Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. keekee says:

    mom3 -

    yes, it is by design because i am so paranoid about pointing at someone who may have given info already as a good person, but lives amongst the evil. i almost worry that i posted too many initials in my past post because there are some innocent and not so who have the same initials.

    my head is so bursting with cheese-filled file cabinets, i seem to outcryptic myself at times. and i have posted some comments that got separated and really lost their meaning.

    also, my lame and/or hokie attempts at humor sometimes is my defense against crumpling into a weeping mass of grief over what morgan went through. when i think of gil holding morgan’s skull…oh, it is just too much

    and mom3 – i so agree that it was RAGE

  2. ConcernedBystander says:

    keekee says: have you ever heard of someone not a family member needing medication to help sleep over the terrible fate of their mate?

    girlie not referring to shiny girl, but perchance someone guilty of the sin of omission instead of commission leading to sleepless nights?

    So, which one is sleep deprived?

  3. total amateur says:

    I think the reach out to the community of cyclists was based on something that was found, imo.
    What are some things that could be found that would link directly to cyclists? Are we talking about something found that was in an area that cyclists might have noticed, or some sort of “object” that was found that suggests a link to cyclists?

    -Was something found near the corner of Red Hill and rt29 where cyclists are rumored to park/stop?

    -Visisble tracks?

    -a cycling helmet?

    -a water bottle?

    -fanny pack?

    -cycling gloves?

    -a pamphlet or trail map?

    A while back Blink said something to the effect of, in her opinion, [the BG may have dropped something he wished he hadn't, but it was too dark to look for it].

    Any cyclists out there who can add to this list? What are some things small enough to “drop” that someone linked to cycling might use/have?

  4. gifter3 says:

    This has to STOP!
    We can not let another family
    experience this horrorific nightmare
    JUSTICE for Morgan.
    Sending Love and Prayers to the

    Gil’s Words
    February 26, 2010

    Ashes in a cigar box. Morgan we have your ashes setting on our coffee table. They are stored in one of you granddad’s JGW cigar boxes. It seemed the right choice. We have several of them and use these boxes every day. Dad keeps change and keys and such on his dresser in a JGW cigar box. I store my tea and sweetener in a JGW cigar box on the kitchen counter and open it up every day. Alex has his filled with letters and photos. Predictably, you have used your JGW cigar box to store an assortment of funky jewelry.

    Alex even found a photo of you as a baby playing with jewelry in a JGW cigar box. Never could I have imagined a reality where you would be inside the box – waiting for the right day to be sprinkled outside and returned to the earth.

    I was starting to spiral into the vortex of grief and loss thinking. “we have only ashes left”. How can we snatch meaning from Morgan’s ashes?- but remembered that ashes can be used to make cinderblocks which can be used to build strong foundations – for good – for education here at VTC and in Africa with OMNI School and who knows what else. We will pledge your ashes, mix and use your ashes as well as we can, to create some substantive good from this tragedy and in so doing honor the light that was Morgan Dana Harrington.


    O I truly wish she could write something that does not paralyze me with grief for a day.
    Feeling helpless does not help my focus or productivity; I just want to put them in my pocket.

  5. Judi says:

    Have not had the time the last couple of days to be posting and reading here as normal

    Hearing mentioning of a black tarp. IN one of the 2009 images, isn’t there an unidentified black object in one of the pictures not far from where Morgan was found.

    I shutter to think – was this Morgan under a black tarp in these pictures? When were they taken? Has this object been identified?

  6. total amateur says:

    I think when you trip a hunting camera, a flash goes off. Could the bad guy have left behind a picture, saw the flash, and it was too dark to look for the camera? Could he have been wearing something to conceal his identity that was related to cycling? A helmet, or body suit, or one of those thermal face masks? One of those mountain bike/motocross helmets with a face shield?

    My memory could be wrong on this- but Blink- didnt you make a post a while back with a link to a specific ATV? Sorry if I’m wrong, but I remember looking at the picture and wondering “How could she know it was this specific kind of ATV?” Perhaps a dark tree camera image?

  7. keekee says:

    blink – i almost forgot to ask if the updated conversation that you noticed involved peeps who’ve often rubbed elbows with morgan

  8. TooSlow says:

    38. TooSlow says:
    February 26, 2010 at 3:38 am
    I believe some of the recent posts of the aerial photos that have some of the Blinkers’ looking at the wrong area where she was found.

    If someone knows different, please correct me. I’ve been wrong before…once.

    I believe the aerial with the tents in the different spot was taken the day after Morgan was found and they were searching the farm in different locations.

    B, just to clarify…
    The two white dots (tents) I speak of in the Roanoke pic are the same as the grid that was posted (39.TDBone says:
    February 25, 2010 at 7:13 pm) where they noted “Body Found”. Not the van and squad near the middle of the pic but the two tiny dots in the same location as the grid. Is this correct?

  9. keekee says:

    or…blink…someone who tried to give her an elbow?

