Jodi Arias Prepares To Die Or Rot In Jail For The Murder Of Travis Alexander

Posted by BOC Staff | C word,Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,George Anthony,Jodi Arias,Nancy Grace,Travis Alexander | Thursday 3 January 2013 4:14 am

Phoenix, Arizona- Today began the first day of the first degree or felony murder trial of Jodi Arias for the murder of her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander.

Image courtesy Arias

Image courtesy Arias

Arias is accused of viciously stabbing and shooting her former boyfriend in his home after a romantic afternoon which included footage of the couples rendezvous taken on Alexander’s camera.

Alexander broke off ties with Arias  several months before according to his close friends, but not so much- according to cell and other electronic communications shared between the two.   The phrase “He’s just not that into you” and Ms. Arias are apparently strangers.

courtesy myspace

courtesy myspace

Travis was a young and successful entrepreneur with a 5 bedroom home.  Arias was a High School drop out content to take pictures of the two globetrotting on Alexander’s dime.

Arias converted to the Mormon faith in her efforts to win the wedded affections of the handsome upstart she moved to Mesa from her hometown of Yreka, CA for.

Travis decided he wanted a Mormon do-over with a suitable young woman and asked Arias to move out.     Arias returned to her family home (or pretended to) and diligently stalked her way through waiting out the *friends with benefits* routine she was sure to cure Travis of.

When Arias learned Travis was headed to Cancun with a woman he had just begun dating it was clear Jodi was not fond of giving up what she considered her earned frequent flyer spot.

Maria Hall was the first witness for the prosecution.  She testified that although she went on a few dates with Alexander, there was no spark for her and the two decided to vacation as friends.  She was made aware that Travis had a female stalker who slit his tires but never knew her name.  Hall ultimately called police after not being able to reach Alexander for days and she and two friends who had the garage key code found his body.

Images of a deceased Travis Alexander depicting 27 stab wounds and a .25 gunshot to the cheek were seen by the jury while Arias looked down dabbing a tissue at dry eyes.  Alexander had a gaping hole in his throat from ear to ear.

With a palm print made in blood and hair belonging to Arias in blood at the scene,  one would have thought that would have been enough for her to admit her presence to police.

It was not until the images of Travis’s camera, where one can see a shot of the ceiling one second and the next picture shows him bleeding and Arias attempting to drag him,  did Arias update her version of events.  The camera was found in the washer with the bedding but the SD card was unharmed.  The pictures were recovered from the unallocated space indicating Arias had deleted them.   There are pictures of Travis Alexander’s lifeless body including defensive wounds.

It is believed Arias shot Alexander first,  rendering him mostly incapacitated as he tried to fight off her knife attack, although the prosecution has seemed to change it’s earlier findings on the wound chronology.

She now claims she killed Travis Alexander in self defense.  I want to personally thank her for not accusing George Anthony of finding Alexander in the shower and claiming he was dead from some lethal water pressure mishap he found online surfing the web.

This woman,  the prison caroling songstress of 2010, will have all the permanent acoustics she can handle.

“No jury is going to convict me … because I am innocent and you can mark my words on that,” 

“No jury is going to convict me.”    -Jodi Arias

And Ms. Arias can mark my words on this.   You are never getting out of the joint alive.   You know what? I don’t think you care in the least.    At least your crazytown azz does not have to watch a kind and successful young man struggling with the application of his fundamental religious teachings while you invade the mans doggy door and squat at his pad while he is out trying to earn a living.   You just swapped one prison for another.



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  1. Löni says:

    Hallo Blink and blinksters. I am asking myself if the pic taken at 5:32:16 could be a pic while Jodi finishes to kill Travis cause it was taken before the one where JA dragged Travis or am i wrong?

  2. Jane says:

    It’s hard to grasp, isn’t it. I can’t imagine a woman being so evil. Maybe he was just too much for her. Not only as a love interest but possibly everything she wished she could be but knew she never would. The ‘ol chicken salad theory: You gotta have chicken to make chicken salad.

  3. Cadillac says:

    Makes one wonder if CA took some pictures, as well?

    Sick, sick, sick.

  4. Ragdoll says:

    Watching this trial has thrown a whole new insight into this case, for me.

    Creature and Killer Arias both lied to LE on July 15, 2008. These freaks must be evil soul sisters. You can’t get anymore coinkidink than this.

    Waka waka.

    Surreal. I am about to believe in bi-coastal mind control.

  5. Ragdoll says:

    JC says:
    January 15, 2013 at 3:45 pm

    You must have watched the same Anderson Live episode I watched too. Janine Driver is a true real expert in the area of body language.


  6. Ragdoll says:

    A true real expert. *SMH*

    A TRUE expert, I did mean.

  7. John says:

    OK, I have many doubts about this case. (not saying I am right)
    …..many people confess to committing crimes they did not in fact commit.
    a) If she did kill T., and came prepared to do so, then why did she not wear protective gear, and gloves….(she could have taken all of same with her and disposed where no-one would ever find same)

    b) Why would she put camera in washing machine???? J. knew about cameras and art, and would be unlikely to make such a mistake….even if she wanted to wash it off, she would then take it with her…

    c) After committing such a brutal crime, would she stop for lunch??????

    d) what is the purpose of dragging him from room to room?

    2……..Instead, what if this happened????? a male member of said church was jealous of relationship (or disapproved of relationship) and was also connected to T. via business/money, and committed acts which J. witnessed…..she being (some kind of boxed mental illness….not sure what) easy to convince that she would be next, agreed to take the blame.

    3…..for all those who say she, Jodi, should be put in deep hole etc, and murdered, I ask you this???? will you murder all mentally ill people (even psychopathic individuals have brain damage)

    4… cannot have it both ways….if Jodi is not mentally ill, and intelligent enough to know what she is doing, and doing it on purpose, why is she not intelligent enough not to confess, and change her stories etc.

