Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. moon says:

    Blink, you don’t have to post this…this is going to very long, but I just wanted to share.

    This post might be a bit of a departure from the current dialogue here, but I feel compelled to share something I was curious about.

    Reading the posts of who the perps could be, or rather, what they could be like, I decided to research what a sociopath is. I thought it might be interesting to post some information I found – it might be especially helpful for the people in the north garden area that it seems the police are reaching out to. It might help people reflect on people they know, people’s behaviors they are frustrated with, etc, and/or validate confusing feelings about loved ones.

    Here is a link to an excerpt from a book written by Martha Stout called “The Sociopath Next Door: The Ruthless vs. the Rest of Us”:

    Also, there’s a little test you can take on “How to Spot a Sociopath”.

    (Extracted from an article by Robert Matthews in the Sunday Telegraph Review, May 4th 1997)

    While such personality disorders as psychopathy, paranoia and obsession/compulsion all have strictly defined criteria, psychiatrists are still struggling to decide precisely what constitutes a socialised psychopath.

    One of the more obvious characteristics of socialised psychopaths is that they give the impression of talking “at” you. Prof Jeremy Coid describes it as like being regarded as a cardboard cut-out. “Even in a sexual relationship with them, you are still just an object for their personal gratification,” he says.

    The following questionnaire is based on research and experiences of socialised psychopaths. For each trait, decide if it applies to the person you suspect may be a socialised psychopath, fully (2 points), partially (1 point) or not at all (0 points).

    1. Do they have problems sustaining stable relationships, personally and in business?

    2. Do they frequently manipulate others to achieve selfish goals, with no consideration of the effects on those manipulated?

    3. Are they cavalier about the truth, and capable of telling lies to your face?

    4. Do they have an air of self-importance, regardless of their true standing in society?

    5. Have they no apparent sense of remorse, shame or guilt?

    6. Is their charm superficial, and capable of being switched on to suit immediate ends?

    7. Are they easily bored and demand constant stimulation?

    8. Are their displays of human emotion unconvincing?

    9. Do they enjoy taking risks, and acting on reckless impulse?

    10. Are they quick to blame others for their mistakes?

    11. As teenagers, did they resent authority, play truant and/or steal?

    12. Do they have no qualms about sponging off others?

    13. Are they quick to lose their temper?

    14. Are they sexually promiscuous?

    15. Do they have a belligerent, bullying manner?

    16. Are they unrealistic about their long-term aims?

    17. Do they lack any ability to empathise with others?

    18. Would you regard them as essentially irresponsible?

    Well, that’s all I really wanted to contribute. My heart is always going out to the Harringtons. I wish I could say something more poignant.

  2. moon says:

    I have posting remorse…maybe I’m being captain obvious.

  3. anotherB says:

    @ HokieHi February 26, 2010 at 8:35 pm

    I agree. If would be monumentally stupid to hide a body in your own legitimate hunting ground. I believe, the bad guy, or one of the bad guys, accompanied one of the hunters who had a permission, or alternatively, he did his illegal hunting there.

    He wasn’t, however, bright enough to understand that it would be possible to identify him *because he has been there before*.

    He knew where the cameras were, or that the cameras were no danger to him. He knew the field, he knew how to access it and he knew where the tree stands were. He placed her in a blind spot. And if this is in fact a new tree stand in the P3 area of the grid, and I am inclined to believe that it is, he knew it had been installed over the past two years.

  4. suz says:

    Do we believe what the police say, or is there a reason NOT to believe what they say?

    “A recent call for bicyclists who ride in the area where the body was discovered to contact authorities was instituted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as part of a blanket call for information and not in response to any specific intelligence, Geller said.”

  5. suz says:

    Remind me, why do we need more than one perp? Entry to the farm looks pretty easy through a back (or front) gate by many kinds of vehicles, so what’s the stumbling block to the loner weirdo picking her up hitch hiking and then doing something horrible that ends in her death? Is it because we think she only would have gotten into a car with people she knew, or more than one person because it seemed safer, or…what exactly?

    If we believe she was acting irrationally when she left JPJ, I don’t know that it makes sense to suddenly have her making clear decisions when it comes to hitching a ride. (IF that’s what happened….)

  6. Kim says:

    “HokieHi says: February 26, 2010 at 8:35 pm
    @AnotherB – just my opinion but I really don’t think the hunters who have permission to hunt there would have anything to do with Morgan’s death.”

    When I read AnotherB’s post it made me jump to the supposition that maybe it’s an acquaintance (who was it that posted about maybe a hunter w/ privileges takes someone to hunt there, then they take someone and so on…). It may not be an avid/honest hunter. But someone somehow connected, even marginally.

    But it may point to someone w/ hunting knowledge (thank you Jennifer for the personal experiences – lovely!!) but not specifically on this property. Someone that was NOT allowed to hunt here? Not allowed in this unofficial club? Anti-social, harboring resentment at what he thinks he deserves and is denied to him?

    btw, do you know you can right click on misspelled words in the ‘leave a comment’ box and have suggestions pop up? Man, I thought I was the queen or right-click. I didn’t know about that! :)

  7. Christy S says:

    I found this website for cyclists:

    One of the routes is on Red Hill. I’m just now starting to look at details but I’m under the impression that a race called Jefferson Cup road race goes through Red Hill rd as well. I haven’t figured out yet which part of RH.
    There are videos of this course on Youtube so if it’s on the AF side all of you not local will be able to see the road:

    If this has been posted already please ignore!

  8. justiceformorgan says:

    I’d also like to add to Judi’s post that there is also a reward of $150,000 being offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for Morgan’s disappearance.

    If fear is preventing someone from providing information to LE, I am sure LE will be more than happy to provide protection to the person reporting the information in the form of police protection and/or temporary relocation to a place of that person’s choice.

    If “love” is preventing someone from providing information to LE, please love yourself first. The rest of your life will be shaped by how you feel about yourself; the decisions you have made and the actions you have taken. Don’t let someone else rob you of your ability to love yourself.

  9. Ky says:

    I have been hooked on your site. I want to say thank you for all you do in trying to solve this case, as others cases also. This hits very close to home for me and although I never knew Morgan, I feel like I did. I started following her family’s blog online and then I came across your site and I just got sucked in. I hope and pray this case is close to being solved. It’s so erie and the way certain people are connected to each other blows my mind.
    I’ve been racking my brain on how her boots and necklace dissapeared. It just seems odd to me that her bracelet was left behind but not the necklace. I can understand the phone and camera as that would be very hard evidence but the other I just don’t understand. The only thing I can think of is she may have kicked her attackers and they/he was afraid of them having DNA on them so they were disposed of?
    I read a comment about maybe an ex BF maybe giving her the necklance and he wanted it back…but then not too long ago I saw a comment where you didn’t think he was involved at all.
    In your opinion, do you still think WT, EH, MH are involved? I understand if you can’t answer.
    Also do you still think the HH was a ploy to throw everyone off track? And do you not think the newspaper carrier’s story was accurate about seeing her at 3:45am?
    Every time I get on this site or online to look at the news, I hope there is a huge break in the case. I really hope this gets solved soon.

