Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. fish says:

    Dear John,
    I would like to ask you. Do you know something we don’t? Why all the hatin’ on Mr. Bass? Come out and say it…if you have some thoughs on this subject. We are all ears.
    I have the understanding that yes, we had a horrible storm, he went to check on the fences. Maybe Mother Nature led Morgan back to her Mother. Maybe things happen for a reason and we can’t explain it. But, you obviously consider this out of the norm. So why do you think he went out to that pasture? Are you thinking he maybe was led there by a phone call to check fences, he had prior involvement, what is it?!!! I’m curious. When Dr. Harrington thanked him. It was sincere. Are you thinking something else?

    I ask these questions because like B said “Why you bent on Bass?”

  2. suz says:

    Here’s another apparent Bass contradiction that prolly leaves people confused or suspicious:

    “In response to a question from a reporter, Bass said that in 30 years of owning the property, he’s never had a problem with trespassers and explained that the front gate along busy Route 29 is rarely closed.” from The Hook:

    Nancy and David Bass have owned this farm for more than 30 years. I spoke with Nancy earlier today and she says the pasture is empty in the winter, but where the body was found is a place they do farming. There is a subdivision that is close by to their land, and sometimes people trespass, hunt, and go biking on their property. Nancy is not certain the exact place where the remains were found, and she hasn’t had a chance to speak to her husband about the body because he’s been swamped with calls. I have a call into David, and hope to bring you more shortly. Investigators said in a press conference David found the remains earlier today while he was on a tractor in a field. The hayfield was cut in August, and since that time her body could have sat under rain, sleet and snow. More than 600 tips have come in on this case, and once the medical examiner confirms what authorities believe to be true, this case may shift to a homicide investigation. I spoke with the CUE center for Missing Persons and they had a search scheduled at the end of this month in the exact area where Morgan was found.

    And of course that last sentence in the last para makes you prick up your ears…

  3. lee says:

    Good morning all you wonderful Blinksters…in reading your stories of “close calls” in the past it makes me very aware of how common these experiences have been for many of us in the past….and certainly are today…just being at the wrong place at the wrong time in what is meant to be a simple circumstance like getting into your car and going home. Let me add to the close call pool with a quick story…and like you all, what could have happened to me haunts me to this day… in 1970 I was at the Univ of GA. There was a particular pizza place close to my dorm where students often bought take-out pizza and flirted with the “older guy” (probably in his mid-20s)who was very good looking and friendly. One day when I came in he asked me out and of course I was thrilled, although a little nervous…I was pretty sheltered growing up and not the type to push boundries at all…and this guy was out of my dating comfort zone and I knew it (ding ding ding…first bells going off). We had a quick dinner out and he was nice enough, then we proceeded to his apartment and his offering of beer, etc (ok i’m getting a little drunk and thankfully ding ding ding and I realize I could get in trouble with this guy). I asked to go back to my dorm and he “convinces” me to stay a bit longer…now I am afraid and am panicked to leave but at the same time dont want to P### him off, so I just refuse any more to drink but agree to stick around a bit longer, buying time, trying to figure out what to do (DING DING DING…oh boy now what?) Since I am now refusing to drink he brought out a big black pill (capsule) and said how great it would make me feel if I would take it and he looked as though I was gonna put it in my mouth one way or another(oh sh** I say to myself, now what do I do?!!!) My mind is racing and luckily I still COULD think relatively coherently… .so, I put the pill in my mouth and pretended to swallow it and when he left the room for a moment I took the pill out of my mouth, wrapped it up in tissue and put it in my purse (yep, saving the evidence). He kept asking me how I felt and of course I said fine and I needed to leave because my “roomates” would be looking for me. He was obviously perturbed and couldn’t figure out why his drug had not affected me. I was EXTREMELY lucky that he finally agreed to take me home….I look back on that to this day as a lesson for my daughter….at the very least, I was lucky not to have been raped (and of course it could have been like dear Morgan and much, much worse). I went home the following weekend and gave the pill to my doctor who said if I had taken the pill I would probably have been knocked out for days, at the least (I forget what drug it was). I reported this to the police when I got back to school and (poof) the guy had disappeared….thankfully, my survival insticts were in tact while I was with this guy, otherwise, very possibli I would have been another sad statistic of a monster with criminal intent. Dear, dear Morgan….please do whatever you can to help us get the guy that did this to you!

  4. anotherB says:

    Just wanted to share a story with you, an episode from anotherB’s life. Yesterday past midnight I walked through a very large metropolitan train station, with a friend, when we saw a woman leaning against a cash machine. She was middle aged, nicely dressed, not a typical party goer outfit, it looked rather like church service clothes, smart, but not over the top. Curly, shoulder length blonde hair, dark skirt, granny shoes and a warm coat. It was immediately obvious that something was wrong with her. She was leaning with her back against the cash machine and was trying to turn around. It didn’t look like alcohol, and it was clearly very bad. As we walked towards her, she was approached by a guy who appeared a bit older than her, not that well dressed, unkempt hair, and he was whispering her ear, as if he was trying to persuade her to do something. Then he walked back towards the middle of the hall and then approached her again, clearly angry about her.
    At first we thought he was her husband/partner/friend, she got drunk, and he was angry with her and didn’t know how to transport her home. When we got closer to the scene, it became obvious that this was not the case. It just didn’t add up. Looking at him, at her – a very unlikely couple. Also, she didn’t look like the type to get drunk. And it didn’t look like alcohol anyway.
    There were people using the cash machines directly next to her, and there were plenty of people on the station. Nobody seemed to care. We alerted security, he walked up to her, she was too disoriented to answer, and this creepy guy began to argue with security. He acted as someone was interfering with his property. Security made a phone call, kept him away from her, and we made our way home.
    I guess she woke up in a hospital or a police station this morning – much better than being with this guy. My point is – get involved if you see something like this. Call security. It is their job to handle it. You don’t have to fight off some unpleasant and possibly intoxicated creep and look after a disoriented person.
    You don’t know what happened. Personally, I find it rather unlikely that she was in any type of relationship with this ****** (that is what he looked like). She may have been drugged by someone, not necessarily him. She may have had a stroke. You don’t know. It is in her interest to call help.

