. Saramom says:


    I may have to find a new bone…perhaps I was too literal. I found the info that you did regarding land withdrawl, and I found the book on The Anchorage. I think we should wait for guidance from The Blink! I feel such a sense of responsibility to Miss Morgan and the Harrington’s that I worry about “heading in the wrong direction” and wasting everyone’s valuable time. I have never posted online before. My heart and head aches for the Harrington’s I cannot wait for the day in which justice is finally served for this family.

  19. skyler says:

    Moonchime wrote:It is quite interesting that the Charlottesville Police aren’t issuing a strong warning to the residents. To me this says that they think Morgan was targeted and therefore no one else is in danger. I totally disagree on the part of no one else being in danger.

    Whoever is responsible for Morgan’s murder needs to be arrested and taken off the streets. Until this happens, no one is safe.~Moonchime


    Moonchime, I feel the same as you — until they absolutely know who killed Morgan, how can they know if anyone else is in danger or not — until Jan 26th, they felt she had come to harm, but had no proof — when her body was discovered in a damn hay field, and had obviously been there for some time — they had to face some facts — the ME said she died due to homicide — LE has not said she was murdered — the harringtons have said she was murdered — “Homicide’ means death by the hands of another — a murder is a homicide, but a homicide is not necessarily a murder —

    don’t get me wrong — I want this person(s) caught post haste — just agreeing w/ you — until they know who did it and why — how can they say everyone is safe and your kid or yourself will not end up the same as Morgan —

    I think once this person has crossed that line and taken a life — the second time around will be a lot easier –

  20. Judi says:

    ** Note the alternate route to Anchorage Farm Rd thur North Garden contained below **

    I am convinced Morgan had every intention of being inside that arena to watch Metallica – she made several attempts to get back in. So, that means that she thought she could go out and come back in or she ended outside accidently or she was lured outside by someone who told her he could get her back in.

    Let’s rewind….

    - Morgan has attended music festivals/concerts/events in the area prior to he Metallica concert, brother went to UVA

    - Morgan had posted online that she was going to the concert

    - Morgan’s pre-concert excitement about the concert for the months proceeding and in the parking lot at the arena before they went in

    - Morgan kisses her friend on the cheek and supposedly leaves to go to the bathroom (I personally think it was more a “Be careful” – “Don’t worry, I will” or “Good Luck” – “Thanks!” type thing)

    - Morgan sighted by beer vendor area (did she meet someone here, did he buy her a beer – he being of age, did he slip something into that beer?)

    - Morgan sighted taking pictures and falling and seemed “out of it” when asked if she needed help. Is this when a possible drug started taking effect or a head injury occur?

    - Morgan see in the bathroom with cut and crying

    - Morgan ends up outside – how and why, no one knows

    - Morgan tries to get back in, denied, gets upset

    - Morgan seen dropping purse several times (though, if able to be used as a backpack, why not just slip it on the back?)

    - Morgan calls her friends to tell her she can’t get back in at 8:48

    - Morgan texts an unknown male in another city

    - Morgan appears to be headed in a determined direction across the parking lots

    - Morgan approaches the basketball players and interacts for approximately 10 minutes. Was she passing time before meeting some she called?)

    - Morgan and BB players split ways and Morgan proceeds up to Copley Bridge at 9:20

    - Morgan seen walking and laughing with four men wearing black (a popular color at a concert if I rememeber correct from my younger days )
    - Morgan’s phone goes dead at 9:30

    - Morgan’s card used around 10:00, I believe.

