Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. Steph A says:

    My theory or “vision” not sounding too crazy anymore, huh? Too bad I am too afraid of the ridicule to continue now and help hunt down the individual(s) involved. Not publicly anyway….I have learned my lesson there. It is being done privately….And I will do everything in my power to help the Harrington’s find the monster(s) and justice to this entire ordeal to an end. Not saying I had all the facts correct, but I can only interpret what I believe I am seeing….But I did know where she was…..just not exactly how to get there..(yet)..if I had of not been so put down and humiliated, I would have probably continue on the case, to the best of my abilities and maybe, just maybe it would be solved by now…..before 3 who months past…..Never~the~less, the person who this means the most too is listening and believing in me….That is all that matters. I am also working on another case with a lead detective in another state, so my time now is swamped…..between y own job and trying to do everything I can to help out these deserving families… That’s all I ever wanted to do in the first place. Good luck to you all and to the Harrington’s. Morgan IS at peace, and hopefully they will be able to find a little peace in this horrific crime soon also.

  2. justiceformorgan says:

    Finished reading all the posts from yesterday and today. Thank you to everyone who answered my Facebook question!

  3. keekee says:

    my head is so full of cheese at the moment, i’m heavy with frustration

    i know this will be solved

    still smell rotten cheese emanating from an older and younger different t. they are business machers

    wt is a liar, in my opinion. classic signs of lying are embellishment and he gives way way to many details. there is covering of someone’s azz there

    one more thought about the police reference to history and someone returning after 2 or 3 years. how bout someone from the landed gentry renting on af while a senior at uva?

  4. keekee says:

    someone prolly already posted this, but jorn vandersloot confessed to killing natalie holloway. entitled piece of …cheese…, yeah that’s right, rotten cheese

  5. GnM says:

    Again, all of Morgan’s described behaviors that evening could be due to alcohol intoxication and not drugs. It is possible, but I’m just saying I have been there many years ago. People do not act like themselves when drunk … to me it could be that simple, well, that part of it anyway. Stumbling, falling, out-of-character behavior, poor judgment, confusion, lowered inhibitions, dropping items … all sounds like being drunk IMO.

  6. GnM says:

    Maybe she was kicking him with the boots and he took them off.

    There have been other cases where items such as pants and shoes were found in a location separate from the body … most likely thrown from a car. I’m thinking of the Dru Sodjin case. I believe Dru’s body was outside for about five months … plenty of evidence there.

  7. E in SA says:

    First time I am asking a question relating to the case, but everyone has been wondering whether Morgan knew that she would not be readmitted if she left the arena. It was said at first that the arena had signs clearly stating that rule, but then someone else who actually went to see a concert there said that there are no such signs and no employees informed her of that rule and it was not printed on the ticket, etc. So I want to ask (forgive me if this has already been asked and answered, but I can’t recall ever seeing it): Was this Metallica concert the first time Morgan had ever been to see a concert at that arena? If it was the first time, then it seems very likely that she did not know about the no readmission policy and was not planning to leave and not come back (meaning she had every intention to return in time to see the show). But if she had been to a concert there before, then it seems likely that she did know about the policy and had no intention to re-enter (meaning that the person/place outside was WAY more important than the concert). But that makes no sense! OK, so her dad buys the tickets. IF she lied to her parents about her plans that night and did not want them to know she was doing something else and not seeing the concert with her friends (e.g. meeting an ex they did not approve of), why didn’t she at least try to sell her ticket to someone outside (at less than the official cost)instead of wasting the ticket by going inside? (If her account was overdrawn, she would have needed the money). That’s why I don’t believe that she went there with plans to meet someone else or go somewhere else. She always intended to see Metallica, otherwise she would have sold her ticket beforehand and not used it.

    Also, if someone slipped Morgan GHB or Rohypnol, I feel terribly sorry for her. I took GHB twice (voluntarily!) and Rohypnol once and I can’t imagine what it must be like to take it unknowingly. Combined with alcohol, GHB is even more potent. But Rohypnol is the worst. She really would not have know what was happening to her. I blacked out for hours and could not remember anything. I took GHB at home in quiet surroundings and it was hectic enough. I think in a crowded, noisy place and you start panicking, it must be hell, it really feels like you are suffocating. You would do anything just to get out of there. (But again, once that feeling comes on, you would not be in any state to kiss your friend goodbye or speak on the phone coherently enough to say not to worry and that you would get a ride home.) From experience, I know that GHB and Rohypnol takes effect pretty quickly, so if she did ingest it, it was not in the arena – too much time passed after that for her to still be coherent and lucid on the phone.

