Jodi Arias Trial: In Her Own Words.. How I Killed Travis Alexander With HIS Gun and HIS Knife

Posted by BOC Staff | Jennifer Wilmott,Jodi Arias,Juan Martinez,Kirk Nurmi,Travis Alexander | Wednesday 20 February 2013 1:30 pm
Photo Courtesy AP Pool

Photo Courtesy AP Pool


Phoenix, Arizona- In today’s highly anticipated morning testimony,  Jodi Arias finally “gets there”.

After weeks of what can only be described as the dog ate my defense testimony led by Kirk Nurmi,  Jodi Arias explains the events leading up to and during the murder of Travis Alexander.

Arias describes an irate and menacing Travis who bounds from the shower, causing her to drop his new camera and pouncing on her, knocking her to the wet tile floor.

“ A five year old can hold a camera better than you.” Arias stated Alexander screamed at her among other threatening expletives while she struggled to break free.

She then ran to the master bedroom closet and apparently using the Spiderman techniques she absorbed via osmosis from the alleged Valentines gift,  retrieved a gun she claimed Travis owned over two feet out of her reach while he was sprinting behind her.

She pointed the gun at him, did not realize it went off and then Travis, still coming at her, stumbles to his knees on the now bloody tile beneath him.  ( Editors Note:  As I have always said,  I believe the order of this injury is true and is important to the charges against her)

Enter gratuitous memory gap.

“I have no memory of stabbing him.” – Jodi Arias

Although Arias admits to having flash backs,  she states she cannot remember any other details with the exception of her crouched in the bathroom covered in blood and drops a knife she believes was upstairs used by Travis to cut ropes he used to tie her up to the bed.

She did however, have the presence of mind to grab the ropes, the gun, apparently removes and loses her shoes and has no idea what happened to the knife she used to stab Alexander 29 times and slit his neck from ear to ear.

Next memory she is driving in the desert with the gun she alleges was Travis’s  when she pitches it out the window at a random location,  then puts the ropes in a dumpster behind a gas station and washes blood off her hands.

Pause for Arias innocuous driving babble and road scenery.

“Why didn’t you call 911 and tell them what happened?”  Kirk Nurmi asks his sniffling but tearless client.

” …He attacked you, why did you feel You messed up pretty badly?”

“This time it was different, he had done it before and nothing happened, it was heightened.” Responded Arias.

While approaching a check point in Utah,  she feels like she will be apprehended there.

Arias decided to do a “whole bunch of things” to cover up she was ever there.

So .. “I called his phone to leave a voice mail”.  For nearly 16 minutes she says she tried numerous times to leave a cheery voice mail  to ask as if she was not present in Alexander’s home.

“I just thought they would be listening to his voice mail, so I just thought it would throw the scent off for a while.”

– Jodi Arias

Yes, she actually said that on the stand.   Defense Attorney Kirk Nurmi was observed writing a note to co-counsel Jennifer Wilmott to send an assistant out to Sam’s for an industrial size supply of Tums.

I made that part up.  Testimony continues following jury lunch break.




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  1. Duchess says:

    I’m so terrible at this…..tried to copy and paste the document, but it just copied the link. Ugh. Apparently, Jodi Aris Journals have been confiscated from her jail cell this this week. a motion has been filed this week. Chris Stark is who we are looking for who has a screen shot of all court filings so far in this case. Don’t know what this means
    (I, Personally, do not agree with journal entries being entered in as evidence at a murder one case trial, (especially this trial,but what do I know!) Does anyone one know when the journals were confiscated as evidence? Was that when Jodi was arrested? If journals were recently retrieved from Jodi’s cell while she has been incarcerated, I call bs.

    Good job Duchess. If you are referring to the latest journals, on or about April 1. The others were taken from her safe under warrant July 15th, 2008.

  2. Ragdoll says:

    Fox website is reporting that JA is tweeting behind bars. IF this is true and truly her twitter, she KNOWS what’s being said in media.

    It’s her and yes she does.

  3. Malty says:

    I feel bad that Ms Alv even took this case as the work she does with battered women is so great
    For years nothing was done to help. And women were told it was their own fault for upsetting their husbands
    But she just is not a good witness in this sitting
    I wonder what questions the jury will ask
    Jodi is smiling from time time and I like her less every day if that is possible

  4. Cindy says:

    I saw this article this morning. I did not realize that you could second-hand twitter…lol…how much outside communication is she allowed while being on trial for the DP?

