The West Memphis Three Series Part I: Set Free Or Where They Should Be?

West Memphis, Arkansas- On Wednesday May 5, 1993 three eight your old cub scouts and best buds Michael Moore, Stevie Branch and Chris Byers ventured into the RobinHood Hill Woods after 6:30 PM.

While their worried parents made numerous calls to police and actively looked for them in the area into the late evening, there was no sign of them in spite of neighbors going door to door.  Unfortunately there was a shift change at the West Memphis Police Department, and no detectives were called in until the following morning.

That critical error by the WMPD is the start of a voluminous list of mishaps and negligence that would plague this case from the onset, and quite possibly earn Damien “Icky” Wayne Echols (a/k/a Michael Wayne Hutchison) Charles Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Lloyd Misskelley, Jr, a new trial.

I was asked to review this case and present my findings to a colleague who had been privately retained in this case, with the agreement that I would publish my investigative report regardless of the conclusions I reached

In the interest of disclosure, I am admittedly a big fan of Johnny Depp and Eddie Vedder and I wanted nothing more than to let them know they could count me in as the newest advocate for “free west Memphis 3”.

First, The Good News?

At the onset of my research, I thought it was pretty clear that there absolutely was juror misconduct in the Echols/Baldwin trial, which has yet to be ruled on for the defense team, and I agree that the same judge who heard the instant case should not have heard the appeal, especially in a capital case.

As a practical matter, lawyers, specifically defense attorneys, are charged with extracting the “guilt or innocence fact” as it relates to the crime and zealously defending their clients rights and presumption of innocence.

Conversely, the prosecution is charged with presenting a case they believe will result in a conviction of the indictment as presented, while adhering to the rules of criminal procedure under the Arkansas supreme court.

I think it is a fair statement to say that in both trials, neither endeavor was accomplished and we should all be uncomfortable with how it could threaten our collective rights under our constitution should it go unaddressed in general, and  not just in this case with these defendants.

The larger issue at hand, is changes to DNA statutes and the states plain language misapplication of the “actual claim of innocence” under rule 37.

Simply put, it means that the new evidence, testing, the evidence of any jury misconduct, when evaluated with all other evidence both inculpating and exculpatory whether or not it was presented at trial, is a second bite of the apple- FOR BOTH SIDES.

The burden, however, is on the defense to argue that a new jury would likely acquit all three based on the totality of that evidence today. It should be noted that the Supreme Court will rule on this hearing as to whether or not a new trial is warranted giving EQUAL weight to direct, physical and circumstantial evidence, which is also the charge to a jury.

I support the hearings to begin December 5, 20011,  with cameras present because I believe in transparency and the law is clear that it provides for “higher burdens” in capital cases.

I purposely studied trial transcripts pleadings and filings in advance of all actual evidence and exhibits because I did not want any basis I had for procedural errors to influence my opinion.

My advance apologies for those reading that are new to the facts of this case for leading with the caboose,  there is a method to my engineering.

To an extent, I can bifurcate the issues of guilt or innocence vs. our rights under the constitution to due process.

I am less open to it given the recent verdict in the murder trial of Casey Anthony, where the similar problem but different verdict of no direct physical evidence tied to the accused resulted in her jury acquittal, but that is not the only topical comparison one can make between these two cases, more on that in the final installment of this series.

Brief Background: West Memphis Three Support

Courtesy Sundance

The HBO Series Paradise Lost, a documentary filmed by Joe Berlinger & Bruce Sinofsky’s company Creative Thinking International with the full participation of both the prosecution and the defense, paid for a portion of the defense of Echols and Baldwin directly to their lawyers and to them by way of a  trust in the name of their attorneys.  Once the victim’s families learned of this, each of the victim’s families was paid an undisclosed honorarium for their participation in 1994, prior to its airing in 1996.

Although Baldwin and Echols benefited financially from the arrangement,  they sued their attorneys Dan Stidham and Val Price for ineffectiveness of counsel and conflict of interest.

Loosely translated, they have accused them of not hiring defense expert witnesses and well, ineffectiveness.

It is due to that ruling we are sort of “where we are now.

That said, the funding for expert witnesses for these proceedings have been and continue to be paid in part by Arkansas Take Action (ATA), founded by Lorri Davis,  Echols wife.

courtesy Ark

The major celebrity fundraisers and contributors to West Memphis Three via ATA cite “Paradise Lost” as the impetus for their personal advocacy and sponsorship.

I can’t say that I would have blamed them then, as it was not until the series aired, and the “slant” of innocence of the accused by the producers became known to the prosecution and the families, and all but one family member of one of the victim’s declined participation in its sequel.  Naturally my first reaction to various organizations, including ATA post conviction fund raising for the defense of 3 convicted murders was a violation of the son of Sam law.

Not in Arkansas. A convict can use funds raised on its behalf for its defense. Let’s hope recently elected Senator David Burnett, the former judge on this case has amending that law on his action item list this year.

Playing to The CSI Effect- Excellent Strategy

Last November, In response to a united appeal decision by the Arkansas supreme court, previously denied by the circuit court in 2007 and argued by famed attorney Dennis Riordon on behalf of Echols, Baldwin and Misskelley, the west Memphis three were granted a new evidentiary hearing to take place on December 5, 2011 based on further DNA, fiber and hair analysis.

It is the goal of the defense team to use the hearing to win a new trial.

Last month, the case status update reports new DNA findings exclude all three suspects.  There are 2 spots on a victim’s shoe that are the profile of a common unidentified male, and another spot with a different male profile.

It is the defense’s position that this exonerates Echols, Baldwin and Miskelley, because it does not belong to them, which was stated similarly in just about every news article as well.

It does nothing of the kind, as there were over a dozen WMPD personnel on scene who could absolutely be the origin of the DNA.

The defense claims it is “not their job as a defense team” to establish whose DNA it is.

While that is true, presenting that evidence as exculpatory has already been addressed by the court on it’s own merit. Consideration by the court of this evidence, and all other evidence whether presented at trial or not is in effect, giving the state the power to decide guilt or innocence and makes the rule 37 “ruling” moot.

This is a very wide berth for both sides, and in this author’s opinion, a “be careful what you wish for situation” for at least one defendant, if not all three, ultimately.

Ditched In A Ditch

Because of the snafu that no detectives were notified until early morning on May 6th, detectives were trudging through the crime scene they did not yet know was a crime scene; until Detective Mike Allen saw the unmistakable yellow cub scout hat and a child’s sneaker floating in the stream.

While Mike Allen attempted to retrieve the items by leaning over the creek with his hands on a tree on the opposite side, he lost his footing on the muddy bank and slid into the murky aquatic coffin of the missing boys.

Allen’s foot slid underneath the first victim, and caused the naked, hogtied  and badly bruised body of Michael Moore to float to the surface at approximately 1 PM.

Chris Byers and Steve Branch were found by Detective Bryn Ridge approximately one hour and 45 minutes later 25 feet downstream, face down, and fully submerged and were located by the apparent purposeful placement of sticks jammed into the mud. The sticks had items of the boys clothing wrapped around the bottom ends.

Byers and Branch were also naked, hog-tied and badly beaten; Stevie sustained significant gouging wounds to the left of his face and Chris was emasculated.  Despite the fact that the coroner was 2 hours away, all 3 victims were removed from the ditch and placed on the banks, all three were still bleeding from their wounds and  covered by black plastic while WMPD continued to collect evidence from the scene.  County workers were enlisted to pump out the stream to collect evidence.