    Check out the below alternate route per google maps..takes 30 minutes to Anchorage Farm Rd THRU North Garden

    Ivy Rd & Copeley Rd Charlottesville, VA 22903

    Head northwest on Ivy Rd/US-250 BUS W 0.9 mi
    2. Turn left to merge onto US-29 S toward I-64/Lynchburg/Richmond 9.8 mi
    3. Turn left at Co Rd 712/N Garden Ln 0.8 mi
    4. Turn left at Co Rd 712/Plank Rd 1.3 mi
    5. Turn left at Thomas Dairy Ln 157 ft
    6. Head west on Thomas Dairy Ln toward Co Rd 712/Plank Rd 157 ft
    7. Turn right at Co Rd 712/Plank Rd 1.3 mi
    8. Turn right at Co Rd 712/N Garden Ln 0.8 mi
    9. Turn right at Monacan Trail Rd/US-29 N 1.9 mi
    10. Turn left at Anchorage Farm Rd 0.6 mi

    ** On step 7, if you stay on Plank instead of taking the turn on step 8, it brings you right to the crossroads **

    - Friends not concerned when Morgan not there after the concert – do the friends know that she has friends in Charlottesville who she could call and figured that’s what she did and that’s why they were not concerned until next morning? If so, can then identify these Charlottesville friends?

    - LE not issuing warnings to public – do they know Morgan was specifically targeted (which does not make this POS any less dangerous to other woman!!)?

    - Morgan found in a very remote location, which had to be known to the person(s) responsible.

    - LE looking for people to talk to them about location specifcally from immediate area to AF and North Garden.

    - LE looking to talk to bicyclist.

    So, if we piece it all together, what can we come up with???

  21. yoshi says:

    you spin me right round, baby, right round
    like a record, baby, right round, round round. -Dead or Alive/Dope

    I’m gettin dizzy here. Back to the purse. Back to OYE’s. Back to the friends. The BB players. Doughnuts in the parking lot…again. On and on it goes.

    I’m worried. Why is LE so quiet?

    Ragdoll- did anyone answer you regarding OYE’s? OYE stands for OPEN YOUR EYES. The acronym caught on, I believe, because of how annoying it was to type her handle in all caps. Wait, maybe Mom3.0 did clue you in earlier today. Like I said, I’m dizzy.

    Gifter3, thanks for bringing Gil’s latest post over. Totally had to look this one up…semaphore.
    there’s a much more technical definition in the computer world.,,sid39_gci212959,00.html

  22. Loca says:

    Whether or not JPJ admittance security tells people who are entering about their no re-admittance policy may be dependant on who (what type) of band is playing.

  23. lizzy says:

    Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly,
    ‘Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy;
    The way into my parlour is up a winding stair,
    And I’ve a many curious things to shew when you are there.”
    Oh no, no,” said the little Fly, “to ask me is in vain,
    For who goes up your winding stair can ne’er come down again.”

  24. Carebear says:

    I’ve been reading for awhile and never knew when and if I should jump in. Tonight I decided to so Hello. Blink seeings as though I am new, I do not know how I would be able to get you a private message to start off with. Would you mind guiding me in the right direction please.

  25. MsLurkALot says:

    dda says:
    February 22, 2010 at 12:43 pm

    I do not think it is a high voltage line. Look up 6662 Gordonsville Rd. in Albemarle Database orthophotos 2009. I am familiar with this property for comparison purposes. The north boundary of that property is a high voltage power line that is used for riding horses, etc. FWIW, to me, it is much more distinct and wide than the one on AF.


    dda, thank you for the comparison. I was thinking high voltage because it is so visible on the map. But, maybe it’s not as wide as I thought. Still guessing the cutting could have been done within the past year or so. Any thoughts on that?

  26. MsLurkALot says:

    keekee says:
    February 22, 2010 at 1:58 pm
    lurkalot -

    i could be wrong, but it sure looks like a john boat could move onto the blandemar farm property. that would cover for moving body without accessing any road. a johnboat motor sounds like a little motor cycle so if local kids ride around on their dirtbikes, it would not be an unusual noise.


    keekee, yes, I definitely think it’s possible, but depending on how high or low the river was at that time, and in darkness, etc., just doesn’t seem likely. I still believe the mode of transport was a vehicle, but, boaters would have intimate knowledge of the area. Also, sometimes on farms there will be old logging roads that run near the rivers, making it easier for vehicles to navigate. I haven’t looked at the maps that closely yet. Maybe someone else can take a look-see and see what they think. I’m trying not to go off on any tangents right now, ’cause I get kinda wired up and it messes with my sleep! One thing about a boat, though, it would be easy to wash out any evidence. And, one other tool that hikers, bikers and boaters often use is those small lights that you wear on your head. It’s amazing how well you can see at night with those.

