Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. Word Girl says:

    Can anyone summarize the boot-style conversations? I seem to recall Frye and tall to-the-knee?

    Anything like these?

    These do have a side zipper.
    Rapists don’t bother with removing tights or shoes, generally speaking.
    But then, again, criminals don’t know what sociopathic thing they’re going to do minute to minute.

  2. J2K says:

    mosaic -

    Hope your job interview went well! As far as the perp(s) taking Red Hill Road over the little bridge, when does the steep incline start? Wouldn’t that present an obstacle – or can one go around the hill by moving toward the green-barn area?

    There does appear to be a back way onto AF, near the BF Lake/Chopin Drive, via an off-road, utility-easement looking path – or maybe what I’m seeing is deer tracks (which eventually clear visible paths thogh brush – and some wooded terrain. I tracked this internal path (from inside the BF Estates neighborhood) from the GIS Orthophotos, so I don’t know how feasible such a route would be when on the ground…

    But, it’s worth going back to what we’ve both noted: LE knows how he/they got her onto AF, and they and FBI appear to be focusing on Red Hill Road – that entry (over the bridge), or the one near Waldemar Drive you noted could actually be the “back” accesses that LE has referred to.

    Kelly J, et al – re: secred code number embeded in the tip line

    What would be the point of such an effort? If it’s to “send a message” (hard to believe!), I think LE would be seriously compromising the eventual prosecution of this case. I’m close to certain that they had a temp number made for a tipline via the same computer-assigned process all temp numbers are made from.

  3. marywhunt says:

    hello everyone….longtime lurker and seldom poster and first I just want to give a high five to Skler: her wit, dedication and brilliant postings in part keep me coming back to this site….not dissing everyone else here, but skler just really speaks to me so much that if i were to have more children, i would have to name him/her “Sky”/”Skler”…Sorry for the OT stuff, but back to justice for Morgan. I am also perplexed by lack of info regarding Mr. Bass’ daughter and her whereabouts the evening Morgan disappeared…Not making any accusations, just wondering what “her story” is…was she home that night? who does she socialize with? how old is she? does she host parties at her home? I feel somewhat bad about bringing hr into this, because I consider Mr. Bass a gem for finding Morgan. And now, back to OT discussion: Blink, thank you so much for this site; I have a whole new appreciation and understanding of the plight of missing persons/their families. Just one suggestion…perhaps your site should include a glossary of sorts for all the anacroynms that are generic to crime and LE—seasoned posters on Blink “get it” , but others are trying to read between the lines. Peace out everyone. Justice for Morgan..241 oh, almost forgot, for Morgan: my first time concert was probably either Fleetwood Mac, the Steve Miller Band or Rod Stewart at the Cap Centre in Maryland…

  4. melissa says:

    God Bless you Blink and Blink family. I know you are probably working so hard on one of these cases as I type. Take care of you please. I was tempted to ask if anything new on our latest girl found and felt so selfish. Like I was standing over you with my finger tapping the table. I’m sorry. I think we all miss seeing you here.

    I miss you all very much.

    However, I can’t tell you how lovely it is, after a long day on another grueling case, to come on here and see compassion, uber intellect, and kindess to one another all in the name of justice for a victim of crime and their family.

    Heart u all.


  5. keekee says:

    gil’s EVIL message to VI LE (no offense to the stand up ones)

    she knows someone chose morgan as their prey

    and no young punk did this alone or with another young punk cause they cannot keep their mouths shut

  6. Ragdoll says:


    Thank you for sharing! You are absolutely right. Our reasons for coming to this site may differ. We’ve all experienced grief on various levels which seems to be the common demoninator. Like Martina McBride sings….’the pain has to go somewhere. Love’s the only house’.

    All of you have a special place in my heart. It’s been a while and I’m hankerin for a……

    ((((((GROUP HUG)))))))

    ~*~ Love to all of you ~*~

  7. yoshi says:

    Was it you who said you saw a car pulled to the side of the road w/ a door open and a guy leaning against the roof? Did you say something about maybe thinking someone was getting sick or something? If it wasn’t you, I apologize. If it was, could you refresh my memory? Time/car description/direction headed/the guy you saw. Anything? If Morgan was sick (something in her drink or too much to drink) this could have been her? I can search if it is too much trouble. I’m all about being self reliant, but my research time is limited today.

