Kyron Horman Missing: Watch Press Conference Live

Posted by BOC Staff | Kristian Horman,Kyron Horman,Missing Child | Friday 18 June 2010 4:36 pm

Portland, OR– The last 24 hours of the case of missing 7 year old Portland child, Kyron Horman, has the community boiling over with speculation that Terri Horman, Kyron’s stepmother, is a suspect in his disappearance.


As reported exclusively on, Kyron’s Uncle Kristian was incarcerated yesterday for child molestation charges.

This afternoon, Multnomah County Police released a flyer they have distributed to the parents and students of the Skyline School that seem to call into question whether Kyron and his stepmom Terri were even at the school on June 4, 2010.

Check Back to for breaking news in the Horman case.

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  1. Al MIller says:

    Guess I missed this? Snipped from article: Investigators are also turning to questioning Terri after they had discovered from her June 4th cell phone records that she was not where her alibi claimed she was. Her cell phone traced her to Sauvie Island, which is located just 5 miles from Skyline Elementary School where the step mom says she last saw Kyron as he headed to class.

  2. Bearlyhere says:

    I wonder if he got into the classroom and someone knocked on the window and pointed to the door, and Kyron went to open it. Then, something happened. 8:45 is still early to go into a classroom, it might have been empty.
    I am still wondering who was watching Terri’s daughter while she was at the school, where his father was, and if the woman who left, as his best friend stated, had 6 kids to begin with and then ended up with 5. There is a reason the police do not want that boy to speak with the media. I wonder why the grandparent did not comply. I read what she said, but it was a police request/order, after all. I am also still wondering if the SM had a stalker.

    The baby was enrolled in daycare or some sort of preschool I recall reading.

    We are on the same page on the other, releasing new piece this afternoon.

  3. OregonGma says:

    Wow~I just did some sleuthing on Facebook, which began by reading an article in The Oregonian about the family dynamics of Kyron’s extended, blended family. Apparently very recently, Kyron’s older brother did in deed, move from his Grandparents home and in with his bio-dad and step-mom. So I found bio-dad Ron Tarver’s FB page, which is private, but searched through his friends list to find his wife, Angela. Found something which seemed kinda odd, to me. Angela was on vacation, without Ron, in Nevada for at least a week~not sure when she left town. She returned yesterday, June 20th. On June SIXTH, Ron and Angela both posted on their Facebook walls about Kyron being missing, that he’s “related to their family” which that family would be the older boy, James. This was Ron’s last post, but Angela has kept up to date with her wall posts, including photo’s and notes from her vacation~none of which seem ‘normal’ with the situation of what’s going on with her step-sons little brother,Kyron.
    ***Now hold on, I’m headed some where with this.***
    First off~it took two days to post information about Kyron.
    Earlier, I posted here about how it seemed strange James would move down here to Roseburg 2/3 through his school year~probably near or during Spring Break. First living with his maternal Grandparents, eventually moving in with the bio-dad who pretty much abandoned him during earlier childhood and never paid child support. (The ‘Dad’ STILL paying $500+ child support is Richard Ecker, Terri’s 2nd hubby, who legally adopted James years ago.)
    So~back to wondering why James moved away…which my gut tells me has everything to do with little Kyron’s disappearance. As much as I truly do not want to speculate, what IF (and I’ve said this before!) James has at some point been sexually abused and acted out on Kyron? If this was to happen in any normal household, would you not separate the children somehow? Of course you would! Send the abuser to Grandparents, or wherever, which is this case would eventually be bio-dad’s.
    Now~bio-dad really has a huge situation on his hands. He loves his Son and his Son is in big trouble~could potentially be looking at going away to an adolescent facility for troubled youth~for a long time. Bio-dad just got his boy back and no way does he want to lose him. Solution? No witness….no crime to prove! His wife is headed to Nevada….why not pack up the witness and send him along with her?! How they going to do this? Easy~because bio-Mom doesn’t want her first born sent away, either. However, she loves Kyron and permanently disposing of him in not in the equation of this mess. So what does she do? Set up this elaborate plan to have Kyron ‘kidnapped’ and what a perfect opportunity~end of school year, busy day due to Science Fair, she can prove she was involved with his project AND was even at the school with him to take pictures. Of course then there’s the whole ‘he had an appointment, told teacher but she’s hard of hearing in one ear and misunderstood date of appointment’ theory. So~THAT’S why teacher was not surprised Kyron’s belongings were in the class room all day~Kyron was simply away with Mom at Dr.’s appointment.
    When in REALITY~ The whole thing was a set-up to have Kyron kidnapped by her oldest son’s bio-dad and/or someone who would eventually transport him to Mr. Tarver, who would send Kyron on his way to Nevada. From there, who knows? Could be staying with a relative of any of those involved in this whole thing.
    *****Far-fetched? Maybe…Possible? Definitely!*****
    I plan on doing some more snooping around~can’t help myself. Something about James being down here, the timing of his arrival, The Tarver’s FB posts and Mrs. Tarver’s trip ‘alone’ to Nevada~just sets odd to me.

