New Clues In Kyron Horman Search: Fact or Fiction- You Decide

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Kyron big tooth

Portland, OR-Over the last week, much information has been developed about the extended families of Kaine and Terri Horman, and the circumstances with which Kyron came to reside primarily with them, visiting Mom and step-dad Desiree and Tony Young on monthly visits.

One thing that is not clear however, is how Terri Moulton Horman’s oldest son, 16 year old James, came to live with his maternal grandparents after living with the Horman’s until this past January. He now lives with his biological father who gave up his rights to him to Terri’s second husband, who stills pays child his support.


He is believed to have been on a Boy Scout camping trip with his father Ron Tarver and his half-siblings the weekend Kyron went missing.

By all accounts, and certainly by all photos, James and Kyron were *tight* brothers from another mother.

Although it has not been confirmed by Multnomah County Police, it is believed that the focus on Sauvie Island, and the surrounding area is related to cell phone pings from Terri Harmon’s phone the day of Kyron’s disappearance on Friday June 4th. According to family friend, Terri was asked to take a second polygraph this past Saturday, and was frustrated and tired at investigator’s questions as “she was where she says she was.”

BlinkThink: An Investigative Editorial Of Sorts..

Frequently, in our team’s development of information and analysis on the cases I feature, readers and listeners ask my opinion on several items of information that I may not be prepared to release out of context. In some cases, they are working theories. It is however, how we handle our “war room” and take raw data to reportable data. This case continues to baffle so many, I thought I would take this opportunity to show our readership how we work behind the scenes.  Pardon grammar in advance, these are actual excerpts from our collective work stations.

For obvious reasons, this is the collective work of the editors of; the “raw” we discount or scrap is not included.

Priority Lead #1

Tanner Pumala, 8 year old desk-mate of Kyron Horman, was the last person to see BOTH Kyron and Terri Moulton. He is his self-professed best friend, and also his neighbor. His grandmother, Wendy Fuhrer, allowed him to speak to the press, although she was specifically asked not to. As he is a minor, it would require a signed release from his parent or guardian.

Finding of Facts:

LisaPumalaNo mention of his Mother, Lisa Fuhrer Pumala

Tanner’s account states that the substitute noticed Kyron was missing from the headcount. He said she alerted the regular teacher, Ms. Porter, who told her he was probably in the bathroom.

Subissue for Flagging:

There was NO substitute that day. She had been there Monday through Thursday. Why would he offer that specific account, and simultaneously say that Kyron told him he was headed upstairs to the “cool electic one”? As his deskmate, wouldn’t he interject that information?

He was interviewed by BOTH the FBI and MCSO, and asked not to release his information, but did anyway. Who or what really prompted this?

He remarks he did not see him on the bus, so the day goes by, including the talent show, with no further discussion of Kyron although he would not have been in the bathroom for several hours.

KyronDadFriendHowever, he states he was not aware Kyron was missing until that evening, when his DAD saw it on the news.

(Jason Mateos Notes: Could the duo simply have wandered outside together at the prospect of catching a live frog for the exhibit and accidentally fall in the pond and the child is scared.

Blink Response: Plausible only if Tanner unaccounted for, the pond is across the street, and they literally would have to go out of the parking lot, which was heavily occupied at the time. Project next to his is Pond Turtle, however.

The Fuhrer residence, on the market since April 2010, borders the Horman property, and extensive search efforts covered this property. Their is a white truck and camper located at the residence in the photos of the listing.

Tanner House Tanner House RV and Boat Tannerhouseskins

Brian Pumala, Tanner’s father is a plumber and recent electritian apprentice through JATC. He resides with one Ann Pumala on NW Mill in a houseboat on the channel. Quarry Rd, is directly behind his residence as well as the Quarry that was searched initially.

Brian Pumala HouseWater

Finding of Fact:

From Blink notes: Pumala address is on Sauvie. In particular it is the start of the original start area for which MCSO requests video footage, and it has direct access to the channel, which has been a heavy search point.

Additionally folks– we have the investigative equivalent of “the closest distance between 2 points” here. Gram or “mom” Pumala is neighbor to Ky.

Non-custodial Dad, a former neighbor and presumed aquaintance, lives withing the perimeter of the focus of most of the search efforts, AND the alleged cell pings.



Priority Lead #2

Kaine Horman Email:

KyronSnowmanFrom: Horman, Kaine A
Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2010 8:39 AM
Subject: FW: Kaine Horman’s son is missing


If you have seen local Oregon news or been browsing the internet or FaceBook there is a good chance you have seen an article similar to the one that Becky forwarded (below).  While this note is difficult for me to write in this state of mind I felt it necessary for Kyron’s sake.