    Also, I have searched high and low for that (insert obscenity w/ i-n-g ending) facebook page for people who were attending the Oct. 17, 2009 concert. Remember the one? Did anyone bookmark it?

    My husband and son were watching the King Tut program last night too. Just 3 hours later. The young Pharoah’s exhibit is currently here in Cali. Haven’t seen it yet, but plan to.

  8. Eloise says:

    21.Jim M says:
    February 23, 2010 at 1:18 pm
    With all the speculation surrounding why Morgan wound up outside the arena– has anyone brought up the possibility she was bounced?

    That is what I was wondering as well Jim. VSP & UVA may not want that out. It’s not to say that the person who asked her to leave didn’t have other motives in mind, but I think we all agree this is a show she really wanted to see.

  9. Elizabeth says:

    Per Gil’s Blog “EVIL like killed Lennon, King, JFK”

    “Decided to take out a girl on that day”

    All assassinations. Would this be a reason for the silence that has fallen over everybody concerning Morgan Harrington. Are they scared to death?

    A bullet. Not necessarily the way a college boy or date rape guy murders? A bullet, gunshot wound is a violent act from a person that is mean and ugly. Perhaps we are dealing with more than we know?

  10. bevolovr says:

    31.bevolovr says:
    February 23, 2010 at 2:58 pm
    2.Steph A says:
    February 23, 2010 at 6:21 am
    My theory or “vision” not sounding too crazy anymore, huh?
    Steph, hi, remember me, Viki, from FB? We shared alot of the same visions?
    I am amazed at how much has proved right!!!

    I respect your abilities, I do, it is just that they are so subjective it scares me to support them. That is about as honest as I can be on the subject.
    Awww, thanks, B! I tolly understand. Like I said, all I hope is that something helps, and you’re the only person I trust to send it to. I know it’d never stand up in court as evidence cause it isn’t evidence.
    Luv u jus da same!

  11. Cat says:

    Jim M. I was thinking the same thing, JPJ never commented on that specific scenario. If she was given the boot, it would make sense why her demeanor was a bit erratic. I still, however, don’t believe it was her seen with the three other guys, her behavior/attitude just does not fit with how she was when she first left the arena.

  12. Christy S says:


    I noticed the back way too and it certainly looks doable, at least from Google earth but then, why go to all the trouble to bring her to that particular spot when they/he would have passed lots of other perfectly good, just as remote spots?

    LE asking info from Red Hill rd drivers/bikers makes perfect sense to me since regardless of which particular path the BG took, Red Hill Rd is the only rd with any traffic to speak of and the BG would have had to drive it/ or part of it anyway to get to AF.

    The aerial pics referenced here recently were showing a camp site close to the barn. I wonder if that site is accessible directly from Red Hill, say a dirt track? Hard to tell.
    I’m almost tempted to drive out there and take a look but I’d like the snow to be gone first.
    Nothing illegal of course, just on the puplic roads. I have an awesome nav system:)

    I wonder if the barn is gated/fenced in/ hard to access or maybe people just don’t bother to lock up.

  13. Chad says:

    Mom.3: I know! J2K talked of the want to be profiler’s quote too. For newer posters this is new info, but since we have all disected OYE posts indepth months ago, it may be wise to leave them alone since Morgans remains were found. only leaving clues AGAIN, that the friends possibly do more more. even if not in the immediate group. We have a spot reserved for you! They are calling out for you over there.

    On some of the maps that have been posted with the barn, the Hilltop house and the where the body was found, can anyone tell me where the pond is in relation to the body?
    Was Morgan found on an incline?
    I think the theory that Morgan was submerged in water, pond/river or stream and floated out from over flow is a real possibility.

    Kee Kee: Excellent theory. A shifty Boat heh? I think I need to go put some cover up on for all those blemishes. eh?

    RE: FB:
    Don’t send me your fb link! Send me your e-mail addy for your fb. That is only way I can get you the invite to join. The invite only allows me to put in an e-mail adress to invite you.
    All, I am sifting through the e-mails, and trying to get you’ll in the group. Please be patient.

