Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Cheney Mason Predicted Casey’s Conviction AFTER Caylee Was Recovered

You can pretty well predict there’s going to be a life sentence, either a plea and get it over with or have a circus trial and then be convicted and get life,”

– J.Cheney Mason, counsel for Casey Anthony

Well now, there you have it. Words from J. Cheney Mason, co-counsel of the defense team via THE BAEZ LAW FIRM.  Was he co-counsel when he said it? No.  All the more reason to wonder why he would sign on to this case. Yet bet Ms. Simms is happy she did not have a TV when these aired.

Cheney’s prediction of Casey’s trial outcome comments were made the day after Caylee’s remains were located, and OCSO was still onscene, December 12, 2008.

Casey Anthony’s parents were still guests of the THE RITZ CARLTON thanks to ABC, and their Hopespring Drive home was being turned upside down by OCSO ater finding Caylee’s Winnie the Pooh blanket her grandmother conveniently forgot to mention was missing from her room.

“Hopespring” - now there is the boss of all oxymorons in this case.

Tuesday, in the news-less press conference, Mr. Mason forgot his former comments as an “analyst” for local 6 as invited by reporterTony Pipitone.

WFTV Reporter Kathi Belich asked Mason if he recalled being a commentator on the case and concluding that Casey would be convicted.

His Response In pertinent part:

“… I Don’t recall making any such statement..”

O No? We DO.

 AFTER Caylee Anthony’s remains were recovered



…” All that talking and the press interviews.. the parents going on this show and that show, the lawyer (Baez) going on different shows established they have no credibility whatsoever..” 



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  1. chica says:

    50.Mom3.0 says:
    thank you kindly my friend.

  2. chica says:

    thank you! I agree that there are miracles! he is the healer of our souls and bodies. My faith shall remain strong.

    As it should dear Chica.

  3. chica says:

    thank you kindly. I thank you for myself and my family.

  4. chelsea1515 says:

    Chica – thinking of you and your family.

  5. Sister says:

    ok Mom3 — tell me again how smart bozo is :>)
    today’s hearing was pitiful.
    It’s about Caylee bozo!

  6. ERB_MD says:

    Saw some of today’s hearing. I noticed a difference in the inmate like this is not a game anymore type realization and that there will be a FINALITY to it. Too bad they (the grandparents, the brother, and all these manufacturers and fabricators/tamperers of evidence/witnesses) dismissed the life of Caylee Marie Anthony as though it was no big deal the she was KILLED/DIED. May God have mercy on their souls.


  7. MJ says:


    For those (and there are some) who think Baez only pretends to be a doofus and will miraculously show up for trial smart as a whip…..
    wouldn’t think he’d give a teensy glimpse of his awesomeness now and then? Like today…the copy issues…virtually priceless, so funny, in a duh kind of way.

  8. Heidi says:

    Chica… thinking of you and your family.

  9. Dierdra says:

    Yes, it is ALL ABOUT OUR CAYLEE!!!!!!!! I would have thought there would be another thread here for Caylee. This is just because I revel for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Dierdra says:

    Everyone should take it to the limit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This case is so important because of what it reeks of?

  11. Mom3.0 says:

    Hi Sister- I hear ya- Today provided front row seats to the circus, for sure.

    You asked:
    ok Mom3 — tell me again how smart bozo is

    Well let’s review:

    It is not Baez/defense’s job to remember Caylee- infact it is their job to make the jury sympathize more with Casey.

    Baez AND his team didn’t have exact records.

    Baez AND his team seemed woefully unprepared, instead of coming to Court with exact amounts and times ectto back up his motions.

    Baez seemed inarticulate, unskillful,uninformed, weak, dumb.

    At one point the honorable Judge had to walk Baez through the meaning of the word copies… this display of idiocy even had his client stifling a laugh. Yet, Baez succeeded in getting a separate decision for more money for copies, even though J. Perry thought money for public records /copies covered it initially…

    Baez/The Defense went in asking for the sky, they didn’t come out empty -handed. IMO they came away with exactly what they expected they could get. Despite the aforementioned bumblings.

    IMO Baez and his team, then played up The big bad State-(which seemed to be today’s theme for the defense) and how they think they are holding back evidence and ‘playing games’ ECT

    IMO When The State, clearly having enough of the shenanigans, offered passionate, logical, well prepared rebuttals, calling the Defense’s characterization of them and their work erroneous…..