Optional actions for you:

The Intel network is large and wide-reaching.  Many have asked me what they can do to help us and my answer is the following:

1. Forward Kyron’s information to as many people as you feel comfortable with; the more people that see this will increase our chances of finding him

2. Do not speak to any media if contacted; I am trying to contact Intel legal to give them the heads up and help with this situation

Physical description at the time of his disappearance (picture is show in Becky’s note and here):

He is 3 foot 8 and 50 pounds, with blue eyes and brown hair. He was wearing black cargo pants, white socks, worn black Sketcher tennis shoes with orange trim and dark-colored t-shirt with the “CSI” show logo

Police Hot Line Number:

(503) 261-2847

Some rough background:

The article that Becky forwarded is pretty accurate with details.  He was dropped off at school about 8:45 and went missing sometime between then and 9 or 9:30am.  We did not know he was not at school until we went to get him off of the bus at 3:30 and he was nowhere to be found.  The bus driver immediately called the school which responded that his teacher had not seen him all day in class, at which point we notified police in partnership with the school.  It is still unknown whether he left school grounds on his own or was abducted.  Be assured that there are currently an amazing number of agencies and amount of person-power being applied to the search and investigation.

Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers for Kyron’s safe return.  I will update the group once status changes which will hopefully be soon.  At the time of this note Kyron has now been missing for ~48 hours; time is of the essence.

Kaine Horman

Enterprise Business Architect

Intel Corporation

JM session notes: Bolded by Me. Dad states he went to the bus stop with Terri. Indicates both vehicles were at the residence, and in working order. What prompted his schedule to be home at that hour, would it be normal? Why is this the only account that features the Dad at the bus stop.

“in partnership” is odd wording. What does that mean exactly?

Priority Lead #3

Terri Horman call to school: When do the exhibits need to be picked up?

TerriClassroomBlink notes: exculpatory. If your counting on a timeline that gives you until approximately 3:30PM, why would you risk the potential to raise the flag of Kyron’s absence. He was in fact, marked absent, although his things remained on his desk. SM calls and askes when the exhibits needed to be removed. In my mind, it is to see if she needed to also pick Kyron up that day, as he could not manage it himself on the bus.

Priority Lead #4

The questionaire released by MCSO and the FBI KyronQuestions editor JM, an experienced investigator and polygrapher, believes strongly there would have had to have been a deceptive response to necessitate a second poly. Blink notes: I believe strongly this is designed to progress leads in this case. My opinion as to “why” may be very unique.  It is almost as if they want someone to believe she is a suspect, stopping short of naming her. Could they be hoping for someone to make contact with her. Admittedly, agreed on the deceptive response, but could she have exposed a bad guy to Kyron through her behavior or actions, but had nothing to do with his disappearance? Those images are FBI generated from an analysis they preformed on her behavior, no doubt in my mind.

blinknotes: I believe it possible the questionaire was requested for multiple reasons. Again, I cannot wrap around her. Put plainly folks-her profile does not match up to execution or strategy as we know it.  I also believe this is designed to produce 300 exemplars. With the DA present while parents were to drop off their completed questionaires, I again think aloud– is there a convened GJ at the moment, in this case?

Also, what about this– it lets them capture the make, model, and plates of cars coming to the school with completed forms. Does our guy show up at 9am or 6PM on Father’s Day with kid in car, borrowed from someone, or does he send it with another parent?

Actual excerpt in work session:

*warning graphic* professionals need to de-sensatize in order to analyze.

Research/Investigstive Professional: Something is bad wrong is going on inside the Horman home without a doubt.  I tend to look at folks who will not talk. Terri is simply acting odd. She has odd expressions. I mean effin odd; a self-centered nutcase. Unequivocally, yes, but she has an extensive track record of caring for kids. I would def buy her having an affair.  If this is her, what kind of lame ass plot is this, in the first place. You drug the kid, you take him out on your own damn property, or closest body of water, and call the cops the next morning with your back door open and his foot trail still fresh. Say he has a history of sleepwalking. In that neighborhood, the critters would have him by then ( sorry, I know). This woman spend significant time with the school and his class. She had the baby in there, multiple times, knows all the kids by name. This is where she is going to take every risk and chance to off the child she has cared for since birth with no conceivable motive– no history of mental illness,  and a facebook of loving family photos, several of which taken by her of a beaming Kyron? Not feeling it.

That said, it is connected to her in some way. Scorned lover? Unrequited affection of someone at the school? Kyron was chosen because of her?

Priority Lead #5

Terri Horman follows cases like these:


Priority Lead #6

The baby Kiara, was not with Terri and Kyron that morning.

JM notes:

I don’t know where dad was.

I do not know what he drove.

I don’t know when he left.

I do not know when he came home.

I do not know for sure he was even at work but it would be easy enough to document with ID swipes, etc.

I do not know where the baby was.

I do not know who was watching the baby.

I do not know why dad decided to come home early to meet the bus (and even that is in question.)

Where was she and is this normal routine?

Images by Klaasend

Madeline Tanner, and Jason Mateos, contributing editors to

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  1. Wonderlover says:

    To Angie, at some point, we the public cannot do what you are suggesting, just put blind faith and trust in something with no accountability or answer… the people is the foundation of this nation and the people are the nation.. when it comes to crime and especially the crime involving our children, at some point we do need to hold someone in places of authority that are paid to do a job, accountable.

    In this case, no one is doing that yet, and it’s getting time to start.

  2. Irish says:

    “Until we solve this case, the public does not have a right to know the details. Once we solve the case, they have every right to.”
    Quote from Capt. Gates

    I just don’t agree with that. There are other people in that town with children in that school… They do have a right to know something!