  8. Mom3.0 says:

    Chad, Hi, thanks for doing the FB thing. Still totally oblivious on how to set up account. I will ask my daughter for help asap. Haven’t been here quite as much because both kids need computer for projects. The audacity of kids wanting to do their homework…Boggles the mind doesn’t it?- As to my thoughts on OYE- Still don’t know what to believe. Will say this much, over time her belief still hasn’t faltered.

    Susanm- the boots- Yes, I don’t believe the kind of lace up boots described would just fall off. IME, they are a pain in the butt to get off. If they were as high on the leg as has been reported, they would have taken time to unlace as you pull them tighter as they reach the ankle. They can also add considerable weight, so either they were taken off before, to prevent injury, or for convenience, or they were taken off after death because they were cumbersome and heavy. IMO, Morgan would not have removed them in a vehicle in order to get comfortable or warm, takes too much time and effort.

    One last point on the boots, if they were removed by the BG in order to prevent injury, either there were 2 of them, or they were cut off, because as I said, boots like these do not come off easy. If Morgan was kicking the sob, it would be hard for one person to remove/unlace, while scuffling with a person.

    FWIW, I had a pair of boots like the ones described, but they had a hidden zipper along the inside. Don’t know if Morgan’s did, or not…

    One last thing to those asking who would have the key pad combo.. possibly FF or Rescue workers? I don’t know, but that is a very good question. Found these pics showing the vehicles used by rescue workers. A trailer for “special event medical management,” and a neat vehicle for the rescue squad… click on the pics to make them larger.

  9. radiogirl says:

    GypsyDD,Are you from the area (Va.)? I’m wondering if locals are suspecting a specific member of their community and if your ear was to the ground.TIA,R

  10. Minnie Penney says:

    In January 1947 a young woman was brutally murdered in Los Angeles. Over two thousand people, including a few women, confessed to murdering Elizabeth Short, the Black Dahlia. Sometimes people just crave attention. They want to become part of the story. That’s why the police always hold some info back so they can sort out the nutters from the person who really might know something. No one was ever convicted. As to Tutankhamen, the embalming methods of the Egyptians are amazing. The Egyptians were great pet lovers and their pet dogs,cats,birdies and horses also joined them as critter mummies. The god of the home and the dead was Anubis – miniature pinscher lovers swear that he looks like a min pin – works for me I got two of ‘em.

  11. melissa says:

    Good find Total Amateur. I’m sure Blink will pass along if needed. I do think LE knows who is responsible but maybe waiting on testing and figuring out who else is involved. I think they have not issued warnings to the towns people as they may be watching this person very closely. I’m sure if he made one wrong move they would do something. This is what I am desperately hoping anywho!

  12. Ragdoll says:

    #23 Carebear

    Just post as you would any message. Ensure it says PRIVATE or FOR BLINK ONLY! Something that stands out.

    All comments are moderated before posting.

  13. In Memory of Gini says:


    Do you know if the comments by Sick N Crozet have any validity? That definately sounds like someone has strong suspicions.

  14. bevolovr says:

    20.TDBone says:
    February 22, 2010 at 12:22 pm
    I am not sure if I can post links to another forum (If it is not allowed, then please delete). These are the images I put together the other day. NOTE THE UPDATE PLEASE.
    OMG, TDB these are awesome!!! Wow, I can really get a feel for the terrain now, and my cheese is hovering between Red Hill Rd, and Blandemar, the big green barn, as ingress points. Also, Morgan being washed into that field by water looks more plausible. THANKS!
    Does anyone local know if the Blandemar Farm pond overflows into what looks like a creek? Didn’t Mr. Bass say that Morgan was in a creekbed?

