Kyron Horman Missing Case Breaking News: Remains Believed To Be Human Located Off Sauvie Island

Sauvie Island, Oregon-There are unconfirmed reports that a teenage boy fishing off of Sauvie Island located a human skull, and potentially other human body parts.


Update 1:  As referenced on KOIN,  a teenage fisherman believes he snagged a scalp with human hair attached, which he originally thought was horse hair.  Columbia County detectives cordoned off the scene last evening and MCSO dive teams entered the water but found nothing.  The possible “hair” was sent for testing.

Multnomah County Sheriff Office will not comment on the find, or confirm  whether their office has facilitated the removal of same, or forwarded any items to the medical examiner for testing.

Following the disappearance of Kyron Horman,  Sauvie Island has been the subject of repeated searchers for the missing Skyline second grader with no results.

It is also the former home of a man considered to be  Federal fugitive following a confrontation with a Lincoln City officer with nearly fatal results.  Officer Steven Dodds was able to return to duty after extensive rehabilitation.

Durham was a Sauvie Island resident for over 6 years and a volunteer fire fighter until he was removed from duty 6 months prior to the shooting.

David Durham’s dog was recovered injured following what appeared to be an accident in the suspects vehicle  and is being cared for by a friend of the family.  Mr. Durham has not been seen since his vehicle was recovered in the bay town of Waldport, Oregon.

Please check back to for updates to this breaking story.


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  1. T. Ruth says:

    @Tar Heel Gal says:
    August 4, 2012 at 10:39 am

    from the article you posted:

    “The case began to unfold when Robert Diduca, a Sheraton hotel manager from Milford, Mass., sent the photo of the Dutch boy to an undercover federal agent in Boston. Diduca, a married father of three who used the screen name “Babytodd,” thought he was sending the picture to another man with a sexual interest in babies and toddlers.

    Agents forwarded the photo to Interpol, the international police organization, and to several other countries.

    An investigator for the Dutch police recognized the stuffed bunny as Miffy, a familiar character in a series of Dutch children’s books. She also traced the boy’s orange sweater to a small Amsterdam store that had sold only 20 others like it.

    The boy’s photo was broadcast on a national TV program similar to “America’s Most Wanted.” Within minutes, friends and relatives called the child’s mother.

    Robert Mikelsons, a 27-year-old day care worker who baby-sat the boy, was arrested. On his computer were thousands and thousands of images of children being molested and raped, including the boy holding the stuffed bunny.”

    Hmmmm, Amsterdam again. Is Amsterdam the hub of all pedophiles. No wonder the federales jumped on Logan Storm’s case after he tried to flee to Amsterdam. Is he part of this huge ring of pedophiles? Sounds like the ICE people are doing a tremendous job of investigating, but I’m with you, WHY are there so many sickos out there? Until I started following Kyron’s case, I never realized the scope of this problem. I’ve always known there were a few creeps out there, but this is overwhelming. Why would anyone, especially a father of three want to hurt babies? Real or fantasy. I just don’t get it! I’ll never get it, sick bastards. You’re right this report makes me want to vomit! I’m beginning to think we should bring the lobotomy back.

  2. T. Ruth says:

    Maybe Desiree knows James was enlisting because she finally hired a PI. Just a thought.

  3. lyla says:

    I have to ask, do any of you think Terri knows where Kyron is?

  4. RedRose says:

    I think she knows WHY he is gone, but I don’t think she knows what they did with him.

    Telling LE the reason WHY would be a good start for her. and for all of the people who care about him.

  5. MockingbirdSings says:

    @ GraceintheHills – Hi, Grace. It’s good you are here.

    lyla says:
    August 4, 2012 at 9:19 pm
    I have to ask, do any of you think Terri knows where Kyron is?

    @lyla – I do. I think Kyron is no longer with us and that Terri knows what happened to him. I’m not sure she knows the physical location of his body currently. Without that, it could be hard for her to point the finger at anyone else and perhaps make a deal with the DA – I don’t think she’s on anybody’s list of “credible people”.