    IMO Then Baez stood up and looked Judge Perry in the face, and began to tell him how He and his team want nothing more than to just do their job, and how they have done everything in their power to get things completed ‘in good faith’ and Baez wants only to clear the air and move forward, working side by side, peacefully and positively with The State. In a syrup laden “Can’t we all just get along” sort of way.

    ‘Stupid is as stupid does.’

    Who was the court room theatrics for, Judge perry? No, he clearly saw through them, I would think Baez and team are playing to the audience of potential jurors.

    I sincerely hope that come trial time, Judge Perry puts the kabosh on all court room theatrics- its sickening to watch, and IMO does nothing to further the cause of justice.

  12. cindeefromwisconsin says:

    I would like to thank all of you for keeping this blog up to date everyday. Chica, my condolances for your brother and the families involved. My brother in law is in the last weeks of his fight against renal cancer that spread to all organs and the bones. I moved in with my sister to help care for him and when I get a chance to log in and read what everyone is posting it feels like I am visiting old friends.
    Blink, of course without you none of this is possible. I knew Momster was due in court yesterday and then completely forgot until I logged on here last night.
    Thank you again everyone.

  13. chica says:

    thank you dear! I am overwhelmed to tears!
    your all the best!!
    thank you my heart thanks you.

    Momma Blink has been battling same, going on her 5th year, which at the time of her diagnosis was very grim.
    You need to keep the faith, and you need to send faith.

    Your in my prayers.

  14. chica says:

    We will know what the test results are of the biopsy they did on him friday.
    friday a week later we will know so I covet your prayers that a miracle is hidden in there for him.

    god bless you
    and god bless all of you.

  15. chica says:

    Oh I think the defense is on a sinking ship and they know it. I seen casey more withered! I think she knows she will never see the light of day as we do. She took for granted her life. I cant imagine never being able to smell the flowers!! none in prison!! to see a rainbow! to run in the rain!!
    to see the sun go down! To even take a shower and wear her own clothes.

    I think she is getting a reality check.
    I dont know if her parents are (mostly cindy)playing the roll to gain sympathy from the jury! bear with me lately my mind is everywhere!
    I just dont know if her attorneys told her (cindy) to change her demeanor. I wonder if maybe when she testifies about caylee being alive!! they will say oh poor grandmother being persecuted!!
    I dont know or is it legit???

  16. EliGrandma says:


    I can’t imagine Cindy Anthony ever, ever being legit about anything. Certainly not emotions or demeanor. Everything is calculated. Perhaps she has an acting coach or maybe the new Anthony attorneys have magical powers and put some kind of “shut-up” spell on her. It will be interesting to see how long CA keeps up the act and can she make it til trial for the sympathy of the jury.

    My prayers goes out to you and your family member. Went through similar thing with my dad and I know what a difficult situation it is. I will keep your BIL in my thoughts.

  17. USTWIN57 says:

    Document dump release tomorrow. according to WESH-

  18. Bees Knees says:

    46.MJ says: October 28, 2010 at 11:38 am
    Bees~ about JP…..I’m feeling like you…that he will get backed into the corner again and grant them what they want. I’m so tired of the appeals boogieman. Every time something comes up, it’s always…..oh, no..if JP didn’t allow this or would be an appeal issue…..and so it goes. He says he’s strict and a stickler for deadlines…we’ll see

    ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ .

    Well MJ, the hearing has come and gone. Although Perry seems to like to say he will make the schedules, weren’t there some October 31st deadlines that have now been extended? Hmmmmmmmm . . . I don’t like it. I wonder if Perry and Mason play golf together on the weekends? Or belong to the same country club?

  19. Sister says:

    ok Mommy3 :>)
    Maybe he is acting stupid is as stupid does. But that won’t work for a jury, do you agree.
    I did know a mayor of a local city that would go to the state capitol and act like a country bumkin. Got everything he wanted including a bridge named after him. Now to his credit, he worked hard. bozo doesn’t work hard IMO no matter what he prattled to His Honor. He’s as dumb as a clam (wonder what that means?), he has let everyone else do his work and he is clueless as to what is really happening.
    For the first time I saw our Lady Who Stands for Justice For Caylee truly annoyed. I was surprised Judge Perry didn’t believe her “santizied” version of the conversation with mason jar.

