Homicidal Hobbit Hoffman Stashes 3 Ohio Victims In Tree

Posted by BOC Staff | Kody Maynard,Matthew J Hoffman,Murdered,Sarah Maynard,Stephanie Sprang,Tina Herrmann,Uncategorized | Thursday 18 November 2010 10:11 pm

Mathew J Hoffman, former Knox County tree trimmer, gave police the 411 to locate Tina Herrmann, her son Kody Maynard and family friend Stephanie Sprang.  Sarah Maynard, 13, was previously rescued from Hoffman’s Mt Vernon, Ohio residence.

The missing victims were found  in a hollowed-out tree trunk , inside plastic garbage bags.

Hoffman became a POI after police found him idling along the trail eventually leading the remains.  Hoffman is a convicted felon from Colorado.

13 year old Sarah Maynard, was found in Hoffman’s Mt. Vernon Home bound and gagged. Investigators will not say whether our not she has been sexually assaulted.

Police will not disclose the circumstances surrounding the deaths of the victims. The investigation is ongoing.

Please check back to blinkoncrime.com for updates

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  1. GraceintheHills says:

    What a tragic end to this story, Blink. I just have no words…

    When I review a case like this, I know that the pit in the gut is just the beginning.

    There is more.

  2. Eloise says:

    Hobbitt, thatt is great. Havent heard that word in a long time. While perusing NG, a commentator suggested dismemberment as a means to fit the family into the tree hollow. I dont know that is true, but I wondered the same thing. It’s amazing they got to the girl before it was too late. God bless her.

  3. Mom3.0 says:

    This is such a sad and horrific story. To think what this little girl must have gone through- and will face for the rest of her life. To think her family went through To face what happened to her little brother, her Mom and her mom friend, at the hands of this miscreant. My God what is wrong with people? I don’t think I’ll ever understand.

    Only the beginning?- I don’t know what to say. I am glad they caught him, and that Sarah survived. I hope they prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. May he NEVER see the outside of prison again…… Do they have the death penalty in Ohio?

    IMO They really have to stop letting these offenders free.

  4. sleuthound says:

    This is a horrifying case. It sickens me.

    Blink were Mr. Hoffman’s previous felonies violent? Did he have any prior association to Sarah Maynard?

  5. melissab says:

    You think this nut had been watching the young girl for a while or were they “friends” prior to?

  6. Cherylynne says:

    Its amazing that they found out who did this so quickly in a remote town like this. Thank God they found that young girl.

    There is no way someone just starts killing & doing such a crime in this degree – I am sure there are so much more to come from this as Blink says

  7. annals says:

    There is more.
    There is more; as in, there are previous victims?

    I believe so, yes. This is one creepy dude, and one does not escalate like this overnight.

  8. connie says:

    Dear Blink,
    As sad and horrific as this case is I am glad you are reviewing it.

  9. Hejlena says:

    Jesus…may the angels be at her side.

  10. Amy says:

    ‘convicted felon from Colorado’

  11. mag603 says:

    Blink -
    When I read the names at the top of the page, I saw Terri Herrmann and though I read Terri Horman. I gasped and thought this was some sort of breaking news in the Horman case…..Then I realized it was another devastating case.

    I can’t even comprehend more…….

  12. Bradystjames says:

    This is about an hour away from my crib. Been follow this since it happened. Sad day….. Word on the street is they took the death penalty off the table and he told them. Think there is more to this….

    I heard the same. I think there may be other victims in CO that may now come forward.
    At any rate, the victims and their family are in our thoughts and prayers today.

  13. Word Girl says:

    The depravity of one human being acting in the worst interest of another continues to astonish me.

    I am so, so sorry this happened.

