Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. J2K says:

    mosaic! – re: “straight shot”

    mo, I’m usually good abuot reading through others’ posts before I comment – nothing’s more annoying than people just posting away without reading and referring to points already made (multiple times); after all, this is a thread for conversations, not for monologues. But, I apparently skipped a page of posts yesterday – including your pivotal 9:11 a.m. comment, which was amazingly close to the conclusions I reached about the Red Hill, pre-bridge path straight up to the tree-lined creek bed later in the afternoon, per my 3 p.m.-ish post. (Christy – glad you picked up what I put down!)

    You also mentioned another poster’s similar conclusion weeks ago, who I do recall mentioning the “small bridge” over the river (where is that helpful poster?). But I didn’t realize he meant the main road-bridge; I thought he was referring to some sort of illegitimate off-road bridge spanning the river farther up into the BF site… ah well, and so it goes… (I’ll never get back those many, many minutes over many, many days I spent staring at aerials of the Hardware River snaking up along the tree line, muttering, “Where’s that confounded bridge?”*)

    Sometimes, as B clearly knows, I need to come around to conclusions on my own for them to “stick” and become meaningful to my perception of the case. I’m very slow and cautious to deem anything a definite link in the chain of events that night – but after you introduced us to the GIS and we all spent time on it over the last week, it’s fitting of our “team” to reach the same solid conlcuion on access to the site on the same day. *clinks* all around!

    I’ve seen several people question the source of MH’s thick, ornate, heavy silver that Gil wore at the family’s recent press conference on Copelely Road. Gil actually referred to its source in a blog post on Feb. 15, noting that she herself had it as a girl and gave it to Morgan (and now, tragically, she once aqgain wears her bracelet):

    “From Me To You

    Then From You To Me


    They gave me your bracelet back

    Tarnished now, rusty and black

    It’s the one I had as a girl

    The one you wore as you left this world

    The one that witnessed mortal harm

    I’m wearing now on my arm…”

  2. J2K says:

    B – re: a black tarp

    B, darling… did you drop a significant detail up this here thread that I was not otherwise aware of, or were you posing an educated guess regarding your notation that her body was wrapped in a black tarp (which, I imagine, if true was found closer to the dreek bed where she was originally placed)?

    You’ve mentioned she was “covered” before – but never via a tarp. Wow. That tarp must hold major evidence if they can link it to the right vehicle/household. Nobody’s buying a tarp in the dead of night – it’s already in the back of your Jeep for hauling deer (or ‘coon!)carcasses. (Truly a revolting thing to consider that’s how her life was treated in the end.)

    I think, if true, this puts to bed the thoughts (not mine) that she was either running from someone on the farm and was shot dead in that spot, or otherwise walked/marched/driven out there and subsequently killed.

    The deed went down somewhere fairly close (even town-wise; not neccesarily neighborhood-wise). She was then wrapped in a tarp in the back of an off-road vehicle (again, if you’re saying this detail is accurate, B – this is, of course, purely speculation based on that possible component), and the perp hauled ass down 29 to the shortcut onto the back-end of a sprawling set of farms — clearly knowing that this common (for hunter-locals) trespassing trek across the hay fields and over the creek could not be seen from the main properties (read: it did not matter that Bass was away; the perp(s) was likely not aware) to the farthest point at which he could reach a hiding spot (the tree-shrouded creek bed), and then lugged/dragged/had help carrying the bulky tarp encasing her body into the wooded area, probaly throwing brush on top for good measure.

    ****Sound of screaching Tires*****

    My dearest Snowicane Compadre-

    No hint, no confirmation. For reasons that are just my supposition only, I think the tarp thang.


  3. J2K says:

    Cat – re: Bass’s comments on access to his farm

    You mewed: “Bass had specifically stated that, ‘He had no idea how the body got there, as the location where it was found was not accessible by car.’”

    Not *legitimately* accessicle – but I believe that access point from the beginning of RH Road before the bridge is perhaps one of those “worst-kept secret” things, where local hunters knew they could trespass onto the farm(s) and be covered from being seen on all sides by the rolling topography. Others here have astutely pointed out that there’s a well-worn path there – and total amatuer, I’m like a few thoughts behind you (and a few hours behind mosaic) it seems. Could be a fence there – but I can’t see one from overhead.