    5….WHO is T. beneficiary…..follow the money trail

    BTW (mom 3) (I have also been thinking all same thoughts re certain branches of the religion)

    I would not be the least bit afraid to be in same room all alone with Jodi….BUT would be very afraid of Travis and his so-called friends
    (look at the expression on T. face in pic Blink has up, also look at his hands ….he is steepling!) Also, for a motivational speaker, he sure is dumb , or was, about human nature…..what exactly does he mean to motivate in others????revenge? murder/ anger? resentment? cruelty, and on and on…..I also wish to say I am not impressed with that idiot who testified Jodi had sex with him after the murder….what a double goof!!! he said he did not touch her breasts or anything, but she was on top of him…I know he is not on trial, but he should be just for being stupid! (bet he would not have dared to say that if Jodi were on the lose) she made a note when he was testifying!!!
    I am aware all my thoughts are disjointed and confusing…sorry, but I have confused myself too! Something is wrong here…very wrong….and it is not Jodi IMO

    John, I went out on a limb for you and now this? Seriously- inappropriate and your facts are wrong.
    Yes, disjointed and inaccurate are not the mark of a solid post.

  8. John says:

    oh, and why would she turn her plate upside down, so cops would be sure to catch her???? (someone else did it, the real killer did it)

  9. GeorgiaDad says:

    My take on the pictures: JA considers herself beautiful, desirous, and every man’s fantasy and is probably quite proud of her pictures. TA, like most men, probably didn’t want to be photographed, especially in the shower (Seinfeld fans will probably remember the “shrinkage” episode). I could easily see the “shower” photographs leading to a confrontation.

    The shower picture’s were probably initially unknown to TA. I doubt they were coerced. My reasoning is: 1) He was shot last so she probably didn’t have a gun at the time (A person with a gun who is “attacked” would probably use the gun, not put it down and grab a knife) 2) if she had a knife, he would probably try to grab the knife or talk her down, not pose for pictures.

  10. John says:

    B. I do admit the part about the person who testified about J. having sex with him after the murder, might be inappropriate, but the rest of it is just what I really think. I still would not find Jodi guilty if I were on jury. I cannot and will not go along with everyone who is crucifying her, even if I am the only person who thinks like this. There is something wrong with this picture. I might not be expressing it very well, but how does anyone else really know what happened?

    John- my point is- you are considering and offering opinions on erroneous facts. She never had sex with Burns, never did anything but kiss him. You have not heard all the evidence, so I am thankful that at this juncture you do not feel you could render an opinion. The prosecution’s case is flawed, but at the end of the day, something wicked this way came- to Mesa.


  11. John says:

    B., I might be offering opinions on erroneous facts, true, but i got those facts from CNN, which has constant programming. I care about everyone banding to-gether to crucify Jodi, when, in my opinion, if she murdered him, she did not do it alone (reading between all the lines which others say and she says herself.) My gut feeling is, there is a lot more to this than meets the eye. I am very convinced of it.

    That may be, but we need to use facts and I am asking us to adhere to that standard here.

    I am updating my piece this evening, I don’t see people doing anything that is not appropriate reaction to the evidence.

    The rest I will review in my next piece on the case.

  12. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Jodi could not have scared a knowledgeable person with the little .25 cal. pistol. The size of the bullet and the force of the powder charge are just too little. This is like a .22 cal. short. It hit his forehead and the bullet was deflected into his cheek. While this is somewhat painful, it is not enough to stop someone from defending themselves.

    IIRC the C-word used sex to try and convince her boyfriend that she was worth having. She didn’t succeed either. When sociopaths do not succeed, they take it to the next level with violence. The tire slashing was just an introduction to what she was capable of doing.

    Since sociopaths do not live in the world of reality, trying to make sense of actions and motives is very difficult. We can only watch and wait for the evidence presented hoping that the jury is paying attention.

  13. Eloise says:

    Well John, it seems some of the jurors had some questions similar to yours? I think it is great they asked and you asked and I too have wondered about them and their activities.
    I am flabbergasted honestly- can we all take it if another walks free, I don’t know- I have come to think Travis a handsome young guy- ugh, and Jodi’s lack of concern over what happened to him as a human in general is disturbing whether guilty or innocent, but I think that is what points more to her guilt than innocence for me.

  14. Jane says:

    Gosh…the jurors actually have questions re this woman’s guilt. She admitted killing Travis. Are we seeing a sprinkling of “dumbdust” all over again.

  15. lyla says:

    I’m having a problem with some of the news coverage and comments made by NG and JVM regarding Jodi doing back-flips during her interrogation. IIRC Amanda Knox was doing cartwheels during her interrogation in Italy..guess what..she’s free. This is not a slam dunk case for the prosecution.

  16. Myers says:

    Love reading all the comments here. Haven’t been to the site in awhile. Had to take a break from the last trial that made me so sick to my stomach. After catching a glimps of this trial my first thought was, I wonder what Blink has to say on this? It just blows my mind that the last cracker has a twin. Also blows me away that the date of June 16 2008 is mentioned in this case.. You would think that she had study the last cracker, but in fact her awful doings are happening at around the same time. If this jury does the same as the last crackers, then I am convinced that you can just about anything in this world and get away with it if you are a pretty woman. If your bloody hand print is on the wall, a flipped plate on your rental car, gun you report stolen is the same type of gun used in the murder and a jury is going to ask some of the question they asked today, them I am so puzzled as to what they will decide. They asked questions that had already been asnswered. For instance the roommates having alibis. Are they not listening to the testimony?

  17. Mom3.0 says:

    Thanks for editing the word Blinky – I am looking forward to your next article.

    Joan T thanks for reading through my posts and for letting me know some of my thinking is worth consideration I apologize for not seeing your comment to me sooner.

    hello John

    You wrote
    OK, I have many doubts about this case. (not saying I am right)

    John thats okay I have concerns too- and I am not saying I am right either because its just like you said we dont know –
    All we can do is listen to the evidence as we learn it same as the jury.