    Blink you are totaolly amazing.

  14. clementine says:

    Yoshi says: February 23, 2010 at 9:20 pm:

    [Also, I have searched high and low for that facebook page for people who were attending the Oct. 17, 2009 concert. Remember the one? Did anyone bookmark it?]


    Facebook: Metallica at JPJ Arena Saturday, Oct 17, 2009 @ 7:00 PM

  15. justiceformorgan says:

    Just clicked on the links provided in Mom3.0′s 10:30 a.m. post. I also clicked on each of the photo’s of “Apparatus” links. I’ll list them below. Every link worked EXCEPT for the all terrain vehicle photo link. Rather than link to a picture of the all terrain vehicle, I was taken off the site to a search engine website. Strange.


    701, Car

    703, Ambulance

    704, Water Rescue

    705, Ambulance

    706, Ambulance

    707 (new), Ambulance

    707 (old), Ambulance

    708, Car

    709 (new), Squad

    709 (old), Squad

    All Terrain Vehicle

    Water Rescue Equipment

    Groupings of Apparatus

  16. Nen says:

    Forgive me if this has been said before, but there are just so, so many posts to look through. Great work, everyone! Anyways what if the person chose that particular spot to take Morgan because he/they were comfortable there. Meaning maybe as young kids they played way out there or went there as teens to get away from parents or ‘escape’ There has to be a reason to go all the way out there when, as someone pointed out, she could have been placed closer to a road but just as hidden.

  17. Eloise says:

    anotherB says:
    February 23, 2010 at 6:14 pm
    @ MsLurkALot February 22, 2010 at 11:16 pm
    I am using the albemarle gisweb maps, with orthophoto background. If you find the spot where Morgan was found, and follow the tree line that marks the border between 88-41A and 88-5 upwards on the map for 118m, you get to the spot where the tree line X meets the border of Anchorage Farm and the Blandemar area.
    I have been looking & relooking. Not sure if I am im the right spot, does it look like a man with his legs slightly bent? LOL! I do notice 2 stick/cane like items 9m high in the open hay fields, maybe to water? I wish we could link the exact pictures.

  18. zeusrocks says:

    This is the first crime forum or site I have followed besides little Lindsey Baum’s case from my home state of Washington. She disappeared at dusk while walking home from a friend’s house. They have no body, no evidence, no sightings; except for a lady on her way to work who saw her walking. It has been 7 months since her disappearance. She was only 10 years old. We have many other missing men, women and children in this state. Unsolved cases that shake the cities and surrounding areas they occurred in, and make people fear that the criminals are getting the upper hand, while the victims have no rights at all anymore.

    I have been so touched by the story of Morgan and her family. I just reread all the posts by Gil, and it was so horrible starting from the beginning and doing that. I just felt I needed to do that so I would not ever forget her families pain and the hugely important battle against crime we all have to fight, everyday. By helping others, by being safe and aware, by being neighbors and friends and paying attention and calling for help for yourselves and others-even if it might end up being nothing. I have shed many, many tears from following this case, and as a mother myself, my heart goes out to her family. A family left behind from the tragic loss of their daughter, the evil ending of her life that will always remain imprinted on them in unmeasurable ways.

    On that note, I worry constantly that LE simply doesn’t have as much info as we want to think they do in this case. I keep coming back to all the cryptic messages and veiled descriptions, the coded sentences, and invisible clues. Unless this is one of the biggest cover-ups most of us have ever seen or heard of (British royalty did it, maybe?),the total lack of info, just does not bode well.

    My main concern is that the longer this drags out-with nothing but veiled clues, tip hot lines and requests to cyclists, etc., etc., the less I believe that LE has what they need to be even remotely close to solving this horrific murder. I know they are working really hard, but I fear that they are grasping at the very same straws we are. I truly hope that it’s not what it looks like. I truly hope for quick justice for Morgan and her family, and I truly hope I’m wrong-I really, really hope that.

  19. Phyl says:

    Lt Rader requested that the ng/af community “educate” LE about their community.
    Is he speaking directly to a Professor or teacher?