    Observer! Hurray! I would be remiss if I did not welcome you back, and note that seeing your post was like manna in the desert.
    I hope all is well on your end. Please stay around for awhile, won’t you? (Here ya go – I poured you a Goblet…)

  4. J2K says:

    Dr. H -

    Thanks for sharing the source of your daughter’s silver bracelet. It’s all the more heartbreaking to know it was one of a pair she shared with her mother… I can’t imagine Mrs. H ever thought she would get that bracelet back.

  5. Kathy says:

    Here is the picture I found last week of Morgan wearing Gil’s bracelet:

    Kathy- that is not the bracelet.

  6. J2K says:

    B – re: The Theoretical Tarp

    Understood and duly noted (wow. gimme an inch and I’ll write for a mile…)

    [O/T: What's that terrible sound?! W-wh-what's rumbling across that ominous white horizon...?? Oh Noes!!! It's Thunder Snow!!!
    Seriously, dude. What's next? Acid Snow? FTLOG indeed.]

  7. Ragdoll says:

    #18 Justice

    Depends on when this photo was taken. Is this shot taken from google maps or flicker? A lot of these aerial shots are not up to date.

  8. keekee says:

    would it matter when morgan received the bracelet from her mom? is this the first time she was wearing it out?

    obviously, it helps identify morgan in any photos from that day/night of oct 17…as well as the necklace that may have been removed at some point of the night. gil pointed out that the bracelet remained on morgan’s arm.

    fish – i may have misinterpreted your cough pages back…wonder if you like what the limo driver reported seeing?

  9. susanm says:

    pardon the graphics,if bass saw toes,her tights werent on either ,unless material decomposition ,but its usually reinforced at heel and toe,so most probably her tights and boots were removed.i think, not sure but when date rape drug is used ,victim usually wakes up later and has a good feeling if not postive,they were takin advantage of,its this gray area that gives/takes away the perp/victims confidence to get away with it,is this possible with morgan ,say she woke up at 3:00 am and didnt take it silently ensuing mortal phsycicality?just a guessing hypothesis, in trying to quess a time of placement,and whether the primary scene is the vehicle,and where?right there or not?

  10. dolce says:

    I have never posted on BOC – but I appreciate all of the fierce love and determination on this site – especially from the mothers. There is no fiercer love than a mother’s.

    I’m drawn to Morgan’s case through a connection with her brother. I don’t know Alex – but my brother was killed when I was 22 and he was 19 – so I relate to the grief and pain the older sibling is living now. I tried to share some support and things to keep in mind to him – as others had done for me years ago.

    Keep up the good work – and of course as everyone – I hope to learn of an arrest soon.

    There is a picture of the bracelet posted on – I’m not smart enough to figure out how to link that here. ; )


  11. keekee says:

    rainy night plus mud on tires = obvious mud tracks coming back out of the af property and maybe noticed as unusual by cyclists…especially if any of the shoulder area was gauged out

    if the access spot is a well known secret…users still don’t want it flaunted to the masses

    in my neighborhood there was a water reservoir that was a popular party spot and a well known secret. even the older generation used it for walking laps. there was a place in the fence that was cut and kept camouflaged by all those enjoying the illegal trespassing. i am sure the local le even knew, and i think that fence opening is still there after 30 years. anyway, if anyone ever drew unwanted attention to it, there would be some po’d people definately noticing it

  12. J2K says:

    sky – re: OT/Appreciation

    “PS to J2K — i saw that big storm that’s supposed to hit Philly — please be careful — don’t leave on the “blinkers” and take the socks outta yr mouth : )”

    Ha! Just saw this, my dear. The “snowicane” has been downgraded to a few inches today, a halfa foot overnight, and a few more tomorrow morning – kid’s stuff after the winter I’ve been through. And thanks for the socks advisory! [spits out lint]

  13. susanm says:

    because its hard to think that if a date rape drug was used,that a violent struggle took place,if it happened quickly,before the concert was over,a date rape drug suggests somewhat longer longetivity,and not a vehicle,a home,otherwise he could left her in the field alive. a shorter time frame suggests to me at first thought ,a vehicle as a primary scene,a more criminal person with a quick to fire agenda for murder.