    We are trying to figure out what happened

    You wrote that you are hoping she is found not guilty

    If the jury does its job that would mean right now they think she is innocent- by law right now she is
    They can not look at any piece of evidence and think at the end of the day she is guilty they must wait until everything is presented they are told not to form any opinions and not to discuss the case. In the end the evidence must prove her guilty – beyond a reasonable doubt not beyond a shadow or an inkling of doubt…

    Again if they do their jobs this would mean in deliberations they will form their decision- based on the totality of the evidence
    Their hopes of innocence should not factor into it and they may still have doubts unless they were there noone can be certain of guilt or innocence 100% so there will always be room for some doubt

    John what does steepling mean to you?

    Again I do not know if any of that Mormon research has any merit….I am just offering different perspectives on what may play out…

    You outlined some questions and concerns- if its alright I will try to offer a different perspective on the whys of those too-

    Let me apologize in advance for the length


  18. Mom3.0 says:

    Offering different perspectives to Johns outlined questions/concerns

    1 Many people confess to crimes they have not committed
    i agree and we cant say right now if this true in this case or not

    a.If she did kill T., and came prepared to do so, then why did she not wear protective gear, and gloves….(she could have taken all of same with her and disposed where no-one would ever find same)

    John, How can we be certain she didnt wear gloves? She said she would have worn gloves so maybe she did.
    So how can we account for the evidence so far?

    Her fingers were sliced we know this because of the testimony of Burns and the evidence of Travis’ blood mixing with hers to create the hand print. We know the knife used to kill Travis was sharp enough to penetrate the skin – penetrate the sack of the heart-

    The knife sliced through his own fingers as he defensively tried to shield himself- and we know it was sharp enough to slice his throat through the windpipe through the jugular through the c. artery all the way back to his spinal cord almost decapitating him-

    so knowing this… Is it safe to say that the knife used was sharp enough to cut through gloves ?

    Where did the gloves come from was it premeditated?
    We know Jodi dyed her hair perhaps she saved those gloves for just such an activity? – No matter the thickness the cheap kit or more expensive kit-or leather, once cut- blood can seep and prints can be established.
    Jodi said that she was holding hands with the attacker at one point she grabbed her own wrists and hands to illustrate- well could it be that she and Travis did grasp one anothers hands wrestling for the knife and the glove ripped or may have came off in a scuffle?-

    There are a myriad of different explanations for the blood regardless if she wore gloves or not.

    Can we say for certain that Jodi didnt want to leave behind the evidence of that hand print? If she is a “cold blooded” murderer and she wanted the police and the world to know her stories that she was there and bleeding what better way then to leave one bloody print behind?

    As for wearing the protective gear…well she did say she bought those pants on sale so it seems she wore clothes that she didnt really care for-…and perhaps she didnt wear a hazmat suit or body armor because she was trying to use the element of surprise and gearing up in a “Iam about to kill you ” attire might have tipped Travis off to her intentions -

    Considering she was taking tasteful pics of him while he was leisurely showering the hazmat suit and body armor might have been too much of a neon sign…


  19. Mom3.0 says:

    Cont Offering different perspectives to Johns outlined questions/concerns


    b) Why would she put camera in washing machine???? J. knew about cameras and art, and would be unlikely to make such a mistake….even if she wanted to wash it off, she would then take it with her…

    John I am not sure she knew as much as she thinks she did… but lets say she was very knowledgeable
    Could it be she was counting on LE and everyone knowing she was an aspiring photographer and that she helped Travis pick out that camera

    Could it be that she knew exactly what she was doing when she left that camera in the wash?

    Why leave the camera in the wash of clothes his clothes- his Mormom underwear amongst the other wash done to clean away the evidence of a sexual encounter and a murder…. especially since you know it wont erase the evidence on the camera?

    Could it be that she was counting on the camera being discovered because she needed the evidence left behind to tell a story?

    What story did the camera tell?

    Jodi was there that day

    Someone took photos of Travis in the shower long after the x rated pics …. As travis was showering seemingly unaware- Someone came in and attacked Travis who is bleeding on the floor

    Someone deleted the photos and then put the camera in the wash supposedly washing it, although when the washer was opened it was sitting on top…weird because when I do laundry the heavy material tends to go to the bottom…. think tennis shoes…..

    I digress- the evidence left behind, the camera at first glance seems to point to an ignorant person devoid of knowledge about photography/cameras
    washing the camera thinking it would damage the camera beyond repair-thereby destroying any chance of retrieval of evidence….

    Does that sound like Jodi…

    no- Jodi certainly wouldnt have left behind a camera that held pics of her that could make Larry Flynt blush and she being a camera aficionado, would never leave behind a camera which held those pics (and a video) whether deleted or not in the “wash” to be “cleaned”
    taking a chance on everyone seeign her unmentionables

    This evidence points LE in Jodis direction though doesnt it? At least as a very valuable witness, afterall she helped him pick the camera…there was compromising photos on the camera from that day

    So for sure police would eventually get around to interviewing her right? And she would have no choice but to explain the pics and thier relationship And certainly it wouldnt be too long before Travis’ family and friends knew for certain that Travis was not Temple worthy

    Could it be that Jodi was not content on just murdering him but wanted to strip him of all of his dignity and his reputation and his other love his religion the one thing that truly came between them….

    Could it be that she also wanted to take him away from his family not just with his death butwith his memory too-to hurt his family and friends and at the same time tell them all to Kiss her ___

    afterall a picture is worth a thousand words.

    as always JMO

  20. [...] AZ- As the beginning of the second full week of testimony in the State of Arizona v Jodi Arias unfolds we learn some of the most damning evidence against Arias. We also learned that there are [...]

  21. Mom3.0 says:

    Cont Offering different perspectives

    c) After committing such a brutal crime, would she stop for lunch??????

