Jerry Sandusky Trial Begins: Witness 4 Says Dottie Sandusky Walked In- Amendola Commits Jerry Will Testify In His Defense- Histrionic Disorder Causes Love Letters To Kids

Bellefonte, PA-   The trial of Penn State’s claim to shame entrepreneur,  Gerald Arthur Sandusky began yesterday.

The victim, “just wanted a father figure,” McGettigan said, “but the defendant would spoon with him, put his hand down his pants, touch his genitals.”

- Prosecutor Joseph  McGettigan

The following is my editorial on day one.  Bring your air sickness bag.  It is promising to be that bad, and worse.

Witness (victim #4 ) testified to resorting to hiding in his closet with the phone after months of  alleged abuse by Sandusky.  13 at the time, He said the alleged assaults became as frequent as two to three times a week and lasted for about three years.  He weighed 90 lbs.

“I’d come home from school and look out the window and he’ d be there and I’d grab the phone and hide in the closet..”
Do your own math, I can’t stomach it.

He also claimed that Dottie Gross Sandusky walked in on him and Jerry during an assault.

Dottie-Gross-Sandusky.  You tell me- what’s in a name?

No sound sucking vortex overcame the courtroom.

No gasps.

Mrs. Sandusky, adoptive mother of 6 can say what she wants to those in town,  but at the end of the day, it is this authors opinion that Dottie will find herself a party to a legal proceeding or two of her own if she is not already.   I have had the opportunity to speak with a few locals last week off the record,  and the consensus was that Mrs. Sandusky is in supreme denial.  No doubt brought on by her husband’s recently diagnosed lack of consideration of others.

Backfields New Motion

Joseph Amendola claims Jerry Sandusky suffers from Histrionic Personality Disorder in a motion filed yesterday.

Is this a window to both Amendola’s defense strategy and laying the groundwork for leniency in the event (when) Sandusky is convicted by a jury of his peers?

Interesting that such a diagnosis surfaces now.  In offenses that stem since 1994- how consoling to know that Jer Sandusky was simply creating conflict in romantic relationships.   ( Author reminds readers that instructions to provide ones own air sickness bag appeared at the beginning of this piece).


The World Health Organization‘s ICD-10 lists histrionic personality disorder as:[9]

[A] personality disorder characterized by:

  • shallow and labile affectivity,
  • self-dramatization,
  • theatricality,
  • exaggerated expression of emotions,
  • suggestibility,
  • egocentricity,
  • self-indulgence,
  • lack of consideration for others,
  • easily hurt feelings, and
  • continuous seeking for appreciation, excitement and attention.


Perhaps I need to further inspect my friend and colleague pool.   I know like 20 people that qualify for all of those traits and not one of them is a pedophile, or an alleged pedophile, nor has any ever sought the sexual companionship of children.

Amendola would have done better to motion that Sandusky had obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) resulting in mutual showers after contact with children of “abstract backgrounds”.   I mean, disadvantaged children in the foster care system should shower more frequently as well, right?


McGettigan also produced a contract between a victim and Sandusky (via The Second Mile) that guaranteed the victim up to $1000 in college expenses if he kept his grades up.   The Second Mile does not promote unsupervised visits with it’s participating children and therefore the contract would be invalid.

Um, someone maybe should check the handbook- every one of this victims over 15 years came from The Second Mile and everyone of the alleged atrocities were committed sans “supervision”.


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  1. Tarheel says:

    I, for the life of me, cannot understand why this man would choose to not plead guilty. Perhaps he is hoping for a lighter sentence by going to trial, but if I were the Judge and the Jury it would anger me even more that he chose to put the victims through the hells of trial, and I would really stick it to him in the sentencing phase if (or should I say when) he is found guilty.

    I am quite sure no deal was offered that did not include him dying in prison, so for him, I would assume he thinks he has nothing to lose.

    It is completely foreign to reasonable people, but when I tell you that after signifigant study of sexually motivated crime such as these and in particular pedophilia, in his mind, Jerry Sandusky felt these atrocities were loving, and mutually rewarding. Pedophilia is a sickness for which their is no cure, imo. As long as he is breathing, he wants to offend, period.

    I am over myself at how angry I have become at Dottie Sandusky. She knew. She knew for 15 years.


  2. beejay says:

    Sigh. I’ll be back to the diagnosis later. But can i finish up the golf tour here? lol

    @Word Girl: I don’t know Steve the golf pro myself. The big golfing family I know around there is the Felus family. John Felus, of course, the famed PSU graduate-college golf team guy. And, a miracle he graduated from college, coming from a somewhat chaotic family, where cousins lived in the house with them. I got the impression Johnny used the money he earned from caddying in his teens to help out the family. Golf scholarship assistance? Cash golf betting wins? IDK. A generous, friendly, life-long bachelor.