  10. total amateur says:

    I have absolutely no basis for saying this, but I am of the opinion that a bad guy left something behind he would rather not have, and it was too dark to look for it.

    Blink, you didn’t say the BG dropped something, you said left behind something!

  11. keekee says:

    there’s been a lot of talk in the t world in the older and younger gens, too

  12. keekee says:

    blink – did someone lose their keys???? no way, not bright

  13. lily says:

    There could be any number of things that could have been pulled out of the back of a truck/suv/hatch when Morgan was placed there. If its specifically associated with cycling it could have been a glove, sock, etc. These things are very specifically designed for cycling.

  14. keekee says:

    concerned – it is one that has always struck me as the most genuine friend…but there is a mighty suffering going down

    it could be merely guilt at introducing shiny girl to tarnished boy

  15. localcvillegirl says:

    Good morning all. I really don’t have anything intelligent to add, but am still reading everything. Keep up the creative work good peeps.

  16. total amateur says:

    O I truly wish she could write something that does not paralyze me with grief for a day.
    Feeling helpless does not help my focus or productivity; I just want to put them in my pocket.
    Blink, it is your caring and compassion that sets you apart. It’s why I have stayed with this site. You care, and that’s a wonderful thing. I have never seen a case where there was such an open window into the raw emotions and thoughts of a greiving family. It is impossible for it not to affect you. That said, please don’t ever feel helpless- you are not. Every day when you investigate this case, you are helping Morgan and her family- you are helping to take a devil off the streets- perhaps helping someone who has yet to be harmed by this demon. You can’t change what happened to Morgan, no one can. But, there are lives that CAN be saved before he does it to someone else’s daughter. Other than offering kind words, there is one thing you can do for the Harringtons. Help find their daughters killer, and force him to face justice.

    Thank you for your kindness, I was having a “moment”, and I appreciate the reinforcement.

  17. keekee says:

    oh blink –

    my hyperfocused brain just had a gruesome thought of paralytic drugs used to restrain dear morgan. there are those with access. wonder if there really was a needle in a haystack

  18. ConcernedBystander says:

    keekee says,
    concerned – it is one that has always struck me as the most genuine friend…but there is a mighty suffering going down

    it could be merely guilt at introducing shiny girl to tarnished boy


  19. Judi says:

    ** BLINK **

    Is LE any closer to an arrest? Is this case moving forward at all?

    Skyler: FWIW, I DO believe in dreams. I myself have not had any experiences, but do know two people who have – one is my mother-in-law who had dreams very shortly prior to her getting ill and passing away at the age of 50 (she exercised, ate right, did not smoke, did not drink) that looking back, you have to believe that the dreams were not just dreams.

    I am intrigued by a couple of points of the dream – that the friends think that they are hiding something but it is known and that they must walk in the truth, that Morgan was looking for her body, that Morgan’s own actions started it and that they will kill again.

    This only convinces me more of what I already believed – that the friends do know more (not that they are responsible), that Morgan went willingly with this persons (trusted someone that was not to be trusted), that Morgan may have been impaired by something like the date rape drug (given to her without her knowledge)whereas she did not know what was going on and her spiritual being had to find her physical being, and that if LE does not make an arrest soon, someone else will meet the same fate ( I am so very worried about this).

    The bible speaks of dreams – one of my favorite stories in the bible as a matter of fact is about Joseph and his dreams!

  20. duannahincville says:

    I don’t know if it matters when “Orthophotos 2009” were taken, but I had a look at my own property on there. They had to be taken in early Jan – Feb 2009. We had a really windy day in March 2009 and it blew over one of the fully grown pine trees in my front yard. There was another pine tree, “its twin,” about seven feet away from it. We had both those trees taken out after the one blew over in March. In the Orthophotos 2009 both of those trees are there, still standing.

  21. GnM says:

    I cannot imagine Gil’s grief. Morgan is her daughter. Her baby girl. She gave birth to her, loved her for 20 years. The person(s) who did this need to understand they killed someone’s child. No matter if she was 20 or 12. SHE WAS THEIR LITTLE GIRL.

    This makes me sick to my stomach.

  22. lakeluver says:

    Dear Blink, I agree with total amateur.
    You ARE helping, so many people and their families.
    we <3 you

  23. Chad says:

    You are totally amazing, and do amazing work for Morgan, and other victims of crime. Look t what has happened in the CS case because of your efforts. Perhaps you may not see any fruits of your efforts now, but I feel in the near future your efforts will pay off to help solve this horrible nightmare for the Harringtons and for Morgan. I know Gil’s writing really seem to penetrate our hearts when we read her words.
    We are all here to support your efforts. We will keep moving forward with you until Morgans case is solved, and the evil monsters are taken off of the street.
    Total amatuer very well said.