Also at the scene, was Crittenden County juvenile probation officer Steve Jones who suggested detectives speak to Damien Echols.  Lt James Sudbury and Steve Jones paid Echols a visit the next day.

Satanic Panic No Manic Yes

Satanic Panic. Throw that phrase into any equation and I already do not believe it.  This crime was in no way connected to a cult or an offering of sacrifice of any kind.

In December 2008 I had an opportunity to consult with retired 35 year FBI Behavioral Science Unit  chief, Special Agent Ken Lanning, in a different case that showed elements of “Satanism”.

If he says there is no ritual activity associated with this crime, there is no better authority, and he does.

It should be noted prior to the prosecution phase of the murders, the FBI advised John Fogleman not to proceed with that angle as the motive.

I respect that on the surface some believe that Echols was singled out because he had jet black long hair, wore all black, carved a pentagram into his chest, etc. That is until the 500 pages of his medical reports and prior criminal record were released.

However, what I do NOT respect, is that at no time was Echols singled out for any other reason than his OWN WORDS and his OWN ACTIONS.

In a recent episode of True Crime By Aphrodite Jones, Misskelley’s former attorney Dan Stidham, now working pro bono assisting  Dennis Riordan et al, calls the west Memphis three “throwaway kids”.

He goes on to say that they were arrested because they were dirt poor with family problems and WMPD was under terrific pressure to make an arrest.

Mara Leveritt, a reporter for the Arkansas Times who wrote a book on the case called Devils Knot and who also participated in the HBO series, has continued to be very outspoken that the police and prosecution railroaded these kids.

Leveritt helped start the west Memphis 3 innocence project in 2008 when Lorri Davis refused to open the books of Arkansas Take Action, but has since joined the ATA movement,  which is said to have raised well over a million dollars and actively seeking donations today.

There is no dispute whatsoever that Echols, Baldwin and Miskelley lived in squalor with broken families and all three lines of parentage were wrought with mental issues and extreme poverty.

There is much dispute however that prior to their arrests, although several locals pointed the finger directly at Echols and through association Baldwin, that WMPD focused only on them.

In fact, the first time Jason Baldwin’s name came up in connection with the murders was from Damien Echols himself.  That’s right, in his questionnaire answer he gave during an interview at WMPD on May 9, 1993; he suggested Jason Baldwin and L.G. Hollingsworth could be responsible. (insert image)

There were well over 100 witness interviews, dozens of warrants for hair and blood samples from various individuals, local sex offenders, out of state relocation’s and the like being scratched off the list as the investigation progressed, as well as witnesses passing polygraphs, thus eliminating them.

The indisputable truth is that these teenagers had a long criminal and violent history in this tiny community.

They all had the same probation officer that knew all of them for years, spent enough time in the community and received updated mental health progress reports to suspect Echols initially, absolutely.

Thus the concept of “supervised probation”.

Taking The Myth out of Mythunderstood

Damien Echols

Damien Echols is the son of Pam and Eddie Hutchison.  Pam was plagued with psychological issues her entire life which included nobody knowing where she was adopted from, and Eddie left the family after he got his first and only moderate paying job.

Jack Echols,  Pam’s next husband, adopted Damien and his sister Constance Michelle.  According to medical and social records, Jack Echols sexually abused Michelle and was verbally and physically abusive to all.  Pam left Jack and resumed her relationship with Hutchison in the months before the murders.  Their rented trailer had one working door and no bedroom for Damien.

There are no elementary records for Damien, and by both parents accounts, he lived his early childhood in a shack in the middle of a field with no water or electricity.

In the 18 months prior to the murders, Damien Echols was arrested for trespassing, sexual misconduct and committed to a psychiatric hospital for the second last time.

He was suspended from school seven times the year before, once for lighting a fire in the back of class, the last time because he clawed the face of Shane Divilbiss, a romantic rival for the affections of Deanna Holcomb, who was arrested with Damien a few months later.

Damien’s last commitment, while living with the recently relocated family in Aloha Oregon was caused by Echols threatening to slit his mother’s throat and drink her blood, and subsequently eat his father.

Pam and Eddie Hutchison were so concerned about Damien’s behavior and his threats to them, they refused to allow him back into the home and sent him on a bus back to Arkansas.

The Hutchison’s moved back to West Memphis 6 weeks before the murders and Damien moved back in.  Damien is suspected to have burned down his Father Andy Jack Echols garage and part of his trailer according to his friend Chris Littrell.  Pam Echols Hutchison Metcalf is currently on disability for depression.

According to Damien’s OWN application for Social Security disability benefits, he was suffering from homicidal, sociopathic and suicidal ideations, manic depression and schizophrenia:

The exhibit known as the “500”, as in 500 pages of medical records tells the story the prosecution could not, due to the exclusion of “prior bad acts”.   There was great concern about Damien’s escalating propensity for violence, so much so his probation officer removed the dog and cat skulls from his bedroom and expressed and great concern for acts against others.  He felt the natural evolution of his violence was going to be humans 18 months prior to the murders.

Damien was told at the hospital that he could be the next Ted Bundy, he replied I always knew

In her first police interview, Pam tells WNPD Hutchison that packed up and left her the night before the boys were missing, and took everything to his Mother’s by 9PM.

Pam described Damien as upset and crying over the incident.

In her subsequent deposition in September 1993, now represented by Damien’s attorneys, Val Price and Scott Davison she recants this happened on this evening.  Echols told detectives Damien was normal, and that he had no problems. It was not until detectives prompted her that they knew of his hospitalizations through his probation officer that she even admitted he was on medication.   I have dubbed her the Cindy Anthony of West Memphis.





The Echols lived mostly on and off with Randy and Susan Sanders, Randy is a convicted sex offender and felon.

He was arrested for public masturbation 3 months before the murders.

Charles Jason Baldwin

Jason is the son of Larry Baldwin and Angela Baldwin Grinnell, his divorced parents who are also second cousins.  Three months before the murders, Jason’s mom was involuntarily hospitalized for paranoid delusions after Jason found her bleeding from self-inflicted injuries and called 911.

Angela’s  second husband and Jason’s step-dad, Terry Grinnell went to live at his Mom’s.  Five years before the murders, in Shelby County, it is believed Jason started a fire in the bedroom of the family home.  Baldwin was on probation since he was 13 for criminal mischief and most recently for shoplifting  in May 1993.  Since Echols return from Oregon, Baldwin’s grades were on the down slide and he was warned that if he missed school it would violate his probation.

On May 5, 1993, Angela and her live-in boyfriend Dink Dent had an altercation and she kicked him out the following day, after  public announcement the boys had been murdered.

Jason was responsible for looking after his younger brother Matt, and step-brother Terry Jr. now that his parents had separated.  The night Jason was arrested, his step-dad was again living with the family, and Angela returned home from work to find WMPD searching their home.

She became hysterical and began screaming at Terry, accusing him of turning Jason in for the reward money.  Jason was at Damien’s house the evening of their arrest on June 3, 1993; they turned the lights out and hid under the bed when WMPD came to place them into custody.

Jessie Lloyd Misskelley, Jr.

Jesse and his brother with special needs were abandoned by their Mother when they were toddlers.  Jessie’s’ older brother was eventually institutionalized a few years later.

Jesse was on and off probation since he was 11 years old.  Most recently, one month before the murders, he was convicted of beating up a 13 year old girl.