  5. Pam says:

    Well apparently Laviolette is not the last defense witness. It is my understanding from the State vs. Jodi facebook page that they are calling a computer expert next.

    A lot of people are talking about how long JM is taking, but really it is the defense that is dragging this on.

  6. Word Girl says:

    omf–ja twtttng bhnd brs!

    Just letting everyone know she’s still alive in there?
    I don’t know about these princess killers. How’d they go so wrong?

  7. Myers says:

    I sure hope the jury can tie everything together.
    She has a text message that says “you are the worst thing
    That has ever happened to me” on may 26. Her grandparents
    Home reports a burglary on may 28 and a Gun is missing. Tagged with
    All the other coincidences of premeditation. I just do not see how
    The jury can get passed that. So hard to beleive that ms Wilmot believes her story
    I know she has a job to do, but deeply does she really believe all this.

    Personally, I don’t think, and admittedly is my hope, that anyone gets past that neck slice, and if this was my case, it would be the last image those jurors saw, right after Jodi again telling the jury they will never convict her.

    I keep trying to drive this point- throat slitters as women are VERY RARE.

  8. GraceintheHills says:

    Good morning Ragdoll, Arias tweets through her friend Donavan. Personal computers and cell phones are not allowed in the jail, but inmates can place outgoing calls which are recorded and monitored unless the inmate is talking to his/her lawyer.

  9. Ode says:

    She is even lying on her tweets…the finger was for Nancy…pffff..that finger was for Dr. Samuels.

    Jodi Arias‏@Jodiannarias22 Mar
    Actually, Nancy, that finger was for you. Have a nice day.

  10. Duchess says:

    AL “victim” of a cyber lynching?

    Truly sickening to me to see that. You can disagree with a professional, and state that opinion, but no person has the right to behave the way that article states some are. People should be very aware that there are strict laws against some of that behavior and they should realize that their is abundant case law to strip anonymity from such actions. Just ask that kate person with 8 kids.


  11. A Texas Grandfather says:

    I don’t think anyone who is in jail or prison should be allowed access to computers, phones and the internet without supervision and then only in special cases.

    That is the big question Word Girl. There is no way for any of us to understand the motive or trigger that causes people to attack and harm another. We do know that some are simply not given the brain structure by genes that normal ordinary people have. There are links to areas of the brain that control behavior that are non-functional or partially non-functional.

    There is also the problem of those who have little or no structure in a home environment regarding the respect for good behavior. Mothers and fathers who simply become biological creators and no more are responsible for some of it. Society has become so complex compared to just fifty years ago that it is difficult to make choices of value.

    We have forgotten as a society the immense importance of the ten commandments of the Bible to civilize society. Without those guides, the society of goodness could not have been accomplished and we would be behaving little above the animal level. This lack in our modern society is IMO responsible for all of society to backslide regarding love and care for one another.

    Children and many of those who may be physically considered adults often are not taught the difference between “I want” and “I need” and the behaviors appropriate to them.

  12. mamere says:

    Nana asks for summation

    Mamere says: you tube has videos w/o sidebars, which cuts time down from 5 hrs. to 5 minutes ( kidding but really shortens time ) hope you are feeling better! Just search on jodi arias trial days no sidebars via you tube

  13. Duchess says:

    Blink just wanted to let you know that your site, your posters, and your content is refreshingly professional, and resourceful compared with some other sites that are covering this tragic, horrific crime. Thanks for keeping this case clean and sticking to the facts, and advocating for Travis.

    Thank you kindly.

  14. Ragdoll says:

    According to Chris Stark on Twitter, the barrage of cyber hate toward LaViolette was the subject of lengthy meetings in the judge’s chambers on Monday. Apparently the stress sent the DV expert to the emergency room last weekend. She presented with anxiety and heart palpitations.

    -snipped from

    SIDE BAR: I tried to find another source to confirm this, but no luck, so far.