  27. MsLurkALot says:

    J2K says:
    February 22, 2010 at 2:37 pm

    ………. Oh, and also to one of your observations, MsLAL – and on top of Sapphire’s weigh-in – the powerline utility easement would not neccesarily have access gates unless Bass installed them.

    MsLurksALot – your guess is as good (or better, it would seem) as mine on that unidentified shape(s) on the BF-bordering parcel in the GIS Orthophoto. Keep me posted on your thoughts.


    J, true that about utility easement and access gates. My other observation on that was the clear cutting usually makes a nice wide path that is easier to drive on. For large power lines, they cut the trees all the way to the ground in a wide swath. We have one close by, and trucks can easily navigate it. And, those large trucks have to have some way to get in there, there has to be a road of some type nearby with easy access, especially if there’s an outage. and they have to get in there quickly.

    The unidentified shape could be anything. I read that there were a couple of old iron forges along the river in the 1700-1800′s. Could be the remnants of an old blast furnace (I think that’s what they’re called), though it doesn’t appear that close to the stream. Also, due to the angle of the sun, could just be a really big shrub/tree that looks even bigger with a shadow cast around it. Dunno, maybe an old silo, though it doesn’t look cylindrical. I’m still thinking Big Foot!

  28. Gypsy DD says:

    I wonder if this individual has ever taken another life? Not just deer or game in the woods, but something more leading up to this..let’s just say a family pet with sentimental feelings attached from the family..surely his family pet and others in the neighborhood? I think that by now his family has a very disturbing feeling in their gut…like I never thought he would go this far..not my baby..

    I also still believe that a date rape drug was involved..unbeknown to Morgan.

    She was a beautiful young woman, who had been on the local music scene for a few years. Someone had tried to entice her before and gotten rebuffed. His family heritage spoke of privilege and dare she say no at another venue., and in her emails or text messages. There our story begins and ends..find your loser entitlement dude and his family..find Morgan’s killer. Then find his lesser part that thought or was told he was secure with the friendship of this person. Prey is prey..someone knows alot..others know some of it..we are listening..Mogan’s bones will tell it all.

    If I were lesser dude..I’d turn on a dime.

    If I were the rich mother, I’d see that I turned my child retain his medical and mental help, as well as the entire family’s well being. Be reassured the family no longer will have to live in this nightmare. And who ever did this has been acting out since they were young, and grown worse as time has passed. Maybe this individual needs care and understanding..but this person has taken a life..that is not something money nor time can cover up. This person needs help, and needs to be taken out of society to prevent more episodes of this nature. This is not eccentricity..this is murder…

    I think no matter your social is hard to come to grips that your child could do or participate in such a thing. But if you know this to be true about your child, if you think this is so…help yourself and your son or daughter by turning them in..until that day..that awful day..there will never be any peace in your heart and soul.
    After that day ..well your true friends will still love and support you..those who don’t aren’t worth the time or energy…..because you have become the person they wish they could be..but never will.

  29. gifter3 says:

    Your poem was a beautiful tribute to Morgan!
    Thanks for sharing!


    Yoshi…I am laughing,because I looked up the word too. :0)
    I could tell what Gil meant from the gist of her poem,
    but was not familiar with the word “semaphore”.

    I think we are all dizzy. The way LE has chosen to play out Morgan’s murder is the most mysterious thing I have ever known.


    Skyler and Moonchime,
    Concerning your comment-”It is quite interesting that the Charlottesville Police aren’t issuing a strong warning to the residents”

    *Could it be someone in a band that is on tour?
    *Someone that goes to school out of state?
    They would have to have an airtight alibi.
    *Someone behind bars already?
    *Someone in an institution? Home periodically.
    *Maybe the person that did this is dead, but LE trying to
    nail down the accomplices.
    *Someone that lives out of the country? Accomplice here??

    Blink, can you please throw us some crumbs?