  3. Hulagirl says:

    I wonder why Terri thought “Kaine would remove the children from their home” when she filed for the restraining order…. was Kaine abused by his GPA too? I find it interesting that her other son was also 7 years old at that time….

  4. Hulagirl says:

    I meant Desiree in the above comment, not Terri

  5. JR says:

    You are right, Kiera is 18 months old – not 6 months as I mistakingly read somewhere before. In my view (and yes, a woman too) I would’ve considered a 6 month old still pretty newborn-ish and still in the phase of readjustment for the mother and the entire family’s routine. I would’ve found it odd for someone to add ‘an affair’ to the mix – during this particular period of bonding and chaos.

    At 18 months, yes I can see this being the point when a woman might seek their personal form of escape – to some that may automatically mean an affair – to others, it could be flamenco dancing or a million different things. Perhaps it depends more on the ‘type of person’ the woman is and the ‘type of man’ her marriage is with. A baby might be EXACTLY what drives some to an affair, but I would assume even these women would prefer to come clean on that before mistaken as the speculated murder suspect, forced to take a second poly.

    Do I “buy” the Kyron part? I wasn’t aware anyone was trying to sell me on it. I see a bunch of concerned people pouring over little available facts because of Kyron – a missing little boy. Not hedging bets for or against Teri – super mom or super bad.

    The last person with Kyron was Teri. Teri is also the only person we are hearing doesn’t yet have a solid account of that day. I’m sorry, but that doesn’t exactly scream “SHE”S HAVING AN AFFAIR” to me before it suggests something else first.

  6. Hulagirl says:

    “removing the children”…Perhaps it was because Kaine felt he could better provide for the children. Where is Desiree’s first son living now? He would be 14 now. Does anyone know? Did she take him with her to Canada? Did she hand him over to his biological dad when she went for medical treatment? hmm…

  7. Wonderlover says:

    Wrong landlmom, the public is “The People”, remember “WE The People”? We hold our authorities accountable- read your constitution.

    This is not a dictatorship, we are responsible to get the facts and hold our laws up as “Changable”.. when that law violates our constitution..

  8. Wonderlover says:

    We are not only responsible for finding Kyron, we are responsible for finding out what happened to Kyron and why.. this is what makes America how she is..

  9. dee says:

    “The last person with Kyron was Teri. Teri is also the only person we are hearing doesn’t yet have a solid account of that day. I’m sorry, but that doesn’t exactly scream “SHE”S HAVING AN AFFAIR” to me before it suggests something else first.”

    thank JR for telling it like it is and going to be IMO….something is real dirty here….

  10. JEN says:

    From the article above:

    “Mary Jean Kelso of Fernley, Nev., saw a boy she thought might be Kyron at the small town’s Wal-Mart on June 13. She called the tip line that evening, but said she has yet to hear back from investigators.”

    “Edward Weber thought he saw Kyron 10 days later while eating lunch in Keizer, about 45 miles south of Portland. He took pictures of the boy he saw and the license plate number of the car that drove away from the restaurant. Weber called the tip line, but said he didn’t hear back from an investigator for two days.”

    This, plus the family is unnaturally closemouthed.

    They already have their POI(s), don’t they?

  11. NoseyRosey says:

    One Very Large RED FLAG for me is with Tanner’s statement. I realize the video above has been edited, but I’ve spent enough time around children this age to know that “if” Kyron told his friend he was going back to see the electrical exhibit and the substitute/chaperone stated to the teacher she didn’t know where Kyron was- One (if not all) of those children would have blurted out some kind of an answer offering up an account of the last place they saw Kyron. Trust me, these kids are so eager to help and there is no way Tanner sat there and watched this converstaion take place without telling one of them where Kyron “said” he was going. It just isn’t typical for a child that age to say nothing-not that I have witnessed.

  12. GriffyMom says:

    Nana2: I do not believe that an affair alone is a reason to believe a woman capable of harming/murdering a child. Susan Smith and her husband were not together when she killed her children. She wasn’t afraid of being discovered, as some are suggesting Terri might have been if Kyron found out. Susan Smith wanted her children out of the way because her new love did not want them. Those are 2 far different scenarios. I know a number of women who have stepped outside their marriages, for whatever reason, but they would die before they let harm come to their chilren.

  13. landlmom says:

    @ Wonderlover: I am not quite sure how I am wrong as the quote from the captain investigating Kyron’s case. No where in my post did I give my opinion or state any where that I agreed or disgreed with the quote. I was simply sharing information!!!

    On this site numerous times people have asked why LE is being so tight lipped. I felt the captian’s response answered therefore I was sipmpl sharing and article with this group that was recently published regarding the LE and their comments about the leads they are receiving.

  14. Tarheel says:

    In reading this article and the comments sections (yes, I realize the comments section is not fact, but a persons theories, thoughts, and opinions),I found some of the comments to be interesting and wonder if anyone could offer additonal information/thoughts on these comments under the article:

    1. Paige (12:27 a.m.) mentioned the book “Tokens of Trust” (written by the GF I believe) and how the place identified in the book is a real location that is nearby. Anyone familiar with the book or that area? Know if the area has been searched?