  10. alexandra says:

    I remember LE stating that there are no known pictures of Morgan on October 17, 2009. Everyone in the arena had a camera or cell phone, taking pictures. Security cameras on all the doors at JPJ arena and yet, not a single photograph of Morgan. How can that be? Is it just coincidence?

  11. Christy S says:

    The race last year was on the other side of RH :(
    Really good videos though.

  12. Just Desserts says:

    Some quick responses to comments/questions aimed my way:

    –for Eloise (2/26 @12:53 AM)—Thanks for your info about a possible barn/painter’s studio as the structure that disappeared from Anchorage Farm between 2002-2007. I couldn’t find any mention of it on Nancy K. Bass’s artist website, so whether it was a small house or barn, I still don’t know; the aerial view from 2007 may show a suggestion of a previous foundation where the structure had been, but what looked like a fence/enclosure around it seems to have vanished. Maybe someone more local to Red Hill would know???

    –for Fish (2/26 @ 1:13 AM)—There were lots of good people at that search, but I’d have enjoyed meeting you! It’s even possible that I did— the first 2 days I was assigned to be the “Walmart greeter,” steering folks from the front door to where they needed to go. It was right out there that SS and her unsub scolder [still wonder who she was; SS treated her with a degree of sulky acquiescence] had the tete-a-tete that I witnessed. At the time, I didn’t know who this balky girl was, just thought it weird that she had come and then wanted to renege; it wasn’t till I saw her interview on TV that the lightbulb came on.

    –for Skyler—I’ve meant for a while to thank you for all your inspirations and artistry on the “BOC rock” for the Copeley Bridge memorial for Morgan. Often a picture—or a message-minded rock—says more than a thousand words could  Further props just for being you and so openly sharing your humor as well as your pain; loved your anecdote (1:23 PM today) about subjecting your captive audience—poor boy!—to The Sound of Music as you drove! Hadn’t some of us fantasized about leaving POIs in interview rooms with such sound tracks playing until they’d crack? Tip ‘o the Goblet to your son, the guinea pig!—looks like it might really work ;-) And “Word!” to many points you made in your 2-part comment (today, 12:45 PM) about the “friends” at JPJ with Morgan, the hinky aspects of their story, the recognition that whatever “Morgan said” we have only secondhand from SS, and the likely future effects on them if they haven’t told “the black heart’s truth” about any angle that might help to resolve this case in justice not only for Morgan, but for all who would like to live free and listen and dance without fear.

    –for keekee (2/26 @ 9:27 AM)—I appreciate your observations about metal concert goers and can see where lots of letting your endorphins run could furnish an outlet for emotions that, if bottled up, might sour from enthusiasms into tensions or aggressions. And I’m with you, I think, in believing that the metalhead frontin’ a spiked dog collar and six pounds of chains might be more living theatre and actually less dangerous than the “good ol’ homeboy” who may not look the part, but likes the music because it revs him up and takes the brakes off and tells his inner demons they’re not so weirdly wrong after all. I guess my point would be that heavy metal lyrics aren’t just tasteless cheese food; for whoever’s paying mind to them, they’re nutrition for attitudes that hold so much in contempt, excepting that individual’s desires. If that doesn’t define “sociopathic,” it comes uncomfortingly close. Am I saying, abolish mosh pits and censor songs? No; if anyone should celebrate freedom of speech, that’s me. But don’t think all music is benign—look at what “The hills are alive. . .” does to Skyler’s son ;-) – and don’t let your kids grow up to be headbangers without taking a mosh pit tour yourself. I’m sure you have enviable “street cred” with your kids (and with me); more parents should. What you say about kids unnurtured in early childhood being greased for a life of crimes. . . so clear! (If you want a frightening, and tautly composed, story in that vein, lay hands on a copy of Gail Godwin’s first novel, The Perfectionists. Long before the Reactive Attachment Disorder [RAD] label got to be so widely applied, Godwin draws it right to life.)

    I’m about the farthest thing from a J. Edgar Hoover groupie, but earlier I shared (right?) one surprising quote attributed to him– “The cure for crime is not the electric chair, but the high chair”– and now I bookend that one with another: “No amount of law enforcement can solve a problem that goes back to the family.”

    Oh, one last thing, keekee—your idea (2/26 @ 4:28 PM) of a JMU party as the post-Metallica plan for Morgan & friends makes too much sense to ignore. Wonder if someone around Harrisonburg knows if there’s a “local events” paper and, if so, might scope out what was going on in H’burg’s club scene last Oct. 17th?

  13. Observer says:

    TO Chad, re: trial or plea bargain: Depending upon many factors, the BG when arrested and charged–and he will be–may attempt to plead this one out at the advice of his defense attorney.

    In many cases I understand the reasoning for a plea bargain from both the prosecution and defense perspectives; however, I’m not a fan of plea bargains and for reasons purely and admittedly emotional I sincerely hope this case goes to trial. Having said that, I fear for reasons that may not happen in this instance.

    TO redly: I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on this, as well. Please weigh in, if possible. TIA.

    [Note: In speaking above I’m not trying to put the proverbial cart before the horse, i.e., discussion of the prosecutorial process prior to even an arrest, arraignment, or indictment. I simply feel certain that all these things will come to pass. Perhaps not nearly as soon as any of us--including LE--would like, but they will happen.]

    Someone in a much earlier post said it well: What happens in the dark will always come to light. [I'm a firm believer in that wisdom. To believe otherwise--especially in a case as horrific as Morgan's--well, I simply cannot go there.]

    In response to your question of a POI, I believe LE has one in their cross-hairs. I also believe–no, I know–that they continue to work diligently to secure this case, as does CA Denise Lunsford. They do not want it–or, the BG–to slip through their fingers for any reason. LE wants this guy, badly. And they will not rest until they have him.

    RE: Katestro, 2/26, 8:29am: You’re correct, i.e., I do not believe that the BG is a serial killer, nor do I believe he is a serial rapist. That is not–emphasis on “not”–to say that the BG does not have at least some history of violence, particularly violence against women. Whether he has a criminal history obviously remains to be seen. [Sadly, there are many violent offenders out there who, for many reasons, do not.] Among several other things, this BG exhibits low impulse control. But do I think this BG is a serial murderer or rapist? No.

    RE: Morgan’s bracelet: As Dr. Harrington pointed-out in his later post, the bracelet is silver, not silver plate. [Thank you, Dr. Harrington, for the clarification. On an unrelated note: Out of deference to your family’s most personal journey in grief and healing, I have not directed any comments to you earlier but did want to say that the grace and wisdom that you and Gil have exhibited is no less than extraordinary. I remain in awe of your strength of spirit. My heart remains, as always, with you, Gil, Alex, and dear, sweet Morgan, as she reminds so of my beloved god-daughter.]

