Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. Christy S says:


    I can totally see that! Now how and who?
    Thanks for making it easy to spot.

  2. suz says:

    anotherB, what picture are you looking at that has tracks?

    Re: whether the vehicle coming from a road behind the farm and climbing a steep dirt hill necessarily means it was a street legal 4WD/jeep/suv instead of a farm vehicle/atv/quad–I’m gonna’ say not necessarily. It’s not unusual to see all manner of off-road stuff (including horses) being ridden on the street.

  3. ConcernedBystander says:

    Thanks for the response. His name wouldn’t be Randall would it?


    Thanks. It was a longshot, but eliminates a potential angle.

  4. justiceformorgan says:

    Skyler, I’ve been spending some time each day searching the internet for photo’s and searching videos of the LOG performance that may have close-ups of the crowd.

    I understand that Morgan may not have been in her seat during the performance (may have been on the floor, etc) however wondered if you could please take a look at the picture link below and let me know where she was seen and/or where her seat was in relation to the photo below. That will give me more to go on as I search.

    If anyone feels I should be searching for one of the other band’s performance photographs/videos as well as, or instead of, LOG, please let me know. Or, if anyone feels searching for different types of photographs or video on the internet may be useful, please let me know.

    Blink, I can spend at least 1/2 an hour to an hour each day doing any internet research that you feel may be useful so if you feel my time would be better spent researching different information or different photo’s or different videos please let me know.

    Ty Justice, one thing I have not seen anyone work on is the origin of the bracelet Gil is now wearing, that was found on Morgan. Our team could not find a single pic of her wearing it previously.

  5. justiceformorgan says:

    Here’s the photo link;
    No copyright infringement intended

  6. dda says:

    If the killer is a hunter or is familiar with hunting at AF, why would he dispose of the body near tree stands right before deer hunting season? Wouldn’t that increase the likelihood of discovery? And moreover, why didn’t someone find her during hunting season if people regularly hunt back there, especially from tree stands? Is there a chance she wasn’t there until the season closed?

    I know it is hard to see in the aerials, but Morgan was in the creek bed or “hollow”, heavily wooded and imo she was wrapped in something like a dark tarp. No, I do not believe she was put there “later”.

  7. kate says:

    From a criminal profiler’s point of view, what does it indicate when a body is not buried, other than no time to bury it?

    There could be a 100 variations to answer that question. You would need to quantify the existing constants and variables associated with the scene to truly “profile” that question to this case.

    Here’s a few generalities:

    1. The terrain served to secure the remains visually as it existed.
    2. Knowledge that the no.1 thing we look for in aerial Imaging when planning a search perimeter is ground disturbance.
    3. Knowledge of indiginous animals.
    4. Unavailable, inappropriate, or fear of trace evidence tools for use.
    5. Staging of the victim to mislead possible COD ( exposure, overdose)
    6. Lack of fear on behalf of the unsub(s) the location would be tied to him/them.
    7. Attempt to frame someone else.
    8. Attempt to manipulate investigative efforts as to primary or secondary crime scene.
    9. Overconfidence on behalf of the unsub.
    10. Time constraints and conditions present at the time of disposal.


  8. HokieHi says:

    So Lt. Rader states that the unsub was “inclined” to return to the location in a time of high stress. My personal belief is that the person didn’t intend to return in the future. I wouldn’t be surprised if the unsub is an experienced hunter but I doubt it’s someone who regularly hunts the area as the risks are too great. I doubt any of the 4 hunters with permission would want to risk getting caught. Plus, it’s likely that they are aware that others are allowed to hunt there which could give away their “secret” if a fellow hunter stumbled upon the body. I would also rule out regular “trespassing” hunters. If a “trespassing” hunter was familiar with the land, then he probably keeps returning because he’s been successful. Why chance having your hunting spot jeopardized if the body is found? I think this same reason rules out anyone who may have gotten lucky finding ‘shrooms. No reason to risk losing your honeypot. Same also goes for “regular” partiers. You wouldn’t want to risk losing that spot if the body was found. It’s probably safe to say that anyone who frequented the area in the past for any reason hasn’t set foot near there since 1/26.

