Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Cheney Mason Predicted Casey’s Conviction AFTER Caylee Was Recovered

You can pretty well predict there’s going to be a life sentence, either a plea and get it over with or have a circus trial and then be convicted and get life,”

– J.Cheney Mason, counsel for Casey Anthony

Well now, there you have it. Words from J. Cheney Mason, co-counsel of the defense team via THE BAEZ LAW FIRM.  Was he co-counsel when he said it? No.  All the more reason to wonder why he would sign on to this case. Yet bet Ms. Simms is happy she did not have a TV when these aired.

Cheney’s prediction of Casey’s trial outcome comments were made the day after Caylee’s remains were located, and OCSO was still onscene, December 12, 2008.

Casey Anthony’s parents were still guests of the THE RITZ CARLTON thanks to ABC, and their Hopespring Drive home was being turned upside down by OCSO ater finding Caylee’s Winnie the Pooh blanket her grandmother conveniently forgot to mention was missing from her room.

“Hopespring” - now there is the boss of all oxymorons in this case.

Tuesday, in the news-less press conference, Mr. Mason forgot his former comments as an “analyst” for local 6 as invited by reporterTony Pipitone.

WFTV Reporter Kathi Belich asked Mason if he recalled being a commentator on the case and concluding that Casey would be convicted.

His Response In pertinent part:

“… I Don’t recall making any such statement..”

O No? We DO.

 AFTER Caylee Anthony’s remains were recovered



…” All that talking and the press interviews.. the parents going on this show and that show, the lawyer (Baez) going on different shows established they have no credibility whatsoever..” 



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  1. chica says:

    MSNBC IS showing the story of nelson serrano the man that mason defended. he will be seen here in this episode.
    its called untitled business
    california time for those interested if your not in calif you can go to MSNBC and find it.
    today! saturday Nov 7th

  2. chica says:


  3. Terry says:


    I have been thinking of you and your family hope all is good and may God Bless you all.

  4. chelsea1515 says:

    Chica, ditto Terry, your’e family has been on my mind throughout a 5 day trip to the Keys. Hope all is well.

    Nothing much happening on the Monstermum front but I did read right through loads of original docs and I cannot for the life of me see where a ‘defense’ will come from – sure Blink will soon put me in the picture. Is it ever too late to take a plea?

  5. chelsea1515 says:

    sorry, should read ….your

  6. chica says:

    chelsea and terry
    thank you so much for your kind thoughts and prayers. My brother had a miracle happen!! when they went back to look at the biopsy results and xrays the lump or whatever its called disapeared. Even the dr had tears in his eyes as he told my brother and the family!! you do not have cancer we cant see it anymore!your not going to die!! however you do have valley fever and will have a long recovery back to health. My brother broke down and sobbed like a baby!! as did the rest of the 7 brothers and three sisters that he is fortunate to have. So long story short we are truly blessed and I am honored to have friends like yourselves that have never met me !!but yet care as if you have known me for years.
    god bless you
    your kindlness brings me to tears.

  7. chica says:

    I posted this at val’s today and felt like sharing it with my friends here.

    My father was a veteran of world war 11 he got malaria! but sadly he didnt die of malaria! he was murdered when I was less than a year old.

    My late husband was a vietnam veteran god rest his soul he passed away last april and is buried in a national cementary.

    God rest both their souls and all those that died in all the wars for giving service to protect our country.

    To all of you veterans still alive God bless you and thank you for your service.

    Freedom always comes with a price.

    Let us not forget to pray daily for our soldiers that are in combat so far away from home on foreign soil.

    I am the proud aunt of a green beret from the elite team. My nephew has been wounded in combat four times.

    He is now home for a while there we didnt know if he would ever come back with all his limbs.

    he was given a heroes welcome! long story short!
    he serves his country as a result of 911 he was sent to afghanistan.

    I am so touched by your today and to honor to the veterans
    is a priveledge.

  8. chelsea1515 says:

    Chica – I am delighted at your news. Not sure it is appropriate to post the following but feel I wanted to share.


    The soldier stood and faced God,
    Which must always come to pass.
    He hoped his shoes were shining,
    Just as brightly as his brass.

    ‘Step forward now, you soldier,
    How shall I deal with you ?
    Have you always turned the other cheek ?
    To My Church have you been true?’

