Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. skyler says:

    Also, Cairn: I don’t mind you putting in a snippet of my previous post — but I’d appreciate it if you’d put the entire snippet, especially when my very next sentence is, “I don’t mean that to be unkind…”: I said:

    To Stephanie — I’m sorry you felt people were harsh to you here — but so what? I don’t mean that to be unkind — I’ve put forward lots of theories that people have shot down and thought I was pretty insane — I have a friend who also has a psychic ability, and I posted her theory here — Blink has made it clear that she’s had negative history w/ people pursuing the families of MPs for money, etc. — I don’t believe she put you in that category — but because of that history, she’s uncomfortable posting that type of information. When you posted about Morgan’s brutal death, not speaking for Blink, but I believe her concern was for Morgan’s parents. Now that Morgan has been found, and perhaps her bones revealed she was brutally murdered — we can advance to trying to find who did this.

    I could come up with 100 reasons, none of them personal to any individual, to not take psychic information seriously.
    The no.1 reason is that it is interpretable and unreliable. The No. 2 reason is that it is dangerous to individuals who are very compromised by the situation they are in already. It’s like making a life altering decision in a time of stress. The no.3 reason is the lack of knowledge of the individual “handling” the info to know how to read it or apply it.

    Reasons 97-100 are that they are very often flat out wrong. It’s like taking all the colors off the rubiks cube and telling me to to figure it out with one red square.

    Because of that, I am very reluctant to have that type of info on here, although I think it is a fair statement to say there are some psychics (self proclaimed) that participate in this discussion. That said, I would never condone anyone mistreating someone for their opinion psychic or otherwise. Although, I admit, even I lost my cool on the facebook one time with the Frank and sidekick scenario.

    I am one of those people, tried and true, that believe things are learned when they are supposed to, from whatever source.
    It is frustrating at times, and I hate it because by nature I am not a patient person so I have to work on it.


  2. Slowroller says:

    48.Minnie Penney says:
    February 23, 2010 at 5:57 pm
    Dru’s DNA was recovered from a bloody knife found in her murderer’s car
    Pardon…?? what did i miss?? Dru who? Her who?? Recovered by who?? and when??

    “…and, where the hell am I”-Frank Drebin, Police Squad

  3. ohiomom says:

    Skyler, I’m so glad your son got that job, and we were all thrilled and relieved when you got yout job back!

    So, I am going to tell my tale of woe, and maybe all the good thoughts and prayers from here can help bring about a positive change. I hope so! My daughter lost her job on October 31, but has her health care through the end of March. She has a college degree and has been down to the last cut for a few jobs, but right now doesn’t even have a hope on the horizon. The job situation here in NE Ohio is very, very bleak. She owns a house which is now worth less than she owes; she’s trying very hard to save the house. She has a serious, chronic illness and could probably qualify for SS Disability, but that’s not enough to live on. She really wants to work and be independent. The only good thing in her life is that she found the strength to get rid of a long-time, live-in boyfriend who was verbally abusing her. BOC is filled with so many thoughtful, caring people. If you could find time to send prayers and positive thoughts to TT, ohiomom’s daughter, I would appreciate it more than I can say. Thank you.

  4. Redrock says:

    Perhaps. Whatcha got? Private of course.

  5. Jennifer says:

    I’ve never posted anything on this site but have read a lot. Just wanted to throw a few things in as food for thought. I also think there was more than one person involved in this case. I’m in a rural, remote area, southeast of Charlottesville. I have hunted all of my life, specifically raccon hunting with hounds. I think I would be looking at a coon hunter. Looking at a person that has hunted that farm for a long time – perhaps even as a guest of a guest of a guest. Coon hunters typically get farther and deeper into the woods and hunt in more severe situations than deer hunters, especially deer hunters using hounds or even still hunting. Coon hunters hunt at nightmare and are especially adept at dealing with harsh conditions and terrain. They would know every square inch of the land they were hunting. This would make the streams, creeks, steep banks and barbed wire easy for a cooner to deal with. Our club leases close to 2000 acres close to my house and we all know the easiest ways in and out to turn loose, where there is barbed wire, we know the lowest places to cross, same with creeks. Also, although I don’t like to use the word poaching, people who live in the country – in and around a rural area such as Anchorage Farm continually are hunting on others’ property, even without permission. And cI believe as well that the persons who are responsible for this most likely used a four-wheeler.

