Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. suz says:

    The only one responsible for Morgan’s death is the killer. (well, I might argue that society is, in a larger sense, including all of us, but that’s a diatribe for a different day and a different venue)

    I have said before you should neither hitch hike nor pick up hitchers, because who picks up HHs? Deranged killers. And who generally HHs? Deranged killers (doesn’t mr. mojo risisng even warn us about it in his famous song? but I digress)

    But just because you HH does not mean you have a death wish or deserve to die. It may mean you are desperate to get somewhere, or are trusting of your fellow man, but it doesn’t mean that if you end up dead it was YOUR fault for hitching. Only the killer is at fault here.

  2. acho says:

    RE: hitchhiking, I’ve changed my mind and decided it’s possible. I’ve seen HH mentioned several times among a circuit of Virginia festival goers. I had no idea anyone could successfully HH anymore. Maybe Morgan saw it or heard about it enough times that, despite all the sound advice ringing in her head, she risked it (so: why?). I don’t know where this change of mind takes me in terms of my perp profile. I have always felt she knew him/them at some level, and still do, but maybe I need to reexamine?

    In regard to the friends, who’ve come up again in discussion: The friends had to have been feeling fear of recrimination if any of what they told LE got out, because I agree with all who think drugs were involved. I do not rule out that attorneys were hired to protect them so they felt comfortable talking to LE. I do not think we can expect to know any more about what the friends know or have told LE until the perp(s) have been put away. Beyond venting our frustration, I think it’s fruitless to discuss them much. [[Though I wish Ramona would talk to us again, or to LE if she hasn’t, particularly about the scope of Morgan’s wider friend set … I view her a little differently than I view the others.]]

    Christy S, I think that is a good question about whether the new gate is a recent replacement. I am so hopeful that if so, something was awry with the old gate and LE examined it. Is the new gate near the pulloff that RedHillLocal long-ago referenced as being where he believes cyclists gathered? Check for what I think is the pulloff (there’s a car parked there) at,+North+Garden,+VA&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=36.094886,106.787109&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Anchorage+Farm+Rd,+North+Garden,+Albemarle,+Virginia+22959&ll=37.971496,-78.617772&spn=0.001097,0.003259&t=h&z=19
    Christy S, do I have that wrong? Did you see the pulloff?

    Finally, I am still on the question of who went to see LOG and Gojira but NOT Metallica? I have seen pages of people who love LOG and sometimes Gojira but make no mention of Metallica. These same people are festival goers. Now, which of those people have connections in North Garden? I believe such people were in that RV lot, partying, while Morgan was out there. (Back to bookkeeper.) BTW the claim that Morgan said “Who cares [who opening acts are], we’re here to see Metallica, right?” has always bothered me, whether because (a) it’s a made-up claim designed to deflect, or (b) it’s true and Morgan did not manage to stick around for her most-desired act of the night.

    Has LE spoken to the owner and staff of Crossroads Store in N Garden? Who worked there that night and saw, if not Morgan, partiers who might’ve left the show early? Surely all their surveillance tape is in LE’s hands?

    Sorry for the long post.

  3. skyler says:

    Thank God today is not the first time I ever came here — it’s bad enough I’m just catching up from overnight –

    You guys are ON FIRE !!!

    Fish, bless your heart — for all you’ve been thru, for all you add here —

    Juliemooli — good points !

    Just Desserts — read further — good points

    shoot — I can’t remember who else —

    I have got to turn this computer off because my laundry is piled up and this house has got to be cleaned —

    You guys amaze me every single day w/ your caring, your concern, your brilliance, your research —

    Oh, Suz, I think it was you, but I can’t remember why, but you always make such great posts — so way to go !


    Oh — this was one of my questions —

    Do sociopaths, or even people who commit these terrible crimes, do they believe they are beyond being caught ?

    I was just amazed at the Washington DC sniper who after taking so many innocent lives wanted to blame it all on the younger kid he taught to snipe and then tried so hard to save his own skin — complete denial —

    That SOB sent letters to the media, which he read probably while — well, I won’t say what, but you can guess, in the vein of self arousal — saying he was going to come to Richmond area and kill school children — children — my child was terrified, as was I — our schools were closed — terrible

    and last thing — take heart, all — as I type, the huge black woodpecker w/ the bright red head — they are very rare and protected — just flew outside my window and landed in the tree — I love birds and always keep an eye out for any chance to grab a gander at these magnificent birds — they have a really loud bird call, so if you’re outside and hear somethig wild, look up ! — anyway, they only migrate thru here right before spring –

    Spring, like Justice For Morgan, is coming. The signs are all around !!