    BLINK~If what I’ve written above, is not appropriate to post here, I truly understand. Just seriously needed to get it off my chest. It’s 5AM and I’m headed to bed~maybe I will sleep. Haven’t done much of that since this sweet child has disappeared! :**(
    In no way am I accusing anyone of anything….this is simply my own theory which I have arrived at after trying to put the pieces of this troubled case together.

  4. Ragdoll says:

    Mornin’ all.

    I have a favour to ask of my fellow Blinker’s. Venus Dejong, 2, of Medicine Hat, Alberta has been abducted. Please pray for her safe return.

    Thank you so so much xo

  5. GriffyMom says:

    I am an admitted news junkie and I have been following this case since news of it broke nationally. What has bothered me from the beginning is the stepmom’s comments about saying bye to Kyron then watching him walk to his classroom. Any time I have ever been in the school I have gone in to greet the teacher just to see if there is anything he/she would like to share or because my child has wanted to show me something in the class. Once you are in the school there are interactions; other parents, teachers, children from the neighborhood, etc. It sounds as if Terri and Kyron appeared in a vacuum and that just doesn’t happen. LE clearly has to know more than their releasing. I can’t help but wonder if she staged the whole morning scenario so as to paint herself in the clear. The CSI buff may think she has pulled off the perfect crime. My heart aches for little Kyron and the countless others just tossed away.

  6. Twinkletoes says:

    I am totally confused with this case.
    If Kyron left the school with Terri, unless this is the most elaborate and odd murder plan of the decade, it would have to be because he or they forgot something at home. But wouldn’t Terri have just run home to get something that was forgotten? I am so confused. I just can’t wrap my head around this case.

  7. nana2 says:

    A letter to Kyron from his Mom released this morning on MSNBC..

    When you come home I will show you all of the things that everyone did for you, just to find you.

    Read more:

  8. Eloise says:


    Do you mind giving me the link to below snip. I am lost with this comment, and want to be up to speed. TIA !
    where his father was, and if the woman who left, as his best friend stated, had 6 kids to begin with and then ended up with 5. There is a reason the police do not want that boy to speak with the media. I wonder why the grandparent did not comply. I read what she said, but it was a police request/order, after all. I am also still wondering if the SM had a stalker.

  9. nana2 says:

    There is also a video with that MSNBC article & letter from Kryon’s biological mom..

  10. Lisa says:

    Ms. Finster is doing Terri no favors speaking for her. She made it sound as if Terri’s only concern were the internet blogs talking bad about her.

  11. Stars says:

    Dear Foobros,
    I am the poster that is blaming the teacher.
    Bottom line-the school day started at 8. Kyron was the teacher’s responsibility
    and the school’s once the SM left the school. No one else’s!!!!! When you leave your
    child at school, you expect them to be taken care of. She was his teacher. The Science Fair
    started at 8. SM left at 8:45. If the teacher is not responsible for Kyron, who’s responsibility
    was he at 8:45?
    At my son’s school, a parent MUST sign their child out. If a child is absent the school
    call’s the parent ASAP . There is a proticol that must be followed. If not, you would have
    children leaving at all times everyday with no checkpoint. It would be utter chaos. This school
    obviously does not have normal safety, absentee measures in place!!!
    So, yes I blame the teacher and the school!! The police could and should have been there
    at 8:50 looking for Kyron. If this was my son I would be LIVID that the school did not protect him!!
    After all, he WAS in their care once SM left. Even if SM did take Kyron out of school, the teacher should
    have marked him absent and the school call and verify his absence. On another note, I rread that Kyron
    was supposed to be in the Talent Show. Didn’t the teacher know that??? There should have been
    questions going off in her head… Someone did something careless, otherwise there would NOT
    be a missing child! The school should have called the SM the minute they noticed Kyron was not there.
    His absence would have come from Kyron’ teacher, so IMO, the buck stops with her!