  15. Concerned Mom says:

    3.Steph A says:
    February 23, 2010 at 6:21 am
    My theory or “vision” not sounding too crazy anymore, huh? Too bad I am too afraid of the ridicule to continue now and help hunt down the individual(s) involved. Not publicly anyway….I have learned my lesson there. It is being done privately….And I will do everything in my power to help the Harrington’s find the monster(s) and justice to this entire ordeal to an end. Not saying I had all the facts correct, but I can only interpret what I believe I am seeing….But I did know where she was…..just not exactly how to get there..(yet)..if I had of not been so put down and humiliated, I would have probably continue on the case, to the best of my abilities and maybe, just maybe it would be solved by now…..before 3 who months past…..Never~the~less, the person who this means the most too is listening and believing in me….That is all that matters. I am also working on another case with a lead detective in another state, so my time now is swamped…..between y own job and trying to do everything I can to help out these deserving families… That’s all I ever wanted to do in the first place. Good luck to you all and to the Harrington’s. Morgan IS at peace, and hopefully they will be able to find a little peace in this horrific crime soon also.
    I am so sorry that someone gave you a hard time when you presented what you saw. I am just glad you are giving your info to the right people.
    I find it hard to beleive that some people are SO opposed to believing that some people do have the ability (IMO, the God given ability) to see things that others don’t, whether it be in dreams, visions, whatever. There are a lot of closed minded individuals who just can’t/won’t/don’t understand. With that said, I am not psychic whatsoever, but know someone extremely close to me who has some of those abilities. Maybe I would not believe either if I had not witnessed from this person what I have over the past 30 plus years.

  16. deetee says:

    boots off

    one awful reason i can think of that her boots may have been off would be that if she were marched to that location. bg forces here to take her boots off b/c running barefoot in the woods/fields would make escape very difficult. sorry to even suggest it.

  17. skyler says:

    Fish wrote: skyler says:
    February 22, 2010 at 8:36 pm
    It was you, me and King Tut, I guess! We were having an out of tomb experience Sky! What section was your son on the floor? Was it by James H.? I remember you saying something about tuning a guitar but can’t remember where. That show was really facinating. All it takes is a few cells and bammo! In our Morgan’s case…leads to BG! Tell your son, I said hey!

    Hey, Fish — I will give a shout out to my son for you — he is desperately seeking a job by Friday — had one until the guy found out he was 19 and not 21 — the lady of the house where he lives says if no job by Friday, then he has to leave — so if you-all will say a little prayer for him — he has some follow up interviews this week, so fingers crossed — I refrained from telling him: I told you so — which was so difficult to do —

    My boy walked in the doors of JPJ and camped out on the “right” side of the stage — the band came in from curtains to the right of him — from what I’m thinking he is telling me — he was on the opposite end of the stage from the drums and on that right-hand corner — I think — on the LOG videos the side of the stage where the drums were and where you think you see Morgan — he was on the other side of the stage — he did talk to a guy who was tuning JH’s guitar and had brief conversation w/ him about him being on an albumn cover — he also engaged in conversation w/ one of the security guards or security persons standing in front of the cage that surrounded the stage — there was a little gate in the “cage” where they walked thru and he was standing right by that little gate — JH, Metal God that he is, walked right by him — for which he has yet to recover — : )

    The post from the person in Crozet which was brought over is disturbing — unless it’s the guy who said he picked up the blonde girl HHg — that may be more talk than action and LE may have already ck’d into it and determined he didn’t know enough to be the person — I read these accounts where people just call up and say they did these heinous crimes all the time w/ no connection whatsoever — blows my mind …

    I think when all is said and done this is going to come down to a simple answer. I believe, for whatever reason, Morgan willingly got into the car w/ a male driver — and once she was inside that car, she realized she’d made literally a fatal mistake, she tried to get out, but could not — what happened after that and the time she was murdered we do not know. Even though a male was driving, there may also have been a female present in the car — why she felt comfortable getting in — I don’t know. The one rape case I did 20+ years ago, the young girl’s car broke down on the ramp off 95, she got in the tow truck w/ the driver — even though a mom in a stationwagon also stopped and tried to talk her into not going — instead of driving to the gas station at the top of the exit ramp, he drove her 60 miles south and raped her — this was back when 95 had tolls, and she managed to escape when he stopped to pay the toll — my brain just doesn’t function in understanding what causes people to commit such a crime — however when my child was a newborn and in his little car seat and somebody pulled out from a stop light and almost T-boned my car on that side, I was ready to put his head in a different zip code — so who knows ?