    Peace, everyone — now to the laundry …

  4. keekee says:

    hey john -

    i crowed out loud with laughter when i read your take on mrs. bass communing with the cows. was dr. doolittle your favorite movie?

    you were being funny, right? right? cuz if not, well, then…ok

  5. Jennifer says:

    My thoughts for the day, for whatever they’re worth………..I believe someone posted, could have been anotherB or HokieHi, that one would have to be really stupid to hide a body where they hunt (for various reasons). Sociopaths and psychopaths certainly don’t think like normal folks. We’ve all seen on television many horrific crimes where the murderer has placed body parts in their own refrigerator, buried victims underneath their house, and one teenage boy had even stuffed his victim under his bed in his parents house. So, their behavior and actions are not rational and can’t be comprehended by those who are normal.

    Additionally, when I mentioned a “handful” of hunters that have Mr. Bass’s permission to hunt AF, it seems I read somewhere he provided a list of four or five people to LE. Now, I believe I am correct that these are hunters without hounds, they are still hunters. If these hunters were, in fact, greater in number AND using hounds, the location of the body could be an issue. However, that being said,I am sure they are still hunters and with four or five still hunteres hunting a 750 acre farm, the chances of someone stumbling upon Morgan’s body would be extremely rare.

  6. Jennifer says:

    Clarifying “still” hunters, as hunters NOT using hounds

  7. keekee says:

    and to think that all this time, the wagons were circled by many family members who refused to come forward to le. they chose instead to stay mum and throw red herrings and litter the internet with silly games while deleting websites and posts with seemingly great delight. all the while, i picture them behind closed doors clucking to each other that they always knew he waddn’t right…since they first met those ice cold blue eyes. but…he’s family, ya’ll, and you gotta protect your own. he’d never hurt one of us, no. sure it must’ve been an accident.

    just want to shake the hand of the brave family member(s) who had the courage to speak of what they know. my admiration for “stand up” folks is as wide as the sky. we should all strive to have such honor.

    while i would categorize myself as very open-minded and accepting of our differences in this vast human population of ours, i hold pure unadulterated contempt for liars and cheaters and those unwilling to take responsibility for their actions. nuff said

  8. Gypsy DD says:

    Dear Blink,

    I can’t help but think the BG(s) have intimate knowledge of Mr Bass’s farm and family. Morgan was placed there while they were away on vacation. So there was a comfort level in that aspect of no one being there to interrupt their placement. Also the fact that they knew where to place her that she would not be found immediately. They had a comfort level of knowing what fields were used by whom, when and for what reasons..cows, hunting, bailing of hay in the late summer.

    Which brings me to Christine Sheddy’s case. She was placed in a comfort zone by those involved in her murder while the owners of the B&B were also an area that was not likely to be disturbed or noticed for some time.

    So we have location and comfort level combined with knowledge of the owners activities. It has to be someone that by now others in the area recognize as a possibility. I don’t live there, but if I did I think I would have some supposition of whom this might be. So I believe LE firmly knows who did this..they just need to crack an alibi and connect them to the evidence that was left there at the scene.

    Hoping someone will talk soon..this code of silence in the area is deafening.

    Hugs and peace..your friend..DD

  9. ohiomom says:

    John@2:28am: Wasn’t Mr. Bass checking his fences, not his cows? Has there ever been any indication that cows were/had been grazing in the field where sweet Morgan was found? Do you have knowledge that cows grazed in that field while Morgan lay there? And finally, do cows usually graze in fields where the grass is 4 to 6 feet high? Here in Ohio I see them grazing after the grass has been cut.

  10. Chad says:

    Good morning all:

    In regards to Observers above post I wanted to share a quick story. I bought the gift of fear for myself and for my daughter.
    I am also in a book club, and I am suggesting that our group read “The gift of fear” for our next book club.
    While presenting the book to a friend for review, she shared with me a chilling experience of her own. Which I will now share with you. Perhaps maybe a familiar story to some.

    Jane was an executve at a very large Corporation, which headquarters are located downtown. Jane is 6 months pregnant and had stayed late for the company’s Christmas Party. She has long blonde hair, and has had a couple of glasses of enthusiasm. Party has ended, and it is late. Jane throws on her black coat, when the festivities have ended, and starts to head outside into the night around 12:30am in the cold night to get to her car which is 5 blocks away in a parking garage.
    She starts walking, alone. She begins to feel “scared” for some reason. She keeps walking alone on a not so very well lit street, focusing on getting to her car. She is walking up the street on a one way street. She feels an evil presence of some kind creepily behind her. Her heart beats faster, she walks faster, She turns breifly to get a glimce to try to see the evil presence she is feeling, . Indeed an evil lurker, right behind her. She walks faster, she turns to look again, and the shadow of a man is following her. Eerily quiet, she panicks inside, she walks even more faster. The shadow walks even faster behind her. Both in sync walking. Just the 2 of them. She knows his plan.