  12. JEN says:

    This just-released letter from biomom to Kyron is interesting in terms of timing and content structure. It’s almost not just aimed at Kyron, IMO.

  13. Hulagirl says:

    I had also wondered who was watching the baby while SM was with Kyron at the science fair. In one report it was stated that she “left at 0845 to return home to the 18mo old baby” since she is a stay-at-home mom. Leaving an18mo old at home alone seemed odd to me unless dad was still at home or the neighbor was watching the child. I haven’t read that she was in daycare…so that’s news to me and makes more sense if it may have only been to give SM a small break during the day from childcare or to socialize the baby. Maybe SM was indeed suffering from post-partem depression… just thinking out loud…

  14. Hulagirl says:

    Kyron’s mom reaches out in emotional letter:

    PORTLAND — Kyron Horman’s biological mother, Desiree Young, wrote an emotional letter to her son during his disappearance, hoping that he will return someday soon to read it.

    Young agreed to share the letter with NBC, along with additional photos of Kyron with his family, as part of the ongoing coverage of the case. This is an exact copy of the letter sent to NBC in a Word document:

    Dear Kyron,

    I am so soooooo sorry that this has happened. I am sorry that I was not there to protect you. I will never be able to forgive myself for being so many hours away when you needed me the most. I pray that you come back to me because I am afraid that I can’t live without you. I miss you every second of every day. I would give my life for yours, I just want you back safe. You must come back to us. We have so many things that we have planned this summer that you are going to love. Quinn loves you so much and wants you home too. All of the family is here and wants you to know just how much they miss you. Mayson is terribly sad without his best friend to play with and wants you home soon.

    When you come home I will show you all of things that everyone did for you, just to find you. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people that don’t know you and yet they pray for you every night. They know how much I miss you and need you and they just want to bring you home to me. There are so many wonderful people working on this case and they are going to find you soon.

    I would give anything to run my fingers through your short hair again. I miss having you to hug anytime I want. Night time is always hard for me. I miss you so much and want you back here so that I can protect you from all of the horrible things in this world. I just can’t believe that you aren’t still with us. Your life has been really great and I know that it is done yet. A long time ago you saved my life and now I am going to do the same for you. Our lives will never be the same after this. I love you very much!

    Momma (Desiree Young)

  15. lower case susan says:

    Are you thinking what I’ve been thinking, that her open Facebook that all could see may have exposed her children. It wouldn’t be the first time that people had used the constant updates by some of their whereabouts to get up to something. You could innocently post accounts of things that when someone has evil on their mind, they can learn your schedule, know where your kids go to school, learn when you’re out of the house and more. And that can happen even if your facebook account is not open to the world like hers was. If your settings are such that “friends of friends” can view your information, you have no idea who is looking at your pictures and updates.

  16. Kleat says:

    (OT warning, but today a status hearing in the search for justice for Baby Caylee, her con ex-mother will not have to attend, but cameras will be there, WFTV will have a live stream. Goes to show that this is NOT all about Casey and her camera ops… good for the media to continue coverage even without the ‘me’ girl to watch and comment on. Defense might be wrong, attention is not all about their client and what she is wearing or expressing in court).

    “Updated: 12:04 pm EDT June 21, 2010

    ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — The case against Casey Anthony will be back in court Monday afternoon at 1:30pm, but Casey is not expected to attend. Judge Perry said she doesn’t have to come to the monthly status hearings, which won’t involve arguments on major issues. will have a livestream of the hearing starting just before the 1:30pm start time.
    Attorneys from both sides will meet for a status hearing with Chief Judge Belvin Perry Jr. and the judge could decide whether a jury should be allowed to hear Cindy Anthony’s incriminating 911 call. This could be an important ruling for the case for a number of reasons.