  14. ((( JUST DESSERTS ))) Look on the 2002 ortophoto map. It shows the removed house clearly, landscaping, scrubs, and parking. It looks like a house to me. If it was, who lived there?

  15. Amanda850 says:

    Moon – I for one very much appreciated your post listing the survey questions for recognizing a sociopath, and I am sure others did too. It is very helpful for those of us not in that field of study. I used to be 80% sure about someone I know, but now I am 110% sure. Thanks!

  16. HokieHi says:

    @Kim and AnotherB – I agree that the person probably has some hunting background and is used to traversing this type of terrain. I struggle believing the BG is a person who regularly used the area. Even a guest would be taking a big chance hiding a body on the same land that they had been invited to hunt on. And my personal opinion is that even the “illegal” hunters wouldn’t want to risk it. I think if they know the farm well enough, then it means they have been hunting it for a while and they must like hunting there to keep coming back.

    I’ve also read different opinions on why this location. Could it be to send a message, due to withdrawal of land from the conservation trust, a frame up, etc? I guess these ideas could be plausible but something just doesn’t sit right with me. It’s hard for me to believe that after murdering someone in cold blood, the immediate reaction would be to switch your thinking to setting up Mr. Bass or EMH or anyone else by planting the body. The only scenario where “sending a message” makes any sense to me is if indeed AF is the primary crime scene and MH was assassinated in that field. But then Morgan becomes a pawn and just a means to something bigger to the perp. Not sure I can wrap my head around that.

  17. keekee says:

    just desserts -

    i am feelin ya, for sure. words are not benign…i totally agree. so right on the money about no amount of criminal prosecution enough to cure the dysfunctional family. i dare say prison environment usually increases that dysfunction, exacerbating the vicious cycle.

    it’s interesting to see the cultures that the disenfranchised are drawn to. we see so many troubled teens, often lacking that essential early childhood attachment, seeking their substitute family elsewhere. yes, you are so right…these are the ones that dissect the lyrics of songs and feel they are the recipient of some secret sick but “caring” message. the same thing happens with gang recruiting, neo-nazis, cults, terrorist groups, etc etc. these poor kids are ripe for the taking and with the proper grooming and subliminal messages (downright propaganda), they leap from one dysfunctional family into the flames of another even more twisted. then there are those fundamental religious groups who insist it is what a higher being has instructed them to do…

    i trained to be a juvenile delinquent probation officer, tho i ended up with the fda in research for 10 years…but over the last 23 years, i grew 2 kids and adopted 2 (1 international and 1 domestic) and we’ve had a couple of teenagers from abusive homes live with us temporarily while they got on their feet. it is a scary world to navigate without good tools…well, hey, it’s a damn scary world with good tools! growing up with one alcoholic parent (now sober for 21 years), i was so p.o.’d as the oldest kid of 4 that i sought out therapy when i was 18 (secretly cause we were supposed to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps dontcha know). lightbulb moment was hearing that i was entitled to be pissed, but i could choose not to be and learn some better coping skills elsewhere with no family betrayal. then it was pointed out to me about the abusive childhood my parent endured. that forever changed my outlook and i could move forward and take responsibility for my own life. no blame. most parents do the very best they can with whatever they have at hand.

    a very important and wise person in my life has said that if you help save the life of one person, you help save the world.

    blink and the blinkers here who give and give and give some more are helping to save the world

    thank you guys!

  18. Catch says:

    To Observer… February 27, 2010 at 12:00 am Re: Plea Bargaining
    Thank you for helping us prepare for various legal possibilities. Being aware of these possibilities will help keep us from feeling ‘undermined’ if a plea-bargain should materialize.

    RE: Debbie Baxter says:
    February 27, 2010 at 12:21 am
    ((( JUST DESSERTS ))) Look on the 2002 ortophoto map. It shows the removed house clearly, landscaping, scrubs, and parking. It looks like a house to me. If it was, who lived there?

    I wonder who did the work taking that building down? Someone local..? This may have happened in the “3-5 year’s ago” time period LE has mentioned.

    So much is coming to light via the current research and creative thinking that is happening here now. The more we turn things over in our minds and here on BOC, the better help we are to LE in bringing those responsible to justice. Thanks to all.

  19. keekee says:

    hey moon -

    i’m wondering if i’m gonna have “post remorse” in the morning

    great line! i love it. your post was great by the way.

    g’nite all

  20. Ragdoll says:

    Well, I’m gonna put my 2 cents in even if it’s only worth as much.

    I’m with tooslow (previous page) that there could very well be a female perp too. I was weighing in on a love triangle or a jealous acquaintance of Morgan’s. Morgan was strikingly beautiful and stood out among her friends. You just gravitate towards her in group pics.

    Regarding OYE, could this be a protective mother of a friend or acquaintance of Morgan’s? I’m thinking along the lines of the ‘Texas Cheerleading’ mom. I don’t believe OYE is a suspect but I believe she felt Morgan could have been a threat (competitively speaking where a daugther is concerned). Daughter confides in mom about Morgan being in the way. Mom feels a need to out Morgan’s alleged reputation as being a b/f stealer (I am not quoting anyone…I’m paraphrasing many comments into a thought).

  21. Ragdoll says:

    Also, if drugs were used to ‘subdue’ Morgan, this does not rule out WT, IMO. Does he have access to drugs? Does he have a hunting background?

  22. justiceformorgan says:

    Re; comment above about why the necklace would be missing and the bracelet not (sorry, I forget who posted that comment)

    Maybe the BG was not interested in taking any jewelry, and;

    1. the necklace was broken and lost prior to Morgan coming in contact with the BG, or
    2. the necklace was broken and lost during a struggle with the BG, or
    3. Morgan removed and dropped the necklace after being abducted to leave a clue as to where she had been taken or where she was being taken…or perhaps she left the necklace somewhere in the vehicle she was being transported in, etc.

    If the necklace WAS taken by the BG, possibly the bracelet was not taken because the BG felt the necklace was a more “personal” piece of jewelry, being around her neck rather than around her wrist, and, as a result, favored the necklace.

  23. John says:

    I think it is very strange that Nancy K. Bass, artist wife of David Bass, did not find Morgan, or notice anything different about the field where Morgan was found. David said he was checking on his cows which were out to pasture there, and he wanted to see if all the calves were warm. Since most of Nancy Bass subject matter was cows, and she liked to paint them individually, and out in her field, you could conclude that she spent much time out communicating with her cattle.
    She would have to follow them where they grazed, to set up a dialogue with them (her words) She would, in my opinion know every inch of that field. How could she be in that field without noticing the obvious? (trying to be delicate here)
    And, if that is, in fact not where she painted her cows, why did David Bass say he was checking the cows in that field?


    Why are you bent on the Bass’s?