    To Stephanie — I’m sorry you felt people were harsh to you here — but so what? I don’t mean that to be unkind — I’ve put forward lots of theories that people have shot down and thought I was pretty insane — I have a friend who also has a psychic ability, and I posted her theory here — Blink has made it clear that she’s had negative history w/ people pursuing the families of MPs for money, etc. — I don’t believe she put you in that category — but because of that history, she’s uncomfortable posting that type of information. When you posted about Morgan’s brutal death, not speaking for Blink, but I believe her concern was for Morgan’s parents. Now that Morgan has been found, and perhaps her bones revealed she was brutally murdered — we can advance to trying to find who did this.

    You have children and if I recall correctly, you work in a school zone — so I know your heart where children are concerned. I know it’s difficult when others who do not have your gifts/abilities don’t understand. But I’m asking for Morgan — now that she has been found, what are you seeing/picking up as to the persons who did this and why ?

    I’ve posted my friend’s vision and continued information that she’s getting. Someone else posted their dream and vision of what they’re seeing. Blink obviously posted your last message, I think if you just put at the top this is what you’re picking up, we will receive your information w/ the same respect as we receive others’ theories about what happened.

    This is all about Morgan. And about someone else’s daughter — I’m so concerned that since this person(s) has done this once, they’ll do it again — he/she/they need to be stopped immediately. Please post — thank you, Skyler

  18. Phyl says:

    Could Morgan have been excited to go to “the scene” and not just to see Metallica?

    “Without the lot scene it would just be a concert,” Clay explains. “Really the culture of the whole thing is one of the biggest elements of the Widespread Panic tour experience. Most of the social interaction of the scene itself does take place in the parking lot.”

    This is an article from 2002.

  19. mosaic says:

    Morgan was wearing tights and boots. Could the boots have been removed in order to remove the tights?

  20. New Poster says:

    to total amateur:

    It has been reported that Bass rented out the smaller house on his farm to graduate students for the past 20 years until his daughter started living there recently.

    To me, the comments about returning to AF in a time of stress after several years away could be referring to a graduate student that lived in that rented house in the past. I would certainly hope that LE has checked out all previous renters of that hose. What may be more difficult is checking out all the friends who had visited said grad students at the house and knew about the property.

    Question for anyone: so we know that Bass was out of town the night of the 17th – what about his daughter? Was she out of town as well? If so, who would have known she was leaving town that night? Is she young enough to have a facebook page, where she might have made a “status update” indicating that she was leaving on a trip, which a friend or even remote lurker could have seen and deduced that no one would be at AF on the 17th?

    While BF seems like the easier access point, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the BG entered from BF. Thinking from the viewpoint of BG, if I have experience with AF, it would make sense to take body to far corner of AF that backs up against BF, to make it look like the killer came from BF. After all, it does seem like we are dealing with a BG that is somewhat clever, having left the purse and cell phone without battery in the RV lot.

  21. Phyl says:

    Yoshi and Cosmo,
    Thank you for your comments.

    It is so easy for someone to slip something into someone’s drink. And like you pointed out yoshi, for a variety of nefarious reasons.
    I never realized just how serious and widespread this “problem” is.
    I too rolled the eyes as a young adult when the older and wiser crowd would preach to me.

    A good friend of mine, a very beautiful woman in her mid 40′s, went to her high school reunion last year. After the reunion a group of them got together and decided to have a few drinks at the local family type restaurant pub. She was at the bar on the end sitting next to a man she didn’t know who tried to start a conversation with her. She politely acknowledged him, but continued to socialize with her old classmates. She remembers him saying to her, “Enjoy the ride.” He got up and left. She told her friend next to her what he said and they both said, “What the heck did he mean by that?” and then forgot about it. That is ALL my friend remembers. Thank God she was with people who cared about her and made sure she got home safely. She wound up having to go to the hospital because she fell several times. She is still mortified to this day thinking that her high school peers must think she’s a fall down drunk (she is not.) She was sick for a few days after that and they finally made the connection when they recalled the guy next to her saying, “enjoy the ride.”