  24. skyler says:

    Wow ! is all I can say — what great overnight posts — thank you all — I am going to forget to give a shout out to everyone as I was reading the new posts — if I don’t mention your name, it’s not intentional —

    First, though, Christy S — your pix were worth the wait — thank you !!! As to your sidekick, I wish mine were still 2 — these are precious years and precious memories — write it down in his babybook — you don’t think you will, but you will forget — great gate pix and also of the river — when we were there, it was buried under snow and your pix clearly show how crossing that river/stream/creek in a car is not likely — also, if that is the hardware river, a kyak (sp) could not navigate in this area, I don’t think — but idk

    doug, thanks for the work on the grid pix — I don’t know what they’re talking about, either, so I appreciate your hard work

    Chad — LOL on the boxes — I moved from an 8-room house to one w/ literally three — I live in a little doll house cottage, which is perfect for me — I am, however, going to have to add on next fall, to add an office — but when I moved, I bought those huge moving boxes from U-hall — well, the attic steps in this house are much narrower — the boxes don’t fit, so I’m having to transfer all the junk, er, things, out of the big boxes and put them in smaller containers — I have a shed, but w/ all the rain, it’s really musty out there — I’ve pared down and given away a lot, but in the meantime, trying to get the clutter out of here and up in the attic —

    just desserts — glad you’re back — you make salient points

    Blink and J2K, Lord, hope you are surviving the weather — 15 more inches of snow — stay warm and be careful — it’s really windy here, but thank God no precip

  25. Josie says:

    Hey dear Blink and Friends

    I haven’t posted for a few days, but want to let you know I’m here every day. I see so many great posts and sometimes I see one that I want to respond to. But, as I read on, I see so many, that I forget what I wanted to say. My mind stays in a whirl at the great job you guys do. The photos, the maps, research and theories. Dr. Harrington being among us. I feel honored to be here.

    Blink, you amaze me with your compassion. I so appreciate your love and dedication, and wonder dear friend, if you ever get rest. Between the great task that is your special calling and caring for your family, I know you are stretched to the limit. I love this site and feel so close to everyone here. There’s a closeness that I feel that I don’t feel on other forums. I’m so glad, Blink, that you have the wisdom to know when to draw the line. There is a genuine respect among us. I enjoy the break that we get from the sadness, when someone relates a story to us about their very own experiences in life. Some have the gift of expressing so well, that I actually see the story taking place. It brings back a lot of times, in my own life, that I otherwise forget. I also enjoy the little laughs that we occasionally have. That’s okay to keep us balanced out.

    Gil’s new post…Oh, I love this family so much. My heart breaks more when I think it’s as broken as it can get. I admire the strength that I see there.

    Ty friend

    I raise my overflowing goblet of heartfelt tears to Blink and all my fellow Blinksters. *Clink*

  26. J2K says:

    Chaddy! – re: RT’s car hit by stray bullet (per Just Dessert’s post)

    The bullet strike was reported by the news when it occurred nearly two years ago, but I don’t think it was in any way related to MH’s murder more than a year later – or even to RT herself, for that matter. Appears like a random incident that, fortunately, did not result in a serious injury.
    From the article:

    (Aug 2008) Her first thought was it was a rock. (RT) heard something hit her car but didn’t know what it was. “I knew something had hit my windshield and I felt glass spray at my face,“ she said.
    She soon realized what it was after she stopped her car on Valley View Boulevard at two Sunday morning. “I looked down and I saw my leg was bleeding.“
    On her windshield, a bullet hole. …
    Roanoke Police say they got a call that same night about shots fired off a Marr Street. It’s behind the shopping center Ramona drove past when her car was hit. …
    (RT) says officers told her she may not have been targeted but could be the victim of a stray bullet. “Either way, for it to come that close to someone,“ she said. Police say no arrests have been made in either case.

    keekee – re: her bracelet, you asked -
    “j2k – any lightbulb moments on the bracelet? besides goldmine of dna?”

    kk, in my opinion, the bracelet was *not* a gold-mine of DNA, which is precisely why Gil now has it in her possession despite ongoing analysis of DNA evidence and toxicology reports. So, my question back to you is: what does the release of the bracelet says about what occurred that night? Clearly, there was no blood, hair or other trace evidence found on that piece of her jewelry – despite it remaining on her person before and after death; it would seem that whatever bodily trauma she suffered, it was in the head, chest or back region – and we could probably surmise she was not bound at any point.

    anotherB – re: GIS orthophoto-2009 date

    (You noted:) “Have a look at the area around the cemetery – they had just finished mowing at the time, the tracks are still clearly visible. And there are bales on the fields, some of which have already been removed. Looks like September to me. Or October, as a matter of fact. That is why I am so eager to find out why there are motorbike tracks going past the spot where the body was found. These photos are almost contemporary with the murder.”

    aB, I do not agree. In the 2009 orthos I’m viewing (starting at Waldemar Drive), the trees are bare and the fields are not in-bloom. It appears to be winter, as spring would show shoots of (or full) green, as would summer, and fall would also sport foliage. December 2009 in Albemarle County was snowy, and there is no trace of such in those photos; late October and November 2009 would still show traces of foliage.