    2. Portland Mother (8:54 a.m.) makes a good point about why the step-mom would not attend the talent show if she thought Kyron was at school. I know that sounds like a lot to do in one day, but if you’re not working and you’re a very supporting mom as SM has been portrayed to be, why wouldn’t you attend the show where your child is performing? I work full-time and wouldn’t have missed my child’s performance in the talent show.

    3. Amy Butterfield (8:52 a.m.) states that on the SM’s facebook, along with the picture of Kyron in front of the tree frog project, there is also a picture of another boy (Kurtis) in front of Kyron’s picture. I don’t have access to the SM’s FB photos. Has anyone else come across this photo or know who Kurtis is?

    Sorry if these have already been discussed.

  15. Tarheel says:

    In my above post, on #3, I meant “in front of Kyron’s project”. Thanks.

  16. Hulagirl says:

    4.Jackie Bauer :) says:
    June 24, 2010 at 1:56 am
    @Hulagirl #32: you asked “what are some possible motives for SM? ”

    Purely conjecture, of course, and consider that most sociopaths are men, and SM is a woman, but since you asked, I’ll give you one that is missing from your list, and again, pure conjecture:

    Kyron simply wasn’t “needed” anymore. He no longer served a purpose. And being the “loving mother” was an act that was taking too much time and getting on her nerves, and ‘giving him away’ wasn’t a viable option.

    Hm. Awful to think someone as close as she would do that but it’s a possibility. Not everyone who appears to care about children does. My own mother is a primary example. She wanted to be highly regarded in our small community and she used to attend PTA meetings when I was growing up, volunteered at the school occasionally, and came to performances that we put on at school. She took my stepbrother and sisters and I to the beach, park, or zoo on weekends (when they visited) and had everyone (including my stepdad) convinced that she was the perfect loving parent. At home (or in her car) when she was alone with me however, she never once said a kind word to me, never once in her life hugged me, and often hit me (pretty much daily) for any little thing that ticked her off…for instance when I would say the word “yeah”, instead of “yes” to her. Her attitude towards me only escalated when she had my half-brother and half-sister both of whom she did hug often and genuinely has always seemed to truly care about (thankfully). Just saying….things aren’t always as they seem on the exterior.

  17. Word Girl says:

    Does anyone know at which Intel campus Kaine works? Jones?

  18. SJC says:

    Have you seen this? It’s the first time I’ve seen the actual image of the man instead of the outline–

  19. Titch says:

    Hey Blink, Thought you may want this as some backup (It specifically states Steven):

    I’m seeing it as in pre-foreclosure still. Sometimes a sheriff’s sale date could be set but it could be tentative, therefore maybe they had their paperwork worked out and adjusted or modified, which could explain whay it’s not showing up as sheriff’s now. Other sites may still show it, though, but I thought was the site that updates the fastest. May just be a matter of preference.

  20. LPB says:

    From above: Very sweet home videos of Kyron released by family. Keep on keepin on!

    Cool to post this link?

  21. Kaylee says:

    I suppose the bus driver would have the only first hand account of how the Hormans reacted upon hearing Kyron wasn’t on the bus and was marked absent. Not much has been said about the bus driver. However, during Kaine’s public statement, he did mention “busdrivers” among those he wished to thank for undergoing repeated LE interviews. I’m sort of amazed no one has brought up this aspect.

  22. cc says:

    Kaines Email
    How did Kaine know the time line enough already to say 48hours from the time of his email at 8:39am?? Why not say 47hrs to match his 9 or 9:30 time frame

    From: Horman, Kaine A
    Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2010 8:39 AM
    Subject: FW: Kaine Horman’s son is missing

    He was dropped off at school about 8:45 and went missing sometime between then and 9 or 9:30am

    At the time of this note Kyron has now been missing for ~48 hours; time is of the essence

  23. cc says:

    Plus how would Kaine know 48hrs .. the kids had not even been interviewed yet at 48hrs

  24. AC says:

    I really think the LE know who is responsible and just need to get a stronger case going against them. The way the case was handled from day one (no amber alert, saying no one had to be concerned for their childs safety etc…) why would they say any of this if they did not have a clue who did this?
    They have a POI and I really believe it won’t be long till we all know the truth. Kyron will be coming home to rest soon. I’m trusting LE on this one *fingers crossed*

  25. nana2 says:

    @GriffyMom 2:30pm says: “I do not believe that an affair alone is a reason to believe a woman capable of harming/murdering a child”..

    GM; As with everything else you are of course always entitled to your opinion on that matter but personally speaking I would not bet my last Social Security stipend on that statement.. And, since I for one do not know all of the facts in this case I know I wouldn’t bet my last Social Security stipend on it.. JMHO ♥

  26. Kim says:

    Bearlyhere: Excellent!! (So many others, but you hit a few things for me) Possible jealous or aggrivated parent, TP’s odd statements (substitute teacher?). About other parents taking pics, I have my camera at the school all the time, barely anyone else does. Every little event. Most times there is no one else taking pics. Field Day. Tail gate party. Theme days. If Terri is innocent, she is probably alot like me. And I take pics of all the kids. They will almost ask you to or pose if they see you with a camera.