    “There’s something wrong. I found my daughter’s car today and it smells like there’s been a dead body in the damn car,” Cindy Anthony said in the 911 call (hear it).”

  17. Word Girl says:

    JEN, thanks for biomom’s letter.

    A nauseating feeling came over me as her use of “I am, I just, I want, I pray” overwhelmed her letter to Kyron. It got better, but the focus was not on language a child would understand: “literally hundreds of thousands of people,” for example. JEN, I agree that Desiree was speaking to and about other than Kyron.

    It was the statement “A long time ago you saved my life and now I am going to do the same for you” that blew my mind. My eyebrows are still stuck in their upright and locked position!

    What?! She credits her very young child with saving her life? There is a good reason Kyron was not living with her. That self-focus and fragility, not to mention potential suicide risk, is not conducive to safe, secure, or nurturing parenting.

    She had kidney failure, I was wondering if he underwent a lobectomy at one time, but I do not believe renal failure limits to one kidney, could it have been some other issue?

  18. SS says:

    I have been reading in other blogs that the confirmed sighting of Kyron and his mom by the PTA president/head (Zimmerman is her name I believe) was at 8:15 a.m., and that this is the last confirmed sighting until SM says she left him in the hallway at 8:45 a.m. IMO, if this is true that changes every theory I have had about this case. Someone please shoot this down so I don’t go here. Okay I’m going here. How could 30 minutes go by without anyone seeing SM and Kyron? She’s a teacher’s assistant at the school for heaven’s sake! LOTS of parents and children know her and would have seen/spoken to her and/or Kyron. Could she have immediately left after 8:15 a.m., after making sure someone saw her with Kyron? Could all this have been premeditated – bringing him so early and knowing that very few people would be there yet, taking the photo, leaving his backpack, confusing the teacher with the Dr. Appt. story, not walking him all the way to his class, posting Kyron’s frog project photo immediately online when previously it was all about her bio-daughter and NOTHING had been posted about Kyron previously (a memento? many who commit crimes like to keep mementos that they can look at afterward) – and most importantly, SM knew the school, knew the exits (including the seldom-or never-used ones), knew there were no cameras at the school, and also knew that staying much later than 8:15 a.m. would mean too many people would be around – WHO ELSE would have all this knowledge? Even another school employee would not have known exactly what time Kyron would be walking down a hallway alone, much less have an instant opportunity to grab him and leave with him (at 8:45 a.m. there were many people around) and coincidentally have the added benefit of the teacher thinking he was gone with his mom to an appointment. And even if it was a family member (FM), the FM would have had some help to pull this off, as he/she would not have known the school exits, the lack of cameras, etc., unless someone told him/her. It’s simple. All SM would have had to do was park somewhere at a seldom-used exit very early, go in and be seen at 8:15 a.m., then tell Kryon he was going to an appointment and to go get in the truck and she would be right there. If there was a suitcase or whatever involved, it was in the truck already and he was put in it later and taken to….I wish I knew where. As far as her alibi goes, any one or maybe even two of these things mentioned above happening is plausible, but all of them together, on the same day? Just all coincidences? Coincidence that the teacher misunderstood the appointment? That no one saw them after 8:15 a.m.? That SM was the last one to see him? That SM just happened to NOT walk him to his class? That his backpack just happened to get left behind as if he were returning? That she was places other than what she told the police on that day? Hard to fathom. TELL ME PEOPLE, WHAT ELSE MAKES SENSE? I’m still willing to believe it was someone else, but someone tell me something that shoots this down please! It’s driving me crazy. I just want Kyron to be found and ok.

  19. staccie says:

    You may be right about the teacher and the school, but maybe not. You do not know what SM said to that teacher. The police do know however. We will find out eventually. I agree that the school could have been negligent, but many people on these boards are saying not to jump on “the stepmom did it bandwagon”. I think the same way regarding the teacher and the school. We should at least wait until we have some official timeline, facts, etc. before we put the blame on the teacher or school for what happened to Kyron. I am reserving judgement until LE decides to lay out what they believe happened.

  20. mag603 says:

    RE: STARS June 21, 2010 at 10:58 am posting

    Do you think that the school would continue to stay open and let the teacher teach if they thought the teacher was involved in anyway?

