Casey Anthony Trial: Feds File Tax Lien Against Casey Anthony For Over $68K

Posted by BOC Staff | Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,Jose Baez | Thursday 26 May 2011 2:14 pm

In the latest developments in the life of the accused murderer ToT- Mom Casey Anthony, The Federal Government  wants in on the action.   According To TMZ The Internal Revenue Service has filed a Tax Lien against Casey Anthony for failing to pay ,000 in taxes for the year 2008.

It is unclear if she was audited, but she definitely filed a tax return in 2008.  I guess crime really doesn’t pay, at least the government.

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  1. Ragdoll says:

    @ Mom3.0


    The A’s DID NOT use chlorine in their pool- this fact has been known for a very long time right?


    I also agree with you on BS AND KB. I’ve had a few WTH moments after listening to them. I don’t have a real reason for using WFTV other than I like watching Casey’s reactions as the testimonies are given.

    Honestly, I feel a lot of posters on BOC, SM and THM have better insight on this case then a lot of experts (not naming any names).


  2. Ragdoll says:

    John Bradley’s website if anyone’s interested….

    This is a very interesting witness. Did anyone catch if he was a former RCMP, OPP or city police officer? I missed some of his testimony…turning the ringer off my phone!

  3. kimberly says:

    You continue to amaze me with your teaching on these cases!
    Initially I began following the Kyron Horman case, but now I’m hooked with all the cases you cover!
    I have learned so very much from your site and just wanted to give you a big thank you for such!

    TY friend

  4. justice23 says:

    Ragdoll says:
    June 8, 2011 at 1:53 pm

    John Bradley’s website if anyone’s interested….

    This is a very interesting witness. Did anyone catch if he was a former RCMP, OPP or city police officer? I missed some of his testimony…turning the ringer off my phone!


    They stated in opening that Bradley was a former police officer. Hope that helps! Love all your posts ragdoll! The new “dream team” … Drane-Burdick, Ashton and George … gotta love em’! I would love to be able to see the jury’s faces during the computer search testimony.

    Blink .. are you in the courtroom this week? Can you give us Blinker’s a head’s up on jury’s reaction to recent computer testimony?

    Just us for Caylee!

  5. justice23 says:

    Can anyone offer a professional opinion (preferably any lawyers here or those w/legal backgrounds) if juror’s taking notes is normally a good thing or bad thing for the prosecution?

    Occasionally here HLN comment on how many jurors taking notes and how many are not as if it’s somehow important but not sure for which side that works out better for in the end. Anyone?

  6. justice23 says:

    Whoops, correction … that’s supposed to be “hear HLN” not “here HLN” …. can’t type today! {:(

  7. Gigi says:

    And Baez doesn’t or didn’t until it was changed boast on his website about his work????? Wth? Re: attacking Mr. Bradley who developed Cacheback????

    I stray, forgive me….but between Baez’ grin, giggle, greet and Casey’s puff, preen and priss pants..ugh……

  8. justice23 says:

    Want real karma? One of Casey’s passwords for the Anthony computer was “rico23″ (obviously short for Ricardo (Morales) most likely).

    Why the number 23? Was there something special about it that she just so happened to have chosen that number above all others?

    So here’s the karma part … Casey’s trial is being held on the 23rd floor in Courtroom 23A, ROFLMAO! Coincidence?

  9. chelsea says:

    Hi all, by the time the day in Court is over it is getting late here in the UK and I’m not usually up to posting. Watched with interest all the expert witnesses and just hope the Jury are able to get their heads around Mr. Bradleys testimony. It is a shame that LDB wasn’t able to just produce written papers showing the web pages thrown up as result of the ‘bizarre’ searches made ie. how to make chloroform, neck breaking, weapon making from household products. Blink, do you think the rather obtuse method of explaining the cache of info retrieved by Mr Bradley hit the mark with the Jury? Did the Prosecution make it abundantly clear that the history of searches had been removed ‘manually’? I believe Bill Shaeffer is feeling the pressure of day to day cover of the Trial, he often has to be prompted or corrected by Kathi Belich but having said that, on the whole I mostly agree with his appraisals. I have snipped this comment from the blog site that runs parallel with live coverage, anyone know if this is true?…… Comment From AZer
    PLEASE POST!!! Point: The computer file containing ALL the Chloroform info was deleted JULY 16 2008 in early morning hours. Casey was on computer getting info for Det. Melich and in between getting that info, THAT file was deleted!!! With Det. Melich in the next room.!!! This so goes to Premeditation and I am sooooo disappointed the Pros. didn’t use this!!!!!……………. (presume I can ‘lift’ postings as they are in the public domain).
    The real shocker IRT the Jury today I believe will be the testimony by Mr Bradley that the Chloroform website was visited 84 TIMES!!
    Mom3.0 – I go straight to BOC for your updates, thank you so much for putting things into perspective for me. Without you I would go off half cock most of the time.
    Chica – where are you!!!!!
    Ragdoll – love reading your comments, bet you are driving your family nuts, as we probably all are!!