  14. SeattleWatching says:

    RE: Sky, great post… It is always hard to hold back intuitive visions etc. The problem is their are many “kooks” and people who want to try and capitalize on so called psychic abilities. I try not to be afraid to share, but it does come with skeptics and I suppose that’s natural. I have left emails since I think early Nov. to the Harringtons and detectives giving them my insight because I couldn’t hold back the compelling nature of things. Reading through these posts about a so called “tarp” makes me wonder if it is more likely the blanket I told them I saw her wrapped in in one of my visions. I said she is wet and cold and I wasn’t sure why she was wet. I live in Seattle and have never been to Virginia or anywhere in those parts. I saw many things including the field she lay in, she was looking up at the sun trying to show me her direction I wrote that there was a hill, slope, and the she died of hypothermia….this is the key piece…she did escape her situation and became lost. she got the blanket out of what appeared to me to be a shed. I also saw the face of a person I wish I could have forensics draw and a black car or jeep that was going very fast and bouncy. Anyhow….I am a beleiver in God and spirit and at the end of the day that is really all that matters. I hope and try hard to get the pieces of this mystery resolved. There will never be closure, only time and circumstances. “Good Work” everyone for simply caring. If it was my daughter, or myself I would like to know in my heart that all of you would do this for me and my family. It takes a villiage, and yes…tenacity!


    You will have to take my word on it, she did not die of hypothermia. She was brutally murdered.

  15. ode says:

    OMG Skyler, the “Wings “ embracing 241…I don’t even have to look at the Rock… and then Morgan embracing Blink. I feel such comfort from that, I get it.

  16. ode says:

    If Mr. Big Foot is a deer stand that would explain why Mr. Bass may have first thought it was a deer carcass. Did LE find bike tracks at the site. Maybe it is a short cut for some one who does off track biking.

  17. SeattleWatching says:

    In regards to the flickr image that was in an earlier post…when I open this link with my iphone the image that everyone has questioned as to whether or not it is a tree stand or bigfoot etc…I can see very good with my iphone, it zooms right down on it. It is a man wearing a black ski hat and boots, like rubber boots, he has something around his neck I think binoculars. so my question to the person that originally posted this image….where did you get it and do you know when it was taken? It looks like a google map that accidently captured someone, possibly a hunter, or who knows…a detective? I know google maps can sometimes get you standing in your yard, the image of my home shows my cars out front and I think my dog is in one. again… IT IS A MAN, I CAN SEE IT CLEARLY. Just not sure what he is doing.

  18. skyler says:

    J2k, you are such a treasure — really — your posts always contain such wonderful, insightful, thoughtful and often downright funny info —

    But I bet you were a pain in the razz when you were a little kid — sorta like my own boy —

    I bet your mom said more than once; stop asking so many questions and just do what you’re told — and the old standby — because “I” said so, that’s why —

    stay safe in the storm !!

  19. J2K says:

    fish – re: OT/catching up

    fish-2-the-dish, sorry I missed your post inquiring about the “snowicane”:
    “…worried about J2K’s snow hurricane (snowicane) what did she call it? and when is it coming our way! remember, I have a hole in my roof!”

    …is the hole in your roof where the fish food gets sprinkled in?
    : )

    If you’re on top half the East Coast, it’s going to be snowing all night, with strong winds (but downgraded from the original “snowicane” status with hurrican-level gusts) – But! in B’s region, further north of the Iladelph, there’s supposed to be “Thunder Snow” later tonight. I don’t know why that term cracks me up very time I think of it (in a slap-happy kind of way)…

    Lovely. Just lovely. I totally thought you made that up.