    As such – by reduction of options – I surmise that the aerials were taken in January of February of last year; and, being that the GIS info updates are a bi-annual county function, they would have been scheduled well in advance, and likely for the start of the year, anyway. So, while a phone call to the county would clear up further speculation on this, I’m fairly confident of when these shots were taken (and it was probably about 9-10 months prior to MH being placed there).

  27. DTA says:

    I just wanted to take the time today to let you know how much you touch everyone’s life. I recently started reading the posts on the Christine Sheddy link along with Morgan of course. While Morgan and her family are very special and that has drawn so many people to this site, what I realized was you are the draw. You are a very special person that has the ability to touch many with your kindness, wisdom and care for others. Your voice for those that cannot help themselves and for their families is something so special that words would not do justice, only hearts can show the importance of what you do. You were chosen from above to be their voice Blink. I know at times you are drained or you may feel helpless but know this you make a difference that is so important it changes lives. I know it has changed mine. The type of individuals that are drawn to this site are a reflection of your kindness. Many special people here. I know that your staff is important in all of this also and they work so hard on befalf of the victims and their families and for that I say thank you. My admiration grows daily for you Blink and your staff. Thank you for being here for everyone. YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
    P.S. I only realized awhile ago that capital letters was screaming, I did not know that when I chose my name DTA that is so funny I am new to the internet and blogs. So I apologize to all of you not screaming my name, not screaming just a internet dum dum.

    Thank you for acknowledging the efforts of my team. We are the sum of our parts, and they work their butts off.

  28. skyler says:

    Like usual, I woke up thinking about Morgan, but not just about Morgan, but about her friends — I can’t remember who posted about the woman telling SS she had to go look — but thanks for that; it tied in w/ what I was thinking about

    Let’s remove everything we know now except for the fact Morgan has been found and her death ruled a homicide —

    Let’s go back to the events of the 17th and not put any conjecture as to ‘why’ into this equation — only bare bones facts (I hate using that expression, but ..)

    We know Morgan left Roanoke w/ Amy in tow headed to JMU to pick up SS and DC — she may or may not have known DC was going in the other girl’s place — doesn’t matter —

    We know from Dr. H that Morgan asked him for gas money because to his knowledge she was leaving her car and JMU and driving w/ an unnamed someone else —

    We know instead, the four concert attendees drove in Morgan’s car, w/ the story she did not drive, was studying in the backseat –

    We know the car arrived at JPJ around six PM — we know there is a statement from UVA grad/NJ resident Dan G that he parked beside Morgan’s party and he states he interacted w/ Morgan, her saying: whose the warm up act? Who cares, we’re here to see Metallica; right ?

    We know Morgan’s seats were in section 312

    We know there have been allegations of people seeing Morgan fall inside the arena, possibly sustaining an injury to her chin

    We know Morgan, for whatever reason, got outside JPJ and then attempted to re-enter and could not.

    We know — *** from the mouth of SS *** that Morgan allegedly called or texted (and there is confusion as to who called/texted who — whether Morgan to them or they to Moran) at around 8:38 — we’ve been told when Morgan left SS and/ AM’s presence inside the arena, she kissed one of them on the cheek — can’t remember which one; it doesn’t matter to me

    **** This is important ******* we’ve been “told” by SS, I believe it was, or by AM’s sister — again, doesn’t matter who said it, this is the public statement — that Morgan said to the effect she was outside, couldn’t re-enter, and she would find her own way back home –

    Why that statement is important is — that’s what we’ve been told — if it was a telephone conversation and not a text, then we will never know the true conversation — it may have been — listen, you B’s, I went outside for reason X, you knew I was going outside for reason X, now they won’t let me back in, come out and sit w/ me in the car, don’t leave me alone out here — No. — well, eff you, too. Meet me back at the car at the end of the concert — click.

    Morgan making the statement that she will find her own way back home when her car was sitting in the C-vlle JPJ arena u-hall parking lot is non-sensical. When you are 18 and lying or trying to come up w/ an alibi, you make up non-sensical scenarios —

    The next thing we know is that Morgan was last seen on Copeley Rd. Bridge — we know — from the statement of the “friends” that they waited — for two hours in the rain — for Morgan to return — then they drove back to JMU, never contacting the police, or a parent, and certainly not the Harringtons.

    We know, from Dr. H, he was contacted by security at UVA saying Morgan’s purse, w/ wallet and ID, found in the parking lot. Dr. H then calls SS or AM, and learns for the first time Morgan didn’t go back to JMU w/ them. He files a MP report w/ the police. SS and company get ** in Morgan’s car ** and drive back down to C-vlle to look for her, so they say —

    Morgan never makes any further contact w/ anyone (because she is most likely dead and laying out in a hay field at AF).