  30. fish says:

    skyler says:
    February 22, 2010 at 8:36 pm
    It was you, me and King Tut, I guess! We were having an out of tomb experience Sky! What section was your son on the floor? Was it by James H.? I remember you saying something about tuning a guitar but can’t remember where. That show was really facinating. All it takes is a few cells and bammo! In our Morgan’s case…leads to BG! Tell your son, I said hey!

    And, Sky, FWIW, I believe that you must be one of the kindess people I have never met! Thanks again for the beautiful rock.
    It helps heal my heart and I know that it must help the Harrington’s hearts, as well.

    Not that this means anything but if LE doesn’t warn community then we should definitely take it that he was obsessed with Morgan. She rebuffed him many times before. His ego couldn’t take it and thus, when he had the chance…he struck! He’s got a strange friendship in the helper and the friend.


    We all should be worried about Albemarle County and Charlottesville? How about any other town? What I have learned is that people in Virginia think nothing of driving to and fro. There are no tolls. So we all should be aware as we always are.

    Yes Sky, Dogs can pick up a decomposing scent or blood and over time. Lots of time. They have found graves. So, I asked and there are different types of dogs, ie. cadavar, scent, decomp and they all are trained very specifically. Think Twin Towers, Tsunami, Oklahoma City, Katrina and Think Haiti. Tell me these dogs don’t work.
    But, you do not want a dog that is crosstrained.
    Did LE have one the these types of dogs on site? Or what was it that led them to know how Morgan ended up there?

    Blink, anyone feel comfortable saying which direction they came from? Or is that a no?

  31. MsLurkALot says:

    anotherB says:
    February 21, 2010 at 9:36 pm
    Sorry for the confusion, here is a better way to describe the spot:

    Find the tree line X on 2009 orthophotos and follow the trees to the left towards the border of Anchorage Farm. There are two large, dark cone shaped trees, with a free space in between. What is that between these trees?

    Another B, I tried, but just couldn’t seem to “see” anything in the spot I think you’re referencing. These maps are like ink blots, if I look at them long enough my eyes start playing tricks on me! Do you have a link to a particular map you are looking at?

  32. J2K says:

    deaf ears – re BB players

    This posit, deaf E, makes much sense to me:

    “Morgan, whether she realized it or not at the time, would have good reason to approach and talk to the basketball players in the RV lot; JPJ is primarily a basketball arena, and the basketball players are treated like royalty there. If anyone could succeed in getting Morgan back into the arena through a back entrance without having to rescan her ticket, it would be someone on or connected with the basketball team. It wouldn’t surprise me if Morgan approached them to ask if they could somehow help her get back in. I will also say that I don’t see them wanting to get involved with the situation for a few reasons – they are already under a lot of scrutiny to begin with, they have more to lose from disciplinary issues than the average student, etc.”

    Tarheel – re: same

    You are indeed correct that until someone is arrested in this case, no one is truly “cleared,” but I think the probability that any of those young men was involved went from highly unlikely to not-a-chance when her body was discovered in such a locals-only spot. Just sayin’.

    sky-2the-La – re: seating

    I don’t doubt your in-person critical observation of the seating arrangement in the JPJ, as to the visibility of patrons sitting in adjacent sections. But. I would hesitate to say someone was “fibbing” if they were asked point-blank if he saw her and answered no (yet said person also freely offered up he saw her elsewhere in the venue). There were thousands of people there that night sitting all around her and passing her by, and few (with a few notable unconfirmed exceptions) have surfaced (except probably to LE) from people who clearly remember seeing her in her seat or elsewhere inside that night. (Note: does *not* mean she was not there, of course, as she was indeed there.)

    P.S. Your memorial stone continues to be a source of bittersweet smiles for me.

  33. J2K says:

    Lovely – re: The Stolen Purse Report

    (You asked:) “Can we go back to the police report someone posted a few months ago that stated a call had come in that a purse had been stolen around 9:00pm? …I’d like to look at this again…it never got pieced together…Any thoughts?”

    My thought is that it is wholly unrelated to MH. This possible was explored in-depth on these threads months ago. B may have a few stationed lookouts tracking any odd developments with the report, but it was related to a theft allegedly occurring between 5:30 and 9 p.m. in a parking area about 20 min (by foot) away from the arena. Curious at the time, but no connection has – or likely ever will – be made, imo.