  20. SeattleWatching says:

    RE: B, I know it seems she was brutally murdered because of the condition of things. I feel strongly that her ultimate demise was hypothermia…I have to stick with my intuitive visions…. I have so many authenticated visions that are baffling too many that have witnessed. matter of fact…send me an email direct and I will describe things to you about you that I would have no way of knowing, then maybe you will see. trust me I hate this, its not a gift. Iam an empath because I grew up with so much trauma that I lived a life of survival, and instict exercised my ability. I have helped on cases before, and for me it means being cautious because I have the ability to see and know things that could cause me to be a suspect as well. When I saw the whispy flash bouncing in the car, it was as though I were looking through her eyes, I saw her golden colored hair, her head fell back, then he turned his head, and it was like slow motion….I saw his face frozen in my mind…dark brown hair and hazel eyes (green in the brown)… a distinct nose and chin that I would love to draw, but I am not an artist. the vehicle was black.
    anyhow, I am just like you wanting to solve this crime. I once challenged two medical opinions for a woman i knew that was tld she had cancer….In the long and short of it I was correct, she did not have cancer. If I didnt beleive in my ability I wouldnt put myself out there and cause hope or harm to someone.
    btw I called every winning team in the championship games all the way to the end in football this year … to bad I didnt bet any money hahaha but I would never do that.

  21. susanm says:

    how likely will morgans hair reveal a date rape drug?imo i hope corrine geller would be working on a public warning statement if a date rape drug was used.but that’s just my clever way of envisioning a reason to get info to advance the case.

  22. Moonchime says:

    Here, you can see a picture of Gil wearing the bracelet that Morgan was wearing the night she died:

  23. ohiomom says:

    Wow, Skyler, just wow! After you returned from your trip to Charlottesville, placing the slate and getting those great pictures of all the land behind the farm, I had an overwhelming feeling that Morgan had been so very near to you on your journey and would soon have a message for you.

    And what a message it is – really a message of hope to all of us. I have no trouble trusting Blink, but at times, I must admit, I have been questioning if LE has any idea what they’re doing. Patience has never been one of my strong suits, but it makes good sense that there is lots going on behind the scenes that we don’t know about. I guess it’s my problem that I want an arrest yesterday!

    I had thought that the friends had probably already come clean to LE. If not, they need to realize that they are protecting a murderer who knows that they know something. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt; ie, they think they are keeping an innocent person from getting involved. But if they are still keeping secrets, they are impeding the murder investigation. Not only is this illegal, but the fruits of their karma will place a black cloud over their lives. If we sow evil, we will reap evil.

    Skyler, I am not at all surprised that Morgan came to you in a dream, and I am so glad that gave you peace. I know that all of us are here because of our love and concern for Morgan and her family, but I think that those of you in Virginia carry a special burden. Thanks, Skyler, for sharing your dream with us.

  24. Slowroller says:

    this case has similarities imo to the Cary Stayner case, which scares me for 2 reasons because IMHO, #1. the police got really lucky that Stayner was so careless, and quite frankly, dumb; and #2. Stayner was an entry level serial killer just beginning his “work”.

    similarities, albeit going on what we “think we know”

    -he took advantage of vulnerable young women and opportunity
    -he abducted them from where he was “comfortable”
    -he left them where he was “comfortable”
    -he left a “clue”(happened to be a purse also)intending to derail LE, about 70 miles from either scene–big maybe on explanation of Morgan’s
    -he was an outdoorsman who owned and operated a 4-wheel drive
    -he was a hunter

    things about Stayner, that our BG may have in common:

    -he was a sexual deviant(he requested child pornography in return for his confession and he was actually apprehended at a nudist camp)
    -he endured a huge family stressor as a youth, and adult(brother abducted as a kid, then reunited with family years later, only to perish in a motorcyle accident as a young adult–also unlce was murdered while Cary was living with him)
    -he was a recluse
    -he worked a menial job as a seasonal handyman
    -he was a gifted artist
    -he attempted suicide
    -he was a recreational drug user

    what does this tell us…nothing really, other than, he was questioned after his first 3 victims had gone missing, only to be “cleared”…he then took his fourth victim and there was an eyewitness who id’d his vehicle near the scene…this is scary to me in that i feel like unless there is an eyewitness to someone being where they said they werent, this could take years to solve, if ever. As i said, the police got really lucky in this case, so here’s to some luck in the direction of V-LE…maybe Morgan is awaiting St. Pattie’s day to reveal more…

  25. alexandra says:

    seattlewatching. We have been looking through many facebook pictures and posted pictures. have you seen any of the pictures?