    What if “inclined” to return to the farm means the unsub knows this particular farm better than anything else in the area? I believe that a thorough investigation of any former student tennants and any connections through parties are the key. Someone who lived on that farm for a year would likely get out and explore, hike, fish, hunt, mountain bike or camp/party on the farm at some point. Most students would live closer to campus earlier in their college years so it’s possible that when they moved to this rural farm location that they just didn’t know any of the surrounding landscape the way they knew the farm thus when they were highly stressed in a life changing moment, they were “inclined” to go where they were familiar.

    I think Lt. Rader’s comments about someone who might have moved away could also indicate a college student who had rented the farmhouse. It’s possible they were back in town for the concert, alumni group weekend etc on 10/17. Blink mentioned a few times that she thinks both sides of the tracks will be revealed when the case is solved. Drugs would be an obvious connection. I knew some people in college that were of higher social status but were friends with some questionable “townies”. The “townie” supplied the drugs that the college students either used or sold. This could possibly be a C’ville area kid who attends another school but was in town to meet up with his supplier.

  9. Jennifer says:

    To anotherB: Can you tell me more about the tree stand? I have been in tree stands all my life. Lots are manmade, but many buy them and put them up in the tree. Additionally, hunting for raccons at night, you always wear a bump cap with a light attached on the top. There are various voltages, but basically, you have the battery on a belt, have a high/low switch on your cap, but there is a switch on your belt like a dimmer and I tell you I could put non-hunters in the woods with me and go right through with my light and not be detected. There is also a walking switch, which is a tiny little light on the belt that shines on the ground, also virtually undetectable by a layperson.

    And, while I understand that looking at topo maps or other things to see terrain, as a hunter and houndswoman who has spent most of my life in the woods, you can look at maps and have gps’s all day long, and things just don’t come full circle until you are actually out there.

    And to Minnie Penney, I have no Redbones, only Plotts.

  10. fish says:

    dear yoshi: Glad that you didn’t keep quiet this time. I read and wow! Some really good points in there but are mixed up in all that
    hot mess. I’m so, so happy that I am on here. Where we can agree to disagree and get a wrispslap if we don’t! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    To all: I believe that it is some sorta tree stand. Husband thinks it is a teepee or something like that. I told him to stop calling it that but we are in the thick of boyscouts and well, he never listens to me anyway. He said maybe something where one would go to get out of the weather. I say, how about a stand that holds a deer after a kill? I think that it is called “field dressing”. See there are lots of hunters around here.
    I sure would like to know but wasn’t Morgan down aways?

    J2K: a jeep? wagoneer, liberty, cherokee, commander, or the old-fashioned kind like the army??? How big is the entrance would you estimate? The photo linked above is the (green gate) looks to be big enough for any kind. But if this is not the bridge, then I’m thinking a narrow jeep.

    Blink: I’m perplexed on the tree cameras (?)

  11. Jennifer says:

    I apologize all – meant to add one more thing along anotherB’s thoughts on the tree stand. Hunters use trail cams obviously to watch for certain types of game, how often they are feeding, etc. Usually, they are placed near feed patches as the object is to draw in game. The cameras are normally mounted about knee height – so it’s not unusual to see a ton of deer, raccoons, even foxes feeding. They are on a timer and take a certain number of frames in a certain time period. They are quite temperamental. I’ve retrieved my chips and had tons of blank frames due to wind, etc.

  12. fish says:

    b: a different set of senses….night vision senses?

    Also, Sorry about my lengthy off topic, off posts to you. Don’t mean to jam you up. Just running ridiculous bg checks through my fishbrain!

