Holly Bobo Missing And Endangered: Searchers Frustrated- An Easter Dedication

Posted by BOC Staff | Clint Bobo,Holly Bobo,Missing and Endangered,Tennessee Bureau of Investigation | Saturday 23 April 2011 7:11 pm

Among the community that has banded together *like*no*other* in recent memory,  are weary searchers, volunteers and the families that live without them, for days on end.

Holly Bobo pink shirt

The readers and editors of www.blinkoncrime.com commend you today. I have spoken to many of you in the field, and I know that in an active investigation, there is so little to keep you motivated and strong.

Your community is a very spiritual one, as is Holly Bobo’s family. I also know that you are dealing with issues of dissension in your communal congregation if you will, and I wanted you to know the nation is watching and we hold you up this Easter weekend.

To the TBI, assisting LE agencies, and the great and powerful civilians working to find Holly Bobo today, we dedicate one of my favorite works of literature.

It is intensely personal to me.

My Gram, whom I miss dearly, was a career surgical nurse, as is Holly’s chosen study, read it to me when I was little, to the point of her exhaustion I presume..

As a small child learning to read, I would bound into their house and recite it from the framed needlepoint on the wall as if it was a ticket for admission to cross the foyer.


To The Family complicating these efforts: I offer this to you as well, in good faith.

Today can show YOUR faith and commitment like no other.

Ask for guidance today, it is there for you.

The hands of this community are strong and large. Prayers and Strength to Holly and the good folks trying to bring her home.

The House by the Side of the Road

 by Sam Walter Foss

There are hermit souls that live withdrawn In the place of their self-content; There are souls like stars, that dwell apart, In a fellowless firmament; There are pioneer souls that blaze their paths Where highways never ran- But let me live by the side of the road And be a friend to man.

Let me live in a house by the side of the road, Where the race of men go by- The men who are good and the men who are bad, As good and as bad as I. I would not sit in the scorner’s seat, Or hurl the cynic’s ban.

 Let me live in a house by the side of the road And be a friend to man.

 I see from my house by the side of the road, By the side of the highway of life, The men who press with the ardor of hope, The men who are faint with the strife. But I turn not away from their smiles nor their tears, Both parts of an infinite plan

 Let me live in a house by the side of the road And be a friend to man.

 I know there are brook-gladdened meadows ahead And mountains of wearisome height; That the road passes on through the long afternoon And stretches away to the night. But still I rejoice when the travelers rejoice. And weep with the strangers that moan, Nor live in my house by the side of the road Like a man who dwells alone.

 Let me live in my house by the side of the road. It’s here the race of men go by. They are good, they are bad, they are weak, they are strong, Wise, foolish- so am I; Then why should I sit in the scorner’s seat, Or hurl the cynic’s ban?

Let me live in my house by the side of the road And be a friend to man.




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  1. Ragdoll says:

    How could this NOT soften the hearts of stone? There is a deep sense of faith in your words and I have learned if there is even a crack, the smallest ray of light will find it’s way in.

    God bless you friend! God bless Holly, her family and the community for nurturing hope and faith <3

  2. Ragdoll says:

    PS…is the photo meant to portray happier times?

  3. Acapella says:

    That was beautiful…and says it all. God bless you, Blink and team and all who are suffering through this anguish. May Easter bring the answers we seek.

    I pray, and I believe.
    I seek blessings for those in this case that need it.

  4. Jane says:

    How lovely, Blink. My thoughts to all who have given so much time, energy and love towards the search for Ms. Bobo. I send special prayers to a heartbroken family and community. God bless.

  5. A Texas Grandfather says:

    What a wonderful piece Blink

    You speak so eloquently for all of us who read here and join together to help others.

    This is the poem your gram shared with you, which explains more fully why you give of yourself the way you do. Each of us must learn to minister to others as we pass by them in life.

    My prayers to all of Holly’s family and those who search. May GOD lead you to find Holly.

  6. Ode says:

    Blink this is why I am here everyday with you. Your heart is so big and you are not afraid to show it. You are a person who cares and you have found a way to bring people who also care together. Thank you for showing others that evil as it is does exist but it does not triumph. Thank you for opening up a place in my heart and a place to show it. You are the cat’s pajamas.

    Ode, many kind thanks.

    It’s my Gram.

    If that cannot make it all better, one way or another, I don’t know what can.

    Happy Easter for those that observe.