  22. Jim M says:

    With all the speculation surrounding why Morgan wound up outside the arena– has anyone brought up the possibility she was bounced? If she was caught drinking underage inside the arena security would have bounced her no questions asked and would have refused reentry. However, I doubt $10 and hour security guys are going to be that adamant not letting an attractive girl back in if she left by accident/no intention. However if she was caught drinking or suspected under the influence thats another thing. If the witnesses reports are accurate about her falling inside the arena or dropping her purse repeatedly– and Security witnessed similar behavior she would have been escorted out. Perhaps there IS video footage and this is what it shows and LE does not want this out at this time. Has JPJ ever released a statement or investigation regarding the circumstances of MH possible expulsion. This certainly explains her atypical behavior immediately outside the arena and why the friends stayed inside (no– here is money for another ticket, please let her back in she is with us, or here are the car keys chill for another hour and we’ll be right out). Am I wrong?

  23. Word Girl says:

    Steph A–your swan song was touching. Are you sure you don’t want to stay and post with us?

    Share some of your facts and resources with those of us who are also interested in solving this case and bringing justice for Morgan. I’m especially curious about how you knew where Morgan was found?
    That information might help us find other missing persons much more quickly!

    Sounds like you’re swamped with working on another case with a lead detective, but if you can spare some time and have resources, timelines, facts, maps, LE leads and corroboration–that would be invaluable!

    Phyl–Your front door is open.

  24. mosaic says:

    J2K—that certainly does shoot a large hole into the Entry Through Blandemar By Green Building theory. You pointed out that after searching the properties LE requested more information from cyclists that ride along Red Hill Road.

    “You’d think if they’d narrowed access down to a fairly secure property adjacent to her placement, with a limited list of workers, family members, etc., that they would not be at a point where there was a need to purposely involve the public (Red Hill Road bikers anyone?) in furthering the investigation.” (J2K)

    I think you’re on to something.

    Entry from the little bridge at the crossing of the NF Hardware River and Red Hill Road seems very likely and fits with that request for info from cyclists.

    Or possibly, as Eloise pointed out, there’s a significant path directly off Waldemar Drive that runs along the west side of the river. This is accessible from Red Hill Road and before you get to the owner’s gate/keypad entry.

    Wouldn’t you love to be a fly on Lt. Rader’s wall right now?

  25. Kelly J says:

    Blink et al, we have been pretty much keeping up from abroad but we’re wondering how much research has actually gone in to the number 434–709–1685? Has anyone verified it for previous ownership or a connection to same number in a different area code? Just a thought. Keep up the great work. Bring justice for Morgan!

  26. bluewillow says:

    E in SA
    Was this Metallica concert the first time Morgan had ever been to see a concert at that arena? If it was the first time, then it seems very likely that she did not know about the no readmission policy and was not planning to leave and not come back (meaning she had every intention to return in time to see the show). But if she had been to a concert there before, then it seems likely that she did know about the policy and had no intention to re-enter
    If she had been to concerts there before but never left the arena and tried unsuccessfully to get back in, she still may not have known.

  27. Minnie Penney says:

    Wow! I just saw the photos – they are great thanks TD…there’s Rt 29….. every where…ok, I won’t bring it up again… I’ll try real hard not to bring it up again.

  28. GnM says:

    *Quote: mosaic says:
    February 23, 2010 at 1:03 pm

    Morgan was wearing tights and boots. Could the boots have been removed in order to remove the tights?*

    Yes, of course. That makes sense. I hadn’t thought about the tights.

  29. bevolovr says:

    2.Steph A says:
    February 23, 2010 at 6:21 am
    My theory or “vision” not sounding too crazy anymore, huh?
    Steph, hi, remember me, Viki, from FB? We shared alot of the same visions?
    I am amazed at how much has proved right!!!

    I respect your abilities, I do, it is just that they are so subjective it scares me to support them. That is about as honest as I can be on the subject.

  30. Judi says:

    Just in case the reports of the ex-LE/limo driver of seeing a hispanic man following her is correct, which we don’t know it if is or if it was a somewhat prejudice statement as some has suggested, there are a couple of hispanic names that come up as living on Plank Rd, which would be the alternate route from where Morgan was last scene and Anchorage Farm via North Garden.

    One thing that I pray for is that Morgan did not suffer. I hope that whatever happened to her was quick and that she did not spend long knowing what her fate was going to be.