    In other words, I doubt the DA would believe anything she says, including her version of being “guilty” if it comes to that, unless she offers some proof she’s telling the truth. But I do think she knows what happened to Kyron.

  6. cd says:

    I think that making public that James was going to be subpoenaed in Desirees civil suit against TH is the Desiree/LE/media’s alternate way of trying to put pressure on TH to tell where Kyron is (if she even actually does know) by possibly making her 18 year old sons life difficult. Much like when the media starting reporting about a fire in the Moutons garage 20 years ago inferring it was being re investigated as a crime to put pressure on TH’s parents. Ill bet the Terri hater rumor mills and gossip blogs are already churning out innuendo and suspicions about James. At least if he leaves the area we won’t have news crews and wing nuts following him around asking him questions.

    Hopefully he does well in the military and comes home safe.

  7. January says:

    Lyla, good question for this group. I think that Terri may have let the vampire in and might know the why part of the equation..(maybe she even helped in the early part of the abduction), but I doubt she knows the -who ended up with him- or -where he is now- part at all.

    It is too difficult for me to imagine that IF Terri were completely innocent and/or free from ANY knowledge, or IF this was truly a random pedo incident, she would freely opt not so see her child for two years over the (loose and seemingly imposible to prove) MFH accusation.


    lyla says: August 4, 2012 at 9:19 pm

    I have to ask, do any of you think Terri knows where Kyron is?

  8. cd says:

    lyla says:
    August 4, 2012 at 9:19 pm
    I have to ask, do any of you think Terri knows where Kyron is?
    There is definitely something that Terri does not want to reveal in front of a judge. I don’t know if it is Kyrons whereabouts. I think if Houze Knew that Terri knew where Kyron was that he would tell her for fess up. Houze would probably want some sort of immunity for Terri but he would be willing to work something out.
    I also think that if LE really believed that Terri. knew where Kyron was especially if they thought he might be alive they would have already offered Terri a deal since the important thing here is to get Kyron back.

    So maybe there is something else going on here.

  9. Malty says:

    I say no I don’t but I think she knows lots of stuff that at the time could endanger herself and others
    And that’s it
    I think she has told LE and Houze what ever but can’t prove a thing

    Somehow Desiree has seemed almost to have different info than
    Kaine does

  10. Malty says:

    I keep think how Desiree said Terri sent her long emails every day
    Before Kyron went missing
    Complaints about every thing
    What was going on that caused so many complaints
    Why write Desiree of all people
    Was Terri expecting some answers or just venting
    Now Desiree wants Terri to talk

  11. Idahogal says:

    cd says:
    August 2, 2012 at 9:33 pm
    RedRose says:
    August 2, 2012 at 6:53 pm
    any chance that DeDe dropped in at the science fair after driving a white truck over there? And maybe she is SZ?
    Since blink has told us SZ is a male then I would say probably not.

    IMO DDS is not SZ, however I am still suspicious of where exactly she was and what she was doing that morning. The farm she was working is within walking distance of Skyline Elem. She allegedly left her cell phone in the car, never left the farm, and who knows what for sure? We don’t know if she has established an alibi via a witness of her whereabouts. We know LE has vetted her, searched her home and car via subpoena, she went before the GJ, etc. We also know she bought one of the bat phones, was living with TH after Kaine left, has a “crazy ex-boyfriend” in JW, etc.
    I don’t think she was inside the school that day, but was she outside or close by? Just like so many other parts f this case, so many unanswered questions. I could probably do a 20 page spread sheet on all the coincidences that have popped up since June 4, 2010. It is all so bizarre.

    I have a strong feeling that TH is somehow involved, whether intentional or not, although I lean toward intentional. I’ve come full circle on her, and her actions and legal wranglings have really given me a strong opinion about her. I will be surprised if she is not involved, and I pray that this case goes to trial one way or another. The truth needs to come out, Kyron deserves that and so much more.