    About the ‘baby’. Reasonable that she was maybe too much to handle at the school. I try to not bring my very well behaved 2yr old to school for events if I can avoid it. Maybe she was sick? Dad stays home to watch her so SM can spend time w/ Kryon. An in-school talent show, I can see not attending. Oh, my point about dr. Oh, forget it. Was going to tie in a baby dr appointment to Kyron doubling up on the same appointment, but that was for a week later. Teacher heard baby sick, doctor, etc, thought appointment that day (not excusing her). Plus none of that is confirmed, right? I think, if it’s SM, then it can be discovered what she did. It’s the people that are peripheral or strangers that will be harder to pin down. And on that line, I read somewhere else the thought that perhaps someone’s ‘window of opportunity’ might be closing in with the end of the school year. Wouldn’t someone that knew Kyron be able to lure him more easily away from school? Like all summer?

    Maybe Kaine said “busdrivers” (plural) because maybe the driver caller the other ones to see is Kyron was on another bus, as the parents were calling the school? And i think Kyron usually took the bus, so nothing out of the ordinary to not picking him up, imo. Being the end of the year he probably wanted to ride the bus for the last few days. And is it confirmed Kaine was there? Man, ewe know nothing!!

    RE: not talking to media. I can see Kaine’s workplace being given that direction. Media prob trys to call everyone in that building. It is a place of work and one wrong ‘quote’ can make the case go another direction for no reason. And being harrassed, etc. It’s a place of business. But everyone else? If my neighbor went missing I’d be on tv saying ‘they are great parents, she’s a sweet little girl – someone has to know something! please help find this girl!!’ Right?? but then, with all respect to all of us, wouldn’t I be inserting myself into the investigation and suspicion over my behavior and was I jealous of their daughter over mine, etc. Gotta review blinks article, but I want to say ‘they know who’ but we thought that with Morgan and others

  27. MontanaMom says:

    Yes, the borrowers are Wendy and Steven, not Brian as I stated last night–my mistake! Guess I had Brian on the brain from reading Blink’s article over and over.

  28. JR says:

    Dee: Thanks for your message! What does IMO mean?

  29. tracygirl says:

    I am thinking Uncle Kristian is a better lead then anything right now. The information that came out about his molestation charge is concerning. As someone on scared monkeys said, this branch of the family is filled with all kinds of yuck. I sure seems like it.

  30. ChefDulce says:

    My theory:
    SM “takes care” of little boy the day of the SF. Dispose body on the island. convince Dad to join in the plot. Dad not at work and is picking his son at the bus with the SM to create all the drama togheter. She calls the school to see if they need to pick up the boy to reaffirm to school admin that she has no clue the boy is not at school.
    Motive of SM: seeing her little girl growing up and having to share her father’s love with the boy and resenting the fact that real mom was not pulling weight created so much resentment until she became sick in the head and planned the unthinkable. Just because she obiously doesn’t watch CSI or Forencic shows doesn’t mean she didn’t do it only means she was not up to date on technology in forencic investigations.
    The pings …bang
    the dr appoint….bang
    the facebook….bang
    no clear timeline…bang
    If they find the body then she is really fried

  31. foobros says:

    Great work as usual, Blink and team. This post was well worth waiting for. There is also a lot of good posts from my fellow posters as well. Lots of points were brought up that I hadn’t thought of. I really don’t know what to think right now…there’s so much information we still don’t have from LE. One thing I did notice when I was looking at the pictures of SM – one from the classroom when Kiara was about six months old and the other from the press conference. Terri has gained some weight over the last year. That maybe nothing at all, but one reason you may gain weight is if you are depressed or by taking anti-depressants. A lot of people hide their depression well, so people outside her family (and maybe even her family as well) may not have realized that she was depressed. But, let’s say she either has/had postpartum depression or just a general depression, she may have sought help from her doctor and started medication. This could be significant if she didn’t react well with the meds she was on. You know how sometimes people on certain types of these meds end up committing suicide? What if she had a different kind of adverse reaction? It could explain why if she is responsible for this, that it doesn’t seem to fit with the loving Mom she appeared to be. I’m sorry if this idea has already been posted. I don’t know if y’all will think it’s far fetched, but since SM was always so physically fit before (and it seemed like she was after the baby was born in the picture), it seems strange that she had gained this weight. Another thing to consider is a thyroid problem. I know, because I have that very problem and it can affect your mental state.

  32. SS says:

    Weird theories in the blog link below about how Kyron could still be in the school somewhere, whether he wandered there or was put there. Makes you think about it….

  33. MackiezMom says:

    Logical reasoning causes me to believe that LE has found some sort of evidence to lead them to the conclusion that Kyron is dead. “Isolated incident,” the choked up Sheriff, I know that LE does not want to tip their hand, however, if they had not found something indicating that Kyron was dead, wouldn’t they be looking for a live Kyron? Did they find some evidence, besides (what appear to be) his glasses? Was their blood? Evidence of a scuffle? Something must lead them to believe he is not alive. Even his mother’s letter states that she can’t believe he is no longer “with us.” To me, as a parent who has lost a child, no longer with us means no longer alive. It is common vernacular in child-loss circles. Angel, no longer with us, passed (instead of dead, passed away, etc…). It could be subconscious, though…or she could mean not with them at the moment, but in this context, I really don’t think so. I gather, from the very limited statements made by LE and the family, that LE and the family both believe he is no longer living. I hope they’re wrong.

