Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. Christy S says:

    There were two gates into AF on Red Hill rd. One right before the bridge and one right after. That tells me that the creek may not be easy to cross so they needed the second gate to access that piece of land.

    The one before the bridge looked very new to me and left me wondering if there was an older gate (like the one after the bridge) that was replaced after Morgan was found or if there was a gate there at all. AF farm seems very well kept so my guess is there was a gate there. Maybe just not the one we are seeing now. Can LE take a gate to examine for evidence or would they have processed it and left it in place? What if it was damaged by the BG?
    How long does it take for these metal gates to “age” sort of?

  2. total amateur says:

    Maybe someone can answer some “holes” I have in this guys story.
    The certain Well Talked-about someone who was also “separated” from friends inside the arena:

    -Who was he at the concert with?

    -Can someone confirm whether or not he had previously met Morgan, or had mutual friends?

    -Someone posted that he was seated somewhere behind Morgans group- is this accurate?

    -What color shirt was he wearing, and is he in any photos from that night?

    -Does anybody know the time he became “separated” from his group, was it sometime between 8:20 and 8:48, or later? I’ve read that he was separated for about an hour, and also that he was separated and didn’t meet his group again until the concert was over…outside the arena.

    -I read a while ago that he previously worked security at JPJ. Could he leave the concert, and regain entry by knowing some of the guards or “back” entrances? Is it possible he even left the concert, dropped her off somewhere, and went back?

    -He admittedly saw Morgan- did he ever admit to any “interaction” with her? THINKING he saw her and actually interacting with her are two VERY different things. If someone could confirm this either way, please do.

    Could this certain someone have seen Morgan get up and leave her seat, then follow her into the hallway in hopes of running into her? Maybe he was even innocently interested in her? Any way he could have learned of her being stuck outside? Could he be the one who “hooked her up” with the four guys in black- or whoever she ended up leaving with? Perhaps in hopes of seeing her again later?

    If this person set her up with his “friends” outside or a “ride”, he could possibly have first hand knowledge of who was involved. When I first came to BOC, I read that he had some sketchy friends. He could or could not have ever met up with her later. Something could have gone terribly wrong before that took place. Or, maybe he did, and was directly involved. He may have felt the need to admit to seeing her. He may have the need to separate himself from the people who he knows were involved. Any confirmation of his whereabouts directly following the concert? Maybe someone has already posted some of these possibilities, if so- sorry to be redundant, but I haven’t seen all of these questions addressed.

  3. Link5150 says:

    osu says:
    February 26, 2010 at 2:58 pm
    skyler, awesome summary!
    What doesn’t make sense, well, one of the items that don’t make sense is that if, as her friends claim, she told them she would find her own ride home, then why did they wait for her for two hours in the rain? If she told them she would get a ride home (which is totally ridiculous) they would have assumed she was home, safe and sound and warm and would not have wasted their time in the parking lot. So, either Morgan never told them that she would get a ride or they never waited, both don’t fit together.

    Great Point!

  4. J2K says:

    zarpisimo – re: timeframe of the AC GIS orthophotos last year

    z -It’s been too long! Thank you for honing my hunch with a fiscal edge.

    sky – look at you just firing off our query on the orthophotos! About March sounds about right.

    belleboyd – RT was but by a spray of glass pieces from her windshield. (But again, I really don’t think this piece of an MH friend’s history is relevant here.)

    Judi – I urge you to read through all the recent posts, and therein you’ll find your answer. B noted the possibility of a dark tarp obscuring MH’s body when it was hidden in the tree-line; I took that and ran with it, noting a “black tarp” – neither has been confirmed; just speculation on my end and probably educated deduction on B’s end. At the same time, several postes had spotted an unidentifiable un-tree-like shape near the far corner of that pasture (away from where MH was), and were attempting to define what it was (I believe it may have eventually been deemed some sort of deer-shooting/hunting nest).