    There is no doubt in my mind at least one of the persons responsible for what happened to Morgan, has a very strong hunting background. Don’t take that as a slam on any hunters.

    Mr. Blink is one, and he hunts in a club, on the same land, every year. He has literally been out there himself and had to float a deer down a creek in pitch black night. He tells me it takes a different set of senses for people to navigate out there.

  6. Jennifer says:

    To all – I apologize for my typos – hopefully my meaning came through. Coon hunters hunt at nighttime.

  7. Kriddo says:

    From the jpj website: “guests who use offensive and abusive language, behave in an unruly manner, or appear to be intoxicated are subject to removal”

    I remember witness accounts of Morgan being seemingly drunk or disorientated, but I’m not sure. What happens if someone is removed from the arena, because he/she is way out of it? Would security simply kick her out and leave it at that? I’d think staff members would rather take her to first aid, then sending her out on her own.

    *If* she was kicked out, then something must have happened. A fight maybe, I don’t know. Something that can possibly explain the passive reaction of her friends.

  8. belleboyd says:

    January 27, 2010

    Many living near Anchorage Farm are shocked after learning that Morgan Harrington’s body was found so close to their homes.

    Mike Wolfe, who lives across the street from Anchorage Farm, said many people have hunted in the area, usually driving tractors to get around.

    He also said he was robbed not too long ago, and the burglars have not been caught.

    Power tools were stolen, and he said since then, he’s installed a security camera outside his home and a sensor along his driveway.

    “A couple years ago, we were broken into, and I put a security system in to prevent that,” Wolfe said.

    Wolfe says it’s common for people to go hunting on the Anchorage Farm property, and police say many people park along the back of the property.

  9. Georgie says:

    I know we’ve been concentrating on young, music-related suspects, but a poster commented on something I found interesting.

    From Cat, Feb 18, 10:11pm:
    “Also, around the 9:30 time frame, were there any organized events letting out around the JPJ area? I know it would appear obvious that the possibility of Morgan being abducted by a concert attendee is probable. I also believe it is important to broaden the perspective to encompass all possible scenarios.”

    I’ve got to agree with Cat, it’s definitely more than probable that there were several events going on at UVA that night. Lectures, other concerts, classes, labs, sporting events, parties, it’s endless. I thought I saw that there is a science building close to JPJ, I’ll have to go back and look at the layout. I really don’t think, even in her altered state, she would get into a vehicle with a complete stranger. UNLESS that stranger was maybe more fatherly looking, someone older that she thought she could trust.

    I’m also struggling with the COD being a gunshot wound, it just doesn’t jive with the hippy-dippy music scene type of perp, imo. If she died from a GSW, it kind of changes my thinking on the whole thing. I don’t see those musician guys carrying a weapon on them, doesn’t fit. Seems more like a planned abduction if the weapon was being carried to the concert area, and that’s more of a serial perp MO. The fact that this is dragging on so long without a hint from LE that they’re looking at someone, anyone, is making me think they really have no clue who did this. The plea to locals regarding AF only bolsters that opinion.

    There are obviously people out there who know/suspect who did this, but they are NOT talking to LE, either to protect someone or out of fear. I hope and pray they realize that neither of those reasons are going to help the perp or themselves. If it’s a family member, you know they will do this again at some point, do you really want to feel responsible for another girl’s demise?

    I sincerely hope I’m wrong, and that LE is hot on someone’s trail, but this is looking more and more like a cold case every day. :(

  10. Christy S says:

    Chad says:
    February 23, 2010 at 10:51 pm
    “On some of the maps that have been posted with the barn, the Hilltop house and the where the body was found, can anyone tell me where the pond is in relation to the body?
    Was Morgan found on an incline?
    I think the theory that Morgan was submerged in water, pond/river or stream and floated out from over flow is a real possibility.”

    Chad, I really don’t think so.
    When you look at the maps, the body was a long way from the pond so there is no way it could have washed that far.
    Also she was out there for weeks before we had the flooding so if she washed out to where she was found I think her remains would have been scattered all over. (BTW I absolutely hate talking about Morgan using words like remains and bones. It makes me so sad to think about).