  10. Ragdoll says:

    What is going on with Casey’s eyebrows? They make her look ‘evil’. It’s a new ‘obsession’ with her, like her grooming habits and such.

    …and why is she allowed to hang around once court is adjourned for the day? Do all defendents get this kind of treatment, especially when it’s a DP case? I would have thought she’d be taken away after the judge and jury have left. Instead, she gets to help clean up, share a few giggles, hang out. WHY????

  11. Ragdoll says:

    Gigi says:

    June 8, 2011 at 3:28 pm

    Good point. I don’t think it’s any coincidence Baez is asking these types of ‘what’s in it for you’ questions. It reveals Baez’s own state of mind about his motives for getting involved with Casey. He identifies with incentives like notoriety, fame, money. I believe this is more about him than defending Casey.

  12. Ragdoll says:

    justice23 says:

    June 8, 2011 at 3:06 pm

    Thank you justice! I appreciate your response :o )

  13. Ragdoll says:

    @ ATG


    Most young people have grown up with digital devices and are good about knowning how to use them. However, they have no idea of the real technology that make the device work.

    Very true. I find it interesting how engaged Casey was with the computer search testimonies. Whether she was intrigued or not is difficult to tell. She went to great lengths to cover her net searches. It must have been somewhat of a blow to her ego to learn they can be recovered.

  14. Riverpearl says:

    Casey Anthony’s Lawyer Jose Baez Has Trials of His Own [video @ LINK multi-clips]

    Interesting ‘look’ @ Baez …

  15. Riverpearl says:

    Sidebar chat shows Baez worried Casey looked like a lesbian in photos
    Photos in dispute are of Casey Anthony dancing with another woman at Club Fusion during the time Caylee was missing in 2008.,0,4187297.story

    A transcript from the Casey Anthony trial shows defense attorney Jose Baez at a sidebar conference expressing concerns that photos prosecutors wanted to introduce as evidence would make his client appear to be “a lesbian” in jurors’ eyes.

    The sidebar is included in a printed transcript of Roy “Clint” House’s testimony early on in the trial. The transcript was placed this week in Casey Anthony’s case file with the Clerk of Courts office. It provides a rare view of one of the many sidebars consuming much of the time at a trial expected to run several more weeks. The House testimony occurred on May 25, and the sidebar involves an argument between the prosecution and defense over allowing in certain photos of Anthony dancing at Club Fusion.

    “It is not our intent to beat the jury over the head with these pictures or make a big deal about them,” Assistant State Attorney Frank George told Orange-Osceola Chief Judge Belvin Perry during the sidebar.

    Perry tells George, “I thought you wanted to show that she was not distraught. You can have three of them, but to introduce all of these, particularly the one that does not show her is overkill. So pick your best three…”

    But Baez objected and said, “As far as the pictures of her dancing, there are certain members of the jury that may find this offensive, (two) women dancing very, very close up against one another. I think that that is more prejudicial than it is probative.”

    Perry again noted there is an issue with allowing too many photos in. He said, “You all sometimes get reckless and you all don’t mind retrying cases. I do. I care about convictions. I don’t care to do them twice.”

    {great ‘behind the curtain’ sidebar/discussion]

  16. Eloise says:

    Agreed- NO hit near the pool.

    Baez was trying to get Forgey to state something about the area where there had been concern by Mr Anthony or the detectives (back toward the pool area). Only hits were by the playhouse. Exact spots.