    Again, helpful to take invest your time in reading through this ever-lengthening thread and catch up, or many newer references can indeed be confusing.

  5. J2K says:

    “RT was *hit* by a spray of windshield glass where the bullet pierced it…”

  6. Slowroller says:

    “A thorough law enforcement review of security videos not only from the Arena but from all nearby businesses equipped with surveillance, Geller says, shows no trace of Morgan.”

    -snipped from—as posted by skyler

    as the article goes on to suggest, perhaps the surveillance system’s coverage of a “back stage”, or rear entrance is not quite as detailed as a general population area would be. I dont know, a band like Metallica has a lot of pull…is it ever requested that security cameras that might capture acts like these in comprimising situations be turned off…images could be sold for profit??

    Q for anyone that can answer…

    was the concert performed on a circular stage that rotated, or did the stage have a true “backside” to it??

  7. cosmo says:

    skyler … nice find. thank you for the clarity.
    Thoughts and Prayers to the Harrington Family and the BOC squad and contributors. it is only a matter of time … this will be solved.

    first concert: Van Halen in the late 80s Austin, Texas

  8. keekee says:

    j2k –

    i am so on your page with the jmu rendezvous spot…especially since morgan’s car was driven back to jmu, not va tech or roanoke. nor did they remain parked in cville (the logical thing to do).

    it is plausible to me that after the concert finished, the group spilled out to morgan’s car and drove directly to jmu party, crashed, and awoke bleary-eyed expecting morgan on a sofa, bed, or floor. when alarms were raised by dr. harrington, they raced back to cville where last they saw her. if they did go back to cville to look for her, they had places in mind to look so i am supposing they may have had knowledge of someone she mentioned either running into or attempting to contact after she was stuck outside

    skyler -

    woot!! sound of music is my very favorite movie and i have watched it umpteen times. i have the soundtrack myself. my husband’s favorite movie is the wizard of oz. our kids tease us both. my wide range of interests in all things music seems limitless and i love hearing new groups. currently, i am enjoying a maryland band called “clutch” and their style is kinda bluegrass southern rock metal prog (progressive). i grew up with the dixie dregs band…one of the first prog rock bands. of course, yes qualifies, too. anyway, it is a pleasure being able to surprise you. also, i love camelot’s soundtrack and hair. when i first heard the soundtrack for hair, it was awesome that my parents let me hear dirty words in the songs. it was very racy for that time. wow, we’ve come a long way, huh?

  9. cosmo says:

    i think we are going to find that there is something bigger going on here … like a few young perps with a few older perps to cover. i think we are going to see that somehow members of Security / EMT / Fire Dept are involved.

  10. ohiomom says:

    I’ve never understood the need for the friends (Sarah and Dan, you say) to immediately get a lawyer. The lawyers and lack of the friends’ statements imploring people to help find Morgan only add to the black cloud over their heads. Plus they managed to hide the identity of Dan for over two months.

    What were they doing during/after the concert that was so bad that they feared telling the police about it? Obviously their parents (who are members or relatives of LE, themselves) engaged lawyers to protect their children from the police, but why? It’s as if the friends are saying, “We’re afraid because we can’t tell you what we were doing, you’ll try to pin Morgan’s disappearance on us. But if we tell you what we were up to, you’ll charge us with __________.”

    What fits in that blank and is so awful that it’s forced the friends into silence? Recently in Northern Virginia some kids have gone to jail for supplying heroin to someone who overdosed. Is one of these concert buddies a heroin supplier? Was Morgan tripping on H when she went outside? Did the friends go to a local party after the show where they made some more sales? Did they think that if Morgan had died, it was from an overdose and they were responsible, not realizing she had recovered from the drug’s effects and was done in by a badguy? Was the explosion in Harrisonburg to scare the s**t out of them and keep them quiet?

    Poor, sweet Morgan. She is surrounded by so many mysteries and the friends are only one of them!