    With regard to the family pick-up being towed in for “mechanical issues,” I believe that as much as I believe Huckabee’s vehicle was towed to the car wash. I just don’t think so. Whether that means they think SM is the perp is unclear; someone else could have used the vehicle.

    Blink, can you comment as to whether you think some sort of physical evidence (besides Kyron’s absence, and locating what appear to be his glasses) was discovered, that has caused LE and the family to conclude that Kyron is no longer alive?

    I do. I will make a general comment- if LE thought for 3 seconds Ky was alive, they would be holding press conferences and hitting the media circuit in an effort to progress leads.

    How the Hell does the MAYOR twitter about a dude in the classroom? That was just weird.

  34. MackiezMom says:

    Oh, also, I noticed that Terri’s name is spelled with one R on the link re body-building. I know that some were saying they did not think the post that was made by Teri Moulton was from her, as she usually uses a nick and/or spells her name correctly, but apparently her name has been spelled incorrectly elsewhere, in situations that DO involve her (eg. the body building rankings).

  35. nana2 says:

    About 100 really great pics of Kyron & his family included with this article & you can see how truly loved he is..

  36. Elizabeth says:

    44.bluewillow says:
    June 23, 2010 at 4:22 pm
    Just a note- I just recently went to my grandkids’ elementary school science fair which may have been similar to this one in some ways. LOTS of people, including extended family members, milling around in a crowded space, people coming and going from the room and from the school, kids being separated from their groups as they talk to different people about their projects or run around looking at others’. At this school, other classrooms were also having special events going on at the same time in other rooms, entailing similar commotion… A little bit of chaos is what it can amount to. It’s not hard for me to imagine someone luring a child outside in that situation. But it seems that unless that person drifted in alone, off the street (which is not impossible), someone from their family group would know that they disappeared early.
    Just thinking possibilities…

    This was posted early up and I thought it important enough to bring over with my comments.

    I too have attended school plays and functions. To tell you the truth there are strangers everywhere including the bathrooms. How do any of us know who these people are?

    Children are so “comfortable” in their school setting and anxious to show off at how self reliant they can be. They go here and there and you can hardly keep up with them.

    With the above posting I can surely see that a stranger could have pulled this off.

    By the way do we know for sure that the substitute that was there from Monday through Thursday was a woman????

  37. FLGirl says:

    whose cell phones would definitely ping to Sauvie Island and who in fact, live there on a houseboat-WOW


    I don’t see any big deal about Mr. Pumala’s phone pinging on Sauvie Island since he lives there. Now, if he lived next door to the Horman’s still and had claimed to be at work or something and was found to be on Sauvie Island, then I could see a problem. But, there’s nothing weird about him being pinged at home, anymore than it would be weird for me to be pinged at home, unless I was claiming to be somewhere else. Just because he happens to live on an Island where there’s lots of places to hide someone, doesn’t really mean anything to me.

    I think the focus is definitely on SM, because she claimed to be out doing errands; and from locals to Portland/Sauvie Island, there’s apparently nothing much on the island, except homes and the beach; which someone would not be going to the beach on a very rainy day, most likely. So it seems a natural curiosity if SM was on the island, because she’d either be having to visit someone (which is where the lover speculation comes in), or doing something suspicious (ie hiding someone/something).

    Another thing, with regards to the pings, they have to look by individual. So, they are not just looking at records of who pinged on that island, because anyone who is a resident, WOULD have reason to ping on the island. That could be dozens or hundreds of people. No, they look at cell records of an individual, and see where they’ve been, and see if that jives with the information they’ve given the police; IE the SM. And, I could be wrong, but I really don’t think they were monitoring Mr. Pumala for any reason; and even if they did, again, cell phone pings for where he lives would not be suspicious; unless he said he was at work, but was really at home.

    I really only think they are looking at the SM though.

    I do have to agree with the comment made about if Kyrons supposedly told Tanner that he was going to look at the “electrical” exhibit, why didn’t Tanner speak up when the “substitute” mentioned Kyron’s absence? That doesn’t make sense at all.

  38. hk says:

    Is that photo with the man in the left corner considered a new development?

    I have read about and noticed him from the first time the photo was shown. Surely the police have addressed this before now.

  39. Eloise says:

    foobros says:
    June 24, 2010 at 5:10 pm snip
    One thing I did notice when I was looking at the pictures of SM – one from the classroom when Kiara was about six months old and the other from the press conference. Terri has gained some weight over the last year. That maybe nothing at all, but one reason you may gain weight is if you are depressed or by taking anti-depressants.
    I had been thinking the exact same thing. At the very least I think it can be said she has gained weight. You wonder if she’s had the tendency to go up and down in her weight over the years. Another thought is whether she has had any pressure placed on her by Kaine or others ‘to get that weight off’. That would certainly add to the pressure.