    It looks like there is a tiny creek close by that’s heavily wooded (for lack of a better word) so again if she was dropped in it originally she would have been caught in the trees if she washed out and not made it out to the field. I believe she was placed by the BG exaclty where she was found.

    I also share your worries that LE may not really know who did this or have enough evidence to point fingers but I try very hard to be optimistic because the alternative horrifies me. I always look for the good in people and think that BGs are the exception but lately after looking at so many RSOs and police records I’m getting paranoid. I never go to bed anymore without the alarm being on and when we are inside all my doors are locked.

    That to me, is impossible. The topography alone would rule that out, and the fact that the recovery scene was less than 25 square feet in diameter. She was put in the tree -line. Covered up but not buried.

  11. Georgie says:

    And this article isn’t giving me alot of positive vibes for a conclusion to EITHER case:

    You’d think they would have a good amount of forensic evidence from this crime scene, or else the perp knows exactly how to remove/cover up said evidence.

  12. Minnie Penney says:

    Hi Slowroller – sorry for the confusion – I was referring to the Dru Sjodin case and how DNA was recovered during the investigation of her murder.

  13. Word Girl says:


    Has anyone read Olive Kitteridge? (Elizabeth Strout, 2008, Random Hse)

    The locals in these integrated stories sound as if they might live in North Garden or nearby.
    Good people, most. I think you’ll enjoy the read. I am.


  14. Loca says:


    Do you think one of the perps is in law enforcement? TIA

  15. John says:

    Of course I am not going to post that. You have no clue if he is even related to any of those people.

  16. Ragdoll says:

    Skyler, the figure skater you are referring to is Joannie Rochette. She is from Montreal. She put on a brave face, which I knew she would do despite her grief. She’s a warrior and giving up is not an option for Joannie. I don’t know if anyone knows how hard it is to feel your legs when you compete, especially at the Olympics. Your nerves turn your body into something that has a mind of its own. YET, to continue when you’ve lost your true north star is text book courage.

    I would say her decision to not only skate, but skate like a champion….to be in the moment…..inspired me to believe you truly can achieve anything when facing adversity.

    Sorry for the O/T post. I’m still teary eyed from her performance as well.

  17. ConcernedBystander says:

    In regard’s to the POI(s), is there supposed to be a connection with the local bands and the POI mentioned awhile back who possibly attends a military/private school? Also, what is the link between the bands and the mention of a possible POI with the last name of “S” or “M”. Is someone from one of the bands a POI or just someone who hangs with them or attends those events?

  18. luvblink says:

    Stephanie was threatened by people from the Hook, after she used her full name and gave her job information (including a link). I’m no psychic but I know if someone puts their personal information out on the net they will attract alot of nuts. Personally I like Stephanie, she was also on FB and findmorgan, I don’t think she deserved the harassment she received but that was a different site with different people.

  19. Cairn says:


    I was not and am not criticizing you or directing my explanation about Steph to hurt your feelings. I am just trying to help the understanding of another. I don’t smoke, but, here’s an old peace pipe I’ve brought to share with you.

    This info was never descriptive of BOC, either.

    Stephanie was subjected to cruel, dangerous, and *real* threats while on Facebook and FindMorgan. It is understandable why anyone would no longer want to be as public (on any forum) under the circumstances, in my opinion.

    Again, I appreciate Blink and all caring posters.

  20. acho says:


    “CrimeView Community allows residents to search for crimes by type, location and date.”

    Will check this feature out as soon as the evening routine is finished but wanted to let you all know. No idea at this point whether it offers up a lot of new info …

  21. Minnie Penney says:

    Blink – have you ever read Tales from the Morgue by Cyril Wecht – it’s pretty good – chapters on Scott Peterson and Chandra Levy and more.

    Have not yet, thanks for the recommendation.

  22. skyler says:

    Cairn — how about if I bring cookies (Oreos) and milk ?

    I never meant my statements to her to be unkind, either —

    Morgan needs all the help she can get from every source : )

    Cairn said: I don’t smoke, but, here’s an old peace pipe I’ve brought to share with you.

