Holly Bobo Missing And Endangered: Searchers Frustrated- An Easter Dedication

Posted by BOC Staff | Clint Bobo,Holly Bobo,Missing and Endangered,Tennessee Bureau of Investigation | Saturday 23 April 2011 7:11 pm

Among the community that has banded together *like*no*other* in recent memory,  are weary searchers, volunteers and the families that live without them, for days on end.

Holly Bobo pink shirt

The readers and editors of www.blinkoncrime.com commend you today. I have spoken to many of you in the field, and I know that in an active investigation, there is so little to keep you motivated and strong.

Your community is a very spiritual one, as is Holly Bobo’s family. I also know that you are dealing with issues of dissension in your communal congregation if you will, and I wanted you to know the nation is watching and we hold you up this Easter weekend.

To the TBI, assisting LE agencies, and the great and powerful civilians working to find Holly Bobo today, we dedicate one of my favorite works of literature.

It is intensely personal to me.

My Gram, whom I miss dearly, was a career surgical nurse, as is Holly’s chosen study, read it to me when I was little, to the point of her exhaustion I presume..

As a small child learning to read, I would bound into their house and recite it from the framed needlepoint on the wall as if it was a ticket for admission to cross the foyer.


To The Family complicating these efforts: I offer this to you as well, in good faith.

Today can show YOUR faith and commitment like no other.

Ask for guidance today, it is there for you.

The hands of this community are strong and large. Prayers and Strength to Holly and the good folks trying to bring her home.

The House by the Side of the Road

 by Sam Walter Foss

There are hermit souls that live withdrawn In the place of their self-content; There are souls like stars, that dwell apart, In a fellowless firmament; There are pioneer souls that blaze their paths Where highways never ran- But let me live by the side of the road And be a friend to man.

Let me live in a house by the side of the road, Where the race of men go by- The men who are good and the men who are bad, As good and as bad as I. I would not sit in the scorner’s seat, Or hurl the cynic’s ban.

 Let me live in a house by the side of the road And be a friend to man.

 I see from my house by the side of the road, By the side of the highway of life, The men who press with the ardor of hope, The men who are faint with the strife. But I turn not away from their smiles nor their tears, Both parts of an infinite plan

 Let me live in a house by the side of the road And be a friend to man.

 I know there are brook-gladdened meadows ahead And mountains of wearisome height; That the road passes on through the long afternoon And stretches away to the night. But still I rejoice when the travelers rejoice. And weep with the strangers that moan, Nor live in my house by the side of the road Like a man who dwells alone.

 Let me live in my house by the side of the road. It’s here the race of men go by. They are good, they are bad, they are weak, they are strong, Wise, foolish- so am I; Then why should I sit in the scorner’s seat, Or hurl the cynic’s ban?

Let me live in my house by the side of the road And be a friend to man.




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  1. awa says:

    amongst sadness, suffering and horror in our world today, there resides so much goodness. and, HOPE. i am hopeful that this day brings forth with it new beginnings and thanksgivings to blink and fam and blessings to all the Tennessee volunteers… just saw some photos literally crawling on hands and knees… humanity reigns

  2. awa says:

    … photos of volunteers, crawling on hands and knees… oops!

  3. kuaitzudog says:

    from the Jackson Sun

    Decatur County Sheriff Roy Wyatt said the lead discovered sometime this morning or Saturday evening fueled their Northern Decatur County search, which would continue for another day. He would not comment on what the lead entailed but said law enforcement received a tip in the form of a phone call

  4. Sunflower32 says:

    Phoned in tips and rescue teams? This coming more than a week after the abduction? Lord, have mercy on these good people.

  5. Carol says:

    I don’t think that it was a coincidence that your mom pulled that quilt out. Love when the universe works in that way.

    Best wishes to Holly and her family and friends.
    And thank you Blink for sharing such a personal story with us.

    8 )

  6. NaNa says:

    Key evidence was found over the weekend that was described as “good news”. Im praying that means Holly is alive and will be found soon.

    They now know it’s a white male, about 5’10″ tall and weighing
    200 lbs.

    I think it’s a published message to the kidnapper that they know exactly who it is.