  13. fish says:

    sorry, bg = back ground and yes, bad guy. i’m shuttin up now. tired, i guess. worried about J2K’s snow hurricane (snowicane) what did she call it? and when is it coming our way! remember, I have a hole in my roof!

  14. Jennifer says:

    Minnie Penney, I think you are right regarding criminals. It is my feeling and I’m in total agreement with Mrs. Harrington, that the person(s) responsible for this horrific act – this is not an entry-level type of crime. This person or persons have a criminal history, hence why they didn’t just dump her on the side of the road or in a ditch. That would have been much easier. They have criminal records and went to the most comfortable, least stressful spot they knew – Anchorage Farm, for whatever ties they have there we don’t know. And God knows as awful as this sounds, once these type of offenders graduate to the next level of killing someone, it will happen again. American needs to stand up and stop this war on women and children.

  15. Posted this before, but I think it got lost in the server snafu the other night. A lot about Morgan is similar to Brittney Drexal (sorry, not sure if spelling of her name is spot on) at Myrtle Beach, separated from friends, blond, moving about alone. Drexal not found, Morgan not intended to be found. Both venues attract young college types…..Is cause of death the same? If Morgan died of a gun shot wound, which still seems like it could be the case…earily similar to the Virgina Tech couple which is eerily similar to the camp counselor couple killed on the Oregon beach (my last understanding on that one was that a suspect turned out not to be the one.) Again, it’s my frame of reference but the Baton Rouge serial killer targeted women on the basis of that he saw them, he targeted them….for no other reason…they were varied, their backgrounds were varied but he targeted them just the same. Not to be an alarmist…..but I’m really starting to ponder that….agree with the hunting bit. This person was comfortable in the woods.

    I personally do not believe that Morgan’s death was a serial killer.

    I am of the opinion that Britt Drexal may have been the victim of a serial killer.

    I believe the Childs and Metzler murders are most likely unrelated to Morgan’s death, but I admit I cannot exclude the possibility.

  16. Observer says:

    RE: the VSP tip-line telephone number:

    Acho (2/24, 9:56am), you referenced an earlier post by Suz which read:

    “I tend to think it was just an available cellphone number rather than a code. Numbers are so tight these days, it would be tricky to get a code-worthy number on such short notice.”

    (acho): “Yeah, Suz, I strongly agree. I know LE can push through a lot of things in the name of an investigation, but I don’t think we should invest time in this theory. Love the idea of it, though!

    Would like to hear it if Observer or Blink (or Cooper … I think you are still here?) disagrees, but I otherwise think LE just took an available number.”

    Both you and Suz are on-target, acho. There exists no hidden message or code in the tipline telephone number. The number used and publicized by VSP was/is simply an available number.

    While an interesting and creative endeavor, to invest additional time positing other theories is time that could perhaps be better spent exploring other, much more tangible and realistic aspects of the investigation, e.g., the point of entrance and egress to the site where Morgan’s remains were recovered on AF.

    B: I still have that other intel we discussed off-line.

    I owe you an apology, I have been in 2 different court cases for 3 days; ended late yesterday.

    Good news is, in a case that has tried to produce an indictment for a bg twice previously, the third time has been the charm.

    Will follow up with you today.

  17. Elizabeth says:

    13.Word Girl says:
    February 24, 2010 at 4:16 pm

    Has anyone read Olive Kitteridge? (Elizabeth Strout, 2008, Random Hse)

    The locals in these integrated stories sound as if they might live in North Garden or nearby.
    Good people, most. I think you’ll enjoy the read. I am.


    Wordgirl just finished the book. I love Olive. She was quite the quirky one. Another good read Founding Mothers by Cokey Roberts. Those women should have had their name on the Declaration of Independence. They were the great women behind those Founding Fathers.

    I have come to a standstill. I have looked at just about everybody in Charlottesville and to tell you the truth..anybody could have done it! Four months and not much more than when we started. The family names, the land owners, the rso’s, the friends, the concert goers every band that ever played in town. The farmers, the hunters, the driving down the streeters. It never ends and we still don’t know “Who killed Morgan Harrington”!