  34. Word Girl says:

    Ms. Lurk,
    Just what I was thinking while reading your post. Those human headlamps could have replaced vehicle lamps quite easily on that ill-fated night.

  35. cvillenative says:

    Liam says:
    February 22, 2010 at 11:59 am
    Is it possibe to pay for a cab with a debit/credit card?



  36. Word Girl says:

    Not sure if anyone has answered, but yes, it is generally possible to pay for a cab with debit or credit card.

    Here is a list of taxi and shuttle services in the Charlottesville area.

    I checked several of them and they say they accept the four major credit cards.

  37. Eloise says:

    Hi Blink & Gang,

    I wanted to see if I was thinking along the same paths as some of you. When looking at the site, I feel cheesy towards what looks like the utility road or path coming off Blandemar, BEFORE the green barn. Going back to 2007 & 2003, they show that path almost all the way parallel to Morgan’s spot. Trouble I have is how to pass thru the creek. Not too clear on its width/depth.
    Is this what anyone else was thinking? Also to the ? powerlines, is that the black vertical lines almost half way down the path? I was thinking a gate, but I guess its too high.
    I also wanted to know if anyone was thinking about the possible boots being off of Morgan. Why would they be off? I recall Blink posting a similar boot, and if it was laced up, I cant see a perp fooling with that. Was she hanging out somewhere to feel comfy with her footware off?
    I know we were discussing her exit from the arena, was there official confirmation from any source that they hadnt asked her to go out b/c she seemed too unsteady, You know with the bleeding chin, dropping the purse, and I wonder if they would want to admit that that happened.
    Just some thoughts, and I think I saw that little black thing that looks like a person/scarecrow, bigfoot = in that map. Perfectly round little head, it must be some kind of bush, no?

  38. J2K says:

    cosmo – re: circling back to an ex-BF

    We likely won’t know who is responsible for her death until the first arrest is made, but there are a number of logistical issues with your suggestion here (February 22, 2010 at 1:49 pm):

    “… Morgan (breaks up with him at family’s behest and) continues her life and tries to let the Ex-Bf down slowly over the course of 6 months to a year… and i think he is at the concert. has a ticket or even two tickets or knows he can get back in later. she goes to talk. can’t get back in, but is now outside with the ExBf and can’t get back inside. …but she still can’t shake the ExBf.”

    First, it gives little to no credit to LE, who have been on the case for more than 4 months, and have surely been privy to hundreds of facts, accounts, records, etc. in regard to this case and her life up to that point, to which we are not; LE has certainly does not appear to have reached anything close to the theory you’re proposing, in regard to a (sociopathic?) Ex/Known.

    The basic strategy with most high-risk MP cases or murders is working from the inside outward – i.e., her exes, friends, family, acquaintances in Cville, FB friends, people who had contacted her via her phone recently, etc. are all investigated and categorized accordingly. As the scenario LE seemed to settle on within a month or so was that she hitchhiked and was (their words:) “abducted” in the course of engaging in such. A obsessy, bitter Ex would have been pretty damn high on their list of POIs, if he existed and he had a ticket to the show (even if he didn’t have one).

    Second, you speculated:
    “… she tries the RV Lot because she knows some people. she tries the BBall players because they seem safe and around. but she still can’t shake the ExBf.”

    If she approached the BB players because she was being pursued by said Ex, wouldn’t that critical information have been shared with LE, giving them a lead? And, while if she had sked them about getting her back inside the arena or giving her a ride “home” or whatever she approached them with, and they declined, that doesn’t mean if she had approached them for *protection/help* they wouldn’t assist her – being they were student-athletes on campus grounds – probably being compelled to act by the UVA be-a-decent-person code or something. Hard to believe if this scenario was the case they wouldn’t have asked who was bothering her (there were 3-4 of them)/walk her to the many security personnel in the area.