    Idk would she want to eat if she just witnessed a bloody gruesome murder of the man she loved and had just spent the day with – an attack where she herself was tormented and harassed and possibly made to participate would she want to eat if she was deathly afraid for her family and friends would she eat would she continue on to Utah to cuddle up watching movies kising another man or would she rush home- to ensure her families safety?

    d) what is the purpose of dragging him from room to room?
    We dont know that she dragged him from room to room he may have been trying to get away…the blood could have came from her attempts at cleaning up…or the purpose of dragging him could have been to insinuate the perp was very strong or there was more than one person certainly not Jodi alone….

    2……..Instead, what if this happened????? a male member of said church was jealous of relationship (or disapproved of relationship) and was also connected to T. via business/money, and committed acts which J. witnessed…..she being (some kind of boxed mental illness….not sure what) easy to convince that she would be next, agreed to take the blame.

    There is no evidence of this (yet) John but I agree it seems the evidence was supposed to lead the world and LE in this direction at second glance

    “I never touched the gun…I was scared…I never wanted to hurt him there were 2 people…I killed him in self defense…..”

    3…..for all those who say she, Jodi, should be put in deep hole etc, and murdered, I ask you this???? will you murder all mentally ill people (even psychopathic individuals have brain damage)

    4… cannot have it both ways….if Jodi is not mentally ill, and intelligent enough to know what she is doing, and doing it on purpose, why is she not intelligent enough not to confess, and change her stories etc.

    John I dont know if she is mentally ill but I do know she knows right from wrong-
    and I do know her defense is not insanity- as for changing her stories …is she like us, changing her story as the evidence becomes available…. was she going with “i wasnt there i didnt do it”- until the camera and the dna…or did she from the get go plan out what evidence to leave behind becuase she wanted each story to be told?

    Did she plan it out? In her interrogation tape She asked did you watch the video we made?…as if that was supposed to be another piece of the puzzle left behind
    did Jody come off as embarrassed by those photos? To me she seemed to be reveling in the fact that they had been found.

    What is the question Jodi asked in her first interactions
    what was said in each?

    Was there alot of blood?… I want to help in anyway possible Ive heard Rumors….Travis was strong no way one person could do this there had to be more than one Did he have enemies not really but shhh we were having a “secret” love affair…ummm sombody slashed his tires somebody was stalking him… what was the last thing we talked about “mostly Gordon B Hinkley”
    The diet coke couldnt have been his officer…he was a good Mormon

    Who would want to kill him in that manner for making a mockery of the church?
    Certainly not the girl who has always kept his secrets….

    Where was the evidence left behind meant to lead?

    Someone killed him..
    maybe some “stalker” who was aware of their secret love affair someone who was aware of every move he made… every relationship he ever had
    Someone who would recognize Jodi as the “bitch” from California Someone who was surprised by Jodis being there but not too surprised -someone who was sent to end Travis/ life but would not deviate from the plan-…
    Someone who would threaten her life and the lives of her family and KNOW she would never tell…Someone like the “mafia” or like the Sopranos….

    Who would slash tires and knock on the door warning Travis stop or else —stop meeting these women leading them astray someone who warned a different girl writing the girl a letter to warn her to not stray and to stay clean…..:


  22. Mom3.0 says:

    Cont Offering different perspectives

    5….WHO is T. beneficiary…..follow the money trail

    Well according to the interrogation tapes his estate is in probate and will be for a long while.

    But if I followed the “money trail” as it stands now, I have to ask myself about that check left behind….

    why would Travis let Jodi pay next to nothing for his BMW and why would she concern herself with whether or not the left behind evidence the check was cashed ?

    why would she contact his family in their time of grief asking about something so trivial?

    and why would that check be laying out right in view and why would the supposed bad guys leave THAT behind and not take it to ensure they remembered her name and info?

    Again i say it could be that the evidence left behind was supposed to lead LE to Jodi

    and could be it was left behind to ensure Jodi was an intricate part of every aspect of this case becausese even in death even after murdering him she wasnt through making him suffer and she wasnt ready to let him go

    Was the evidence left behind so she would have “no choice” but to tell her stories of their relationship of their troubles of her being indebted to Travis of the lawyers and all the rest?

    I have a question

    Why would Jodi call the house at 11 :45 and leave that message which told anyone listening to it (perhaps the killers for all she knew) all of her info— where she was gonna be and with who
    and when
    and that message also let LE know
    A Travis and she had talked that night and that she knew of his trip
    B that he had talked to leslie \

    C it let LE know Jodi and travis had went on a trip together before to New mexico and it also let them know they had plans

    Told them she was on a road trip right then and had got lost for a time…

    and it also let them know that her phone was out of order for awhile that night….

    Did she sound frightened did she sound concerned about him did she sound concerned to let that info slip even though Travis may have just been killed because of their relationship if the “mafia was out to get him…?

    After leaving that message
    LE would have no choice but to call her up and question her at the very least though right?

    John i dont know what happened she says she did it in self defense right now the evidence seems to point to her doing as revenge or retribution

    But I will try from here on out
    not to declare her guilty or innocent until after all evidence has been shown-

    Thanks for reminding me she is innocent until proven guilty

    Who knows what the jury is thinking who knows what their perspectives/interpretations of the evidence will be?
    If nothing else you and I have proven that there are very different ways to see the same evidence-

    AJMO Peace

  23. @lyla
    Agreed. She was stretching her back, non news.

  24. Mom3.0 says:

    hi TGF

    you wrote:

    Jodi could not have scared a knowledgeable person with the little .25 cal. pistol. The size of the bullet and the force of the powder charge are just too little. This is like a .22 cal. short. It hit his forehead and the bullet was deflected into his cheek. While this is somewhat painful, it is not enough to stop someone from defending themselves.

    perhaps but i would think that anyone who had just been shot in the head with a gun no matter the size would be frightened of that person with the gun-

    And there is no telling what the trajectory of that bullet was once inside travis head a .25 is small enough to be defleced or bounce around so perhaps his brain was hit more than once — the bullet bounced to and fro before lodging itself in his upper cheek bone.

    we’ll never know because he lay rotting and his brain turned to mush preventing the ME from determining the bullets pathway.