    Two weeks later the friends party like it’s 1999 dressed as mummies and zombies and guitars and Wheaties boxes

    To keep post length small I’m going to continue

  29. keekee says:

    so j2k – think necklace is a goldmine?

    ropes are not the only means of restraint, for sure…

    my cheese hovers over a dark dark planned and pointed device for keeping someone subdued

  30. skyler says:

    Part 2 — this is what’s got my panties in a bunch this AM —

    Hearsay: it’s been said that the reason the friends, specifically SS, were not forthcoming in the beginning w/ information is that they thought Morgan was w/ a boy and were covering for her —

    Buzzzzz Ack — Wrong. They knew there was no boy

    Lt. Rader, in the first presser practically begs the friends to tell LE what they know. Conjecture: from the words/attitude of LE in presser, I took away from that they felt she may have left w/ a boy, were asking her to come home.

    In the week following Morgan’s vanishing act, SS, along w/ another person, sets up a FB page for clues to find Morgan — she doesn’t give information, she asks for information. After about a week, she stops posting altogether, and the FB page eventually dies. WT sets up FB page Helpfindmorgandanaharrington — as an admin so he gets access to every post —

    In the 7 days following Morgan’s disappearance Sara Snead and Dan C GET LAWYERS, and have not made one public statement since, but for SS’s brief TV interview in Nov. at the search where she takes pictures laughing and joking w/ friends, stating: this is the worse thing — ever — ugh.

    So — this is what’s bugging me — if the “true” story is: Morgan said she was going to the bathroom and then calls SS at 8:38 and said she got outside, can’t get back in, she’s going to find her own way back home, c-ya tomorrow, bye —

    Why do the friends wait in the parking lot for her to return — she’s already told them she’s getting her own ride back home — why wait ?

    *** In my “yute” I went to concerts w/ friends where it took over an hour to get out of the parking lot, we’d just turn on a car stereo and hang out in the parking lot and wait — talk about the concert — about boys — always about boys — life in general — nothing unusual or strange about that —

    So “why” are they waiting 2 hrs. “in the rain” for Morgan’s return ? Why leave at 2 hrs? Next morning, “why” did they drive back to C-vlle to look for Morgan ? Look for her where? Boda Bagels ?

    So even if we believe their statements 100 % — and that is 100 % of what really happened —

    Then tell me why, oh why, do they need lawyers ? Especially in the first week of her missing.

    There is months later a public statement not by the friends, but friends of the friends, who say the H’s asked them not to speak publically — BS — their lawyer told them to keep their traps shut. But Why ?

    If their public story is true, they are not in any way complicit in what happened to Morgan — they were inside waiting for Metallica and Morgan got herself outside and Morgan was the one responsible, they had no idea she was going outside, and Morgan was the one not re-admitted. I don’t believe it’s against the law to be self-absorbed to stay inside and watch Metallica leaving your friend to fend for herself in the cold, wet night — especially if you had no idea she was going outside the arena in the 1st place —

    Then why wait, if she’s told you clearly she’s getting her own ride home, or why go back to C-vlle to “look for her” if you’ve had no contact w/ her, can’t reach her on her cell, and you’re only “assuming” she’s “w/ a boy”

    Those kids know something that they’ve told their lawyers and their lawyers know if they spill the truth it is self-incriminating and the lawyers have told them to keep quiet — those kids know exactly “why” Morgan left that arena — they know the alleged phone conversation w/ Morgan that’s public is not the true, real conversation they had —

    Not that it would make any difference in Morgan’s outcome — but it could make a huge difference in finding the persons responsible for her death.

    I find great comfort in believing it was Morgan who came to me in my dream — but even if it was just a dream, it contained great advice — tell the truth. The truth will set you free.

    These kids are young — they have no idea of the price they will pay in their own lives by keeping a secret that really is not such a horrible secret — *if and only if* Morgan went out of the arena to the parking lot to buy drugs w/ the friends’ money — that’s not such a horrible secret to tell the police. LE and every parent everywhere understands that’s what young people do these days. Not saying it’s right, but it’s understandable.

    This secret will eat them alive bite by bite, and only their speaking the truth will set them free. I don’t want them to tell the truth to condemn them — but to aid and assist LE in the right direction of Morgan’s kilelrs, and to free themselves from a life of heartache.

    May this be the day the truth is told. May this be the day the BGs are arrested.

    Peace to all, including the friends —


  31. zarpisimo says:

    J2K & AB re: 2009 orthophoto – Excellent deduction J2K about the photos and you are correct. Aerials are done for assessment purposes too (just to make sure any new improvements are not missed) and they would need to be assessed usually by July in order to prepare the tax roll.

  32. skyler says:

    sometimes, all you gotta do is ask:

    In re: I emailed GIS and asked them when they took the pix and if there were better pix available. This was their kind reply:

    If you’re looking at the Y2009 orthos (we also have imagery from Y2007 and Y2002 on the site), they were taken over a period of time from February to March 2009. We do not have any higher resolution (closer) imagery for this area of the County.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.

    Damon Pettitt, GISP

    Albemarle County, VA

    GIS Coordinator

    (434) 296-5823 ext. 3231

  33. GnM says:

    Brutal murder, IMO, could also indicate multiple possible causes of death. Such as gunshot wound and blunt force trauma. I believe in the case of Crystal Marler — a teen who was missing I think for 10 or so years b/f remains found– the ME determine both as COD.