  23. MsLurkALot says:

    RE: doug says:
    February 24, 2010 at 1:05 am

    Did the same with the two large trees. Maybe a dead tree sandwiched between the evergreens?

    Hope these links work.


    OK, looking at that image again. I just read B’s comments about Morgan’s body being originally in a tree line. Not sure which tree line she is thinking, but, looking at that image, and the impression that it looks like a prone body, is it possible this is the image of our Morgan, covered by cut hay? It makes me sick to think it, but I do wonder exactly when the 2009 Ortho photos were taken. And, in feet, wondering how far this location is to where her remains were ultimately found. Seems a stretch, but that image is just haunting me now. I’m on the verge of deleting this post, as it seems so absurd. Someone with more patience for reading the maps might be able to shed light on the distance between this image and the location of discovery.

  24. ohiomom says:

    Cairn – I was glad to see Stephanie post here. We seem to need all the help we can get.

  25. Has anyone noticed there was ANOTHER house on Bass’s property as well? It is right above the Historic Home, and to the right. It shows up on the orthophote 2002. It has been cleared off on the 2005 one. Oh, also, it is definitely liveable. Who lived there?

  26. fish says:

    B: I’m in an “awaiting moderation” state of mind! jk, I know you’re busy. But, I have to ask again. Do you think that the guy could have been some sort of bscout? The photos are hard to see but my mister, said it looks like a teepee or lean-to. Also, if your mister, said it takes different kind of senses at night. Could he mean a pair of night vision? Like the kind they gave away free when you preordered Modern Warfare, the video game? (Please did he mean nightvision?)

    FISH SAID: “Also, about Morgan floating down stream. Maybe someone can look at the photos and tell me if this is even a possibilty. I think that she would have been caught-up on a branch, fallen tree or rocks. And, what if it goes too shallow. Just an observation from gisweb.”

    BLINK SAID: “The topography…”
    Miss B. See I learn a new word everyday! Thanks for schoolin’ me.

  27. skyler says:

    Miss Wings said (in part):

    >>I am one of those people, tried and true, that believe things are learned when they are supposed to, from whatever source.
    It is frustrating at times, and I hate it because by nature I am not a patient person so I have to work on it.


    Miss Skyler says to Miss Wings:

    I <3 you !!

    Whatever your personal stance or creed in life, I firmly believe you have to own it. Just like Blink just did. It’s why I respect Blink so much.

    To OhioMom and her daughter, TT — I have time for prayers for your daughter — another avenue she might want to pursue, she might be able to be paid to go to school and retrain for a different position/career.

    I know things are bleak in Ohio. I work for a federal agency and I get calls from people from Ohio all the time — one lady just broke down and cried because her Rx cost was so high — she kept saying: I’m going to die.

    SSDI is one-half of your salary from two years ago — but — you can be in a work program and earn up to $950 a month in addition to SSDI — it takes 4 months for the process to even begin. She should start now, because if she is eligible for SSDI, then she will automatically be eligible for Medicaid which can help w/ the medical bills — plus there is a federal program which may be able to save her house from foreclosure. But Ohio just received several billion dollars from the feds to knock down abandoned and foreclosed properties in the inner cities, especially Cleveland. The Census is also hiring now — it might be good for a temp job. Also, are there any temp. agencies in her area — I had a friend who worked a “temp” job for three or four years — keep us updated.

    Sorry for the OT, Blink.

  28. J2K says:

    By-george! I think I’ve got it…

    The entry point onto AF, that is. It’s far from certain until someone on the ground (perhaps our darling skyler on her next reconnaissance mission – or any of you excellent locals) checks out the feasibility

    Admittedly, even if I’m right, the knowledge is still a part of playing catch-up to shut-mouth LE, who have in all likelihood already determined the avenue of access… But! Anyway. I took a break from municipal “snowicane” planning — that’s right folks, more Mid-Atlantic snow, and this time with hurrican-force winds…awesome) — to once again peruse the ever-helpful Albemarle County GIS map’s Orthophotos2009 feature, that has fairly close aerial views of AF from last year).