  17. NaNa says:

    justice23. I sat on a jury just months ago and I can tell you that when we (the jury) were really interested in facts, we started writing. One of the attorneys in our case was a bafoon and when he started talking we would all STOP writing. So, I would say you cant say it works better for prosecution or defense. But what you can say, is that when the jury starts writing, you look around and see who’s questioning and that gives you a pretty good indication that the jury is paying attention.

  18. Riverpearl says:

    ===>NEW BLINK Thread<===

    Caylee/Casey Anthony Trial: Sidebar Silliness- Baez Concerned Casey Will Be Viewed As a Lesbian And Other Wishful Thinking

    River- thank you for being on the ball as usual, I should have done that, I appreciate you.

  19. A Texas Grandfather says:

    You got it Ragdoll. Casey has a way of opening her eyes real wide when a new piece of information is revealed. If she only knew what Mr. Bradly knows about how data is stored she probably would have destroyed it.

    What most non-technical people do not know is how data is stored on a hard drive,thumb drive,CD or DVD. Many do not know the difference between real memory and virtual memory on a disk drive.

    Mr Bradly explained very well the term Cache memory and how the computer stores recently used internet data on a local disk so that page backs are faster by removing the need to go to the net.

    Casey probably thought that by hitting the delete key she was removing the written data on the disk. Unfortunately for her, all that does is reset a couple of bits that tells the operating system that the file is no longer valid and returns the data area to the general pool for later use. If the data area is very large, it may take months for it to be used. In the mean time, there it sits just waiting for a program such as Mr. Bradly’s to expose everything.

    It is that concept that allows one to send something to the trash basket in Windows and then go back a retrieve it. Even when you clear the trash it doesn’t remove the data. All it does is set some bits so that the operating system cannot retrieve it.

    The only way to totally clear data from a disk drive is to use a program such as Norton Utilities to write all zeros or ones into the data area that is the target.

    Arrgh! I got busy working on something and completely missed Blink’s appearance on the Dana Pretzer show tonight.

  20. A Texas Grandfather says:


    There is a person on the jury that is a computer technician. If I remember correctly he is A-Plus certified. He will be able to help those on the jury understand what the computer forensics people were testifying today.

    Read my previous post to Ragdoll. You can get a general idea. Mr. Bradly’s program finds the data and then puts it into a spreadsheet like form that can be organized in various ways to extract particular data.


    Mr. Baez is trying to conceal the wild behavior Casey engaged in from the jury. In my opinion, Casey was well on her way to being turned into a porn actress by her own or others choice.

  21. TandT says:

    I did read somewhere else that Juror #4 only when the defense was talking so I sure hope NaNa is wrong on that one.

  22. TandT says:

    I meant to say Juror #4 only took notes when the defense was talking…sorry

  23. sdmike1974 says:

    9.chelsea says:
    June 8, 2011 at 5:42 pm

    Bradley that the Chloroform website was visited 84 TIMES!!

    As it turns out it is a website ( where you can search for a variety of things – not just chloroform. For example, you can look for low interest credit cards, stocks, where to buy chloroform, etc.

    The state is going to need to do a much better job on the computer forensics, imo, if they want the takeaway to be a source of pre-meditation, otherwise, Baez is going to rip this to shreds in his case in chief.

  24. Mom3.0 says:

    Ragdoll thanks for weighing in- you too Eloise

    Thanks Blink- for responding.

    Chelsea I appreciate it.

    I really enjoyed everyones posts- everyone has such an interesting take on things and it helps to know that others are as immersed in finding justice as I am-

    I also appreciate TandT and others bringing info from outside sources…

    Justice23- what does your 23 stand for? Could it be that Casey chose it because of Ricardos age or because she was 22 going on 23? IDK interesting to ponder though.

    I will miss tomorrows proceedings.

    So I will doubly appreciate everyones thoughts and insights.

    So much more testimony to come- what will tomorrow bring?

    Cant wait to read everyones posts

    G’ night all

  25. chelsea says:

    ATG – I knew you would ride to the rescue! That’s what Texans do in all the movies. lol.
    Ragdoll – I had exactly the same thought re: Casey’s eyebrows, the outer thirds look as if they have been plucked to death giving a demoniacal look to her face especially when she bolts her eyes in (mock) surprise.
    Blink, do you think Cindy, George and Lee will be recalled? There is still a lot that needs to be extracted from the three of them. Oh, and of course Amy is now on the Defense list isn’t she? Loose cannon!