  18. justiceformorgan says:

    Re; the shadow between the evergreens

    I saved the picture from the link and then in “ArcSoft PhotoStudio” photo editing program, I enlarged the area between the trees (about 300%), enhanced the picture (brighter and more contrast), sharpened it slightly, and edited the color (more magenta, less green). It sure looks like a body. When was that picture taken? I can provide a link to my edited version of the picture if someone can tell me how to do that without my computer being identified by anyone and everyone on the net.

  19. MsLurkALot says:

    anotherB says:
    February 24, 2010 at 9:01 pm
    @ MsLurkALot February 24, 2010 at 8:02 am

    It is three times the height of Bigfoot, so it can’t be him.

    This means it must be something else. The only thing I can think of that has this height and “legs” is a tree stand. The “legs” of whatever it is have a similar colour as the background, they are just defined by their outline. It could be in fact four “legs” appearing as two.

    I don’t believe it is a tree – too broad. It looks man made. The whole thing is too symmetrical. And it is not lying on the ground, as it overlaps with one of the trees at a high altitude.

    Does anybody with a background in hunting know whether it would make sense to put up a tree stand in this position?

    &&&&&& Another B…I think we might be discussing two different images? There was the one big black image that I think J2K mentioned on the southern edge of AF/parcel 88-5 near the alleged camp site clearing (Big Foot), and the other, “body” image that was noted between two trees at the very western edge of 88-5 not too far from where Morgan was found. The latter is a strange outline, some posters thought it looked like a man. I couldn’t see it at first, as I was looking for a standing-up figure, but I did finally see it between the two trees, and it resembles the outline of a human figure, prone. It’s probably best to just drop it, as neither image is likely integral to the investigation of what happened, and who the perpetrators are. Just my feeling at this point…like everyone else, just want to see progression toward the arrest of whoever took Morgan’s life. I hope that LE is close to reaching that end.

  20. MsLurkALot says:

    MsLurkALot says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    February 25, 2010 at 12:43 am
    anotherB says:
    February 24, 2010 at 9:01 pm
    @ MsLurkALot February 24, 2010 at 8:02 am

    It is three times the height of Bigfoot, so it can’t be him.

    This means it must be something else. The only thing I can think of that has this height and “legs” is a tree stand. The “legs” of whatever it is have a similar colour as the background, they are just defined by their outline. It could be in fact four “legs” appearing as two.

    I don’t believe it is a tree – too broad. It looks man made. The whole thing is too symmetrical. And it is not lying on the ground, as it overlaps with one of the trees at a high altitude.

    Does anybody with a background in hunting know whether it would make sense to put up a tree stand in this position?


    I’m sorry, Another B, at second glance, I think you are referencing the large figure at the south end of 88-5, near the clearing. It’s late, and my brain and eyes are fried. I didn’t want you to think I was dismissing your thinking about the tree stand. It very well could be. What we need are some “boots on the ground” to help us figure this stuff out. Wouldn’t we all like to take a walk through that property? I know I would.

  21. Cairn says:

    Now, Lovely, I said ‘peace pipe’, not ‘bong’. Ahem.

    And, the only green weed in my house is oregano. I’m an aging hippie, which presently leaves me a hippie at heart, but still moving to Mick Jagger’s “Can’t Get No Satisfaction” or “Honky Tonk Woman” (Rolling Stones).

    Which brings me to Skyler’s offer of cookies and milk, which is more my style now! :) I believe I will, thank you. Love the yummy middle part first!

  22. Cairn says:

    Oh, Geesh! Last time talking about this.

    SJH, it is *not* you who is being referenced as Stephanie. This is a poster who is a very nice person and who posted a few months back, at the beginning of this horrific crime.