    The soldier squared his shoulders and said,
    ‘No, Lord, I guess I ain’t.
    Because those of us who carry guns,
    Can’t always be a saint.

    I’ve had to work most Sundays,
    And at times my talk was tough.
    And sometimes I’ve been violent,
    Because the world is awfully rough.

    But, I never took a penny,
    That wasn’t mine to keep…
    Though I worked a lot of overtime,
    When the bills got just too steep.

    And I never passed a cry for help,
    Though at times I shook with fear.
    And sometimes, God, forgive me,
    I’ve wept unmanly tears.

    I know I don’t deserve a place,
    Among the people here.
    They never wanted me around,
    Except to calm their fears.

    If you’ve a place for me here, Lord,
    It needn’t be so grand.
    I never expected or had too much,
    But if you don’t, I’ll understand.

    There was a silence all around the throne,
    Where the saints had often trod.
    As the soldier waited quietly,
    For the judgment of his God.

    ‘Step forward now, you soldier,
    You’ve borne your burdens well.
    Walk peacefully on Heaven’s streets,
    You’ve done your time in Hell.’

    Author Unknown~

  9. Terry says:

    Chica & Chelsea1515

    both your good new Chica and your families miracle I know that God walks with us daily and works hard for the just and to rectify the wrongs in the world…. And Chelsea your poem brought tears to my eyes I am happy and blessed.

  10. Mom3.0 says:

    Hello Blink-Chica, Chelsea, Terry -

    I am glad all is well now Chica.

    Recently I was over on Val’s great site, and a poster there brought up Leonard Padilla’s recent appearance on JVM- Have you seen it Blink?

    Anyway, on the show he brought up chloroform occurring with wet diapers, chlorine ect- which brings to mind all the talk about other theories on how the elevated chloroform levels got into the trunk chemical reaction with cleaning products, BLUESTAR- testing, fertilizer ect ect.

    I am embarrassed to say I have been waist deep in another case, and will be for a few more days, that I have not read my dear gal-pal-Val’s latest piece.

    I am going to go there now, hopefully before someone outs me to her, lol. I love her work.

    Blink, with all these theories floating about, some with a basis in science, others not so much, do you think the defense will be successful in clouding the juror’s minds regarding how the chloroform got into the trunk..? Do you believe that The State is even going with Casey chloroformed Caylee??

    This has me alittle worried as of late, because, I do not want the State to be blind-sided by BS- I realize that they need only prove that Casey intended to kill Caylee, or that she was abused, which resulted in her death-ect not necessarily by chloroform poisoning…

    Heck I’m not sure what I’m asking other than- Blink are you worried that the defense is going to be successful in attacking the state’s case- by throwing alot of BS ‘what if’s’ at the jury? TIA

  11. chica says:

    oh chelsey
    thank you for sharing that with meI have a nephew his with the elite forces of the green beret! he was at deaths door four times. I want to share with you his story.
    First time:

    He was in combat! the enemy shot a fellow soldier(friend) as they all are friends. His friend was wounded my nephew hid in the shadows of the the helicopter and was not hurt(unseen) by the enemy. he carried his wounded friend on his shoulder! to safety

    my nephew spared

    2nd time:
    he was driving in a tanker with his sargeant! when his sargeant hollers! out ( for my nephew to trade places with him!) my nephew reluctently complied with his sargeant. The enemy shot into the tanker and his sargeant was killed instantly.

    my nephew spared.

    3rd time:
    and this is the most touching to me! three soldiers riding in a humbee on patrol ! were shot at and the humbee landed in the water. they all had on seat belts mind you!
    one soldier died instantly(drowned) not in an air pocket. the other soldier matthew trevor was the only one in an air pocket!
    my nephew was going in and out of delirium or whatever! he said he seen flames and hell and a voice said to him(god) its not your time yet. Mind you the only person in an air pocket was the other survivor his best friend!(trevor) Trevor was single and he knew that my nephews wife was due to have her baby anyday! trevor undid my nephews seat belt and pushed him to an airpocket. He gave his life for my nephew to live.
    My nephew named his son after his friend. we will never forget trevor matthew!! god rest his soul

    my nephew again only survivor.

    3rd time

    my nephew was standing close to a afghanistan civilian when an explosion took place and the civilian blew up in front of my nephew. the intent was for them to kill soldiers!! my nephew was flown to germany with life threatening injuries but the end result was a slow recovery! he lost one tooth and has shrepenol in his body still.

    again he survived!