    I could go on, but there are more holes with this theory (which was explored closer to the start of the case in great detail here) than I have time to point out. It comes down to the fact that in exploring every angle of a high-profile MP/murder case involving a beautiful, popular co-ed, LE had unearthed very little as far as leads or new levels in the investigation – they were grasping at straws toward the end of that bleak period in mid-January. (“Be on the lookout for weirdos at work or at metal shows…” Remember? ugh.) Until.

    Until her body was discovered, pop-starting the investigation and underscoring the increasingly obvious conclusion that it was impossible to connect her with a suspect because *she had no connection* – or rather, one that was solid or current – to suspect(s)/the killer(s). It’s hard to fathom – and makes it a lot more difficult to “Web sleuth” into what happened (as opposed to someone, say on her Facebook page or who she saw at Bonnaroo). But we shouldn’t let the limitations of (lay folks like us) accessing clues in a stranger-murder blind us to the reality that it is indeed likely what happened here in the end.

  39. J2K says:

    Christy S. – re: access to placement

    Good finds; you noted (in regard to BF Drive property with green structure):

    “Shed, Equipment…..288 sq ft
    Barn, Hay…..1536 sq ft
    It’s from county records online.”

    And went on to point out:

    “IMO this (BF Dr.) is the way the BG would have accessed the spot where he placed her. I haven’t formed a clear picture as to what happened before they brought her body over but it would have been super easy for anyone with access to that property to move her to where she was found. Has anyone looked at any connections these owners may have? Grounds crews, younger family members?”

    That certainly narrows down the suspect pool, right? Could definitely have been from that property (which has security and electric gate) – but, if so, I’m surprised that in scouring the area in the days after she was found, LE was still prompted to have that odd presser in which they reached out to the (albeit small) community for tips – talking about history/uses/locals on and around AF. You’d think if they’d narrowed access down to a fairly secure property adjacent to her placement, with a limited list of workers, family members, etc., that the would not be at a point where there was a need to purposely involve the public (Red Hill Road bikers anyone?) in furthering the investigation. And, according to B, they *do* know how the spot was accessed. To me, this rules out a direct connection to the green-barn prop.

    That said, the developer and his wife (she makes jewelry in town – they support the Ron McD House and the SPCA) have two married children – a daughter (actually, she may still be engaged) in her late 20s (I think) who has a partner stake in the development/investment company and works; and a son (in his early 30s, I think) who is married, with kids, to a ’96 STAB grad. It appears in the son’s case there are some local bands (already mentioned here) he is a fan of/has friends who are fans of (but what relatively young person wouldn’t in that city?) So, young – yes; but not quite young enough that they’d be dillying around dad’s property in the dead of night or have friends that would be.

  40. susanm says:

    i have been trying to check out the red hill quarry,is that a popular swimming hole?it looks huge ,is it granite?it just seems fromm viewing the map my rides,natural trail maps ,that the area is traveled for outdoor leisure purposes(hunting,cycling,fishing)i’m leaning towards the placement being more about being behind blandemar farm road,more than anchorage farm.otherwise its about the basses(their tenants,employees,family, friends ,enemies, band friends,former boyfriends,ect.)

  41. total amateur says:

    IMHO, perp is not someone who is currently living/working on or directly near AF. In the last presser, law enforcement said “RETURNED to this area in a time of high stress.” They repeatedly mentioned the word “HISTORY”. They mentioned “may have been here 3 years ago, or five years ago.”

    To me, that sounds specifically like a local that has been away for a few years and recently came back or visited. I’d be looking for:

    1.) Someone who’d been incarcerated for 3-5 years
    2.) Someone who’d been away at school for 3-5 years
    3.) Someone who’d moved away for 3-5 years

    It sounds to me like LE is asking the locals:

    1.) Had anyone recently been around that used to frequent the area?
    2.) Had your kids/relatives/neighbors mentioned that an old friend/enemy/ex-con was in town or moved back?

  42. gifter3 says:

    Well said, GypsyDD!

  43. MsLurkALot says:

    Gypsy DD says:
    February 22, 2010 at 10:48 pm

    ……… I think no matter your social is hard to come to grips that your child could do or participate in such a thing.