In the weeks following the murders, Lee Rush, the live-in girlfriend of Jessie’s father, was awakened on more than one occasion by loud sobbing in the middle of the night coming from Jessie’s room.

When she asked him what was wrong, he simply told her that he was upset his girlfriend was moving away.

As detectives were waiting in the living room of the Misskelley trailer for the CST team to arrive to exact the search following Jessie’s arrest, Lee told them that story three times. She claimed she “knew something was wrong”.

Mr. Misskelley stated that Jessie might have been there, but he did not murder those kids.

Buddy Lucas, a friend of Jessie’s, would tell investigators after his arrest that Miskelley confessed to him the day after the murders that he was there, and asked him to take the blue and white adidas shoes he had been wearing.

Preponderance  Or  Propaganda

I have watched countless interviews, and opinions where an “expert” believes the west Memphis three are wrongly accused, it is usually followed by- ” ..there is no physical evidence to tie them to the crime..”  For starters, that is inaccurate.  There is voluminous amounts of physical and trace evidence, albeit circumstantial.

They were not wrongly accused, there was a confession by someone involved trying to make it look like he was not, by skewing facts so he could get the reward money for turning in Baldwin and Echols and buy his dad a truck.

That does not sound like a mentally challenged minor, it sounds to me like he told his Dad he was there, but did not do anything could he tell the cops the truth with his permission?  I am referring to the first confession, subsequent two others with the corrected facts and his admission FOLLOWING his conviction against his attorneys advice.  I will analyze both his statements as they relate to the evidence in Part 3.

Since when does a DNA sample, found on items handled by multiple people, which does not match a suspect, exclude them? Most specifically, when there are partial profiles available from serology that do not EXCLUDE them?


Exclusively on, during the course of our investigation of the case file, new and additional evidence has been uncovered linking Damien Echols and Jason Baldwin to the murders.


A plastic bag with the Road Runner Petro logo found at the scene containing inter alia a black thermal t shirt size Medium, a khaki short sleeve button down shirt size L, men’s size 33-34 Jordache jeans, a pair of white socks recovered from the pipe near the scene.  A red fiber found on Michael Moore ‘s boyscout shirt, which was microscopically similar to a red and white pullover shirt of Echols, was also found in this bag.

Although the fiber matched one from the victim,  and one belonging to Echols, investigators could never tie-in the bag to one of the suspects.

When Echols was interviewed on May 9,  he told Gary Gitchell that he was a roofer and worked for Alderson roofing. This is also confirmed by some of his medical records.

In the only deposition Eddie Hutchison gave, he told detectives he worked at Petro.

Although he purposely never referred to it as Road Runner Petro, was able to trace the names of his supervisors back to the Memphis, TN Road Runner Petro.

Alderson Roofing & Metal shares a parking lot with Road Runner Petro.

I submit, either connection ties “Icky” to the Road Runner bag.  To date, no personnel from either Road Runner or Alderson roofing has been interviewed.  No responses to our requests for interviews have been received by this articles publication.

Possible Weapon?

One thing that most experts have agreed on, with a few exceptions to be discussed later is that the injuries to the boys did not come from a knife.   The defense strongly believes that the knife found in the lake behind Baldwin’s trailer was not used and I agree that the “grapefruit is not just for breakfast anymore” stunt by John Fogleman was ridiculous and should never have been allowed, and stricken at a minimum.   However, I do think Jason Baldwin was the owner of the primary weapon used in the assault and murders of Chris, Stevie, and Michael on May 5, 1993.

The day before the murders, Tuesday May 4, 1993, Jason Baldwin traded 3 t shirts for a curved “throwing” knife, and a mountain climbing ice pick.  On Friday May 8, 1993  Jason had his little brother Matthew return those items, he had kept hidden under his bed for the last few days, claiming “somebody was going to accuse him of using them.”

On May 11, 1993 Billy and Kenny Newell turned the weapons over to WMPD.


Statement of Kenny Newell
Lakeshore Drive

Jason was over at our house and Billy wanted to
trade something for some shirts. And the only thing
Billy has good enough to trade is the weapons. Billy
picked the shirts he wanted and they traded. And 3
or 4 days later Jason’s little brother brong the pick
and the nife back and got the shirts but we didn’t
find the testement shirt so he still has it.

Jason Baldwin and his brother Mathew Baldwin
lives west from our house at the street right before
the last one by the fild 3 or 4 trailers down on the left.

Billy Newell is my brother. The first trade took place at the early part of last week. The second trade took place
at the last part of the same week.

This statement was completed at 6:28PM on the 5-11-93

The Newell brothers were never called as witnesses, and the ice axe seems to have been put on the shelf after there were no latents detected.

Based on visual analysis of the crime, autopsy macros and photos I have reviewed, 14 experts reports,  trial testimony and witness statements to the fact that Jason Baldwin’s post offense behavior had him get rid of it through a peripheral party PRIOR to any LE interaction indicating he was a suspect, it is my personal opinion this weapon was used in the commission of these murders.  Please see similar axe image close ups:

I do not profess to have any earthly idea why this ice axe was not previously compared to the wounds in this case as a possible murder weapon, but our analysis finds this instrument is consistent with the wounds sustained by the victims in this crime, encompassing ante-mortem, perimortem and postmortem inflictions of all three boys.


Complete Autopsy Files on each victim can be found here. Viewing autopsy images of a graphic nature is highly upsetting to most people, if you are one of those, I would encourage you to leave the site as I am making an extended entry here so one must click the next page to view as an opt in permission following the warning.


Complete Autopsy Files on each victim can be found here. Viewing autopsy images of a graphic nature is highly upsetting to most people, if you are one of those, I would encourage you to leave the site.

The following information is not intended to take the place of the full and complete autopsy reports available , it is for demonstrative purposes of support as to the possibility that the mountain climbing pick, subsequently referred to as ice pick, is a possible murder weapon.  I refer to relevant injuries only, and in some cases I have cropped images to illustrate only those and protect the privacy of the victims.

Michael Moore:

Situated on the left parietal scalp was a dove-tail type laceration measuring 3/4 by 1/8 inch. At the inferior margin of the wound was an extension patterned contusion in the form of an upside down “L”; the vertical portion measured 1/2 inch and the horizontal portion measured 1/4 inch.  Moore’s left side surfaced when it was “dislodged” by Mike Allen’s foot.

Stevie Branch:

Stevie had large gouging wounds to the left side of his face, they are believed to be perimortem as they have sections of skin torn from the inside of the cheek and described as “interrupted” cuts.   Byers gouging wounds are referred to as similar in Dr. Peretti’s report.

*Image too graphic refer to description only*

Q.  Okay. And using that if you could explain to the Court 15 your biggest concern regarding this not being a bite mark. 16 A.  My biggest concern of it not being a bite mark — if you 17 look at this one with this curve and this curve and this curve 18 and this curve (INDICATING) — there are curved lines all over 19 this poor victim and even deep gashes which also have a similar 20 curvature which show up better on the side view — the left 21 side of the face. 22 Q.  Doctor, could you refer to that exhibit number on that? 23 A.  Exhibit Thirteen M is the blow-up, and that’s the blow-up 24 of the original Ten M.

Chris Byers:

The only one of the three that does not have a cause of death related to drowning,  bled to death from a gouging wound to his penis and scrotum.  In original trial testimony, Dr. Peretti testified it could have been caused by the “Baldwin” serrated knife, other knives, or a piece of broken and jagged glass.