  20. suz says:

    Word Girl, I found an instance of that phone number being reported as a telemarketing number or annoying as late as Feb 8th of this year in the “Directory of Unknown Calls” (where people report calls from strange numbers: “Did you get a call from a phone number you do not recognize? Type the number in the box below and click ‘Get Details’ to find out who is using that phone number. This reverse phone directory is FREE. After reading reports about the phone number left by other users, please leave your own comment.”)

    I tend to think it was just an available cellphone number rather than a code. Numbers are so tight these days, it would be tricky to get a code-worthy number on such short notice.

  21. cvillenative says:

    keekee – I don’t know if JPJ ejects people for drinking underage, but I do know they eject people for illegal drug use. I can recall a dumbazz in front of me pulling out a pipe and lighting up at a concert I went to there a couple of years ago. I am not accusing Morgan of illegal drug use. I am just thinking that this might be an indication they would eject for underage drinking as well. They were very proactive about it – it wasn’t like this guy was waving the pipe around in the air, and we were in the middle of our section. They must have been on the lookout for that kind of thing, and they very quickly came and whisked him away. Heck, I hadn’t even noticed it until they came to get him and Einstein dropped the pipe onto the metal seats. I think the whole section must have heard the loud “THUNK” when it hit the seat.

  22. doug says:

    Hmmmmm, last post now says “Your comment is awaiting moderation.” which I didn’t get earlier. I’ll try again….

    anotherB says:
    February 23, 2010 at 4:05 am

    ” MsLurkALot says:
    February 22, 2010 at 11:16 pm

    *anotherB says:
    February 21, 2010 at 9:36 pm
    Sorry for the confusion, here is a better way to describe the spot:

    *J2K says:
    February 22, 2010 at 2:37 pm

    ………. Oh, and also to one of your observations, MsLAL – and on top of Sapphire’s weigh-in – the powerline utility easement would not neccesarily have access gates unless Bass installed them.

    I downloaded the GIS photos, you were questioning as far as easement access to utility poles, converted them to jpeg and uploaded them to a flicker account so everyone can clearly see what you are trying to convey. I see two utility poles in the photo

    Did the same with the two large trees. Maybe a dead tree sandwiched between the evergreens?

    Hope these links work.

  23. Word Girl says:

    Nen, many of us agree. The remains site was known and was used for a definite reason. Perhaps it only makes sense to the perpetrator, but it is a reason, nonetheless.

    zeusrocks–keep the faith. We’re getting there. And will find Lindsay, too.

  24. Ragdoll says:

    #41 Carebear (previous page)

    You are most welcome friend! I can’t emphasize enough (because Blink has noted this herself a few times)…..make sure you indicate at the beginning of your post it is private and use caps.


  25. skyler says:

    J2K — the area was under all that heavy snow, but from what I observed, entrance from the back “green” barn – that’s not green anymore — really isn’t feasible now due to the barn being behind extra fencing now — not off the road like in the pix — but I may have had the wrong building — but you’d have to cross many fences — it’s not just barbed wire — the wire fences are square grids and there’s the creek — that creek is not just a little crossing — it is deep, whether it was dry at the time or not — plus there’s a wooden fence on the other side of the fence — but I’m going to do another recon mission — I’ll take binoculars — there’s a cheapie binocular that has a digital camera w/ it, and maybe we can get clearer shots that way —

    I know what LE and others are saying that ingress to the property was not from the front gate — but I just don’t buy it — “in my bones” I feel it was the front gate — and the tractor barn is just outside of the historic farm house — which is not small, but not a McMansion — the person could have just gone and gotten the tractor and driven Morgan down to that area and dumped her body like garbage — I hate saying that, but it’s how I feel — at this point, Morgan was nothing more to them than an inconvenience —

    And that darn Suz — her comments are sticking in my gullet about why do we need to automatically dismiss that Bass didn’t have some idea she may have been back there — I am not accusing anyone of anything, but just wonder if it was more than just a need to ck his fencing —

    my thoughts are also drawn back to the poster who said her son was involved in a girl who had ingested alcohol that had been put into a water bottle at her house, and her child clammed up and wouldn’t say a word — if there are more than one person involved in this — that they find girls, get them high, have sex w/ them and Morgan absolutely fought them on this — they have the ultimate reason to stay quiet — they could implicate themselves, No. 1, and they don’t want this pattern of getting women high and then sexually using them to stop.

