Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. keekee says:

    BLINK! i luh you

  2. justiceformorgan says:

    Re; the object between the two evergreen trees that I thought looked like a body – I’ve read other poster’s comments saying they were able to use a tool to determine the size of the object and it is too large to be a body.

    Sky, thank you for the seating information.

    Blink, are you still wishing to find a photo of Morgan wearing the bracelet given to her by Gil? I wonder if the Harringtons have a picture. If they don’t and you would like me to search, just say the word.

    Re; composition of bracelet – it looks like it could be sterling silver. To determine if it is sterling silver, one just needs to hold a magnet to the metal. Solid sterling silver jewelry will not stick to a magnet. The only exception is sterling silver clasps because they may have a spring mechanism inside them that is made of base metal.

  3. J2K says:

    B – re: Annoying, I know, but…
    “30. J2K says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    February 25, 2010 at 6:06 pm”

    skyler – re: ATWMP

    “grrr — Christy S — I bet you make your kids wait until the actual Christmas morning to open all their gifts —”

    Also: Yes, I was indeed an “inquisitive” (to put kind words in my mom’s mouth) child, and most certainly “a pain in the razz” in that regard. But, in my defense, she always made me wait until Christmas morning for my gifts and wouldn’t let me engage with wildlife, unlike cool moms such as yourself.

    Lastly, I thought – while not likely to be answered – your “define ‘brutally murdered’” question to B was a good one. She does repeatedly use that phrase, and I too think it’s intentional.

    Very intentional.

    I agree a fair question, don’t think for 3 seconds I would not love to speak my mind on the matter.
    It is a be careful what you wish for scenario.

  4. J2K says:

    Oh (and O/T) – and B, sky:
    Agreed. Ol’ Man Winter definitely stepped up his game in rolling out the Thunder Snow. Good grief.

    LOL, I still say your effing with me on that. If I get 5 seconds to fact check you .././..

  5. Ragdoll says:

    Not a syllable. Sorry.


    Good one Sky. She’s slicker than snot on a door knob.

  6. skyler says:

    No effing here — it’s real — here’s an “official” link —

  7. Chad says:

    To Skyler: You are so very awesome. I’ve been trying to keep up with all the posts and I am so far behind on reading and working too! I dread my review for my job. Cheers to you for your full time efforts here and for keeping your employment in fine fashion.
    In regards to your post, thank you for sharing your dream and your friends vision. I think we all have had a dream of Morgan. But she came to you and she is at peace. I believe this. You are an inspiration to this site and to all of us. We appreciate your dediction Skyler, and your delightful persona.
    Hey Skler, was is it that you are doing that you have to keep taking all those boxes up to the attic?

    J to the 2 da kkk: I am so sorry for you in your heartfelt scaled back blizzard. I actually was trying to spread the good will around with the snow, wind and seems to be heading your way. I didn’t want to be selfish and hog the cold weather and snow.
    Thank you for you posts. I am still trying to configure these maps, and your detailed and most exceptional description of entry, and possible venue of the perps is most appreciated, as usual.

    Slow roller: Your post was very unique and spurred my interest very much. You brought up some very interesting points and very real possiblities in regards to comparing Morgans case the past case (Carey Stayner) you posted about concerning the perp. I liked the mini profiling you did on him. Hopefully, Morgans killers left behind a few clues too. My fingers are crossed. Keep posting. There is no doubt that this person resposible for Morgans death has committed crimes before, and has never been caught, or has been a suspect and has been cleared. I too tend to focus more on the perp as well.
    Can you please mention again what was your first concert? Tribute to Morgan?

    Kee Kee: *snark* *snark* Look who is in the front row and getting the teachers attention! (Chad does hand gestures)

    Bobdog: I closed that email down sorry. A rolling stone doesn’t gather moss. Try
    Mom.3 you too.

  8. MarchmallowWI says:


    The man-like-shape is at 3P on the coordinates which you put over the photo of that section.