  20. MJ says:

    Beesknees~ ah yes, back to our JP fears. I thought he did hold the line pretty well and seemed to finally subtly let Baez know he ‘gets’ what he’s up to, but the 31st deadline, I think that got an extention. I’ve been under the weather so I might not have understood …………………but about Mason and JP being new pet theory is that Baez’s masterplan is a mistrial. He must have explicitly told this to casey. Tracy macLaughlin told LE/FBI (09/19/08) that casey told her that , all this while kc & baez huddled together planning her defense and selling the victim . Neither Mason nor Baez appear to be readying for a big defense, is it because they intend to sabotage it?
    There’s a tiny, tiny part of me that wonders if Mason might have given the dim bulb (JB) the impression that mistrial is magnifico, go for it, I’m right with ya……but then whatever lame thing that might be deliberately tossed to have it declared..Mason would step up to the plate and convince kc to seek a plea…………….it’s my sinus infection induced wild idea. What do you ( & anybody of course) think of it????

  21. Heidi says:

    i agree a mistrial is all they have left in their bag of tricks. i can’t imagine it, but it may save her from at least death. Maybe.

  22. Mom3.0 says:

    Hello Sister,

    I agree with you. I think Baez is a big talker but not a big doer. He does seem lazy and he seems to put off all the hard work, until the last minute- or gets others to complete it, at the last minute.

    I don’t think his master plan is to seem inedequate then, at the last minute, he will dazzle us all with his mad skills.

    There have been thousands of pages of evidence released in this case- interviews,letters, photos, ect. ect. One need only to look at all the evidence objectively, from every angle, to see that Casey’s goose is cooked. i believe the jury will do just that.

    I can’t imagine Baez wanting to go to trial and have the State present the evidence and lay everything out & explain it all to the jury in technicolor. But if he does, no, I don’t think his act will play well in front of the jury.

    p.s Thanks for the heads up USTWIN57 on the doc dump.

  23. Sister says:

    I think Judge Perry is bending over backwards not to have this appealed. He seems concerned about taxpayers money and I think this may be the motivation. However, he does slap ever so gently. Reminds me of someone who could tell you to go to he** and we’d enjoy the trip, if you know what I mean.
    Sabotage . . . why not, bozo has his money. I still think mason will be gone before any trial.

  24. Carmen says:

    Hi MJ. I truly believe that Judge Perry will not allow Baez and Mason to sabotage the trial. JP knows what the defence is up to. He’s a very wise man and can read them like a book. JP is also doing everything possible to avoid a mistrial and a reason for an appeal. This is why he gives a litte of what the defense is asking for while at the same time looking out for the wallets of the Florida tax payers.

  25. MJ says:

    We can all hope that kc’s girl talk with Tracy about the mistrial was only the plan of the day from the one and only JB. That was a long time ago and Baez has been running down every rabbit hole in sight ever since…but I still wouldn’t put it past him to try.

    Carmen, that’s a good point about JP. He really does seem to see through the defense, even if I think he gives them a little too much latitude. He seems like the type of guy with a lot of eyes and ears so maybe if he anticipated some truly obvious ploy to cause a mistrial, he’d nip it in the bud. I wish it was May already, i’m so sick of the Anthonys and Baez and all their shady stuff.

  26. Bees Knees says:

    Mom3.0 said: “IMO Baez and his team, then played up The big bad State-(which seemed to be today’s theme for the defense) and how they think they are holding back evidence and ‘playing games’ ECT”

    Mom3.0, they continue to play the victim card. It’s all they’ve got.

    MJ, I’m not exactly sure how a mis-trial would work but I’ve heard that Judge Perry has an incredible reputation ~ something like 0.5% of his cases have ever been re-heard. Don’t quote me on that figure although it was very low percentage.

  27. Bees Knees says:

    I can’t wait for this case to be over. It feels like I can’t remember a time when there were no Anthony’s in my thoughts! We’ll all be experts on the laws of Florida by the time it ends, won’t we?