  26. Ragdoll says:

    Chelsea! It’s great to see you!!!! I’ve been wondering where you and chica were hiding out. I hope all is well with her. ((((CHELSEA)))) I’ve missed your endearing accent…lol.

    …and Mom, thank you for your hard work, as always. Your posts are invaluable! Mucho love.

    Magpie from the hinky attended the trial the other day. I am paraphrasing what she observed. When it was brought up that there were 84 searches for chloroform, there was a collective gasp from the jury. I agree, the state didn’t make the most out of the net searches. The overall tone in the courtroom, according to Magpie, during this testimony was boredom (including the jury). The ‘teacher’ witness, as Magpie observed, was appeared to be very intrigued. Not a good sign for either side, imo.

  27. Ragdoll says:

    @ ATG….

    It would seem you are our computer expert for BOC!!!! I was a little overwhelmed with Mr. Bradley’s testimony. That is a heck of a lot of info to process! I intend to go back and listen in pieces. Technology is like the universe. Infinite as eternity.

    Be blessed my friend :)

  28. Ragdoll says:

    I’m reading from the hinky and WFTV that juror #4, the one who doesn’t like to judge, appears to show sympathy towards Casey. She’s been rolling her eyes and showing disapproval towards the prosecution.

    Hopefully, she’s being misread. How can anyone completely sympathize with this ‘thing’?

  29. Ragdoll says:

    KBelichWFTV (on photos of Caylee’s skull):
    Casey has her head down appears to be crying jury not looking at her [via Twitter]

  30. Ragdoll says:

    The body language….first, I am so ENRAGED!!!!!!!! at her performance. Who is she fooling? First, I know for a fact that I would have been on my billionth tissue if I were crying and blowing snot out of my nose. She’s pressing her eyes so hard, they’re bulging. She rubs her nose with the tissue to make it red…then looks at the tissue to see if it’s wet.


    I’ve never been more convinced of her guilt until witnessing this freak force tears from her eyeballs. Unbef*ckinglievable!!!!!!

  31. A Texas Grandfather says:


    My first exposure to computers was an IBM model 650 in 1956. This was IBM’S first commercial(for business)computer. It was built with vacuum tubes. Solid state transisters were not considered stable enough for computers at that time.

    I was trying to make my post as clear and simple so that all could understand what Mr. Bradley was doing. It would take pages and pages of details to get to the area where Mr. Bradley’s program actually works. There are standards books that specify the design of data storage devices and network services. My library is full of them.

    Engineers don’t attempt to keep everything in their heads. They learn the principles of physics, chemistry and math and then use books to keep themselves up to date about technology. They also participate in seminars whenever possible.

    Jurror #4 may be a problem. Some people go through life never wanting to be bothered by details. Therefore they are totally turned off when they are in a situation like listening to someone present evidence. If it had been me selecting jurors, this one would have been struck.

    Thanks for everyone’s input. The more experience’s we can share and the more points of view we have increases our understanding.

    Thanks to Blink for letting me hang out here with all of you.

  32. justice23 says:

    NaNa says:
    June 8, 2011 at 9:04 pm

    justice23. I sat on a jury just months ago and I can tell you that when we (the jury) were really interested in facts, we started writing. One of the attorneys in our case was a bafoon and when he started talking we would all STOP writing. So, I would say you cant say it works better for prosecution or defense. But what you can say, is that when the jury starts writing, you look around and see who’s questioning and that gives you a pretty good indication that the jury is paying attention.

    Thanks nana … helpful to know. I just get kinda ansy everytime I hear HLN talk about jurors writing a lot or not. Not sure what it all means.

  33. justice23 says:

    Mom3.0 says:
    June 9, 2011 at 12:31 am

    Justice23- what does your 23 stand for? Could it be that Casey chose it because of Ricardos age or because she was 22 going on 23? IDK interesting to ponder though.

    Mom3.0 … I figured I would get asked about the 23 in my own name in response to my questioning Casey’s choice of numbers for her computer login password, but it’s quite boring and pretty innocent an explanation. It has been my favorite number since I was in early high school (yrs before Michael Jordan or LeBron James ever made it famous, lol). It was my jersey number back in high school so I have a tendency to have a sentimental attachment to it.