    My own opinion of Gil’s poem is that Morgan was targeted and shot, that is why I believe that LE said that there is no reason for concern to the community – BOLOGNA!!!! If this is how this guy or guys deals with whatever emotion he was feeling that night (rather it be jealousy, rejection, anger, etc), then don’t you think that the next girl who angers him will meet the same fate?

  31. total amateur says:

    In response to new poster:

    In my VERY humble amateur opinion, I wouldn’t waste time looking into friends of past Grad Students who may have been to AF. Whoever put that body there has EXTREME familiarity of the land. I don’t even think a Grad student who lived there would be wandering around the property enough to know the terrain back there. This is someone that knows the back roads, the houses, the “obstacles”. This is someone who chose this location over ALL the other places he could have more easily hidden a body. He chose it because he KNOWS that people rarely go back there- he KNOWS its private property. I actually think he didn’t hide in the thick parcel of woods to the west of AF because he KNOWS a hunter might find it. This is someone who was so confident of his knowledge of the land that he KNEW he could navigate it at night. This is someone who grew up in the area… either on the farm or near it- or grew up with a kid that lived there and they used to play all over it as kids. You don’t acquire this kind of knowledge and confidence by just visiting there a couple times. You would have to either have worked there, or played there for an extended period. You wouldn’t choose this location if you just had “passing knowledge” of it. I think he put Morgan in the brush, under the smaller tree line and brook that she was found near. Either the brook overflowed and she was moved, or animals moved her. I know people cringe at the thought of that- but look at it this way: Mother Nature’s creatures may well have carried Morgan into the light, and returned her to her family. Otherwise, she may have never been found.

  32. Slowroller says:

    if this has been posted and i missed it, i apologize in advance. However, after seeing some posters feeling the need to return to the “beginning”, i stumbled upon this piece penned by Cliff VanZandt(so it is legit).

    FYI, it was written prior to Bass finding Morgan, so some stuff you have to take with a grain of salt, but it does provide a clear timeline of sightings/goings on in the hours of the disappearance…as well as, IMO, a jab at the friends, which i still believe know more, nevertheless, here it is…

  33. Word Girl says:

    Welcome KellyJ. See older comments for keekee’s work on the phone number. Interesting brain puzzles.
    I don’t know of anyone who has checked former owners of that number. Blink might know, but she sure won’t tell. At this point, anyway.

  34. ohiomom says:

    Cosmo, this in relation to your post about a former boyfriend being the BG who murdered Morgan:

    In the 4+ months since Morgan disappeared I have had and read so many different ideas about what happened to our sweet girl and why it happened. Early on I wondered if missing Morgan was in any way related to the August murder of VTech students Heidi Childs and David Metzler in the Jefferson National Forest. Heidi also had long blond hair and lived in an apartment in the same general area of Blacksburg that Morgan lived in. I hypothesized that an an obsessed former boyfriend (could be just obsessed person, I guess) followed David and Heidi, thinking it was Morgan and a new BF, then executed David before he realized his mistake, then had to kill Heidi.

    But LE never saw a connection and it did seem rather far-fetched, especially since Morgan disappeared in Charlottesville. But Gil’s latest postings that refer to famous deaths by gunshot/assasination have me thinking again about David and Heidi’s deaths and wondering if there is any connection to Morgan. Of course a BG from Blacksburg/Roanoke probably would not know about the Anchorage Farm/Redhill Road/Blandemar area, but maybe he has a local friend. The BG could still be someone from the music scene; he just struck in Blacksburg first.

    I guess you could say that I am just as confused as ever. I pray an arrest comes soon!

  35. anotherB says:

    @ mosaic February 23, 2010 at 1:03 pm

    “Morgan was wearing tights and boots. Could the boots have been removed in order to remove the tights?”

    That explains everything; and at some point he realized he still had the boots in his car, and he threw them away.

  36. Josie says:


    I loved your poem. Thanks so much for sharing!