    Carmen, I’m sure you’re right. I’d really love to see him lose it BIG TIME on the defense but it’s more important that Caylee Anthony’s case be managed properly and justice meted out.

  28. Carolyn S from Maryland says:

    I don’t understand why they would deliberately go for a mistrial. It would just be more stalling. The case would certainly be re-tried. What do you think the defense would gain by provoking a mistrial?

  29. ERB_MD says:

    In today’s document dump we can clearly see that the inmate was “going to town” with her mother’s checkbook from end of 2007 to at least March 2008 (where I guess her mother finally caught on or had enough and changed her account or took “corrective measure”), signing them in her mother’s name, making checks to herself by forging her mother’s name. She did this plenty at Target and Walgreen’s (I’d even bet these were checks made over the amount so that she could get cash back…maybe just bought bubble gum). And it was not only a few, she forged a lot of checks. It’s no wonder she felt at home stealing Amy’s checkbook and forging her signature at Target. The inmate already new how lax Target was with verifying ID from previous experience. This also means that the inmate’s mother had to know that the inmate DID NOT HAVE A JOB.

    This dump also confirms that the phone numbers of the friends/coworkers, the inmate gave her mother were already phony or not working during the period between June 16, 2008 and July 15, 2008. The mother had called them and they were not in service/didn’t work.

    None of us are perfect but that entire family (father, mother, sister, brother) are quite a piece of work!


  30. MJ says:

    CarolynS~ my thoughts about the mistrial is that it would be appealing to Baez, for one..he gets to exit the case and pursue his media ops. KC’s not very bright, maybe she thought the State would just give up, whatever she thought had to come from JB’s mouth cause she was the one bragging up his plans for the case.

    He could wave bye bye and move on to greener pastures that he’s been carefully cultivating for all this time and if it was due to some mysterious ailment or whatever he could still claim bragging rights …that he coulda won this trial had it not been for…..

  31. Carmen says:

    Hi MJ and Bees Knees. Judge Perry is definitely on to Baez and Company. I recall during the hearing when Baez was whining about poor Casey’s lack of privacy, JP made a comment to Baez about the press confernces, etc. that they appear on. Judge Perry was nice when he said it, but he made it clear to Jose that he is watching him (without saying it). After the hearing, the reporters were outside, and Baez refused to comment. Usually, Jose practically has a microphone down his throat because he’s so eager to say something in front of the cameras. But for the first time ever, I think Baez got the message from JP. Not once have the prosecution or law enforcement given a press conference or appeared on Nancy Grace, or JVM. Baez has double standards and I’m glad JP gave Baez a good bitch-slap last week. It was long overdue.

  32. Mom3.0 says:

    Hello. I agree with you regarding the doc dump. It certainly does show that Casey was a very busy girl, she had a very lucrative business, as a thief.

    IMO The defense is not going for a mistrial. I think either they will milk the Florida tax payers for everything they can get, while working hard on the mitigation phase, then at the last minute, after all the publicity, and money has been paid out, they will change their plea to guilty, and fight the death penalty, hoping to reduce it to life without parole-

    or they will bite the bullet and go through with the trial- throwing everything and anything at the jury and hope it leads one juror to reasonably doubt Casey’s guilt. Don’t forget appeals -appeals -appeals

    Each time there is a doc dump, everyone thinks, wow- finally, we will see the smoking gun…

    LDB, answered during court, that there wasn’t anything more that the State would be releasing… but remember guys, Blink has said that even with the Sunshine Laws, there is evidence that has not been seen. The defense and the state does not need to reveal anything that gives up their ‘work product’ ect.

    And I really believe that all the evidence they need is in those 20,000+ pages, but most of us, need the State to walk us through it all, and tie it together, in order to see the complete picture.
    Don’t forget we don’t know everything the state knows, and some of the docs they released were never released to the public. What I’m trying to say is I believe Caylee is in competent hands, with the state, and Lady Justice will prevail.