  34. skyler says:

    KeeKee — you are a head banger — w/ your kids — my kid wants to be your kid — although he does bang his head in our car when I’m driving —

    He was banging it up against he dashboard last weekend begging for Mercy —

    I found a cassette tape of the soundtrack of the Sound of Music — my car has an awesome stereo — it came that way — I was “doh, a deering,” to the top of my lungs, and he was “oh, dear God’ing,please turn it off” at the top of his — ha

    sorry, B, OT, just never imagined our researcher KeeKee to be banging her head — : )

    “I am 16, going on 17 …. la la la” “” or should I say, do, re mi ….

  35. localcvillegirl says:

    Hey Skyler, I’ve never understood why they waited around in the parking lot at JPJ for two hours after the concert. If they did, which I highly doubt. Didn’t Morgan say she was getting a ride home? Why wait for her there? I guess maybe they had once little ounce of sense left at that moment, don’t know. But also I don’t think you’re allowed to hang around the parking lots much after an event…the police scoot you out, even after sporting events. You can stand around and eat or drink for a while while waiting for the traffic to thin, but someone would have noticed them and shooed them off that late after a concert. Two hours in a parking lot? With hangovers prolly setting in?

    I’d like to see them all take lie detector tests. Including Dan G from New Jersey.

  36. skyler says:

    I don’t know who did this grid, but thank you — please don’t feel bad, I can’t remember my kid’s name half the time —

    Blink, is the yellow dot where it says “body” the location where her body was found ? I mistakenly thought she was found higher up inside the little area near the boundary treeline — if she was found down here it makes sense that he was on his tractor and “looked down” and saw something —

    and again, I really want to emphasize, when we were out there w/ all that snow, we saw conservatively at least 100 deer — realistically, a whole lot more — they were scattered all along Red Hill Road — and then Red Hill ends and you have to turn right on another road that I don’t remember the name that leads to Blandemar Farms — I did not realize that the land on Red Hill immediately off 29 was part of AF — the Basses own a lot of smaller 20-acre parcels that front Red Hill, which make up the totality of AF — my point is, deer die for reasons other than being shot or hunted — it’s very realistic that he does find deer carcuses on his property, maybe even w/ regularity — Honest to God, there was a traffic alert out this past fall for all areas of Va., but especially rural areas, that this past season’s “rutting season” was a particularly fierce one, and beware of deer in the roadway; I live on a wind-ie country road and there were deer everywhere at night and in the early AM — one even just a few yards away from my house — I guess it’s even possible for one male deer to kill another one w/ their horns in a fight or just die from old age –

    But Blink, is the body location correct on this grid map —

    TIA –

  37. belleboyd says:

    O/T What I never could understand about the RT stray bullet video is how her leg became bloody. I thought the bullet whizzed by her head? IDK I’m not in any way, shape or form a forensic specialist but the trajectory seemed way off for her to have blood on her leg and in fact the bullet strayed above her shoulders. Stranger things have happened, I suppose. Weird, weird, weird

  38. Slowroller says:


    Chad-it seems that most BOC’ers are on the east coast, or specific to Morgan’s case, alot of actual locals(to the crime), so i have little to add in regards to anything based on terrain/locale/weather/traditions/families/JPJ/routes/ and so on, so i was thinking, “how could i help?” since i do have experience with the fear and confusion cases like this can strike in the general public in a given community…my wife(then GF) lived 15 minutes from where 3 of Stayner’s victims were found…and he planted the evidence in my hometown…!

    anyhow, as an established true crime buff(i am still trying to determine who the real Zodiac is-lol), combined with the local interest, i actually tried to attend Stayner’s preliminary hearing, couldnt get inside as it was in a tiny county(just on outskirts of Yosemite Nat’l Park) with a tiny courthouse, but watched as deputies led him in and out…it was CREEPY…

    i dont think i ever mentioned my first concert, but i believe it was Patty Loveless…IMO, best female C&W voice ever…

  39. Judi says:

    SKYLER – I agree with you.

    I do NOT see Morgan opting to get a ride back home when her car was in the parking lot of the arena.

    I can believe that she left with someone with the intent of hanging out until the concert was over and she had every intention of meeting her friends back at the car after the concert to ride home.

    I believe that she every intention of seeing Metallica that night – she had been excited about it since she got the tickets and posting about it online.

    I believe that the friends know why Morgan seperated from them and that it was not to go to the bathroom (the kiss on the cheek does not fit with me when you are just going to the bathroom and will be right back).

    And I am still under the belief that the BG was angry

  40. Judi says:

    ** Did anyone see my previous posting with a question about the black Tarp and the 2009 ortho pics? I am anxious to hear others thoughts **

  41. belleboyd says:

    Another thing, in regards to the RT stray bullet video. Why would LE give RT the spent bullet in a plastic bag? I would think they would save it and use it for future reference and evidence.