  5. RNmom says:

    All of this talk of guardian angels has made me want to share something with you all. When I was 17, a girlfriend of mine and I begged my mother to let us go to a Whitesnake concert. Someone we knew had two tickets and was unable to go, and they were giving us the tickets! My mother was a lot more lax than I am as a parent. Her only arguments were ” How are you going to get there?” and “How will you get home?”. Being 17 that was the least of our worries. I mean someone gave us tickets to a concert we really wanted to go to, it was meant for us to go right? We needed something to really “killer” to wear and to count our combined money to see if we had enough for t-shirts. I can call Josh and he will give us a ride. Josh had the biggest crush on me and would do anything I wanted him to just to hang out with me. So we were on our way! The venue was 40 miles south of where we lived, so we had to make small talk with Josh the whole way there small price to pay for a ride to the concert. Josh tells us he won’t be able to pick us up because the concert lets out past his curfew. What? How will we get home? Do you think for one moment we considered turning around because we didn’t have a ride? No! We were on our way, looking hot, and ready to rock! We talked amongst ourselves for a moment. I knew if I told my mom we needed a ride home she wouldn’t come and get us that late, I had three younger brothers she would have to drag out late at night and travel 80 miles round trip with. If I told my mom she would say we couldn’t go. My friends parents were out of the question. Oh well, we will know someone at the concert and catch a ride with them. We arrive at the concert the first of opening acts is on stage we rush in to a packed auditorium and even managed to flirt and sneak our way up to the front! My friend even caught a guitar pic thrown out by Adrian Vandenburg. The concert is over we are scanning the crowd looking for a familiar face with no luck. We make our way outside watching for people to come out that we may know. We are digging for change for the pay phone. (before cell phones) We are trying to decide who to make the phone call to with our only coin when this cute little guy approaches us and ask if we are ok. My friend tells him our situation as I am on the phone trying to get Josh on the phone. The crowd is getting thinner and thinner. This guy tells us that he can’t leave us out there alone and he will give us a ride home. He probably thought we lived close by. He tell us he lives on campus and he has to go get his keys, so we trail behind him across a college campus. We follow him all the way inside his frat where there were multiple cute guys hanging out they all stopped what they were doing to check out the two chicks with mini skirts that just walked in with there roomate. He tells them he is just getting his keys and we left. We got in his car and were on our way! We talk a few minutes. He is asking where we live, how old we are, what grade we are in, how did we manage to get to a concert without a ride home. His next question was how do ya’ll know that I am not going to pull this car over and rape or murder us. He said don’t freak out, that he was not going to do that. He tells us that he has a sister our age and how stupid what we did was. He lectured us for the whole ride home. It did make me realize how stupid we were, but not until I was a adult did I realize how lucky we were. Who would stand there with two teenaged idiots to make sure nothing happened, and then travel that 80 miles round trip without accepting gas money? I have determined that he was sent from God. This is one thing that has drawn me to Morgan. I have asked, “where was her guardian angel that night?” Where was Natalee Holloway’s guardian angel? I don’t know but, young people do things beacause they are naive we all have done stupid things. It always breaks my heart to see these stories. I wish there were more people in this world like the kind soul that took me home that
    night. I don’t even know his name but would love to thank him, I bet he is a fine man now with some very loved daughters.

  6. Chad says:


    Great posts Mom.3. I did some research on that case you are referring to, and wow.You are right. 3 words. SICK. SICK SICK. If anyone else is interested, I am posting a link.

    As far as Morgans case is concerned, I think it could be very possible that a female is involved, and or may know, or may have seen something in regards to Morgan dissappearance and death. I do not think that we can rule that out.

  7. dda says:

    Mr. Bass owns other tracts of land in southern Albemarle. You can search county land records by name. He owns quite a bit of land.

  8. anotherB says:

    There is quite a lot of information available on the third house on Anchorage Farm and the potential access points via Red Hill road.

    Red Hill local posted it a while ago.

  9. mike says:

    I’d like to foist a few of my musings on ya’ll.

    Hunting on AF. I am not a hunter. I live in PA and hear a bunch about deer hunting. I am wondering if there actually were these hunters cameras or is that just a supposition? It does not look like a very good or challenging place to hunt deer, especially with a rifle. There is much open space (good to spot deer) and it seems that having a camera to scope out deer trails is a bit of overkill. The deer have prolly been using well worn deer trails for many years since the fields were cleared. Aside from the water from the small river and or creeks, there does not seem to be much food deer like. I dont know about the various bushes in the immediate area of the body but there is no corn or other type of crops deer go for. Are there any salt licks or apple pits placed by hunters? It would seem too that the houses on Chopin above are too close to risk a shot from a high powered rifle. There is a hill shielding the farmers home from this location, however.

    It may be a better hunting area for bow. I am wondering when VA has bow season for deer. Do locals go to this area to practice their archery? If so, there will be a back stop to put targets on. Maybe this is that so called “tree stand” we keep referring to. In lieu of a rifle, I can see a hunter using a shotgun slug to hunt close up here.

    Also, it may be useful to see just how many deer are taken from AF each year. Perhaps VA fish and game has this info. When you get a license, your kill is checked and a record kept, at least by PA. I’m willing to bet not much deer in this immediate area. The more heavily wooded sections, yeah.