  14. BingoBingo says:

    “There is more”???? ….oh crap. I have a mouth on me and I’m actually stupified into bewilderment(sp?) by the crimes I am reading about these days. I just don’t know what to think anymore. I DO know one thing for sure: LE (and the public in general) in the USA do NOT stand for this kind of heinous behavior. I have family members that are victims of terrible crimes in other countries that have gotten ZERO help from the police. I know we have crimes like this in the US – but at least here EVERYONE jumps on it and tries to make sure justice is served.

    Thank you, Blink, for bellowing from the rooftops: “LOOK WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE”.
    Please God, help all the families, friends, and loved ones.

  15. Jane says:

    I often wonder how these people are continually released back into the public. Climbing trees to watch and listen in on his neighbors were just a few signs the man had serious problems? There was a big jump from his past arson conviction to this crime. Do you think he could be responsible for others? Sick and so tragic. Again, you can’t paint a face on evil – the guy LOOKED pretty normal. Prayers for these grief stricken families.

  16. Cbickel says:

    From what I’ve read it looks like the little girl was his intended victim…I’ve become so jaded since Kyron that I wondered if the 13 yr old was somehow involved in all this… like she met him online etc. Poor kid I hope she is doin’ well.

    Let me back up here a little…I am NOT attacking this little girl, there have been so many cases lately that are just blow my poor little country-fried mind. (We just had a case here in Louisville where an 18 yr old male met a 40 yr old male on-line and now the 18 year old is presumed dead and the 40 yr old arrested for murder) So I really don’t aim to offend anyone with this statement.

  17. christy says:

    OH my god. Speechless.

    I knew they were gone, sadly, but that is the stuff of nightmares…

  18. Ode says:

    Oh Blink, there is more? Oh not more victims!

  19. landlmom says:

    This is near where my family lives and the ripple effect has been awful…

  20. Nagol says:

    This should be a reminder to be vigilant…watch everyone and everything (this isn’t paranoia), it’s awareness. We all have internal sensors which tell us if someone or something is wrong, and we need to learn to listen to ourselves.

    This murder happened only 30 minutes from my home, but it could have easily been any small town or big city across America. Sociopaths live and function in society, in our lives, and I believe strongly the people that know them already suspect a problem. Report suspicious activity!

    A grown man sitting in a tree is a hunter, he’s looking for prey, he’s voyueristic. If he has no gun, no hunting license, and no organge on, that’s a problem. This is an example of behavior which should have been reported to natural resource officers as well as local LE.

    We can all make a difference in our own personal safetey as well as the safety of others by watching what’s around us, and listening to the inside voice we all have – if it’s shouting at you that something is wrong, it probably is. Don’t let fear of being wrong be your deterrent, let fear of being right force you forward.

    I’m wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday season, and that justice for all the missing, the fallen, the survivors and those working in their name lies just ahead.

  21. Carol says:

    I also read about this today. Tragic. How does one truly go about dismembering someone? It’s beyond what I can comprehend. If they took the death penalty off the table, sorry to say but I hope someone whacks him in prison. This freak doesn’t deserve another breath of our clean crisp air today.

    God Bless all their family and friends.

  22. Jane says:

    Y’all are all much more seasoned researchers than I, but I believe I read this creep’s parents lived close to victims. Could that be the connection? Jeezie, I’ve had lots of treework done over the years. Those men can climb and swing like monkeys (I always make time to watch – fascinates me). Anyway, he could have been around climbing onto rooftops, peering through skylights, windows, stalking – the possibilities are frightening and endless. Wonder if he carved out that tree? Disgusting thoughts.

  23. Twinmamma says:

    We live in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Sadly my neices and nephews were friends with the Groenes’. This case has captured me-as this man seems possibly as evil as Joseph Duncan. Something I never thought I would say. Prayers for this little girl and her family, and her future.

  24. Camsmom says:

    Mom 3.0 said:
    Do they have the death penalty in Ohio?
    I believe they do, but I also believe they made a deal with him, that they wouldtake death off the table if he gave up where the remains were. They said without his confession, they would have NEVER found the victims bodys. How horrific. I fear this is not the first time he has murdered.But hopefully it will be the last. At least he gave up the location of the bodys instead of invoking his 5th ammendment rights like some ppl.