    My heart sure was heavy yesterday, I’ve been thinking about Kyron so much and had a good cry again. I still find it amazing that this child I never knew has stirred such emotions in me. He is such a special soul, breaks my heart.

  12. Harleycolt says:

    I can’t believe how many sicko’s there are out there. If you go to the the sex offender website & put in your zip code…or any zipcode for that matter you will find there are hundreds everywhere & these are just the one’s that got caught! This investigation regarding the rape of babies & children is horrorifying & I hope the law can do something to these worthless POS. I pray God sends them staight to hell.

  13. Idahogal says:

    Oops, meant to say:
    WAS the farm she was working at within walking distance of Skyline Elem.? I will have to look up that addy again.

  14. Idahogal says:

    Okay, the place is Yoga Cow Girls & Westwood Farm Studios 13000 Old Germantown Rd. It is southeast of Skyline Elem., IMO DDS wouldn’t have had time to walk that far, but certainly it was “in the area”. Just bugs me, you know?
    Also, remembering our discussions here wrt the Yoga Cowgirls, that whole place is just strange, IMO.

  15. T. Ruth says:

    @lyla says:
    August 4, 2012 at 9:19 pm

    At this point in time, with what little information we have, I would say no. Just what she is hiding, or possibly whom she is hiding from, I don’t know.

  16. lyla says:

    (snipped) “My heart sure was heavy yesterday, I’ve been thinking about Kyron so much and had a good cry again. I still find it amazing that this child I never knew has stirred such emotions in me. He is such a special soul, breaks my heart.”
    Me too…

  17. T. Ruth says:

    “Terri Horman had driven the 7-year-old boy to Skyline School early on June 4, 2010, for a science fair. She told authorities that she last saw him walking down the hall toward his classroom about 8:45 a.m. He never made it there, but he wasn’t reported missing until the afternoon, after his father, Kaine Horman, and stepmother discovered he was not aboard the school bus. They went to the school to find him, prompting the school secretary to call 9-1-1 at 3:46 p.m.”

    Okay, Maxine, do you know something we don’t in regard to TP’s account of the day? Clearly, if TP’s account is accurate, then Kyron made it to class. Does Maxine know that TP’s account has been tossed out and does Porter say he was never there that day and Tanner made it all up?

  18. Rose says:

    fwiw human interest, THSG A Mother’s Love closed to public a day or two ago. at least
    this public. Used to be a non-FBer could access p 1 of wall, without more. Not now.
    Idk why. very few patrons. some scrapbook style script pics and occasionally a whine
    about their rival’s page, which has not closed.

  19. Rose says:

    I’m with January. She would act in her self interest & profer him
    or any knowledge leading to him for a plea.

  20. Rose says:

    @TRuth. When did Mrs Young hire a PI?
    I didn’t see that in press. Who?

  21. RedRose says:

    Just so everyone here is aware — when and if they do find little Kyron, this is going to be even harder on all those who care about him and have spent so much time trying to find answers.
    It would be truly wonderful if they find him and he is OK. If not, it will be absolute and major disappointment because we are all trying to stay so positive. JMO

    @Idahogal says:August 5, 2012 at 10:07 am
    My heart sure was heavy yesterday, I’ve been thinking about Kyron so much and had a good cry again. I still find it amazing that this child I never knew has stirred such emotions in me. He is such a special soul, breaks my heart.

  22. Rose says:
    IIRC,!Noreen says the main issue (kidnapping by a stranger) is so difficult the public gets lost in side legal issues of the parents.

  23. Rose says:

    ps in Mrs Gosch’s youtube speech last year, it shocks me how tunnel vision Iowa LE was with mrs g despite her PI’s work beinv corroborated — and a Fed Judge’s findings. and she wasn’t even a strpmother.

  24. T. Ruth says:


    Nah, I was saying that MAYBE Desiree finally hired a PI and that’s how she knew about James, sorry if I was confusing.

  25. Rose says:

    @TRuth. In our dreams….