    All of a sudden out of the deep dark night, out of no where, a car drives past her, and then, that same car completely turns around, drives up up the wrong way, and pulls up to Jane and asks “Do you need a ride young lady?” So relieved she gets in the car wasting no time. It was a middle aged woman driver.
    The woman told Jane, she saw the man following her, and knew that she was in potentially danger.
    Jane always wondered what would have happened to her if that woman had not driven by her and saw the situation. She drove her to her car in the parking garage, and never saw that stranger again.
    She had the Gift of fear that night, knowing that she was being followed and was terrified that he going strike, at any minute.
    To this day she is grateful for that stranger Angel that risked driving up against a one way street to save her from harm. That baby she was carrying that night is now grown and 18 years old.
    She still will never forget how terrified she was that night.

    Observer, I hope that you will post your story. You are wise, and we all can learn from you. Thank you for sharing with us.

  11. bob-dog says:

    I’m focusing on the “why Anchorage Farm” question — pondering the possibility that the BG (and/or BG’s accomplice) grew up on/near AF and went hunting there, possibly with his dad.

    Maybe Bass put the kabosh on “public” hunting when he acquired the property in 1985 (is that correct?). Maybe the BG continued to hunt illegally because he didn’t think Bass had the right to kick him off the property (sociopath). Did he continue to go to this area because it was a comforting reminder of his childhood — time with his father? Did he resent Bass for taking that from him?

    Did Bass buy property his home was on (rented?) and tore it down? Maybe his family rented on AF (either the old farmhouse or a third house — see speculation below). Or did he live in the rural area that was later parceled out for McMansions? Did he resent all the new money coming in to the area?

    Q: Did Bass inherit the property in 1985? According to GIS, that’s when the title changed due to “gift of deed” for a $0 cost. The Bass’ newer home was built in 1984 — before he inherited the property? The original farmhouse his daughter lives in (and was previously rented to grad students) was built in 1850.

    I haven’t found any records of previous ownership. It must be out there, I just don’t know where to look.

    The other change in ownership occurred in 2007 — three years ago — when it looks to me like Nancy’s name was added to the deed. (Is this a second marriage? Why wait so long to add your wife?) Doubt this is related.

    Any real estate lawyers on board who could help a sistah out?

    According to the 2010 assessment on Albemarle County GIS, the Bass property has three addresses:

    Primary Prop. Address: 1864 ANCHORAGE FARM
    Other Address: 2235 ANCHORAGE FARM; 2246 ANCHORAGE FARM

    What is the third address? Barns, sheds, and greenhouses don’t usually have street addresses. Was this where a house used to be, and even though it is not longer there, the address remains in the system?

    A building was torn down in 2006 — four years ago:
    Year 2006
    Assessment Date 06/16/2006
    Assessment Reason Building(s) Removed
    Land Value $3,189,700
    Land Use Value $241,500
    Improvements Value $1,311,800
    Total Value $1,553,300

    Is this the foundation some have seen in the aerial photos? I haven’t found any info about a third house, but wouldn’t there have to be a third house (at some point, anyway) to have three street addresses?

    From the previous assessment, the building removal lowered the total value by $84,100. Was it a small house, possibly lived in by farm workers, migrant workers, or rented to employees? Did the BG live there at one point and became very familiar with the property?

    So what happened in the three- to five-year window provided by Lt. Rader? A building on AF was torn down. Nancy was added to the deed.

    It also looks like lots of improvements — adding brick patios and stoops (actually, a lot of brick work was done), greenhouse, etc…. Can’t tell what was done when, but plenty of workmen have been on that property.

    If the BG hunted on the property as a chld, that would put him in the 20-30 age range, right?

    Thoughts? Is any of this pertinent? Have at it!

  12. susanm says:

    our girl wanted to dance and be a part of the scene,gil says. this makes me wonder was the text (to supposed person in roanoke who was about to take the stage)”hey ,i got locked out of metallica,tying to figure out a way to get a ride to roanoke to catch your show after- all” or to someone in the lot”hey ,who’s playing tonight ,close by?wanna go to roanoke?who and what, was in the rv lot?i read the friends stayed in charlottesville(tarheelplaya’s 10 question list),true? where? why did they return to the lot in the am to look for her? this suggests a parking lot party scene.does it go on into the am?leftovers still there in the am

  13. John says:

    Not being funny. Look at her website. Check out the About Me section. She will tell you herself. It is all about her cows! (KeeKee, I am a painter myself, and while I can appreciate her sentiments, I cannot help feel she is a bit strange!