*Image Too graphic* Refer to description

In subsequent hearings,  Expert following expert has testified that this was NOT a cutting wound, but a wound that was “tearing” in nature.  What several experts also testified to, was that the victims were covered with “curved wounds.”

To be continued : Part 2 A continuation of the evidence in the case against the West Memphis Three .

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  1. christy says:

    >>>>FmrWM3Supporter says:
    August 15, 2011 at 7:32 pm
    Although you did not have hyperlinks in your piece, I am familiar with some of the data so I was able to review the new evidence for myself.
    I set this site on my RSS yesterday, I thought there was nobody that knew this case better than me. I have fought this fight for 12 years.
    I expected the customary dissident puff piece.
    I want my money back, and I want these terrorists to rot in jail and I want to apologize to the families I may have offended by supporting them. In my own way, I thought I was supporting the victims.
    Get ready for the anti-establishment assholes who could not even tell you the names of the victims or how they died.<<<<<<<<<<
    Wow. My jaw is dropped too… Well, first it dropped with your 1st piece, Blink. I half expected you to side with our resident beloved celebrities, as I had… but, I knew that you'd be impartial, thorough, and victim-advocated, if that's a term.
    I saw the documentary pieces years and years ago and was conflicted, but I kinda believed the hype. I had my certainty/questionable thoughts too about JMB, then after the 48 hours piece, I felt certain @ Terry Hobbs.

    I moved here 5 years ago (very close to WM) in relation to my dh's work, and I applaud you for the way that you represented the accused, the area, the locals, the LE; I know that it was a gracious representation.

    I now have excruciating doubt,though and that is without seeing any photos. I have questions though about what I can't discount: this
    "The conclusions which Turvey draws from the evidence available were that:
    "The extent of the injuries to the victims, especially the emasculation of Christopher Byers, would have meant a great deal of blood would have been at the scene. In this situation there was virtually no blood.
    The nature of the injuries to Christopher Byers would have caused him to scream. No screaming was heard by searchers or local residents near the site….
    The nature of the attack required light, time and uninterrupted privacy. It was dark in the woods. The crime scene would more likely be a secluded structure or residence away from the immediate area of attention.
    The violence and level of force in this attack was punitive in nature, indicating that the offender was punishing the boys for some real or perceived wrong.
    The difference in the nature of injuries in the three boys indicates that the assailant had a different relationship with each of the boys. James Moore is described by Turvey as a "collateral victim" who was probably only attacked because he was with the other two. The severity of the blows to his head and the lack of damage from the ligatures on his ankles and wrists suggest that he was unconscious throughout the attack. The anger of the assailant , manifested in victim damage and sexual mutilation, is directed primarily at Steven and Christopher, indicating a strong personal association with them.." more at site.

    I first thought that it explained away a lot of things @ the perpetrators, now am wondering if it explains the psyche of the (THREE) perpetrators.

    Lol, again, y’all are getting ahead of me because I intend to cover this thoroughly, as I believe it is very supportive of the fact the right people are in jail, and supports the ultimate confession.

    That said, after I read Turvey’s report, I gave him a nickname changing a letter in his name like the consumate professional I am, because it is WROUGHT with errors, omissions, etc, and he includes a victimology profile without a suspect profile that excludes the WM3. If he had read Echols, Baldwin or Miskelleys backgrounds, would he have still submitted a report?

    This is why, experts getting paid to be experts, and paid for maximum exposure to further their careers, is a problem in our judicial system.

  2. desertgirl says:

    a “moonbat”? Really? I like it here and don’t want anyone to run me off for not taking the “right side” in this, but it seems pretty clear that you have made up your mind about this case. 18 years tells me that no one will ever known beyond a reasonable doubt. I guess I expected (from what I have seen from you) more objectivity in your investigation. I am not defending the WM3. I am defending justice. 18 years is a long time to think anyone can solve this with 100% certainty.

    I dont think anyone is saying anything with 100% of anything. How could we- only the boys, God and their murderers know for absolute sure.

    Perhaps that term was harsh on Mr. Byers behalf, but I invite you to tell me how he is not, with the full battery of the facts of his background that I have purposelly omitted because I do not feel they are relevant to the case after much scrutiny. What injustice do you fight exactly? I am interested in the facts of this case that you feel are defendable, and which are considered an offense, in your opinion?

    What do you see as non-objective? How have I rushed to judgement outside of the facts i have personally spent weeks pouring over ?

    Blanket statements are not going to fly. Your accusing me of a generalized position without presenting it’s faults or your own, and that is exactly the problem in this case, respectfully submitted.

    I am OPEN to contrarian, accompanied with facts in support.


  3. christy says:

    “Damien’s son, who now goes by Seth, appears to be doing ok, I will be touching on that briefly.
    Man, I wondered about that poor child as well.
    This may be an unpopular view, but I sincerely hope that his mama’s family is from Good Stock. South, East, West, wherenot, I just hope he’s far from here and changed his name. Bless his Heart, as we say in the south.

  4. CJinTX says:

    christy says:
    August 16, 2011 at 5:24 pm
    A plastic bag with the Road Runner Petro logo found at the scene containing inter alia ….”

    Hope I’m not stepping on Blink’s toes, but what I think you are referring to Christy is: Damien Echols worked for Alderson Roofing which shares a parking lot with Road Runner Petro. Eddie Hutchison, Damien’s father, also claimed to have worked at Road Runner Petro. The bag could have been brought home by Eddie Hutchison or Damien when they purchased groceries or cigarettes. These two facts link Damien to the Road Runner Petro Bag found at the crime. Plus the red fiber found on victim Michael Moore’s shirt was similar to fibers of a red and white shirt worn by Damian Echols and a red fiber that was found in the Road Runner Petrobag at the crime scene. The fact that investigators could not link the bag to Damien baffles me…. like HuH?

  5. A Texas Grandfather says:


    Your getting there. Blink is using twenty dollar words rather than five dollar words and threatening fifty cent words. LOL

    I used to tease my girls and boys with a monetary value for words. Words that were seldom used, but very succinct in meaning were twenty dollar words. Common everday vocabulary words were five dollar words and slang was fifty cent words.

    I have taught music to two young boys that were classified to be bi-polar. One was the child of a mother that consumed hard drugs during the pregnancy and her child was classified as a “crack” baby. The other child was from a mother who had some physco problems herself.

    These boys when taking medications properly were capable of functioning in a normal behavior mode. If they forgot or deliberately didn’t take medication, then they were subject to anger or even crazy, spaced out behavior. This could happen almost instantly with no warning.

    Without any more information than Blink has reported, it looks to me that we have some boys that could not control themselves and might “go off” at any time. They had managed to get in trouble with LE to the point that the parole officer knew them all.


    Thanks for the reply about the axe. Looking at the curved marks on the body in the photo, they appear to be possible bite marks in a circle about 25 mm across. I am assuming the scale is a metric scale with ten subdivisions.

    The strange thing is the is the mark in the center of the wound area. That is why I questioned the manner of attachment of the handle of the axe. Could there be a raised area at the axe head that could be in the curved configuration to create the wound in the picture? These axes are used to drive pitons for attaching a line so they might have a hammer like surface on one side.

    If this is the case, it would explain the many similar wounds.

    This is off the subject a little.

    Did anyone get the report from Albuquerque, New Mexico where an alert neighbor chased a kidnapper of a six year old in his car while calling the police on his cell phone. They got the guy and the child is safe.