    You wrote;

    While this is somewhat painful, it is not enough to stop someone from defending themselves.

    With head injures one can never tell but if true at the very least travis was shot in the head and if Jodi had said travis I will shoot your D-__ off if you come any closer well after just having proved she was a crack shot- Damn sure he would have heeded her warning —unless he knew she was not “defending” herself but instead trying to kill him.

    –BTW Jodi says Travis lunged for her for having dropped the camera she admits the camera hadnt landed yet- i ask how she knew he wasnt lunging to catch the camera before it dropped to the floor?


    You could be right TGF thankyou for sharing your knowledge with us i always learn so much.

    Ps I totally agree with your comments on sociopaths


  25. John says:

    A close friend of Travis was interviewed on CNN last night. His face was sad when Travis was mentioned, but lit up like a Christmas tree when Jodi was mentioned. He stated that Jodi was into alternative energies, NG was very interested in this, and asked what he meant. He stated that she was into positive energy forces as in Wicca witchcraft and had studied the same. You can read it on NG. (this person did not seem to be particularly anti Jodi.
    Also Dr. Drew interviewed a close friend of Jodi who thought he knew her very well. He recommended the death penalty for Jodi! I find this very interesting, in that he wanted sex with Jodi, and seemed to be unsuccessful, and stated he tried. They had many conversations, right up to the time T. was killed. This person also worked for the same company as T., and went to Cancun. I think he should be investigated. (interesting statement from him re Jodi and his first exchange in conversation….she said “I like your energy”, and told him she was “dabbling in Mormanism”. Jodi is a very complicated woman, to say the least.
    Thanks mom 3 for your interesting input. I am only interested in the truth, and it does not always come out. ((((witness the mom who was in jail for 13 years for killing her daughter…DNA proved she did not do it and the man who killed and raped her daughter helped to put her in prison)))) Cases like this prove things are not always as they seem.

  26. JC says:

    @ Ragdoll (OMG I got noticed by Ragdoll-squee!)

    I didn’t watch that Anderson, my dad was in LE and private investigations for many years and he taught me how to read people. It is a very handy tool in today’s society. It sickens me how many crazies are out there- and after my divorce I decided just NOT to go to the dating pool again. Thanks for making me feel included- I now am an official “blinkster”.

  27. Ragdoll says:

    Hugs to you JC. I’m only the BOC mascot, friendy! LOL

  28. nanshin says:

    I just have a question about innocent until proven guilty. Jodi did admit killing Travis, but in self defense, correct ?


  29. A Texas Grandfather says:


    Your comment that Jodi was a crack shot and that Travis would have been afraid is certainly possible. I probably would be taking my own position regarding the fear of a gun or a knife. I am not going to let someone who is trying to harm me have an easy time. If someone came at me with either, they would get some damage too.

    Just because she hit Travis in the head with the bullet, does not mean it penetrated the skull. If you remember the Eve Carson case, she was shot first with a 22 cal. pistol. The shot hit her shoulder and then bounced downward to end up in her lower abdomen. She would have survived the 22 cal. shots. It was the .410 shotgun shell in the head that took her life.

    The multiple stab wounds and cutting the throat allowed the body to bleed out.

  30. Mom3.0 says:

    Hey TGf-

    Your last post left me thinking- I posted my thoughts on the other thread-

    Sadly we will never know the truth because Jodi Arias is a liar.

    I feel so bad for Travis and his family and friends i am keeping them in my prayers

    All I keep thinking is if this was a case of self defense then why is she such a cold hearted liar and why did she clean the scene and go merrily on her way… why is she and her defense trashing Travis-

    Why not call police and state what happened not leave Travis to rot in that shower.

    Its all so wrong

    Travis’ family deserves justice. Travis deserves peace

    John thanks for reading through my posts. I am only interested in truth and justice too-

    You keep looking for someone else to blame.

    Jodi admits she killed him John- her DNA is there- She says she killed him in self defense-

    That is the only question here-

    Not who killed him- she did- but was it
    in self defense.


  31. shirley pare says:

    the bullet casing fell on top of the blood which means, he was bleeding before he got shot or the bullet would have been under the blood

    The bullet casing was deposited by some means on a blood source belonging to the decedant.

    That is as factual of a statement that can be made- I promise you.

  32. N.Cahela says:

    Blink, I’m in 100% agreement with you on the bullet casing. Do you think Jodi put it there to throw them off or she meant to remove it from the crime scene and accidently dropped it and didn’t realize it or what?

    Also do you think Jodi meant to wash the camera or do you think it could have just got wrapped up in the sheets/clothes that she washed and she didn’t realize it was in there? It just seems like that would be something she would have taken with her and would have gotten rid of it elsewhere.

    The bullet casing was deposited by some means on a blood source belonging to the decedant.

    That is as factual of a statement that can be made- I promise you.

    She was clearly taking images of Travis in the shower, so I feel she had deleted the pics she wanted deleted and then just scooped the camera up with the towels, bedding or whatever ended up in the washer.
    At this time his roomate was due to be home already, and since he was taking the bus, she had no way to know really when he got home and for all she knew he could have been at any second. I would be very interested to know how she got out of that house. I personally believe she was parked in the garage at that time.


  33. John says:

    mom 3, I look for someone who may have been there with Jodi at the time, who may have convinced her she killed him. I want to know at what time the roomates came home. I cannot seem to find out anywhere. If the roomate (s) was home before the discovery of the body, and said he did not know T. was dead , then he is the liar, not Jodi. I do not know that he was there, but do know he went to great lengths to explain his DNA would be in the house all over the place….why would he feel it necessary to say this?
    I do not believe Jodi killed Travis, but do think she was there and witnessed the killing.

  34. Mom3.0 says:


    This whole case stinks to high Heaven.

    First let me say Jodi has never said that she believed Travis was dead according to her he was alive when she left -
    She claimed she never touched the gun nor shot a gun nor handled a gun

    She said that she is deathly afraid of guns yet when police went to arrest her she had a gun of her very own.