    I guess there has been no confirmtion one way or the other as to the immediate cause of death, i.e. was a gun shot involved. A hit from a shot gun slug would prolly be readily apparent even if only bones remained. Blink has freguently and clearly stated that Morgan was “brutally murdered.” Perhaps in the absence of a gun shot wound the only way to readily determine that would be a crushed in skull from the proverbial “blunt instrument.” If it was an arrow that would narrow the perp pool down signficantly. Seems bow hunters are a breed apart from more traditional hunters using rifles.

    All this is not to say that one of the hunters is responsible, but perhaps someone who is a buddy of one or has accompanied one some time ago.

    access to the drop spot. We have pondered this pt. greatly. Just my .02, if the grass was at least “waist high” as it was reported that VSP said, I think that even a four wheeler or ATV would have great difficulty getting there and back. Farmer Bass is prolly right when he says the area was inaccessible. The google photos do not show this tall grass at that time of year. One would have to have in depth detailed knowledge of just were to drive under those conditions, sort of like knowing where all the pot holes are on your way to work. That having been said, I think that Morgan’s body must have been carried to this spot by at least two people. Maybe, eventualy, one will talk. Two can keep a secret is one is dead. If the grass was tall and crushed beneath her body, it would tend to show when she was placed there.

    About the crossroads store mentioned earlier, has the clerk on duty the night of 10/17 been interviewed? I guess the webcams, if any, may have been looked at. It never ceases to amaze me just how worhtless these webcam photos turn out no matter where in the country you are. In any event, if someone had just committed a murder and lugged the body a good distance, I willing to bet that person would be hyperventillating, and dehydrated. He may have come into the store in that shape and bought a bunch of beverages – prolly a big ole iced tea. Of course, the perp could have just gone home to chill and be refreshed. I think it is doubtful such a person would have gone back to JPJ and pulled it off like nothing happened.

    Lastly, has LE looked at possible meth people in the area. These are very bad people (many times associated with a local motorcycle gang). With all the drugs around college campases in particular, I’ve got to think that some organized group is cooking up and making crystal meth. Moreover, users tend to be whacked out for days. These are usually hard core criminals. The VSP prolly generally knows where meth labs are being operated, usually in a rural, remote area, just like the old moon shiners. If some known meth heads were squeezed hard enough, you’d get some info about a lot of bad crimes, maybe even someone connected to this one.

    Sorry for the long post, just some things I was thinking about. Ya’ll keep up the good work.

  10. susanm says:

    OSU,similarities:c morton was last seen on a saturday night(park ave,blocks from liberity univerity),found in the woods on liberty university connection ,saturday night ,one week before,right down the road on 29. but i wonder if cassandra was looking for the saturdaynight scene ,party,hanging out in a party lot? i dont know ,just wondering.

  11. anotherB says:

    @ suz February 26, 2010 at 7:03 am

    “Thank you to the clever poster (TD?) who posted the grid. I guess I had been looking at the right item all along now that the kids have identified it on the grid. To me, in addition to Sasquatch, it looks just like a really evil Disney tree, or possibly something from the Blair Witch Project, or the gingerbread man—but it doesn’t look like anything meaningful.”

    Suz, what is actually your problem? Why do you keep criticizing me? Is this some form of an inferiority complex? It is not just this here – there are a variety of other posts. This has been going on for weeks now. Whenever I come across something new, you attack me and even tell other people who are interested in it that it is not of importance. Just focus on the case and leave your ego aside.

    This field is the only crime scene that has been positively identified in so far. There has been an obvious change which is evident from the photographs. There are tracks leading past the location where the body was found. This is important.

  12. suz says:

    fish, I can’t speak for John, but if I were wondering about Bass it would be because:

    1) she was found on his property
    2) he’s the one who found her (could be a clever misdirection ploy)
    3) he’s a man (I haven’t ruled out ANYONE with a Y chromosome)
    4) his stories of how he found her seem to conflict, or at least differ
    5) according to some article I posted above, “…the CUE center for Missing Persons and they had a search scheduled at the end of this month in the exact area where Morgan was found.”

    Now I happen to think it’s reasonable to check your fences after a storm when you have livestock, cuz godnoze if there is a hole they will squeeze through it, but I haven’t cleared any POIs yet.

  13. suz says:

    hey, fish could be Bass! Fish…bass….heh! (so seriously just kidding! but if you add The Hook to it, there’s plenty fishy about this case…badoom boom)

  14. skyler says:

    Hi, All — mom.3.0 — I agree w/ Chad, always your posts are well thought out and well written — I had to smile at you becoming a LOG — and all that time I was hoping you had on the “mute” key — ha

    Here is a little blog page from when Morgan was first missing — I think it explains why we were all so drawn to this tragic event : )

  15. Mom3.0 says:

    Chad, thanks for acknowledging my posts. I was starting to feel like I was posting them in invisible ink. Others seem to go right past ‘em even making some of the same comments.LOL

    Will you and any other Blinkers that are reading this, please take a look at my February 27, 2010 at 5:05 pm post?

    I posted these two links that show music happenings around C-ville. They have video and comments at The Hook link and a list of other venues. I don’t know but I think some clues could be found here,or in the venue links. Especially for those who are asking what else was going on around the area that night.

    P.s Chad, can you repost the email to send for the invite. I am gonna ask my daughter if she can help me set up the FB tonight? Thanks.

    You are anything but invisible-
    Can I ask a good reader to take at look at this while I hit deadline?? aah.