  24. Just Desserts says:

    Hey Chad, in a post in last night’s wee hours (2/26 @1:52 AM) you chided me (“Chad-ed” me?) good-humoredly about my dropping in the story of Ramona T’s close encounter with a bullet in 08/08:
    “C’mon desserts, you can’t put something out there like that and expect
    us all to know this.”

    Fair enough, Chad. In fact, I had meant to post a link to the story (and brief video) right after my line, “Did the Roanoke police convince her that it was only a stray?”. . .
    . . . but somehow forgot to put it in and then, on getting to the end of my post and finding it overlong, was too abashed to cast back and ask “did I leave anything out?” (Well, yeah, the Book of Job and “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” not much else.)

    Anyway, I hope that link comes along this time and anyone who’s interested in the event or in elusive Ramona will take a look at it. (I know that J2K excerpted that article in responding today to what I’d said, but she left out a point or two that may weigh in your decision, was that bullet aimed, or stray?)

    Chad, you went on to say, “. . .if this is indeed a true incident (not saying that ‘stray bullets don’t ever happen to just miss someone’s head”), [it] could very well support the theory that there may have been. . .a nefarious drug, or other unknown violent connection. . . indirectly, or directly with Morgan and/or her friends.” In this conclusion, you were picking up what I was laying down—not that it spells out the who, or what, or how of connection between Morgan’s circle and a set of unknown, but sometimes violent others. The music world that Morgan and the “friends” frequented isn’t static or locally self-contained; some of the same names keep turning up in all kinds of settings, clearly roving around to many events or connected to multiple bands, promoters, etc. Trying to get an organized view of the personas in that world Keekee once aptly likened to trying to get a handle on “a morphing ball of mercury.” One would have to be Pollyanna to think that drugs aren’t fixtures in that world, and it’s no revelation that where you find illegal drugs, you’ll probably find violence. Inhabit that world, violence may find you.

    This is not to say, Q.E.D., that drug-related violence took Morgan’s life, or that it aimed to take Ramona’s. (Wouldn’t you love to hear HER take on that?) Or that there is any direct linkage between those two events, though why would you dismiss it out of hand? True, a year and two months elapsed between the incident with Ramona and Morgan’s abduction/murder. But did the cast of characters in their lives change utterly in the meantime? We don’t know who fired the bullet that went through Ramona’s windshield at 2 AM on a Sunday morning and lodged at head level in the frame of the driver’s side door. You’ll see the news report leaves unclear whether the alleged “shots fired on Marr St.” came at the same time as the bullet hit the car. We learn it was the police who suggested that the bullet might be a stray (implying connection to the Marr St. shots, yet not only declining to link the events conclusively, but then quite strangely digging the bullet out of the car and casually turning it over to Ramona). <[Belleboyd, IMO you’re right to ask, “What the heck’s up with that?” “No harm, no foul”?? Or was it, “Hey, girlie, it’s 2AM, you weren’t hangin’ at the mall; you were lucky this time, but get yourself home to bed.”] That area, right next to Roanoke’s biggest mall and a bunch of interstate hotels with the lounges and music acts they bring, is not “high crime” and is far from ghetto; it’s tight packed working-class houses with apartment buildings sprinkled in. But several days later, when the story was filed, there’d been no arrests “in either [???] shooting incident” and presumably, with the evidence of the bullet simply handed over to Ramona, no real investigation there.

    So, once again, speculation’s left at center stage. I brought the shooting incident to the board’s attention because I won’t be surprised if, once arrests and trials have been made, the floating musical party scene will have supplied not only a BG to murder Morgan, but possibly a “drug ring” in which surprising figures may be involved. That’s speculation, though it might help explain the drawn out LE investigation. What seems almost necessary, anyway, unless you’re determined that Morgan was grabbed up at random by a total stranger, is a closer look at particulars of that musical scene in which Morgan and her friends were involved, and an overdue inquiry into the nature of that friendship—what (beyond “auld lang syne”) bound them together, what may have pulled them apart.

    Sorry; it seems I’ve bent your ears again. ‘Night, all ;-)

  25. fish says:

    “Just Desserts says:
    February 26, 2010 at 11:54 pm”

    I understand now. I know that I met you. I was told what table to go to by a “Walmart greeter”! I came in wearing Dansko clogs and a black shirt. My hair twisted up and yes, embarrassed to admit it, lipgloss. (if you remember me, do you remember the team leaders, nearby? y, n)
    If you all can believe this but there was a few times in the food area, that I was asked if I was related to Morgan. Not to be sounding like a nutjob. I assure you, I am not. (BTW, My mom always said be careful of those types that say this!) Please, I pray no one thinks that, though.
    My husband and my sister, sometimes can see a resemblance but I am much older and nowhere near as pretty. But, if you look at the photo of Morgan in the black top with arms crossed you could think she could be my daughter. I had seen the photos of her when I went to that search. But, I never saw any resemblence. Just saw a blip on the tv and something moved me. Shook me to my core! I did not know her or her family. I did not care where she was or what she was doing or what she did…I only wanted her to be back with her family. This is an important statement that we all keep making, we have that in common. And, that is why when I started seeing Morgan’s friends that I thought WHEW! They are here and then well, I thought something else.
    She did not act like my sister’s friends. But, what do I know.
    Leave her alone, I guess.
    Thought bubble above my head (???????????????)

    My feeling of loss overwhelmed me.
    Mrs. Harrington’s posts overwhelms me!

    My sister lays in a box but now I have peace that my mother, her mother is next to her. How wonderful is that! Even though at times I am selfish and wish her back for her grandchildren. Wish her back for her child. Every kid need a gramma! (yes, I know they are not in their bodies, don’t worry. Remember, I’m the one with therapy and faith!)

    But, like I said when I told you about taking my own daughter back… She wanted to leave, she was scared. How could I do this to her? Was it because of the pain of my mother and of my sister-in-law’s mother, Mrs. Harrington’s pain on her face? Yes, and my absolute fear of never, ever wanting to know that same pain. I pray not. Not ever!

    (It is that fear that I wish “his mother” would stand up and set it right. Make it right. I know she will have pain too but it is what is needed. For her sanity. He will come across another rainy, cold damp night of not getting what he wanted. And, mom will fold under the pressure. She will age beyond her years. It is going to be sad and pathetic existence. I really believe this!)

    But, my little fish had never seen something like that. She only knows what her mother and our families have gone through. She was too little to remember the situations but does remember faces. She wailed, those years ago, like a wail you have never heard. My little girl. Talk about pain. She wanted Mrs. Harrington to have her daughter back. Wanted her to have peace and kindness. Don’t know why she said peace and kindness. Just her way of dealing, I guess. Or it was me tramatizing her back and forth from the burg to cville.

    I wish that I could reach out and tell them it all will be ok but see it never is. Yes, you have good days, weeks, months and well, there are those days that make you heave and cry. It just hurts, really hurts. The Harringtons’ hurt!