    Jodi is a liar

    But having said that

    If the C-A trial proved anything to the world it is that being a liar does not necessarily mean that a jury will find you guilty of the murder
    in fact being a liar may be your get out of jail free card-
    as no sane person can unravel the lies enough to silence a reasonable doubt… No matter how many blatant lies are told, to seemingly cover for the murder- no matter how happy and carefree you appeared once the person was dead and rotting means nothing – all one needs to do is play the victim card- or offer up a lie of someone else did it- and the poor jury starts to think-

    with all these lies she covering for something…but perhaps its not because she murdered him…. but maybe she is lying because she s scared -or was a victim- abused -uglycoping etc etc…

    I think Jodi did it John and I think she planned it out for a long while-

    But yes there are many Many unasked and unanswered questions about this case which bother me too John, so I cant fault you for taking those unasked/unanswered questions and formulating a scenario in which she is not the sole culprit, nor can I fault you for seeing “some” truth in her victimhood which shapes your doubt…

    I am changing my view -
    with so many unanswered questions I do not believe the State did enough to make these 12 jurors vote guilty.

    I cry as I write those words John, for unlike you, I think Jodi Arias is a cold blooded murderer.


  35. Mom3.0 says:

    Is it POSSIBLE that someone shot in the head with a small caliber gun (in the frontal lobe) would not drop to the ground incapacitated-
    Through research I found that it is possible though NOT likely

    Is it POSSIBLE to change a date on a camera?

    Through research I have found that it IS possible (more on this later)

    Unasked unanswered questions that plague me-

    Why is Travis’ robe hanging undisturbed in that bathroom?

    Why did LE determine that the roommates were cleared by an alibi of
    Housesitting with a girlfriend- if the two were housesitting alone than IMO that is NOT enough of an alibi to”clear” them

    Did these roommates not talk? How could they have thought Travis left for a cancun trip 5 days earlier than expected even though his dog was there

    The smell the dog barking was this never an issue for them?
    Who fed it etc?

    Was this downstairs area- a common area? Did they have to move through this area to get to their rooms where were their rooms in relation to Travis?

    Did they share access to the laundry room noone had to do laundry for 5 days? noone went looking for a smell noone heard travis’ phones ringing- noone called his cell only to hear it ring somewhere in the home?

    Why are the evidence photos so poorly done?

    Why were pics not shown of each room from every angle?

    why wasnt experiments done to rule out different scenarios?
    such as

    The pillow trimming-
    taking a camera and the same or like bedding/clothes and running it through a wash to see if it is possible for the camera to be on top after laundering- if the camera would be damaged the card etc- if after sitting for five days if the contents would be damp or dry or what…


    why not recreate the murder the scuffle in the bathroom the hallway inorder to see if it was even possible for two people to scuffle and the plants etc to be upright on the sink vanity.

    Recreate the photos-

    where did the person taking the photos need to be the vantage point- is it possible to take the photos surreptitiously from the hallway?

    The Travis photos on the bed- where were they taken? what was the vantage point could the camera have been set on the nightstand and Travis was unaware they were taken?

    The “sex” that was said to have occurred there is no evidence of it- naughty pics do not show sex they show nonsex- and the ky does not necessarily mean anal sex… ky would tend to show dry sex such as with self gratification not coitus- and the heightened “rawness” or redness would also tend to show dry sex such as masturbation not coitus…and if we have a Chasity belt around an arm that would tend to show that there was no “real” sex…

    and those “accidental” pics

    were they lightened were they sent to the very best lab- I find it hard to believe that these pics can not be better enhanced to show the images “better”

    Can we say for certain the bathroom pic does not show the robe on the floor over a bloody Travis- I wish someone could show me her pant leg- perhpas all these photos were more obvious in court IDK but for me they are not obvious and that leaves room for the defense to comein and steer the minds of the jury in a different direction.

    The same with all of these questions and concerns which are only a fraction of those I have running through my mind…

    But if even one of those jurors have personal knowledge or experience with watching “Regarding Henry”..or with another case of a small caliber head wound to the frontal lobe not resulting in instant death or incapacitation- then it may be a problem.

    and if even one of those jurors have ever had a digital camera- then they know that

    the date and the time is first put in by the user– and it does not necessarily mean that was the actual date and time the photo was taken..

    was this camera used before by Travis?- and did he opt to put in a date or time or did he choose not too- did Jodi helpfully set the date and time for him?

    Can we be sure of anything?


    A very researched list to ponder indeed, Mom 3.0.

    On the sex or non-sex. We are assuming that we have seen all the images- I do not believe that is the case. We have encase recovered images with time stamps and some without- that is not a complete rendering for this jury, imo. Prosecutorial strategy again- you betcha.

    I toyed with the notion originally that the time stamps on these pics in particular are wrong, or flipped as to those in the shower, etc. Encase is a fairly well accepted LE tool, however.

    I have come to believe that Jodi’s purchases on the way there also corroborate these images. I can tell you that the defense recently won an argument to test Jodi’s camera- I don’t know if that means they never have or what- but it is peculiar.

    Given all the images I would find it hard to believe the two did not have coitus- but it is possible of course.

    Your points on re-creation are spot on, and they are also an absolute in any criminal case without an eye witness of a decedant by homicide recovered 5 days later. I can tell you I regularly put my professional training and knowledge aside and try to look as a layperson and there are gaping holes in this presentation- there just are. None of the forensic findings of this case are up to current standard, imo. At least not as how evidence has been presented to this jury- given the very educated and contemporary questions they proffered.

    I not only have a concern that this girl will end up on the outside one day- I have a concern if she does that someone close to Travis may feel a need for exacting their own measure of justice.

    God forgive me for saying I am not sure I would blame them. I pray for strength for them.


  36. Mom3.0 says:

    She was clearly taking images of Travis in the shower, so I feel she had deleted the pics she wanted deleted and then just scooped the camera up with the towels, bedding or whatever ended up in the washer.
    At this time his roommate was due to be home already, and since he was taking the bus, she had no way to know really when he got home and for all she knew he could have been at any second. I would be very interested to know how she got out of that house. I personally believe she was parked in the garage at that time.