    @ Word Girl….

    yeah, White as the Driven Snow is tweeting. Most intelligent tweets, ever. I’m smarter for reading them. *smirk*

  15. Ragdoll says:

    @ Word Girl & ATG

    You know, the family dynamics has got to be key. Her parents noticed way back that she was disobedient, rebellious and running a mini grow-op on their roof in gr. 8.

    I’d LOVE for ATG to weigh in on this. It comes across like she’s a kid who got into trouble. It happens, but parents have to nip in the bud. Parents are KEY. So many roads a kid can end up taking, when they get into drugs, hang with the wrong crowd, drop out of school. It’s not impossible for them to pull it together. I have a friend who was on the streets @ 17. Doing and selling drugs. In her words, she bottomed out @ 17. Today, she’s happily married, a strong Christian woman with 2 AMAZING sons. She also shared that it wasn’t the life she wanted and sought help. Did Jodi have that kind of capacity to grab the reins of her life, or was she long gone before she was 20? This is where I’d love ATG’s insight.

    I wonder if being untreated for a mental illness at a young age morphs into more serious mental or personality disorders? Jodi and c word are too much alike and the family sitches are so similar. There’s a study there, imho. Women like them are starting to multiply, if you read the news.


    Peace be with you, all.

  16. Ragdoll says:

    @ GraceintheHills says:
    April 11, 2013 at 9:29 am


    Thank you for the bonus info, dear friendy! I’m hearing that name a lot, along with Aimee Kristine Lantz. I tried googling her (AKL). She’s from Yreka and that’s all I got. She’s ALLEGEDLY tied to JA’s paypal accounts.

    It’s so wrong to allow them access to the net. #unconstitutional, even?

  17. Twitch says:

    I sorta feel sorry for this Donovan person that is tweeting on behalf of JA. She was formerly JA’s cellmate at one time and was released and they have maintained a close friendship (so it has been reported).
    You KNOW JA is just using this woman because she is incapable of anything else and this woman has bought into her brand of BS and will be in for a rude awakening when all is said and done and JA no longer has a use for her. She should not be allowed to play in social media land directly or indierctly while standing trial for Murder IMO.

    I just don’t understand how so many people have become her flock of sheep and hang on her every word as though it’s gospel. Are these ppl that weak minded or?

    So what have we learned in the last couple of days from ALV that contradicts JA’s testimony:
    Finger injured cutting apples
    Knowingly pulled the trigger and shot Travis in the closet
    The knife was in the bedroom on the nightstand

    JA said on the stand that she lied to EVERYONE but is now 100% honest under oath. If that is to be believed it proves JA clearly lied to ALV making her opinions pointless..move on, the damage is done and can’t be repaired no matter how JW tries to spin it on redirect.

    Does anyone have any theories on what the journals seized from JA’s cell on/about April 1, 2013 contain? Was her “manifesto” included in the seized items? Defense filed a motion to compel…but there is a lot of stuff in those journals that would NOT be good for JA.

    I also read that ALV went to the ER recently due to the stress from the trial..I am not sure if that is accurate, but regardless of how annoyed I am with ALV I certainly would not wish anything bad on anyone associated with this trial regardless of which side they are on..except JA of course, she deserves anything that comes her way.

    It’s really sad how the paid defense experts will suffer serious negative impact to their professional lives because of how JA manipulated them. I suppose they know the risks they are facing when they agree to testify but seriously how many lives should one self serving little witch get to destroy..was Travis not enough..her lies and manipulation will have a wide path of destruction when this is over that reaches far beyond the senseless death of another human being.

  18. Ragdoll says:


    I think Jodi Arias is a criminal who has discovered the enterprise of valuation of things confiscated from her.


    JA would agree as per TWITter. She was whining about ebay policies but professed that the value of her ‘art’ only goes up if it’s less accessible.

    I can’t believe this is acceptable, tolerable, legal, ethical……for prisoners to have access to the net. It’s dangerous as heck and their privileges are already over the top, considering they’re in jail for serious crimes (like JA).


  19. Pam says:

    Ragdoll says:

    April 11, 2013 at 10:14 am

    According to Chris Stark on Twitter, the barrage of cyber hate toward LaViolette was the subject of lengthy meetings in the judge’s chambers on Monday. Apparently the stress sent the DV expert to the emergency room last weekend. She presented with anxiety and heart palpitations.