    I am so glad and proud to be a part of all that we are and that we are here for them, in pain, agony, confusion, speculation, and humor. I know that I would be in a different place in my life if you all were there for us during our most difficult days.

    What a lady this Blink is! What an amazing team she has!

    I hope that we can pass on some sort of information that may lead LE somewhere. VSP!! Throw us something!! Anything!! We will take it and run it down like rabid fish!!! No joke. If I knew anything I would be the first one calling! Without a doubt! Somebody should be calling. Where is North Garden? Anybody? Hello? Anybody?

    p.s. blink, can i tell people that i’m on your team? i don’t even care if i’m picked first, last, never or you want me to carry a water bottle! (this is a attempt at humor people)

    lol. lol

  26. fish says:

    “I believe the aerial with the tents in the different spot was taken the day after Morgan was found and they were searching the farm in different locations.B”

    *Could there have been a another possible site that they had dropped her at? Hence, looking for evidence. I would like to know if they have a different primary crime scene other than the one where she was found. Also, B, could zipties, bungee, beer/water can/bottle, have been found layin’ roadside, at bridge-crossing? Another thing, are you still believeing that he was accounted for by 11:00ish?

    “keekee says:
    February 26, 2010 at 7:21 am
    fish, what do you think of the female element of involvement in the crime? or even blink…are any girlfriends involved? er, of the bgs”

    keekee: don’t really know for sure. But, I only have my opinion and yes, if I can say this…there are some badass girlfriends and friends that are girls. Maybe they know, suspect or were on the receiving end of a gift. ie necklace or even camera! Just my opinion, though. Blink may know more or suspect more. I’m interested if Morgan had been, (I’m apologize, all) tortured in someway? Bound and gagged? Brutally! Ask a family member their definition, see what they say their def. is. It will shock you.

    and, keekee. it is called being a cyber bully!

    “belleboyd says:
    February 26, 2010 at 1:57 pm
    Another thing, in regards to the RT stray bullet video. Why would LE give RT the spent bullet in a plastic bag? I would think they would save it and use it for future reference and evidence.”

    “fish says”"
    Good question!
    What department gives a bullet back? Heck, you can’t even have one if it is taken out of your own body even if a gunshot was accidential. I’m gonna have to read this story this weekend. Also, windshield glass does not shatter, it just pops into little glass cubes. Kinda like diamonds. I have ones that were taken out of a dear one’s head, chest, stomach, thighs and arms. Barely any site had bled, few on head. It was strange.
    I’ll hold judgement on the bleeding leg thing. She may have been. What a horrible and scary experience to go through.
    J2K, you’re right. nothing to do with Morgan’s case.

    Observer: Would that be a Charlottesville-based Defense Attorney? A guess, maybe?

    Just Desserts: This I can do! (H’burg’s club scene last Oct. 17th?) and JD, you do know that “THE BURG” is the number one party school in Va, don’t cha?

    To all: I’m thinking that there has been a few days of missed work for someone? Anybody on board?

  27. fish says:

    yikes, just looked at posts. why am i always comin’ on when ya’ll goin’ off? in the famous words of Blink, herself…

    REST, fish, REST

  28. justiceformorgan says:

    I may be naive about this but I believe Morgan’s friends have told the Harringtons and LE everything they know and have been told by LE not to speak to others about what they know in order to maintain the integrity of the investigation.

    Stories about the case have appeared in People magazine, in other magazines and newspapers and on numerous talk/news shows. The public interest is huge and you can bet the friends have been offered substantial sums of money by several magazines and news shows to talk. And, they have not.

    I may be wrong, but, when all the facts do come out, I do believe their silence will be understood. I think we should give the friends the benefit of the doubt until all is known.

  29. pdx says:

    First post, but have been following Morgan’s case here since the beginning. Just wanted to say ‘Thanks’ to Moon for the info on sociopaths.
    I would think someone would have to be sociopathic to murder someone the way Morgan was probably killed – that is, not accidentally. They are master liars and manipulators, losing no sleep over things that would torment others.
    A big clue is their lack of empathy or caring about anyone else. Its something any family member or friend would recognize, even if they don’t understand why the person is that way.
    My ex scored a ’31′ on that quiz, but it took me years to finally figure him out. They are lacking a soul.
    I don’t have anything to add to all the great sleuthing done on BOC, but really appreciate the good work you are all doing. I truly hope LE is close to an arrest.

  30. Diana H. says:

    First post…

    Blink you are wonderful for hosting this site. Have been following the Morgan discussion for months now.

    Became intrigued when I saw a particular astrological configuration on the night that Morgan disappeared. (I don’t do charts for others or for money. Only do them for my little family.) Became hooked by you blinkers and the vast knowledge here.

    Have stayed for the unparalled brainstorming that takes place here at BOC. Thank you all so much for being so generous with your ideas!

    Just wanted to get brave and jump in here. For Morgan — my first concert was Bob Dylan. I’m a Cancer.


    Like so many others have said, I could have been Morgan all those years ago. God love her. J4M, 2-4-1, <3

  31. Kim says:

    moon: that was a great post about sociopaths.That will speak to someone.

    On my mind at 5am: going with the ‘spurned hunter’ line…. a local would know who ‘that guy’ is that no one wants to hunt with, that shows disregard or carelessness with life. Who you do not want to be out in the woods alone with a gun. Would they be aware of the property lines, are they that obvious? Maybe placed her on Farmer Bass’ property cause Blandemar has $$ and may try to find out more if the body was found? Or, “look, I hunted on your precious land”, ruining it for everyone. On the other end of the spectrum, BG knew this was a ‘safe’ spot. That could explain why didn’t he take her bracelet. O was he in a hurry? Surely it would identify her. Another mistake?

    “TooSlow says: February 26, 2010 at 9:46 pm: Let’s not rule out female perps. ”

    I’m all for that this was male BG’s, but yes, girls can be vicious, vindictive, and horribly physically violent. Especially when it comes to jealousy. Oh boy. That would explain more than if it were a male. Even if not physically involved, maybe a girlfriend told someone misinformation that eventually led to Morgan’s death. Hence the silence.

  32. suz says:

    Here’s my line of thinking. Morgan either leaves the concert because she is acting irrationally, or because she already had plans to meet someone. I rule out the latter because through computer and phone forensics, LE would have already ID’d the person wayyyy back in Oct. and we’d have a suspect right now if not an arrest. Official statements say she was acting irrationally, the fact that she left the stadium rather suddenly before the concert doesn’t make rational sense, ergo: she left for some irrational reason.

    She tells her friends she would find a way home. She is thought to have been seen HH on the bridge, the dogs hit on her scent on the bridge, the Harringtons have created a memorial there, and LE has never disabused us of the notion that she was indeed there, so I am going to say as much as we don’t want Morgan to HH, and perhaps it is only since she wasn’t acting rationally, she HH and has the incredibly bad luck or fate to get picked up by a somewhat older loner weirdo local who is probably under the influence of something himself, who quickly notices that the fact that she is a little off balance and is pretty and is far from home, and quickly decides to take advantage of the situation. When she fights back, things escalate into brutal violence ending with her death.