    He was flown home and given the purple heart.
    our hometown gave him a heroes welcome! he rode in a white limo with the american flag waving! riding with him in the limo was his wife and son! his mom and father and my mom.
    following the limo! in front and back! were a group of 20 veterans in motorcycles that belong to a veterans group. (all waving flags in their motorcycles)

    as they rode through town !! people were saluting !! waving!!! men taking off their hats in respect. like a parade very touching!

    Later on we were told that not often is there a live soldier that they can honor.
    my nephew such a humble man!
    200 family and friends/mayor gave him a surprise party at the local veterans hall. My nephew was honored by the vets administration.

    I feel honored to be his aunt.

    sorry if my story was long but I thought you may get blessed by reading his story.

    thank you again for your poem I shall share it with family.

    god is good he was with my nephew and recently with my brother.
    god bless america

  12. chica says:

    sorry if this was off topic but I just felt a need to share
    thank you

  13. chica says:

    thank you also and yes terrys poem brought tears to my eyes. I will send it to my mom and sibling.

  14. chica says:

    mom of 3

    lol sorry bout the spelling. thank you mom! yes I have real all vals postings and am hoping that justice will prevail. I think the defense is on a fishing expedition dont you?
    I truly appreciate you all and miss blink god bless you for allowing us a place to express our feeling and vent from time to time.
    I feel like I have made many good friends here. I have never seen their faces but I have seen their caring hearts!!

  15. chica says:

    ad all vals oops

  16. chica says:

    dern dern dern I meant read all

    slappying my forehead!!

  17. chelsea1515 says:

    Chica, you make me laugh and cry all at the same time!!! I feel I know you and Mom03 and many others on this site although never having met.
    Could you post me a link to read ‘Val’s’ site please – I feel left out.

    GBY and yours.

  18. Sister says:

    Chica, so happy to hear/read about your brother!
    I believe!!!!

  19. cindeefromwisconsin says:

    Chica, so happy to hear the good news. My brother in law passed away this past Thursday from cancer. Treasure every minute of everyday with your brother and your family. I am so happy something good comes out of this madness.

    Our sympathies-


  20. Mom3.0 says:

    I am sorry to hear of your loss cindeefromwisconsin. My parayers to you and your family.

    Blink- Don’t be embarrassed- in truth, I feel bad going to The Hinky Meter- I feel like I am ditching you- – BOC will always be my home, and even though you and Val are buddies, I still miss your articles and commenting on Caylee’s case.

    I think you may have misunderstood me though- the points/concerns I referenced in my earlier comment, were not directly from a piece written by Val- they were from comments by posters- talking about L. Padilla’s recent appearances on JVM-

    I hope that cleared things up- and for what its worth, I am still eager to hear whether or not you feel the State is going to go with Chloroform and if so whether or not the defense would be successful in attacking this with BS theories?

    Chelsea- just look up “The Hinky Meter”- you’ll find the site. Thanks for your kind thoughts- Ditto

  21. Mom3.0 says:


    On Thursday, Judge Belvin Perry will hear arguments on a defense motion that asks for approval of DNA testing for two hair samples.
    The hair in question is the sample found in Anthony’s trunk that has the so-called death band on it, suggesting Caylee Anthony’s dead body was in the trunk at some point.

    The defense has got nothing- the name of the game IMO is attack attack attack- How much evidence will they be successful in keeping out? How much doubt will they raise in bringing up accusations of a rush to judgment by LE? How much doubt will they raise by claiming LE conspiracy?-

    I think they are going all out with the OJ team’s defense play book- What they don’t seem to realize that in this case- LE has all its ducks in a row- I wouldn’t be surprised if this time LE has pictures of the defendant in those “ugly- azzed shoes-”
    IMO The evidence at Casey’s trial will speak loudly towards her quilt. I wonder if the defense is fool -hearty enough to take this all the way to trial? We’ll see-

    I am anxiously awaiting the fry hearings. I hope you will do a piece on what to expect and your analysis of the hearings as they happen Blink.

    I think I am gonna have to get the Dragon. Whew.

    Kidding, just jammed.

  22. chica says:


    Thank you I think this thanksgiving will be more meaningful because I will be with him and family. God is good.

    Sorry to hear about your loss hugs and prayers to you and your family.