    She posted on Facebook(HFMH), FindMorgan, and, apparently, Hook. She was ripped apart by some mean people. That’s it.

    It did not occur on Blink’s forum. Period.

    Hope that is clear to everyone :)

    Please pass the cookies and milk, Skyler :)

    Yes, thanks Cairn. I agree. Let’s be done with this.

  23. Cairn says:

    I meant:
    “SJC: February 24, 2010 at 10:02 pm”

  24. justiceformorgan says:

    Re; access to location where Morgan’s body was found;

  25. belika says:

    Dear Blink, As I stated before I admire your efforts in helping identify and catch the people responsible for what happened to Morgan and bring them ALL to JUSTICE.
    Recently, I didn’t have time enough to post here, but I still try to read and to follow the discussion. And I feel a part of it.
    All the efforts accomplished, by so many people touched by this shiny girl’s brightness will be rewarded! And that will happen very soon!
    It wasn’t an ACCIDENT. It was act, followed by chain of acts performed consciously and intentionally!

    Justice has many dimensions and sides. Different people see justice differently. But there is a midway JUSTICE that is seen and recognized by the minds of all! That said – THE THIN LINE BETWEEN WHAT IS RIGHT AND WHAT IS WRONG!


  26. Starsky says:

    Blink when you first posted this I got the impression that you thought we were close to an arrest. What are your latest thoughts? It seems to be dragging.

    It is my personal opinion that there is more than one suspect, and VSP is building a successful prosecution in this case.

  27. Dubi says:

    I think that this video was probably already posted here but this is the first time I watched it and I can’t believe that this girl knew Morgan almost her hole life. She speaks about M. in a way that other people would talk about total strangers, without showing any emotions. What I find interesting is a comment of a person writing this blog, she noticed the same thing I did, when Sarah says:’…if we knew something like this could happen…we would never…’she smiles???? I’m not sure if any of you watched tv series called Lie to me, where Tim Roth plays a scientist who studies people’s micro facial expressions.One of the first things that I’ve learned is that most of the people unwittingly smile when they talk about things they would like to hide but know something about.What do you other Blinkers think?

    Here is a link where I watched this.

  28. mosaic says:

    The field where Morgan was recovered is not 25 square feet. If you measure it on the GIS map site it’s roughly 170′ x 400′.

    I was not referring to the entire field. I was referring to the area of the grid and to the right of it which contained the bulk of her remains and physical evidence recovered. It was explained to me as a “tight scene” by a source.

  29. mosaic says:

    Thanks for clarifying, Blink. If it’s “tight scene” does that tell us that Morgan’s body could not have floated or moved much (if at all) from the original spot?

    That is my assumption, yes. I believe if you look at the aerial shot of the recovery Morgan was in the North right quadrant of the treeline that is not visible in that shot.

  30. keekee says:

    blink, i just did a snoopy dance to your noting the active, but successful build. hallaylooyer

  31. Jennifer says:

    Regarding Blink’s response to Starsky, I too most definitely believe that LE is building a strong case and an arrest is imminent. If that were not the case, LE would certainly have released more information and details on the investigation, and what kinds of evidence they have obtained. Additionally, because I believe the persons responsible never thought Morgan would be found and because of their age, I believe they were not very careful and that LE has quite a bit of evidence.

    How ironic that this remote farm that these horrible boys picked – the place that they thought would be so safe to hide Morgan is now the very thing that is going to cause their arrest very soon.

  32. Minnie Penney says:

    Some hopeful news… let’s cross our fingers.

  33. keekee says:

    could morgan have received the bracelet as a gift from someone the night of the metallica concert?

  34. Lovely says:

    B – someone found a pic of the bracelet Morgan was wearing in an older photo…I will try to find the post.

  35. anotherB says:

    @ suz February 24, 2010 at 10:57 pm

    There are two tracks in the field where Morgan was found, on any of the aerial photos available. They remain in the same position over the years. One of them leads towards the border of Anchorage Farm, the other one to bigfoot. Neither of them continues anywhere. They just end there, within a short distance of where the body was found. This is why I believe someone goes there, to this specific field.