  26. anotherB says:

    @ Jennifer February 24, 2010 at 11:51 pm

    This is the picture I meant. You see the field where Morgan was found. Right in the center, in the tree line is something that looks at first sight like a person. It is 9m high. Could this be a tree stand? And would it make sense to put up a tree stand in this position? Bass said that this is a creek bottom, and that the grass grows very well there.

    There are also these tracks… they end in the field, and I was wondering whether someone goes there to check cameras. Does that make sense at all?

    Great to talk to someone competent! I am at the other end of the world. The tree stands I know are usually hidden in a tree line, overlooking a field. They are made of a slim and tall type of fir tree (makes sense when you see them), and they are used to hunt a small-ish type of deer and wild boar. They are about that height.

  27. bob-dog says:

    Blink and all — Sorry I’ve been AWOL. I got behind and, like J2daK, I hate it when people start posting without reading further and seeing that the question was already answered, the info already provided. Hopefully I’m caught up now and can offer *somewhat* informed posts. If not, I’ll just tell everyone the kitten/goats story.
    Sky: That dream was amazing. I hope it gives the Harringtons some peace. No doubt they’ll be looking at the dog differently….

    Also, thank you for the amazing rock you painted and delivered and for the photos from your covert mission. You are one kind lady.
    Re: for those looking for the property of the neighbor, Mike Wolfe — who said he lives “across the street” from AF — his addy is 2136 Red Hill Rd. (Yes, I read that his *general* addy has already been provided. Just sayin’.)
    Chad: I think I sent my fb e-mail to you. Was I supposed to get an invite,** or should I resend?

    ** unless my application was rejected due to my recent MIA status, in which case, in the words of Emily Litella, “Never mind.” ;)
    O/T to Word Girl: I’m reading Olive now. I love books with quirky characters.
    No snow, but high-wind warning in the Roanoke Valley until Saturday: gusts of 50-60 mph. Oh goody. There goes the recycling bin again.

  28. Moonchime says:

    Skyler, what a wonderful dream visit you had with Morgan. Don’t doubt for one moment that it was truly Morgan’s spirit visiting you. I love that she embraced Blink. It’s as the poster wrote earlier: When you lovingly placed that painted Slate on the Copeley bridge in Morgan’s honor–Morgan was with you.

    I’m thankful that she has assured us that we just need to be loving to one another, and patient with LE.

    I pray that Dr. Harrington reads of your vision, and feels comfort from it. Also, I pray that Morgan’s friends will be forth coming with all that they know. Morgan is concerned more for them and the lives they have yet to live. She truly is a shiny, sweet girl.

    I wonder how many times Crazy Dog sees her?

    It’s easy to trust Blink. That is why we are all here. Because we trust Blink to help the victims and the families. She doesn’t allow anyone to bash them. That makes Blink’s site better than any other site–Blink truly cares.

    Thanks again, Skyler–and every poster and reader here. Big hugs,~Moonchime

  29. total amateur says:

    Just wanted to drop a thought, a kind of lesson I learned today, concerning the divulging of facts, evidence, and even COD in a murder investigation. After seeing an advertisement for CBS’s “48 hours: Mystery” that airs this saturday night concerning the “West Memphis Three”, I went and read about the case. If you’ve never heard of it, in 1993 three 8 yr old boys were found brutally murdered. Three teenagers were tried and convicted of the crime. Apparently, there is a growing faction of people…including A-list celebrities… that believe these three boys were innocent and wrongly convicted. Anyways- on to my point. From what I’ve read so far, the local police department was very sloppy in not only the investigation, but they released FAR too much information that skewed public opinion, SERIOUSLY impacted witness testimony, and even contributed to what might have been a coerced confession. People knew WAY too much information. This case really gave me a better understanding as to why VSP is not telling any more than they HAVE to, while trying to solve Morgan’s case.

    I have not read enough of the case history to have formed my own opinion regarding the West Memphis Three, but either way the information released and clumsily made public comprimised the investigation and trials.