  7. connie says:

    Dear Blink,
    That was such a beautiful poem! And your grandmother was so darling! What a meaningful gift !!! Happy Easter to you and all
    the blinksters and thank you to all of those that are trying their hardest to find Holly Bobo!

    She was, and thank you

  8. nashvillian says:

    Thanks for the uplift, Blink.

    Helped search today in Parsons and feel depressed and defeated. Nothing but woods, woods, and more woods and a vastly large area for such a small dot on the map. I need to find my hope and faith again.

  9. Essay Kaye says:

    I have so much sympathy for Holly Bobo’s family – and so much appreciation for all of the law enforcement officers and volunteers who are doing everything to find this young girl. I get from the gist of your report and other postings that someone in the community is not cooperating with the efforts to find Holly. It made me think about how horrible it would be to discover your child or another family member was responsible for harming another. If this is the situation, I hope this family can rely on their faith and their community to do the right thing and help lessen the suffering of another family. What a tragedy for all involved.

  10. Aby says:

    So inspiring. I will reflect on those words many times and appreciate you sharing something so cherished. Thank you for all of your dedication and passion. It’s very much contagious.

    Thank you kindly.

    It is very cherished. I debated posted it for hours. It was mine.
    Now it is Holly’s. I am ok with that, let’s bring her home with it.


  11. chica says:

    my prayers are with this family! may god given some kind of comfort and sign of hollys whereabouts!!

  12. GraceintheHills says:

    Beautiful but so heartbreaking.

    Many, many prayers being sent up from Texas for Holly, her family, her friends, and all of those who are searching.

  13. Jeff D says:

    From the moment he was born I have loved my son like no man has ever loved a son. He was always so happy and loving, smart but pensive, daring but thoughtful. He trusted me and learned from me and I welcomed that responsibility. I welcome it still. Soon to graduate college he is almost completely on his own, but he will always find refuge from the storm so long as I’m around.

    I do not know how I could survive losing him or any of my three. On each side of the road these families now find themselves a child is lost. One maybe forever lost and the other maybe not. The one that can be saved, can best be saved by coming forward and this doting Dad would be leading the way.

    I am humbled by this comment, I am not a Dad obviously.

    I so want the right people to read this.

    I am referring to the right Dad’s.

    Saving is only possible this way.

    To you know who: What if Holly was your daughter?

  14. osu says:

    God Bless Holly and Morgan and Kyron and Caylee and all others before and God forbid, after.

  15. Lilah says:

    Beautiful, Blink. Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. I hope this message reached those who need to hear it most.

  16. Lea Conner says:


    Your writing is inspired. Good work, my dear friend.

    Godspeed to Holly and those who love her.


  17. Mom3.0 says:

    I think this is your finest work yet Blink- Thankyou for sharing the wisdom of your grandma with us. She sounds like a very smart lady.

    There but for the grace go I….

    Or as you beautifully quoted-

    “They are good, they are bad, they are weak, they are strong, Wise, foolish- so am I; Then why should I sit in the scorner’s seat, Or hurl the cynic’s ban?

    Let me live in my house by the side of the road And be a friend to man. ”

    My prayers for Holly and the families, friends and the community.

    Well thank you friend but I would have to give the credit to Mr. Foss, lol.

    Here is one of those freaky moments that make me “believe.”

    I called Ma’ mere yesterday before publishing this, to see if we could get a good shot of the needlepoint I reference.

    I decided to just use a pic when I could not “unglare” the print for use with this piece.

    Hours later I get a phone call-

    Momma Blink: Honey, you are not going to believe this. Daddy is not feeling well, he has a stomach bug, so I covered him up on that new recliner we got him for his birthday. A couple minutes later he said he was still freezing so I went upstairs to the linen closet in the granddaughter room looking for a heavy quilt.

    I grabbed one from the back without turning the closet light on, came downstairs, shook it open and put in on your Father.

    Sure enough, it was the quilt that used to hang on the shelving in our old family room, the one I bought in Cape May with Gram because it had that line from her needlepoint she would not let me have until she died so your Aunt wouldn’t get in a tizzy.

    Let me live by the side of the road and be a friend to man, right now, right on top of your Dad.

    I don’t know that I have ever had that quilt out in 14 years, what are the chances that happens today?

    Blink: Now that is freaky. I guess she approves of the piece then, lol. And she wants me to have the quilt so I will bring it home with me after dinner tomorrow.

    Momma Blink: O no you don’t, you can have it when I am dead so your sisters won’t get in a tizzy.