    – The Doc Dump=
    I think the plant/ tree debris found in/under the car was very fascinating- I also thought the latent print info in this doc dump was very interesting- it seems the only finger prints found in the car were those of Casey…

    Also can anyone clue me in on Curtis Jackson – if his claims have been debunked- I would think if he had those letters-that would be something- sounds like BS to me- but at this point, in this case, anything is possible…

    ..such as Cindy believing it when she sees it- The cat did it- you saw him- no matter how much you wanted to believe it was the dogs -it was The Cat- it was obvious to everyone but you- – You still love the cat right? Even though you know he was the guilty one? No one thinks you are crazy for still loving the cat.. do they? No one blames you for questioning the dogs, no one blames you for owning a guilty cat, do they? There’s a lesson in that Cindy….-

  33. Sister says:

    I have spent more hours than I should reading the documents. What a pitiful (being kind) GA is — personally, I would have kicked him to the curb a long time ago. His resume is pathetic, and then begging for 50 cents more a hour. duh!
    Poor Amy — getting a call threatening her if she didn’t drop the charges. No wonder she didn’t show up in court.
    sindy writing momster they will look for Caylee together when momster gets out . . . why wait sindy and for goodness sakes, whose ashes do you have hanging on your body????
    The wild goose chase momster took LE on . . . it takes a solid set of brass ones to do that.

  34. Mom3.0 says:

    Sister- Hi, IRT George, we do the best with what we got.
    He and Casey did not have to worry about bringing home the bacon. They did not have to worry about making enough to support a family. So, any money they “got” was a bonus- as for George- I think finding any job became a way to placate Cindy and keep her off his back- while garnering a pat on the back for contributing.

    In reading everything, again I find myself feeling very sorry for Cindy she seemed to be caught between a rock and a hard place- being manipulated by her daughter and her husband- and not knowing where to turn- or how to put a stop to it, without losing her granddaughter and her home and everything SHE had worked for- in the end she lost it all anyway.

    What about that phone call that when traced showed a hang-up call from the Anthony home… What was that about?

    Blink, are you okay? It seems you have been VERY quiet lately, and not just on Caylee’s thread but on each of the threads- I miss your commenting. I hope all is well with you.

    My dear friend I am just uber swamped and working on a case intensely this week :)

  35. MJ says:

    The A’s are really fascinating in a wildly dysfunctional way. Their whole twisted life has been laid bare, mostly due to their own dishonest claims which beg to be proved to be inaccurate.
    So many times, the public would have forgiven their blind faith and maybe even some of the early hateful acts if they would have ever humbly admitted that what they did was misguided but they won’t do it.

    They continue with charade after charade. It’s their version and to hell with anyone else. If it takes ruining others..too bad. If it takes faking be it. If it takes manufacturing evidence..prove it. If it takes betraying what,she’d understand. If it takes acting crazy..only somebody in their shoes can feel it. They’re the most self absorbed family I’ve ever seen or read about. The sheer amount of ordinary people that have had their lives trashed by even knowing them is unbelievable.

  36. Alegna says:

    Hi Blink, CA bank statements show a check in the amount of $238.96 dated 1 jul 08 to a plumber….I recall you stating you believe she/CA found something in the yard which set her in motion. Could it have been something the plumber found???

  37. Bees Knees says:

    You’re right, Carmen. Baez refusing to comment spoke volumes! I don’t think we’ve ever seen that.

    Yeah, it was great when Perry asked, “But Mr. Baez, wouldn’t it be fair to say that press conferences have been called by parties involved in this case?”

    Baez responds (MAJOR stumbling while he collects himself from Judge Perry’s surprise smack-down), “They have, but they have dis . . . , but they have been to discu . . . previous issues – that have been released . . . ummmmmm . . . by the State and NEVER anything of a, of a, personal type information that relates to Mrs. Anthony!!!

    What a liar. He’s trying to say the only time he called a press conference was in response to something the State released. Please. As you said, Carmen, the State has not given one single press release.

  38. Bees Knees says:

    MJ, they are “wildly dysfunctional” ~ LOL!!! As fascinated as I would be to see casey’s early records (school, friends, etc.) I would be equally fascinated to see cindy’s. Sometimes I think her crazy is way bigger than casey’s crazy. George isn’t as interesting to me. He’s just as dysfunctional but in a boring kind of a way. He’s a shyster, a scammer, always looking for an easy way, a fast buck.