    I don’t think this is the work of just one person and even if DNA is found on Morgan, the perps’s DNA may not be on record —

    Nothing would please me more than to be wrong — I’m uneasy about theBass’s daughter, simply because she has associations to some of the same people Morgan knew — and — she has access to the property, but maybe not the maturity or streets smarts to know you can’t just dump a body on the back end of the property and it not be found —

    not trying to accuse her of anything, but I hope LE vets her alibis

    I forget who asked me about the car I saw on the side of 64 — please don’t take offense, I have that brain injury that blocks out names — the synapses in my brain are not formed — anyway, I think really it was just a car pulled over for whatever reason — it was a 4-door sedan and the back passenger door was opened and there was a male leaning into the backseat w/ his hands on the roof — my initial thought was they were broken down — but perhaps someone was ill — remember, H1N1 was very active in that area at that time — they may have been on the way home or to the hospital — who knows — but more importantly, the time line is off — that was before my little foray onto Copeley Bridge by at least 5 mins. — I’m thinking I was on Copeley between 9:20 and 9:25 — if the 9:30 sighting on the bridge is accurate — it is not related to Morgan —

    Again, I just feel it in my gut that Morgan left the arena to go out and buy drugs — maybe simple drugs, but drugs nonetheless — and that the friends had given her money to buy the drugs — the friends clammed up and then lawyered up — why ? After she tried to get back in, the person who sold her the drugs told her, come w/ us, it’s cold, drizzly — she may have resisted at first, then the altercation Granny observed — and she then willing gets in the car, for whatever reason and it all goes down hill from there —

    I’m still very concerned that LE may be trying to ake the facts and fit them into their theory of what happened, and in doing so, is overlooking crucial information —

    To everyone who has made such kind commenets about me personally, my dedication to never stop until Morgan’s killers are behind bars, and about the little plaque — thank you — It’s not easy for me to accept that type of praise. I have no delusions about my artistic ailbity as to reality — I paint dogs and cats and animals on rocks — but I loved doing the slate and just tapped into the love we all feel for this girl — and for each other on this site — and it came together through our collective good will for the Harringtons and to achieve ultimate and absolute Justice for Morgan !!!

    i just watched the figure skater whose mother died suddenly In Vancouver on Sat. finish her routine — thru her pain she skated, and it was a beautiful routine and the score does not matter —

    I don’t care if I am 100 % wrong in my theories of what happened to Morgan — what matters is that one of our theories is corrected and find out who did this to her –

    Your friendship to me while going thru some pretty dark nights of my soul in the loss of my job — your uplifting prayers and good wishes and I got my job back — intention works ! As a very happy note, my son got a job this afternoon — after I posted requesting your positive thoughts for him — he is ecstatic — so thank you for that —

    We are the sum of our parts, and every part is so important — I can never write like J2K, but she’s an original — unless, of course, she’s both Blink and Observer — ha — but that’s okay, too -

    peace to al — Sky

  26. Cairn says:

    Skyler and Fish and anyone else who might question the reason Steph doesn’t post publicly anymore.
    Stephanie was verbally attacked with mean and vicious name calling and threats against her, her family, including her children, and her employer. She had mean spirited nut cases calling her home and work. Just as any of us would do, she prioritized and decided not to post publicly anymore. Would you not do the same for the safety of your family? It was never a matter of self-esteem for her. She is an honest, kind, and sensitive person who has an amazing ability. She is the first to say that she is not always 100% correct; however, nobody is. So, all of Blinkers, as much as I care about you all, please go a bit easy on Steph and appreciate her decision to share her information privately with specific and significant sources in the this case.

    As far as self-esteem, I really do not know anyone who likes to feel discounted and/or criticized on a public forum, or anywhere else. It has nothing to do with self-esteem. It has to do with disagreeing respectfully.

    But,yes, self-esteem is a factor if someone has the need to be right and in control much of the time, which would, of course be the mean spirited criticizer.