    Gypsy, your words strike a chord in me. I think mothers, especially, cannot conceive of their boys being capable of such, and, hate to say it, but mothers are sometimes the root of the enabling that starts that cycle. Just from observation.

  44. susanm says:

    what does anyone think about her boots?when did they come off?they were lace on,they didnt fall off.

  45. susanm says:

    why would he take them off? she might kick him ,where ? when?where would she take them off ?van or someone’s home.

  46. susanm says:

    maybe he took them off because his car floor was on them.

  47. justiceformorgan says:

    Chad and KeeKee, thank you for the info re; the facebook page.

    I haven’t read all of today’s posts so please forgive me if this has already been metioned. I did read a post, from KeeKee I think earlier today, with respect to the possibility that perhaps something was slipped into Morgan’s drink when she was inside the stadium.

    During his interview with CNN’s Jane Velez-Mitchel (link below), WT made the following comments with respect to seeing Morgan at the concert in response to questions he was asked;

    1. “She was inside on the — as you call it, the upper corridor, where all the vendors are and where they serve all the beers and the I.D. check”.

    2. “I couldn`t tell if she was alone, because there was so many people, and it was kind of like a passing by kind of thing”.

    3. “This was going to be inside the stadium is where I can remember seeing — seeing her”.

    4. “You know, I mean, we were all kind of, sort of pushed through and kind of like to get where we were going. I mean, everyone kind of — had a bit of anxiety to them, you know, trying to push through. And kind of get to whatever part of the arena that they were trying to get to”.

    So, if what WT is saying is accurate, it certainly describes a scene in which Morgan *could have* been walking with a drink and *may not* have been aware *if* someone slipped something into her drink.

    Link to CNN interview transcript;

  48. total amateur says:

    Blink, found this on a different forum. Poster goes on to say it’s been reported to LE, but maybe worth a look. Maybe nothing, but who knows.


    sick n crozet
    Charlottesville, VA
    I understand that the detectives and the police are doing all that they can do however there are soooo many people here in crozet that are talking about what happened that it seems crazy that they are not being investigated. There are actually sick people that are here talking about how they were involved and no matter how many tips they get it seems like nothing is being done to investigate it. These people are sick and the scary thing about it is that they live in the same house with a lot of teenage girls
    sick n crozet
    Charlottesville, VA

    Hannah wrote:
    Wow. You should tell the police about this if you haven’t already, might be more pieces of the unsolved puzzle.

    sick n crozet wote:
    I already have called in the tip so hopefully that will help out. It just makes me sick to think that the people he lives with continue to allow him to live in their house knowing that he is either involved or knows what happened to that girl!

  49. justiceformorgan says:

    You would think that there would definitely be surveillance cameras in the area of the arena where liquor was being served however I’m sure those cameras have been checked. I wonder if the alcohol vendor at the arena that night was an independent who may have their own security cameras, staff, etc. I know of stadiums that have their own security and crowd control, ticket-takers, etc staff but their hot dog, beer vendors, etc are separate. Even when it’s the same food and alcohol vendor for every event and their kitchen, serving area is a permanent part of the stadium, the staff who prepare and serve the food and beverages are in a different union and paid by a different company than the stadium workers. So, perhaps the vendor company(s) also have their own surveillance equipment.

  50. anotherB says:

    ” MsLurkALot says:
    February 22, 2010 at 11:16 pm

    anotherB says:
    February 21, 2010 at 9:36 pm
    Sorry for the confusion, here is a better way to describe the spot:

    Find the tree line X on 2009 orthophotos and follow the trees to the left towards the border of Anchorage Farm. There are two large, dark cone shaped trees, with a free space in between. What is that between these trees?

    Another B, I tried, but just couldn’t seem to “see” anything in the spot I think you’re referencing. These maps are like ink blots, if I look at them long enough my eyes start playing tricks on me! Do you have a link to a particular map you are looking at?”

    Go to the 2009 orthophotos on gisweb. It looks exactly like a human standing there, it is just too big. It is in one of the angles of the field where Morgan was found, in the treeline, next to the border of Anchorage farm.

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