  11. keekee says:

    slowroller –

    skyler can correct me if i am wrong, but when i saw metallica it was big center stage that did not turn, but they had full range of movement to play to every audience section

  12. Nen says:

    IF (not accusing or saying it’s true) someone from security was involved somehow would they have access to any cameras that may have caught images of Morgan? Sorry if it’s been said but there are a lot of posts in here to read through and catch up on so please don’t get too angry if it’s a repeat theory/question.

  13. momoftwo says:

    Christy S says:
    February 26, 2010 at 3:41 pm
    There were two gates into AF on Red Hill rd.

    Could the older gate be from an old right of way? I apologize for not knowing the history of the land parcels. There we go with the history. Maybe some others who have done research could help out. Sometimes gates are put there for right of ways or cattle. Do you have to cross the creek
    I try my best to keep up with everyone. Ok so my first concert was The Monkees Reunion Tour, 1986. LOL Next was Cheap Trick. Keep up the good work for Morgan!

  14. mitchell johnson says:

    First concert was Chicago, at Hershey Pa, on the first gig of their “Choclate Album Tour”. The album looked like a Hershey’s bar, and represented the bands tenth anniversary. Latest show, G Love and Special Sauce! in Lancaster’s Chamelion Club.

  15. redly says:

    I think she told them she was getting a ride and the “home” part has been added on later either through a misstatement or the telephone game on message boards. My guess is they thought she was heading to the Corner bar area where all the undergrads hang out to catch a band or meet someone. They expected to be able to reach her by phone when they got out of metallica, couldn’t, waited around the parking lot for a while and then went home. In the morning, they were probably hoping she just went home with a guy and didn’t want to bust her with her parents right away. I can see all of this easily happening to lots of college kids. It of course turned out terribly, but I can understand these actions.

    On the lawyering up issue. First, I don’t think that has been confirmed (especially with sarah). Second, I don’t have a problem with it even if true (in fact, assuming some of these guys did something irrelevant but wrong like underage drinking, pot smoking or other drug use that night — it would be a little dumb not to get a lawyer to make sure these things didn’t get blown up into a bigger issue). As a lawyer, I help out family members and friends all the time when they get into a little trouble (mostly speeding tickets). It really helps the process to have someone who is a lawyer let the prosecutor know they are there and to ask how they can help. I guess this would be considering lawyering up but I don’t think it has a real negative connotation. By the way, if Dan did lawyer up, that lawyer did a bang up job protecting him.

  16. Just Desserts says:

    Blink, when you say that you wish Gil H. “could write something that does not paralyze me with grief for a day” and “feeling helpless does not help my focus or productivity,” be assured you are speaking for so many of your readers, too. But frankly, it is your keeping this line open, this BOC forum, that rescues all of us from real helplessness and lets us channel our grief (& fears, anger, despair, a whole catalogue of into negative emotion) into (hopefully) productive observation, questioning, reasoning and coming together into community. How you do this—the time, emotion, energy it takes—I can’t fully fathom, but you and your staff earn our humble thanks each day and each long night.

    Sometimes we don’t all share the same sentiments; sometimes agreeing to disagree, yet trying to move forward is the best we can do for a moment. But we aren’t demonizing and we’re not reaching for Glocks to bully our private points of view into wider acceptance. And one can only regret that not everyone buys such rational, respectful, civilized behavior as effective. . . there could be so many fewer cases to discuss on BOC.

  17. anotherB says:

    @ duannahincville February 26, 2010 at 11:43 am

    OK, thanks, that solves the problem. Apologies to J2K.

  18. lizzy says:

    Today a female college student, who we’ve met before, helped my daughter and I at the optical shop. She mentioned that she was headed to Florida for spring break, and that her mother is calling her every day and warning her to be careful, and reminding her of Natalie Holloway, etc.