    I am still of the opinion that those meetings were with respect to Laviolette approaching Travis sister and speaking to her after coming off the stand. At some point the family was part of those meetings in chambers on Monday. Although I do hope she has not been threatened and needed medical care.

    Also, I viewed tha motions that were filed, and saw that the defense wants to preclude the prosecution from using lack of remorse in penalty phase. They know she has no remorse, otherwise they would not be trying to keep this out.

  20. whodunit says:

    When Alv began her testimony, she talked about how the cycle of abuse begins because the abused woman can’t possible imagine that she would be hit AGAIN- and this is because as ALV put it in so many words, ( I am simplifying)- words to effect: people only see what they can- that if a person is a good person, it is inconceivable to them that someone could be a bad person.
    At the time , there were a few posters who pointed out that ALV was victimized by Arias because of the same principle- and I think this is true. Alv cannot conceive of a relationship that is purely sexual, and is biased in her beleif that woman dont use men for sex, and biased in her beleif that Travis dominated Arias, simply because statistically, more men batter women than vice versa.

    As far as focusing on Arias upbringing, remember that many people come from horrendous circumstances and lead extraordinary lives- BECAUSE we have the innate ability to make choices. No matter what Arias’ upbringing was, I don’t accept that as an excuse for what she did, never will.

    Most importantly, Arias was out of the house and in a live in , sexual situation by the time she was 15.
    It is illegal to have sex with a minor. But somehow ALV missed that as an abusive relationship, and claims the abuse in Arias’ life began with Travis.

    Wonder if Arias could be sued for slander for email tweets. There was a successful case against Corutney Love, who said things on twitter that caused a judge to believe the plaintiff claim that she had been slandered and that it affected her ability to practice her profession as a designer. As far as social media goes, it was important , because it is an area with no censorship,no real rules, no legislation, it is still relatively unexplored as far as what constitutes freedom of speech.

    I have never heard ALV say that abuse in Arias life started with Travis- in fact, stated it started in her view from her Father, and I believe she referenced Bobby Juarez choking her. Her entire point is that Jodi put up with abuse because it was all she knew. Her basic value as the defense sees it is laying the foundation for a battered woman who literally finally took out all the former abuse transgressions on Travis in this murder. As if, but that is the goal.


  21. Amys Sister says:

    From what has been stated by ALV there is no ‘pattern’ of abuse in Jodi’s childhood that I can see unless there is information from family interviews that has not been released. Her father pushed her once and her mother carried a wooden spoon… to my knowledge it has never been said that her mother beat her with a spoon only that she carried one. How can ALV go on record stating Jodi was abused as a child?

    ALV is not concerned that Jodi left home so early. What is in the mind of a young teen who has not been abused yet chooses to do that? I know someone who was not abused yet left home at fifteen and I can tell you it is usually a child who is out of control due to mental issues or willfull/rebellious-ness. ALV breezes right by this.

    Searching your child’s belongings is absolutely no way abuse. If there are warning signs that your child is in danger it is the responsibility of the parent to find out why and what is going on. I’m not talking about day to day snooping here, but an investigation into the concerns you have about your child is a good thing and one I would never apologize for as a parent.

    ALV discussed the searches as if they were acts of abuse by Jodi’s parents, neglecting to put emphasis on or even consider Jodi’s act of growing an illegal substance on the Arias’s rooftop.

    I’m sorry Alyce has suffered a public attack. It must be heartbreaking for her with all the work she has done in her field. I still hold her accountable for her inability to be objective in such an important case where a young man was brutally murdered by a very dangerous woman.

  22. Myers says:

    If you go back and watch the first videos of trial, Jodi seems less confident then she seems to appear now. She constantly has a smirk on her face as if she knows she has won this battle already.

    Curious to see what will happen towards the magazines she left the secret coded message in. She is so under handed. To move to messa in the first place should be visible to the jury that she was obsessed and would do anything to be near him, like clean his home. The thought of killing Travis has been on her mind way before she did it.
    She says on the interrogation tape with Flores that she was gonna stay at his house while he was in cancun? That is just weird.