    Regarding Tanner. I really think we are mising vital info about what the totality of his comments were. LE likely found important info in his sightings and statement. It could be his GMA didn’t even get the significance and thought they were being unfairly held from the media to make a statement. Tanner has info on who, where, that doesn’t jive with other accounts. JMO. The questionnare could help corroborate a 7yo’s info. The head count issue is telling, he was ‘grouped’ to tour even if only in discussion before they actually left, and may have gotten a head start for that intriguing project Tanner mentioned. Love to know who, what where on that tidbit.

  40. tmom says:

    BLINK!!! I just don’t want to buy into the SM theory! Give us a Bone! Having a 7 year old little boy with crooked teeth and blue eyes just like Kyron…Oh MY! I just can’t imagine and hope I never have to!

  41. Eloise says:

    Mel says:
    June 24, 2010 at 4:38 pm
    This is the link to the facebook photos:

    Thanks Mel!

  42. Titch says:

    Blink, I don;t know what I’m doing wrong. I’m trying to send a comment but I click “submit comment” & it takes me to the top of the article. Then I think the comment doesn;t go through, so I paste it again and same thing happens. Nothing is pending approval that I can see (of mine). I’m lost…

  43. caligram says:

    to foobros 6/24/2010 @5:10 pm : RE: medications
    I agree & have been thinking about this from the get-go = First-MEDICATIONS GONE AWRY. Secondly–World of Warcraft influence. Sad situation.
    Love & care to KYRON’S family

  44. Ks says:

    Long Post :) Incoming. Kyron Little Man my Thoughts are With You. Praying for You. ( if my post is messed up, I apologize, I wrote it first, than copied and pasted it here)
    Blink, Excellent findings, Thank You.

    This email written by Kaine Horman, is bugging me.
    Things to ponder, none in a particular order, what I feel though of his ” words” all is jmo.
    1. The pretense of his words written – shows him very authoritative
    He is matter of fact, and stating what he wants to be done. For the reader to abide by him.
    He is not asking for aid/help/assistance for Kyron – No, not at all. He is the director, he is in charge. He wants all to follow the script. ( his script) Written by him, that all follow along with his requests.
    His Words: *Optional actions for you
    ** who this email was sent to, I have no clue, it is written to “All” .. who is All?
    Definitions of the word Action:
    The state or process of acting or doing: The medical team went into action.
    Something done or accomplished; a deed. See Usage Note at act.
    Organized activity to accomplish an objective: a problem requiring drastic action.
    * I will get back to this ( action)
    Notice the date of this email, when it was written Sunday, June 06, 2010 8:39 AM
    It was written from his Work Place? Or his home computer? The way his from is written, it
    appears to be professional. Such as a memo written from work. His name the way it is set up within his email. Or it was written from his home office using Notebook Software. ?
    His last name comes first: Horman, Kaine A
    If my calculations are correct this email was written 32 hours from the time that Kyron was reported missing. Kyron was reported missing at approximately 3:45-4:00 on June 4, 2010 – reported to LE. Everything should be very fresh in Kaine’s mind. To what happened 32 hours prior. One would think. I am padding the time from Kaine’s account that Kyron was not found on the bus, after school dismissal at his bus stop.
    Many versions have been said of WHO called 911 to report Kyron not being on the bus, that he was missing.
    Was said that after Terri went to the bus stop – he was not on the bus, so she called 911
    Was said that after Terri went to the bus stop, he was not on the bus, she called the school,
    the secretary from the school office called 911 to report Kyron Missing.
    Now Kaine says that ” We” went to the bus stop to pick up Kyron at 3:30. Kyron was not on the Bus. We alerted the bus driver. The bus driver then called the school. The school responded after talking to Kyron’s teacher, stating Kyron was not at school all day. Really???? ( all can be verified by LE of who called) Why so many versions?
    ** First off HOW did the bus driver call the school? do they have a Bat Phone in the Bus? No, they don’t. Unless times have really changed, and I am not aware of new technology. Normally isn’t it that the bus drivers have some connection to dispatch ..where the buses are held. Where all the “school buses are held”. Like a CB. Or Hand radio.
    In case the bus breaks down, communication needs to be transmitted, weather etc..
    I don’t know how the Bus Driver is holding the responsibility to contact the school question Kyron’s whereabouts. Didn’t WE have cell phones on our bodies, or in our vehicle driven to the bus stop?
    His/Kaine’s words ” Kyron was nowhere to be found” that is a pretty solid statement – when you have no factual information truly at that moment. Other than what the bus driver has communicated second hand to ” We” .. Kaine and ?? Terri???
    We is not established in his letter to All.
    Kaine/His words: at which point WE notified police in partnership with the school
    Who called then? WE or the School. Or it was two calls placed to 911 in ” Partnership” to create a alibi of who was where. That We were standing at the bus stop, No Kyron, and School was calling 911/LE that Kyron was Not at School. And to add that comment, Kyron was not at school all day. Again another Really? If Kyron was not at school all day, as Kaine puts it ..again he is throwing responsibility back to Kyron’s teacher/and the School. His words are all stating that someone else has responsibility through all accounts up until 3:30pm. Yet, he continues to use the term WE through out his letter to ALL. Well has it not been established that Kaine was not at the school that day? That he did not participate in any of the activities at Kyron’s school. He is not clarifying ” I, We, She, Us” were at the school in the early morning. I, We, She, He, knows for sure that Kyron was dropped off at the school June 4, 2010. ( He is leaving it wide open) for the interpretation of the Reader. Who is All. He is not adding any corrections to these ” hear say” statements either. That I know for a fact, my wife dropped Kyron off at school that morning.