    Ready? Here goes:
    If one were to turn off of Route 29 South onto Red Hill Road, in about (approx) 1,300-1,400 feet one would be at the start of the short road-bridge over the north fork of the Hardware River. It appears that just before that bridge, there is passage through the treeline – large enough for an off-road vehicle like a Jeep – onto the back of the AF property (parcel 88-5A) that leads directly straight up (map view) — with just one passable obstacle: a narrow tributary of the Hardware that has multiple tiremarks visible leading up to and crossing it, so appears regularly traversed by vehicles — to the corner of the triangular parcel (88-5) in which MH was found.

    Like I said, it *appears* to be a straight shot, accessible from close to the start of RH Road, and it appears (from an overhead view) to be used for back access to the property with some regularity.

    The map can be accessed here:

    Just put “Waldemar” in as street then in the “Themes” option, select “Orthophotos2009″.

    If this was indeed the route taken into the site, we’re looking at a Jeep or similar vehicle as the mode of transoprt, as opposed to an ATV (which wouldn’t be used from a main-road entry point like that, in my opinion).

    so you finally agree with me then. Cool.

    ps. I thought it was more of a Northern storm for a change. FTLOG.

  29. Lovely says:

    i’ll smoke the peace pipe!!

    just sayin’ :-)

    Seriously? You?

    Im gonna pretend I did not see that or tell your therapist.

    I am kidding, as you know :)

  30. skyler says:

    Belleboyd: Thanks for posting this — I had read it somewhere else, too, I think — I don’t know what he means when he says he lives “across the street” from AF — what street ? I wonder if he means he lives across Rt. 29 — Red Hill continues on the other side of 29, too. The main ingress into the property is AF Drive — which is a private road. Mr. Bass says he usually leaves the big cattle gate unlocked or opened — there is a little “farmette” to the north of AF — I don’t know who lives there, whether this is the man in this article — then to the south of AF is Blandemar and Waldemar and there are fences everywhere — how are they getting on the property to hunt there ? I know it can be done and people are doing it — I just don’t know how —

    I gotta get me a girl scout … : )

    belleboyd says:
    February 24, 2010 at 3:34 pm

    January 27, 2010

    Many living near Anchorage Farm are shocked after learning that Morgan Harrington’s body was found so close to their homes.

    Mike Wolfe, who lives across the street from Anchorage Farm, said many people have hunted in the area, usually driving tractors to get around.

    He also said he was robbed not too long ago, and the burglars have not been caught.

    Power tools were stolen, and he said since then, he’s installed a security camera outside his home and a sensor along his driveway.

    “A couple years ago, we were broken into, and I put a security system in to prevent that,” Wolfe said.

    Wolfe says it’s common for people to go hunting on the Anchorage Farm property, and police say many people park along the back of the property.

  31. zeusrocks says:

    I still agree with Skyler and many others on here that Mr. Bass had more than an other worldly push from Morgan that led him to her final resting place. I do think she had a say in that which helped it happen though. I read a comment recently (I’ll look and try to find and post it), on an article after Morgan was found. The commenter said that if people wanted to know who did this, that they needed to find and speak with several of Mr. Bass’ friends who participated in the early search for Morgan after she went missing. That if LE talked to them, the questions about Morgan’s demise would be answered. That was the only comment I read that said anything remotely like that, and I’m pretty sure I’ve read every comment, on every article, etc. written on this case. It may mean nothing, but since it was such a different comment from what anyone else has written, it caught my attention. Did anyone here read that, and if so, what was your take on it? I’m not blaming Mr. Bass in this at all.

    I have had a feeling for a while that at least one of the BG/BG’s are possibly much older than we are thinking-others here have posted that idea also. More of a safe “father figure” type, and possibly some younger people in the mix too. Father/son/family crimes are more common than we want to think about.

    I believe I was the one, over a week ago, that brought up the idea of Morgan being weighted down in Blandemar Farm Pond. Although my thoughts on that were that I wondered if the decomposition rate would disclose that she was indeed in two different environs (and which type of environs). I also said that I wondered if the BG/BG’s put her in the pond at first, then removed her to where (or close to where), she was finally found. I thought maybe if they initially put her in the pond, that they may have begun to worry someone would discover her while fishing; and then decided to move her. I wondered if testing could show a water based start, then a land based finish to decomp. I felt that would be more likely a theory than having her hidden inside a building, risking the chance of someone coming upon her. Hidden in water, then moving her to a remote land area makes more sense. (I’m so sorry Morgan.)