    In regard to Casey however, I’ve heard it may in fact have been Rico’s age at the time (he was 23) so assuming you might be right about that. Not sure as I don’t really understand anything in Casey’s mind.

  34. peg says:

    ONE tissue! ONE? I’d have needed a box or two..

  35. nana2 says:

    From Ashleigh Banfield’s (ABC) Twitter feed on

    Re: crime scene photo’s

    Back live-CSI photos continue. #caseyanthony won’t look at them. Her attorney told me at break “she’s never seen them Not even in discovery!”

    By abcashleigh via twitter at 1:40 PM

  36. nana2 says:

    According to the cfNews13casey Twitter feed on Mason will do the cross on our Dr G ‘likely this week’..

  37. GraceintheHills says:

    The talking heads on t.v. are describing Casey as “emotional” during the presentation of the crime scene photos, but I think there are many ways to interpret her emotional display. IMHO, she appeared to be exaggeratedly and repeatedly wiping her face and nose as she listened to testimony, but I observed no upper body movements normally associated with someone who is actually crying. Then, when the prosecutor had the last witness talk about the duct tape, Casey appeared to shrink down into her chair and dropped her head even more. I wondered if she was reliving the moment that she placed the tape on Caylee. During this testimony she did not dab at tears, but had her sleeves pulled down to her palms, and rested her chin on her hand. She reminded me of a child who has been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. I had no idea until today that there was so MUCH duct tape found, and that it was in a circular configuration suggesting it was wrapped around Caylee’s head. Surely Casey must realize just how damning that duct tape evidence is.

    It was actually covering her nose and mouth, and my mind went nuts with some of the images I am thinking about to the extent that the ends were actually attached to each other, etc.

    In my mind, what I heard, and then resulted her being excused for the day, was .. Gimme one more day Mom, just 24 hours.

    She will do anything to get out of facing this in front of people, truly.

  38. nana2 says:

    Well court recessed because KC is ill (?) once again its about her & everyone is feeling bad for her.. Takes me back to that jail video when she whines to her mother ‘no one cares about me I have no one’(PP).. If KC got ill today because of the CSI pics & descriptions wait until Dr G gets on the stand.. She is such a drama queen..

  39. chelsea says:

    nana2 – Do you really believe (snipped) ‘everyone is feeling bad for her……..? I am hoping they all feel like me, disgusted at her histrionic display of angst; it was all so contrived and obvious. I believe she is able to convince herself (and those around her) that she is about to collapse; it’s just another of her mind games. IMO If possible, I dislike this girl more this week than last so God knows my feelings by the end of the trial especially if she doesn’t get her just desserts! Agree with Blink, the prosecution need to get to grips with the internet evidence – it was boring to most lay people and didn’t have the ‘wow’ effect I think we had all anticipated.
    nana2 (35) snipped:
    Re: crime scene photo’s

    Back live-CSI photos continue. #caseyanthony won’t look at them. Her attorney told me at break “she’s never seen them Not even in discovery!”
    Bill Shaeffer said today when questioned by Kathi Belich as to whether Casey would have seen the discovery photos of the remains, (pp)…a defense attorney always makes sure their defendant sees and is aware of all evidence likely to be brought into Court… This prevents a later claim by the defendant that they had not known what was going to be presented, claiming poor legal representation. Hope this wasn’t another slip up by Baez prompting Casey to ‘go sick’, although I didn’t feel Casey’s behaviour was genuine, just the usual oscar seeking performance!

  40. justice23 says:

    GraceintheHills says:
    June 9, 2011 at 2:53 pm

    In my mind, what I heard, and then resulted her being excused for the day, was .. Gimme one more day Mom, just 24 hours.


    Blink ~

    You were thinking the “one more day” had something to do with this Casey’s emotional display today? I’m completely lost on this. What would one more day have actually bought her had Cindy actually given it to her and how exactly does that have anything to do with what you saw and heard today, before Casey’s reaction? Sorry to be so slow, but I just don’t get what you’re getting at here {:(

    The mindset of avoidance.

  41. WPG says:

    She can’t even fake being “ill” very well.