  16. redly says:

    Just catching up on posts today — missed lots of them yesterday for some reason. Observer — you had asked my thoughts on a plea deal. I am not a criminal attorney so these don’t come from any true expertise. There would be two reasons to plea. One would be to avoid the death penalty, as, assuming the was a sexual assault committed here, this will be a capital offense. The other would be if two or more perps were involved in the crime and one could finger the other for the actual killing. I think the second is likely to occur if there were more than two people involved. I think the first is unlikely if the perp is from a wealthy family. Someone without the resources to get top legal representation is at far more risk of facing execution than a wealthy person. Even if found guilty, rich, white, well represented people are rarely put to death. Secondly, people on this board should understand how difficult this case may be for the prosecutor to win unless there is solid physical evidence tying the perp to Morgan and/or the crime scene. If there is a single perp, they need some combination of dna, fiber evidence, eye witnesses, a believable snitch (and these are rare when faced with talented cross examination) to feel good about this case. Thus, I think a single perp who can afford a good lawyer may roll the dice on this and try to get off scott free unless they have him absolutely dead to rights — in which case the state may not be interested in a plea either. The worst thing that could happen (beyond them never figuring out who did this — which I think is very unlikely) is that they charge him and fail to prove there case. This is unfortunately a possibility. The police/prosecutor have a very hard job here (unless they found identifiable DNA).

    All that being said, I would love to see a plea. It will mean they got the guy and he will be locked up for life. An accessory who pleas will still get a very stiff sentence given the apparent brutality of this crime and the nature of the victim.

  17. suz says:

    Now, Bass saying “we don’t have any probs with trespassers” while his wife says “we get trespassers all the time, hunting, walking, riding bikes, etc.” (I’m paraphrasing here) is a weird contradiction.

    Same with Bass saying, “Man, it would be really hard to get onto the property except through the front gate” while all the neighbors say “it’s incredibly easy to get onto his property through (the many?) back gate(s)” (paraphrasing again).

    Almost might make you think he’s covering for some backdoor man….

  18. suz says:

    PS I still tend to think it’s a loner weirdo local….

  19. total amateur says:

    Would it have been standard procedure for LE to search all residences and buildings on the Bass property- including Luminol checks? Or do they just do a quick walk through?

    No light of suspiscion has ever been shined on the owners, so I’m going to take that as if LE found evidence/reason to believe early on there was no involvement on their part.(coupled with the fact they were reportedly out of town at the time)

  20. Observer says:

    TO: Fish: I’m so glad that my story was one that you feel might be helpful to share with your daughter. [There are other, very compelling personal stories here, as well; I thank readers for sharing them.] As some wise readers pointed-out, perhaps that man in the parking lot was one of my guardian angels in disguise. [We just never know where we might find our guardian angels.]

    I had to smile when you asked “Do you ever give warm and fuzzy lectures?” Yes, I do; as often as I can:)))

    While you may be right, i.e., your daughter sees you as a “nag” (didn’t we all see our moms that way at some point when we were growing up?), you are absolutely doing the right thing in continuing to try to help her understand not only her own vulnerability, but how to take the steps necessary to mitigate it. You’re trying to impart to her the importance of empowerment—and that can never be wrong. [And yes, that teenage thing is hard stuff. Having taught over 1,250 high school kids, I can attest to that. As they say, though, parenting (like teaching) is the toughest job you’ll ever love.]

    And how to strike for your daughter that oh-so-delicate balance between the gift of fear and wings to fly?…oh, if any of us had the magic answer to that age-old question we’d bottle it and sell it! My only advice would be this: keep doing what you’re doing. Let your daughter know that she is a lovable, capable, valuable human being. Let her know how much you trust her, and that she should likewise learn to trust herself. That means that when her “hinky meter” goes off, or any little bells go off in her mind, to listen to them–closely. I would tell her this: when she gets that funny feeling about someone, or something, or some situation, she needs to sit up, take note, and pay attention.

    These feeling are primordial and should never be dismissed. [Our gut will never steer us wrong. Our only challenge is give it the attention it deserves.] Too often when we can’t quantify something we tend to discount it and say “Oh, that’s just me…it’s really nothing…” Because we cannot put words to the uncomfortable feeling does not negate whatever was the genesis of that feeling. It got there, in our gut, for a reason. Even if we don’t know what the reason is, we must listen to it.

    That is what I would tell my daughter. I’m hopeful it will helpful to yours.

    RE: Mr. Bass: I’m reposting here suz’s 2/28, 9:19pm, very apt clarification (thank you, suz!) for those who may still be of a mind that Mr. Bass is in any way connected to Morgan’s murder:

    “I think the conflicting-sounding Bass statements are probably once again just the sloppy reporting we have seen plaguing this case (and probably every case everywhere—-we usually just don’t know enough about other cases to know better). Was he feeding cattle or checking fences? Perhaps both are true. Maybe he had been feeding cattle in the other field on his way to this far off pasture in order to check the fences because of the big rain/wind storm the previous day.

    Were cows in that pasture at the time Morgan was found? That one I’m not sure about. I remember originally thinking NO when it was being reported as a hayfield, but then Bass corrected it to say pasture, but I don’t know how many separate pastures he has, and whether he lets the cows roam everywhere all the time, or if he rotates them from field to field (in which case there would be fences in the interior of the farm; we know the horses are fenced to keep them separate from the cows, though I’m still not sure why). They all need water, so I wonder if the creek is the source of that, and whether all the fields touch the creek.”

    It’s natural to want to dissect and parse every statement made by Mr. Bass, given that he was the person who came upon dear Morgan’s remains. I firmly believe that if the intent is to detect some inconsistency therein in an effort to find evidence to support a theory that Mr. Bass was involved in Morgan’s demise, well, I believe that effort could be better spent focused on other aspects of this investigation.

    Bottom line: I will say this again: Mr. Bass is not complicit in Morgan’s murder. He is not the BG. Period. Full stop.