  14. susanm says:

    does anybody think there’s any chance this is related to cassandra morton?

  15. Argano says:

    Just a random thoughthis morning, my apologies if it has already been mentioned and I’ve missed it

    Regarding hunting, and hunters having access to the farm – who would actuallly install a tree stand? Is installation something a sporting goods/hunting store might offer as a service? If so wouldn’t those individuals also potentially be familiar with the land and how to get into the property and move around on it with packages they intend to leave behind?

  16. juliemooly says:

    Chad, you just chilled me with your story, and Observer, I want to hear your story.

    I had a thought about the story of SS not wanting to be at the November search, and of the lady chastising her. I constantly go back and forth about how I feel about the friends. If I were one of the last persons known to be with a person who had disappeared, and I was my immature 20-year-old self and in the presence of media and the thousand people who turned up to search, I would be terrified. There’s no way I could have handled that situation the way I would handle it today. I’ve also never been interviewed on the spot by a tv crew, which would frighten me in the best of circumstances. I just don’t know what to make of the friends. Also, if SS’s dad is LE, I am sure she was under intense pressure to participate and “act right”, while at the same time not revealing anything that LE had asked not be released. IDK, maybe I am feeling generous today, even though I overslept for the pancake breakfast and should be feeling grouchy.

  17. Just Desserts says:

    To keekee– that post of yours last night (2/27 @ 1:10 AM). . .
    –sometimes I need a hieroglyphics expert to decipher what you’re hinting at :-) but that post was an elegantly clear expression of your heart
    –I take my hat off to your perceptiveness, too
    –I bow and thank you for your caring, for your putting it in action through your fostering & your helps to us
    –if I could, I’d string up neon lights around that post–no, not those madly blinking ones we recall from this home page in December! (thank you, B, oh thank you that they’re history!)– and hope to draw every reader’s attention to it. This is what we, societally, are up against: we need better parenting, better education and social programs (certainly not less); we need not to blather about teaching kids self esteem but to teach them meaningful productive skills so that they have something really worth esteeming (then maybe we can begin scaling back on prisons as our leading growth industry); we need to make places and roles for kids– all kinds of kids– so that they have more than escapism to look forward to; we need to make and build again in this country and to take pride in doing it really well (even if it costs more than Chinese take-out); we should recognize that “the god of the marketplace” has no heart, and that competition without any component of cooperative effort just puts blood in the water for sharks.

    That’s my morning soapbox, and I’m sticking to it!

  18. Josie says:

    To anyone covering for a family member, friend or whatever. I hope you’re prepared to spend the rest of your life making this killer happy. Who knows when they might snap again and you may be #1 on their list? It certainly wouldn’t be the first time family members have met their end at the hands of one of their own. Chilling? Do the right thing. It may be your own life that you save. Or one of your children.

  19. suz says:

    Johb, lol, all painters are abit strange. I like Nancy’s dialogues or whatever she calls them. I think they’re funny. I inquired about one in particular I liked. I might ride down to see it in person one day.

  20. Ragdoll says:

    The recent turn of events regarding Christine Sheddy gives me great hope that Morgan’s killer(s) will be brought to justice.

    Keep the faith~*~

  21. acho says:

    Respectfully, John, I disagree and cringe to see her brought into this discussion. I’ve met her and spoken with her about her art, and I don’t find her strange at all. Delightful is the adjective that comes to mind. Their farm is huge, and although I could be wrong, I don’t think she was heading out to the discovery location to paint the cows. I also do not find the descriptions on her site odd (feel free to lump me in the “strange” category with her, I guess). Just my two cents, but I so regret for this woman that her beloved farm has become a horrible crime scene.

  22. bevolovr says:

    Skyler, thanks for sharing your dream. WOW, Morgan’s spirit is so strong! I truly believe she’s helped Somer Thompson and Christine Sheddy finally get some peace!!!
    You’re so right about her not knowing what happened to her at first, and then her anger when she finally realized it.
    When I read over and over again from so many people around the world who are drawn to her, I’m continuously amazed. I have never posted on a forum before, I have never read a forum before Morgan. She called to me and I was compelled to find Blink and all of you.
    Morgan has assembled a group of warriors to fight for her, and y’all have done her proud.

    Some thoughts on how Morgan was found. I think too she was wrapped, but in carpet or blanket, something fibrous.
    Could she have been tied up with a man’s belt?