    Joseph Felus, his brother, maintained the beautiful grounds of Whitemarsh Valley Country Club in the 1980s. Both deceased now.

    Partial family tree at Johnny’s obit:

  3. beejay says:

    Here’s a link to one of my favorite commentaries on the overuse/misuse of the term ‘denial’, by both laymen and mental health professionals.

    IDK these people, of course. But one has to consider the possibility that ‘denial’ might be an inappropriate substitute for the term ‘lying’. See story two at the link about the hall monitor.

    From the link, author’s conclusion:
    “In my experience, the term “in denial” is widely overused. Disturbed characters of all sorts frequently engage in denial. It’s extremely rare, however, that they do so because they are in such inner distress over their behavior that they simply can’t consciously accept what they’re doing.”

    Remember the excessively long and detailed denial statement issued by Dottie long ago?

  4. beejay says:

    I’ll give Jer’s psychologist an ‘A’ for effort in contributing to the legal defense he is entitled to. A trained professional might have put Histrionic PD on his tentative diagnostic list from reading the book Touched.

    I think Rominger is trying to use the diagnosis as an alternative explanation of the seemingly overly affectionate/exuberant/inappropriate writings of Jer’s to his victims. (An alternative to the interpretation prosecutors prefer, that these documents were him trying to seduce his victims.) That’s how I read Rominger’s comments.

    Where are Dottie’s love letters from Jer?

    Jer is some kind of messed up in the head. We can all see that. Hope the jury doesn’t get confused about what that has to do with the crimes. This is why I often hate a trial by jury.

    Do we all remember that accusatory tone in mom’s voice when she called out our name and said, “What are ya’ll doin in there?” For me, it started with Jay and I playing doctor. In high school I heard it when Billy and I were rolling around on the carpet, in the dark, while appreciating the progressive movements of jazz music on the stereo. Ah, memories…

  5. beejay says:

    The reporting is so inconsistent, having to be done the way it is. If I’ve got the right info, though, some of those “love letters” were NEVER SENT. So, they were retrieved from the Sandusky home? Or PSU office? Last summer? Late in the legal game to be holding onto one’s treasures. Or failing to sanitize every storage space one has.

    Link to Ganim’s twitter:

  6. rob says:

    In my opinion, a pedo justifies it in whatever way works for them. Michael Jackson saw himself as a child. In fact stated it in many interviews. He wasn’t hurting the children, he was one of the children. Nevermind that young children are not in the habit of having sex with their playmates.
    Jerry Sandusky was doing good for these underpriviledged children. They needed him. They would never get to go to bowl games, college football games, hang out with the players at the university, or stay in a big coaches basement, without him. So, he asked a little favor in return, is that asking too much? So his wife stayed upstairs, doing God knows what, while this pervert was in the basement showering, wrestling, tickling.
    If she takes the stand, she really needs to be asked some hard questions. Sounds like she was in the hotel room, while Jer had #4 in the bathroom. That alone shows sickness on her part also.

  7. beejay says:

    If you haven’t read Rominger’s Histrionic motion, here’s the link: motion.pdf

    dunno why it truncates your link:


  8. beejay says:

    It’s the Boy Scouts all over again.


    “In documents obtained by KDKA-TV investigators, the Attorney General’s Office indicates former vice president Schultz kept a secret file with allegations regarding Sandusky and sex abuse.”

  9. First-time says:

    June 12, 2012 at 9:24 am

    I am over myself at how angry I have become at Dottie Sandusky. She knew. She knew for 15 years.


    Sickening. Of course she knew. Sadly, she wasn’t the only one that knew. Truly sickening.

  10. beejay says:

    Blink: IDK if Jer’s symptomatic behavior would rise to the level where he should be assigned a diagnosis.

    But, you know how when you go to the doctor, psychologist, whoever takes insurance as payment, you always get a diagnosis? That’s because without a diagnosis there is no payment. (A few preventative procedures excepted)

    Well, IDK how a forensic psychologist, being paid, ultimately, by his client (perhaps thru his atty) works this. But I suspect very few of them come up with NO diagnosis. I guess it depends on what side of the legal street they’re working for. But they are working for the client, ultimately.

    I’m trying to be respectful here. IDK why–I’m retired from the field! Still. You get what I mean.