  26. Rose says:

    I tbink Mrs Young wanted to do something.
    Imo she had no money to hire a PI.
    I gather Mrs Gosch had no money either but she worked and put it all on the PI.
    Nothing was left to Mrs Young but a personal injury lawyer on contingency
    so the little costs she had might come hopefully through the public via Ramirez’ schema.
    Kaine had the $job, the assets, the Foundation (but has the divorce war costs.)
    It was Mrs Young or nuttin’ and she took the only affordable route, ill advisedly imo,
    If only she’d sat down wirh Mrs. Gosch.

  27. T. Ruth says:

    @Rose says:
    August 5, 2012 at 2:16 pm

    fwiw human interest, THSG A Mother’s Love closed to public a day or two ago. at least
    this public. Used to be a non-FBer could access p 1 of wall, without more. Not now.
    Idk why. very few patrons. some scrapbook style script pics and occasionally a whine
    about their rival’s page, which has not closed.

    Weird. The last cache of that sight I can find is from July 25 and I thought I’d seen posts on there after that. Hmmm, wonder if Rosenthal had it shut down? Can they do that? Interesting.

  28. Rose says:

    @TRuth. how could Rosenthal shut down TH cheerleaders?
    You’d think he could only shut down Mrs Young’s online presence
    ;Roseburg/Ramirez), which remains open. On the other hand those donations
    to the suit impact him.
    The THSG were innocuous with few patrons.
    Can’t imagine Houze would bother & haven’t seen indica
    Terri was connected

  29. Rose says:

    now there’s a thought for future Bar ethics committees.
    What does an attorney do who Needs to execute a fee agreement & .
    Knows potential client plans go fundraise to pay after
    the contract execution via social media like gofundme where the outcome is iffy.
    Does attorney draft & sign that fee agreement?
    (To me it’s like contracting for lottery winnings.)
    Not specific to Young/Rosenthal.
    Just thinking do Bar ethics committees
    need to evaluate guidelines on
    fee agreements dependant on social media?

  30. MockingbirdSings says:

    Rose says:
    August 5, 2012 at 2:34 pm
    @TRuth. When did Mrs Young hire a PI?
    I didn’t see that in press. Who?

    I thought T.Ruth was just guessing about the PI for an answer to my question about how Desiree may have found out James enlisted. But of course, it could be true without us knowing. I’m not sure how helpful it would be to hire one at this point if you were trying to get the most for your money – which brings up a question.

    I thought right after we knew Terri hired Houze that we heard Houze had hired a PI he sometimes works with and who is considered one of the best. Someone had said that particular PI was the one they’d recommend Desiree hire but they knew she couldn’t because Houze already hired him. I can’t remember where I read all that – I searched for it with no luck – whether it was Blink or posts or online comments. I didn’t pay much attention because I knew even if that was the case I’d never hear any results of that investigation anyway unless it was in court later.

    The question is: If Houze hired a PI, can we assume that he or she found nothing that would absolutely clear Terri (of MFH or Kyron’s disappearance) or they would have just shared that and been done with all this? And nothing that would definitely point away from Terri and toward anyone else? Surely Houze wouldn’t just wait for his day in court and let our SZ be free to do potential harm if he had clear evidence to present.

    We frequently hear and make comments that if LE had anything they could use to charge Terri, she’d be in jail by now. On the flip side then, I can’t help wondering if there is anything at all that points to her innocence. And yes, I know you are innocent until proven guilty, but if she could totally prove her innocence, it would certainly change this case, IMO.

  31. T. Ruth says:

    @Rose, I’m wondering if the judge abates this civil case, and Desiree has by then raised a substantial amount of money earmarked for this civil case, what then happens to the funds? Maybe they can then hire a PI? Or, maybe they can then increase the reward money? I wonder if there is anything at all written about where one’s donations would be applied, should this civil case be indefinitely postponed.