    They’ve done studies where they’ve shown career criminals (muggers) films of people walking down the street and asked them which ones they would mug. They all identified the same potential victims—the ones with arrhythmic walks. They felt the people with confident, rhythmic strides would not make good victims. If Morgan was wobbly in any way, and we kind of think that she was, based on possible sightings and the “she had been drinking” statement, a BG would instantly pick up on that and one who was cruising around looking for trouble would impulsively capitalize on it.

    Anyway, that’s the way I think about it. I think that the irrational Morgan who was too upset or feeling too strange to stay at Metallica (though she did try to get back in) was not then about to head out to a local party to pass the time. She was trying to go home, and she never made it.

  33. juliemooly says:

    I have been lurking for a few days, going back to Blink’s responses and looking for clues. Since long posts cause problems, I’m going to divide my questions for everybody up into several smaller posts. I need help with my thinking.

    Also, I drove around the Anchorage Farm perimeter yesterday and took photos, but I’m not sure they will add anything. I was making an album on photobucket to share anyway, but my captioning isn’t showing up. I’ll share it when I get it together.

    Here’s my first post:
    From Feb 24: “There is no doubt in my mind at least one of the persons responsible for what happened to Morgan, has a very strong hunting background.” I got these feelings about the perp:
    Oddly enough, the spot on Anchorage Farm was convenient. He had to get her out of his vehicle. He knew it was a good safe place to put her, undetected, until he could figure something else out. Maybe he wanted to move her later, but he didn’t know where he could bury her. But he couldn’t move her later? He chickened out? He never figured it out? He was so terrified of going near her for fear of being caught (it’s hunting season, after all) that it was safer to risk someone finding her there than it was to risk being caught going near her. He never went back there alone after that, didn’t want to risk someone coming up on him with her. If he returned there with his buddies to hunt he hung back and let them lead, pick the spot, etc., so if they came up on her, the buddies would be the ones to find her. HOWEVER – those feelings assume one perp alone. Is this a situation like the DC sniper where one perp is a leader, making all the decisions, mentoring the young one, who is equally sociopathic? I don’t get the feeling this was a crime where a bunch of partying young guys were arguing a/la “Dude, what did you do? What are we gonna do now?” I think one of them would have broken down by now.

  34. juliemooly says:

    From Feb 24: “…the recovery scene was less than 25 square feet in diameter. She was put in the tree -line. Covered up but not buried.
    B” By a tarp, or by leaves? I think leaves would be less noticeable than a tarp. Some leaves had fallen by this point in the fall of ’09.
    IF Morgan was deceased when she was driven to AF, was her body “all in one piece” when it was moved to it’s final resting place?

    From Feb 24: “I know it is hard to see in the aerials, but Morgan was in the creek bed or “hollow”, heavily wooded and imo she was wrapped in something like a dark tarp. No, I do not believe she was put there “later”.
    B” Do you believe he left her there in the tarp, or did he remove her from the tarp and take the tarp with him. I don’t think the ‘something’ that he left behind was a tarp. His vehicle would have been moving too slowly for it to have blown out, unless he was driving an open off-road vehicle. If he was, that means either: he lives nearby, or he had to change vehicles to get Morgan to that spot on AF. In that case, where did he get the off-road vehicle? And did he have to beg, borrow or steal to get it? I suppose the tarp could have blown or fallen out of a pick-up truck, but unlikely, unless the pick-up had a missing or broken ‘gate’ (whatever you call the back of a truck that keeps items from falling out of the bed).

  35. juliemooly says:

    From Feb 25: “I was not referring to the entire field. I was referring to the area of the grid and to the right of it which contained the bulk of her remains and physical evidence recovered. It was explained to me as a “tight scene” by a source.
    B” Meaning, Morgan was dead when she was brought there? No crime against her occurred there? (Except for the crime of putting her there).

    “I think the reach out to the community of cyclists was based on something that was found, imo.
    B” Found by who, and when, and where?

    I don’t think the ‘something’ that was found was cycling related; I think it must have been something that LE thinks cyclists could add clarification to. For example, if, on Jan. 26, LE found evidence of old tracks from the body locale leading up to and along Red Hill Road (vehicle of some kind), maybe they think cyclists could confirm that there were big muddy tracks coming out of the gate along Red Hill before the fork of the Hardware River, and which way they went in the road. I don’t know what else the bad guy(s) could have left behind that the cyclists would have specifically noticed. If the bad guy damaged his vehicle gettting in and out of the farm, maybe he left a muffler behind? Maybe he freaked as he was leaving (oncoming headlights?) and left the gate open, but would a cyclist notice that if they were focused on the road?

  36. juliemooly says:

    From Feb 25: “It is my personal opinion that there is more than one suspect, and VSP is building a successful prosecution in this case.
    B” Meaning, LE sees more than one possible suspect, and are trying to discern which one committed the crime; or, LE sees more than one person working together on this crime?

    Blink, what did you mean by your comment as follows below about the “updated conversation”? Sometimes I am really smart, and sometimes I am the last to know.

    ” keekee says:
    February 25, 2010 at 7:13 pm

    hey blink?

    there’s a jpj worker whose initials have been thrown around. you’ve hinted that the last initial is not for real. would it be an m? not as in the common m that we have discussed ad nauseum. you know, roo, too

    Yes, it is, but I have moved past him.”

    Y’all notice who has had an updated conversation?


  37. anotherB says:

    @ Jennifer February 26, 2010 at 8:28 pm

    “I believe someone said it wasn’t a person really living close to there because they would be too afraid of getting caught. Sociopaths and psychopaths don’t think rationally like we do, hence, they commit crimes all the time that we look at and always say “how on earth did he think he would get away with that.” You know, they are not of sound mind; therefore, judgment and perception is way, way off.”

    I totally agree. Just think of the Yale murder. He hid her in a cable duct in a high security lab only very few people could access.

    I believe, our bad guy’s specific problems could become apparent at work or in everyday life, just not at a level where it became a criminal case. He tried to control others, and he had a problem that others were in a higher position than himself. Wouldn’t be surprised if he shouted at his boss or a female co worker.

    When he murdered Morgan, it was rage and contempt that motivated him, and he needed to have power over her. He could keep it under control for a while, drove calmly to a place where there were no potential witnesses, and talked to her. He probably seemed normal to this point.

    Hitch hiking seems to be a major trigger – in his view, a woman shouldn’t do this. And she shouldn’t drink or wear a mini skirt. And she definitely shouldn’t have any higher education. All these were contributing factors.

  38. Minnie Penney says:

    One of my favorite movies is Silence of the Lambs. I grew up up the road from the Quantico USMC base and the FBI crime lab is there. Blink, do you know if their lab was/is involved in Morgan’s case. I think those folks are the best in the country – right up there with Scotland Yard and the Dutch Forensics Institute (for Interpol).