    I told her more, and about The Gift of Fear. I suggested she tell her mother about the book, and maybe she would buy it for her. She told me that she would get it herself and take it with her and share it with her friends just so her mother wouldn’t worry so much!

    Lizzy, I needed this today. That is awesome.

  19. Word Girl says:

    n va guy…thanks for joining us. Valuable info on the inner tubes. Definitely could have been found by the perp and used in the crime, prompting the FBI call out to bikers.

  20. anotherB says:

    @ Jennifer

    Thanks for that!

    If the cameras are mounted at knee height, does that mean that they capture only about three feet above the ground? I was wondering because there were cameras around the area where the body was found, and it only just occurred to me that they might only have captured bad guy’s trouser legs.

    These very sophisticated hunting lights make sense – never heard of them – but I immediately thought that the bad guy, or bad guys, couldn’t possibly have used car headlights or common flashlights.

    Moving the body was another issue – hunters certainly have experience with these matters. They would know how to do it.

    It is very frightening to even think that there could be more than one person involved. One brutal pervert – yes – but two collaborating? However, it has happened before.

  21. Minnie Penney says:

    I also think the mode of death was stangulation. weapon to trace…

  22. Dan Harrington says:

    Blink, Just wanted you to know that LE confirmed today that they find these posting very helpful. We appreciate all the continued interest and work all of you are doing to help find Morgan’s murderer.

    Thank you Dr. H, I appreciate you reinforcing that to the readers and contributors here.

  23. anotherB says:

    Just a few thoughts on the new evidence in the 2009 orthophotos

    “farmland changes” (Rader) There was a large tree in one corner of the field, and now there is something else, presumably a tree stand.

    “obstacles” (Rader) Talked to someone from LE about the case, and she immediately called fences, creeks etc. obstacles. Seems to be something they learn in their training, they have to simplify. Anyway, these presumed tree cameras are obstacles as well.

    “visits” (Rader) The tracks indicate visits, by someone who had a permission. The bad guy must have been on that field recently as well.

    “the grass grows really well there” (Bass) So the field could have been a good hunting ground.

    “what goes on there” “what is the significance of the field” (Rader) Who hunted there legally or illegally, who accompanied someone who had a permission to hunt.

  24. Word Girl says:

    Skyler, I’m glad you brought up the questions about the friends again. Sometimes I am so enraged at them, esp. SS and AM, but realize they didn’t (and don’t) have a clue. They don’t want to hear that and they want to be indulged for their opinions which have little basis, yet I feel oh, so, understanding that they are trying to grow up and it’s very hard to do.

    Even RT, who had a near-death experience (and doesn’t live it), came here and tried to let us know that we, old fogues, don’t get it. Yeah, well, bullets make blood don’t they? Oh, wait. It was the glass from the bullet landing on the bare leg. The glass made the blood.

    My point is not to belittle or bully. They are not strong enough for that. But please, Friends, speak out about this tragedy. Please use this experience for good. Become an activist for Morgan, if not for yourselves.

  25. Judi says:

    ** Blink ** I have said it before and I’ll say it again (and again and again) you are an absolute angel with a caring soul, soft heart and determined will. You are the voice of the victims who can no longer speak for themselves. You and your team do wonderful work and are a blessing to grieving families just searching for an answer.


    Has LE requested or given any lie detector tests in this case? I think they should give the friends, designated driver, DG, WT and their friends all lie detector tests. The results and if anyone has refused the tests would be quite interesting indeed.

    They will not comment on that I am afraid.

  26. messimamm says:

    Just Desserts:
    re your Feb. 26 6:33pm post- amen to that! You state so well that Blink’s keeping the forum open is just enough to keep us all from completely sinking into that feeling of helplessness. At least with the opportunity to ponder theories and share experiences, we are able to give that tiny drop of assistance to the family. Thank you for your words of encouragement….
    and as always, thank you, Blink.

  27. Gerta says:

    I thought this was worth reposting: Yes…Good Point indeed!