  7. NantucketJen says:

    Is that Holly’s ex- boyfriend in the photo?

  8. LaurieO says:

    Hello All,

    I am new here but wanted to let you all know that the number of friends Holly has on her FB page has been changing since she disappeared. It was at 623-I wrote the number down a few days ago because I read that someone else had noticed this. Now it is at 624 and last night, it briefly jumped to 625 then right back to 624!! That could have been a computer error but I found it odd. I called the TN police last night to tell them. They probably are monitoring that already, but I called just in case. It could be a friend just checking on her account-who knows. But I found it very odd.

    It is likely it is undergoing an investigative process.

  9. NaNa says:

    The following text was posted to: http://www.beautymadefresh.net/2011/04/disappearance-of-holly-bobo.html

    When I read it I got the feeling that the person who posted this might actually have some information, or be involved. It gave me the creeps. Later, this person, nicknamed “TN LADY WHO CARES” asked for the post to be removed beause (she) felt it might hurt the investigation. The moderator apparently got the same feeling I got from it and said “no, I wont remove the post”.


    They rumored Holly Bobo was sold by her brother Clint Bobo to a foreigner.

    My theory as to what may have taken place on April 13th, 2011. I do not claim to know this as fact, just that sometimes “my gut” is spot on and wanted to share with others in hopes it helps someone, somewhere, mostly Holly.

    1. Holly is leaving for school and is snuck up on from behind and upon turning around is punched in the nose by someone she is fimilar with – an acquantice of her father’s who feels put off, jealous or just obessed with Holly, OR her ex-boyfriend 20 something grocery employee, not Drew, which leaves a small amount of blood on the carport. I say the blood found is hers because of a statement made by the TBI lady – it was not a life threatening amount of blood and we believe she could be alive (paraphrased). Which says to me the blood is Holly’s.

    2. Stunned, Holly is lead by the arm into the woods.

    3. Her brother catches a glimpse of movement through his window and sees what he thinks is Holly and her exboyfriend walking toward the woods. He resumes his activites thinking nothing more of it. They’re young siblings and respect each others privacy and don’t get involved until asked..imo.

    4. Several minutes later a neighbor hears a woman scream from the direction of Holly’s home so she calls the home to see if everyone is ok. I think this is when he stops to put the duck tape on her mouth and as he is doing so she screams.

    5. The brother is concerned by the neighbor’s call and goes outside to check on Holly when he sees blood on the driveway and calls his mother. The neighbor calls 911 after hanging up with the brother. The brother then calls the boyfriend(s) and then 911 after learning they are not with Holly.

    6. Holly and prep have been on the ATV making their way through the woods toward the ponds South of her home. I believe he transported her by ATV behind the neighbors’ properties -how the neighbor heard the scream, and then across the road where there are no houses and continued through to the water.

    7. I believe the prep took Holly to the smaller pond behind the longer one deeper into the woods and had his way with her and then using anchors he had there put her in the pond. Yes I think this was premediated.

    8. I believe as he was on his way home he started spreading Holly’s things away from the crime scene to lead police in the wrong direction. After cleaning up his self, clothes, ATV he joined the search party to stay on top of the investigation and to know when to run.

    9. I believe he could still be planting things to throw off the searchers and police.

    10. I think the searchers have been called back today because they are going to retrieve her body.

    This is all just my opinion and “gut” from gaining clues and info from the reports and comments of others on the boards and facebook. I pray that I am wrong.

  10. JEN says:

    LaurieO, my FB friend count jumps around like that all the time. If you do a Google search on “facebook friend count” you’ll see that quite a few people have experienced that issue. Mr. Zuckerberg evidently has another glitch to work out! ;-)

    Thanks for another amazing piece, Blink.

  11. Amanda850 says:

    @LaurieO – My friend number changes occasionally due to a FB friend deleting their account, then reactivating it (it is VERY easy to reactivate). In my specific example, it usually happens when there is some kind of drama that person is involved in, and they bail off FB – but they always peak back in briefly to see what’s going on, then bail off again. I think that is interesting, and if someone could track the list of her friends, that might be a ginormous clue to someone who might have reasons for laying low.