  39. Judi says:

    Instead of looking at what we know, let’s take a look at what we don’t know because I believe it is what we don’t know that are the crucial links and is why LE is keeping this info so close to the chest …


    - Why Morgan seperated from her friends ( I am confident LE knows this and I think we are all in agreement that it was not to go to the bathroom). Was there someone there that they knew of age who could get beer for them – remember Morgan was seen by the beer / vending area. If so, someone could have easily slipped something into Morgan’s drink at this point. LE did confirm she was drinking (did they go as far as to say intoxicated? I don’t believe so)

    - Why did Morgan leave the arena? (It is of my opinion that this not known by anyone including LE and the friends).

    - What was the nature of her texts to unknown male in another city (LE knows this)

    - What was the nature of her conversation with the BB players (LE knows this)

    - Did the bank at the corner of Copley and Ivy catch anything on camera? (LE knows this)

    - Where was her card used or attempted to be used and by whom (LE knows this)

    - Did the hunting cameras catch anything (again LE knows this)

    - Was there something left behind or found that prompted the call to the bicyclist?

  40. lakeluver says:

    Wow, trying to catch up on all the new postings. Excellent work everyone.
    Awa.. I thought you brought up a great thought about the tarp possibly being a tarp tent.
    Blink has us trained to connect the dots and my dots have always led me on the music trail. Bonnoroo, All Good, Misty Mountain, all these venues involved camping. Who is behind the music, shared Morgan’s love for music, including head bangin’ music?

  41. Observer says:

    RE: (fish’s question) local v. non-local defense attorney: It would be difficult to predict at this time. I can think of three local (to Cville) defense attorneys who might take this case against the wishes of many. Then again, given the very high-profile nature of this case, the BG may attempt to secure–or, be convinced to secure–an equally high-profile attorney.

    RE: suz, 2/27, 9:26am, stated:

    “They’ve done studies where they’ve shown career criminals (muggers) films of people walking down the street and asked them which ones they would mug. They all identified the same potential victims—the ones with arrhythmic walks. They felt the people with confident, rhythmic strides would not make good victims. If Morgan was wobbly in any way, and we kind of think that she was, based on possible sightings and the “she had been drinking” statement, a BG would instantly pick up on that and one who was cruising around looking for trouble would impulsively capitalize on it.”

    Suz, you (literally) took the words right out of my mouth. I taught self-defense classes for years and preached to who-knows-how-many women (not to mention, family members and friends who might listen) this very thing: a BG can pick out of a group of 20 women the singular, most vulnerable one–the one he would approach to assault, given the opportunity–simply by watching them they walk down a street or through a parking lot.

    Physical presence is everything when it come to a BG. I cannot stress this enough. This does not mean that a BG never approaches or is successful overcoming a woman who otherwise appears confident, etc. They do; however, they generally target (and for obvious reasons, prefer to target) those who do appear most vulnerable–just as a predator in the wild attempts to target a prey most easily subdued.

    When a woman is walking down the street or through a parking lot and appears distracted…unaware of her surroundings…encumbered by her purse, packages, etc…oblivious to what’s going on around her for any reason…this is the precise time and target that’s most appealing to the BG. Again, using the animal predator analogy, an animal can view an entire herd of prey and will lie quietly in wait (or, skirt the surrounding area) for the one, lone, vulnerable animal, as that’s the one that will offer the hunter the greatest chance for success.

    Seasoned BGs are no different. While clearly evil, they are far from stupid when it comes to identifying the one woman who is most vulnerable. They are not unlike sharks that smell blood in the water.

    Simple lesson for all women: when you’re walking alone–even through what may appear to be a parking lot crowded with cars–walk in the middle of the lane, not off to one side. Do not allow your purse or packages to distract you. Walk with your head up, and your stride most purposeful. If you’re walking down an unfamiliar street, ACT as if you know precisely where you are going. [The old adage “Fake it ‘till you make it” applies here.]

    Telegraph through non-verbal communications, e.g., stride, etc. that you are a force to be reckoned-with. [In a completely unrelated manner, I used to employ this same tactic years ago when visiting friends or family members in the hospital after visiting hours; that is, non-verbally just dared someone to stop me in the hall from going to visit my loved one. It always worked and I was never, ever stoppped...though I probably should have been, on more than one occasion.]

    Let the potential BG lurking-about know that he needs to move on to someone more vulnerable, because YOU are NOT going to be his victim today.

    Trust me; BGs read this body language like an astute novelist reads Tolstoy.

    Perhaps on another post I’ll share the story of how I learned the above lesson, oh, about a hundred years ago when I was only about two years older than dear Morgan. I wasn’t merely lucky that day; as my dear mom would say, my guardian angels were working overtime that day. I learned my lesson, and ended-up preaching it for years, many years later.

  42. Josie says:

    This is a long one, but hopefully an interesting add.

    I got to spend an evening with one of my middle daughters, (half of a set of twins)last night. Morgan actually reminds me a lot of her. Not in appearance, but what we have read of Morgan. My daughter has dark hair and beautiful green eyes. Not that that matters. She educated me some and I educated her some, if you know what I mean. She is aware of Morgan’s story, but hasn’t followed it like I and my oldest daughter have. She wasn’t aware that LOG opened for Metallica that night. When I mentioned that she turned white and related a story to me, not that I think it relates to what happened to Morgan, but gave me an idea of what some groupies (and I say some) are like. A couple of years ago, she was working part time, to make some extra spending money, at a popular restaurant w/bar. There was a group of five LOG followers who came in. She said ‘Mom, they were scarey wierd, I mean creepy.’ One of the males in the group watched her the entire time to the point that she was uncomfortable. Finally, one of the females in the group approached her and asked her if she would like to party with them after she got off work. She told her no, that she didn’t. After that, the guy kept watching her, but she said his expression changed to a staring, piercing frown. They hung around for about two hours. She was so scared that she actually got the bouncer to walk with her to her car that night. She said she was actually afraid for a few days afterwards that he may come back. She hadn’t ever told me this story, because she was afraid I would worry. And hell yeah, she was right. Mothers worry to death about their kids, what if we knew everything?

    Now on to something else. The magic dragon. Shrooms. She told me about a music festival in VA that she and friends went to. Campsites are set up. In this area, some attendees have an assortment of dried shrooms. She decided to try them. She ate them with a candy bar. The effect was immediate. She said she felt dizzy, light on her feet and like the world was just a beautiful place. Everything was funny. Then she said she began to feel sick and had to get away and throw up. Now here comes my part of educating. She didn’t know that they were grown straight on a cow patty and were actually better if eaten fresh and moist. Lol, I love being a Mom. My girl is so easy to read. Her face turned even a paler shade of white. She related another story about the vans in parking lots at heavy concerts. She attended a Phish concert in her college days. In these vans, are an assortment of delicacies. Magic brownies, magic tea (made from shrooms) are the ones that stand out in my mind. None of this may be important at all to what happened to Morgan. Just some things I wanted to share with my friends here.