    Lots of new ideas from everyone-we continue to trudge forward-justice for Morgan!

    While I do not believe that Morgan was in the pond, you make my point for me very compellingly- thank you.

    If Morgan was placed in that pond initially, the environs would tell that story 100%, among other forensics, which I do not believe to be present.

    For example, the image of Morgan’s bracelet leads me to believe there was no submersion.

  32. Jennifer says:

    Mr. Blink definitely understands then, how much easier it would be to manuever in the woods for a hunter than not. I believe those responsible are young boys, probably the same age, if not slightly older than Morgan, may have musical ties, etc. as lots believe.

    I most definitely believe that whomever placed her body there were confident that it would never be found, which lends itself more and more to the theory that these are people who know that farm incredibly well. Definitely hunters and so many hunters use four-wheelers instead of their trucks for driving in and out of logging roads, farm roads, etc. for hunting. It seems I read somewhere that one of the neighbors in that subdivision stated that it would be nearly impossible in daytime, much less at night. As I mentioned earlier, even a seasoned deer hunter would have trouble navigating through creeks and streams and down embankments. Not so for a coon hunter. I believe because we have heard so little from LE, they have more clues than most of us imagine.

  33. skyler says:

    Ahh — said Skyler when she finally figured out how people are accessing AF —

    Look at the tax map — okay — at this link it shows all the property owned by Mr. Bass — it’s not just AF that we all know by now — he owns property that fronts Red Hill Road — there are smaller parcels which make up all of AF, not just the AF map we’ve been looking at — you have to click on “property detail” and then when it goes to the next page, click on tax map, and it outlines all the different parcels of AF — I didn’t find any property owned by Mr. Wolfe, but if AF has property which fronts Red Hill, then Mr. Wolfe could live on Red Hill and be “across the street” from AF — and access to the property where Morgan was found could be just a matter of hopping the fence and hauling her up there — sorry, Morgan — or it may be an area that you can drive — those tracks are visible on that one map — at least this is starting to make more sense now : )

  34. mosaic says:

    J2K….we are exactly on the same page! [*clink*] see my post from 9:11 a.m.

  35. Cat says:

    J2K and Blink, are you sure that was the point of access? Bass had specifically stated that, “He had no idea how the body got there, as the location where it was found was not accessible by car.”

  36. MsLurkALot says:

    RE: ohiomom says:
    February 24, 2010 at 1:27 pm
    Skyler, I’m so glad your son got that job, and we were all thrilled and relieved when you got yout job back!

    …. If you could find time to send prayers and positive thoughts to TT, ohiomom’s daughter, I would appreciate it more than I can say….

    &&&& Skyler, so glad you got your job back, and that your son got a job. Two of my friends were recently re-hired, and what a blessing. Both were on verge of losing their homes. Thanks for all you do at BOC. Your perspective is a breath of hope and fresh air!

    Ohiomom, will be sending good thoughts to your daughter. Please tell her to follow all the suggestions Sky has made. I have been unemployed more times than I want to count, but each time, when one door closed, another opened, by the grace of God. My friend, also under-employed, says “this, too, shall pass.” Please know that something good will happen to your daughter. Though it may not be the ideal situation, hopefully it will be what she needs, for now. Peace to you and yours.

  37. anotherB says:

    @ MsLurkALot February 24, 2010 at 8:02 am

    It is three times the height of Bigfoot, so it can’t be him.

    This means it must be something else. The only thing I can think of that has this height and “legs” is a tree stand. The “legs” of whatever it is have a similar colour as the background, they are just defined by their outline. It could be in fact four “legs” appearing as two.

    I don’t believe it is a tree – too broad. It looks man made. The whole thing is too symmetrical. And it is not lying on the ground, as it overlaps with one of the trees at a high altitude.

    Does anybody with a background in hunting know whether it would make sense to put up a tree stand in this position?