    So guilty is she

  23. Ria says:

    I apologize if this has been brought up before but, I read on another site that Jodi purchased a gun after she had killed Travis. She had plans to go camping with a couple of guys from work and said she bought the gun for protection because she didn’t know them very well. Jodi was not being forced into going, she chose to go. If she felt there was even the slightest chance of either of these guys being dangerous, wouldn’t it make more sense to not go, rather than to buy a gun and go? It makes me wonder if she got such a high from murdering Travis, felt like maybe she was going to get away with it, and couldn’t wait to kill again.

  24. Myers says:

    Initial phone call to detective Flores

    Where you feel the deep obsessiveness she has for Travis

    She wants others to know how she knows every single thing about Travis down to her fact of him not putting caffeine in his body. Detective Flores mentions diet coke in his fridge, but jodi always has an answer. That must have been for friends, Travis would never put that in his body.

    Question to blinkers??
    Would she have been better off today if she would have called the cops then and there claiming self defense, even though she murdered him? Could she have come up with a story and sequence of events.

    If I were on the jury that would be my first thought.
    That is what leads me to believe that Travis did not own a gun and it was premeditated.
    Then the overkill.
    If this case was defendable like some out there do feel, could it have been if she indeed made that 911 call?
    If I were a jury member, that would be where I would start. Myself rationalizing this crime is hopeless.

    Imo, no. An inter-state suspect and 5 days bought this girl plenty. I am positive that immediate crime scene processing would have made this all the more heinous of a story. But I don’t believe a great deal of what has been presented so wth do i know, lol

  25. Rose says:

    @Ragdoll. Anxiety, palpitations allegedly due to stress on the stand, or hate mail. While I sympathize, Imo any defense expert on a high profile murder case simply must handle that as part of their profession. Imo it speaks to the fact she is not a trained expert in domestic violence partner assessments by profession, as she herself has said. She said this is not her profession, marriage & family counseling is.

  26. Rose says:

    I thought lack of remorse was always used in penalty phase, at least by professional evaluators. along with likelihood to reoffend. what are the variables, Blink?

    I am afraid I am going to have to research it myself Rose- I do not know AZ crim process & Pro as well as other jurisdictions- I would characterize them as unique in several areas.

  27. GraceintheHills says:

    Myers says:
    April 11, 2013 at 9:21 am

    I sure hope the jury can tie everything together.
    She has a text message that says “you are the worst thing
    That has ever happened to me” on may 26. Her grandparents
    Home reports a burglary on may 28 and a Gun is missing. Tagged with
    All the other coincidences of premeditation. I just do not see how
    The jury can get passed that. So hard to beleive that ms Wilmot believes her story. I know she has a job to do, but deeply does she really believe all this.

    Personally, I don’t think, and admittedly is my hope, that anyone gets past that neck slice, and if this was my case, it would be the last image those jurors saw, right after Jodi again telling the jury they will never convict her.

    I keep trying to drive this point- throat slitters as women are VERY RARE.

    Yes, they are very rare Blink. The victim does not die “quietly” when the throat is slit. The fact that Arias was able to go and hop onto another man so soon after, imo, tells you almost all you need to know about her character.

  28. Rose says:

    Having now read the usatoday article, it seems to me the judicial system must get a handle on witness intimidation organized through social media and call in the FBI to investigate same re LaV.

  29. Duchess says:

    Another informative article . Snipped from the Huffington post re: jodi arias defense
    From the burning bed to Jodi Arias trial. The abuse defense gone wrong.

    “Just because a woman treats a man badly is no excuse for killing her. And just because a man treats a woman badly is no excuse for killing him. Travis Alexander may not have respected Jodi Arias outside the bedroom, and she may well have wanted more from their relationship than he was willing to offer her. But the only way to promote informed awareness of domestic abuse and intimate partner homicide is to recognize that sometimes the abusers are not men. Sometimes they’re the victims”.

  30. Duchess says:

    One more snip from the burning bed huff article:

    If any man had acted in the same way with a woman he then killed violently, there would be no dispute that he was stalking her, and that she was a victim of a pathological abuser and premeditated killer. It has been by raising awareness of domestic abuse that we have learned how deadly stalking can become, particularly after a woman has ended a relationship and more critically, when the jilted lover realizes he can never have her. But because most stalkers are men and most stalking victims are women, some find it troubling to consider that a man can be a victim of a woman’s obsession with having him all to herself.