    Moving along his email. Remember the Date/time he wrote this – June 6th, 2010 at 8:39 am ( actually he would have written this prior to 8:39am – the email would have been sent at 8:39 am.)
    Next, His words/Kaine: It is still unknown whether he left school grounds on his own or was abducted. Be assured that there are currently an amazing number of agencies and amount of person-power being applied to the search and investigation.
    ((( Notice how he seems so secure with all that is being done, and it is done to his satisfaction by LE/agencies, yet he says Nothing is Known at this point,of What happened to Kyron))) Where is his pleading of his child’s safety ..anywhere in this letter to ALL. There isn’t any pleading. As if he knows something “that is not being said”. He emulates some sort of known comfort within all this tragedy.

    Going back to his words of Optional Actions for You. He is giving his permission for ” All” to send out Kyron’s info. He is allowing them to reach out to who ever they know, to get Kyron’s info out. Then he says ” Do not talk to the Media” Hush Hush. Do not respond to them, if you are contacted. WHY would anyone be contacted by Media if they sent a email to a friend of Kyron being missing?
    ( that is a scrambled egg right there) He goes on to say that he is contacting his Legal Department …why is this Now an IT issue? That his Intel legal group needs to be contacted? What would they have to do with any of this? Why is Do Not respond Media and Legal Dept mentioned in the same paragraph. Does he want people to respond to him, or fear him for aiding in finding Kyron? Understanding he wants to use Intel for his aid, in finding Kyron.
    When I read the Intel Legal Dept – that is within the use of legalities of Intel. Intel has nothing to do with Kyron. All of these Horman Men have IT backgrounds. They are, all I am sure, very savvy when it comes to computers. I wanted to add as a question? Who was really home at the Horman House..utilizing Terri’s Facebook. Since he says in this document ” WE” went to the bus stop. Was WE on the computer that morning, while She was out of the house?? Was We uploading and downloading photo’s… I don’t understand his use of WE throughout his note. Who was watching the Baby? Who had the baby during all this? I thought he was babysitting? My final thought on Kaine.
    Again his words: At the time of this note Kyron has now been missing for ~48 hours; time is of the essence.
    Wrong. If Kaine wrote this email say at 7 AM on June 6, 2010, sent it off at 8:39 AM – Kyron had only been missing for 39 hours. For a guy that is very anal, I am surprised he stated that ” 48 hours”. But I feel this email he wrote is filled with embellishments.
    Both of the accounts of the day, June 4th, and his Ego. He definitely has a Ego, and it shows that he is a Alpha Male. He is in charge. Still nothing of any words for Kyron. This email was sent out as a directive, not for Kryon his child, but for him to show everyone he is handling this project, as standard operating procedure. Offering his directive, yet allowing ” All” to interpret his version of June 4th,2010.
    All Above is Jmo.
    Thank You Blink~ for Your Hard Work.

  45. Jackie Bauer :) says:

    I just looked at 101 photos of Kyron with his family, and oddly, Terri is not with Kyron in any of them. I understand that she may not like to have her photo taken, and I understand that she might have oftentimes been the photographer, but 101 photos and none of Kyron with his step-mother? Would LE do that intentionally? And why?

  46. Kaylee says:

    A couple of things: Pumala’s house boat on Mill St. would not be accessed from Sauvie Island, but instead by Hwy 30. The house boat would look directly at Sauvie Island, however. Looking at the picture of the houseboat made me think of Christian Longo.

    Also, Sauvie Island is mostly known for its farms, most notably the Pumpkin Patch. My family has spent quite a bit of time there. The first report I heard of searchers on Sauvie Island was partnered with a story about the Kruger Farm and an interview with Don Kruger. Don Kruger mentioned that he has a child at Skyline Elementary and that his farm often hosts tours for students. The farm is NW of the house boats, but very near the channel. I found the link to the video of Kruger’s interview, but it has been removed from the site.…-96194359.html

    I just watched a video of Kyron reading a project to his class. He was a good reader for his age, having no problem with big words like construction. Someone must have spent a lot of time reading with him.

  47. Redrock says:

    Think about it. If there were the slightest hint of evidence that a gnarly intruder had snatched a kid from an elementary school, the National Guard would be out manning checkpoints. But it ain’t happenin.’ Remember, police have gone out of their way to downplay any such risk.

    The aura surrounding this case is almost surreal.

  48. Shelly says:

    Another thought?? What is Ben Keefer’s wife Debora Keefer’s father’s name?? Were either of their father’s at the school for the Science Fair?

    Curious if the rambler w/ salmon curtains is a rental house.

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