    They lived across the street from a park. Parks are a favorite hang out place for pedaphiles. Please be alert around such facilities.

    I admit I am guessing, but, because of the “bell shaped” abrasion and the lower right justified “serrative” marks or cuts, I think it is possible that in that large hole in the middle of the axe where you see the rope threaded through it, it warrants that outer circular abrasion, and an elevated “knot” in the middle, thus the bell shaped abrasion.

    This axe, to my knowledge, had no strap or rope through it when it was returned, but I am going to cover some wound patternings I think support the possibility this weapon was used.

    My analysis shows a bulk of patterning where the instrument may have been used on the side, as if striking someone into submission, and then, the other fatal wounds.


  6. Liam says:

    If the confession is undoubted then these murderers are where they should be. Damien Echols looks pure evil and his past is an alarming indicator of what he was potentially capable of. The crimes fit the behaviour and while I have seen a tv show which had me believing these guys could be innocent, reading this piece makes me think how well disguised people can be. Those poor kids died an awful death.

  7. ktina says:

    Totally off topic…from ..missouri- reports that breann rodriguez body was found this eve.

  8. Sat5sz says:

    First, OT. They found Breeann’s body. Perp says she was standing on his pool ladder (shades of Caylee story). I believe this is this sicko’s way of blaming her.
    Second, I can’t get let go of the thought that these killers were failed in their upbringing. They had no one watching out for them and no safety net for their troubled lives. Poverty is a hardship but not a cause in creating evil like this. Hatred and rage can be modeled and learned. Please don’t misunderstand. I have no sympathy for these killers, only for those sweet innocent victims. But to wrap my brain around this horrendous tragedy, I have to look into the background and possible “cause”. Why?! I’m looking for some sense in something so senseless. I want to fix it.

  9. OhioSheryl says:

    Thank you Blink for a really good article and I look forward to reading more from you.

    I also have many of the same questions that have already been posted by others.

  10. JD Huckster says:

    I especially appreciate your interpretation of law, your spot on in your opinion.

    God bless them all.

  11. susanm says:

    i have looked at various ice axes looking for one that most matches the photo, and it said in a glossary that a hole where the shaft meets the pick ,is for a carabiner,a carabiner would hang loose and make that circular mark with the teeth(serrations)right underneath. the pick in the photo seems to have a circular shaped center ,and a bolt in the middle(atg,this wouldve made that center mark ),or a hole (fuzzy picture),would like to see the other side of that pick,up close up.

  12. Ragdoll says:

    @ christy says:

    August 16, 2011 at 6:30 pm

    Great post!

    Just reading the mental health reports on Damien alone tell me he reacts to his rage with violence. I’ve yet to read up on the other 2. Damien so much as admitted he was capable of death if his rage was triggered. He referred to himself as the next Charles Manson and Ted Bundy. It’s almost like he was foreshadowing the inevitable act he would commit. I don’t know WHY the boys were his targets but my guess is something was done or said to set off Damien. It was a matter of time.

    BUT, this is just mho on Damien alone. I get the feeling he was revered as ‘the leader’ so to speak. I would not be surprised to learn Damien had pedophile tendancies. So much more to read but determined. I’m anxious to read up on the evidence, too.

    ATG, thanks for the hearty chuckle on the monetary value of words. I’ve never been a twenty dollar speaker….LOL. 10 at the most but always a fiver!

  13. Bam from Mississippi says:

    Question anyone…..

    Is the Road Runner Petro also the Blue Beacon??? (truckstop)

    (also, i dont consider myself dumb at all but i sure do wish we used more 5 dollar words here…instead of 20 dollar words LOL )

  14. FeedTheCat! says:

    I have been interested in this case for some time, especially after reading the documents pertaining to Mr. Echols psychiatric history.

    The person I least understand in this debacle is Echols’ wife, Ms. Davis. I simply don’t understand how a woman comes to choose a convicted man – on death row, no less – for a husband. It seems that she has been a key driver in all that has happened to bring attention to these three men.

    I am looking forward to reading more as your report unfolds.

  15. Blink says:

    No. Not the same it is about 9 mi away crossing into Memphis TN

  16. susanm says:

    how long would the rope for the climbing axe be? long enough to hog tie 3? if not ,can anyone be tied to the rope? was it rope?

    No, the rope is used to to keep around the wrist so one does not drop it, more like a “strap” if you will, but the children were hogtied with their own shoelaces.

  17. susanm says:

    snark alert ,wonder what they did in the woods?motive?cub scouts catch em at some’in, circle jerk?have the families of the convicted invested anything in the way of finding the true killer,or do they just want these 3, set free?

    From what I can tell, 100% of the remaining parents of the CONVICTED are living on disability or public assisstance.

  18. RBRR says:

    The thing that sticks out with me the most is the statements made by Jesse. I have read them and the descriptions of the injuries to the boys is the thing that does not change and is accurate. Other details change but not the injuries. I believe he was there,participated to a point and got scared, he saw what he saw, and was probably pretty heavily intoxicated at the time. The way he also describes the pants being pulled off and left inside out also stuck out to me as it is later described in the scene notes that the pants were found inside out(at least one pair). I do have some questions. Was a briefcase or photos ever found of the children? any children? What about the older man/teen mentioned hanging around Damien, instructing him? I also couldn’t find any statements made by Jason? Did he just lawyer up well right away? What about the knives owned by Jason? Also I read about black hair found in/around the buttocks and neck of a boy. What happened to that peice of evidence? Was it analyzed and what were the results? I fully believe they are guilty. Anyway good job. Cant wait to read more.

  19. Jordan says:

    Love your insight! I live in West Tennessee and have heard about the WM3 for years and now even closer to home Holly Bobo is missing. I enjoy coming to your sight for updates and the latest info!!!

  20. A Texas Grandfather says:


    The Road Runner truck stop is located on highway 14 in Memphis, Tennessee. Highway 14 connects to Mississippi hwy. 61 at the state line which is about five miles South. This is an old hwy. to Memphis from Clarksdale, Mississippi.

    If you have Google Earth on your computer, you can go to Memphis, then enter a business place search by entering Road Runner truck stops and find every one in the area. The virtual pen spot labeled A in the photo is exactly how Blink found the location.

  21. A Texas Grandfather says:


    I think you have raised a valid point regarding the motive for the attack. There are many things that the perps could have been engaged in when the victums found them. The one you suggest is certainly possible.

    We need to look at the reasons that the perps were known by the parole officer. These are probably sealed unless they were opened during the trial.

    Supposed the perps had burglarized a dwelling or business and were in the process of dividing up the stolen objects when the victums walked into the area. This would be motive enough to prevent the boys from telling what they saw by killing them.

    People with criminal activities whether adults or junviniles who are on parole are always subject to incarceration for doing something that is not allowed under the terms of the probation.

  22. christy says:

    @12.Ragdoll says:
    August 17, 2011 at 1:32 am

    >>Just reading the mental health reports on Damien alone tell me he reacts to his rage with violence. I’ve yet to read up on the other 2. Damien so much as admitted he was capable of death if his rage was triggered. He referred to himself as the next Charles Manson and Ted Bundy. It’s almost like he was foreshadowing the inevitable act he would commit. I don’t know WHY the boys were his targets but my guess is something was done or said to set off Damien. It was a matter of time.