    I think VSP (and the FBI) are being very competent in the handling of this case. They are only asking for the specific information they need. I really think that they have a good idea what happened, and who’s involved. It worries me a bit that it may take 6 months for them to recieve the tox/dna results, but I think we’d much rather make sure the people who did this to Morgan go away forever.

    I want LE and the DA to have every advantage they can possibly have to put the RIGHT people behind bars, and make sure those responsible have NO chance of getting off.

  30. Redrock says:

    unconfirmed, and that story has changed.

  31. SeattleWatching says:

    RE: Jennifer… I zoomed in on the picture with my iphone, it gets really close, but from the computer I cant zoom that image. What I can see is that it is a person, not a tree stand. they are wearing a black hat, and I think they have a back pack….It really could be a hunter or just someone poking around. I am more curious about the nature of the image, who took it? when? why? whats with the blue lines drawn in on it?

  32. jlh says:

    fwiw – black tarps are not the usual tarp colors sold here in TN. most popular colors are green, brown, & camo. i do not recall seeing any black tarps available where I normally shop. I looked online and ace hardware has a black tarp with silver backing.
    other more common black tarp-like materials are as follows:
    1. landscapers use black fabric material to block weeds in flower beds. 2. black polyethylene sheeting is sold in H Depot / Lowes. this material is used by builders and also in plumbing repair work to repair re establish vapor barrier to keep moisture from seeping through walls into homes.

  33. J2K says:

    bob-dog – another happy return! Welcome back. (O/T – “kitten/goats story?” I’m all ears — er, eyes. I’m all eyes, friend.)

    SeattleWatching – re: aerial photo of AF

    You asked, “… so my question to the person that originally posted this image….where did you get it and do you know when it was taken?”

    The image is from Albemarle County’s GIS (geographic information systems) site. This Web page has been referenced repeatedly over the last few pages of this thread as far as how to get there and access the overhead maps. This particular shot was part of the county’s 2009 orthophotos – geometrically corrected aerial shots adjusted so the scale is uniform and the photo has the same lack of distortion as a map (allows for the measure of true distances).

    I’d say the shots have to be from winter, as the trees are bare. But as December’s winter in the county was snow-covered, I believe these photos may have been taken in January or February 2009.

    In regard to you choosing to believe MH died of hypothermia over Blink’s correction that she was indeed murdered – I suppose it’s your prerogative not to take B’s posit as to how she lost her life, but LE has ruled it a homocide, and they based that on a post-mortem medical analysis of her remains – which, with all due respect, is slightly more convincing than your “intuition,” no matter how many ball games you’ve been able to call.

  34. total amateur says:

    Is there anything in print anywhere that the “grandma” described a hispanic male? I was always under the impression it was a white male, and that she didnt get a good look at him.

    Is there anything in print (from a journalistic or news source) about the limo drivers account?

  35. mosaic says:

    TDBone posted these images a few days ago.

    Scroll down to Post #27 to see a ground level simulation of the path from the bridge on Red Hill Road to the recovery site.

  36. Christy S says:


    I can do even better. I drove over there today and I have pics of your preferred spot plus, I’ll share my impressions. That will all have to wait until after my kiddies go to bed though.
    I won’t share my opinion until after you’ve all drawn your own conclusions.

    Awesome. We look forward to it Christy S

  37. skyler says:

    Blandemar Farms entry — I know how this looks on the maps — however, in reality, on Feb. 19th when I was out there — every inch of that property is fenced — including Red Hill Road — here’s a Mapquest map — the photos were shot in the summer, so you can see the area w/ tree cover — and you can’t get as close up as w/ Google maps or the GIS —