  9. cvillenative says:

    We have had thunder snow here! I can vouch that it is a real thing. Rare and freaky, but real.

    Yes, it is a little known fact that in such a weather event, snow is actually the primary form of precipitation when formed by cyclonic events in the enviornment.

    Yes, I just totally wikied. Who knew? Yikes.

  10. anotherB says:

    @ Jennifer

    These tracks that end in the middle of the field come from the area of the cemetery, which is right across Anchorage Farm towards the main entrance. I can’t see a poacher taking this route. And since, as you say, poachers don’t use cameras, it was most likely one of the hunters who had a permission. He must have driven past the body, then, if he came there after Oct. 17th.

    By the way, on the earlier photos there is a large tree where now the hypothetical tree stand is. From what you say it could have been “converted”, someone could have removed branches and attached a tree house.

    I also wondered about how someone could have navigated through the fields at night. I have been out on the country side at new moon, and even if you are familiar with the area, it is very very difficult. And if you carry any source of light, you are extremely visible. Everybody in a radius of several hundred meters would see what you are doing.

    One more question: How do you usually remove a deer, if you can’t get there by car? Do you carry it on a tarp? I was wondering, because someone must have carried her body. Is there a technique how you could do this efficiently? A deer weighs more than a human, I guess?

    And thanks for all your help!

  11. keekee says:

    oh b – is it the careful what you wish for?

    the girlie?

    Friend, I need complete sentences, I hate to keep not answering you, but I am having trouble translating.

  12. J2K says:


    B – I wouldn’t joke about “thunder-snow” (there’s no need to; the humor is inherent – and I pride myself on passing fact-checks, natch).
    A good friend of mine is an executive for a grocery chain and, as such, is always privy to detailed forecasts on inclement, buy-a-sh*tload-of-bread-and-milk weather before anyone else.
    (emphasis in last sentence mine):





    (Batten down the hatches, B. It’sa comin’ for ya…)

  13. Cat says:

    I surmise COD is of these three:

    “Brutally” Murder = Blunt Force Trauma, Strangulation or Stabbing

  14. keekee says:

    might you be referring to the increased flurry of activity over future line-ups? there seem to be so many happy young folk these days

  15. J2K says:

    jlh – re: black tarp
    (February 25, 2010 at 5:58 pm)

    I should note that *I* inserted “black” in elaborating on B’s mention of her supposition that a “dark tarp” may have been wrapped around the body initially…
    Interesting post, all the same though.

  16. Just Desserts says:

    Had to be away last weekend, while much was posted here, but the pace seems to have slowed abruptly. “No news” is not always good news; Blinksters reduced to staring at grainy overflight photos. IMO, point of access to where Morgan was found is a point worth settling—and Thank You, Blink for tipping us toward entry off Red Hill Rd– but, in context, it’s only a backdoor way of seeking clues to answer the larger questions, “Why Anchorage Farm?” and “Was there anything besides his familiarity or ‘comfort level’ that led a killer to choose this ground for disposing of this victim?”

    Now some new (to me) points were made. One concerned the presence in 2002 GIS Orthophotos (but gone in 2005’s version) of another house on Anchorage Farm, with the possibly salient question, “Who lived there?” Mr. Bass said he’d kept all his old rental agreements with people who’d lived in the “historic house”—what about this other dwelling? Was it for the use of farmhands on the property? (That would be typical on a big working farm, but Mr. Bass doesn’t seem to run a lot of cattle and claims to “do it all” himself; how long has this been true?) The other disclosure on BOC—I can’t seem to find it now and don’t recall who posted—was that the Basses pretty recently removed 600-some acres from Red Hill district’s natural land conservation easement program. I assume the motive for that would be to permit sub-division and development, such as has happened on neighboring Blandemar Farm. Given prices of multiple 20-acre farmettes vs. the more modest per acre prices a seller might get for a much larger chunk of land, a lot of people could be affected by such a decision, from conservation advocates to realtors to bystanding neighbors. In this I see no motive for Morgan’s murder, but if an older relative/associate of a young killer got involved in covering it up. . . stranger connections happen every day.