    And, when you need a diagnosis, Histrionic PD works as well as any. And is a less damaging label to wear than the other Cluster B related disorders, which is always a consideration is diagnosing.

    Interesting side note is that in the DSM-V, due out in 2013, Histrionic PD (HPD) will be eliminated. Given that, if one is keeping up with what the APA is doing, one might want to assign a different dx. Makes you seem on the ball in your field. Snip from the dummies version of diagnostics (and a humorous read, too).:

    “…the 5th edition of the DSM is “eliminating” half of the currently recognized personality disorders including 2 of the 4 Cluster B personality disorders; Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD).”

    lol beejay I almost went there with the elimination of the disorder and the tie to narcissistic PD, with a line that started something like.. the worst dental hygiene in recent memory and NPD are not syncing with me.

  11. beejay says:

    In my last post I meant to say, “And, when you need a diagnosis, Histrionic PD works as well as any FOR JER.” And I should really add: in this situation–facing charges in court, where it would help him to have a mitigating (if not exculpatory) diagnosis.

  12. Survivor says:

    I am over myself at how angry I have become at Dottie Sandusky. She knew. She knew for 15 years.


    I’ve started this post several times and I am still not sure the point in my head is going to come out right. As alcoholics/addicts have their enablers, so do pedophiles. Some as victims themselves, others as relief in not having to perform themselves. It’s “easier” that way. Sickeningly, I understand it all too well.

  13. hervness says:

    Blink says:
    I am over myself at how angry I have become at Dottie Sandusky. She knew. She knew for 15 years.

    How could you possibly live with yourself as a spouse? How could you not only deny knowledge, but then defend the offender? I love Mr. Hervness with all my heart, but I’d not only drop him like a hot potato, but do what I needed to do to help convict him, assuming I had the knowledge that Dottie has.
    I had access to a background check on Mr. Hervness when we first met. Even with that, I still had my feelers up (and honestly am still not in denial about him and his personality). At the very least she had to see a pattern shift in her husband. People get into patterns and if you observe you’ll see when those patterns/habits shift. You’ll at least see enough to start paying closer attention. She knew *something* was up at the very LEAST. disgusting, the whole lot of ‘em.

  14. beejay says:

    Glad to see BLINK and everybody trying to find a light moment when they can.

    Gonna run over to Starbuck’s during court’s lunch break and see if I can get a quick diagnosis on my emotional lability this morning–first I’m in tears, then I’m laughing (at the absurdity). Then I wanna slap somebody silly.

    @rob: love your post; in a nutshell, with the emphasis on ‘nut’

    Good periodic articles every few hours. This one a summary of Victim 1′s testimony this a.m. (more golf club gifts. Cheap dude; if he really cared he’d have the kids fitted for golf clubs–it ain’t one-size-fits-all. And, what country club did he buy them a membership at to use those clubs?) At:

  15. beejay says:

    Blink: I know you’re positively fixated on teeth. Jer did have a front tooth or two knocked up thru the roof of his mouth at one point. Maybe it’s just bad restorative work. Needs new crowns/implants/bridge or something. Oh, IIRC, the dental displacement was a sports accident. Not a Sarge punch.

  16. beejay says:

    the mystery of access to the hilton’s facilities solved. I’m guessing our Hilton Garden Inn in State College.

    “…A front desk manager at a Hilton hotel also testified. She said, “I instructed my staff to issue a key to Sandusky giving him access to the pool and gym.” Victim 1 testified that he had gone with Sandusky to swim at the hotel on several occasions.”

    God in Heaven be with this young guys; Vic 1 is the youngest; just graduated high school:

    “Victim 1 then looked at the prosecutor’s table, broke down sobbing, and mouthed the words, “I just want to stop.””

    I am wishing and willing this young man peace and strength today. I am very concerned for him and have been for some time.


  17. KittyMom says:

    I’ve said from early on that Dottie knew what was going on and did nothing to protect these children. How she turned her back on kids I’ll never understand. I hope all her friends are now seeing her in a true light.

    I can only go by what I have heard from people that know her, and I do not have permission to quote them, so I will simply say that 100% across the board it is believed that she is in complete denial and her husband is the venue for cash payouts from troubled kids he helped.

    Beyond bizarre. When anyone tries to point out things that do not compute, she shuts down or has an alternative explanation. She has no intention of living in this reality.

  18. OperaRach says:

    I’m no psychologist by any means. But, how many times have we seen someone, particularly children, get victimized and yet people in a place to help them never do

    Where Dottie Sandusky is concerned – clearly she should have done something but why WHY would you stay married to a man like that? Do you have no concern for your own children or grandchildren? Is that really who you want around your family? I obviously agree that she should have done something for these boys. But, don’t you have any self respect or integrity for your own sake?