    Here’s hoping LE is much closer than we realize. J4M

  37. keekee says:

    jim -

    most excellent point that i haven’t seen verified

    blink, does jpj eject attendees from the venue if caught drinking underage on premises? that would be a very important thing to know. it would also explain the harringtons not wanting to blame the arena

    i know their is police presence at arena concerts. my son and i were at a metallica/godsmack concert a couple of years ago and two highschool boys were sitting next to us. an older very inebriated couple was sitting in front of us. well, the hs kids lit up a joint and asked me if i wanted some, uh, no. and as a mom, i felt obligated to give them the very uncool advice to put it out before they got in trouble. it’s not like the 70s anymore. i was ignored as they passed it to long haired left over hippie my age in front of us who now has his shirt off. he whoopwhooped as he toked and toked until he noticed the police officer reaching out for his arm. mr shirtless and one the hs kids were escorted out posthaste. the highschool kid left in his seat, turned to me and said, “gee, that was my ride. do you think they’ll keep him in the office till after the concert?” i leaned over to him and advised that he better call his mama or daddy cause his buddy was in jail for the night. poor kid sat dumbstruck for a few moments with all the ruckus around. he finally got up and slumped out.

  38. keekee says:

    oh, sorry b about my disjointed comments. i was trying to keep them shorter.

    i received flaming from people on another site about whether or not the “professor” witness account was important

    i now think it could even have been wt trying to throw a herring. the original post was on helpfindmorgan until a thread title of “professor”. the poster said he was relaying what a professor saw secondhand and he felt the need to point out this was a professor. he or she said that as the professor had a history of observing kids in trouble, he had credibility. it disappeared from the radar. the time of post was first week of november.

    note wt sat behind morgan and friend’s section

    the secondhand account by the way was about morgan needing assistance from friends because she was wobbly or something

  39. Phyl says:

    Word girl,
    My first reaction was, “Word Girl is really Mrs. Kravitz across the street!” Then it hit me. I think I fixed it.

  40. fish says:

    Thanks Sky!

    I would just like to ask one thing.

    Amy, Dan and Sarah where you ever sitting up in your seats? And, I mean the section that is printed on your tickets!

    Or did you do like so many others…once you made it to the floor…you stayed there! I’m thinkin’ you did.

    Sky, ask my favorite metalhead if the arena ever asked him to leave the floor. Or did he have floor tickets? I for one, would like to learn about the policy and procedure of JPJA. Yes, I know concert is abit different than Celtic Women but in my day of Poison, man, it was a free-for-all.

    And KeeKee, for what its worth…do you know how many best friends of “the dead girl” came out of the woodwork? A sh*tton, that’s how many!
    Everyone either said they saw her, they talked to her, they were supposed to be with her that night, they dated her, they had dinner…the list goes on and on and on. (big sigh) I wish I could find my post way back where I described this phenomenon. I thought it was a fluke the first time but it happened the second time too. Just hate it when people lie. Plus their dissolutions hurt the investigations.

    Steph A says:
    February 23, 2010 at 6:21 am

    Are you serious? Do you have a spine? If you believe in yourself, then stand up for yourself girlie! I have just about banged heads with everyone on here and at home. If you are working on another case then please tell Mr. Lead Detective, that you first, need a course in self-esteem!

    Also, about Morgan floating down stream. Maybe someone can look at the photos and tell me if this is even a possibilty. I think that she would have been caught-up on a branch, fallen tree or rocks. And, what if it goes too shallow. Just an observation from gisweb.

    Jim M: good point, Maybe worth thinking about.

    Sky: Have all fingers crossed. Stay strong. Good things come to those who do good things and you, my friend, did a big one. Remember he was your wingman! Don’t leave him.

  41. bluewillow says:

    J2K said… You’d think if they’d narrowed access down to a fairly secure property adjacent to her placement, with a limited list of workers, family members, etc., that the would not be at a point where there was a need to purposely involve the public (Red Hill Road bikers anyone?) in furthering the investigation.

    This is why I am inclined to think that if someone used any of these driveways/paths/facilities, it was on the sly and owners not aware of it.

  42. Carebear says:

    Ragdoll says:
    February 23, 2010 at 11:19 am

    #23 Carebear

    Just post as you would any message. Ensure it says PRIVATE or FOR BLINK ONLY! Something that stands out.

    All comments are moderated before posting.

    Thank you Ragdoll. I very much appreciate your help with this.

  43. gifter3 says:


    May I say something on her behalf?

    I do not know Stephanie, and my only experience has been from her earlier posts at Help Find Morgan Harrington. However, I truly believe that Stephanie has a good heart and was genuinely trying to help.