  38. skyler says:

    J2theabsoluteK says:
    February 24, 2010 at 7:42 pm
    By-george! I think I’ve got it…

    Wow — I was looking at the same map at the same time as you — although i did not know about the “snowicane” — hmmm — I think we’re going to be by-passed — it’s 35 degrees where I am and raining — or something out there —

    It’s almost impossible to describe how much snow was out there on the day I went — but now w/ better maps (and better navigators who are local (wink, wink to LocalGirl !) — I know the exact turn, but didn’t think about it –I was trying to get to Waldemar and Blandemar — but now that I know that Mr. Bass owns property which actually fronts Red Hill Road at that little bridge — by golly, I think you’re right —

    But one thing I was trying to look at was to see if the fences and vines growing all through them looked like they had been disturbed — but all the snow !

    Poor Morgan — this vibrant life reduced to 25 sq ft.

    And the Heidi murder — and her BF, I can remember his face, but not his name — just wanting to go out and be in nature — and their lives ended in terror –

    what the hell is wrong w/ people — And why hasn’t Casey Anthony gone to trial — that baby ought to be going to kindergarten and carrying her little Disney Princess lunchbox and painting her fingernails bright pink —

    What the hell is wrong w/ people ? It’s easy to criticize LE — I want this case solved yesterday — but we really ought to give them props just for getting out of the bed in the morning to face another day — and just suppose they know who did this, but can’t tie them to the murder — yet — I can’t imagine how frustrating that must be to them — ugh.

    God speed, LE —

    Absolute Justice for Morgan ! (and all the others)

  39. suz says:

    Skyler, that neighbor who installed the security cameras lives on Red Hill rd (2100 block). He and his wife are donors to UVA.

  40. Minnie Penney says:

    Jennifer – are your dogs Redbones ?

  41. keekee says:

    whew, blink, thanks for letting me drop the tipline secret code search! momentarily lost my way and slept walk as “99″ (max made me do it)

    anywhoo…those thinking a musician type might be the poi, i don’t think so because they are way too busy trying to “make it” and most are pretty darn hard workers. i wanted to share my research with you guys to help set the scene of this morphing world that many people live in and how they hold many jobs within this overlapping world in order to stay connected. a band breaks up, members have backup skills or jobs to get them through to the next band. the same faces are seen from fest to fest in different capacities. morgan would be familiar with many different people from this environment in addition to the groups of friends who attended with her.

    i personally think one of the pois works in a peripheral capacity in this world whether as an employee of a brewery/concert venue/music management/security/media/vendor or emergency services.

    also, someone involved has investigative experience. whether that is as ex-le, current le (i hope not), or an employee of some sort of emergency service who is a big shot le “wannabe”, well, i just don’t know. it is obvious that this person has a big ego and thinks he’s smarter than le. maybe he’s trying to compensate for something. he is a liar. he is a sociopath. he plays a role in life. he is a paperdoll person with no soul, but the capacity to kill like an animal. that is an insult to animals everywhere.

    i continue to think that an older and younger male are involved with one or two others having some knowledge they didn’t realize until later. someone has already given up something. someone is still holding out.

    most importantly is that there is a mom or a dad that suspects, but will not come forward…prob haven’t even voiced a concern hoping it will go away. it won’t and it will happen again if silence reigns supreme.

    the guilt will destroy these silent weak soon to be empty souls

  42. ConcernedBystander says:

    Does anyone know who EMH’s dad is, of if he’s still in the area?

    I do, and yes.
    Thanks for the response. His name wouldn’t be Randall would it?


  43. Minnie Penney says:

    In response to the posting about how killers are evading capture in recent years. I think they watch all the crime shows and read the internet – in other words they are becoming more informed and they are honing their “skills” to always be a few miles ahead of LE. Also a perp can murder in Virginia one night, hit the road and in a couple of days be playing poker in Vegas – maybe watching reports of his deeds on FOX or CNN on a big screen on the Strip. Just my thoughts..

  44. zeusrocks says:

    Thank you Blink! I will research on then. I know that forensics will show all that happened. The glory of science in action!