    ” Link5150 says:
    February 26, 2010 at 4:04 pm

    osu says:
    February 26, 2010 at 2:58 pm

    skyler, awesome summary!
    What doesn’t make sense, well, one of the items that don’t make sense is that if, as her friends claim, she told them she would find her own ride home, then why did they wait for her for two hours in the rain? If she told them she would get a ride home (which is totally ridiculous) they would have assumed she was home, safe and sound and warm and would not have wasted their time in the parking lot. So, either Morgan never told them that she would get a ride or they never waited, both don’t fit together.

    Great Point!”

  28. Word Girl says:

    Ah, and speaking of friends,

    I am reminded that only 20 percent of homicides are committed by strangers.
    80 percent of homicides are committed by someone known to the victim, albeit distantly at times.

    In the case of shootings, many criminals have military, fire/ first-responder backgrounds. We also have historical evidence of many coming from the security industry, as I was just reminded by Gavin de Becker.

    I have a sense that the perpetrators–only now am I believing there are two or three–
    are part of this family. One of them, at least, has the direct tie; the others live on the other side of the law, mostly.

    Thanks for listening. This has been brewing all day. More like infusing….

  29. keekee says:

    reading dr. harrington’s message of encouragement has lifted some of my heavy heart and head ache! your time is appreciated. thank you, kind sir. virtual hug from me to you and yours

    everyone is working so hard. i am in awe.

    blink –

    thank you for your down-to-earth advice and style, your savvy and sass (i have been chuckling through some old posts that i never read)

  30. Jennifer says:

    I’ve read a lot said about gates and different access routes onto AF. There are so many ways to access a farm of this size without getting anywhere close to a gate or “mainstream” type of entrance. There are other possibilities here.

  31. Jennifer says:

    redly, I think you are somewhat on track. I believe whomever Morgan caught her ride with was a person she knew, or rather I should say “thought” she knew.

  32. Minnie Penney says:

    ah the friends….. waterboarding anyone…..

  33. jessejane says:

    Are we sure that the friends actually went back to H’burg on the night of 10/17? It’s easier for me to think that they stuck around C’ville, planned perhaps, and then searched for her again the next morning instead of driving all the way back from Hburg to Cville again to look for her…


  34. DTA says:

    I agree with you about the friends. I am not saying they did anything but I think they know something.

  35. jessejane says:

    Or did they drive back to Crozet from the JPJ that night and stay there instead of going over the mountain and to Hburg?

  36. anotherB says:

    @ Jennifer

    Yes, I also believe she was strangled. There was direct manual contact and he watched her die.

    Some time ago, I posted that I believed our bad guy’s background was illegal hunting or burglary. Now I rather believe it was illegal hunting. And I also firmly believe that he must have committed a bizarre and unsettling crime before, which may not have been prosecuted. I wouldn’t be surprised if an ex girlfriend would know about his violent tendencies. Intelligence below average, something happened around the age of 18 or 19, and they moved house to disguise it. He is in his early to mid twenties, and he has a problem with women partying, in particular if they are both pretty and intelligent.

    If there are two people involved, I would guess one guy who has a problem with women and who has a family that protects him, and a friend who specializes in illegal hunting, with a few minor offenses on his criminal record. Neither of them is too bright. One of them killed her, and his friend helped him hide the body.

  37. Jennifer says:

    anotherB – you’re welcome. Cams probably knee to waist max because if you ever look at the pics of the cams, you can always see foxes, raccoons, etc., along with deer, so they have to remain low enough to capture this. They could certainly capture a average height male up to chest height. The lights we coon hunters use look somewhat like what you would think of as a miner’s helmut – has the light on the bump cap. You have also have a cord from that hat to your belt, and a dimmer. Most times, we can walk without even using our lights – it is a sixth sense at night in the woods. Like I said, there is also a little button that will shine a ground light down toward your feet. The dimmer, especially on low beam is not at all like any kind of flashlight. You and I could be in the woods together and you wouldn’t detect me.