  12. TR says:

    I agree, Facebook friends list can change for a number of reasons. Mine does when people turn their profile off etc. It could be nothing more than that.
    After yesterday’s announcement of a key piece of evidence found—I am hoping for some solid news today regarding the search. Having followed several national cases closely, I know that these types of investigations unfold (what seems to us) slowly but LE has to ensure they follow procedure and the law if they are going to build a case against someone. Sadly, that leaves me to believe that they feel she is no longer with us and they more focused on prosecution than finding her alive. Although there’s a lot of evil in the world, sites like this prove there’s a lot more good. Thankfully.

  13. GriffyMom says:

    Creepy indeed, NaNa. Thank you for sharing. There are so many rumors and theories out there. I do not see a happy ending in this case. With the number of days she has been gone she would have become a liability to her captor by now.

  14. Vern says:

    I once had my husband accuse me when I got home of “ignoring him” while I was in the field on exercise (I’m a member of the Canadian army) because my ‘friends” count was growing, but I wasn’t responding to his messages to me on crackbook … I opened up my facebook for him to see that all of his messages were “unread” … and checked my “recently added friends” list — the “new” friends that occured while I was offline were people who I had requested to be friends with BEFORE I went out to the field — they were only “accepting me” as a friend while I was away and thus how my numbers changed while I was offline for 2 weeks. I’d imagine that the numbers would shrink too if someone “defriended” me while I was away.

    This is not, necessarily, a sign that someone (perhaps even Holly) has the ability to access her account.

  15. starshadow says:

    Seems like it’d be reasonable to be concerned about anyone who has laid new concrete since she disappeared. Is this concrete business production, retail, or a contractor?

  16. LaurieO says:

    Thank you, Jen and Amanda850 and anyone else who may have replied about the FB friend count. I had not even thought of those possibilities and they are very real ones. When I saw a friend added, I assumed someone had to accept a friend, like Holly or a friend checking the account, or worse-the perp. Again, thank you.

  17. akmom says:

    Blink, do you think it is possible that the location of the cell phone was given by the perp? I am wondering if his conscience is getting the better of him?

  18. starshadow says:

    Seems to me, if it was the perp that called the mom about the cell phone, seems to me that there’d be a lot more undercurrents going on then just a simple stalker/love unrequited situation.

  19. kuaitzudog says:

    so the info. about the cell phone location went to the Mom and not via the tip line? guess I missed that one?

  20. Sheila says:


    Blink, Can you comment on this???

    Not on a rumour, although I hope against hope it is true.

    I just want to tell anyone posting unsubstantiated hype in this case-

    Really? It is ok to do this to people?


  21. Lea Conner says:

    Ok, I know that I’m going to get shot down as hopelessly optimistic, but here goes:

    If the call came from Holly Bobo’s cell phone, and if this call revealed Ms. Bobo’s whereabouts, does that suggest to anyone anything about the identity of the caller?

    Just as important, why would law enforcement mobilize a search team as night falls? If Ms. Bobo were presumed dead, wouldn’t law enforcement secure the site, and wait for morning? Would a living victim prompt such a search?

    The only thing I cannot rectify with my personal hunch are images of search teams scouring the grass on their bellies. Unless this is a “Lovely Bones” type scenario, searching grass inch by inch would suggest a search for small pieces of evidence, not a grown woman.

    As you know, it is MY THEORY the call MAY have come from Holly’s phone.

    There are many ways to acomplish that, that may or may not have to do with her.

    I so pray for a miracle Lea, I am with you.

  22. TR says:

    I don’t know what to think about Mr. Way’s post. Why on earth would he post something like that if he wasn’t darn sure he was right? I cannot find any quacky related info on him..he seems respected in the community…ben working at the news station for longer than anyone else. Maybe we will know more by tomorrow. very strange day.

  23. Sheila says:

    That was my thought. Why on earth would somebody post something like that & then say that they can’t expand on it…her poor family! Thank you.

  24. Lea Conner says:


    I wasn’t quoting you. I have seen speculation that the call came from Holly Bobo’s phone referenced on other forums, too.