  18. kab says:

    Blink, just checking in to see if any morning news on Holly. Powerful words in this piece. I will continue to hope and pray for some resolution to this case soon.

    As many of us will be gathering with family and friends today, I have written up a special prayer for our dinner today praying for Holly, her family, LE, TBI all the searchers asking the Lord to watch over them and keep them safe and in his care.

    To nashvillian, Stay strong friend and thank you for giving of yourself to help bring Holly home. Peace to you this day and God Bless.

    Wishing a safe and Blessed Easter to all

  19. Josie says:

    Beautiful Blink! Thank you for sharing this lovely poem. It made me think of my own dear Grandma, who passed many years ago. How blessed we were to have these fine ladies to lead and guide us.

    My deepest thoughts are with Holly’s family, as they go through the most devastating time parents could ever face. Prayers that their beautiful child will be found soon, alive and safe.

    Easter blessings to all this morning.

  20. Judi says:

    Blink, that was just beautiful, it was so powerful and inspirational (and made me cry)…

    Blink, you are an amazingly compassionate, loving, giving, good-hearted soul. Incredible really. God Bless.

    May God bless Holly and her family. May those who know, I pray you let God into your hearts to guide your way to do the right thing. The right path is often the hardest. You know the right thing to do, hard is it may be, you’ve got to do it.

    Thank you but I am no different than all of you.

    As Mag so eloquently posted, if we all pick up the starfish and throw it back in the sea, we can have that kind of impact.

  21. gigi says:

    Yes, Blink on this glorious Easter Sunday we are so blessed to gather round our little families, make last minute adjustments to dresses and shoes, grab the eggs that have been made rainbow colors and head out for a day of blessings, family and fun. Amidst all of this is the reminder that our world is all not in such a state of happiness. And we cannt pretend not to notice. As we go about the things of the day we must remember to pray along the way for those who are suffereing. Thank you Blink for always having the right words, actually salve, if you would, to allow us to go on with life, but not forget the ones who at least for today have no joy.

    Salve is one of my all-time fave words, thank you.

  22. TBI says:

    I am not sure if Blink is a Sir or Maam, so forgive me.

    We do not allow volunteers to access the web from their phones while searching, but a team leader read this aloud this morning before being deployed and told me where he read it.

    I did not know sites like this existed, I am an old timer, what can I say?

    I wanted y’all to know that volunteers are hearing these words today and it makes a difference.

    Not a dry eye in the house as my wife described.

    God be with you today in his grace, and your welcome here anytime old-timer!

    Thank you for loaning us your Grandmother.

  23. Cbickel says:

    Lovely post Blink, even lovelier that a searcher read it and found some renewed hope.

    I take from what I’ve been reading that “everybody” knows who did this, yet LE has not aggressively pursued this suspect. I’m from a small town in KY, is this family connected to the local big shots in city hall? Do they have money? I know where I come from that would make a big difference in how a case would be handled.

    I hope this young woman is found soon, my heart breaks for her family and her community.

  24. mag603 says:

    Special prayers this Easter Sunday for Holly, The Bobo family & friends, and & Parson’s community.

    To nashvillian know that even your small dot made a difference. It’s kinda like The Starfish Story:

    One day a man was walking on a beach when he saw another man coming the other way who appeared to be dancing. As he drew nearer he could see the man was not dancing but was gently picking up starfish from the beach and throwing them back into the sea.

    “Why are you throwing starfish into the sea?” He asked.

    “Because they have been washed ashore, the day is getting hot and if I do not throw them back they will die.” Replied the dancer.

    The man looked around him and saw that the beach went on for miles and that there were many thousands of starfish along its length.

    “But there are too many” he protested to the dancer “you can’t possibly make a difference.”

    The dancer smiled, picked up another starfish and gently tossed it beyond the waves, back into the sea.

    “I made a difference to that one!” he said.

    I just love that, thank you.

  25. GraceintheHills says:

    Blink, I agree with all the others when they write that this is one of your most inspiring pieces. Your Gram, who clearly was a very special lady, has influenced your life (and your life’s work!) so much. I can only imagine your Mom’s surprise when she draped that blanket over your Dad!

    We all know your heart, Blink, and your incredible dedication to these victims and families. God bless you and your family on this Easter Sunday and always.

    May God hold Holly and her family in the palm of His hand, and change the heart of the one who stole her away.

    Thank you, and thank all of you for your kind words.

    I know that wherever she is, this little lady is touched by it.

  26. Ragdoll says:


    We are ALL there with you in spirit. We will never give up on hope or finding Holly!