    I think one of the perps did not expect things to go as far as they did, and now is living in complete terror, of the “other one” and the fact that Morgan died.
    I’m convinced The “other one” is an ice cold killer, a hater of women, and has been violent before, will surely be again unless stopped.

    I talk to Morgan every day, several times a day. I ask her to go to these animals who took her life, to whisper in their ears, to invade their dreams, to appear to them on the street, to forever remind them she is there.
    I’m so happy she is home with Dan and Gil. Even though she is gone in body, she is there in spirit, their invisible but strong 4th leg of the family table.

    I know you and I may get “there” differently, but we are on the same page.


  23. Josie says:

    Protecting your own, you think? Morgan Harrington was most likely dead before her parents even knew their little girl was missing! Do it right now, before it’s too late. For your own safety and peace of mind…

  24. Tarheel says:

    KeeKee, I love your posts and your energy, but really can’t follow your clues most of the time. Did someone that we’ve spoken of on this site lose their job?

    I’m not good at researching, but wanted to mention this in case one of you thought it was worth looking into. It was brought up here previously that perhaps she went with someone to a different location (a bar, concert or whatever)so I looked in the archives of “The Hook” and found a list of other bands playing that same night in Charlottesville.

    Also, I noticed that LOG is from the Richmond, VA area, which is close enough to where I think they probably played in or around Charlottesville in the past. Could it be possible that the 3 (or was it 4) men wearing black that Morgan was seen with could be roadies/crew for LOG and that perhaps she knew or recognized one of them from playing the area before?

    One last note. I admit that the BBP’s are probably not involved, but I don’t think we can totally rule them out just because they may not be familiar with Anchorage Farm. Since we don’t know if more than one person was involved, it could have been the other BG that was familiar with the farm. It would be so easy for anyone to call in false accounts of Morgan hitch hiking. I think I recall a statement from the Police Dept. that the friends had been cleared or were not suspects. IIRC, no such statement was made about the BBP’s. However, Dr. H’s comment that the BG was there in Oct and then again in Nov would work against the possibility of the BBP’s involvement.

    uuuggghhh….just realized that I still have nothing. There’s so many different people that could be involved. How frustrating….

  25. total amateur says:

    Blink, if you don’t see fit to post this, I totally understand.

    A couple weeks ago, while researching, I stumbled on a post by someone on another site saying that the poster “knew someone” who told them that a security guard at JPJ searched Morgan’s bag when she tried to re-enter, and that he saw prescription drugs in it-and that was his reason for turning her away.

    I’m very sorry that I can’t source that poster, at the time I was following a link to a link to a link.

    I’ve been hoping someone else would find it, maybe they have. However, I’ve yet to see anyone mention it.

    The poster did not clarify any more than that, and the following is merely an observation on today’s society, and is in no way speculation on anything pertaining to this case. Perscription drug abuse has become a huge problem with today’s young people. Especially pain-killers like Oxi-Contin, Hydrocodone, and Lortab. Drug dealers sell a single pill for anywhere from $5 to $20.

    I have the ultimate respect for the Harringtons, and in no way am I speculating that Morgan did anything wrong. Let me take that a step even further to say that even if this poster was right, it doesn’t mean they were anything illegal. Any poster on any site could be totally innaccurate, untruthful, unreliable and it is nothing more than hearsay.

  26. bevolovr says:

    Also, anyone think maybe a hunter who shouldn’t have been on AF @ the time, actually found Morgan, and then alerted Mr. Bass?

  27. SeattleWatching says:

    Sadly the focus of this crime is centered on a hunting field rather than the tangible facts. Girl leaves arena, cant get back in calls her friends B’s for not coming out and sitting in car with her or atleast tossing her the keys (great friends) she wanders off to seek the accompanyment of other people walks into the parking lot, has obvious attitude (probably pissed at her friends) so she is overall mad at the world…stomps into a parking lot of athletes hanging out these guys are probably drinking beer….It is here where a shift of confusion happens…the following tangible evidence is only that her purse and phone are found in this parking area and some time later her shirt is found in the bushes of an apartment building. I think the witness that saw her in the early morning hours that was delivering newspapers was most likely correct. so now the arrows should point on that apartment building and yes…something happened and she either escaped out of a car and ran like hell on foot lost in a dark field cold wet passed out died of hypothermia (not saying she wasnt raped earlier) I just strongly feel this girl was a fighter and ran. the thought surrounding hunters, body dumping, brutality etc.. I have to say brutality could have been a gang rape. They most likely drove her off, she was wrapped in a blanket not a tarp…she busted out of the car on a back road and ran like hell until she passed out and eventually died. Who are the guys? come on people shake the truth out of this…were they already known perps, or just a bunch of drunk college boys? the truth is coming….I feel a rumble in the heavens she will guide you, If the perps are reading this they should worry….that girl has powerful energy and she is working with it.