  42. SeattleWatching says:

    Last year my neighbors young son accidentally hung himself with a tie on the corner of his bunk bed, he dangled on the corner until his three year old brother ran in the kitchen retrieving a knife and cutting him loose… when the mother came in the room his eyes were bulged and he was foaming from the mouth. The aid car came and he was eventually helicoptered off to an emergency center. Our entire street of neighbors all of different religious and spiritual backgrounds quietly went into prayer…. each of us spread the word and created more prayer. He survived, but it was a miracle. One of my other neighbors miraculously survived an illness that only 4 other people in the state have had that no one has survived, he lost part of his brain, but has been recovering and seems totally normal. My point in bringing up these stories is simply to state that regardless of our unique backgrounds and diverse religious practices when people join together the energy they create is of one universal thing “GOD”. With that I just want to ask that the time and energy spent with this case as well as others I think we should all pray together and use that strength to move this case…. I really hope and pray for some resolve. It seems that area in Virginia is really afflicted with some evil…In Washington state we had “The greenriver killer” It took about 52 deaths and many years, but one tireless detective was not going to give up and eventually Gary Ridgeway, a married man with a son was arrested. Have faith and never give up !

  43. cosmo says:

    skyler … interesting note: i read somewhere and i will try to find it that one of the girls who rode with Morgan to the concert i believe so Amy? indicated that she thought Morgan was coming right back from the bathroom or wherever after the “kiss”.

  44. anotherB says:

    @ J2K February 26, 2010 at 12:12 pm

    Do they leave the cows and the bales outside over winter in Virginia? How cold does it get?

    Very cold where I come from, and the bales would be brought to some sort of shelter. The cows would be indoors most of the time. That is why I thought it was autumn.

  45. Jennifer says:

    to anotherB –

    trying to touch on a few of your questions – i’m sure everyone is sick of my hunting talk – but here goes to your questions. first, unless you were a “regular” hunter, speaking of one with permission (usually written), you probably wouldn’t put a trail cam (some call it a wildlife camera) on someone else’s property, for obvious reasons first, of being caught and getting, and secondly, in the event you did get caught poaching, losing your trail cam. Bottom-line trail cams usually start around $75.00 (these would have a flash) and can skyrocket quickly upwards for really nice active infrareads, whereby a beam is thrown aross the trail between the transmitter and receiver. The date and time are shown on the frame to the minute. Infrareads won’t have a flash.

    I believe it has been stated that Mr. Bass granted permission to hunt Anchorage Farm only to a handful of folks. These few might put up trail cams if this farm was primarily the main place they hunted. Or, if one belonged to a hunt club, there would be lots of cams set up. The select few that were permitted to hunt AF might also set up a tree stand (with Mr. Bass’s permission of course) of either type I mentioned before, but again, not a poacher.

    So often, though, when a permission has permission to hunt a farm, especially a sizeable one, they will bring a guest, and next time, that person brings a guest, and it goes on and on.

    Very important is the light. As I mentioned in one of my posts, I (and most night time hunters) could go down through the woods using both switches on my light without being detected incredibly easily.

    There have many posts about access points onto AF, and there are so many that people are not aware of. And while it has been mentioned more than once that the location Morgan’s body was found in was indeed harsh terrain, there again, quite easy for a hunter, especially a raccoon hunter or someone whose quarry is hunted at nighttime. So, yes, while moving around in the day can be difficult, it is even moreso at night, but quite easy for a night time hunter.

    If you killed a deer on that farm in that location, you would drag it out to whereever your truck or four-wheeler was. I’ve drug many a deer down mountains and across fields. A hunter would NEVER use a tarp in hunting nor a tractor as I think I’ve read also.

    More than one person involved, two young fellows I believe, strong hunters, one for sure has criminal background. I also believe this was a “soft” kill – strangulation.

  46. n va guy says:

    Hello all. First time poster but I’ve been following the site daily since Snowmageddon rendered me stuck to my couch for 8 days. I appreciate all the compassion and dedication to this case that the regular posters and of course Blink exhibit every day.

    I don’t really have a theory on what happened, but did want to contribute something related to cycling. Last summer I took up mountain biking and bought a small bike rack that attaches to my trunk. It requires the use of straps or bungee chords to secure the bike to the rack. However, the gentlemen at the bike store offered me several used inner tubes for free and indicated many bikers use these to secure the bike because they’re plentiful in supply and free. My point is….these black rubber tubes could easily wrap around a body if someone were trying to secure it inside of a blanket, sheet or tarp. Also, and I apologize for the graphic suggestion, it could conceivably be used to strangle someone. Just a thought that I wanted to share because it certainly pertains to cycling and many cyclists keep these tubes in their trunk, back seat or back of a jeep.

    Welcome and great contribution.

    I’ll retreat back to my lurker status now. Thanks again to Blink for all you do here.

  47. J2K says:

    skyler, our marvelous-moving-mama!