    Next, a post I’ll highlight:

    Elizabeth says:
    February 23, 2010 at 10:10 pm
    Gil’s Blog “EVIL like killed Lennon, King, JFK”
    “Decided to take out a girl on that day”

    All assassinations. Would this be a reason for the silence that has fallen over everybody concerning Morgan Harrington. Are they scared to death?

    A bullet. Not necessarily the way a college boy or date rape guy murders? A bullet, gunshot wound is a violent act from a person that is mean and ugly. Perhaps we are dealing with more than we know?
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    This reminded me that one thing I’d wanted to ask Ramona Turpin was. . . that bullet which barely missed her head as she drove off from a shopping mall in Aug. ’08. . .; did the Roanoke police convince her that it was only a stray? My gut tells me that these girls were sometimes playing with fire and knew it. Does that speak to the friends’ –and their parents’– long silence about Morgan, which seems all the odder since her fate’s been known? I don’t know. I do know that Sarah Snead didn’t want to be there in November for the ground search organized by the Laura Recovery Team— I heard her say so, to a middle-aged woman who got pointedly up in her face and read her the Riot Act, “You have to do this! You HAVE to do this! ‘No’ is not an option.” Etc., etc. That seemed then a bizarre attitude for a “friend” to take, though it led me for a while to believe that Morgan’s friends had reason to believe she had, for “love” or whatever motive, skipped out on the life she’d known. Then carefully published pictures of the infamous Halloween party seemed a dumb show put on both to mock concerned speculations by ‘outsiders’ like us and to imply that Morgan had done whatever she did by choice, so the “friends” disowned responsibility for whatever the results. Looking back now, though, what I recall (with a chill) is the very flat affect that SS showed at that search, like trying to find Morgan was no matter to her, like it was dragging her away from a scene that she’d have much preferred. What I can’t answer is what would have made another “scene” more important than finding a missing friend? did those in Morgan’s circle know even then that she was dead? or still cherishing the notion that she was living the life of Reilly? I can only speculate, which is what us ‘outsiders’ are left to do, right? Sex and drugs and rock ‘n roll, y’all.

    Finally, I’ll mention a link provided here to a saved Facebook page of those who’d advertised their desire to see Metallica at JPJ Arena. When I clicked it our old acquaintance Wayne T. was right there in Line 1 and, since the picture next to his showed a guy with an over/under shotgun broken open for safe field carry on one shoulder, I looked that guy up. He’s a UVa undergrad, javelin thrower, who lists as a favorite song “Hit the Floor,” by a Welsh heavy metal band suggestively called A Bullet for My Valentine. Not knowing the group, I Googled and found the lyrics; you could, too. Now I’ve already been jumped once on this board for daring to question the lyrics of another metal group– Pantera; an enthusiast basically told me to ‘get over it,’ and suggested that ‘the words don’t matter as much as the music.’ When words don’t matter anymore, when primal sound trumps them, we’re already somewhere down the slippery slope to unreason and meaninglessness, and someday we may stumble on the corpse of a vulnerable thing called “civilization.” (I’m not finger pointing at that javelin thrower, by the way, but I have to ask, what is the appeal of all the anger and violence that these groups speak to? Why is it so widely shared by kids who don’t look the part? Murders, especially murders for which the assigned motive is “just because they could,” are “effects”; we can go on trying to “solve” these disturbing effects until the cows come home, but, until we spend equal brainpower and resources sussing out general root “causes” behind them, all our policing efforts will be reactive and our hoping for a calmer, kinder day will fit this definition of madness: doing the same old thing, though in expectation of better results.)

    Best wishes to each of you. Blink, I’ll always marvel at how you stay on this ride! For me it’s gotta be 10-4, and back out the door. O/T for one last thing: J2K ain’t messing with you about “thunder snow,” B —an ex-pilot buddy could talk your ear off on that!