  28. Josie says:

    I guess you can tell, I’m tired of the fiddle farting around! Your ‘boy’ didn’t have a little accident. This-is-not-an-accident! He committed a murder!!! He will do it again. Somebody holds the missing link. Hand it over! He will do it again! The clock is ticking…

    Blink, I promise this is my last outburst today. I will go back to biting my tongue now.

  29. SeattleWatching says:

    When my daughters dad (we were never married) was killed the thing that bothered me the most was how so many stories were created that the facts were overlooked. His killers have not been cought, and most likely wont since it was out of the country and much harder to investigate. I just have to say this so that those that are working diligently on this case will remember to stick with the facts….hitchhiking on a bridge was never a fact, just a persons claim of thinking they saw her. The newspaper gal had more to offer and low and behold a shirt appeared in the area, that makes more factual witness work. just dont stray to far off the path or the persons that really know what happened will feel a sense of freedom and enjoyment in the theories. I say scare them out of their rabbit hole and let that be the only hunting going on here.

  30. J2K says:

    Top o’ the morning to you all! (Well, it was morning when I started reading all the posts I’d missed since last I was here anyway – if I still smoked, I’d say I was at least two cigarettes behind.)

    John – re: AF cows

    Where did you read Mr. B was checking on cows? Every account I can recall notes he was checking on his back fences following all the snow. In fact, I think I even saw it noted that the particularly far pasture MH was found in was not even used for the cows anymore. Please provide a link if you can.

    redly – re: As usual, I think you’re right-on.

    (You wrote, in regard to the Friends and MH:) “I think she told them she was getting a ride and the ‘home’ part has been added on later either through a misstatement or the telephone game. My guess is they thought she was heading to the Corner bar area where all the undergrads hang out to catch a band or meet someone. … They expected to be able to reach her by phone when they got out of metallica, couldn’t, waited around the parking lot for a while and then went home. In the morning, they were probably hoping she just went home with a guy and didn’t want to bust her with her parents right away. I can see all of this easily happening to lots of college kids. It of course turned out terribly, but I can understand these actions.”

    I would only add that perhaps SS was not clear on *where* MH was heading at all – that she managed to glean from the conversation that somehow she was barred from re-entry, and she was going to try to get a ride. I think a lot of the nonsensical details come from confusion after-the-fact on the parts of SS and AM, coupled with guilt that they were so caught up in their own evening – and possibly annoyed by MH’s “antics” or whatever that night – that they temporarily shrugged her situation off (Metallica began playing about 10 minutes after the call), and figured they’d catch up afterward via her cell-phone and meet her with the car.

    I think in terms of the oft-referenced “get a ride home” component of the story, “home” was plugged in post-concert by SS – maybe even later that night while they all tried to figure where the hell the now-unreachable MH had gone if not at the car waiting for them or not back with their mutual friends at JMU (a la: “Okay, okay – lemme think… She said, um, she was gonna getta ride… I don’t know – uh, with friends? Maybe back to JMU…? STOP PRESSURING ME! I’m tryna remember! It was REALLY loud when she called! … I mean, I uh guess she could have meant she was getting a ride back to Blacksburg – but isn’t you guys’ house key on her car-key chain, Ame? … Dude, whatever. I’m sure she’ll turn up tomorrow with some crazy story – you know MH. I mean, she needs her car, right?
    … Hey, don’t bogart that can, man!”

    Observer, suz – great posts on Being a Potential Victim vs. Not Being a Victim.

    O- I look forward to your personal story, as it sounds like it was a cornerstone experience in making you the woman you are today. (Get those fingers a-clackin’…)

  31. Dan Harrington says:

    I emailed you at both.

  32. Josie says:

    One more thing and I’ll be quiet. I am so angry today! This is the weekend. Dr. and Mrs. Harrington should be spending it with their daughter. Who, I say who, thinks they had the right to end young Morgan’s life? She should still be here enjoying her life. That was her right!!! But, instead who is still out there, free, on the loose, still going about their life? It’s not fair and I am so, so angry at the indignity and unfairness of it all. It’s not right to help cover it up. By so doing, you are saying it’s all right and it’s not alright. It is the worst violation to Morgan and her family and humanity possible and if you keep covering you are saying to him ‘it’s alright, son, I know you didn’t mean it.’ But he meant it. Get it?