    I concur. I think it was a fair question to ask, but in my opinion it was answered.

  21. John says:

    I cannot respond, because when I do B will not post it. I have already responded to this question. You are just not able to read it.

    As far as artists going out in rough terrain to paint (someone asked this question previously, or answered it) If you are an outdoors painter, you will, and I have, gone for miles on foot, in a canoe, over mountains etc. to get to your favoured “spot”. So, no problem for me to think Nancy would be out painting in distant spot.

    No, I am not a local. I live in another country. (but I did used to live in N.C. near the border to Virginia)
    I do not know what you know, so do not know if I know something you don’t.
    I would certainly NOT be so arrogant as to think I knew something
    LE did not know. (since they have not contacted me…hahaha….that is my first clue) ((((they could find me in two seconds flat, if they wanted to)))) Well, I do not know about your LE, but the Mounties certainly could!
    Please, no offense intended to anyone. I, along with everyone here, I am sure, am simply outraged about the death of a beautiful young girl. I do not care who the BG’s are, be it the Bass’s or someone else, I just want them caught. I do not need to be right here. (David Bass said the area is his cow pasture, that is good enough for me, and NG, who is a lawyer, was told by her “insider team” that Mr. Bass was “feeding his cows”. Personally, I would think she would be careful about what she said on National TV.
    The only reason it matters to me either way, is that he seems to have said different things to different people. I listen, and wonder why.
    I am an artist. I LOOK at people and things, and I listen, that is all.
    Now, I do have to watch the Hockey game.
    John, not true.

    You are welcome to have a dissenting opinion, your not welcome to make accusations against innocent people such as the ones I did not post.

  22. Mom3.0 says:

    Hello, gifter3,

    Thank you for voicing your support in your February 27, 2010 at 11:19 pm comment. Much appreciated.

    I don’t want J2k to feel like any one is ganging up on her. But, as Blink says we are the sum of our parts. J2k is a very valuable contributor here. So much so, that often times we don’t question her well written scenarios and opinions. We are all here to find the truth of what happened to Morgan. If we all had the same opinion, there would be no need for BOC, and we certainly wouldn’t be helping one another to search out the truth.

    Just want to state again…If one statement is suspect than all statements are suspect. Peace Guys

  23. Moonchime says:

    Thank you all for sharing your “close call” experiences. I’ve had a few of them in my lifetime, but one has stayed with me. Perhaps it’ll also help save someone else.

    I’ve always been athletic. When I was 25, my daughter was in the fourth grade in Tucson, Arizona. Instead of driving her the half mile to school, I would jog alongside her as she rode her bicycle. I had been doing this every school day for 7 months, when this incident occurred.

    One morning, I had finished my jog with her to her school and continued alone on my route back to our house. At one point, I became aware of a car being driven very slowly by me. The car also came very close to me as I jogged. (I stayed on the sidewalk as I ran.) I thought that perhaps the driver was looking for a street sign, therefore causing the driver to drive more slowly and more close to the sidewalk than normal.

    But, my gift of fear had kicked in. He sped passed me finally and went on down a hill–out of my sight. As I crested the hill, I saw an eerie sight. The car was parked on my side of the sidewalk–facing me–with no driver inside.

    I immediately got into the middle of the street to jog–leaving the sidewalk. As I got closer to this car, I saw a man–naked–in the alley. He had been waiting to grab me off the sidewalk as I passed by.

    He was angry. I could tell this because I could hear him screaming something at me. I couldn’t hear what he was screaming though, because I was busy reciting his tag number over and over in my head–as I ran as fast as I could go. To this day I can recall that tag number. But, please don’t ask me what I had for lunch yesterday. LOL.

    I didn’t run home. Instead, I ran to my friends house and she called the police. I was able to give the police the man’s license plate number. A police officer came to my house later that day to let me know that the man had been arrested, for indecent exposure, and had been released.

    Therefore, I never felt safe jogging in my neighborhood anymore. Hubby got me a treadmill. I drove my daughter to and from school from that time forward.

    Whenever I see people jogging now, most are oblivious to their surroundings. Almost everyone is jogging with earphones. Please everyone who walks or jogs–leave the music at home. Be aware of what is happening around you.

    To this day, I am thankful that I was aware of that car going slowly by me. I shudder to think what would have happened if I had kept jogging along on that sidewalk that day.

    BTW, I have recently purchased two copies of the Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker. I gave one to my best friend. I will read my copy and pass it along to my daughter.~Moonchime

  24. Mom3.0 says:

    I think John’s questions are valid. Although, I do not understand his manner of asking. Had he not brought his information here, I would have never known about the various statements given by Mr. Bass. Nor would I have looked at Mrs. Bass’ beautiful paintings.

    Seeing her paintings of the farm and animals during all seasons, and knowing how much she values the beauty of her animals and the farm, I have to say, perhaps Morgan was placed there to hurt the Bass’. Especially after reading suz’s post regarding Mr. Bass’ owning a great deal of land.

    As I’ve mentioned before, I have read the comment section of various local new’s sites and Topix. Some of the locals are very angry about losing their land and farms to outsiders. I know Mr. Bass is a very likable person and seems to be embraced by most locals. But whose to say someone doesn’t hold a grudge against him for “taking” their home?