  17. keekee says:

    have you ever heard of someone not a family member needing medication to help sleep over the terrible fate of their mate?

  18. anotherB says:

    @ J2K February 25, 2010 at 6:06 pm

    Have a look at the area around the cemetery – they had just finished mowing at the time, the tracks are still clearly visible. And there are bales on the fields, some of which have already been removed. Looks like September to me. Or October, as a matter of fact. That is why I am so eager to find out why there are motorbike tracks going past the spot where the body was found. These photos are almost contemporary with the murder.

  19. doug says:

    TDBone says:
    February 25, 2010 at 7:13 pm

    Alright guys…I know this is a side issue, but I would like someone to point out this “tree stand” or whatever it is.

    Click the link here for a picture of the area with a GRID. If you know where this ‘thing’ is, then post the GRID Number/Letter that matches the box that the ‘figure’ resides in.

    Grid square of Object is P3.

    I held your post from this morning so I could verify some of your images- Nice Work. Impressive.

    Here’s some more big pics of the area.

    Click on the All Sizes Icon to “go big”.
    The parcel numbers are included in the pic titles.

  20. anotherB says:

    @ TDBone February 25, 2010 at 7:13 pm


  21. Christy S says:

    I don’t want to keep you all waiting so I threw the pics on picasa without any processing but I’ll be happy to do any enhancements you would like.

    Excellent Work. Everyone pay attention to the “latch” on the right side of the gate. Would take about 30 seconds to open.

  22. Christy S says:


    I totally agree with your statement that the whole Anchorage Farm/ Blandemar side of Red Hill rd is fenced in. Even though my fancy GPS was showing me not one but two roads into Blandemar from Red Hill, I really had to look for them and they were gated. Those gates, to me, looked like they had some kind of keypad but there was nowhere I could safely stop to take a picture right there. Unlike Skyler’s cohort, my sidekick is two and has to master the potty thing before he can be a lookout for mommy. He was just happy to sit in the car and watch movies.

    Red Hill rd looks more impressive on the map than it actually is. It’s a small winding road with lots of estates on either side.
    Although I drive to the North Garden area often, I never noticed before all the abandoned houses and buildings on 29 right there. Both on the north and south side of it there were quite a few so if the BG made one of them his hang-out I don’t think anyone would ever notice.

    My impressions of Blandemar were exactly as Skyler’s: very big, very rich and very secure. If the BG went through Blandemar he/they would have to live there.

  23. keekee says:

    girlie not referring to shiny girl, but perchance someone guilty of the sin of omission instead of commission leading to sleepless nights?

  24. SeattleWatching says:

    RE: J2K Thanks for the information on that image. As far as B’s information of homicide… A suspicous death like that is always ruled a homicide. If she was attacked by a bear It would be ruled a homicide. I am not saying she didnt encounter tragedy, but the end all I will stick with was the hypothermia….doesn’t mean there wasn’t a different attempt, but that attempt wasn’t what I feel caused the death. I have gotten mixed up with people from this site and websleuths, so my mistake on your age etc. B ….I think I know what and who I was picking up on from earlier, my apologies…

    Respectfully, I am clear on your opinion. That said, you are incorrect about the manner of death classification if she were killed by a Bear. Homicide, is defined by intent. To my knowledge, a bear can only apply intent to prey or in defense of being same.

    Morgan was murdered. I stand behind that fact vehemently. I am not alone. Ask her parents, or VSP.
    Let’s move forward from our agreement to disagree.

  25. keekee says:

    dumb, dumber, dumberer, and dumbest are wrestling for my cheese

  26. mammamary says:

    To all of you analyzing the aerial photos, I can assure you that Blink (and others) have much better images at much higher resolution than what is available to the general public.

    Black tarp may be a silt fence that is used in construction projects to prevent off-site soil erosion, not sure if those are required in VA.

    Water levels of creeks during storm events are recorded by the USGS and it would be easy to figure out any intermittent stream beds and the extent of the floodplain by the topographical contours of the fields.