    Blink except again we dont really know what time those pics were taken-
    I do believe travis was long dead before the “proposed” time that last pic was snapped-

    Jodi said something in her interview/interrogation that i do believe is the truth, as it is one of the only times she reacted to the viewing of these tapes-

    When the det showed her the pic of travis the last pic of travis the one that haunts us-
    The only good shower pic (in terms of lightening and framing…)

    She says (pp) thats my favorite one i love that one but Travis said it made him look gay…Jodi in trial smiles wistfully…)

    Just thinking “aloud” not sure if it means anything


    Mom 3.0- you said:

    …”I do believe travis was long dead before the “proposed” time that last pic was snapped-…”

    I am not sure I am following you on that, if you could clarify please?


  37. John says:

    Mom3…..I will believe Jodi is a cold blooded murderer, if in addition to confessing she killed him in self defense, she can show LE where the gun and knife are. If she cannot produce the gun and knife, yet said she killed him in self defense, as everyone is telling me, then we have a problem,…..why not bring on the knife and gun…….(((((if she has no clue where they are, and yet continues to claim self defense, then ….her confession was co-erced, OR she did it while she was in alternate personality…..OR someone told her she did it, and she could not remember))))) Let her produce the gun and knife and I can accept that she killed him.

    Not Mom3.0- but blink, and I am telling you this girl is trying to format a defense to this crime- she is never going to produce evidence which will absolutely prove premeditation.

    She just never would. It is not going to happen.

  38. Mom3.0 says:

    Mom 3.0- you said:

    …”I do believe travis was long dead before the “proposed” time that last pic was snapped-…”

    I am not sure I am following you on that, if you could clarify please?


    Sorry Blink Ill try to clarify-

    Jodi was said to have been at Travis’ from the early morning hours on….
    According to herinterview tapes IIRC she said she was tired so they went to sleep in a different version Travis stayed up for a while then joined her sleeping they woke up around one and immediately began the pics then 4 hours later the shower pics

    So IF Jodi is the one that programmed the time into the camera- perhaps she didnt set the correct time-

    If you put “how do i change the date on my camera” into google many stories will pop up of people accidentally setting the time wrong- its off by an hour 3 4- sometimes even the date other stories will pop up of people wanting to change the time and date inorder to pull a fast one on those looking at the time and date stamp-

    Who can say if Jodi didnt purposely/accidently set the time incorrectly-

    maybe the naughty pics were from earlier then 4 hours later the shower pics began

    who can say if 1pm then later 5 pm time is correct?

    since Jodi was from California- How can we be certain she didnt set the time for daylight savings time (which would mean that the camera would be off on times by an hour)

    Also since Travis was reportedly taking the camera to Cancun- it would make sense that he may want the time set for daylight savings time as Cancun does observe DST

    this would mean the pics stared at 12 and then ended at 430-
    not the time the roommate was sceduled to come home and this would leave more time for the clean-up etc…

    —Then still if we assume that Jodi was using the camera the photos as evidence- an alibi of sorts meaning she wanted the naughty pics to be found either to hurt Travis and his family or so LE would have to include her in the investigation-

    then we cant rule out she programmed the time in wrong entirely inorderr to give herself more of a window to commit the murder….

    ex-the shower pics were taken hours later when his roommate was due to arrive from work shortly– how could she premediatively murder him if the roommate could have come in at any momment?

    the timestamps SEEM to indicate this


    Which really dont prove anything- as the time could be off and Travis could have been dead long before “5:39 pm” the time the last pic was accidentally taken -

    Either by an hour for DST or perhaps longer if Jodi calculatingly put the time in incorrectly… giving herself more time and confusing LE throwing them off the time she was there and the time the murder occurred…

    So just because the timestamp shows the murder occuring at 5:30 pm Travis could have in fact been dead long before this hour.

    Did I explain it better or did I just confuse you more?


    Yes to all your points, it is possible. I believe that the timestamps roughly coincide with cell ping and then GPS data although none of that was presented as exhibits in court. I know the last outgoing call from Travis’s phone was after noon, and the last activity on his computer was 4:19PM.

    I have personally worked on a case where LE did not understand how to convert Zulu time to it’s time zone and so for a flipping year they had the wrong timeline and unfortunately the wrong identification of a person on CCTV they thought was the victim for 2 years. I hate to bring it up again, but it is true- look at the analysis of what was believed to be CA computer searches- Let’s agree in some cases LE has a ways to go when analyzing electronic data. It compromises cases and that is unacceptable- they should have the tools they need to both access and interpret data.

    In CA case however, they did, they just thought they knew what they were doing I guess- we know how that turned out.

    I think you are trying to offer the possibility this was more premeditated than the scene appears?


  39. N.Cahela says:


    She is not going to lead them to a gun she says was stolen from her grandparents house a week earlier. A robbery she faked no doubt.

    Blink, Sorry I missed it but what was the time of death from the ME?

  40. @n. Cahela
    Consistent with the time stamps on the images. He was in intermediate decomp phase.

  41. lyla says:

    (snipped) “First let me say Jodi has never said that she believed Travis was dead according to her he was alive when she left -
    She claimed she never touched the gun nor shot a gun nor handled a gun

    She said that she is deathly afraid of guns yet when police went to arrest her she had a gun of her very own.

    Jodi is a liar
    What kind of gun did she possess?

    I don’t believe that is accurate- I don’t believe Jodi was ever proven to be in possession of any gun.

    She admitted to shooting a .22 pistol some years earlier, but has maintained she did not steal her grands gun or fire it.

  42. lyla says:

    If the Prosecution feels the evidence is overwhelming for premeditated murder could someone please explain to me why it’s taken four and one half years to bring this case to trial??