    Who “struggles” to get up from their chair in purported dizziness, needing assistance, but has the where-with-all to think about adjusting her top by pulling it back down over her rear? Who was able to appear to have no trouble coordinating her hand to the doorknob to get the heck outta the courtroom?

    How is it that she knew to look away from the monitor once the photo displaying the vines was put up – - – because she had been to the location and knew what was coming next in sequence, IMO.

    Couldn’t fight jury selection or having to face the group of perspective jurors back in Clearwater, and she certainly can’t stop the State from exposing the truth or the jury from seeing and hearing it.

    She was not having a panic attack, she was not distraught over Caylee, she’s “distraught” because she’s caught and her attorneys can’t “make it stop”, so she’s attempting to do it herself.

    Oh, yeah . . . a sign lying on the ground from a day care? Little Caylee was playing and having fun with other kids? Zanny’s daycare?
    Sick, so very sick.

  42. chelsea says:

    Ragdoll – great posts, love your take on things. I can quite see why Blink responds as she does, you are birds of a feather!! Although I still struggle with translating the exact meanings of both you and Blinks’ posts. I don’t know who is the ‘foreigner’, guess it’s me amongst you Colonials! Just kidding.
    Chica – before we send out a search party, where are you????

  43. New says:

    I believe just when the recess was called you could see Casey look paler and she began to hyperventilate. The guard then stood in front of her and Sim and the round faced man were showing concern for her.

    REminded of the time she said to Lawyer make Ashton stop when he was decribing the tape. But this time she could not make them stop. I believe she had an anxiety attack with hyperventilation.

    The one picture they showed looked like the shape of face when they showed the tape after it had been removed by cutting hair. I never realized so much tape was used. I had only seen single pieces of tape in the docs. Holy cow it was all the way around her head. I don’t beleive George , Cindy or Lee stayed in court today. Does anyone know?

  44. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Well it looks like Casey has performed to perfection. She even made the judge think she was ill.

    She didn’t look at the photos a single time. My TV shows a shot of her and what is going on with the witnesses at the same time.

    If I were judge Perry, she would sit there until she passed out. This is something that all persons accused of such crimes should sit through. They should be made to look at the mess they made with their evil choices.

  45. jane says:

    Sorry she was not ill She will be awarded the academy award for poor acting She is such a waste of time

    I cannot wait till they SAY GUILTY

  46. Ragdoll says:


    In my mind, what I heard, and then resulted her being excused for the day, was .. Gimme one more day Mom, just 24 hours.

    She will do anything to get out of facing this in front of people, truly.

    Well if that doesn’t sum it up in a nutshell. This is how she diverts responsibility and accountability. Run. Create a scene. Walk out. Cry. Whatever it takes.

    Why am I surprised she pulled another Casey? This is text book Casey 101.

  47. Ragdoll says:

    @ ATG


    Jurror #4 may be a problem. Some people go through life never wanting to be bothered by details. Therefore they are totally turned off when they are in a situation like listening to someone present evidence. If it had been me selecting jurors, this one would have been struck.

    That makes complete sense to me. There really is no way to read minds, let alone 12 for a DP trial. Now that would be considered junk science.

  48. nana2 says:

    When I heard Lee recount that “Zenaida in the park” story it sounded more like words that Cindy would say to KC. Perhaps Zenaida is the alter ego for Cindy in KC’s mind..

    I think KC will take a plea she will never get past Dr G & that info..

    I still can’t picture how this whole sad thing went down & was hoping that the trial would tell the story of how Caylee died but I don’t think it will..

    I wonder what the jury made of KC having to leave sick & do they take that as a sign of guilt or an overwhelmed mother (?)..

  49. WPG says:

    I’d like to know where that kindergard/day care sign originated from . . . if they can tie her to it.

    Also wonder if the tied knot of the yellow strings on the black garbage bag can indicate who made that knot, as well as the leaving of an opening as opposed to drawing the bag completely shut.

  50. WPG says:

    Oh my gosh . . . the white garbage bag in the trunk also was partially opened. Also, Tony testified that the flyer from Full Sail that was found in her car WAS in the garbage. So she took it out of the garbage bag before tying up the bag, leaving an opened gap?!

    Wonder if the knots match on that white garbage bag from the trunk and the
    black garbage bags that held little Caylee?

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