    For a nearby comparison of how high the waters can rise in a storm event, see
    You can easily see the major rain events by date.

  27. keekee says:

    one more thing…if this is a case of intentional (planned) brutal murder(overkill), it is most likely someone either close to morgan, someone once involved with her, or someone close to her only in his twisted mind as he has watched and hunted **shudder**

  28. Eloise says:

    39.TDBone says:
    February 25, 2010 at 7:13 pm
    Click the link here for a picture of the area with a GRID. If you know where this ‘thing’ is, then post the GRID Number/Letter that matches the box that the ‘figure’ resides in.


    I feel like I am at bingo!

  29. Observer says:

    TO: J2K: Thanks for the warm welcome back. [I'll see you that generous goblet and raise you one.] I’ve been popping in and out of here occasionally but have had nothing substantive to add or that I can post publicly at this time.

    Right now, for me, it’s all about patience.
    And diligence.

    Exercising the right combination of both right now will, I believe, result in increased odds of the big pay-off; that is, later, successful prosecution.

    And I’m ALL about the prosecution.

    The last thing LE wants is a BG to be identified, arrested, charged, and brought to trial, only to have a combination of a faulty investigative mis-step, a skillful defense attorney, and a fickle or unpredictable jury result in an aquittal. “A travesty of justice” would not begin to define such a scenario.

    On the question of the bracelet: Given that the one that Morgan was wearing when she was murdered–that was notably left behind by the BG, as he had no interest in robbery or trophies–was identical to one that Gil had been given as a child when she was in Saudi Arabia…and, based upon the appearance as it now sits on Gil’s wrist, I would guess the metal used was not sterling silver. [Saudi Arabia and the Middle East are known especially for their goldwork (in the gold "souks", or markets), rather than silverwork as in seen in, say, Taxco, Mexico--the silver capital of Mexico. One of my sisters just returned from Dubai last weekend and another has traveled frequently to the Middle East on business, establishing breast cancer centers.] Morgan’s bracelet appears quite tarnished (and probably remains intentionally unpolished by Gil) and may be silverplate, but I would guess not sterling.

    That said, I find the design and thickness of the bracelet interesting, as it does not appear to reflect the often delicate metalwork of Middle Eastern work. Regardless of the design or origin, however, I believe the most important aspect of this bracelet is that it remained with Morgan after her demise and was not taken by the BG for any reason. This goes to the profile and mind-set of the perpetrator.

    This is no serial BG, as serial BGs are notorious for taking trophies and “keepsakes” to remind them of their conquests/victims. It also helps them to re-live the moment–something they must do as they search out or consider their next victim.

    I do not believe Morgan’s BG seeks to re-live his murder of Morgan. I bellive this crime was an act of impulse, not pre-meditation. As Dan Harrington indicated, I believe that, upon trial, when the evidence and COD are made public, a sexual assault with be revealed as a key component to the events that transpired on the evening of October 17, 2009.

  30. RNmom says:


    Has Morgan’s ex’s name surfaced anywhere and, do you think he was involved?

    I have been aware of it for months and currently I do not believe that is the direction of this investigation as it relates to Morgan’s murder.

  31. Eloise says:

    Just Desserts asked about the ‘other Bass house’ that was mentioned on the orthophotos from prior years.I believe they had an older barn that was torn down after they moved in to the main house. I cant recall the direct link. I want to say it was a quote from Mrs. Bass, maybe on her website or on the internet, but it had to do with her art work. Does that ring anyones bell?

  32. fish says:

    J2K:”is the hole in your roof where the fish food gets sprinkled in?” Funny girl, funny girl! I love it! Get me all worked up about this snowthingy and nadda! BTW. My fav fish food is a hot philly pretzel with mustard!