    Absolutely, more than one person involved in this crime. One has criminal history – a sexual predator, who is so familiar with that farm, he felt safest to go hide her there, thinking her body would never be found. Someone without a criminal record would most likely have dumped a body in a ditch, side of the road, wherever because they nothing on file with CCRE.

    I believe someone said it wasn’t a person really living close to there because they would be too afraid of getting caught. Sociopaths and psychopaths don’t think rationally like we do, hence, they commit crimes all the time that we look at and always say “how on earth did he think he would get away with that.” You know, they are not of sound mind; therefore, judgment and perception is way, way off.

  38. Jennifer says:

    Minnie Penney – gosh guys, I should have put all this into one, and I’m sorry again, but not only do soft kills leave less evidence, but many that are versed in this area say that these types of sexual predators get a lot of sexual satisfaction out of strangulation.

    And I’d like to reiterate again, for sure the one involved has a criminal history. Mrs. Harrington is so on track by saying that this guy has no graduated to this type of crime (abduction and murder isn’t a first time entry-level crime). Most studies show that once this type of predator graduates to this level, a next victim is soon to be. I am of the opinion that LE has a lot of evidence and is being tight-lipped as they build their case so as to make it ironclad. I believe and pray that arrest is imminent and Morgan’s killer can be brought to justice.

  39. HokieHi says:

    @AnotherB – just my opinion but I really don’t think the hunters who have permission to hunt there would have anything to do with Morgan’s death. If you want to continue coming to the area, why take a chance that the body might be found? I just have a hard time believing someone who enjoyed coming here would risk trying to hide the body in that spot. Again, just my .02.

  40. HokieHi says:

    Hey Blink,
    Has it been confirmed that there are definitely tree cameras on the farm? Or is this just a possibility based on the fact that some hunters use them (I’m sure not all do)? Thanks in advance.

  41. skyler says:

    okay — I think I’m caught up in reading all the new posts from today — but then I had to go put the clothes in the dryer and got back and my system had logged off, so I kept typing in “blink” as my password and couldn’t figure out why the durn thing wouldn’t work — then I forgot everything I had been thinking —

    so, again, if I don’t mention you or your post by name, doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about you or wanted to respond — it’s just gone —

    but from what I do recall …. Judi, thanks — I can’t remember what you posted, but I remember wanting to speak to it, so high five —

    to the posters showing Blink love — high five —

    to the new guy about the bike innertubes — wow, great post — please post more

    dang, I know there’s osmething else — just it’s gone. I will post at 3 AM when I spring from deep sleep and remember then —

    Chad, when I did finally log back in, saw the picture of the woman who shot your friend — hope he is doing well —

    to the one and only J2K — early this AM when I knew what the response had been to my little query as to the time frame of the pictures but read what you deducted last night — I was yet again amazed ! I hope the people you work for understand what they have in you — and seriously, I can never write this book because it’s too much to remember, but I have the story outline and Random house wanted it big time back in 05 — if you want to collaborate, get my email from Blink — you’d make a freaking fortune and I’d get to say: I knew her when …

    but — great point in recalling Rader’s comments about interested in what happened after she left the arena — but — my point in my post, but not articulated as well as you — was that suppose if what happened to her outside, started inside — and at the time he made that statement, he didn’t realize then (or now) they are connected …

    this part is not directed to your post, but just in general …

    Just theoretically speaking … “if” Morgan, w/ the friend’s knowledge and/or money was elected to go out to the parking lot to buy drugs — I’m not condeming her for that or the friends — but if they had talked to someone in the parking lot before going inside — or if they had a local connection thru someone else at either VT or JMU or they were given that phone # or know the person or the type of vehicle they drove — then what happened inside definitely affects what happened outside, and the friends may know who this person is —