    The question is why is the Horman family keeping so quiet? Why aren’t they expressing outrage and disbelief that their child wasn’t safe at school.

    I agree that school is responsible — but I also feel that the person that took Kyron is known to the family — which is why the family is so silent.

  21. Daisy says:

    The letter Desiree wrote brought me to tears, I think Kyron is alive, and he is being hidden by someone! I truly believe this. I dont think Terri is involved at all. I also was wondering if anyone had the full version of the red squirrel story? I see many comments all over the internet stating that “the grandfather doesn’t like terri” but childrens books always have a moral to the story, and I was just wondering how people come to that conclusion without reading the whole story..

  22. oneshot says:

    At least Stars shows something I haven’t seen yet from any of the 4 in the parent-group: real anger. with the school. Kyron was last seen at the school, for goodness sakes.
    Instead, they’re “thankful” etc. HUH?
    Again, starting with statements the key players make & their behavior, or lack of appropriate response, or what have you, one can analyze what’s in their heads. Reexamination as information comes out.

  23. Eloise says:

    Maybe at sometime when she was ill he called for some help to someone? I know he was little initially, but what about since then? We dont know if she has continued health issues related to her kidneys do we? It basically is that the filtration system is not removing the toxins as awhole and there is buildup in the blood. Lots of different causes possible. Did she have dialysis or transplant? if not, they have recovered to a degree.

  24. oneshot says:

    I hate to say this, but if Kyron is deceased, I hope he IS in a container. It’s been almost 3 weeks, weather has been rainy, & if his body is exposed much evidence would be washed away & skeletonization occurring. At least in a container, the decomposition rate would be slowed somewhat. Hopefully, he’ll be found soon. I hope he’s alive, which is more than I can say of the 4-parent group as advanced in their statement on Friday, prior to Father’s Day. Their not holding out hope he’s alive in that statement said a lot.

  25. Sunny says:

    I am curious at her need for a babysitter in the morn. Being a SAHM, I just don’t think this is “the norm”. I find it odd she didn’t bring the baby to school with them. Is this normal for her to do this? Would she normally have the baby with her? This would go along with premeditation, IMO.

  26. oneshot says:

    Renal (Kidney) Failure can be chronic, or acute, & fluctuate between them. I wonder what sort of treatment exists in Canada for it versus what’s available in the US. (And, unless she’s a Canadian citizen, how is it she can be treated in Canada by their govt-run medical system…without it costing more for her there? I admit I’m ignorant about these issues unlike some who live closer to the northern US border). It seems odd that BioMom would give her son up, as her ex would be paying child support & she was living at her parents’ home, even if she was sick….I could see her son donating a kidney if they were compatible. I mean, whatever worked for them; water-under-the-bridge; it’s none of anyone’s biz; & all that…but still, how hard it would’ve been to carry a fetus then give the baby up upon birth to your ex.

  27. oneshot says:

    ps – a high percentage of dialysis patients battle depression as a consequence of their condition. If BioMom says her son ‘saved her’, it probably would be that he helped lift her from depression.

  28. JEN says:

    Just thinking back to initial reports in this case. Did the neighbor who reported the white truck sightings REPORT them, as in TO the police, maybe via a phone call? Or did he report seeing them upon being asked by LE if he’d seen anything strange? If it’s the former, when exactly did he make said reports? And what was a 50-year-old man doing out at 2am to have seen the second sighting of the white truck?

    I’m asking because I’ve looked at the Google Earth maps of that area, and frankly, it seems odd to me that a “neighbor” that far away (I believe it’s a mile-and-a-half from the Horman’s home) would remark on such a sighting OR be close enough to hear a heavy-duty truck coming or going at 2am – but then, I don’t live in a rural area. I see and hear countless vehicles in my locale daily and never give them a second thought. Maybe a mile and a half isn’t all that distant in that area?

  29. elston says:

    I have been lurking for quite awhile…worried about Kyron and trying to figure out could have happened when so many people were around. Someone made a comment about Kyron going out into the parking lot, and I started to wonder if that is what happened. What if he decided to see if his SM had left because he wanted to tell her or show her something? She wasn’t there and he was in the parking lot. Would he have decided to walk home? Would someone have picked him up? It is the only thing I can think of that doesn’t implicate her SM or other people seeing a stranger around him.