  25. Camsmom says:

    Sorry Blink, I should read through all comment b4 I post one. Everything in my 12:03 comment had already been discussed. I read something and just jump to put my two cents in. Sorry! LOL

  26. Judi says:

    It sounds to me like this sick SOB was stalking the family, or at least the little girl. Obviously, he was after the girl since the rest were killed, but he kept her bound and gagged in the basement.

    I pray for this little girl. What don’t know what all she witnessed or what all was done to her. But, there are reports that there was blood in the house so I’m thinking she witnessed way more than any 13 year old, or any adult for that matter, should have to see. She is now without her family. This little girl is going to need a lot of love and support. What a shame…

    Thank God the police found and rescued her so quickly. Kudos to LE on this one – they acted swift and were able to save her.

  27. IMOIMO says:

    Hey Blink, I noticed in the categories you have “Sarah Sprang” instead of “Stephanie Sprang”, didn’t know if that was a typo or if Sarah was her first name? Just thought I would let you know in case it was a typo needing some fixin’.

    Given the news stories going around, please try to have a good day & weekend!

  28. landlmom says:

    Ohio does have the DP, but from everything being said it appears he cut a deal that will save him from the DP.

    Also, it appears he may have “chosen” this family… the Sheriff has been saying the following for a few days now:


    snipped from link:
    It wasn’t clear how well Hoffman knew the four missing people, but the sheriff suggested that the defendant had been watching them.

    “They knew Hoffman or Hoffman made himself known to them; he acquainted himself with the family whether they knew he was acquainting himself with them or not,” Barber said.

  29. tallgirl says:

    snipped from:

    ~Dawna Davis, who lives next to Hoffman, said she did not trust him.

    “He was just different. He was odd. He just climbed trees and watched us,” she said about Hoffman.

    Did anyone call the cops on this freak voyeur?

  30. twinkletoes says:

    Inside a tree trunk. I wonder if he was going back to relocate the remains. If the police found him idling the car on a road near the remains, perhaps a cadaver dog would have been a better choice than taking the death penalty off the table, if that is what occurred. I hope some lifer in prison exterminates him quickly. Poor family.

  31. twinkletoes says:

    There is a news report that the dog of one of the families was found dead in the tree too. I hope that dog got in a couple good bites of this asshole before he died.

    I can’t tell from the news reports whether he tried to choke the ex-girlfriend before he kidnapped the girl or whether the girl was in the basement when he tried to choke the ex-girlfriend.

    Report violence the first time.

  32. Bradystjames says:

    Link to WBNS that has been following this story, gives some details. This guy was/is pretty sick.


  33. Mom3.0 says:

    Thanks camsmom- I appreciate the time and effort to address your comment towards my question regardless if it was answered before You brought up a very important point IMO

    - I understand the need to deal with the devil sometimes- but I don’t have to like it. I agree with Blink and all- this doesn’t seem to be this guys first time killing- It seems to me that offenders like these- who have been caught before and released- still carry on in their sick demented perversions- all jailtime then freedom teaches them- IMO is how NOT to get caught how not to return to prison- ie kill all witnesses ect… still rape- still molest- carry on as usual- just don’t get caught..

  34. JEN says:

    Blink, is LE just hoping for a confession (beyond pointing them exactly to the bodies, I mean) from Hoffman? Surely they have enough probable cause to charge him with the murders…?

  35. peg says:

    Mom worked at DQ..You are supposed to be friendly when working at that kind of job. Mabe that was the connection,he spyed on them at the DQ

    I would definitely check it out. Yes

  36. A Texas Grandfather says:


    Your comments about this not being this guy’s first time are probably very true. Our communities are going to have to insist that LE and our parole systems ALWAYS notify the people that such a person is located in their midst so that people can take proactive steps for their protection..