  32. Malty says:

    I never saw the point of Mothers Love anyway
    Except to upset somebody Emotionally
    It proves nothing to me really
    One way or another

  33. Malty says:

    And if Dede could have walked to Skyline
    I am shocked
    I never knew that
    She remains a big mystery to me
    I do think she lied about how close she was to the family and

  34. ClassyGal99 says:

    Have they revealed the findings of the hair at the lake? It seems like it was a long time ago and never heard any more about it.

  35. CBickel says:

    This is the most vile article I’ve ever read…at the same time I can’t help but notice the timing of this investagation and the agencies involved in closing this ring down.

  36. Rose says:

    Nothing about DAD screams a love or appropriateness for emt training.
    Perhaps he joined the vol fire dept just because it was near an el ed &
    he could hang out by same

  37. Paula513 says:

    T. Ruth says:
    August 4, 2012 at 8:16 pm
    @Tar Heel Gal says:
    August 4, 2012 at 10:39 am

    from the article you posted:

    I know I will tread on sensitive toes here however, I truly believe that pedophiles need to be put to death. It’s a known fact that they cannot be cured…so why warehouse them in prisons? I have serious doubts as their absolute humanity….maybe they’re some kind of hybrid creatures. Whatever they are, end them.

  38. lyla says:

    (snipped) “We frequently hear and make comments that if LE had anything they could use to charge Terri, she’d be in jail by now. On the flip side then, I can’t help wondering if there is anything at all that points to her innocence. And yes, I know you are innocent until proven guilty, but if she could totally prove her innocence, it would certainly change this case, IMO.”
    What could Terri do to prove her innocence? What does she know if anything that she’s not telling? What did she know prior to June 4 and after June 4 when Kyron went missing? If there is circumstancial evidence possibly implicating her I do not think it’s solid enough.
    I see this case as a chain of events put into motion before June 4 and involving more than one person and Terri being the catalyst. I hope LE has others on their radar screen to bring the case together. I don’t think Terri will talk unless someone else “spills the beans.”

  39. bumble says:

    Malty says:

    August 6, 2012 at 5:53 am

    And if Dede could have walked to Skyline
    I am shocked
    I never knew that
    She remains a big mystery to me
    I do think she lied about how close she was to the family and
    I don’t believe she could’ve walked to Skyline and it would’ve been risky to be seen walking on streets, if she was involved. I do think she lied about how close she was to the family because:

    1. She threw Terri’s birthday party

    2. She moved in with Terri so quickly, despite the danger she feared and despite all of the attention it drew

    I can only think of one reason that she might have lied about being close to them.

  40. Malty says:

    Also Dede said something about when she and Terri wanted to talk they went outside and only talked of family inside
    This makes me believe they were closer than casual
    Friends who never saw each other often
    Plus Kaine asks her to plan the party
    Terri’s parents ask her to stay with Terri
    She said
    Plus she said she played board games with Kyron
    She was around there from what I can see

  41. Malty says:

    What difference would it make if Dede was a close friend
    People have friends

  42. Malty says:

    The way LE searched Dede’s place is another
    Sign to me that she was closer than a casual friend

  43. MockingbirdSings says:

    Malty says:
    August 6, 2012 at 5:48 am
    I never saw the point of Mothers Love anyway
    Except to upset somebody Emotionally
    It proves nothing to me really
    One way or another

    well said, Malty

  44. January says:

    This site gives some pretty amazing statistics.. I wonder if it is true..

    Total amount of kids molested by 1 child molester before they’re caught: 117 children

    Source: Prevent Abuse Now, Criminal Justice
    Date Verified: 3.8.2012

  45. T. Ruth says:

    “I was reading over on JQ, thought this was interesting information, particularly the part about the 911 calls and “Rudolpho Sanchez-Estrada”:

    “ and Ice were right. I could’ve used my phone. The clerk said I could do anything I want in the viewing room as long as I followed the rules and didn’t take pages out, etc.

    I got the divorce file and the suit. I took notes and pictures.