    A part of me doesn’t think she is responsible because of all of the photos that indicate he is a happy kid. For me, I find it critical what her demeanor was like when she either picked up her youngest child from a provider or came home to a babysitter. I find her behavior after he disappeared to be less troubling. I honestly think she was medicated for the press conferences. On the other hand, her cell phone pings trouble me. There are not a lot of places on Sauvie Island to run errands except for a local general store and bike or hiking trails. It is close enough to the end of Cornelius Pass Road that I wonder what the range is for cell phone pings. Could she have driven to the end of Cornelius Pass Road to Highway 30, realized she forgot something and turned around?

  30. TJ says:

    @ Wordgirl, I didn’t get that vibe from the letter. I think she just seems devastated. I sort of thought she really wanted it to be HER message and is maybe a response to everyone saying they aren’t visible enough.

    And regarding the “saving my life” part, I just read it as maybe she went through really rough times and having him to focus on during a difficult time (divorce, illness) helped her get it together.

    Really, it could mean a variety of things. Maybe he called 911 when she became ill one time. I refuse to judge the family because UNLESS one of them caused harm to Kyron, then it is unlikely that any of their actions have bettered/worsened the outcome for him. Just my opinion. There are things I think I would do differently. But, I hope I’m never in a position to find out.

  31. Kim says:

    Wish we could do an experiment. Too much time has passes, but wish I could go to some parents I have pictures of from our last week of school. I wonder which ones would remember seeing me? I’m pretty active in the school… and was there on an awards day where alot were coming and going. Once I was past the front office… I didn’t see too many staff members, if any, in the halls. What parents would have paid attention and remembered me? If there was alot of commotion, I think alot of parents were fixated on their kids and really don’t pay attention. I go out of my way to talk to other parents I do not know, but rarely does anyone speak to me. And I can relate to the PTC member recalling her. My PTC has someone there most of the time and I usually cross paths with them at some point. They would be the one person to remember me.

    Can SM just have alot of guilt over being the last to acknowledge seeing him and that’s why she’s acting that way? Anxiously awaiting Blinks new piece…

  32. Tracygirl says:

    I still do not beleive the step mom did this. It doesn’t make sense as to why this plan, on this day, all of a sudden would this woman up and hide or kill this child who she has raised for years. Why? There is not history of drug use, no criminal reports of violence, nothing about CPS reports….Nothing is leading me to believe she did this.

    She is the last known person to see him but she was not in an empty building with Kyron, there were many people there that morning. I don’t think it is odd to not walk Kyron into the classroom because if his bookbag and jacket was there they had already been in the classroom.

  33. Tracygirl says:

    Bearly said:

    I wonder if he got into the classroom and someone knocked on the window and pointed to the door, and Kyron went to open it. Then, something happened. 8:45 is still early to go into a classroom, it might have been empty.
    I am still wondering who was watching Terri’s daughter while she was at the school, where his father was, and if the woman who left, as his best friend stated, had 6 kids to begin with and then ended up with 5. There is a reason the police do not want that boy to speak with the media. I wonder why the grandparent did not comply. I read what she said, but it was a police request/order, after all. I am also still wondering if the SM had a stalker

    The boys statement to the media has to be considered. Why would the child lie? Can a child get confused, yes they can, however when considering everything he said, he would have had to be more then just confused. LE didn’t want this out for a reason and I can only assume there are other reports they do not want out.

  34. Sunny says:

    Sorry–I am just constantly thinking about this case. There seem to be a few “coincidences” regarding the SM. Besides her need for a babysitter *that* morning (is this something that would be considered “normal” for her?), she apparently told the teacher Kyron had an appointment “next Friday” as well. When exactly did she tell the teacher this? Before Friday? The morning of? Again, I’m thinking premeditation. Also, if SM told the teacher Friday morn, that would be another confirmation that SM was there (tho maybe before 8:15/last time seen, when the PTA pres. saw her?).