  23. chica says:

    Hiya there!

    vals blog

    thank you I think laughter and tears are theraputic!!! I feel like I know ya tooo we been through so much with this case and in our personal lives.

    I have been so busy surfin ebay lol
    Hell I was buying so much I decided to be an octponure
    spelled wong I am shur!!

  24. chica says:

    Me too sista! me too and now!!

    off topic ( SORRY BLINK)

    I pray its natalee Holloway they found a jawbone in aruba
    Thats how I ended up at scared monkeys because of her story and me surfin the net.

    not smackin gum like a mad cow on crack(like cindy A.)

    lol ok hiding now from blink so she wont throw me them hard biscuits she loves to give away as rewards!! wink wink

  25. Mom3.0 says:

    Blink I thought I’d let you know (as if you didn’t know already)that another one of your predictions has come to pass- It seems you were right about Dr.Haskell’s testimony being pivitol in Caylee’s case.

    Dr.Haskell’s deposition will be taken on Friday- the defense is “already disputing SOME of his findings” – I wonder how well that will go for them?

    From Wesh:
    Bugs, Smell Of Death Key To Casey Anthony Prosecutors


    “They’re coming there for that specific smell.”

    According to Haskell, the tenacious insects have been known to burrow six feet into the ground or through cracks in concrete in search of one thing — the smell of a decomposing body.

    “When they’re going through all these barriers, over and around and down, they’re being attracted to the smell of decomposition,” he said.

    Haskell inspected the trunk of Anthony’s car in December 2008, six months after the prosecution claims Caylee Anthony’s body was inside.

    In his report, he noted that a “strong decompositional odor was still present” in the trunk.

    I found it quite interesting that these flies will find the smell even under-ground. This fact would seem to underscore the theory that Caylee may have been buried at one point. Makes me wonder if any insect/larvae casings were found at the Anthony home?

    The release of the test results of the dirt samples taken from the backyard of the A’s, particularly in the area of the playhouse and Dr. Haskell’s testimony will seal this girls fate. As you know I have had the disgusting task of studying some really nasty subject matter wrt to human decomposition recently. Nasty.

    That said, there is no getting around the blowfly cycle. Dr. Haskell is, bar none, the best entymologist in the country.
    I am all about the bug dude.

  26. Mom3.0 says:

    Blink, do you think we will see the release of the test-results from the back -yard soil samples before the trial?
    Were the test results from the rug-cleaners/vacuums ever released? TIA

    I do not think we will see either prior to trial, no.

  27. Mom3.0 says:

    I guess the hearing today was to test the shorts and laundry bag not the hair?

    Perhaps the defense thought the money would be better spent testing items that were out in the open for months-susceptible to weather, animals, &people than using it to test the hairs from the trunk?…. Hmmm I wonder why? maybe they are saving the testing on the hairs for later?

    Casey Anthony case: Cash approved to test DNA on Caylee’s shorts


    Her attorneys got approval today to spend $2,084 to have an out-of-state laboratory check for DNA on the victim’s shorts and on a bag found with her remains.,0,2182282.story

  28. Mom3.0 says:

    Here’s the video from the hearing today via phone- according to Mr. Baez- the hair evidence has been tested and has been returned or is on the way back to the state.

    I Just wanted to clear that point up- and to say that I am glad that it has been tested by the defense, and that they seem to be doing their job.

  29. chica says:


    I think the defense knows that there is so much against their client. I just dont see how they will be able to bait anything in otherwise. I feel like they are (closet) frustrated. I just love kathi asking baez if his case is falling apart more or so not verbatim. It’s to early and I am just now sipping on my first cup of coffee.

    recall you saying way back that casey would plea ? do you still thunk so?

    I mean they are just running around in circle going to and fro trying to find someone to blame but theres no one that killed other than casey.
    end of story

  30. Ragdoll says:

    Hey everyone! Hope y’all are well. I’ve been lurking, reading your great posts! Missed you guys.

    I have a question….I just read a comment from the link Chica posted. The poster suggested Casey could fire her defense at the last minute (just before trial?). Is that possible? AND…since she hasn’t plea’d and most likely won’t, is there anything she has signed or agreed to that prevents her defense team from being dismissed or fired by Casey? WHEN she’s found guilty, can she still appeal and claim her defense team did not do their job? I ask because she’s stuck it out with them even though I am certain they’ve talked to her about pleaing.