    Car tracks look different, just look at the rest of the farm. It must be a motorbike.

    They on all of the gisweb photos, and also on google maps.

  36. keekee says:

    oops, i just found where gil said she gave it to morgan. my bad

  37. total amateur says:

    If Morgan was wrapped in a tarp as Blink suggests- this was a critical mistake by the perp(s). A “wealth” of physical evidence could be found on that. Even if stolen from another person, the tarp could tell alot about the suspect. Soil samples, stains, fibers, blood, dna, animal hair, human hair. Maybe even a tracking or lot number from the tarp itself. If it came from the suspect, what company sells that particular type of tarp, where it is sold..etc etc. It would also serve to protect evidence for longer.

    Blink, pertaining to the bracelet- didn’t Gil write in her poem something about HER giving Morgan the bracelet, and it being returned to her now? I’ll have to go look at it again.

  38. anotherB says:

    @ justiceformorgan February 25, 2010 at 12:40 am

    “Re; the shadow between the evergreens

    I saved the picture from the link and then in “ArcSoft PhotoStudio” photo editing program, I enlarged the area between the trees (about 300%), enhanced the picture (brighter and more contrast), sharpened it slightly, and edited the color (more magenta, less green). It sure looks like a body. When was that picture taken? I can provide a link to my edited version of the picture if someone can tell me how to do that without my computer being identified by anyone and everyone on the net.”

    This is why it freaked me out when I first saw it. It looks like a body. However, it is 9m high/tall, and thus even too tall for a scare crow.

    I believe it is a tree stand, photographed from an odd angle. And just have a look at these tracks – they end in this field. Someone goes there regularly by motorbike, over the years, to this specific field where the body was found. Hunting is the only explanation I can think of. The tracks lead towards the tree line. In my opinion there are either cameras or tree stands.

    And, if you follow the tracks, they lead past the spot where the body was found, within about 15m. If the person who visits the field went there between mid October and late January, he passed by the body. Does anybody know when the hunting season ends?

  39. anotherB says:

    @ MsLurkALot February 25, 2010 at 12:55 am

    No problem! Boots on the ground would be great, if someone can go there legally, so to speak. But it would also be good if we could get an opinion from a hunter. I know nothing about the topic!

    I did, however, climb tree stands when I was a kid. We did that just for fun, whole groups of us, when we were in primary school, to enjoy the view.

  40. total amateur says:

    J2K- the tracks leading from the little bridge on Red Hill Rd were a very good find. Looks like the property is often accessed there. The grass line at the road leading to the tracks is visibly worn. Although the tracks are not nearly as defined after they cross the stream. Do you know if there is a fence line anywhere between the road and AF in that area? You would think there would be considering all the fencing everywhere else. If not- access to the farm is FAR easier than everyone is making it out to be.

  41. total amateur says:

    I asked a long time ago if the fenceline that runs on AF along rt29 ended when it disappears behind the tree line that curves around the corner onto Red Hill Rd. To me, that was the easiest way in without passing alot of other houses and obstacles (if there is any kind of break in the fencing). It would be a straight shot up from there. Thats why I mentioned the FBI specifically referring to the intersection of rt29 and Red Hill Rd. Nobody ever answered me.

  42. total amateur says:

    Blink, I’d just like to say to you and all of the other contributors who try to solve cases, support families who are victims, bring awareness to cases, and work tirelessly to take criminals off the streets help to redeem my waivering faith in the human race. Its good to see that there are people out there who care.

  43. mosaic says:

    Okay, here I go again with a Ms Smarty Pants comment…there’s a tool on the gisweb pages that you can use to measure distance. The “body shape” between the two evergreen trees is 36 feet long…might be the sister of bigfoot but no way is it a human.