    One talk radio host (TN area) is claiming emphatically that Holly Bobo is alive.

    My personal belief is that given the “all hands” search at nightfall, the call came from her phone, and most likely from Ms. Bobo herself. Otherwise, how does it follow that the call revealed “the location” of Ms. Bobo when it only turned up the cell phone?

    Yes, I realize this contradicts my long-held skepticism about law enforcement statements during ongoing investigations.

    I also recognize that law enforcement gave misleading information as to what Clint Bobo saw, and, given the latest information, when Ms. Bobo’s phone was found.

    As far as miracles are concerned, the thing is (my personal opinion), you can’t “just pray,” you have to believe, which is where faith comes in:
    “He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

    Every single world religion has its own version of faith that can move mountains. Whatever your tradition or words for it, I truly believe that faith can change outcomes.

    I know beyond any doubt that we can make a difference by choosing to call on a higher power for intervention.

  25. Lea Conner says:

    Link to Bill Way, Tennessee radio host blog: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1087626372&sk=wall#hollybobo

  26. Lea Conner says:

    Several outlets reporting the “significant” item that was found near 100 Eaton St., a cross street of U.S. 641/Tennessee 69 in Parsons, TN, was a cell phone.

    Prior coverage said the discovery of an unnamed, “significant item” was the result of a phone call:

    Police scanner traffic indicated that Holly Bobo’s mother reported the call to law enforcement.

    Logically, if the phone call to Ms. Bobo’s mother led to recovery of Ms. Bobo’s phone, then the question becomes was the caller reporting the whereabouts of a cell phone (which is nonsensical) or of Ms. Bobo? How would the caller know the location of the cell phone but not Ms. Bobo?

    That leaves few choices as to the caller: Ms. Bobo, the perp, an accomplice, a friend or family member of the perp (or accomplice), or a searcher who came across the phone.

    Of those options as to the identity of the caller, which ones would prompt law enforcement to put the safety of searchers on the line by calling everyone out to search at nightfall? I personally believe that the only thing that would prompt such a search (as opposed to merely securing the possible crime scene) is a call from Ms. Bobo or the person who kidnapped Ms. Bobo.

    The missing SIM card explains all of the searchers crawling around on their bellies to find a very small item. The thing I don’t understand is why the call phone company wouldn’t already have the GPS coordinates and elevation for the cell phone on its servers?

  27. Lea Conner says:

    P.S. Apologies for not making it clear where I got the information. I would NOT out you on a theory like that.

    Also, in the interest of full disclosure, one other way the phone would have come to law enforcement’s attention is if it was suddenly turned back on, and therefore pinging its location. This makes no sense, however, given the missing SIM card.

    Lol. Your good with me friend.

  28. Cbickel says:

    I’m pretty sure that if she were found alive, it’d be on MSM already. I have no idea why people would want to publish what was found or speak out of turn about situations like this.

    My heart breaks for her family

  29. cadillac says:

    Do we know if the “ex” boyfriend, that keeps being referred to, has been located? Has he been talked to by LE? Does LE know his whereabouts?

    I ask this because I have been keeping up with this search for Holly on this site and many others and I haven’t seen any answers to these questions.

  30. kuaitzudog says:

    so the guy in the pic above is Hollys brother Clint and not her boyfriend?

  31. cadillac says:

    Blink, do you know the answers to my questions above? That’s ok if you can’t reply – I am surmising that your silence speaks volumes.

  32. s.d. says:

    I read that volunteers told reporters that it was her cell phone they found

  33. Liam says:

    How far away could she be? It was a small window of opportunity before the alarm was raised and anybody known to Ms Bobo would surely raise suspicion of them if they were unaccounted for on the morning she was taken, so if it`s a known perp surely she`s somewhere closeby.

    Her cellphone was found following a tip to Ms Bobo`s mother, could this be some random crazy holding her somewhere and playing some sick cat and mouse game? Could LE be playing this so as not to make a very bad situation a complete disaster? What kind of person would Ms Bobo`s mother using her missing daughters cell phone?