    Let me reiterate that I do respect, appreciate and care about all of you Blinkers and your long time dedication to finding justice for Morgan.
    The aforementioned was in reference to:
    skyler says:February 23, 2010 at 12:55 pm
    To Stephanie — I’m sorry you felt people were harsh to you here — but so what?
    Fish says:February 23, 2010 at 4:49 pm
    Steph A says:
    February 23, 2010 at 6:21 am
    Are you serious? Do you have a spine? If you believe in yourself, then stand up for yourself girlie! I have just about banged heads with everyone on here and at home. If you are working on another case then please tell Mr. Lead Detective, that you first, need a course in self-esteem!

  27. Catch says:

    Hi everyone, incredible research being done here. Welcome to all our newcomers. If you have questions, just post & ask.

    Chad, I’ll try again on the FB page invite.

    Skyler, I heart <3 you for your beautiful painting for Morgan. I commented on your photos page.

    For those who are struggling over not being able to copy the images on the albemarle gisweb maps, with orthophoto background, (part #1: ochcatchall) consider taking a ‘screen shot’ of it. Then it becomes a photo on your computer which you can upload to photobucket, then post the link here. ~OR~ email me (Add parts #1 & #2 for that) for step-by-step details on how to take a ‘screen shot’ and then send the image to me and I’ll post the link for you. (part #2: add part #1 above in front of

    Another way to try to figure out what the ‘dark object’ is might be to look at it from several different directions. Don’t know if that would work or not, and probably you have already tried that… just a thought.

    I sincerely wish I had more to offer help-wise, but at least I have an interest in that y’all are sharing, a love for Morgan and her family, and a deep desire to see JUSTICE PREVAIL.

    Don’t let him drag you into this any further, Dude.

  28. localcvillegirl says:

    Hi Phyl, I took LE’s request for someone from ng/af to “educate” them as though they were speaking to someone in the lower level brain department. Not a professor type. Someone not very smart but who believes he’s smarter than everybody else. Like “these dumbazz cops, I’ve got a thing or two I could tell them”. And LE is trying to show some respect.

  29. MsLurkALot says:

    @ doug says:
    February 24, 2010 at 1:05 am

    Thank you for the big photos. I see the poles, and also the “man” between the trees. That’s just creepy looking! Maybe its just ruts from something like a mountain bike, dirt bike?

  30. fish says:

    Cairn says:
    February 24, 2010 at 2:28 am

    Dear Cairn: I must be missing something. Where is the post that she was threatened? Was it here on BOC?
    I am not debating whether she has a gift, whether she can see “dead people”, whether she is kind or a sensitive soul. Sound like she is and truly good for her. We need those types. But, all I need to know is who on this site said something so threatening. I have an uncanny ability to give a cyber-tounge thrashing to the max.
    All I meant was she should stand up and take it and then give it back.

    I do not know if what she can see will help. I hope so. No, I pray so. It’s just that yes, even with the help of psychics, it do not guarantee an outcome of justice.
    Do I believe that they can see, sure! But, in my two deaths, they were close but no cigar. Heck, even I came close without a vision, just a feeling in my gut. I just started putting pieces together and by 4:00 in the morning, we all had
    “Our Victim: A icy-cold, dead sister”. (and, her vehicle, side note)

    If Steph, was verbally attacked here, then please ask for an apology from that person. If none is given then I myself will ask for her. Maybe it is because she is such a “SENSITIVE” soul that she lacks the “GUMPSHON” to give her opinion back.
    We all give opinions, theories, thoughts, and visions. Although Blink, herself, has the ultimate control here. But, I do not think if she presented here, even if she said she saw something…do I think anyone of us would call her work, her home and threatened her family. Wow! The collective group would not!!!! Absolutely, would not!!!!

    So, this fish-head, must have missed something. If she wants to post here and say something, or give a feeling about:
    “Our Victim: Morgan Harrington”,
    then I say “Shout it out, Steph”! It may spark one of us to lead somewhere as I am now onto a book, gisweb and yes, my LOG videos. Even though Blink, does not quite work with the psychic world, she does work in the cyber world and Girl, really how much apart are we??
    My thoughts and feelings count and she lets me talk it out! So tell Steph, give it back and I for one will take it. It will be her first step (or, Steph!, get it?) in becoming “loud and proud”, of who she is. How do you think that I got this way? I sure was not born with it.

    Don’t let the Bad Guys get you down…they will have won!