    Sky: Yes, I’m thinkin’ she is over on side of stage by the drums of LOG but no confirmation. So if we side with Blink’s two editors, maybe she never made it inside the arena. Just outside. Also, you can see the seating sections for LOG, they are not filled. So a good many people are on the floor. My question has always been…”How do they tell people when to move up when the headliners come on?” Or do they? Maybe one you park it, you stay. But you have to purchase a floor seat and they are more $$. Figuring out the facebook thingy. Haven’t quite got it yet.

    keekee: no when i cough, i usually mean it.

    does anyone ever feel like this sometimes? You meet someone and instantly they make you feel uncomfortable and you have no clue why?

    grid number is P-3. For anyone that wants to look at bigfoot, or treestand, lean-to, shelter but it is not a person. measurement to big. Just compare it to other trees. You don’t even need a measurement.

    Just Desserts: It was a flat affect, for sure. I’ve seen how all ages, both men, women, adults and children behave facing this stuff. She was flat. Hard to believe that you and I were steps apart. Strange. But, atleast I know that I was in good company.

    A side note:
    my mom always used to say…”You can always remember the truth but you can never remember a lie”
    I’m thinking that some people will start forgetting what they have said in the very beginning. Thus, why LE should start to reinterview those that came out early on, spoutin’ off what they saw, heard and then stated as fact.

    I feel bad for all the silence. It hurts my ears and makes me cry. It is not how it is. Friends care and love. Please, don’t judge that all people behave this way. We do not and did not!!!

  33. Eloise says:

    Is that another gate in front of your car there on Red Hill?
    Great photos Christy!

  34. Chad says:

    Just desserts:
    Misguided Mayflower here (just kidding) ……You always manage to post an excellent post, timed, right exactly when I am about to go somewhere……this time you have posted right before I am going to bed. So, now I had to respond, delaying my slumber:
    Can you elborate on this a bit? I have posed part of your quote below. I only ask this because i was unaware of any of these “bullet” type activities happenings amongs the friends, or circle of friend therein. This is very interesting no doubt. C’mon desserts, you can’t put something out there like that and expect us all to know this. You say:
    This reminded me that one thing I’d wanted to ask Ramona Turpin was. . . that bullet which barely missed her head as she drove off from a shopping mall in Aug. ’08. . .; did the Roanoke police convince her that it was only a stray? My gut tells me that these girls were sometimes playing with fire and knew it. Does that speak to the friends’ –and their parents’– long silence about Morgan, which seems all the odder since her fate’s been known? I don’t know. I do know that Sarah Snead didn’t want to be there in November for the ground search organized by the Laura Recovery Team— I heard her say so, to a middle-aged woman who got pointedly up in her face and read her the Riot Act, “You have to do this! You HAVE to do this! ‘No’ is not an option.” Etc., etc. That seemed then a bizarre attitude for a “friend” to take, though it led me for a while to believe that Morgan’s friends had reason to believe she had, for “love” or whatever motive, skipped out on the life she’d known.
    *********************************************************************************************************This incident is very interesting, and if this is indeed a true incident, ( not saying that “stray bullets dont ever just happen to barely miss someones head) does in fact could very well support the theory that there may have been, and there is a high probabilty that there may be a nefarious drug, or other unknown violent connection and drug indirectly, or directly with Morgan and or her friends.

    Observer: Hi friend. So good that you stopped by to see us. Love always your posts. Wish you would post more often here. A while back you had thought that perhaps there may not be a trial, and that the perp(s) may do a plea? In your above post, your language speaks more now guided that there may be a trial? Can you explain what you are thinking?
    If you are uncomfortable speaking to this on public forum I understand completely, but I would love to hear what your thoughts are at this point in time of the investigation Of Morgan Harrington, and also, if you think that LE is close to securing a person of interest. I know I speak for all here at BOC, we do respect your legal insight and opinion on this case.

  35. total amateur says:

    I agree a fair question, don’t think for 3 seconds I would not love to speak my mind on the matter.
    It is a be careful what you wish for scenario.
    This really makes me cringe.

    Sorry, I know.