    The link to the news rpoert about access (thanks whomever posted !), the reporter talks about people saying it’s only a quarter of a mile and not drive by David Bass’s house — but — the access to the Blandemar property is behind fences — all of it — that big “barn” type building is behind not one, but two fences now — on this if you look at the driveways you’ll see faint white lines — those are the top lines of the fences — the main driveway fence is large metal — tall — between two stone pillars — the other is not as impressive, but just as tall —

    also, everywhere I looked on Red Hill — and I did look — there was fencing — the barbed wire fencing is not the post w/ four or more strands of barbed wire — it’s a metal fence w/ metal squares — I don’t have the flicker link handy of pix I took, but there are pictures of that type of fencing — the other fencing type is the wood plank fencing — if that fence was open, you could certain run the risk of driving up the side of that hill for that quarter mile — but suppose they close the gate on you — and it’s closer to a residence than just driving by a house — especially if the Basses were out of town —

    Some boots on the ground may be the next recon step — I just don’t know —

    here’s the mapquest overview —

    Y’all could listen to Blink when she says the access is at the gate on Red Hill :)


  38. keekee says:

    hey blink?

    there’s a jpj worker whose initials have been thrown around. you’ve hinted that the last initial is not for real. would it be an m? not as in the common m that we have discussed ad nauseum. you know, roo, too

    Yes, it is, but I have moved past him.

    Y’all notice who has had an updated conversation?

  39. TDBone says:

    Alright guys…I know this is a side issue, but I would like someone to point out this “tree stand” or whatever it is.

    Click the link here for a picture of the area with a GRID. If you know where this ‘thing’ is, then post the GRID Number/Letter that matches the box that the ‘figure’ resides in.



    I have a little experience in this area, and you do fantastic work.

  40. Jennifer says:

    anotherB – I do see, in fact, that it looks like a man. There are stand-alone tree stands that resemble a huge tripod. I have seen them for sale, but never in my life (and I’m not quite a spring chicken) have I or anyone I have hunted with used that type. Most are either hand-built on a tree, i.e., like a mini-tree fort or one that is bought and anchored in the tree. Regarding the tracks, if someone had a trail cam put out, they most certainly are checking on a regular basis to see what type of game is there, e.g., if you’re a deer hunter, you’re interested in seeing that big buck(s), spring gobbbler for turkeys, etc. There is most always a feed patch used where a camera is placed. This would not be something that a guest or poacher would likely do on someone else’s property. I believe I read somewhere today on here about field dressing a deer. Unless you are in a club or on private propery, you would have any type of skinning shed for doing something like that. You would drag the deer out, go about your way and gut it later.

    I certainly don’t want to sound redundant, but again, this is the work of more than one person and they are experienced hunters. At best, even an outdoorsey person who might have hiked around or camped out on Anchorage Farm would not have been able to pull that off in the daytime, much less at night.

  41. J2K says:

    Christy S. – Our Gal Friday

    You. Are. Awesome!
    I’m waiting on tenterhooks for the photos and your post tonight…

  42. Ragdoll says:

    Nice to meet you Dolce. Welcome to BOC.

  43. Ragdoll says:

    Sky, I just read about your dream! If it feels real then it was! My dad visited me in a dream a week after he passed away. Although, in my dream he was ‘him’. He looked like him, but younger and happier. He basically told me to get on with my life and to be happy. He wanted me to be strong and not give up. It wasn’t a dream more than a connection. You just know the difference between the 2.

    Thank you for sharing Morgan’s message with us. Love the light!

  44. skyler says:

    Blink, I have a question for you — and I’m being serious and not kidding around — can you give us your definition of what “brutally murdered” would entail in *general* — not asking you to link it directly to Morgan —

    for example:

    (Oh, I’m also not arguing pro/con on any of these — murder is murder)

    If someone were shot once in the back/side of the head causing immediate death w/ that one bullet — felt no pain or fear — does that fall under your definition of brutally murdered —

    or — on the other end of the scale — someone who is beaten to death or stabbed to death or shot, but not mortally wounded, repeatedly until death occurs —

    or someone who is smothered w/ a pillow (which I think would be terrible, when I was in the ICU hooked up to a respirator and for weeks afterward, I kept having horrible night terrors that I was drowning or I couldn’t breathe — to me that would be a brutal murder, where to someone else they may view it as ‘humane’ —

    see where I’m going w/ these questions —
    and can you answer at least part of it ?

    TIA : ) Sky …

    Not a syllable. Sorry.

  45. skyler says:

    Y’all could listen to Blink when she says the access is at the gate on Red Hill


    Rolling on the freaking floor and literally about to wet my pants !!!