    My personal preference is that unless based on a quality physological examination by at least three doctors,the parole boards should keep these people out of the community. If parole boards were to be made to pay for these type of mistakes, they would be a lot more careful.

    One way for a neighborhood to protect itself is to tell the parolee that he/she will be watched and any suspicious activity will be reported to LE and the media and let them know they mean it.

    When the neighbor reported seeing this sociopath leaving his house with a backpack on several occasions, I knew that these people were dead and he was taking the body parts for disposal. Sorry for the grusome discription.

  37. Concerned Citizen says:

    I am wondering about a missing person case that is going on in my area. I have been researching the information on the internet and can not directly connect the two individuals so maybe someone on here can. Can someone tell me if Matthew J Hoffman and Rebecca Hoffman could possibly be related? Thanks….

  38. Ragdoll says:

    This is not to sound blammatory. I just wonder….what prevents us from reporting unusual behaviour, or someone lurking around our neighbourhoods, parks, etc. Late last summer, I saw a man, who looked awfully suspicious to me, waiting right on the spot where the school bus drops off the kids. He was walking back and forth, running his hands through his hair, nervously, I thought. I then saw him approach a young kid (12ish). The kid bolted and ran….FAST….looking behind him. This freaked me out. My son was in the car with me at the time. So I pulled around and parked to watch this man. I was about to call 911 when a peace officer just happened to approach.

    I jumped out of my car like a mad women, no regard for traffic, waving like I’m bringin in a commericial jet. I shared my concerns with the peace officer and he took note. I drove off of ways so that I wasn’t obvious (yeah right) and waited to see what the office would do. The school bus came, kids got off….and the man left hand in hand with his 2 children.

    So I was way way off. It wasn’t gut instinct. It was….what if? What if I just continue on and learn that something really was a miss. A few thefts were happening in my neighbourhood, which is new. Back alley thefts, kids on bikes comin out of nowhere to jump you as you unpack your car and enter your house. I just went with…better safe than sorry.

    Yeah, I felt like a complete idiot but I prefer that over the alternative. Why wasn’t this man reported sooner if the signs were so obvious? I’m enraged that we live in a fear of being wrong or not wanting to get involved.

    Thing is, this guy is ‘normal’ looking….even good looking, imo. Are we impartial to appearances? Dumb questions maybe but look at the dumb ass letters Casey and Scott receive even though they’re cold blooded killers.

    Have a blessed but safe w/e my friends~~~ ((((((GROUP HUGS))))))

  39. Ode says:

    Where has this guy been? When did he leave CO. What do we know about him. How does one guy subdue 4 people and a dog. Could this be done by one person? Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Daumer, even Charles Manson could not have kidnapped a teenage girl, kidnapped 2 adults, a tween boy and dog then kill 3 of them dispose of them by himself. It does not make sense to me. He is a monster but was he alone?

  40. Cbickel says:

    Did anyone call the cops on this freak voyeur?

    I have not researched this at all, as I’ve had the grandaughter for the nite but I want to tell all of you this: You and I know this guy’s behavior was weird, not right, etc….BUT…he has a “right” to be as strange as he wants to be.

    Years ago people were able to be institutionalized at the whim of a family member. Because of this laws were passed that established criteria that had to be met before someone’s “word” was all it took to be sent to the loony bin. In other words if a person wants to sit in a tree and watch you or someone you love, and that tree is on private (tree sitter’s back yard) or public property….or if said tree sitter has reason to be there (tree trimmer) AND that person has not given you any reason to believe he/she is a danger to you, him/her self then they have every “right” to sit in that tree and watch you. They can be as big of a freak as you’ve ever met.

    Scary isn’t it.

  41. pink angel says:

    The family was told that the remains were found NOT intact, so the monster did dismember them. :(


  42. pink angel says:

    video of the tree being chopped down – before/after

    For anyone with arbor knowledge- How do you hollow out a tree like that from the top?
    At the cross section shot, it looked burned out to me- I know there are ways to “burn out a hollow”, but not from the top down.