    I am not saying that Morgan was killed for this reason. But, perhaps those that helped think of a place to leave her, had their own agenda for wanting her placed there? Or maybe she was placed there to point the finger at someone who would have reason to dislike the Bass’

    John, what did you mean about the Sasquatch comment and the studio comment? I think you can help us figure out the why of the “location, location, location”. If your intent is to help, please, do. If you have a different agenda, please, put it on the back burner, explain if you want, but help us bring Morgan’s killers to justice. Thank you

  25. keekee says:

    ok, again, i want to bring up the tv interview of ss saying (paraphrased): “we would not have done IT if we thought this would happen….”

    so we know how wt has willingly inserted himself into morgan’s case, but made it clear that he did not see her while he was inside the arena in his seating section pretty much right by morgan. hmmm…he admits to seeing her in the crowd in the lobby area. not

    what if…he easily spotted the group of pretty girls and recognized ss as the daughter of his fellow greene co public service department? he may already have known her, or gone over to their seats to introduce himself and state the legitimate connection to ss’s father. now he has presented himself as a fine upstanding family man. poor guy is a single dad with a darling baby and works with the mentally disabled, too! well, that sure paints an appealing picture to someone like morgan who might have responded, “hey, i work at that same place in the summer!! what are the odds?” so then mr. nice guy could have either invited morgan away from her seat or “bumped into” her in the lobby to invite her somewhere special. after all, he would have wanted her to know about all of his connections and that he used to even work jpj security. isn’t that special?

    gosh, and at least one of his relatives is a violent rapist

  26. keekee says:

    also, i would think that a concerned daddy could help make sure a bad egg no longer works with green county, doncha think?

  27. melissa says:

    I’m with you Chad. I kinda think the tie to the area may be the girlfriend of the sicko that did this to MDH. Maybe it’s her neighborhood he/they left Morgan in. I dunno. I keep thinking B might drop us a breadcrumb later when she has time. We’ll get the answers soon enough. Look what has come to light for our dear Christine! Morgan’s case next maybe!

  28. alexandra says:

    With the little information that has been released, you have explored every possibility. Morgan was murdered the night she planned 6 months earlier to go to the Metallica concert. She posted her plan to attend on Metallica’s web site. Did she just run into local BG(s) after she fell and hurt her chin, got locked out of the concert in the rain, without a jacket and without money? Her car and keys were there at the arena too. When she realized she was locked out, the band was not yet on stage 8:45pm was not too noisy, not until after 9pm. Why didn’t they bring her the car keys before Metallica took stage? It wasn’t that far to walk to the door and throw Morgan her keys. She didn’t have a jacket and it was raining. I don’t know who killed her but they had better fess up because this is not going to go away!

  29. bonnieblue says:

    Can someone PLEASE clarify something for me as I have heard a number of conflicting reports including posts on BOC. Were the Bass’ home the night of October 17? Originally, I heard they were but now most people are saying they weren’t. Whether they were home or not makes a big difference as to why AF may have been picked by the BG.

  30. total amateur says:

    keekee- I think you and I are on the same track. I’d really like to be able to eliminate this person from conversation, but the name keeps coming up. My biggest suspicion is that this person somehow is the link between Morgan and the why/who she ended up with outside. I think it is possible that calling into a TV show and starting a website was a way of separating their self from what happened later.

    I’d really like to know how the FB you guys set up is working out. Is it mostly talk pertaining to the case?

  31. bob-dog says:

    to keekee: I admire your imagination when you create your scenarios, but I’m confused about the origin of some of the info you’re basing them on. For example:

    Re: keekee says:
    February 28, 2010 at 4:52 pm

    “ok, again, i want to bring up the tv interview of ss saying (paraphrased): ‘we would not have done IT if we thought this would happen….’

    “what if…he easily spotted the group of pretty girls and recognized ss as the daughter of his fellow greene co public service department? he may already have known her, or gone over to their seats to introduce himself and state the legitimate connection to ss’s father.”

    bob-dog says: To my knowledge, SS is not the daughter of any LE, especially not Greene County. “The nine,” as they were known, were all from Roanoke. The only one of the nine whose father is in LE was not at the concert, and her father works for Roanoke County LE. Do you know something different?

    keekee says: now he has presented himself as a fine upstanding family man. poor guy is a single dad with a darling baby and works with the mentally disabled, too! well, that sure paints an appealing picture to someone like morgan who might have responded, ‘hey, i work at that same place in the summer!! what are the odds?’.”

    bob-dog says: Again, with all due respect, Morgan volunteered for a nonprofit that helps children who have witnessed domestic violence — in Roanoke. WT works — where? now I forgot — is it Orange or Greene county?

    bob-dog: Just want to remind folks who aren’t from Virginia that Charlottesville is about 2.5 hours from Roanoke. Maybe 2 hours if you don’t drive like an old lady (sigh).

    Also, the distance makes the idea that Morgan was trying to get to downtown Roanoke to see the band her friend(s) is/are in extremely improbable. The earliest she could get there would be 11-12 p.m. I don’t think she was trying to get a ride there.

    Sorry to throw a wet blanket on your idea. Please — anyone — let me know if I’m wrong here. Won’t be the first time.

    I’m curious about the violent SO related to WT, though. Where might I find info about that?

  32. Mom3.0 says:

    Thanks for the info. Regarding Mrs. Bass’ comment about trespassers contradicting Mr. Bass’ statement. Perhaps she, unlike Mr.Bass did not talk with LE. Maybe LE in addition to asking Mr. Bass not to comment on the clothing ect, asked him to not speak of problems with trespassers.

    duannahincville you asked on February 27, 2010 at 6:51 pm:

    Are we sure that Bass was out of town the night Morgan disappeared?
    “Anyone who did draw notice would be in a bind because of the long drive back out, he said. He didn’t see anything the night Harrington went missing, he said.” This was Mr. Bass.-

    Perhaps the reporter stopped his quote in midthought. Maybe what he actually said was: “I didn’t see anything the night Ms. Harrington went missing, as I was out of town….” ????

    bob-dog your February 27, 2010 at 1:36 pm was very thought provoking thank you.
    Judi thank you for the link to the info on the ownership of the farm.

    juliemooly, thanks for trying to find more answers by going back thru Blink’s comments.
    Ky,Diane H. Dolce, welcome.

    p7byrdinDC, jessejane, thanks for the info. keekee February 27, 2010 at 10:06 pm very interesting…

    Josie, thank you for relaying your daughters experience with concerts, shrooms ect for us. Someone else posted about their experience with some fans of LOG while waitressing. Thanks to this person, sorry I can’t remember who said it…

    Ragdoll, your 2 cents is very valuable here. Your thoughts on OYE are most welcome. I for one, do not know what is up with her story or RT’s story. Very strange they both posted on the same day different threads.