  31. skyler says:

    Hey, Doug — just really quick before work this AM — great pix — thanks for posting — and not only do I see the poles, but the area underneath them is cleared — those poles can also give you a visual idea of the height of the trees and the width of the path — there was an ice storm in Va. probably 7 years ago — the state was practically shut down for weeks and many outlying, rural areas w/out power in the middle of winter — and then we had a hurricane — Va. Power — the electric company which serves most of Va. — began aggressively cutting away all tree limbs which could cause damage to the lines by falling on the lines — the loss of power and repair cost the company millions —

    One of the pictures I posted from my little trip out there last week, clearly shows this “cleared” tree line area — I’ll try to look it up after work — now, they didn’ necessarilly remove all trees, just the top branches — but it’s clear looking from Blandemar or Red Hill or whatever Road I was on, and looking at the back of AF there’s a swath of trees cut out —

    Blink, I know you told me access was not from the front gate — but — respectfully — I think it was — and I think these people just threw that precious girl away like garbage in the very back corner of AF property line —

    I was talking to someone I’ve known for years and about how he built a legal case — he told me: you start w/ what you know — not what you don’t know —

    I have to go to work — but I think that’s some wise words — start w/ what you know —

    thanks again, Doug, for the photo —

    Oh — maryhunt — bless your heart, as we say here in the South — Please do name your child Skyler — I love that name — and if you don’t have more children — adopt a pet from a shelter : )

    doug’s photo link –

    I downloaded the GIS photos, you were questioning as far as easement access to utility poles, converted them to jpeg and uploaded them to a flicker account so everyone can clearly see what you are trying to convey. I see two utility poles in the photo

  32. skyler says:

    Oh, PS — And from our sponsor: don’t forget to get said pet spayed and neutered : )

    (you might have to read backwards a month or so to understand ; )

  33. fish says:

    doug: great job! This link has helped me immenseley.
    Sky, I would voluteer up an amazing suv and those binoculars, I also have a field scope. This city girl is goin’ country! All of which, my hubby got for me for christmas, so I can photograph the blue ridge. They are as, our cvillegirl, said absolutely breathtaking. Kinda sounds like Morgan, right?

    I’m thinkn’ that Morgan was placed there to keep an eye on her. How sick is that. Only “HE” frequents this spot. Blink, did the cameras take a candid!?

    doug, feel free to post more photos. they really help. the spot looks like some kinda lean-to, like a boyscout makes. I looked it up in a bs manuel. can you post the little bridge?

  34. mosaic says:

    J2K, Christy S, Skyler and other Blinkers looking at the maps:

    The little bridge on Red Hill Road that I’m referring to is at the spot where the road crosses the NF Hardware River. There’s a pull-off there that if I have my facts straight is a meeting spot for area cyclists. (park cars there, unload bikes…)…someone correct me if I’m wrong.

    It’s a straight shot from this spot on Red Hill Road to the recovery site. On level land. No slopes. Following the river. This location was pointed out right after Morgan’s body was found. TDBone posted some awesome ground-level simulations that show this route. Worth going back and finding a couple pages ago.

    It appears to be an easy way to get to the recovery site—the only two visible obstacles are the two little creeks but TDBone’s simulations show places that the creeks can be crossed.

    J2K—I see the path you’re talking about close to the pond and down that skinny parcel (and yes, what *is* that circular thing that looks like a cross-section of a grapefruit? A horse corral?)

  35. alexandra says:

    Strength and wisdom to the Virginia State Police!
    I pray it wasn’t gang initiation related.

  36. SuzeeB says:

    Here is a post by Moondust #530. Read what she posts about the green gate on Red Hill Rd. She has links to pictures she took.

  37. ConcernedBystander says:

    Does anyone know who EMH’s dad is, of if he’s still in the area?

    I do, and yes.

  38. acho says:

    Suz wrote:

    I tend to think it was just an available cellphone number rather than a code. Numbers are so tight these days, it would be tricky to get a code-worthy number on such short notice.

    Yeah, Suz, I strongly agree. I know LE can push through a lot of things in the name of an investigation, but I don’t think we should invest time in this theory. Love the idea of it, though!