    If you zoom up to the closest view and then drag out a distance of 6 feet (anywhere) you’ll see that your shape is very teeny, tiny…minuscule even. (That is assuming that the measurement tool is accurate!)

    The measuring distance tool is two tools to the right of the “hand”. Might help us understand the scale of objects.

  44. radiogirl says:

    New Motto..Think Tank better than Army bless and onward good Blinkers all.

  45. fish says:

    justiceformorgan says:
    February 25, 2010 at 12:40 am
    Re; the shadow between the evergreens
    I saved the picture from the link

    are you looking at 88-41A, the small dark oblong spot, bordering 88-3L, then yes, looks like a body wrapped in tarp. Close to tree line. But, this is not where Morgan was recovered. She was in the small area of 88-5. But, if you are thinking that the floods during this time could have carried a body wrapped in something and the body’s gases already started releasing, then maybe she was carried by rushing waters. Floated, if you may. Sounds terrible, I know. I apologize.
    But, there would be nothing (like arms, legs) to catch or hung up in low lying tree branches. But, this brings me to how in the world would her body be able to make it through the next set of trees. Betwen 88-41A and 88-5. This is the tree line where bigfoot is seen. Although, I think it is a shelter of somesorts.

    Where everyone else is looking, is between the two rather larger evergreens in 88-5. This looks to be man-made.

    Please, I just want to be clear so that I can look and enlarge also. I have a program like this. Sharpens, crisper and you can play with the shading. Although, I am a novice! I go through lots of paper. Tried one out on photo paper and what a difference but it is expensive and not really wise to do until we get a perfect shot.

    I am feeling you though, would like to know when the date of the fly-by was. Could prove useful to telling us a time line.
    Before I go…check ortho 2007. The spot is not there. So could it be a recently grown tree, bush or animal and the two cone-shaped evergreens are filled in. So in ortho 2009, that space has been cleared out for whatever that thing is in between.

    *J2K: rainy, wet, slippery, dark night. That is a fast turnoff from rt. 29 and onto red hill. And, into woods. I would think that atleast, THE DRIVER, knew how to handle this manuvering. Maybe this is why I am even more cemented in the fact there are more than just one!

    **Thanks for your time. BTW, your name will truly be carried out soon enough, my friend. Soon enough. We will be able to outlast them!

  46. fish says:

    keekee says:
    February 25, 2010 at 10:07 am
    could morgan have received the bracelet as a gift from someone the night of the metallica concert?

    KeeKee: Mrs. Harrington is wearing it and it is silver but I was thinking that it was in the family. Does anyone know? This is a good question. Where did it come from. We can check the girlfriend’s photos. We all have a ton to look at maybe it is on one of them. Maybe Lovely already found the link. I hope so.
    I borrow my friends stuff and visa-versa.

  47. Eloise says:

    35.anotherB says:
    February 25, 2010 at 10:37 am
    Car tracks look different, just look at the rest of the farm. It must be a motorbike.
    I have always thought it looked like a bike of sorts, motor or mountain. But I think she was in a 4 wheel to place her there due to the difficulty of it with a 2 wheeler. So this goes with the FBI request of ‘cyclists’. I think that is a key. Was M friends with any avid bikers?

  48. Seattlewatching says:
    when, why and where was this image taken? I can zoom in and see the image
    of a man wearing a black ski cap with knee high boots on he appears to be wearing something
    around his neck, maybe binoculars. Is he an undercover detective? Hunter?

    I think that’s a bad link.

  49. Dan Harrington says:

    The bracelet that Morgan was wearing is one of two identical bracetets Gil received as a youn girl in Saudi Arabia. Gil gave one to Morgan and kept one. We now have both bracelets.

    Thank you Dr. Harrington. Can I ask if you know what metal they were made from, or are they made from some sort of alloy?