    IF SM is involved, I think she could have told the teacher that he had the appointment THAT Friday (June 4), and is *saying* to LE she told the teacher he had the appointment the next Friday. I’m sure the LE has already confirmed whether or not he actually had an appointment the following Friday. He very well *could have* really had an appointment for the premeditation to work, but it would be pretty significant if he didn’t have an appointment.

    I will say if she *did* tell the teacher he had an appointment *next Friday* my whole premeditation theory flies out the window, because I would expect the SM to *expect* a call from the school IN THE MORN (not when when school was over), AS SOON AS the teacher realized he wasn’t in class. IF she’s involved, she *needed* the school to think Kyron was not in school–that’s where the appointment comes in.

    On another note–From reading comments above, it may have been “confirmed” SM was actually seen with him that morn at the school. I’ll be curious to find out if that is true. It’s been bothering me all along. I’m curious about the flyer, wondering if the LE really do have solid confirmation that SM was there with Kyron that morn, OR NOT.

  35. JEN says:

    Regarding biomom’s medical dx, I have known a handful of people who have experienced kidney failure as a result of alcoholism and/or drug addiction. Perhaps the trip to Canada for medical treatment involved a rehab facility, which would help explain Kyron’s “saving a life” (pregnancy/birth = hitting bottom) and granting physical custody of the baby to his dad. No shame in that…and of course it’s just one of a million possibilities.

  36. blue says:


    I’m with you. There’s a part of me that just doesn’t believe the stepmom harmed Kyron. Other than the DUI, which by all accounts was an isolated incident, there is no history of abuse, drug use, or other reckless behavior. Yes, she’s been married twice, but both her ex-husbands have wonderful things to say about her, rather telling, IMHO.

    The amount of premeditation and cunning it would’ve taken for her to think of this plot and carry it out points to a deviousness not present in her life. By all accounts, she seems like a likable, loving person who loved Kyron as her own son. I remember reading a news article wherein the reporter interviewed a swimming instructor who said that he didn’t know Kyron was Terri’s stepmother UNTIL this story, and she’s the one who took him to swimming lessons! That goes to show the degree to which she loved this child and he loved her. I just can’t fathom why she’d do this or how.

    If her grand plan was to take Kyron to school, show him around, confuse the teachers, and then somehow slip him out of the school without being seen and murder him…it was too risky. With the business of the day, anyone could have seen Kyron getting into her truck. A teacher could’ve stopped Kyron and said, “Hey buddy, where are you going?” And if he answered, “My mom’s taking me on an adventure!” well, her story is blown. Too much would be left to chance, and besides that, what’s her motive? Post-partum? Okay, maybe if she flew into a rage at the home, but the premeditation required to harm Kyron in this way is just astounding, so much so that if it is her, they’d better start looking for other victims because obviously she’s snowed everyone in her life for all these years.

  37. nana2 says:

    RE:: # 19
    oneshot says:
    June 21, 2010 at 2:34 pm

    To try & answer your question on ” but still, how hard it would’ve been to carry a fetus then give the baby up upon birth to your ex “..

    Without getting into specifics I have walked in Desiree’s shoes when it comes to giving up custody of a child to your ex & his wife & I can tell you it is more than just ‘hard’ it has been more than 38 yrs now & the wounds of that day are still raw.. Please don’t look negatively upon Desiree because of that choice as Desiree said “sometimes you need to do what is best for the child”; or in my case children & then bear the pain in your heart forever.. And we should remember this was ‘voluntary’ decision & for physical custody only..

  38. adair says:

    Not knowing the medical histories of Desiree and Kyron, I shouldn’t hope to read anything into the letter… but, I feel it is written more to whoever may have taken Kyron. There is fragility and sorrow in it, but there is anger, too. She seems to be saying things will be different when he comes home. Telling to me is the, you saved my life, and now I want to save yours, comment….But, who else could have saved her, in the past or present? And, what is most puzzling to me is the very simple, wanting to touch his “short hair” again. I don’t know why. Nothing there that jumps out, just an odd detail or 2 in a mother’s letter, I have no facts to feel that way, I have read it several times and it just gets me… sad.

  39. blue says:

    *he didn’t know Kyron was Terri’s stepson, LOL. Typo on my part.