    BUT, this is just mho on Damien alone. I get the feeling he was revered as ‘the leader’ so to speak. I would not be surprised to learn Damien had pedophile tendancies. So much more to read but determined. I’m anxious to read up on the evidence, too<<

    I agree ragdoll, and I do love your posts. I look forward to reading The 500. I'm fairly certain that I'll get it, too.
    TY Blink and Blinkers

  23. christy says:

    >>From what I can tell, 100% of the remaining parents of the CONVICTED
    are living on disability or public assistance.

    Completely unsurprising. My work w/the state makes that statement compute perfectly on par w/what I have seen 1st hand… Food stamps, medicaid, transitional medicaid, women in poverty subsidized, WIC (I am actually a fan of non-abused WIC, but no bother) TANF, TEA, Workpays. . .
    it is the way of life half of the time for a good half of the "folks" that I assist here. It doesn't mean that they were railroaded. Or born addicted.
    (Well, maybe? haven't checked yet.)
    It just means that statistically, they may have had less resources had they been Born Bad.

  24. christy says:

    Would it be rude to ask what your thoughts are
    on the publications of the skeptic “Eyes For Lies”‘ opinions are regarding the physicality of the 3 suspects
    on film and their respective relatives?

    Christy I am not sure what your asking me.

  25. Liam says:

    I`m interested in finding out what physical evidence there is that ties these guys to the murders, a poor investigation is going to further highlight the lack of this. Damien Echols seems to have been the obvious suspect and more than likely was the ringleader and major participant in this awful crime, yet I feel the other two would have somehow acknowledged his role in this by now. The fact that the 3 of them have strongly denied any role in these murders or incriminated anybody leaves you thinking, maybe this is woth a second look, maybe these guys could be innocent. First thing I heard on this case I felt they could be innocent and it seemed outrageous. Reading here for the first time the details in the background of these guys gives great insight, no doubt Damien Echols was capable of this, whether he actually did remains to be proven to me but from the list of people involved in this case there sure seems to be a lot of dodgy folk about at the time of the murders. People don`t get sentenced to death easily in America, Casey Anthony is your proof of that but when America hands this ultimate punishment to people, it`s deserved and proven beyond a reasonable doubt. I am confident America got this one right…

    Liam, with much respect, there are polygraphs associated with all 3 of these people that the person or persons they confessed to, passed.

  26. M Harris says:


    I don’t understand why Jesse’s attorney fees were not paid by Joe Berlinger & Bruce Sinofsky. I’m sure he has an attorney representing him in this case as well. Am I wrong?

  27. A Texas Grandfather says:


    I have been searching the internet for the type of ice axe shown in the photo as the possible weapon. The axe matches a Cosmique light ice axe made by Petzl. The handle color is also a match. It has a round or almost round attachment hole for the hand sling (wrong term) attachment. These axes come in lengths of 50 to 75 cm. to match the height of the individual. Actually the proper length should extend from the hand to the ground when the arms are down and relaxed.

    The ice axe is a Black Diamond arc lite. Kind of a not so funny story- I developed the weapon from interviews and wound patterns before i ever saw the pick from evidence. I did not know there was one.

    Proper length in this case has no bearing, since the boy acquired it from someone else. These ice axes would have a length range of approx. 20″ to 29″. The leverage when held near the end of the handle would certainly be sufficient to produce the wounds shown in the photos.

    There is still the question of the source of the center mark in the wound. According to an article found on one of the search sites, some slings are attached with cord tied in place with a square knot. The center mark in the wound photo appears to have been made by some sort of projection capable of breaking the skin. There could be some sort of mechanical attachment for some slings that would have a small rivet or bolt used, although I looked for something of that type on three different sites and found nothing.

    I am thinking about where the boys were attacked. Did LE, to your knowledge, send anyone or more than one into the woods to try and determine the location of the primary crime scene?

    They boys were last seen heading into the woods, as a tip, that developed in the evening, and is what the made the search in the morning priority.

    I will be the first person to say I was fixated that this was a secondary crime scene, before my analysis.
    The wounds sustained, and the COD clearly point to this location being the PRIMARY crime scene.

    They had mortal wounds, and died in part to drowing ( 2)this was fast, brutal, and where it all began and ended.

    Me in bold.

  28. Mom3.0 says:

    Blink, Your covering this case, prompted me to delve into the background further- admittedly, I knew next to nothing before you brought this case to my attention.

    I began by reading the 500 pgs of Damiens “past”

    First- I must point out that it is not really 500 pages of information- there are a great deal of duplicate pages…reminds me of the thousands of pages of evidence released in the C-Anthony trial- many were duplicates. In some cases yes, but some are pieces of sets of documents just out of order, that support more than one point to the index.

    Next- I agree that this kid had suicidal ideation- I am hard-pressed to find a young love that does not fantasize about a Romeo and Juliet scenario at one time or another-especially if the parents forbade them from seeing one another… and It is my opinion that this suicide pact with his girlfriend was merely their way of professing their commitment to one another, and their immaturity.

    I can agree with that to a point, but he attacked Divilbiss after sharpening his nails to points in an overt public attack. According to one witness, he stomped a dog to death and ripped out it’s intestines. His Mother said she found the dog skull on the wash line and Damien told her that he found it and bleached it; it was removed by his probation officer at some point. My concern when I review the medical history, is I see counselors characterizing him as acted out violently and aggressively, conflicts with each other’s diagnosis, and then of course Moneypenny and Woods. Earlier tests show above average intelligence, then right before the trial, much lower, and after trial, high intelligence, conflicting AGAIN. Woods described this due to his now structured institutional setting.

    (Both hired by the defense to mitigate penalty)

    Did Damien Echols now connect gratification (sexual in root cause) with violence?

    I can’t see a LCSW telling him they were concerned that he was the next Ted Bundy because he was suicidal mostly, I can see someone saying that if they believed it, or if they were trying to exploit the contradiction in terms of a reaction from Echols.

    I also agree that Damien was depressed and angry- and inappropriately acting out. I do not know a teenager that isnt depressed or angry when they are unable to be with their love- add to that, his family dynamics were changing and his sister was abused by his stepfather-a divorce, a remarriage to his birth father- whom he “never knew”- frequent moving- and recreational drug and alcohol use ect

    It is my opinion- that Damien was never a devil-worshiper. The prosecutions use of this was a mistake. Although this scare-tactic seemed to be just what the jury needed for motive.

    I think most would now disregard his interests-wearing all black, his piercings and his moods ect as “emo” or typical metalhead behavior.- Damien did have an interest/obsession with mysticism- and he was morbid in his thoughts –

    I believe most every abnormal behavior-at least in the beginning, was his defense mechanism-and a call for attention. He enjoyed scaring people away- He embraced his weirdness and found it gratifying to make people think he was possessed or psychotic or a vampire- purring in class, making noises, smiling evilly-staring blankly or staring people down-

    He dressed the part wearing black, wearing concert tees with skulls drawing occult symbols ect-filing his nails to a point– – lighting fires-in class- getting into fights- ect

    He created a persona- an image- a reputation- and rumors and innuendos fed this image and Damien did nothing to dispel or squash these rumors- infact he more often than not, seems to have went out of his way to ensure that they were upheld.