    Most crimes of domestic abuse and stalking are perpetrated by men, but just because the majority of victims are women, to deny that women can be controlling and abusive and stalk and kill the men they covet, is a travesty to what the last 35 years have taught us about the dynamics of abuse. To suggest that Jodi Arias was a victim of an abusive boyfriend flies in the face of everything we have learned about power, control and obsession in intimate partner and stalking crimes. Far worse, to remain blind to the evidence of stalking and premeditated homicide because of the genders of the perpetrators and/or victims, is to send us back 35 years to the years before the case of Francine Hughes and The Burning Bed brought the realities of domestic abuse out of the closet, and gave victims some help and hope, however limited it remains.

  31. Myers says:

    Laviotte saying she would have made up a better lie, a lie is a lie

  32. Myers says:

    Myers says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    April 11, 2013 at 2:43 pm
    Laviotte saying she would have made up a better lie, a lie is a lie

    I am referring to Jodi’s lies.

  33. Duchess says:

    A closer look at the May 26th text from Travis to Jodi: ( this was discussed in yesterday’sproceedings. Apparently, JA has imaginary friends.

    @jslarson9 ITS ABOUT 40 Year Virgin” starring Steve Carell as Andy
    Reference to Travis Alexander; was a real life 30 year old virgin, prior to meeting Jodi Arias.

    Jodi testified that Steve Carell was a real person who (Jodi testified) “Wrote a nice email to my gmail account.” Jodi claims to never met Steve and that Travis opened her gmail and found the email from Steve to Jodi and this led to a big fight per Jodi testimony 1:45pm MTN Time 03/06/2013

    Jodi Arias told Travis Alexander that Steve Carell was the person Jodi was sending the actual TEXT to that was accidentally *(not)* sent to Travis to make Travis jealous. May 26, 2008. ON May 28th Jodi grandparents report rare .25 caliper gun stolen. In Travis texts to Jodi, Travis refers to the mystery man/emails/the worst lie ever.

    Jodi Arias hacked into Travis Myspace account, Travis banks account, emails, business affairs; slashed Travis tires on 2 occasion, as well as Travis date at a female’s house, Jodi slashed her car as well. Jodi sent Travis a text which Jodi claims she meant for her imaginary friend Steve Carell. (Movie reference 30 year old Virgin; Travis WAS a 30 yr old virgin) Jodi sent Travis the text meant for Steve. Travis was angry at Jodi attempt to engage Travis gain with more of her lies.
    TEXT from T to J
    April 2008
    (Travis demands Steve information as Travis believes Steve to be fake)

    “you have that information. its 15 minutes it would take to get the info. But you won’t take 15 minutes. Why because it is a Fucking lie. So either text me you that you are ready to tell the truth or give me your imaginary friend with the worst BS story you have ever told or leave me alone. It’s a lie like no other. It is freaking foolish. There is no way out of it, you have screwed up your story so bad you can’t mend it. You are caught. When will you realize that. I do not know. You have until tomorrow to have me this persons information before I tell all of the Hughes’, Leslie Udy, the Freemans, your parents and anyone else that….. *(I have all the texts if you need them)* This is the Text from T to J in regards to J fake story about Steve Carell.

    Jodi’s testimony about the angry message, and it was Travis’ response to the message for Steve Carroll that she “accidentally” sent to Travis. This was on May 26 — it’s time stamped and Jodi was looking at it and testifying about it.

  34. Slowroller says:

    “Fear leads to anger and rage. “-LaV

    Didnt Yoda say something eerily similar to Qui-Gon Jinn regarding Annikan? And the rest is history… LMFAO

  35. A Texas Grandfather says:


    In regards to your question, we cannot know the details of Jodi’s early life. We can only guess at what the family was actually doing.

    I believe that Jodi began to act out maybe as early as three or four. Mom tried to get things under control and where the wooden spoon came into use is not known. If the spoon was necessary for any length of time, that was a clear sign that outside help would be in order.

    Where did Jodi get into trouble with drugs? Enough so that she was willing to grow “pot” on the roof. What was the real consequence of doing that? The mother indicated that they called the police as a means to scare Jodi. Apparently it did not work.

    There is enough information we have discovered about Jodi to make each of us question her choices. She was not afraid to work as we know from several sources that she sometimes worked two jobs.