    I have to admit a great deal of that is on Arias. This docket is beyond lengthy. You can read the minutes of the case here:

    That said, it also had a lot to do with the public defenders office- last count I think she went through 5 or 6 lawyers. Nurmi quit the pd office to go into private practice it took so long- the judge made him stay with the case. As we are now seeing, it looks like that was not a bad strategy because much of the data is only in the hands of the defense in the last year to 18 months. She may have speedy trial issues at appeal, not sure.

  43. Mom3.0 says:

    I think you are trying to offer the possibility this was more premeditated than the scene appears?


    Blink I am saying there is a myriad of different possibilities and that is one of them… as you said it seems this prosecution team did not go over each possible scenario.

    Anther thing that is bothering me is were the blinds tested- how could those bathroom blinds be so prestine with a scuffle and blood everywhere and are we sure those were the only window treatments?

    the lighting is strange in that house in the evidence photos and thTravis camera photos they should have reenacted each shot to test the time of day the lighting…

    Yes it is reminiscent of the CA computer stuff it seems that the State gets a theory in their head and then they wont deviate from it…

    I digress

    I went looking for Travis Alexanders camera–

    there is a pic of the desk in his office it has a box on it could be the box for the camera?

    See here:

    and more

    NightShot infrared system Sony’s NightShot system provides infrared illumination for shooting in near-dark or totally dark conditions without using a flash — so you can capture sleeping children, nocturnal animals and creative night scenes that lie beyond the power of conventional cameras.


    Remote Control Function

    Remote Control Function. In both shooting and play mode, you can use a supplied remote control unit to control basic camera functions — including zoom, menu settings, etc. — so you can put yourself in the picture when shooting with a tripod or sit back and enjoy the show when you share images on your home TV screen.


    So was Travis Alexanders camera ever used out of the box and did his camera come with the remote control ( and if so then is it possible that Jodi took photos herself without Travis knowing)…the shot of her on the bed next to her hand looks kinda like a remote doesnt it? Dont take my word for it though, as it might be a pen…sigh

    and the tv armoire seems to be open…could they have been watching the pics or a movie as it was being made?…

    The point is it seems with a little bit of research one can learn more than what the prosecution presented..

    This camera whichever model it is seems to have a lot of features that the prosecution missed…

    What more did they miss?


    Mom3.0- are you saying that ebay ad is that of Travis’s camera on his desk? I just want to make sure before I respond- I am thinking it was just the model and you were referencing the box on his desk?

  44. Mom3.0 says:

    Heres two more links the comments are very interesting-


    Blink is probably right- unfortunately the audio during the trial was low but i thought i heard the det say when they were discussing his glock- that when police went to home to arrest her she was packing the car and she said something about a gun then…perhaps I misheard


  45. lyla says:


    (snipped) :That said, it also had a lot to do with the public defenders office- last count I think she went through 5 or 6 lawyers. Nurmi quit the pd office to go into private practice it took so long- the judge made him stay with the case. As we are now seeing, it looks like that was not a bad strategy because much of the data is only in the hands of the defense in the last year to 18 months. She may have speedy trial issues at appeal, not sure.
    Thanks Blink for all the info and the link. My next thought was “right to a speedy trial” issues. Thanks again

  46. Mom3.0 says:

    Yes Blink I was making note of the box shown on his desk possibly being that for his camera-

    i used that one ebay add to show the color of the box which coincides with the box on travis desk-

    The other ebay ad below-shows the camera I believe ijust like the one Travis had not His but same model etc

    #4 of 10 shown herre

    and during Micheal Mendez’s testimony the SONY can be read as well

    Another interesting thing I found was this review that says the menu is hard to navigate- also this shows what pics look like when in night shot mode.

    but heres the part I noted-


    The H9′s Wheel dial, unfortunately, is very thin and placed so close to the 4-way controller pads that I occasionally tripped the self-timer or changed the flash setting. Changing settings got a little easier once I got used the Wheel and Set button combo, but still felt slightly awkward and slow.

    and heres another interesting tidbit

    Tips & Warnings


    You will have to reset the clock settings on your Sony DSC-S930 each time you remove the batteries or when they run down.



    Thank you, I thought so, and you are correct in your possibilities as far as I am concerned- it is part and parcel of this prosecution’s case unfortunately.

    Who is going to believe only one picture was snapped as a result of a camera dropping on the floor when the previous shots could ABSOLUTELY be timed to the mode on the unit. Ergo.. check out the camera settings, and ascertain from the manufacturer what the timing is on said settings and know what the eff you are talking about. ( not you, lol, you clearly do)

    How many people on the jury own that camera or one like it and are internally shaking their heads that as presented it is not possible? DO we want juries stopping flow of information because a factoid is wrong?

    We know that happens, and I would posit it has in this case based on the jury questions.

    Conversely, had that diligence been done, that camera could have been the live witness in this case.

    This is an example of LE and Prosecution disjoint, imo.

    Nice research Mom 3.0


  47. susanau says:

    have a look at the image of Travis with his fingers in the air, the image of him supposedly still alive sitting in the bottom of the shower and then the image of his bloated body 5 days later.
    What are the lines going down his legs? I thought at first they were hairs. But in the other images he doesn’t appear that hairy.
    Are we certain that the middle image was taken when he was still alive? what could be running down his legs?
    Some of the photos are in focus and some not. The autofocus has a central focus area that you are supposed to put on the subject. If the door to the shower was shut then the camera would focus on the door not Travis. As the photos were taken at various angles, some high, some low, then it would imply someone was holding the camera and it wasn’t on automatic function sitting on say the cistern of the toilet.

    Susanau- are you reading responses to your posts? Have you set your RSS feed?

  48. susanau says:

    Is there any evidence that travis got out of the shower with a towel, moved into his dressing room ?(this has two entrances – one near the bathroom and the other near the entrance of the of the hallway) In a minute a man can dry off. The image at 5.31 is of the light in the hallway/bedroom, not the bathroom. So I believe he was already out of the bathroom when the attack started. had he already laid out his clothes on the bed? Were any of his clothes missing?



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