    Some stuff, like Judge M’s opinion back in 2010, was long…but I don’t think we ever got the whole PDF on it, so I read it and took notes. THere was also copies of the requests from Houze’s office for the 911 and other transcripts for four different dates. And..of course…a letter from the agency saying they would not release the records cuz Staton said not to. Interesting requests though.

    Anyway…more about that stuff later. Going back tomorrow to look at 2 other files.

    The hunt is over for the actual wording on the memo ….. the “James” memo.
    I’m typing it verbatum.

    It is one paragraph (Filed June 18th 2012) …. with the case # on the top
    and Notice of Special Appearance under the case #

    TO: Desiree Young and your attorney, Elden Rosenthal.

    PLEASE TAKE NOTE (sic—all caps not mine) that Stephen Houze and Peter Bunch are appearing on behalf of Defendant Terri Horman in the above captioned proceeding for the limited purposes of filing a motion for a protective order regarding the deposition of James Moulton and a motion to abate the proceeding. All notices and services of process should be addressed to:

    (And then their addresses were there at the bottom)

    BBM…so that’s it. And as we’ve discussed protective orders can be very inclusive or very limited.

    How KGW got ….. TMH is trying to silence her son!! out of that…well, no wonder they are not giving me an answer about the wording.

    Noone besides Bunch and Houze will really know…until August 15th.

    I’m going to bring up some more stuff later.”


    Also this:

    ” Originally Posted by magdeline View Post
    Flutter…you and Birdie are welcome.

    See above to Must. for a little detail.

    I didn’t go downtown to show you I put my money where my mouth is (tho I do and anything I say about helping to search is true – if you knew me you’d know that).

    But I truly want to find answers. And I’m very interested in the role the media and the DA and LE plays in all this, theoretically and because I believe in holding my local media and government accountable for what I pay them for.

    For example…I saw today 4 requests by Houze’s office for four different sets of 911 calls. From Skyline on June 4th and 3 from TMH and Kaine’s house. Houze’s office paid the 50.00 for each of them. It begs the question why Houze wanted those as well as Rudy’s visit’s calls. But All four were denied because LE told them – the Bureau of Emergency Contacts – to do so. The Sheriff’s office told BOEC that the “ongoing investigation” was the reason….I saw the letter to Houze from them.

    Now why would they deny a request from December 2009….a 911 call for an ambulance and the parties were Kaine and Terri? And why didn’t the media mention this? Everyone has been guessing these last two years that there was a dispute between TMH and Rudy then? What happened then between Kaine and Terri that Houze wants proof of?

    Or the June 4th where the parties were TMH and the School?”


    and this:

    “No Problem, Maz.

    Sunny day. Nice views on top of the parking structure.

    BBM..Really? Small clarification, perhaps, in what Houze and Bunch were not meaning to convey about James.

    But didn’t we have the Judge’s whole Opinion at one time. If we didn’t it will be VERY interesting to compare media reports to what Judge M did or didn’t say in those pages. Might be worth 45cents a page.

    There was a lot that I didn’t quite get on a superficial reading regarding division of property vs. the MFH and a couple other things.

    What do you think about that December 17-19? call to 911? I’d always heard it was Rudy…but the “parties”/useful information mentiond were Kaine and Terri. Why would Houze, via TMH, think this discovery-worthy?

    And…Rudolfo was mentioned by name in the June26th call… Rudolfo Sanchez Estrada…tresspass/unwanted person….so his name would have been on the Dec. 17 incident if he were involved, you’d think.”