  50. skyler says:

    Crud !!! I literally have about 5 mins. so I don’t have time to read all these great new posts in detail — but I wanted to share this — it’s a little OT, and asking Blink to post –

    First, I am not psychically gifted nor do I have prophetic dreams. Wish I were and did. The ONLY dream I ever had about Morgan was the TV announcer saying the remains were confirmed to be hers. I dreamed that same dream over and over. Then it stopped after her remains were found.

    When I went to bed last night, I had Blink’s words in the back of my mind: paraphrase, it’s her experience things happen when they’re supposed to happen.

    I had the most lovely dream about Morgan last night — and Blink and BOC — this may just be my own sub-conscious speaking to me thru a dream — but I woke up in a lighter mood (just wish it was a lighter number on the bathroom scale – ha) — anyway,

    I dreamed that Morgan came to me — it was not her “body” but as a being of light w/ her face coming in and out — she was standing beside Blink — who was also a “light being” — i don’t know what Blink looks like —

    Morgan was telling me in the beginning she didn’t realize what had happened or where she was — and once she figured out where her body was, she was able to help get it found. She said her main concern was for her family and had been trying desperately to contact them in ways they would know it was her. She also said she was pretty ticked off about being murdered and her life cut short, but then she said she’s found peace and understanding..

    She then put her arm around Blink’s shoulders (figuratively — they were light beings) and said: Blink is right — all will be revealed in good time; that there was more to this than meets the eye — that LE is working hard, and we should give them our support and understand they have to go step by step, which takes time — that if they don’t collect the evidence and process the arrest, etc. it could lead to a dismissal; that the “people” — she clearly said “people” who were responsible for this — will kill again unless LE is very careful in the arrest and prosecution. She said she is helping all she can, but that was not her purpose — to help the arrest; that LE is capable and we need to be patient.

    She said very tender words to Blink — and then to all of us here at BOC — how much she appreciated and felt the love and care we give to her from this side — how impressed she is w/ the research and the tenacity of the posters.

    She said if she had a message to give it is this: Trust Blink. Those were her exact words. Trust Blink. Blink has info she cannot share, but Miss Wings herself has a 6th sense that guides her — sorry, Blink, to out you, but that’s what she said —

    Again, her concern was to her family — and — to those “friends” — she said they knew a good portion of the truth they think they are keeping hidden, but the information is known, and that they should honor their own lives — not hers, but theirs — by walking in the truth. She kept saying the truth will set everyone free.

    So according to Miss Morgan — things are happening behind the scenes that we can’t know about — that whomever did this to her needs to be stopped because there’s something greater involved — I have no idea what that means — that we have to patient and to please continue to give what part you can give; it all helps.

    She asks us to please continue to pray for her family, her parents and Alex, and that when Crazy Dog starts barking crazy, it’s when she’s there to visit.

    She gave Blink a huge hug good-bye, again thanked her for everything Blink does not only for Morgan, but for others — She asks us to be patient and supportive of LE — and of course, to be careful in all our lives’ endeavors — to love each other while you can because you don’t know when tomorrow is too late or going to be snatched away from you — she also said her own actions started this and from there it just snowballed (she laughed at the reference to all the snow) — She said in the end, when all is revealed, we here at BOC will sit back and say: ahhh, so that’s what happened.

    She gave us her love and left —

    I woke up, w/ the only feeling of peace I’ve had since all of this started.

    Again, that may have just been a dream or it may have been Morgan — I’m not going to analyze it either way —

    But I think my dream has an important message — do our best, do our part and trust that the others who need to do their parts will. And to trust Blink !!

    I have got to go back to work to keep this job I just got back —

    My heart and best wishes go out to you all — you are all such fine, wonderful minds and souls — it’s my pleasure to hang out w/ you each and every day —

    Everyone is invited for cookies and milk !!!

    PS to J2K — i saw that big storm that’s supposed to hit Philly — please be careful — don’t leave on the “blinkers” and take the socks outta yr mouth : )

    <3 Sky

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