  33. bevolovr says:

    keekee, you mentioned a wrench. I was thinking a hammer…

    Blink, this is a question about another unsolved case. Have you been involved in the oca Raton Mall murders of Nancy Bocchicchio and her daughter Joey?

    I am familiar with it, but not directly. Heartbreaking.

  34. John says:

    While you are there checking out her paintings, ask her to take you to see sasquatch! (you know that angel thingy-funerary down there by the trees every one is wondering about) Also ask her if she tore down her studio? (Also take a look at her catalogue!)

  35. John says:

    Also ask her to show you the ancient cemetery, and the slave cemetery.

  36. Judi says:

    The boots….doubtful that the perp(s) would bother to remove them, Morgan certainly wouldn’t go “walking” barefoot nor would she venture through that terrain wearing those kind of boots. She either took the boots off when she got in the car because her feet were soar or when she arrived somewhere INSIDE (such as at someone house).

    The necklace….it was the only piece of jewelery mentioned by LE before finding Morgan and, as far as I know, is the only piece of jewelery not found with her.

    The card….Didn’t Dr. Harrington say that the account was over-drawn? Was the card ATTEMPTED to be used and declined? The person using it must have believed there was money on it, right?

    The purse….I am convinced that this was placed back at the arena after the fact.

  37. Phyl says:

    In NYC during broad daylight on busy streets with people everywhere, bad guys drive up, one guy gets out, punches victim in face grabs her bag and is gone. In seconds. It happens so fast that many witnesses are so stunned it is hard to recall what they have just seen. I can imagine this maneuver is a piece of cake at night on that bridge away from the action in CVille.

    I have been researching the music party scene (hell, I’m old.) The party is in the parking lot. Drug dealers know they can make a killing at a Metallica concert. (I am not quite sure if that was a subconcious pun.) I found a site where college age music lovers (many of them are self proclaimed hippies) find or give rides from one concert location to another cross country. Total strangers giving/taking rides like it’s nothing – like they are all fun loving friends. I’m sure so many of them are good hearted, very kind people, and very trusting because they couldn’t imagine the evil that could hijack ones soul. Drugs can hijack a soul.

  38. anotherB says:

    Thought about the matter again – she was targeted because she was on a university campus. The Metallica context is secondary. Good looking, high academic achievements, partying and out there on her own, this was what he couldn’t cope with.

  39. Judi says:

    A while ago I posted a link to the history of the ownership of Anchorage Farms, which goes back to the beginning until Mr. Bass.

    In re-reading it, it said that Anchorage Farms had the same RENTAL tenant for 20 years? Who is this rental tenant?

  40. keekee says:

    just desserts -

    why, i thank you from the bottom of my heart! i admire your wise and thoughtful observations of our society.

    yes, kids need to know they are good just as they are with whatever talent they possess. there is no need to be like someone else. why? i hear you about the necessity of good social programs. i also submit that we fix the dang ones we already pour billions of bucks into…like job corps. meh, don’t get me started on that. the original purpose of providing job trade apprenticeships has fallen by the wayside and now kids spend 2 years farting around and finishing behind the eightball instead of ahead. gosh, this blinksite does give me real hope that there are people who really get it.

    i heart you

  41. Judi says:

    Here is the link to the COMPLETE OWNERSHIP HISTORY of Anchorage Farms (start on page 12)

    Last sentence on page 13 states that the house has been occupied by the same rental tenant for 20 years? Who would this be?

  42. Just Desserts says:

    Fish, Fish– BOC would be a diminished thing without you!

    You always lead with your heart, then stir us with your wit, your grit, your honest graciousness. :-)

    So I have reason to wish I could recall you clearly from the November search, but, honestly, people came and kept coming, and I was trying to scan each to see if they had Morgan in their eyes or hidden mischief, and by the second day each one was like a message on a chalkboard, and the next was eraser and writing anew. A blur, it all became; sensory overload for a guy who’s too sedentary and has a brain slowly making Swiss cheese of itself. ;-(

    But you’re in H’burg and I’m in C’ville, and there ought to be some occasion when those Blinksters who are semi-neighbors could get together and raise goblets to each other, & to the health of BOC :-) Maybe if we hear of arrests for what was done to Morgan; certainly, if a successful prosecution follows!

    What we find here is a novel community and one worth keeping strong!
    I don’t have kids myself, but the kids of all are our future. Some of the moms on here seem like models for how to lift that future up.

    It would be just great if you can run down what was musically “goin’ down” around Party Central JMU back on 10/17!! Though don’t be discouraged if no familiar bands pop up– so much of this scene seems to have been on the down low.