    I honestly hope the explosion at JMU was not aimed at the friends as a reminder to keep quiet —

    But what if it were …

    somebody killed Morgan — according to Blink, we don’t want to know how —

    Any information about this person or persons is vital

    certainly the friends do not have to make public statements — in the long run, probably well that they have not –

    but it is my utmost hope that if there is something they have not shared w/ the proper authorities, they will do so — if they do have lawyers, the lawyers can guide them thru that process —

    I worked in the legal field for more years than I want to admit to — if you do the math it doesn’t add up that I’m only 35 — ha — but when all this DNA testing started, it didn’t just have an impact on the criminal justice, but in family matters, as well —

    all of a sudden, people were not the baby daddy and in some cases the baby mamma — women who had claimed to be mothers, were in fact, grandmothers — it was a different world 50 years ago —

    my point is, the anquish all these people felt carrying that secret for all those years — one lady said she spent almost every waking hour terrified the truth would be revealed — her big secret was just that her daughter had conceived a child out of wedlock and she had adopted the child and raised it as her own “for appearances” —

    But as our own dearest Blink says, these things play out when they’re supposed to —

    J, glad to see you posting, which means you survived Old Man Winter visiting your area, and Blink, hope the same w/ you —

    I am turning off this computer and watching the Olympics —

    My best to all —

    Oh, PS — I just got the “is the hole in your roof where they sprinkle in the fish food” —

    (Skyler slapping knee !) Good. One.

    Fish, hope you are well and all the little guppies, too

  42. jessejane says:

    Mitchell, Chicago was my first concert too! Not in Hershey though. Mmm… ~JJ~

  43. Judi says:

    The only person who is responsible for the loss of this beautiful young woman, daughter, sister, friend, beautiful soul is the person(s) who killed her.

    So, if you hold any information that can help lead LE to the evil who did this, and are afraid to tell, I go back to Gil Harrington’s own words when she said NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO BE A HERO!! TO BE MORGAN’S HERO, THE HARRINGTON’S HERO, AND THE HERO OF FUTURE VICTIMS AND THEIR FAMILES THAT SURELY WILL BE IF THIS PERSON(S)IS NOT CAUGHT!!

    In doing so, you will also free yourself. You cannot live the rest of your life with this knowledge, it will eat at you, the guilt of not telling will never leave hold of your soul. The truth will set you free!


    And, if you are still undecided, read some of Gil Harrington’s postings. Look at the pain this family is going through. You can help bring this grieving family the closure that they need.

  44. Loca says:


    Are you a criminal profiler? Whatever your title, you are AWESOME!

    Just curious, have you been personally burnt by a psychic?

    MOO: Don’t believe strangulation = Brutally murdered

    Thank you, no, I have not been “burnt”, but have been approached by many that have solidified my opinion.

  45. Saramom says:

    To Word Girl,

    I have been fussing and fuming and brewing and stewing for weeks. Looked at hunting blogs; looked at blogs which might contain info about recent or past animal cruelty charges; looked at past corruption by LE. Looked at crimes reported since Miss Morgan was found. Looked at everything that my Gemini mind could think of.

    Someone (s) out there knows what happened to Morgan. We have got to keep the pressure on them. I feel that the day Miss M was discovered, someone (s) behavior implicated them to their family and friends. This is not a game!

  46. awa says:

    now that we are back full circle…i would love to know where all of those pre-gamimg in the parking lot went after the concert…. not buying for one second they parted ways and went “back home”….and, i don’t know why i keep thinking of the young girl beaten in nyc or the girl gang raped in california while people just stood by and watched…

    and, blink, could the tarp have been part of a tarp tent?

    i, too, have had my dreams of morgan… though mine were not as sweet as sky’s. they have left me bereft and unsettled. i can not even imagine how those who actually ‘knew’ morgan must feel every second of every day… my prayers continue to be with ALL involved

  47. ode says:

    If OYE is out there and is a friend to Morgan, think about your name…Open Your Eyes…remember Morgan’s mother looking into Morgan’s eyeless skull, her lovely bones….Do you not see the irony, Morgan could not OPEN HER EYES but you can. If I thought my friend was murder or even if I did not know where she was but she could have been murdered….I would be afraid, I would not be out exposing myself to lurking danger by drinking and partying. Were her friends not afraid because they knew what happened. They think they are not in danger because when you know something you have control so you can avoid danger? Just get it over with…tell what you know…it will not be as bad as you think it will be.