    Blink, you said after Morgan’s killers are found you would enlighten us to a # of things. Please tell me OYE will be one of these things. I swear, her words still haunt me……

    To everyone sharing their stories of close calls, thank you.

  33. Observer says:

    TO: redly, 2/28, 3:04 pm: Thank you so much for providing to readers an excelllent explanation of the possible plea deals in this case. I encourage all readers to pay close attention to redly’s cogent analysis above.

    Regardless of the means by which we get there, I remain hopeful that Morgan’s BG will spend the rest of his natural life enjoying little more than three hots and a cot, compliments of the state of Virginia.

  34. Mom3.0 says:

    Chad I just read your February 27, 2010 at 11:33 pm. Sorry Blink, still having a hard time with this new format. Just because my name implys I know something about computers does not make it so…

    Chad, I am sorry to hear your friend is still fighting for their life. I hope he is on the path to recovery soon. I agree, this woman should have been off the street a long time ago. Did she ever receive treatment? Scary stuff. I tried to go back and find your email address Chad, no luck. When you get a chance, could you post it again and tell me what I need to do to get over there? TIA

    In my last post I might have left off a few welcomes and thank you’s such as one to Pomona70. Thanks and welcome to all new and old contributors.

  35. keekee says:

    mom3 –

    i have been using your links for research!thanks!

    bob dog –

    thanks for the compliment about my imagination. true dat.
    wt did work for greene co where ss’s father still works. he has used his self descriptive line of emt/father to little boy/volunteer of the mentally disabled before and i have linked it here where he comments in response to another poster. this is just one example.
    there is a good chance (no facts i can link yet) that wt worked at the same place morgan did or crossed paths through their volunteer work. i hope this link works because i am a might computer challenged

  36. keekee says:

    the post was made on december 7th under “wayne” and i think it is the 3rd or 4th comment down.

    so i still think my imaginative scenario is possible, but i appreciate all opinions and others’ imagined scenarios, too. it’s all good, and it does not bother me a bit to take a hit for my wild imagination. i publicly joked about acting a bit like 99 or max in “get smart” over my ride with the tip line. bwahaa

  37. Mom3.0 says:

    Blink, Thanks for bringing others attention to my February 28, 2010 at 2:53 pm post,regarding music venues ect

    I really do think we can all find some clues here. I have tried to look thru as much as possible. But it is such alot to go thru. I don’t know how you do it B- I really don’t. I Hope you make your deadline Blink, and thanks again.

  38. John says:

    The Anchorage Farm’s owner David Bass told newsreporters on site, previously, that he didn’t see how any evidence could be gathered from the little that remained of Morgan that was found or how what little was found could help much in the investigation
    HUH? How would he know that? Is this just wishful thinking?

    Mom 3.0
    I do not understand what you mean by ” a different aggenda” I am lost here.
    As far as the “sasquatch” statement. When I looked at it, I thought it looked like a funerery (angel statue)
    Re the torn down building. I thought this is where Nancy had her studio, and displayed her paintings. (that is pbobably about all I can say, and still get this posted)

  39. John says:

    You say I am welcome to have a discenting opinion, but I wonder if this is the case. You state the Bass’s are completely innocent. If I still believe they are not, and I do, am I welcome to post it?

  40. acho says:

    [B, am trusting you won't post if you think I am too specific.]

    Oh goodness, Mom 3.0, I love your posts! You’re my Misty Mountain friend, after all. I did see your post about the music happening the night of 10/17. I’ve done a lot of research about everyone performing that night. I didn’t want to reply and name specific people or acts, just because … but if I am forced to state which venue has had my attention, it would be Maya, with Christian Breeden and the Dirty Horse performing.

    BTW I dismissed Outback Lodge, but that doesn’t mean I’m right! I took a look at the MySpace link you posted but not all the friends. Anything there I’ve missed?

  41. keekee says:

    bob dog -

    i don’t think i posed that i thought anyone was trying to go to roanoke from the concert…maybe that was someone else? my thoughts were it made more sense that there was something going on at jmu where morgan’s car ended up after the concert. that makes me think that the friends thought morgan would end up there.

    now i am looking for the original links i found with le connection and genealogy. i’ll get back to ya. good questions and that’s why it takes all of us contributing with blink’s nudges to get us moving forward and not back. i don’t want to put anything (else) out there that would waste researchers time. *sigh*

    in defense of other wildly imaginative peeps out there, linear thinkers are not always the ones to get the blink biscuit

  42. John says:

    Observer and Blink
    Re Full stop, and Period and such statements. Unless you know who the bad guy is, how do you know who is innocent or guilty? And if you do know who the BG is, then why is he/she not in jail right now, instead of out there waiting to kill again?

  43. acho says:

    Clarification to my post to Mom3.0 (sorry):

    Mom3.0, I am not, however, convinced that Morgan made it to any other destination besides the RV lot, a convenience store or bank, and North Garden. I just find the fan base for the Maya act interesting.

  44. juliemooly says:

    Mom3.0, I looked at your links earlier and I am still going through all the information. I am slow digging through all the bands, names, dates, and venues, trying to make connections. It may be that you feel invisible because people haven’t processed everything yet if they’re as slow as me :-) , and they just haven’t replied yet.