    Without real proof, I have thought that Jodi early on discovered she could use sex to manipulate people. Used in that manner, IMO it is no different than a drug or alcohol addiction. If you have any experience with either of those, it is widely known that such an addiction cannot begin to be controlled until the addict reaches bottom and makes the decision to do something to change things. Each addict has a different bottom. Some get there quickly as did the woman you talked about. Others could take as long as twenty years or more.

    I also believe that Jodi was using sex to validate her life. If things got a little sticky, then she was not above going into attack mode with confrontations and damaging behavior.

    Travis IMO was living a double life. He wanted to be thought of as a good person while at the same time engaging in unruly behavior with Jodi and perhaps others. There is usually a price to pay for such behavior. One may get lucky and the price might be just loss of social positions or a job. Others may pay the ultimate price as did Travis by loosing his life.

    No one has the right to attack another with the intent to injure them or take a life. Anyone who is attacked has the right to defend themselves as best they can. In this case Jodi attacked and Travis tried to defend without success.

    We have discussed the various behaviors Jodi exhibits regarding some type of classification. They are certainly not what society regards as good or normal.

    The only things that Jodi wants has to do with making her feel good. If she doesn’t get her way she will try to force things with lies and bad behavior. She is a danger to society and as such she should be removed either by life in prison or a death sentence.

    Life in prison is an expensive cost to the public. At her age, it could be forty years or more. The yearly cost could be as high as 35K. I believe that society has the right to remove this dangerous person via a death sentence.

  36. justice23 says:

    I have often wondered what the initial crime scene looked like. Based on the photos after-the-fact, I can only imagine what TA’s family must be going through every time they see those photos in court. They were pretty horrific as they were taken. My mind can’t even begin to wrap around what that bathroom and Travis’s body must have looked like before JA washed him off in the shower and did whatever cleaning up she supposedly did. Was it ever disclosed exactly how much evidence Jodi potentially cleaned or washed away before she left? My guess is that was exactly her reason for putting him in the shower in the 1st place … to wash away evidence. Had TA been discovered right after, instead of 5 days later how much more evil might JA appear to others right now? She has many of the markers of a psychopath according to the Hare Checklist.

    The twenty traits assessed by the PCL-R score are:

    glib and superficial charm
    grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
    need for stimulation
    pathological lying
    cunning and manipulativeness
    lack of remorse or guilt
    shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
    callousness and lack of empathy
    parasitic lifestyle
    poor behavioral controls
    sexual promiscuity
    early behavior problems
    lack of realistic long-term goals
    failure to accept responsibility for own actions
    many short-term marital relationships
    juvenile delinquency
    revocation of conditional release
    criminal versatility

    Read more:

  37. justice23 says:

    Watching the juror’s ask questions to ALV now. The questions are very telling and appear to suggest the jury is skeptical not just of JA but of ALV herself.

    Blink -
    Do you believe JA will be convicted of 1st degree murder or 2nd degree instead? I’m starting to believe this time it may be honestly be possible. It appears from their line of questioning that this jury is on top of things, seems pretty intelligent, asks many pointed and well-thought out questions and is definitely not the Anthony jury, God bless them!

    2nd degree is not an option currently in this case.
    I believe right now if this jury was getting the case today, this jury will hang.

    If you are listening to the questions, for me, it is obvious there is more than one leaning toward the defense.

  38. Amys Sister says:

    There is a high level of minimization of Jodi’s actions LaViolette is expressing in answer to the jurists questions. On the other hand she easily and continually believes that Travis was abusive and angry.

    She acknowledges that Jodi kicked and hit her mother yet Alyce trivializes it as ‘teenage’ behavior. She knows Travis has never been accused of hitting anyone other than Jodi and only because Jodi says it’s so but she considers him to be the violent one.

    She states Travis was aggressive with Jodi but not in any other prior relationships is because he and Jodi were more connected than he had ever been with another woman. How would she know this with her limited knowledge having not ever interviewed his family or friends?

    She’s doing the job she was paid to do.

    Based on the jurors questions it sounds as if at least one of them believes abuse has occured and Travis is the perpetrator.