    I will never understand allowing children to be victimized and just ignoring it but yet we see it over and over again.

    Such a BS diagnosis.

  19. nanshin says:

    I think the histrionic personality disorder is a strategy for sentencing if js is found guilty (I hope). But my question is was he treated for said disorder just recently or when did treatment start ?

    I don’t know that he has ever been treated for it, more like they have an expert who will testify as to the letter content not necessarily being one of grooming and luring. As if.

    Can’t wait for this question: So tell us Dr, what in your estimation is different about Mr. Sandusky’s version of Histrionic Personality Disorder that he only writes letters to young boys who ultimately ended up accusing him of sexual abuse as minors?


  20. nanshin says:

    Rather than denial or maybe both, I think mrs. s is an enabler. She likes her lifestyle. They as a family have been held in high regard for many years. She has helped enable her husband to be alone with boys for many years. jmo

  21. Mom3.0 says:

    Blink as hard as it is to read about this, it does not even begin to compare to pain these young men endured.

    How many more children were victims of this man AND his wife
    and the jury should have mercy on Sudusky because he was “naive”- and simply was “filled with love and affection for young men” Poor hysterionic man just “loved kids SO Much that he did things NONE of us would ever think of doing”

    Snipped from article in your piece-
    Defense lawyer Joe Amendola told the seven women and five men of the jury that Sandusky was a naive man filled with love and affection for young people.

    “Jerry Sandusky, in my opinion, loves kids so much he does things that none of us would ever think of doing,” said Amendola, who added that Sandusky was not guilty of the charges.

    I guess Amendola wants the jury to also understand that showering with children was okay to Sudussky because in his youth, “showers with other people had been common for people of his generation growing up in Washington, Pennsylvania.”

    And as for Dottie and others…I guess we just dont understand what Suduskies lawyer, wife and others must have known all along “the truth”– Jerry wasnt a predator pedophilia -they must have realized and decided hey theres nothing wrong with a guy with so much love to give letting it shower down on these less fortunate children… can he really help that? Could they be expected to stop that?

    Shhh- nothing to see here – no wrong doing… really just an overly charitable, loving, naive guy —who suffers from histrionic personality disorder which “led him to write “love letters” to his alleged victims even though he was not trying to lure them into sex.”

    —I swear if somehow this pedo escapes justice- I will once and for all have lost my trust in our justice system- I mean his own defense lawyer isnt really denying it…hes just excusing it- and still JS pleads not guilty…and while getting paid the big bucks Amendola has the audacity to suggest this is all about the money for these victims…


  22. Word Girl says:

    Beej, since you’re out there, Starbucking, are you able to get any local comment?

    Also, in the Cluster B’s isn’t hysteria considered to emerge from the root cause of Denial? If Denial, then Hysteria; If Abandonment, then Intimacy issues, etc?

    I agree. It’s a bit shallow to choose that diagnosis for a trial that may go into another calendar year, along with its various appeals, when it won’t exist soon.

  23. sunshine_4me says:

    As Blink would say, I would just like to put Victim 1 in my pocket and protect him from the pain of this. At his age, this is morifying to talk about, especially in front of a roomful of strangers. Then to be accused of lying, doing this to get money… how horrible for this boy to go thru this.

  24. Word Girl says:

    I’m thinking of the hysterical person closing eyes, yelling “no-no-no, it can’t be true.”

    Interesting that Dottie plans a divorce, acc to Blink’s statement.
    “She has no intention of living in this reality. B”

    My sense of the situation takes Jerry’s offending starts way beyond 15 years ago. I think Dottie suspected then, but only “knew” 15 years ago. She says she had a discussion with him about it. She stayed for the money.

    She seemed pretty pissed on the first day of trial as she got out of the vehical and strode into the white “tunnel” doorway of the court. (There are a number of videos of JS arriving, but I can’t find the one with Dottie (in cornflower blue top) going into the tunnel with a woman with dark, shoulder-length hair following.

  25. Word Girl says:

    Seriously. Who else besides Dottie, Baldwin, and a few others knew that the Grand Jury was investigating her husband 4-4-4-4-4-4- TIMES?!

  26. Word Girl says:

    BTW, a decent reporter will credit Beejay for bringing the soon-outdated diagnosis to the forefront.

    Let’s watch and see.

    Heck with that, let’s see her in Mcginnett’s response, lol.