    Everyone’s stories of feeling the gift of fear are compelling. I operate on a more fearful basis than nonchalant in situations where I could be vulnerable, but the situation that calls for “the gift” is not always stereotypically scary. Once, when I was in High School, I was walking through a home decor store in the mall, and as I was going down a narrow isle a man was coming towards me. In the time it took to close the distance between us I had the clear thought “he’s gonna touch me”, and sure enough, as I passed he pinched my butt as he went by. It was exceedingly creepy and gross. Nothing was said, I found my friends, who were in a different part of the store, and I have no idea where that guy went or who he was. I’m sure he’d done it before and did it again, and probably worse. In scary places like parking garages and strange cities I’m hyper-vigilant and often inwardly nervous, though outwardly confident. In the mall incident, I was calm and clear, and I’m glad that’s all that happened, because I didn’t have time to get away from him after the thought “he’s gonna touch me” went through my head. If we’d been in a parking garage I don’t know what kind of fight I could have had on my hands.

    Chad, my email to the facebook group didn’t actually give me a link to join the group; it just sent me to my facebook page. Can you re-invite me?

  45. J2K says:

    But for the grace of God go we…

    I’ll try to be brief here, as I’m itching to address Mom3.0′s 2/27 @ 10:30 p.m. comment (btw, Momo – I read *all* of your comments – though, sometimes they simply stand for themselves and require no input from the J2Gallery; and, when able, I also follow your namesake-savvy links… That said, I’m sure everyone posting on this voluminous, bustling thread feels lost in the frenzy sometimes, watching post he or she worked hard on and want feedback to fall by the wayside. ‘Tis the nature of the Blink; but the Good far outweighs the Frustration.)

    Anyway! Back to my deep enrichment from all of the jolting, enlightening memories of GOF Moments/Beginnings shared over the last few days here. Observer, my heart skipped a solid beat when coming upon the Next Line: “Lady, you’re gonna get raped.” in the course of reading your amazing cautionary tale. (I literally clutched my chest, finally exhaling when you were able to reverse and speed off…) And to everyone else – mary, Josie, Chad, RNmom, Moonchime, lee, anotherB, Frank Speaker (well, maybe not him), and many others that I have read here over the last few months:

    I will reiterate my sentiment to Mom3.0 at the start of this post: whether I reply or acknowledge you, I read you; I absorb what you’re conveying when you write something powerful and significant; I take you with me when I traverse the streets of Philly and (on bad days) Camden; I mull over critical observations laid forth here while pretending to listen to my boyfriend rattle on about what a slacker his drummer is.

    Thank you all for making this site a meaningful touchstone in my life nearly every single day, and one that has taught me so much. B, you know you have my deepest admiration for facilitating such a venue. I raise my Goblet to all of you.


    Now that I’ve once again gone past my already-generous intended word-count, I will address several recent posts aimed my way in several follow-up dispatches.

  46. Mom3.0 says:

    I feel like I am hogging the board. Sorry guys.

    AnotherB, Hello, I have been out of the loop for awhile so I am not sure what you were referring to in your post. However, please know that each of your posts are important. I don’t think suz meant anything against you personally. I think maybe that is her style. She is from Texas I think? LOL

    Sky, Hi, friend, thanks for the kind words. Yes, I think we are all drawn to Morgan’s story because we each enjoy music. I think we all are sickened to think something happened to shiny Morgan when she was supposed to be enjoying the thing that gave her so much happiness, her long time friends and her music.

    I can honestly say there isn’t one concert mentioned as a first, by other posters, that I myself wouldn’t have enjoyed attending. As for LOG, I wouldn’t say I am a fan. Nor did I say I listened all the time…. but yes, Red Neck had a certain something…..

  47. Red Hill local says:

    Whew, I have been away and then slammed with work for the past 10 days. Sorry, but I don’t have time to read the entire thread to catch up on all of the latest thoughts. BUT, there was a pic several pages back of a “hunter” wearing a hat, carrying a backpack, etc. taken from 9 miles up… IF it was a hunter, or a hiker, he stands about 8’6″ tall and probably weighing 400-500 lbs.! I know the tree lines and tree heights there and no way is it a person. Sorry.

    Christy S – Good pics of the gate entrance off Red Hill Rd. Quick entry whether by one person or two. But only by someone familiar with the area.

    B, I’ve missed following your threads but I am not feeling very comfortable about LE and their closing in on the BG. Sad.

    So good to see you, I have been thinking of you.

  48. DTA says:

    Mom 3.0
    You are far from invisible. Your posts are very good. You are important to BOC. I hope you are able to get to FB. You are needed

  49. Eloise says:

    Chad, thanks for acknowledging my posts. I was starting to feel like I was posting them in invisible ink. Others seem to go right past ‘em even making some of the same comments.LOL

    Mom 3.0, I have always enjoyed reading your posts. What I also thought was you always have something nice to say to each poster and try to keep everyone agreeable.
    I looked throught those sites some the other night, I have to say I can’t tell if I am looking at anything important or not. It reminds me of when we were all lookng at SOB stuff, where I felt there may have been a link. I will re-look. Some of those pics are frightening to me. I always went and watched bands, my husband played guitar, its funny I did’t think we looked like that! LOL!

  50. Christy S says:

    Hi Mom3.0

    Thanks for the links. It will be interesting to see who else was playing in town that night and if we can find the Crozet connection somehow.
    I’ve always wondered what the Crozet connection was (why did LE search there?) and also who the men in black could be.
    Blink if you don’t think we need to go to Crozet just say the word.

    I can only say that Crozet is a component.
    Nice job on the photos.

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