    The family spokesperson described the new evidence found as “good news”. To my mind, good news would only be that she was alive or a raised possibility of her being so.

    Blink would recent events change the profile of the type of person LE are looking for?

    The family spokesman described the tip as “good news”. Am I reading too much into this?

    Blink can you please give your opinion on

  34. Becca says:

    The pic is of the BF. A weird thing I’ve noticed is that a hefty percentage of the pictures have him in it. They have plenty of pictures with her alone – is it a message to the perp that she is NOT his? It’s so often it’s like he’s missing too. It seems some pics of her not smiling and without makeup on would be helpful.

    Any thoughts on why so many pics with the BF?


    I read somewhere I can’t find now that Mrs. Bobo used the word “relieved” when talking about getting the call/tip. It fits in with the optimism of some theories.

  35. messenger says:

    The guy on FB isn’t saying she was found Cbickel. He’s just saying she’s alive. Blink has already commented on how the appearance of her being alive could be possible in many ways. So until she’s actually found I’m not buying it.

    I really believe someone should clarify those statements or deny them.

  36. sandyeggo says:

    Not trying to burst any bubbles, as I too hope the call came from Holly and that she is still very much alive; that said, there are computer programs, apps if you will, that can call people and have the number show up as anyone you wish. I know this because a friend was pranking my boyfriend and I, calling us from the computer thing but it kept showing up on my cell phone as my boyfriend’s number and phone book entry. At one point we were together when the call came through which is how we both knew someone was messing with us.

    I don’t know enough about the tip that came through and what was said, but just wanted to warn that there are ways to make the call appear as if it is from someone other than who it is really from. That would obviously be a pretty messed up prank to play on this hurting family, but some people are mean like that.

  37. chefjagcc says:

    I am guessing the hands and knees search could have been to locate sim card, and Bill Way’s info seems to me that there may be some sort of negotiation for a ransom.

  38. Judi says:

    I have been checking in as much as I can but have been extremely busy this last week. Hoping some of you can help me get cleared up on a couple of things…

    - The property owner who is refusing his property to be searched. Well, couldn’t they just get a warrant? How long does that take? I would think almost immediate considering the situation. I don’t understand.

    - DO they know WHO has her, for sure?

    - Is there a division in this town from those obviously wanting to bring Holly home, safe and sound, and those protecting who has her?

  39. In Memory of Gini says:


    I jumped over here from Morgan’s thread. The latest article on Holly from CNN sounds disturbingly vague, much like Morgan’s story.


    “Authorities have yet to name any suspects in the case, although they have said they believe she was abducted. Officials have not released a description of the suspected kidnapper.”

    They won’t say what the evidence was or release a description of the suspected kidnapper??? Seriously??? There are hundreds of people searching (in some stories, mentioning on hands and knees) and they can’t share any info regarding the suspect? So in theory, the suspect could be on hands and knees blending in with the rest?

    Why is LE so determined to withhold information that could potentially register with someone who could help this case?

    So frustrating. I pray this young girls story turns into a happy ending, but fear that as time goes on, the investigation becomes just as confusing and misleading as Morgans.

    Justice for Morgan and Holly.

  40. Kimberly says:

    26.Lea Conner says:
    April 26, 2011 at 2:25 am
    Agree with you Lea,
    I don’t know why, but my gut is telling me
    that this is some sort of a sick treasure hunt
    (for lack of better explanation)
    The sick perp seems to be screwing with everyone
    and loving the attention.

  41. Gypsy DD says:

    So if the call actually came from Holly’s cell phone one might think that the cell phone had been kept charged or recharged inorder to make that call a week later? Cell phones normally run out of juice by then..

  42. IMOIMO says:

    Can someone help clarify for me, I think I’m confused….surprise… I thought her phone and camo clothing was already found in a car back at the beginning a couple days after she went missing… so after researching what I thought I had heard, this is what I found to back my “thought” up…. was this not true?


    The piece is dated 4/15/11, 2 days after she went missing…

  43. In Memory of Gini says:

    9.NaNa says:
    April 25, 2011 at 12:37 pm

    4. Several minutes later a neighbor hears a woman scream from the direction of Holly’s home so she calls the home to see if everyone is ok. I think this is when he stops to put the duck tape on her mouth and as he is doing so she screams.