  27. erose says:

    Victim 1 is my hero. Apparently the courage these men have shown is making a difference to many others. I hope they can find comfort and support in knowing they are not alone, and it is us, the adults that failed to protect them, and we are the only ones who should be feeling the shame.

    He was arrested in November after a now-adult victim following the Jerry Sandusky scandal at Penn State said he was sexually assaulted by Christian. After that, several more victims stepped forward, and police began an investigation that went back three decades.

  28. Rose says:

    dying in prison is too easy a sentence.
    can’t we ship him to the Taliban?
    All this PD stuff is specious.
    He doesn’t even fit Borderline.
    I think he’s beyond a sexual disorder,
    and I go with Sociopath–
    however dsm iv puts the term

  29. Rose says:

    ps the intensity of his stalking and fixation on each boy is more frightening
    than the molestation itself
    worse than Borderline though

  30. erose says:

    “Basement, what basement. Do we have a basement?” said Dottie (MOO)

    Dottie Sandusky was never in the basement, he said.

  31. Rose says:

    Dottie has adopted a worldview,
    a construct that allows her to live.
    If she didn’t find her husband bizarre before,
    she would not now.
    She comes from a world that
    demands she support her husband psychologically.
    And who are these boys but the neer do wells her family
    always sacrificed for?
    Wish there was something she could be
    charged with, but provincialism
    isn’t a crime.

  32. Jane says:

    I just want to give each victim a HUGE hug. These are the bravest guys in the world. No matter what they say, I have the greatest respect for their coming forward. I pray their testifying will lighten their load, put this disgusting pig behind bars and enable each victim to move forward. God bless.

  33. erose says:

    I hate everything that has happened, and now I must admit I feel even worse, knowing what allegedly was happening so close to me, and that I was unaware.

    As a parent, I pray I can come to some peace about this and prepare my family for living in a world like this. I will never just wonder why a child is mad. I will never just assume ever again. I will always ask, and let them know that it’s okay to tell the truth about why they are upset.

    - LaVar Arrington

  34. blink thanks as a psych rn i am appaled by this histronic approach to a child molester i pray that dottie will get the help she needs and i pray for continued bravery for the victims your work is so appreciated

  35. beejay says:

    I think the prosecution would fare better to downplay the Histrionic PD stuff, not let it become a focus. As I read Rominger’s court filing, all he was trying to do was to address those few writings of Jer’s. In a way that is consistent with Jer being innocent (i.e., it’s the kind of thing a person classified as HPD would do, out of the nature of that personality; rather than prosecutors’ slant that it’s what Jer did to groom his victims).

    These are only a few writings. I’m hoping defense doesn’t try to go anywhere else with that. To me, it’s not a key component of his defense. And I hope it is ignored, unless prosecutors have to deal with it–then they bring in an expert witness.

    It’s not like the defense questioned his sanity to stand trial or anything. This is a minor thing. Like Blink inferred, it doesn’t explain, nor relieve Jer of responsibility for the sexual assaults.

    I think a jury can put this in perspective, given the number and severity of offenses they’re hearing. In graphic detail. And seeing emotional testimony that I hope will clear away this attempt by the defense to muddy the waters.

    @Word Girl: I’m not in the local area any longer. Sorry; wish i were.


    I agree that the prosecution should respond on the limited scope of the defense motion as to the letters, but I also know that in general, these charges make people want to “first associate” with the accused immediately. What I mean by that, is that the testimony is so heinous and emotional, that a juror is likely to ( visually or internally) do the “Is the person sitting at that table someone I could see perpetrating this offense). It is not what they are supposed to do, but the reality is, they are human beings, and even if they are able to set aside what they need to to render a verdict, the prosecution knows they will do this with each witness, and overall.

    I mention this because, I don’t think the prosecution can afford the error that these jurors from this area, with these associations are not going to be looking to “reasons” as to why this could all be just some poor, misunderstood aging football junkie.

    Do I really think if a juror can “attach” to the histrionic disorder they can simply say .. oh well, it does not apply to the acts themselves, just the content of some handwritten letters? No, I don’t.

    He made it out of 3 separate grand juries. That concerns me. In my opinion that is why Amendola opted to stay in Centre County.

    Lastly, prosecutors know the scope of the current Federal Grand Jury, the defense does not.

    I am not prepared to say how I think that may or may not effect the trial except to say I do not expect any indictments to come down prior to it’s conclusion.

    With the very outside chance of Spanier. And yes, I do believe he will end up facing an indictment as will other members of the BOT and TSM.