    Kids do try things and that doesn’t make them bad. Curious and experimental and sometimes an effort just to be cool with the crowd. I wish they could know ahead of time the danger they put themselves in.

    Blink, I bought the book…The Lovely Bones. My oldest daughter just finished it and it will be passed down the line until all five of my kids have read it. Then, I will read it and I do look forward to it.

  43. keekee says:

    hooo…remember my lil imaginary conversation many pages back? somethin like:

    “mom, i swear i didn’t lose or steal any tools (pipe wrench). i don’t know why they fired me. they just don’t like me. they’re jealous because i am incredibly good-looking…come on mom…i’ll get another job, i swear”

    aw, blink, don’t tell me he dropped his wrench for realz…

    big hug from me to you our wonderful blink with the biscuits

  44. keekee says:

    oh, and might i add that the collective sound of gazillions of keyboards is deafening

  45. skyler says:

    Kim I tried your right click trick — it gave me a drop down menu to either undo or select all or copy or paste — what am I doing wrong ?

    >>btw, do you know you can right click on misspelled words in the ‘leave a comment’ box and have suggestions pop up? Man, I thought I was the queen or right-click. I didn’t know about that!

  46. suz says:

    Forensically speaking, what are the chances that 3 month old fingerprints would still be on a gate out in the snow and weather? I think about caylee and how the evidence had just deteriorated into nothingness, but of course that stuff was underwater for quite a while, and in heat, while we have some cooler temps and snow going for us.

    Unless they found evidence up by the treeline (and i’ve not seen photos showing them searching anywhere but where I *think* she was found—the tight crime scene, if you will—-I don’t see any reason to believe she was left anywhere other than where she was found. The tall grass was probably enough to obscure her. Perp might have figured the buzzards would take care of the remains, or might not have been thinking that far ahead, so having her partially hidden in a hard to find place was all he was after.

  47. suz says:

    The problem with the ‘someone drugged her drink’ scenario is that the perp would then need to get her outside. How did or would he accomplish that? it sounds like she just went out of her own accord. He would have to have been following her all night. Just seems too hard. not impossible, but more convoluted than other explanations, and when scenarios get too complicated, I start to doubt them.

    That’s why I only have one perp and believe it was just incredibly bad luck or fate for Morgan to run into him that night in that condition.

  48. skyler says:

    Blink, you ask: John-

    Why are you bent on the Bass’s?

    I don’t mean to speak for John — but — Morgan was found on their property — so if it was not “the” primary crime scene, it’s still important — Lt. Rader said: location, location, location

    This is gross, and I apologize in advance — I bribed my child a little bit to come spend the night w/ beef ribs from Costco — one of his favorite meals, and something I can actually cook — I’m usually not a meat eater — give me cookies any day — but just two days later something was stinky as all get out in the trash can — just the packaging the ribs came in — I sprayed it w/ Lyson (even though I had wrapped it in its own plastic bag) — double bagged everything and put it in a lock-down lid trashcan — I live in the country — and it’s going to the dump today —

    November was hot in C-vlle — usually the days were in the high 70′s and the nights were not freezing — there’s an article that quoted David Bass as initially saying there was a “horrorific odor” on the back of the property and that’s what drew him to that area — not seeing if the calves were warm —

    I’m not in any way saying the Basses are involved any more than owning the property — however, he makes a good point — except for the fact that that area of the property is very difficult to get to — I can’t imagine Mrs. Bass hitching up the tractor w/ her paint supplies tucked under her arm and heading over there to paint, when the fields around her home are cleared and the cows can mosey on around there – Mr. Bass stated in Oct., the grass was waist high — plus, weren’t the Basses out of town that weekend ?

    again, not speaking for John, but just as to why he may be interested —

    I’m really trying to keep posts short — Just Desserts, right back atcha — Moon, thanks for the research — KeeKee, now we know why you are the power researcher that you are — and double hugs for owning your life — that’s not easy to do at 18 —

    And yes, let that ol’ BG live w/ me for just one weekend, and he’ll be begging for death row — plus, on top of my taste in music, when they did the trach, I literally was a minute away from dying (so they thought — I had other plans) anyway, they cut it too high and nicked my vocal flaps (they’re really flat and wide, not chords) — which is okay; I’d rather breathe than sing — but I can’t sing anymore — for 2 years I couldn’t talk — so now when I sing along w/ Julie hitting those big ol’ high notes, my voice cracks and it’s just awful —

    I look him straight in the eye and say: pay back is hell for all those days you drove me crazy w/ that girlfriend and not doing your homework — ha.

    The hardest thing I’ve ever done as a parent was give my child wings — not because I didn’t trust him but because I know how mean and hard the world can be — but — the world can also be kind and loving — we put love into our children, love has got to come out sooner or later —

    Observer, glad to see you back — I am leaning heavily on your words that you know what’s happening behind the scenes — I will be the first to admit, I want it to happen yesterday — but — I also want it to “stick” when it happens — I pray support for LE every day — now is the time for them to remain calm and methodical so that all those t’s are crossed and I’s dotted before they move.

    If the plea bargain is life in prison instead of the death penalty — I’ll take a plea bargain — It is only fair that he will not live a life of freedom after taking Morgan’s — and that his family will not have the benefit of constant freedom and interaction w/ their child — the Harringtons don’t — that he cannot choose the food he eats every day — Morgan can’t — He can’t turn up the heat if he’s cold, and he’ll never have A/C in the hot Va. summers — he can’t choose which channel to watch on TV or even to turn it off — he will never drive a car for the remainder of his days — and that every day of his life will be spent regretting the decision and actions he made on that fateful night — even if it’s not regret in killing Morgan, but regret that he’s not free !

  49. Dan Harrington says:

    Dr. H- I emailed you previously, I will use this one.

  50. keekee says:

    observer -

    your words of wisdom ring true true! everyone should read and employ said advice and tactics.

    it is just as important for men (i look forward to your story, observer) as i continually tell my well-educated husband who is slightly behind the curve in the street smart category. i have been beating him over the head for almost 25 years about the wilds of the world and how he still makes himself vulnerable.

    for example, one of my big rules when driving is to always leave enough room behind a car in front of you to make a getaway…especially when sstopped at a street light in an unfamiliar neighborhood. my kids told me the few times he gave a driving lesson, he tried to make them close the gap behind a car. my wonderful kids said that mommy said “no, you have to be prepared to haul azz if someone starts shooting something”…haha. most importantly, like observer already said so well, is that one must always be aware of their surroundings in a car (doors locked and seatbelted, course), on foot, on any form of public transportation, at work, in school, at concerts and parties, etc etc. it doesn’t make you paranoid…just street smart

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