    Was it all a cry for help?- yes, but it was also for show- IMO and I dont think he ever intended or foresaw himself being a prisoner of this reputation-
    He relished the attention from his parents and from the hospital- and all of the negative attention from peers was better than a whole lot of nothing-

    IMO most of the feelings and thoughts- poems and drawings of Damien are not that much different than any of the thoughts of other adolescents who are drawn to such things. They can relate to the music and the lyrics-and they like the thought of karma- and reincarnation and the belif that what is done to you or what you do comes back to you or on you 10 fold- the bad and the good… In fact, most of Damiens writings were actually song lyrics- or taken from books or album covers ect-his drawings and tats – reminiscent of cover art.

    All that being said- None of the aforementioned points- exclude Damien from having murdered these boys- he may have went over the edge into acting on his morbid thoughts or he may have twisted his beliefs into something wrong and ugly., or his rage may have consumed him ect. As of yet, though- I have not seen the evidence of his guilt- Still waiting for Blinks other installments to enlighten me.

    Yes Damien was arrested for sexual misconduct, trespassing, burglary and terroistic threats – but all these were related to the same incident- his running away with his then girlfriend, and being caught in the sex act-by police-inside a vacant home- and the theft was due to the items they took from family- inorder to runaway. The terrorist offense was due to his taking the polices gun and preparing to shoot the father of his girlfriend-if he hurt her physically. As to the threatening his mother and father -yes he reportedly did- but to my knowledge- he never acted on these threats-

    I have just began my research, & I am nowhere near- an expert on this case, or on Damien- nor am I- at this point, offering my thoughts on the verdict of guilty or the proposed innocence of the 3…. nor am I familiar with every aspect of the trial itself nor the evidence presented or not presented- and its validity ect, as I am still very much a newbie to this case.

    There seems to be alot of information outthere that is clearly just wrong or skewed toward one side or the other. It is hard to get to the real facts and information.

    In terms of documentation and transcription, this is the best site out there:

    Not the most user friendly to navigate, but once you get the hang of it, it is the best archived documentation on this case, bar none.

    I am still researching., I am still reading and rereading this piece & I am still eagerly awaiting your next installments-Blink.

    I hope you will see fit to answer some questions and include a link to pertinent information/evidence and quotes ect- so that we can all make well-informed conclusions.

    Absolutely, and I would encourage that.

    I have not seen the documentaries- nor have I watched footage of the trial- I would like to do both- as to not be in the dark either way…

    I had to rent them from netflix, although I am an HBO subscriber, they were not available on demand.
    There are many on Youtube, but since I could not account for their editing that way I rented the real thing.

    There are many unanswered questions here, and it is clear that many things were not handled properly by LE, the community, the prosecution, the defense, the trial judge, or for that matter the jury… and as you said Blink- Damiens own behavior and words did him more harm than good- and I would assume at this point, that the same can be said for Jesse and Jason.

    I do not know if any of this contributed to getting innocent defendents proved guilty or if they are guilty and these mistakes are aiding their defense to cloud the truth of their guilt.

    I hope that is one of the things you hope to accomplish with your covering of this case Blink- Separating the fact from the fiction the “innocence” from the guilt…

    To the extent that I am able, yes.

    Blink, you wrote that you support the trial hearings and that you agree the trial judge should have never heard the case for appeals ect
    I am glad to hear that, and as you said, it would give both sides a second bite at the apple…..

    In this particular case, I believe that would be a good thing- Like I said, Separate the fact from the fiction- the rumors from the truth- Let the evidence convict them-or exonerate them.

    Blink you asked me/us to ask ourselves the question if we would be willing to live nextdoor to the perpetrators of crimes such as the murder of these young boys- and if setting the jury /court/prosecutions ect wrongs right -would be a good thing if it allowed perps such as these to go free- well- of course I do not want murderers roaming free- and it is my belief that if given another trial- if guilty -they would be found as such and resentenced, this time- without the smoke and mirrors and mistakes ect…. but if they are innocent- then someone is already living nextdoor to the murderer of these little boys…and justice was never served.

    Valid Point. I came into this with the serious concern that was the case. IMO, someone capable of this crime, coupled with it’s disorganized execution, is going to have significant post offense behavior.

    That means, this may have been a point of escalation for someone, or something that spiraled out of control by some unforeseen circumstance. Neither which I had an opinion on in this case until I completed it’s study.

    From what I have been able to research, it does seem to me that these defendants should be granted another trial. Mistakes were made. For one, I think Jason should never have been tried at the same time as Damien., and at this time, I would have to say that I do not agree that Jesses confession/s should have been used against them all. Although it is my understanding that the jury was never supposed to consider this evidence, but did anyway…

    I completely agree that Damien and Baldwin should not have been tried to together, and numerous attempts were made by Baldwin’s counsel Ford to separate them. It is ridiculous to think that a judge can instruct a jury every other witness to say.. don’t consider that information that is damning to Echols, in terms of Baldwin’s guilt. That said, under Arkansas law, it was legal. So much the state made the tactical decision to not include a piece of evidence that was inculpatory of BOTH Echols and Baldwin. The necklace of Echols had 3 partial DNA profiles on it but was not tested until the trial began. The result was consistent with Echols, Baldwin, and Stevie Branch. The judge ruled that if the state wanted to bring it in, it would result in a mistrial for Baldwin, and then he would be tried seperately, and again because of whatever reason the ice axe information was never introduced, there was little evidence Baldwin was involved outside of Misskelley confession and the necklace finding and prosecutors did not feel they could secure a conviction on Baldwin on his own, so they left out the necklace, which consequently, will now be introduced on December 5th.

    Is that true? IDK- again someone needs to separate the fact from the fiction.

    The way I look at it right now, is the same way I would if Jesse were Colby Eppard- This kid had no business being alone, giving a statement to police and surely not without council or parent there.

    Blink, I know you wrote that the inconsistencies on times and manner of death ect- were told by Jesse in an attempt to pretend he didnt know what happened, and that his greed for the reward money is what prompted him to confess- But How do we/you know that Blink? Is that a proven fact, or just your feeling? The reason I ask is- Couldnt it just as easily be said that he was prompted to confess by – the same woman who claimed to go to a witches ceremony with Damien and Jesse?

    Vicki Hucheson, I cannot even begin to comment on what an egregious mess that woman is, and wth LE involved her has to be the biggest BS error in this case. Imo, she should also have been charged with contributing to the delinquency of minors for buying the whiskey for Misskelley. One snippet of her son Aaron’s interview with police was played for Jessie, which to this day, no one knows why, because Aaron, a friend of all three victims, gave conflicting statements, was believed to be lying (in part).

    “Nobody but me knows what happened.”

    I am not sure what is “fact” and what is fiction. But I am willing to work to separate the facts from the falsehoods.

    As I stated, there is a great deal of misinformation out there- and it is on both sides and it is extremely hard to know what is fact and what is not.

    Blink, I hope you will be up to answering any questions regarding these matters- so that we all will be able to get the record straight.

    Blink- I respectfully submit this post, and hope that you and your readers will allow me to ask some hard questions- and that you all will be able to help me answer some if not all of them- as I am now dedicated to separating fact from fiction- for Michael, Steven, and Christopher.


    I encourage everyone that is following this series to read this post. A fantastic example of what I hope to achieve in this work. I consider the obligations of covering a series like this, a collaboration between writer and audience, with the intent of securing some semblance of justice for three little boys and their families.

    One of the things that I have been very hesitant to depict since I started, was to be critical of LE.
    I saw it is being adverse to my advocacy. Done respectfully, and with the intent to educate against future “errors” through acknowledgment and correction, I now think it is essential.