    In regard to your post summarizing the day/evening leading up to MH’s impromptu, unintended, permanent exit from the arena, I can’t help but go back to a critical (in my opinion) point Lt. Rader made toward the beginning of the case: “We only care what happened after she exited the arena.” (something to that effect)

    This leads me to believe – at that point in the investigation, when the timeline was released – LE had concluded that whatever happened to her was most likely *not* related to the friends she was with or what occurred leading up to when she *left* the arena, or was escorted out. Rader readily admitted that they were still missing a “vital” link, and that they didn’t have all the info they needed to solve the case. This is when the scenario began to point more toward a random crime – one related to several misguided, fateful decisions MH made while alone and in an intoxicated, altered state.

    I think the odd, unsettling behavior of the Friends (then again, it was a very odd, unsettling situation) has been a red herring that’s, unfortunately, served as a distraction. To wit, here are a few things I’d like to point out in your detailed summation of the night:

    “We know — *** from the mouth of SS *** that Morgan allegedly called or texted (and thes confusion as to who called/texted who — whether Morgan to them or they to Moran) at around 8:38…”

    sky, regardless of what SS and her sister told the press when at first they were speaking to reporters (lessen quickly learned I’d say), we know MH called her friend inside at 8:48 p.m. because that was a confirmed notch on LE’s timeline; I agree with you that we should not take the public statements of a key witness in an ongoing investigation at face value, but so does LE. That claim was thoroughly vetted.

    That call happened after MH had been trying to get into the arena – and growing increasingly agitated – for about 30 minutes. I think she exhausted all her efforts and was possibly pissing off security by then who maybe scared her away by threatening to call campus police. She was, in the course of her only call for the rest of the night we’re told, relaying to SS her (B!) ” ‘UGE” f-up, and – my impression is – it was hard for SS to hear what MH was saying as to her plan going forward, and began rattling off other entrances (per LE) that MH had likely already tried. I surmise that MH was trying to be positive and make something of the shitty turn of events on a night she looked awesome and was sooo looking forward to (“how lame to sit just in the car by myself on a Saturday night…”).

    I submit there was a party going on back at JMU, maybe a bonfire, music, etc. – Saturday night in a college town? A “top-ranked” party school no less? Most decidedly so. It also stands to reason she confirmed said fun awaiting her via her text with the 60-Mile-Male, who was perhaps part of the Nine’s circle. (JMU’s about 60 away, and this fella was quickly cleared – per Dr. H – prolly because he was with friends at the theoretical party she may have been trying to get to, which also must have been confirmed by LE.

    I think, as far as her state of mind, she’d decided that JMU wasn’t too far away (maybe the thought was: “We got down here in no time,” because, at that point in the backseat of her car, she was already intoxicated and, as such, did not have a good gauge of time). Regardless, I think she hoped she could make something of her night, let her friends still have a good time, and then they could just meet MH with her car later at the theoretical party… “all’s well that ends well, right?” (it’s been noted what a positive person she was).

    The tragic glitch in her thinking was underestimating the risks and challenges of thumbing a ride to another city on the urban outskirts of a college campus.

    Because, this is when a person or people she recognized (perhaps from her walk through the lots/the 10-15 minutes spent in RV area), but did not know well, offered to give her a ride and she accepted. Hours later, someone(s) local to the Charlottesville area ground their off-road vehicle to a stop at the secluded back gate of AF that he/they’d unlatched multiple times in his/their past, and, with her body wrapped in something in back of the vehicle, pushed it open, drove across the various parcels we’ve outlined – gunning it over the creek – and pulled up to the tree-line at the next creek, dragging her back into the wooded area, covering her with brush before taking off back to and through the gate, which was then quickly shut, but likely not re-latched – and back onto 29, no one the wiser. (*All speculation, natch.*)

  48. osu says:

    skyler, awesome summary!
    What doesn’t make sense, well, one of the items that don’t make sense is that if, as her friends claim, she told them she would find her own ride home, then why did they wait for her for two hours in the rain? If she told them she would get a ride home (which is totally ridiculous) they would have assumed she was home, safe and sound and warm and would not have wasted their time in the parking lot. So, either Morgan never told them that she would get a ride or they never waited, both don’t fit together.

  49. skyler says:

    Cosmo, your comment prompted me to go do a little research on Amy Melvin’s statements. In an early early interview, it’s Amy’s sister who says “everyone thought she was coming back…” But I found a very early Hook article that is worth a second or first read — In this article, it is reported that Amy kissed Morgan … irrespective of whom smooched whom — good article and good interviews — also, Lt. Rader is quoted as saying; paraphrase: there was no planned meeting for the end of the concert, no matter what is published —

    which I think is very telling and is “the truth” — or “the truff” as my child used to say, especially when asked who wrote his name on the wall: I AM telling the truff, Ida Know who wrote my name on the wall (in my handwriting, or scrawling, and only the 2 of us lived in the house) —

  50. osu says:

    Also, if she told them she would get a ride home and when they got home and she was not there, why didn’t they call somebody? Anybody, police, parents, Morgan??

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