    5. The brother is concerned by the neighbor’s call and goes outside to check on Holly when he sees blood on the driveway and calls his mother. The neighbor calls 911 after hanging up with the brother. The brother then calls the boyfriend(s) and then 911 after learning they are not with Holly.

    Blink, this is not consistant with your article that states: Clint Bobo, 25, heard what he thought was a mild argument outside at approximately 7:30 am on April 13. By all accounts, big brother Clint kept a watchful eye on his sister, and today was no different.

    Clint went to the window, and saw Holly walking away towards the woods with a man dressed in camouflage. Both Holly and the unidentified suspect were walking away from the property,and were only seen from the rear. The male individual was between 5’10″ and 6′ tall, approximately 180-200 lbs, dressed in full camo. Clint Bobo erroneously assumed that Holly was in the company of her boyfriend based on his visual observation
    In approximately 40 minutes, when Clint headed outside to start his day, he noticed Holly’s car in the driveway, and immediately called Holly’s boyfriend, who is not considered a suspect, to inquire what the two were up to.
    Holly’s boyfriend, whose name is intentionally being withheld, had no idea what Clint was talking about, and soon afterward, Clint observed blood on the macadam on the carport area of the family’s home. Bobo immediately called 911, as did his Mother Karen, a schoolteacher, after she learned what was suspected to have happened, from her son. Neither call has been released

    Which story is more accurate? Where did the neighbor hearing a scream come into play?

  44. Idahogal says:

    Search for Tennessee student postponed due to weather.


    Kevin Cagle, county Emergency Management Agency director, who has helped direct the search, said that personnel will not be out in the field Tuesday or Wednesday to search.

  45. messenger says:

    Blink I agree, they need to either deny what was said or explain them.

    I always give LE the benefit of the doubt even when frustrated. I think they have their reasons this time but I’ll be horribly saddened if later in the wrapup we find out there was no reason.

  46. Ragdoll says:

    Any chances her abductor is party of the search and rescue (I can’t bring myself to say recovery) process? I think this guy may be closer than we think. Perhaps this is why no info is being offered. THe TBi may know who he is and keeping a close eye on him. If this is true (I know it’s a stretch), the perp is bound to give something up eventually.

    Just a stupid opinion of mine. HOWEVER, I am sending Holly my loving thoughts and prayers and I believe she receives them in the true life form. She’s a magnolia, but something tells me she’s got steel <3

    Keep fighting Holly!!!!!!!!

  47. Ragdoll says:


    I had those very thoughts. I figured maybe the photos used w/ the bf were code for the abductor. Then it dawned on me it could infuriate him more so.

    No one has been ruled out. Another thought is that it’s for the bf. So far, the pics used show happy times and a happy relationship. Perhaps TBI is trying to strike a sensitive nerve with him? JMHO

  48. Word Girl says:

    Fifty-four photos of Holly. Several with BF and Holly wearing camo
    clothing. Who are the older women in some of the photos?


    In Memory of Gini: It really is perplexing, isn’t it? I don’t know why Clint would call the BF instead of Holly, if he thought she’d been gone too long or wondered what they were up to. Also, why would Mother Karen call 911 after Clint had just called? And wouldn’t Mother already be gone to work at school?
    (I’m not trying to implicate them, but clear up the timeline. I’m sure they are completely exhausted with grief and worry.)

    Some reports have speculated that the neighbor heard Mother scream and then called over to see if everything was okay.

    PS What is a macadam?

  49. Word Girl says:

    Oh, is ‘macadam’ the same as ‘aggregate’? Or is it a nut missing a few letters? Or is it a type of Indian bread?

    Wait–the Nut Case is about to officially come off the back burner in about 12 days. Roasted, I hear, is best.

  50. Word Girl says:

    Just was looking at this aerial view of the Bobo property and don’t see how Brother Clint could have seen Holly dragged into the woods. The woods nearest the driveway look rather sparse–couldn’t he have run after them? Sumthin’s not right, Blink.


    She was not dragged my friend.

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