  48. TooSlow says:

    Let’s not rule out female perps.

    I was blessed in dating a girl decades ago who took my contact book containing names and addresses of coworkers,friends and family without my knowledge.

    I didn’t realize it was missing until a week later when my female friends (and cousins) began calling me to let me know that they didn’t appreciate me giving out there numbers and addresses.

    Turns out she, and two of her friends, visited and called several of my old female friends and told them not talk to me again “or else”.
    She became rather violent after I tried to end the relationship after this. In the end it turned out well after I got a restraining order. I found out later I wasn’t the first to do so.

    All I’m saying is I can’t imagine what this type of person would do if they truly felt threatened by another person. If they saw their “love” playing nice-nice with someone they were jealous of. Yikes.

    I might need to sleep with my lights on tonight. Great. :)

  49. zeusrocks says:

    Skyler, wonderful summary-I’m am exactly on your page. What you stated is what we know, and it’s hard not to deeply wonder and be deeply disturbed about how this whole evening truly went down. Much info has been hidden or not disclosed about the friends,and whether it’s to protect them from getting in trouble for drugs, or to protect them from the BG’s, is hard to say.

    cosmo says:

    “i think we are going to find that there is something bigger going on here … like a few young perps with a few older perps to cover. i think we are going to see that somehow members of Security / EMT / Fire Dept are involved.”

    *I also think it will be a mix of young and older perps, when everything comes out. Most likely people with backgrounds in Le/ex LE, security, ex military, etc., etc.

    I think there is a really good chance that the friends blamed themselves at the beginning for either sending her out to buy drugs for all of them, or giving her some type of drug that they thought led to her death in some way. How they feel now is hard to say, since we don’t hear about them in any way, shape or form.

    *I still have a really hard time with the seeming lack of concern in earlier statements of some of the friends and video footage of SS though. I can’t get the nonchalant, oh, I wish it had worked out differently though, kind of statement , out of my head! That is a lalala, happy days type of statement about something like; missing out on going for a milkshake! That’s how you would finish a sentence like: “My friend was going to stay at my place for a sleepover but couldn’t, I wish it had worked out differently!” Not: “My friend has seemed to disappear into thin air and is most likely dead, I wish it had worked out differently!”" (my made up quotes, of course!)

  50. justiceformorgan says:

    I wonder if the bg “left behind” a shell casing? Is there anyone with a knowledge of guns/bullets that can comment? I don’t have a clue about those things – for instance, do all bullets leave behind a shell casing, etc? If so, and if a gun was used, perhaps this would make sense as the thing “left behind”. DNA makes sense as something that was “left behind” as well.

    Does anyone think the necklace was taken as a trophy?

    KeeKee – I’m confused…you mentioned, “when alarms were raised by dr. harrington, they raced back to cville where last they saw her”. Wouldn’t her friends have last seen her inside the arena? Or, do you, like many others, believe she did not make it to the arena that night?

    Re; the gate – I sure hope LE searched for fingerprints, DNA, etc near and on all possible points of entry. Even in the woods, if the BG was going through them, branches may have caught the BG’s hair or clothing leaving evidence behind.

    With respect to something a cyclist may drop or leave behind and not be able to find in the dark – the cap that covers the air intake valve on a tire. I don’t know if “air intake valve” is the correct term but you all know what I mean ;)

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