    My responses in Bold

  29. Ragdoll says:

    I feel like this was staged, planned….premediated.

    The boys riding into the woods…was this a common place for them to ride to?

    These murders involved intensely focused rage….the killers were very much in the moment.

    They also had know to they could easily find their victims in this location prior to the murder AND that they’d have the time to bind, torture and murder without interruption. There was no rush and it wasn’t hasty. I’m not so the victims surprised their killers. They expected them. They were prepared.

    It reaks of premed but that’s JMO.

  30. Liam says:

    If the statement given by Jessie Misskelley which implicates the other two is consistent with the evidence at the crime scene then there can be no doubt about their guilt. I`m looking forward to your coverage of this Blink and I truly hope that if the concviction of Damien Echols is upheld, he will be put to death as soon as possible. This was an act of pure evil.

  31. mjh says:

    OK, now you have my attention. I have always believed this was a secondary crime scene. What you are saying is the injuries would have killed these boys quickly, but two of them drowned, which means it had to have happened right there.

    So, where was all the blood evidence? Do you think they were killed IN the water (doesn’t seem likely), or they “cleaned up” the area by kicking the dirt into the water? No blood spatter on trees or foliage?

    Also, I still have many, many questions regarding Terry Hobbs. But, I don’t want to get ahead of you, so I will wait.


    I am going to go in detail about why I believe this was the primary crime scene and not a dump site, but I admit at the start of my review and analysis of this case, as I mentioned I started with trial transcripts before reviewing LE reports, evidence photos, etc, it was the number one question I had going in.

    No. 2 was excluding Hobbs.


  32. CJinTX says:

    With regards to the crime scene being the primary scene or not, I totally agree that these horrible murders too place right there. The perps used the creek and moving water to their advantage whether they knew it or not. The moving water in the creek and the search for the boys being delayed until morning definitely worked to the murderers advantage.

    It is so hard to look at that ice axe and know what a tortuous hell these three little boys endured. Regarding the wound that looks like a bitemark, if it truly was a bite wouldn’t there be a bottom bitemark as well? Is the second photo of the ice axe the same one shown in the top photo, or just a closeup example of an ice axe in general?

  33. lizzy says:

    This is still not the same axe as shown in the evidence photo, but it has one similarity that the one measured by Blink does not have. That is, the circular carabiner hole directly aligned with the handle. I think I’ve seen an axe even closer to the one in evidence before, but can’t find a picture, so maybe it’s not manufactured anymore. It would be a lightweight axe, and at the lower end of the price range–not a fancy axe.

    But, I wanted to include this image to facilitate thinking about how the apparent puncture-type wounds might have occurred.

  34. Cat says:

    Blink, all of your points are well taken and you do definitely do have me rethinking the entirety of this case.

    Another point has intrigued me greatly. This crime was extensively brutal, in reading some of the reports completed by the medical examiner, it would appear that a large amount of blood splatter would have occurred, causing the perpetrators clothing, hair, jewelry, etc. to be covered in blood, even though the boys were ultimately drowned.

    Do you find it the least bit “odd” that the State was not able to locate one shred of clothing from the three convicted with any blood on it? Nowhere in Misskelley’s confession did it indicate that cloths were exchanged, discarded, etc.

    Cat, I am addressing that, and hope to post part 2 tomorrow, but I wanted to say that it is incorrect that blood evidence was not located on the suspects clothing, there was, but was found too little to quantify.


    There is a question about Damian’s necklace, wondering if a DNA run has been completed on this item?

  35. susanm says:

    was christopher byers circumsized?i mean by a doctor at birth?did echols skin cats or dogs?

    I don’t think we know about Chris, but Jesse Miskelley alledgedly stated that Echols did skin some animals, and 3 skulls, over time, and animal teeth of some kind were found in Baldwin trailer, but I do not believe that there is any conclusive evidence he ever did. Moreover, I do not believe Byers was “skinned” per say.

  36. Bam from Mississippi says:

    Thanks Blink and ATG!!! ATG, yes sir I have google earth… thanks for that!

    Mom3.0 EXCELLENT post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Man, I wished I would have been this eager to learn in school!!! Maybe I’d be balancing MY million dollar checkbook instead of the boss’s!!!!!! (insert half grin here!)


  37. Bam from Mississippi says:

    Wonder what this could be about?? “Earth shattering” ???? I think the link I posted…. you’ll have to click to go to Mara’s blog…

    Any thoughts Blink?

  38. lizzy says:

    I think this one is a little closer:

    This one has the longer handle, but the carabiner hole is somewhat offset, and it has a second hole.

    Was the manufacturer noted in the evidence?

  39. mayhem says:

    Blink, thank you for covering this case — I look forward to your on-going analysis!!

    You wrote in your article:

    “In fact, the first time Jason Baldwin’s name came up in connection with the murders was from Damien Echols himself. That’s right, in his questionnaire answer he gave during an interview at WMPD on May 9, 1993; he suggested Jason Baldwin and L.G. Hollingsworth could be responsible.”

    According to the site below, there were “2″ Jason Baldwins — Charles Jason Baldwin (who was the “friend” and ultimately convicted), and a Jason Howard Baldwin who lived in West Memphis, 18 years old, approx. 300 lbs., mean and violent. This site references Det. Ridge’s police notes as stating that Echols clarified that he was referencing the latter Jason Baldwin when asked if he knew of anyone that could do such a thing. Had you come across this information before and do you believe it to have any validity?

  40. FeedTheCat! says:

    If, at time the boys were found, “all three were still bleeding from their wounds”, does that mean that any of them were still alive? I had always assumed that for bleeding to occur, there needs to be a heartbeat.

    I am overwhelmed by the cruelty inflicted on these children.

  41. PA Valley Girl says:

    Wow, Blink, thanks for doing this series!!! I must confess I vaguely remember reading/hearing about this case and am busy playing catch up on the details. Anyone have some suggestions as to where I can read up on more of this? I don’t want to bother with anything that appears to be biased (in favor of either the defense or the prosecution)and I think all of you who are familiar with this case can help me out. Many thanks in advance!!!

  42. TallyHo says:

    The Commercial Appeal in Memphis is reporting breaking news right now that the judge has ordered an “unexpected” hearing on this case for tomorrow. See for the full story. You might have already heard about this, Blink, but if not, here’s a heads up!!

  43. Valley Girl says:

    I vaguely remember hearing/reading about this case and am now playing catch up on the details. Can anyone recommend any links/websites where I can get more info? Blink, no offense, I am loving your take on things here but unfortunately you have other obligations besides BoC and just can’t update here fast enough!

    Thanks in advance!
    Keep up the great work B!

  44. Blink says:

    Interesting development heh? ;)

  45. Blink says:

    @feed not bleeding as in the heart is pumping. Bleeding from changing position of the body where levity and rigor were present.

  46. Blink says:

    I was made aware. Thank you.
    Gonna be a long Friday y’all.

  47. RiversMom says:

    Blink . . . I feel you may need this. Especially after this case. Please give it a listen.

  48. Valley Girl says:

    Sorry for the double post! Thought I lost the first and retyped the second.

    Blink, you have posted an excellent link for me to research. Thanks!

    I’ll be back later after reading B’s link.

  49. CJinTX says:

    @Lizzy – Thank you for the pics and info.

    @Mom 3.0 – I enjoyed your post immensely and believe I picked up some great pointers. Keep’em coming.

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