    Good one, Blinkeroo !!!!! Finally !

    Sky doing cartwheels (figuratively, of course).

  46. skyler says:

    grrr — Christy S — I bet you make your kids wait until the actual Christmas morning to open all their gifts —

    I can’t wait for your pictures — I hope some of the snow has melted !!

    Sky —

    Christy S says:
    February 25, 2010 at 6:51 pm

    I can do even better. I drove over there today and I have pics of your preferred spot plus, I’ll share my impressions. That will all have to wait until after my kiddies go to bed though.
    I won’t share my opinion until after you’ve all drawn your own conclusions.

    Awesome. We look forward to it Christy S

  47. keekee says:

    hey bob dog – a one ringie dingie, a two ringie dingie…

    we’re *snort* trying to get another connection to you at chad’s fb

  48. keekee says:

    sorry, laugh in vs snl…i might be a lot older than you

  49. skyler says:

    I’ll try to answer everyone in this post to keep them short — if I forget someone — sorry —

    Bob-Dog — welcome back — been wondering where you were — lord, the kitten and cow story is a classic — honestly, I love it

    justice4morgan — the LOG pix — Fish and someone else whom I’m trying so hard to remember — Mom.3.0, maybe — also were doing extensive research into the LOG videos — if you click on older comments — or maybe even the older thread — then hit your control and F buttons at the same time and type in LOG video — you might be able to pull up their research —

    We believe Morgan was on the side of the stage where the drums are — about mid-way to the stage — about four or 5 people back — her seats — 312 — were in the upper tier, but almost directly above that — so it makes sense they would have been down in that area on the floor if they were able to slip down to the floor —

    Seattle — Alexandria had a good idea — I don’t know where there is one, but maybe if you google you can find a website where you can put together a composit drawing — many people are also linking a dark-haired male to Morgan in their impressions — I just hope he left one of those dark hairs on her body or clothes (please, God!)

    when you see her wrapped in a blanket from a barn — do you think it could be a horse blanket ? They sometimes look like tarps — it looks more like solid colored material — at least the ones on the horses around here — I’ve seen a couple dark green ones and one faded tan one —

    Blink, I sure hope you’re right that she is wrapped in something — maybe to preserve evidence : )

    J2k, my son is here — he said: what is wrong w/ you — as his mother was gasping for breath —

    I sputtered: spits out lint

    He started looking up the # for the funny farm !!

    We were just talking about the thunder snow — it was on the news — we said: wish we could be there to see a snow w/ a thunder storm —

    bundle up — stay warm — be safe —

    Fish, how did you get a hole in your roof ? I can’t hammer (very well) but I got some big pots I’ll lend you : )

    Fish, did you come over to FB yet ?

    There was somebody else and durn, I forgot — so if I don’t answer you — it’s just because that’s the end of my brain synapses for tonight —

    On to shoving more boxes into the attic : )

    Good night, all — Christy S, except I will have to come back on later to see your new and improved pix — can’t wait !!

  50. skyler says:

    Jennifer, I’ve been trying so hard not to ask — but what do you do w/ the raccoons once you find them ? Maybe I don’t want to know —

    There was a mother raccoon and her three babies that lived in the woods by an apt. complex where an elderly friend lived and we’d take her trash out for her when we visited — and they’d be there at the dumpster, eating away — one of the babies had a loaf of Wonder bread (the bright colored dots on the wrapper) — but he was in the middle of the road and I was freaking out thinking he was going to get hit by a car — I made my kid get a stick and move the bread (my poor child, perhaps I will keep him in my massive will; he made me mad last week and I threatened to leave all my worldly possession to my cat, and he responded: good, then she can get rid of all your “Christmas Junk” — boyz!) Anyway, he picked up the bread and the little baby was like: don’t take my bread, don’t take my bread …

    sorry, Animals Cops Houston always gets my Christmas donations (the big guy w/ the white Stetson — when he sees horses that are all skin and bones, he gets that look on his face — last week he rescued puppies from a puppy mill — that vein in his head was popping)

    sorry, OT, blink !!!

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