    Last question…is it possible Casey has confessed to her defense team? This could explain their circus act. They know and she’s determined to get off on a technicality. She is THAT determined not to stay in jail. She’d rather take her chances even though they’re practically non existent.

    Take care friends!

  31. Mom3.0 says:

    Chica- thanks for acknowledging my post- I’ve missed your energy around here.

    I agree that the defense has a tough road ahead of them- but you have to give them some credit for their ability to spin it.

    Chica- I think I remember Blink saying that Casey will never plea under Baez- although that was awhile ago- and she may have changed her mind since.

    FWIW- I think she won’t plea out because what is she sacrificing in having a trial? She is already in jail e, and this way she can bask in the limelight and stick to her story of innocence-and remain at OC jail- If she does plea, I think it will be at the last minute- and only for her own selfish reasons.

    I hope the State wouldn’t take a plea though- after all the money spent-time spent ect and after all the people, witnesses LE ect that have been thrown under the bus, I think they would do well by all, especially the citizens of Florida to make sure that Casey has her day in court and is subjected to a jury of her peers. JMO

  32. annals says:

    I am all about the bug dude.

    Ahhh, I’ve had a tense couple of days and the belly laugh you provoked with this line is a great releaf. Thanks, Blink.

  33. chica says:


    I miss the good ol days when we all were beebopping all over this place lol. I recall blink saying back in the begining that casey would plea and you just reminded me that it was not going to be under baez!! I see the defense is sinking fast!!! I wonder what the hell they are tellin casey!!!
    you may have a point my friend!! could be that casey knows she is toast ya think? what say you?
    She may just have withdrawls when this trial is over!! I am sure cindy will too!! someone mentioned at val’s that maybe cindy would stalk kathi belich to get her name in the news hahahaa tooo funny but could happen.
    I AGREE I hope the state refuses the plea than what will baez do ? sit on the dern floor and kick his feet!!! I swear baez and mason are the funniest team!! dumb and dumber huh!
    If I dont see ya before thanksgiving!!! have a blessed one.
    I will try to check by daily.
    and give a yahoo
    Them people are val’s are hilarious!! I have spit out so many cups of coffee and cold drinks!!! poor keyboard has been basptized!!!
    I just mainly read there once in a while put my two cents in!!

    oh by the way do ya think casey fer reals knows she is toast!!!
    lol I can just visualize cindy in court chewing gum like a mad cow on crack !! I bet her gums hurt huh!!!!!! as the trial gets juicier!!!the husband and wife team will chew up many a pack of chewing gum!! JUST AS LONG AS THEY DONT BLOW BUBBLES AND CRACK THEIR GUM!!!!

  34. chica says:

    hey there good to see ya.
    I dont know what casey is thinking lol but I am sure mason is thinking what the hell was I thinking!!
    I think baez is overwhelmed and I think he annoys the crap out of mason. I dont know if she will plea and I tell ya I think she is so delusional that she may or may not plea out. I also think that she will be worse off with a public defender because they wont go the mile baez has gone! of course its to gain notoriety! which by the way has backfired on him! jane velez not gerlado the puertorican trio can help him!!!
    I just cannot picture him being effective at trial. The man bearly can spit out a few college words.
    He gets easily confused and is not orgainzed!! how will that go?
    I just dont think he can pull it off!!! dunno if there is a tug of war with him and mason!! because baez thinks he frank sinatra!! wanting to do it his way!!!!

  35. PigletinCT says:

    Hi Everybody! Hope everybody’s Thanksgiving will be a good one.
    Has anybody read the article about Laura Buchanen & how all of a sudden she’s clammed up about being in the EXACT location Caylee’s body was found?? She seems to be singing a different tune now. I don’t know about the rest of you – but between – as Blink would say “the bug dude” and Laura Buchanen last week – it seems to me that Casey & Baez’s house of cards is crumbling down around them.

    All I have to say is…..TICK TOCK….TICK TOCK……time is running out for Casey…..maybe as the trial gets closer Casey will start to feel just a little tiny bit of the terror poor Caylee must’ve felt…..TICK TOCK…..TICK TOCK……Time is running out for you Casey….Feel those walls closing in on you yet? TICK TOCK….Time is running out for you Casey….Get used to the size of that cell Casey, you’re gonna be there for a LOOOONNNGGG time.