    Would like to hear it if Observer or Blink (or Cooper … I think you are still here?) disagrees, but I otherwise think LE just took an available number.

    Agreed- nothing in the number guys.

  39. anotherB says:

    @ doug February 24, 2010 at 1:05 am

    Thanks, that is a great idea!

    So, here we have bigfoot, right in the center of the picture. He is close to the violet line, and one of the tracks is pointing at him.

    The same spot looks very different on the earlier orthophotos on gisweb. Could this be a tree stand for hunting? The reason why I looked at the surroundings was because LE emphasized that there was something specific about this very field. A tree stand could be an explanation, also why someone goes there.

  40. Eloise says:

    Re Doug’s help:
    I downloaded the GIS photos, you were questioning as far as easement access to utility poles, converted them to jpeg and uploaded them to a flicker account so everyone can clearly see what you are trying to convey. I see two utility poles in the photo

    Thank you, I was trying to follow along w/ them. At least I was looking at the same spots. I need to learn how to do that with the maps/photos. Thanks again!

  41. Concerned Mom says:

    Anyone who has knowledge of Morgan’s murderers and does not come forward with such knowledge is going down as an accessory to First degree murder. It does not matter if you are his mother or even his little old granny. You will go down if you do not immediately go to LE with what you know.

    This is not going away. Save yourself now, tell what you know, or even think you know, or go down with him. Your choice.

  42. Judi says:

    Skyler – You are a beautiful soul – God’s blessings :-)

  43. melissa says:

    Chad, I would like a FB invite just to lurk. I already have a page but can’t even find the listing you created on there. Let me know what I need to do. TIA

  44. melissa says:

    Please excuse my bad manner’. I forgot to say please and thank you!
    Sorry Chad.

  45. susanm says:

    the charlottesville albemarle airport(there’s also an airport in north garden,budoran) is only about 15miles due north of af,is the runway approached from the south?so all planes ,would probably fly very close to af? this one is on oct 22 2010 ,seems alot small planes could be in the area due to proximity to dc,if only there was one filming, landing or taking off at the right time,even still ,i’d like to know when she became visible in the openness of the field. i think the animals played a helping part in bringing her out to be found.i think she was in the trees at first.

  46. susanm says:

    oops airplane link above thats oct 22 2009 not 2010.

  47. Minnie Penney says:

    I know this has likely been mentioned and I missed it – was daughter Bass home that night?

  48. skyler says:

    Cairn, this is not an argument — I don’t remember anyone from BOC making threats against her and her children and her employer — she came on here and posted for some unknown reason — perhaps to say “up yours” I don’t know — it was a post to say I’m not going to post –

    If she wants to continue using her gifts to assist LE or other families of MPs, then she is going to have to learn to stand up and take the heat when it comes and shut the door to it —

    True story — my beloved John Denver, even though I was just a wee lass when it happened — came to Hampden Sydney College to play a concert — this was after “Country Roads” was a hit — this was also during the time of heavier rock and roll — he was boo’d off the little stage –

    my friend’s mother loved him, too — she begged him to come to the house — apologized for the college boys’ rude behavior — he was pissed. To the Max. Said he was never coming back to this po-dunk town again, and one day he was going to be famous —

    He was and he didn’t.

    Ya gotta stand up for what you believe in — even if no one else does.

    We are gathered at BOC for one reason and one reason only —

    Absolute Justice for Morgan — Absolute

    There are intelligent minds and kind souls here —

    I hope Stephanie will come back and post here — but no matter how clear her info, she will not get it all — and she will need help in interpreting what she is seeing –

    I was drawn here initially because BOC had what i was looking for — a place where people genuinely care about what happened to Morgan, and minds smarter than mine to help decipher all of the clues available — I can’t do maps, I can’t do overlays (even w/ instruction), I can’t do a lot — but someone else can –

    I can’t see what Stephanie is seeing — but if she comes and lets us help her understand, this awful situation may be resolved quicker —

    I don’t care who gets the glory for resolving this — I only want one thing; Absolute Justice for Morgan !

    None of us here are greater than the sum of our parts —

    If she elects not to post here again, then I wish her well in her endeavors and that the information she receives leads to an arrest and conviction !

    Absolute Justice for Morgan !

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