  36. Word Girl says:

    Good article by Dan Wetzel at Yahoo.–jerry-sandusky-trial-victim-no-1-joe-amendola-second-day-penn-state–.html

    New details such as waterbed in Jer’s basement and that Vict 1 never knew his father and lived in public housing–which explains Amendola’s question about wanting a nice house and car.

  37. Jnpgh says:

    I apologize to Blink and all other Blink-readers….

    but as far as I’m concerned, I question if the Sandusky marriage was EVER consummated… All 6 children are adopted. Wonderful, noble …but for a pedophile husband – it’s a GREAT smoke screen.

    To me, Dottie knew what was going on and more than 15 years ago – but the money was good…so she kept silent. I have NO pity for her …. She had to have known what was going on,..and she was a willing – even if begrudgingly – participant in the events.

    And proof positive was the one news report of a newscaster standing somewhat in the Sandusky driveway, and Dottie careened into the driveway for a crash landing – and almost ran over the newscaster. If I were the newscaster, I would have brought charges against Dottie …she was not standing on the Sandusky’s property!!!

    DOTTIE – tell the damn truth – and as the Bible says, it will set you free!! Right now – you are in one hell of a mess ..of your own making – to keep the gravy train flowing. Redeem yourself and tell the damn truth!!

    I grieve for the victims of Jerry Sandusky ..They were betrayed in the worst of ways … and by someone who used “offering help” as a smoke screen. I hope there is a very remote rung of hell reserved for Jerry and his enablers….

  38. Mom3.0 says:

    beejay says:
    June 12, 2012 at 12:50 pm -
    God in Heaven be with this young guys; Vic 1 is the youngest; just graduated high school:

    “Victim 1 then looked at the prosecutor’s table, broke down sobbing, and mouthed the words, “I just want to stop.””

    Poor kid- I wish this would all stop too-
    My God- JS is victimizing these victims all over again and this time his lawyer is getting paid to do it for him-

    If Jerry Sundusky was a guy with a “heart of gold” than IMO he would not after seeing and hearing Victim #1 and #4 recount this- He would have stood up and said- Judge I never wanted to hurt these kids what I did was wrong Im sorry I am ready to be sentenced- I dont want to put them through this- instead Sandusky sat through their testimony- and then:


    After Judge John Cleland adjourned for the day, Sandusky spent a few minutes chatting and laughing — breaking out in a big grin a few times — with a few old friends and supporters.

    It would seem that Dottie isnt the only one in denial nor is she the only potential enabler

    Further snipped:
    “We still believe in Jerry,” said Joyce Porter, who said she’d been a friend for 40 years. Asked about the testimony, she said, “Some of them, they’ve been coached, don’t you think?”

    Another friend of 45 years, Kathy Sulkowski, said of Sandusky, “There’s so many kids that he turned their lives around. . . . I totally trust him.”

    These people need to research molesters and pedophiles and the mindset of victims-during and in the aftermath-
    because clearly they do not understand that a molester isnt always the weird loner guy with hateful eyes -he has friends and family “he cares” and they need to realize a molester does not molest every single child they encounter they pick and choose…. nor do the victims immediately or always tell-

    erose thankyou for that link- I guess even though there are some that are still in denial there are many more who are wondering “if only I would have”


    I reference frequently studying Ken Lanning’s work, and my interview and consult with him a few years ago on a different case.

    When I mention the words trust and pedophilia in the same sentence, I am adamant the world right now has no better preeminent authority and I trust his knowledge and teaching on the subject.

    One of the fears he has had, and continues to have is the ability of pedos to capitalize on adults unwillingness to believe that THEY can be duped. Meaning, if an adult entrusts someone with spending time with their child and it results in their sexual abuse- it is the first inclination for the adult to disbelieve, mitigate, or flat out remain in denial in order to assuage their own guilt.

    The fox in the henhouse rarely resembles a fox and because of their illness it is almost as though the fox can render themselves invisible, or as a friendly hen.

    When I asked SA Lanning what type of pedo HE felt parents should fear the most, I can tell you he described the grooming and lure techniques of Jerry Sandusky (not him by name of course, this was 3 and 1/2 years ago) to a T. He said most parents teach their children about stranger danger, that is the easy part, and actually the stranger pedo assault and/or abduction is very rare.

    What most parents do not do, is teach children to listen to their intuition about any adult that is spending an inordinate amount of time, or seeking to, with JUST them as opposed to other kids, undue attention, gifts, attendance at events. Add in the disadvantaged boy without father figures and you have a virtual menu for some sick eff to choose from before anyone is the wiser.