    I still feel that there was an initial crime scene beyond where she was found, so the testing will show her initially inside a building, etc., then outside on land with the decomp. factor. Now which building could it be…

    Trudge, trudge…

  45. SJC says:

    I want to post a statement in here:

    My name is Stephanie Jaye Canny as on my profile on the Facebook “Help Find Morgan Dana Harrington” site. I NEVER post as a “Stephanie” anywhere else.

    I have not and have never had anything to do with ‘psychic’ interests. I do not propose ‘visions’ concerning Morgan Harrington’s tragic story. I do not propose visions concerning anyone.

    I have been to the Blink on Crime threads concerning Morgan sporadically at best. I have posted under “SJC” approximately four times. I don’t post radical ideas and I don’t receive hate mail.

    Since October 20th, 2009 I have consistently represented myself only. My writing style is consistent as well a my attitudes and approach. My isp address will prove this 100%.

    If a post is not made by the two I.D.s I’ve declared–my full name/initials, it’s not me.

    If my identity is ever implied on a post I didn’t write, make no mistake, I will put a stop to it.

  46. acho says:

    Yowza everyone, just checking back in to say this CrimeView tool (see my 2/24 6:29 post above) does not appear ready for prime time. That or my ability to create user error is stellar tonight.

    Sorry for the time waster. If others are able to get it to search w/in your chosen date range AND can view the details for specific crimes, please chime in.

  47. anotherB says:

    From Blink’s report on the cameras:

    “Morgan was found in a field, almost smack dab in the middle of surrounding tree line’s loaded with tree stands and tree cameras.”

    So there were tree stands in the vicinity. It could be one. But – if it was, would it have allowed to see the body from above? 9m height, 113m distance, grass 0.5m high? Possibly. Almost certainly it would be visible that there is something lying in the grass.

    Moreover, assuming that this is a tree stand, would the person on the tree stand even look in this direction? Or would he be facing the tree line opposite, unless he turns around?

    Anyway, this would be one more indicator that the bad guy *knew* the field, if he placed the body in a way that it would be out of sight.

    Which bothers me more are the tracks. These are not car tracks. Looking at other parts of the farm, it looks as if they were in the process of mowing the grass. They didn’t get to this part of the farm yet. What are these tracks? And why are they there? A motorbike, perhaps? And who went to this end of the farm?

    They come from the area of the cemetery, after that it gets blurred. And they cross the tree line next to where Morgan was found, passing by only a few meters away. Had the person who left the tracks come back in winter, wouldn’t he have noticed?

  48. yoshi says:

    Cairn, Fish, Skyler, Stephanie,
    I can usually tell when people are misunderstanding each other here. I have kicked myself many times for not speaking up as I silently watch it unfold. The last time it happened, I promised myself that I wouldn’t stay silent. Here goes.

    Cairn, very respectively, there is no way Blink would let anyone on this site treat Stephanie with such disdain and disrespect. Stephanie was treated this way over at the Hook very early on in Morgan’s disappearance. She was extremely cautious regarding her privacy, her views, and the fact that she rarely ever shared her “gift” publicly (sorry, I don’t know what she likes to call it). She took a chance and the Hook posters ate her alive. It was ridiculous and completely uncalled for. I have never seen that type of behavior here, hence my reasons for posting here and hanging around so long. I am shy when it comes to voicing my opinion and I am sensitive to criticism. I like it here and I feel respected.

    I was confused as to how Stephanie’s most recent post showed up here. Was it brought here from somewhere else? Admittedly, I was taken aback by the first sentence as it did sound like a rub it in your face kind of thing. I wonder if it was meant for the readers at the Hook. Stephanie did post here a few times, I believe, a few months ago. She was upset that she was right; that she had shared graphic details that turned out to be so close to what had happened. I think she decided, in the future, to share these types of things privately to spare loved ones.

    For those who are clueless, here is the Hook conversation for reference. If you do take the time to skim through it you will see what I am talking about. If anyone behaved that way here, they would be tossed. If you do read it, don’t say I didn’t warn you. You will never get those 5 minutes of your life back. Stephanie’s details are very interesting and Sky, they reminded me of what your friend said.

  49. justiceformorgan says:

    “Mr. Blink” :) We’ve come along way baby! ;)

  50. justiceformorgan says:

    ooops, meant “a long”…sheesh…well, you’ve come a long way…

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