  36. yoshi says:

    oh boy, I’ve got some catching up to do. Just wanted to thank clementine for the links and skyler for refreshing my memory regarding the car she saw stopped at the side of the road.

    This isn’t really going to follow the direction the conversation is going, but I thought I would share what I found last night while doing some research regarding Anchorage Farm. I know some have wondered when Let’s Hear it for the Long Haul played at Anchorage Farm. FWIW, according to the link below, they played there on Dec. 14, 2009 at 9pm. For some reason I always thought that video was from a long time ago. Makes me sad to know that Morgan was out there, cold and alone while this party was going on. Wonder how the band is connected to the farm or the person who hosted them. Seemed like a pretty intimate affair.

    I was looking at the ortho photos last night of the mystery figure (which I think you guys have figured out by now) It took me forever to finally see what you all were talking about. All I could see was what looked like the face of an owl to the right of where this “thing” I was supposed to be looking at was. Am I the only one seeing faces in the trees?

  37. Mom3.0 says:

    My kids are still hogging the computer for their school work. Is it wrong that I am not jumping for joy over this fact? LOL Each day I still check BOC in the hopes there has been an arrest… Chad, thanks for the update on the FB . Still trying to get over there.

    For those asking about LOG and where Morgan was- We narrowed it down to 2 groups both by the drum set. One was the headbanging blonde seen in other vids.- Sorry guys, I can not revisit the footage. It was different when I could hold out hope Morgan was alive somewhere, waiting for someone to come and get her.

    Now I can not look at it, or any of the Metallica footage without feeling helpless knowing that no matter how many times I watch it, I can not will circumstances to play out differently. I promised you guys when LOG releases their dvd this Spring or Summer, that I would watch it, if Morgan’s killers have not been brought to justice, by then, I will. I just can’t rewatch the same footage again, hoping for a different result. RIP Morgan

    Fish, I believe they do not make you move if you are already on the floor, unless security is alerted to your presence, such as a fall, then asks to see your ticket stub….. Although, what I believe happened is Morgan did go to the restroom alone, she tried to get back on the floor, couldn’t, and was then escorted out.

    Kee Kee, I am sooo not following your posts, perhaps that is by design…LOL

    TDBone, Doug, Christy S,
    Thank you for the pics and the research. Very much appreciated.
    Sky, what a beautiful dream.

    Observer, I agree with your February 26, 2010 at 12:43 am post.
    I do not think this person/persons is serial. I also think that LE is working on a successful prosecution. They do not fear for the towns safety as this was a crime of passion and circumstance. I do not believe Shiny Morgan was killed by a gun shot wound. I believe she was killed by knife point and in a brutal manner.

    Since Gil shared her thoughts in her poem, I can not get her words out of my head. Especially the part about Morgan not realizing people could be so mean..which starts the song, Easy To Be Hard playing in my mind again…. I can only hope that Gil’s words are playing over and over again in the minds of those who deserve to feel the torment of this mother’s grief, and that they will hear her call for justice and DO THE RIGHT THING.

  38. TooSlow says:

    I believe some of the recent posts of the aerial photos that have some of the Blinkers’ looking at the wrong area where she was found.

    Take a look at the two white tents in the second picture on this Roanoke article:

    ok, now compare with this from the image on the BOC thread:

    If someone knows different, please correct me. I’ve been wrong before…once. ;)

    I believe the aerial with the tents in the different spot was taken the day after Morgan was found and they were searching the farm in different locations.

  39. Mom3.0 says:

    Just reread my post, I need to clarify, not a crime of passion but rather, rage-pent up rage- Hope that comes out better than I previously stated.
    Again, My Heartfelt condolences to Dr. Harrington and Family. Thanks again, Blink for keeping Morgan’s story out there. Keep up the good work guys.

  40. justiceformorgan says:


    I agree that is a possibility, so not posting, thanks.