    I have not spoken to him directly on this case, but I guarantee you he was not surprised by a smidge of it including the PSU cover up. If I was the prosecutor in this case, I would seek his expert testimony without reservation. He has the ability to discuss and explore this subject matter with “laypeople” in a way that will allow them to get past that wave of nauseau and grip the responsibility of the knowledge they did not want, wish they did not have, but now know they must, not just for evaluating guilt of innocense of the accused, but to protect their own children, grandchildren an families.

    An example of this would be JoePa. He knew. He wanted Sandusky out, but he never really grasped the gravity of the situation, nor the potential liability. I believe he could simply not grasp the concept that an adult man had sexual interest in a child. I do not know if it was religious, cultural, or flat out disgust resulting in denial, but I believe in his mind at the time he did what he thought he should have, and in his own words before his passing he wished he had done more. Maybe that is enough to inspire many of his loyal fans to do that now.

    I cannot underscore how masterful these offenders are at grooming their prey.

    Their prey are children either by age or emotionally, craving something this relationship can ultimately offer, and they do not possess the tools they need to protect themselves ultimately before the damage is done. In this case, the system designed to protect them did the opposite.

    This type of offender, more than almost any, causes me to lose my objectivity every time- I admit it up front. Maybe because I know if the head comes off this beast, another will grow back before our collective blink.

    Keep in mind, in every victims case being brought before the court in this matter, not ONE of the victims told on him. Not one, until the signs began to develop and they were confronted.

    That is an example of the level of insidiousness we are dealing with.

    I cannot bear the thought of what I already know. There is more, there are more offenders here, it goes way back, and that information is never coming from Sandusky, imo.

    I don’t remember what 80′s movie this is from- but remember some freaky scene where they go into this like cave, or cavity off some mountain and find thousands of huge alien eggs incubating?

    That is a fair depiction of what this type of pedophilia can create with the amount of known victims, unknown victims and unknown predators. You don’t hide this type of activity for 15 years without.

    It is time to remove the taboo of this conversation and bring it into schools in an age appropriate way.

    For Pete’s sake- this is going on before our eyes and anyone see any new academica studies launching or being funded, released?

    Wow, I was about to say sorry for this rant, or soapbox or whatever, and then I remembered that I am not. I am angry that these mens lives are forever ruined.

    I am angry that through The Second Mile, a virtual cottage industry of victimizing kids was born, and for their own personal gain, adults hired to PROTECT them, looked the other way.

    I suspect we will all have more to be angry about before this is over.


  39. erose says:

    Maybe we should start calling them survivors, instead of victims. I know it’s getting cliche, but I would do anything I could to empower these warriors.

  40. melissab says:

    Beej…Word girl…I need a session on the couch please!!!!!

  41. kjazzyjazz says:

    As a survivor of sexual abuse by my father, I know how hard it is to come forward to tell someone what is going on. I wanted to just disappear from my family. I begged my best friends parents to adopt me. This was back in the 70′s when no one talked about it. I went to my school counselor and told her and she did nothing. Anyone that has gone through this it’s absolutely horrible and without counseling it can consume you. I do not call myself a victim because of all the counseling I went through. I am a survivor. I now lead a very normal life, and for the most part I can leave the past behind me. I pray that all of the men that were molested by this monster take the time for counseling. It truly helps. Most of all I hope they feel proud that they came forward and put a stop to a monster.

    Now, to say that he loved the children so much that is the reason he did it is BS. With my mom at my side I confronted my father. He said he was sorry, but sometimes you love someone too much. How can any person on this earth say that and feel everything is ok now? That is no excuse to sexually molest a child. I hope and pray that the Jury will see JS for the monster he is and lock him up for life. Once he is in the general population in prison karma will take care of him. As a matter of fact, I hope they don’t keep in segregated because someone might hurt him. The children he molested did not get a choice to be segregated from him so he doesn’t deserve the choice either.


  42. beejay says:

    Victim 4 testified yesterday that when he first hinted that Jer had assaulted him, his own mother called him a liar. There you go.

    I have not seen the final pages of dsm5. I’m out of the loop, gladly in some ways, now. If the latest proposed pgs hold, then Histrionic PD will (in 2013) become a diagnosis Jer would not want. It is being folded into Antisocial/Borderline (the retained Cluster B PDs).


    Jer’s attys don’t have much to work with; they are grasping at straws, attempting to address only a few writings of Jer’s. Which are a minor piece of the evidence the jury is seeing. I personally find it disgusting, but trust that the emotional testimony jurors are seeing will cut thru the smokescreen.