  46. MockingbirdSings says:

    bumble says:
    August 6, 2012 at 12:48 pm
    Malty says:
    August 6, 2012 at 5:53 am
    And if Dede could have walked to Skyline
    I am shocked
    I never knew that
    She remains a big mystery to me
    I do think she lied about how close she was to the family and
    I don’t believe she could’ve walked to Skyline and it would’ve been risky to be seen walking on streets, if she was involved. I do think she lied about how close she was to the family because:

    1. She threw Terri’s birthday party

    2. She moved in with Terri so quickly, despite the danger she feared and despite all of the attention it drew

    I can only think of one reason that she might have lied about being close to them.
    Malty says:
    August 6, 2012 at 1:19 pm
    Also Dede said something about when she and Terri wanted to talk they went outside and only talked of family inside
    This makes me believe they were closer than casual
    Friends who never saw each other often
    Plus Kaine asks her to plan the party
    Terri’s parents ask her to stay with Terri
    She said
    Plus she said she played board games with Kyron
    She was around there from what I can see

    @ Bumble and Malty -
    I agree. There seem to be some missing pieces (criminal or otherwise) in what we know of the role Dede played in the Horman’s lives and, IMO, what happened to Kyron.

    Interesting that so many people seem to have seen Terri as a “victim”. Her parents wanted her protected but left town and asked Dede to help (or maybe Dede suggested it). Dede slept with the fire extinguisher close by as I recall. She was a victim – in her versions – of Kaine being a “tightwad”, of Kyron being a difficult child, of Kaine sending James away, of a landscaper’s threats, of Mrs. Porter’s mistakes and bad hearing, of the school district who hired teachers but not her when she knew she was a better teacher than those working, of one or both bio parents who gave her up for adoption, of at least 2 husbands who had affairs (again, in her opinion), of LE questioning her, and the list could go on. Her friends bought into this by buying the disposable phones, her parents bought into it and gave her money. Those she complained to at the gym could simply acknowledge what she said and continue exercising (“proof” she must be right and they cared). Who has stood up to her and said, “YOU need to take responsibility for your life. If you don’t like it, find mature ways to change it.”

    The above is not a list to be investigated or debated, it’s just to show how Terri likely thought of herself as a “victim” and made that clear to others.

  47. Jden says:

    Penn State, Boys Town. This story of Johnny Gosch is unbelievable but at the same time not so far from the realm of believable.
    Could give a sheriff reason to cry and state, “We have a knowledge of things we don’t want to know about … of things we wish we didn’t know,”
    All I can say is, if (they) threaten children by their lives, they will threaten anyone… including anyone who investigates too closely. Fear = press shutdown.
    Possibly the reason why this SZ is able to go underground for lengths of time and is highly technical is not of his own accord but because he is backed by those with the power to do so. Backed or threatened himself. Those that can create a seamless abduction with no evidence and erase records.
    DAD was paranoid, thought the police and FBI were coming to get him.
    I believe that KH definitely (knows) more than he speaks. He, like Mrs. Gosch has started a foundation. He has stated that (not quoting here), this is a marathon not a sprint and that it could take years.

    Rose says:
    August 5, 2012 at 7:06 pm
    Mrs Gosch on YouTube:

  48. Kat says:

    @ Rose

    “Nothing was left to Mrs Young but a personal injury lawyer on contingency”

    Rosenthal is innovative, experienced in high profile cases, and goes for the jugular. He is someone to give pause to Houze, every bit his equal. His success in the Mulugeta Seraw case and the $12.5M judgment that crippled Tom Metzger’s White Supremicist abilities shined the light on some nasty racism issues lurking in Portland. He came to light again in the Brandon Mayfield case when it was known the LE did not have the right finger prints, successfully bringing critical issues to light and making the guilty pay. Now, it’ll be interesting to see how he tackles the TMH mystery of what happened to Kyron. I have a family member who has worked in a high profile law firm for over 30 years here in Portland. Reaction: Rosenthal is one of the best. He’s not a last resort; someone connected DY to him because of his success rate — a strategic move. He’s connected and respected.

    Rosenthal brought other skanky aspects of Portland to the light—- we may be seeing some other dark side of Portland “that would make us sick” brought out by this “personal injury lawyer”. I guess I am so used to the “wait and see” in this case, I am waiting to see how Rosenthal will handle it.

  49. Rose says:

    @mbs. imo Houze would be unethical if he did not kerp confidential exculpatory evidence til trial.
    It’s MCSO’s job to investigate the unknown male who abducted Kyron.

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