  41. suz says:

    Thank you to the clever poster (TD?) who posted the grid. I guess I had been looking at the right item all along now that the kids have identified it on the grid. To me, in addition to Sasquatch, it looks just like a really evil Disney tree, or possibly something from the Blair Witch Project, or the gingerbread man—but it doesn’t look like anything meaningful.

  42. keekee says:

    fish, what do you think of the female element of involvement in the crime? or even blink…are any girlfriends involved? er, of the bgs

  43. keekee says:

    blink -

    was the something unusual on red hill noticed by any cyclists? like an open gate? it wouldn’t have been that obvious, huh? or is this one of the gates intermittently left open in the past?

    I think the reach out to the community of cyclists was based on something that was found, imo.

  44. keekee says:

    dearest blink –

    i apologized for my butchering of the king’s english

  45. keekee says:

    props to td on the most excellent photographer work! i hope your talent is well utilized and well compensated cause you are a huge asset here. thank you

    fish – thank you for your response. dang, i understood the first time then. care to say whether you agree with me that the significant other may have information?

    observer – nice to see you

    j2k – any lightbulb moments on the bracelet? besides goldmine of dna?

    christy s – great boots on the ground work

    now i am ready to watch the perp walk and shout:

    pants on the ground
    pants on the ground
    hat to the side
    lookin like a fool
    git yer pants off the ground
    lookin like a fool
    with yer pants on the ground

  46. keekee says:

    now i know it seems i’m all over the page (i am), but there is a method to my madness

    blink -

    morgan had many internet friends and was too trusting imo with some of those connections. in her underage years, she was very flirtatious with some questionable characters. course, i never met them so it’s really not for me to judge. do you feel any internet crimes were committed in the past against morgan?

  47. Katesro says:

    Observer- you stated this is no serial BG. He did not take anything for a trophy. Do you mean serial killer? Could this be a serial rapist?

  48. Dan Harrington says:

    Blink, not sure you got my last post. The bracelet is silver, not plated.

    I did, thank you Dr. H.

    You, Gil and Alex continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

  49. momoftwo says:

    Christy S says:
    February 25, 2010 at 10:23 pm
    I don’t want to keep you all waiting so I threw the pics on picasa without any processing but I’ll be happy to do any enhancements you would like.

    Excellent Work. Everyone pay attention to the “latch” on the right side of the gate. Would take about 30 seconds to open.

    I agree. Our gate in the country has a chain that wrapped around the post without a padlock (it rests on a nail on the post. I enlarged the picture and didn’t see a lock. Looks like the entrance to me.

  50. keekee says:

    just desserts – great post!

    putting in my 2cents defending the metal audience…i have been front and center in the pit head banging and screaming squished against the railing for tons of heavy metal concerts and am still attending. my kids and i also go to fests and see dave matthews, fall out boy, gnarls barclay, justin timberlake, crosby stills and nash, andrea bocelli, zac brown band, kid rock, and lamb of god, metallica, children of bodom, trans-siberian orchestra, etc etc…the metal shows are exhilirating in the same way that contact sports are. the endorphins are awesome. there are druggie kids at every concert across the board. i can’t say that i have witnessed more trashed kids at metal concerts vs. dave mathews. metal concerts are noisier and rowdier, but imo can be a healthy outlet and alternative to real anger and/or crime. it is akin to role playing or acting, if you will.

    interestingly, the nordic countries are the main birthplace of the most recent really heavy heavy “death metal and thrash metal” and very very dark stuff. their crime rate is markedly lower than ours, duh. scandinavian countries see about 1 homicide per 100,000 people while we good americans see about 5 per 100,000 (down from the 9s in the early 90s). good ole district of columbia has almost 40 homicides per 100,000 people. horrid.

    there are so many issues in american society that need to be addressed. i can’t even begin to address them without writing a book. i will finish with saying that most children without nurturing by the age of 3 have a huge chance of entering the world of crime

    as i have said before, the not so obvious “peace and love” or “good ol homeboy” kind of perp scares the cheese out of me much more than the obvious boogie man (or band)

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