  36. Mom3.0 says:

    Hi Ragdoll PigletinCT, good to see you guys- I hope your Thanksgiving is a good one too. Yes justice seems to be coming around the corner, Tick Tock

    Blink & all-The Prosecution is looking into defense funding
    I guess they thought your advice was worth following Blink LOL

    Prosecutors File Motion In Anthony Case

    In a motion to compel additional discovery, prosecutor Jeff Ashton asked for a variety of information about the defense team’s expert witnesses.

    The motion asks for records of contracts and expected compensation, as well as bills that have been submitted and paid.

    O Baby This is The Big One Elizabeth.


  37. Mom3.0 says:

    oops Sorry forgot to include Mi amiga, Chica in that salutations- Hi Chica-

  38. chica says:

    hiya momof3
    have a blessed thanksgiving.I am baking pumkin bread sure wished I could upload to all my friends or hand thru my monitor lol!!

  39. chica says:

    lmao you got a chuckle from me on that elizabeth thingie!!!

  40. chica says:

    yes tick tock tick tock!!!!
    already prep her coctail!!
    its may

  41. Mom3.0 says:

    Pumpkin bread sounds good- Chica-

    LOL- S&S- too funny
    Blink- LOL- I wonder if there are any mentions of Fish-eyed fools in the motions?

    What do you think happens next Blink? will they reveal all- or will they run from it, can they run?

  42. Ragdoll says:

    Chica, Mom3.0…..always a blessing <3 (prayers are the real deal Chica girl).

    cindeefromwisconsin, my deepest condolescences. I too lost my brother in law in a motorcyle accident. Know you're not alone in the pain; my prayers go to you and your precious family xo).

    Something's gotta give here folks. The last appearance Casey made, she looked desperate, afraid, and alone. She's aged and her face looks sunken. I'm not attacking her….I'm pointing out the signs this experience is having on her from the outside. I believe she is finally getting it. She knows this is not a game anymore. She must be whittling down her choices by now and I suspect the DP is not one of them. She values herself too much.

    I'm sure she's asked herself….I'm worth more than dying. The truth may just be her saving grace after all. What else does she have?

  43. Ragdoll says:

    ….and Happy Thanksgiving my American friends. Thinking of you all <3

  44. cindeefromwisconsin says:

    Ragdoll, thank you for you compassion. It is during this time helping my sister through such anguish that I am relying on all my friends here to keep me updated. Thank you again to all of you and to Blink.

  45. PigletinCT says:

    There is always speculation swirling around that Casey still may decide to plea out & spill her guts. Personally – I can’t see that happening. I think she’s so used to lying and getting away with it that she’s going to stick to her guns all the way. I’m betting that Jose has her believing she can still pull this off. AND – I still can’t see her admitting to Cindy that she was involved in any way shape or form….she gets to keep her position on the pedestal Cindy has put her on.
    So – when she gets put away for good, she can blame it on inept Baez & company, junk science & appeal. Any of her friends that testify against her will be labeled as out to get her, as well as LE – who were never REALLY looking at any other scenario other than – Casey did it don’t you know….. They’ll all just live in denial to the bitter end thinking she got a raw deal and was framed by law enforcement.
    PLEA DEAL?? – that would mean she would have to admit what she’s done. Somehow I just don’t see it happening.
    Do I wish she would spill her guts & try to go for a plea? – YES. WHY? – because it may be the only way we’d ever be able to put ALL the pieces of this big giant dysfunctional puzzle together. I guess time will tell…..

  46. Sister says:

    Pigle, I honestly do not think momster even knows what the truth is anymore, if ever. She has lied so much and so often that truth and her lies become so entwined she doesn’t know the difference. I cannot see her ever taking responsibility for what happened to darling Caylee even if her fingerprints, spit or whatever was all over poor Caylee. In all of her years of existence, she has never had to tell the truth and I don’t think she knows what it means.
    Cindee, my prayers to you and your family. I believe, he is now on his greatest adventure ever . . .
    Chica, still praising our Lord for miracles!

  47. chica says:

    thank you I say amen to that sister!! he is the worker of miracles. He is the reason for the season my friend. May you enjoy a blessed thanksgiving.

  48. chica says:

    God bless you and may he be with your family whatever the need.
    I am thankful for all of you here my friends.
    I am thankful to blink and all those that have taken up the cross for caylee. we are her voice!!

  49. chica says:

    my friend have a blessed thanksgiving.
    Your an awesome person !! all of you here are the cream of the crop!

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