    Peace. Namaste!

  43. susanm says:

    suz ,ha,i knew you’d like the the paintings,i was trying to hint you to them a while back.

  44. Phyl says:


    Interesting point about Rader’s use of the word educate. And was Gil’s use of the cigar box initials implying something else? My head is spinning trying to figure this all out. I just want Morgan’s killer in a cage! Forever. So whatever those smart guys/gals in LE have to do to make that happen…more power to them.

    Oh, look up 4 wheeling in Crozet on youtube. It’s amazing what those jeeps can do!!!

  45. Christy S says:

    I think Blink’s comment re: EMH and an updated conversation could be due to the updated registration on his RSO record. It looks like LE must have talked to him or checked on him Feb. 19 although his reg. was not expiring.
    Am I right or is there another conversation out there?

  46. Christy S says:


    The gate we think the BG used is right before the pull off and the bridge (and the creek). I used that same spot to pull over and take the pictures. Both gates, the one before the bridge and the one after, are right off the road with just enough space so if you pulled right up to it you’d just barely get your car off the pavement. The BG must have pulled right up to it, got out and pushed it in to open it, not that that makes any difference. Unless he just rammed into it with his truck although I doubt that. And he must have closed it on the way out.

    The gate couldn’t have been too obviously damaged and I also don’t think the BG would have left it open because someone would have mentioned it to the Basses.
    Neighbors tend to notice things and let eachother know especially when they have such huge properties like that.

  47. Phyl says:

    I have a question regarding hunting clubs.

    I would think that one would need extra insurance in order to have club members hunt on their property, no? They would also need to report the fees they collected to the IRS, no? So I’m sure that there ARE property owners out there that do this on the sly, no? If so, then there may be a whole slew of hunters that are familiar with that property but aren’t on the lists of hunters that were allowed. I’m not just thinking of Anchorage Farm, but the land surrounding it as well.

  48. Jennifer says:

    to GypsyDD, these two responsible are in the community no doubt about it. Many folks who live in rural/remote areas (the “country”) have lived there for a long time and most big farms in these type of areas have been handed down from generation to generation. “Country folks” (for lack of a better term) can be tight-lipped with outsiders and know who they are. While they are quick to act on something from “outside,” they do have a tendency to protect their own, if that makes sense.

  49. Jennifer says:

    @ Argano: If you’re a hunter and using a tree stand, you wouldn’t need any help to “install” it. It’s quite easy.

  50. Mom3.0 says:

    Sky, you posted awhile back about “what we know” Your post started from the time Morgan went to Harrisonburg to pick up DC and SS right? Then you went on to mention Morgan’s phone call to her Poppa. Dr. Harrington allowing Morgan to pay for gas for the trip, thinking it was for her friends car.

    IMO, these are he only things “We Know” Everything from that point on, until Morgan is locked outside the concert. Everything before that, as you stated, is heard through the filter of a friend- SS- AM (sister)- or a friend of a friend -DC-DG-DS- and all of her friends on FB.

    Nothing, and I mean nothing, that these friends or friends of friends have said or done makes sense to me. That is why I am unable to begin Morgan’s timeline before she was locked out.

    Even the DG account of (paraphrasing) Morgan pulled up immediately engaged me, my cousin and friends. Didn’t know who LOG was, wanted to get inside, others didn’t talk to me so much, no evidence of drinking, to me is very convenient. DS stating the group walking in the P.lot could have been her ect ect

    I don’t know who has lawyered up or why, but I believe, initially, it was to protect them from contributing to the delinquency of a minor, drug use, underage drinking, and taking Morgan’s car, perhaps using her ATM card to get gas(later). I don’t think, initially they thought anything this bad could happen to Morgan.

    IMO, if I were to start the timeline of “What we know” before Morgan was locked out, I wouldn’t be able to think rationally or objectively about what befell Morgan. My mind would be stuck on the friends and friends of friends statements, and behaviors, thinking *something is wrong, off, it doesn’t add up.*

    Everyone here at BOC and following Morgan’s story, that does not have inside knowledge from LE, or The Harrington’s can not possibly say that they feel confident in stating that Morgan’s friends and friends of friends have been forthcoming, and have told ALL they know, and they believe everything they have stated is the truth and nothing but the truth.

    Dr. Harrington and Gil have said they do not blame the friends. Rader has said the friends have been cleared. Blink has said she thinks the friends did nothing bad other than being selfish, self centered ect . I am gonna have to be content in their belief. Afterall, they do know more than we do, right?

    Hence, beginning my timeline after Morgan has been locked out.

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