    Who leaves a crime scene with blood everywhere, and has a hiding spot which APPEARS he worked on previously, which would have been near impossible to find?

  43. mag603 says:

    Blink -
    Shouldn’t the category name should be Tina Herrnann?

    you have listed:
    Kody Maynard,Matthew J Hoffman,Murdered,Sarah Maynard,Sarah Sprang,Terri Herrmann,Uncategorized

    Thanks, close, but fixed.

  44. Nagol says:

    “For anyone with arbor knowledge- How do you hollow out a tree like that from the top?
    At the cross section shot, it looked burned out to me- I know there are ways to “burn out a hollow”, but not from the top down.

    Who leaves a crime scene with blood everywhere, and has a hiding spot which APPEARS he worked on previously, which would have been near impossible to find?

    I was told by local LE the tree was dead, the hollowing a condition of the tree rotting. Definitely prior knowledge of the area and specific tree.

    Thanks, I am not educated in this area, but I have never seen a tree that size, rotted inside completely the entire length, still standing like that.

  45. Cbickel says:

    Termites can hollow out a tree and you don’t even know it until the tree starts losing limbs, or the wind blows the whole thing over. Could be that’s where the hole came from and he embelished it?

  46. Jane says:

    Blink, I was curious as to when you feel someone should call the cops in cases such as this. I’m sure many of us have strange neighbors or see/hear things out of the ordinary. I would have been petrified having a neighbor sitting on his roof or in a tree observing me and/or my family. But I’m not sure what I would have done? If I’d been this man’s neighbor and had cops come out a time or two, I may not be here today. I also was curious if neighbors were aware that this guy had served time in prison and how he got money to buy a house.

    It depends on the law in your area, proximity to the house, background of the individual, etc- I don’t have a carte blanche answer.

    The best thing folks can do for themselves is be vigilant of their surroundings, and run your RSO checks in your neighborhood frequently.

    The best advice? Listen to your gift of fear.

  47. mag603 says:

    In my neighborhood, two neighbors argued about cutting down a tree. The one neighbor complained that that large branches kept falling on his house. The other neighbor said it is on my property — and I will not cut down. It ended up in village court; and it was order cut down. When it was cut down the tree was hallow — which shows it was dead and just a matter of time before it fell.

    I image an experience tree trimmer would know the signs of a dying tree.

  48. Cherylynne says:

    what good would it do to report that a man people watching from tree tops or his roof? Many go to the parks & beaches to do just that- people watch. what can they arrest him on? LE doesn’t have the manpower to babysit him. I don’t think that if some neighbor would have called the cops on him because he was behaving weird- that it would have prevented this crime. In LA if I reported to the police all of the strange acting folks, the police would be busy with 24 hour shifts-nonstop.

    Even if his ex girlfriend would have pressed charges – that would not have locked him up- he would have to wait for his court date- etc. the intensity of this crime, sounds like nothing was going to stop him from committing this horrific crime

    most cities do not have the LE force to just watch out for weirdos- all they can do is take your report. That doesnt prevent anything really

    For starters, they would have found out that he was using a false ID. If he presented that to LE, it is a felony.
    Then they would have learned about his prior, and whether or not he was in violation of any probation conditions.

  49. Cherylynne says:

    I dont see how he took on 4 people either. He must have won their trust first. Not one of them used a cell phone to all 911 -perhaps he shot them before he took them to that tree. I dont know how he had such power-but the surviving girl may hold the answers there.

  50. sandyeggo says:

    I’ve read in several articles that the tree was a beech and that beech tree trunks are typically hollowed out on the inside…

    Also found this interesting that they say the family suspected they were being watched for awhile prior to the murders.

    “Pejsa, the uncle of Herrmann’s former live-in boyfriend, said the family believed someone was watching them before they were killed. He described a man in camouflage sitting on a stump across the street several months before the slayings.”


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