    A busload of male victim/survivors is headed to Bellefonte to publicly support those courageous young men who are testifying.

  43. Survivor says:


    “Wow, I was about to say sorry for this rant, or soapbox or whatever, and then I remembered that I am not. I am angry that these mens lives are forever ruined.”

    I understand your anger and sympathize with these witnesses. Their lives are forever CHANGED. “Ruined” will only be if they let it. While this is an issue for them that will never be “fixed” and will always be just beneath the surface, time heals the wounds to a certain extent. The danger for these young men is complete denial, lest they become the next round of abusers themselves.

    @erose – June 13, 2012 at 12:56 am I don’t know if the witnesses are victims who are testifying under subpoena or survivors who are strong enough to bring some justice for themselves and others. If the latter, while painful now, this horrible step of empowerment now will carry them a lifetime. It’s up to them to become survivors when the time is right – if the haven’t already.


  44. NY Liz says:

    It’s terrifying what these men do to lure boys. My fiance (who I will refer to as ‘BM’), grew up without a father and was sent to a boys home for about a year. When this story came out I asked him straight-out if something like this ever happened at the home. He said no, not at the school – but then he told me of other times where he was very lucky to get away from other creeps.

    A fireman got BM to trust him – gave him rides and even let him drive the cheifs car (before he was old enough to drive). The fireman tried to pull something at his house one day, luckily BM excused himself to use the bathroom and ran out of the house. He was so scared he ran to a corner store and bought a swiss army knife thinking the fireman might follow him.

    Another time, an adult made nice with BM and his friends – bought them beer and marijuana. He one time bought BM some food at a bowling ally would must’ve been drugged. BM could barely stand up straight, managed to ride his bike as fast as he could and then passed out in a park. This same man tried it again – this time BM managed to get to a friends house where he passed out for hours.

    Teach your kids – trust no one. Do not accept food or drinks from anyone. Be alert.

  45. Rose says:

    @beejay. from a mental health and legal perspective, letters are mere minor corroboration & not the strongest corroboration, which is eyewitness testimony by adults like Miller. Imo I’d stay away from HPD “expert” and let jurors
    assign the weight they will. No distractions from case in chief.

  46. Word Girl says:

    Mel, I think we’re all suffering here. For me, it’s a new understanding of the specifics in pedophiliac molestation. Blink’s essays here in bold will cut through the horror and give a fresh and professional perspective. You could also write letters to each of the Survivors. I plan to do so, as well.

    According to his victims, Sandusky followed a ritualistic pattern in his offenses. He would hold the leg, hug, kiss, back crack, raspberry, fellatio, reverse fellatio, anal rape. The demonic basement dance shifted venues when necessary and additional, silence-insurance in gifts and opportunities ensued.

    With the much-improved reporting of Days 2 and 3 (except for Time magazine–ack!) I think we’ll leave the histrionic diagnosis and focus on clear facts.

    Hopefully the Jury is doing the math.


  47. Ragdoll says:

    WRT to Sandusky’s ‘state of mind’….

    I know it’s been covered on BOC, what kind of upbringing pig dog may have had. Was he a victim of sexual abuse.

    Dr. Drew covered some of the Luka Rocco Magnotta case (aka the Canadian Butcher). The question was raised….are these predators born evil? That has yet to be proven, scientifically or otherwise, but Dr. Drew did indicated the moment the predator becomes a predator (serial killer, pedophile, etc), there is no successful rehabilatation. It’s irreversible.

    Further, so as Sandusky groomed his victims, he groomed his wife, too, imho.

  48. Ragdoll says:

    Mom3.0 says:

    June 13, 2012 at 12:11 am

    Hey girl!!!!! Love love love

    Again, on Dr. Drew, talked about ‘its’ smile and further stated, he is probably reliving the moments as the victim testifies. He’s aroused by the memories!

    Lord almighty, if the jury isn’t affected by the testimony of victim 1, at least, they have no souls.

  49. Ragdoll says:

    PS….Sandusky is NOT histrionic. Liken this disorder to an opera singer who’s loud, dramatic and the center of attention (Creature Anthony). Difference…histrionics NEED to be loud, dramatic and the center of attention. Everything is over the top, especially the lies.

    I don’t get how these people got their degrees.

  50. Word Girl says:

    John McQueary testified firmly today that he doesn’t remember being the chief witness at a preliminary hearing for Schultz and Curley. Def and Pros confirmed he testified by showing him the transcripts. He still denied it and Cleland made them move on…

    Read more at Penn live dot com/jerrysandusky/. (my mobile won’t let me post the link properly.)

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