    Early on, there were so many crazy visions from “psychics” and “Trolls” on HFMH Facebook, that the mods had to delete many posts out of respect for the Harrington’s….and all of us. There were some BIZARRE posts from a particular group of people that really got out of hand. They finally had to delete the entire thread.

    When Stephanie came along, I think people assumed the same, and unfairly jumped on her too.

    Because it was earlier in the case, and Morgan had not been found yet,
    I don’t think we were able to hear that she was, in fact, gone from this earth or the details of how it happened.

    Thank you for trying to help Stephanie.
    Sounds like you are in communication with those
    that need to hear the details.

    Just my 2 cents….

  44. Gypsy DD says:

    Radiogirl I am not local to the area or the State of VA.

    Just have a few theories ..that’s about it..nothing really to back them up.

  45. messimamm says:

    I so appreciate your hard work and soft heart. It warms my heart to feel represented on Morgan’s memorial site (bridge,) as a BOC/Morgan supporter. I love that you painted it on a rock – so solid and permanent. Great job. Thank you.

  46. bluewillow says:

    anotherB says:
    February 21, 2010 at 9:36 pm
    Sorry for the confusion, here is a better way to describe the spot:

    Find the tree line X on 2009 orthophotos and follow the trees to the left towards the border of Anchorage Farm. There are two large, dark cone shaped trees, with a free space in between. What is that between these trees?
    I am having a hard time finding this spot. What is the number marker nearest the spot?

  47. bluewillow says:

    O.T. but it was nice to read the comment “Virginia is a bad place to hide.” I hope that is true and that tips are going to roust out our BG!

  48. C-ville says:

    19.New Poster says:
    February 23, 2010 at 1:15 pm

    Question for anyone: so we know that Bass was out of town the night of the 17th – what about his daughter? Was she out of town as well? If so, who would have known she was leaving town that night? Is she young enough to have a facebook page, where she might have made a “status update” indicating that she was leaving on a trip, which a friend or even remote lurker could have seen and deduced that no one would be at AF on the 17th?

    I checked the daughter’s (the one living on AF)facebook page back in January upon the discovery of Morgan’s remains on AF, and have continually checked it since then and it does APPEAR that she was home over the weekend of 10/17 as she was uploading new photo’s to her FB page and commenting with friends on FB walls, nothing about being out of town. Nothing on her FB page or through our mutual friends has ever given me cause to think that she was in any way involved in this horrible crime.

    My ONLY concern about the Bass family is that they have lived on AF for 27 years and I am sure that they have had numerous friends on the farm: parties, sleepovers as young girls, camping in the woods (rural version of building a fort in the living room, etc), playing games in the woods, creeks and rivers, and all other social activities over those 27 years.

    I’m sure that they don’t even realize how many people may have had enough access to their property over the years to become very familiar and even comfortable there. I’m sure the Bass daughters have had numerous friends and boyfriends over the years that probably spent a good deal of time there.

    Not to mention the tenants in the farmhouse over the last 20 years or so since it’s time of being rented(excluding the past 9 months since she moved into the house). I’m sure those tenants also had the same amount of friends over to the farm.

    This opens up the suspect pool to possibly hundreds of people over the years. Trying to narrow this pool down is the hard part.

    I honestly do not believe that the Bass family has any direct and personal connection to this.

  49. Minnie Penney says:

    Dru’s DNA was recovered from a bloody knife found in her murderer’s car.

  50. anotherB says:

    @ MsLurkALot February 22, 2010 at 11:16 pm

    I am using the albemarle gisweb maps, with orthophoto background. If you find the spot where Morgan was found, and follow the tree line that marks the border between 88-41A and 88-5 upwards on the map for 118m, you get to the spot where the tree line X meets the border of Anchorage Farm and the Blandemar area.

    Orthophoto 2009: Bigfoot standing between two dark trees.
    Orthophoto 2002: Faint outline of a tree stand? As in Hunting?
    Orthophoto 2005: Whole thing appears to be covered. Two trees appear as one, no gap in between.

    It is something, and it is 9m high. Could this in fact be a tree stand? If this is the case, it overlooks the place where Morgan was found.

    Moreover, these tracks on the field prove that someone goes there. One of the tracks (there are two in this specific field) points at whatever it might be.

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