  39. chelsea1515 says:

    Checked out the latest doc dump and during the reading of Yuri Melich’s report I noticed that it was said that Casey’s grey dress pants had been removed from the white pontiac along with a pair of boots and a pair of shoes. The pants were not collected by the investigating officers as Cindy had laundered them, but what about the footwear? Were they taken to be checked? I didn’t find any further reference to them. Am only part way through reading the whole report but I am now absolutely convinced that monstermum won’t get away with murder!!

  40. Mom3.0 says:

    IMO, Casey seemed to play her parents problems to her own advantage- as seen in Cindy’s partial email where she says -(pp) I don’t know who or what to believe anymore.
    And as much as we can all see the forest through the trees, I don’t know if she can- because now she not only has her daughter telling lies, and her husband masking the truth and her son trying to make it all better, but she has the defense putting their own spin on things- Look what Dom Casey had her believing- Yes, clearly Cindy enjoyed joining in on the charade, but I really don’t know how much of it she saw as a farce… any rational human being could step back and see the truth- but according to Shirley P, someone, everyone sees as truthful, Cindy was close to a nervous breakdown even before she found out Caylee was missing/dead….

    I imagine Cindy to be like Tom Hanks in Caste Away- she has to believe that Wilson is real otherwise she’ll never make it through tomorrow. JMO- I reserve the right to change it the next time Cindy does /says something over the top…

    Blink, glad to hear all is well. I look forward to your ‘return’ soon.

  41. MJ says:

    Bees! you must be reading my mind. I love that you said ” sometimes I think her crazy is way bigger than casey’s crazy”. Amen to that.

    Casey is ordinary psychopath type kooky.
    george is the everyday gigolo leech type
    Now cindy….she’s all over the crazy chart. Narcissistic,pathological liar, vindictive, cruel yet a doormat for casey, all that way inappropriate touching of men and her son, the double life she leads…one minute all pious and churchy, the next day cursing a blue streak, chasing people in cars…pretendind to be devastated and in denial but in reality setting in motion a deliberate scheme, like the Caylee is alive deal………she’s interesting but in my mind, she’s scary and extremely hateful. Yikes

  42. Sister says:

    Mom3.0, when I was reading sindy’s letters, etc. I see a very lonely woman with no one to turn to for support and a woman who doesn’t even like herself. It is very sad. To have come this far in life and have nothing.
    But I know about starting over as many do(not for any of her reasons). Because of illness of an ex who I am still his caregiver after 21 years, I lost everything to make sure he had the best treatment and care. You know what, God has blessed me with more than I had before (not talking about material things of course). The key, in my estimation, is taking responsibility to be the person God created me to be and being willing to lose it all to gain it all. My cup runneth over.

  43. Mom3.0 says:

    Thank you Sister for that very profound post- I hope Cindy will read it too -

  44. chelsea1515 says:

    HELP! I thought I had saved the doc dump 2nd November but can’t find what I am looking for. It started off as explanation of cell phones etc. then led into Yuri Melich’s report from the very beginning of the case. Please can someone post the link, I can’t find it anywhere. Thanks

  45. chelsea1515 says:

    Sorry, shouting before I was hurt as my mum would say!! Panic over, am back to poring over details.

  46. Bees Knees says:

    MJ, did you read The Egg Tree News today? She wrote an article about crazy cindy’s letters. You will fall off your chair, she is so funny!

    “Soundtrack To a Brainfry:” The Lost Chapters

  47. Sister says:

    “Our Lady of Big Chew” roflmao

    Chica, you and your family are in my prayers. May tomorrow be a wondrous day.

  48. chica says:

    oh sister gods miracle the tests showed that the cancer disappeared. however he was admitted for testing for valey fever.. he was so relieved he collapsed crying !! and the most touching !1 his dr shed tears too.

  49. chica says:

    egg trees is hilarious.

  50. chica says:

    I have spent more hours than I should reading the documents. What a pitiful (being kind) GA is — personally, I would have kicked him to the curb a long time ago. His resume is pathetic, and then begging for 50 cents more a hour. duh!
    Poor Amy — getting a call threatening her if she didn’t drop the charges. No wonder she didn’t show up in court.
    sindy writing momster they will look for Caylee together when momster gets out . . . why wait sindy and for goodness sakes, whose ashes do you have hanging on your body????
    The wild goose chase momster took LE on . . . it takes a solid set of brass ones to do that.
    I agree 100% couldnt of said it better myself.

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