    Prayers of protection are with you as you continue your search. Prayers of strength, mercy and comfort to Holly and her family. May the Lord surround you with a hedge of His mightiest angels up to and including His highest authority.

    Love, only love, Team BOC <3

    HE HAS RISEN! Keep your faith strong.

  27. Ragdoll says:

    PS…..star fish have a special place in my heart from now on. May we make that Holly’s symbol? **************************************

    Thank you Mag!!!!!!

  28. Ragdoll says:

    Double PS….Blink, may your special blanket ‘salve’ your precious daddy to perfect health.

    I hope I used it right….I just learne of the word here (among many others). Daddy’s are special and I have yours in my thoughts and prayers, especially on this Holy Day when healing and salvation are at the heart of the matter.

    Humbly yours….. <3

  29. Melissa says:

    Dear Blink,

    I am wondering why you decided to show a picture of not just Holly, but the boyfriend as well. Is that a subliminal message that maybe the boyfriend is involved somehow? My imagination has probably gotten the best of me but I couldn’t help wondering…. hmmmmmmm…. I think anything is possible at this point. Thanks, too, for sharing that poem!

  30. Amy's Sister says:

    Blink, you touch people. You reach right through the vast blogosphere and give people hope. It is a gift, and no small responsibility. Thank you for sharing what was very personal.

    The greatest triumph of a human soul is to overcome. These difficult trials oft times involve great fear and shame. And yet we have such capacity to love and feel compassion and overcome. Aren’t we finicky and funny creatures?

    Still He loves us and, when we walk with Him, we become so aware of the hand that lifts us during the dark times. We are a human family and this could happen to any one of us. I pray for all families involved.

    My Grammy used to say, “He has already forgiven us, we need only forgive ourselves.” If we don’t realize in our hearts that moving forward will free us, then we forever remain stuck in fear, and that to me is not living.

  31. mag603 says:

    Blink -
    Two things

    1. The post by TBI….brings tears to my eyes. How people come together in times like this is simply amazing.

    2. Didn’t mean to plagarize. I meant to include that The Starfish Story is adapted from The Star Thrower by Loren Eiseley. :)

    Have a blessed day and may Holly be found today.

  32. susan2 says:

    Happy Easter to Everyone! Blink, Have you talked to Tim Miller? Is there a chance that he might help with this case?

    At the moment, from a strategic perspective, I would not recommend bringing in anyone from outside this community.

    Local assets will have the most impact here, imo, but that could change.


  33. Ode says:

    Blink, did you know that your site is like that house on the side of the road and you are that man that lives there. Spooky kind of. Have a Blessed day all.

  34. A Texas Grandfather says:

    As one “old timer” to another.

    Thank you for your feedback and I hope you come here often to read and post. I am so glad that your community is receiving Blink’s and our message of love and hope for everyone and that it is making a difference.

    This site is one of the the most respectful on the internet. We are all about helping families and victums of crime find resolution. In the process of doing that we have become a community of loving, caring people from all over the world.

    I think of Blink as a wonderful, loving, caring daughter who uses her consideralbe investigative and writing skills, with wisdom beyond her years, to help those who have been affected by crime.

    This process for Blink began as a child with loving caring parents and grandparents who instilled in all their children a proper value system and the necessity of being all you can be in the world. Thus the shared poem from her grandmother’s home that is used in the article.

    My prayers for you and your community on this Easter Sunday.

  35. bearlyhere says:

    Grandmothers have this way of reaching out and touching, inspiring, and loving us when we need it. They are our shoulders to lean on, regardless of how old we are, or how old they are. They even reach out to us from heaven. Death has no power over them.

    Today is the perfect day to remember this. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Blink. It reminds me of this saying, and I have changed it to fit what I feel in my heart today, from your most inspiring post. “God couldn’t be everywhere, so God created Grandmothers.” Of course, we know God can be everywhere and is everywhere. God reaches out to us by guiding us with loving words we receive through the caring and loving voices of our Grandmothers and other angels God sends our way.

    Love her, and miss her with all of my heart. Thank you God for giving me a wonderful Grandmother, and reminding me of how much you really love me.

  36. Saxey says:

    B said:
    ….Sure enough, it was the quilt that used to hang on the shelving in our old family room, the one I bought in Cape May with Gram because it had that line from her needlepoint she would not let me have until she died so your Aunt wouldn’t get in a tizzy.
    Let me live by the side of the road and be a friend to man, right now, right on top of your Dad.
    I don’t know that I have ever had that quilt out in 14 years, what are the chances that happens today?….
    (snipped by me)

    Godwink: An occurence so odd and out of the ordinary, it had to be put in place by God. A wink from God letting you know you’re in the right direction.