  40. Angela_nw says:

    Daisy:re: that there are statements that the grandfather does not like Terri.
    In the Acknowledgements for his book Tokens of Trust, R. Neil Horman, Kaine’s father, credits Terri with testing out his manuscript in a college class for him. He also presents a page for an upcoming book about the red squirrel which seems to be Terri’s nickname/username? Is there another grandfather you are referring to? And what are those opinions based on?

    Jen: the 2 a.m. sighting of the white truck was by someone who had let their dogs out and spotted the car at the end of a driveway.

  41. Kim says:

    Trying to put myself in the parents shoes… not sure if I would be furiously vocal with the school. I mean, they are not saying alot about anything. Too much tv, I know, but aren’t they briefed on how to act, even changing or hiding their feelings to fit how LE wants to deal with the suspects profile? And I know I would deal with it differntly than my vocal friend would – she’d be all up in everyone’s stuff… I might be more reserved to want to just find my child and place blame later when she’s safe. I think I remember Somer Thompson’s mom being a little vocal, but I’ll have to look back and see how she reacted in the media. Any other comparisons? I think I’d be barging into my neighbors homes, etc.. but man, I just don’t know. I’d be so confused – follow gut instincts or LE advice…

  42. dolce says:

    Why would the SM stage something so risky and so elaborate as to fake an abduction at the school? If the goal was to rid herself of her step-son – there are so many other ways to have done it without so much risk or spotlight on herself. I just don’t believe she had anything to do with it. I feel very sorry for her – to be so in the spotlight during such a time.

    Putting myself in her shoes – the very idea of staging something so dramatic in such a populated place – seems quite remote.

    I do wish the cell phone records information were clearer.

    And I do so hope Kyron is found soon. So many people are trying to bring him home – I want them to succeed. and for his parents/step-parents to have closure.

  43. marthamann says:

    ss–dont want to unnecessarily point a finger at tht SM but I agree with your scenario. When I am with my granddaughter at school I make sure she is in the classroom and not in the hallway where I know others are there and she is safe. Having taught school many moons ago, I ALSO agree that it is the teacher’s and then the schools resposiblity to know where each child is. This school didnt seem to have very good rules in place–signouts, marking kids absent with they are signed out etc and FOLLOWING UP IN A TIMELY MANNER.

  44. marthamann says:

    also—It is weighing heavily on me that whoever took little Kyron was a family member–because of the fact that everything is so quiet about what is going on etc. I am confused about what his friend said about the lady with six kids?

  45. Hulagirl says:

    The SM was probably on Canada’s kidney donor list (in addition to the US donor list) making getting a transplant more likely for her. Kyron probably didn’t donate a kidney but he may have donated bone marrow if his mom was undergoing chemo (which can cause kidney failure) or something that had required cell-regrowth. Maybe she was depressed and Kyron was the one light in her life that made her want to live during her divorce or difficult period in her life…who knows…

  46. Hulagirl says:

    Oops..I meant BM, not SM in above comment.

  47. Hulagirl says:

    Although, BM wouldn’t have been on chemo if she were on a transplant list. That would automatically make her inelligable for transplant. Some of the life-long drugs one has to take following transplant cause immunosuppresion which might have required bone marrow or blood transfusions that weren’t the common types. She probably paid for the transplant without insurance coverage since the report stated she came back from Canada with $30,000 in medical bills and so moved in with her parents.

  48. lower case susan says:

    I have a feeling the only thing stepmom is guilty of is exposing her kids to somebody evil by having an open facebook. It could also explain why she hugged and hung on Desiree so much at their appearance, as she looked up at her. Maybe she feels guilt that she didn’t keep her facebook private.

  49. Jackie Bauer :) says:

    Now that I’ve had a chance to read Desiree’s letter to Kyron a couple of times (so sad, so hard to read), I think, too, that it’s for the benefit of someone else, as well as for Kyron–maybe a family member who will read the depth of Desiree’s grief? maybe LE coached/edited to make statements that we can’t understand because we don’t know the facts? I don’t know. What I do believe is that Desiree is unfathomably grief-stricken and sad, experiencing a devastating pain and fear that no one can imagine unless they’ve been there, so while I’m normally one to pitch in if I think something sounds “off”, I’m inclined to save any critique of her letter and give her the benefit of understanding, knowing that she’s going thru something I could only imagine in a worst nightmare, thank God.

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