    I do believe that is the case.

  37. gigi says:

    Breaking on Will Nunley twitwillnunley Will Nunley
    Breaking: the mother of Holly Bobo calls deputies with a message #hollybobo
    5 minutes ago ter:

    Keep praying

  38. s.d. says:

    I have been praying fo her return & again in church this morning it was all I could think about, God bring her home safe. I feel like this has come to a hult. Do you think he investigators are doing anything at all? Sure feels like everyone has taken a break. I hope all of you who have volenteer that you are wonderful & because of people like you this world is a better place! I helped search in Ohio for the missing pregnate girl who was killed by her cop boyfrien.there is an awsome feeling of gods people & the love in everyones heart! I hope you all continue to help & know that your awsome for giving up your time for this family & if I lived in that state I would be right there helping too. I feel helpless here but I am offering all of my prayers to the entire family. Thanks Link for this site!

  39. gigi says:

    » willnunley Will Nunley
    Volunteer: this new discovery is powering heightened search efforts for another day. #hollybobo
    Pray pray pray

  40. gigi says:

    we don’t have time to waste” as searchers rush to board bus http://bit.ly/giCyVx #hollybobo
    1 minute ago » willnunley Will Nunley
    Organizer: this is the latest (in the evening) that a new search has been organized. #hollybobo

  41. alema white says:

    It was a beautiful poem. To all out there keep praying, let us not ” grow weary”. May you all have a blessed Easter and may we see another Easter miracle, the return of Holly.

  42. kuaitzudog says:

    **WILL NUNLEY TWEETS**5 pm today
    Source: a ‘significant’ item was recovered by volunteers within the past 12 hours.
    Volunteer: this new discovery is powering heightened search efforts for another day
    Authorities will not disclose the item discovered.
    Breaking: Dispatch: Decatur County rescue squad and volunteer firefighters just dispatched for a specialized foot search.

  43. pale rider says:

    B, God bless you and yours. You gotta heart as big as Texas!!!
    TBI, God bless you and yours. May the light fill you, may the love enfold you,may the power protect you!!!

    Happy Day,

    There she is.

    Heart u back.

  44. zeus says:

    Reposting with no links-add http in front of Will Nunleys link to see his twitters.

    Blink-I like to think that your sharing of your Gramma’s love and your posting this beautiful story from your past, has something to do with the new tip and renewed searches out for Holly today!


    There has been a new piece of evidence found that is fueling this renewed search push.

    Something is happening.

    Will Nunley


    Breaking: the mother of Holly Bobo calls deputies with a message #hollybobo
    1 hour ago

    Breaking: Dispatch: Decatur County rescue squad and volunteer firefighters just dispatched for a specialized foot search.

    Source: a ‘significant’ item was recovered by volunteers within the past 12 hours.
    1 hour ago

    Volunteer: this new discovery is powering heightened search efforts for another day. #hollybobo
    1 hour ago

    Authorizes have not assembled many new searches this late in the day.

    Dispatch: call for all available search teams on foot comes at the direction of the THP

    “we don’t have time to waste” as searchers rush to board bus
    1 hour ago

    Crews comb the Eaton plant and property, off Hwy 641. #hollybobo

    Crews comb the roadway in front of the U.T. Parsons campus, where Holly attend school. #hollybobo
    11 minutes ago
    35 minutes ago

  45. TR says:

    There’s a lot of love and wonderful energy on this page. It’s contagious and has sparked something that I hope will bring Holly home. Love your post today, Blink.

    It was my intention and I believe.

  46. tea2 says:

    Blink is the picture of that cute child you!! We know you are a beautiful adult. Thanks for all the work you do for so many. You are loved.

    Thank you kindly, it is not me. Tis Gram :)

  47. Blink says:

    which one?

  48. audreysmum says:

    I hear you, and I heard similar.

    Just a caution- could be strategic.

  49. Mom3.0 says:

    Inspiring Blink- wow! thanks for sharing that…Do your sisters read here?

    LOL I knew your Gram did not write it…but she was wise enough to expose you to its message early on..and it seems to have inspired you in ways you had not forseen… and she continues to inspire you with other messages, even now til this day,it would seem… So-Like I said very wise lady.

    I am sitting here in my house by the side of the road praying for all.


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