  39. justice23 says:

    I’m not sure I get why 2nd degree isn’t possible? I believe if there ever was a case worth the DP, this is definitely it.

    I know the State believes it’s 1st degree murder and asking for the DP, but listening to all the legal eagles and news commentators on HLN and In Session, they’ve often discussed the possibility of 2nd degree as if it’s actually one of the options for the jury. In that scenario, I believe Ryan Smith (previous defense attorney) said JA would likely only serve a few yrs and be out by the time she was 40 — way too lenient in my opinion based on the fact that TA was so brutally butchered.

    I know anything less than the DP is considered a ‘win’ for the defense because they are just trying to spare JA’s life, but honestly … for me, anything less than death is a loss for the state seeing how brutal and over-the-top this murder appeared to be.

    She is not charged with it, without the judge adding that in the jury instruction, and since a deal on same was already rejected by the state, the only charges for consideration are felony murder and murder 1. Not sure how close you have followed my comments justice, by I have been adamant this is a murder 2 case from day one- as far as what the state has proven beyond a reasonable doubt.


  40. whodunit says:

    @ TGF
    You read my mind when you brought up sexual addiction. It is too bad the ALV considered herself “too old fashioned” to delve further in to the sexual relationship, or to even consider that it was purely sexual. I beleive Arias learned early on ( when she was still repping herself) that describing the relationship as an emotional bond was to support the battered woman defense, which includes that the abuse victim cannot leave because of a traumatic emotional bond. ALV’s perspective is that this relationship is an example imbalance of power with Travis as the sexual pursuer. She could not conceive of it being any other way.

    I wasn’t clear in my reference. What I was trying to say was that ALV did used the fact that Juarez and brewer said Arias was changed after she met Travis, as a way to claim that until Travis, Arias had not been nutty, in a nutshell. ( I know, awful pun)

    catching up on jury questions now, missed a lot of the day testimony

    Got it, thanks whodunit.

    To all, if we are to speak from ANYONE’s pov as in “ALV said” I am requesting you either quote and source, or identify that it is in your opinion based on something you interpreted.

    I do not understand some of her findings in this case, but I am not inclined to web-lynch the woman for biting off more than she could chew.

    That said, it is my personal opinion that many of her responses appeared gender-bias to me, whether or not that has been her practice experience, I don’t know.


  41. Malty says:

    Poor Jodi she is almost crying but she is a crier right
    I like the fact that the jury is asking about Jodi being an abuser
    I hear she is tweeting ??? Or some one is
    About Martinez’s height
    He is taller enough for me:)

    LOL- I heart u Malty

  42. N. Cahela says:

    I have one question I wish JM or the jury would ask ALV,out of all the DV cases you have dealt with in the past in which the victim ends up killing the abuser, how many times have you had family/friends immediately point at the “victim” as stalking/harassing the “abuser”?

  43. whodunit says:

    @ Myers-
    The may 26th email ended with Travis giving Arias 24 hours to fess up. I think that it was much more than just a foul up in emails- I think that Arias was threatening Travis with a kind of emotional balck mail-
    Remember she had previously told not only Travis but former boyfriends that a woman had come into the restauraunt and told her things… imo , where she confronted him about other women, it was her tactic for hiding the fact that she was going through his email and phone messages-
    But i really do feel in this email of May 26, Arias had previously told Travis she had heard something about him that was so awful, that Travis was demanding to have an explanation. I just don’t connect his anger with Arias seeing another man, in any way. He had recently talked to his Bishop about marrying MiMI Hall.( according to Flores in his first interrogation with Arias)
    He writes that he doesn’t beleive there is even another person involved, and that this is another of her lies, ( the existance of the man ) but if so, he wants proof of that. He wants a confession within twenty four hours.He concludes that she has to fess up or he will tell everyone about all the crazy things she has done.
    48 hours later, a gun was stolen from her grandparents house.
    People with slit throats cant talk.

    As a criminal investigative analyst if I were guaranteed a truthful response, I would ask her one question, and that would be why did she cut his throat?

    It is so completely rare, coupled with all available investigative information private or public, would be the crux of this incident.

    I should note that is almost never the case. Unless we are talking about an entirely different offender profile, this particular act stands out like ( insert analogy).

    My fear and suspicion is her answer.


  44. Myers says:

    Has anyone noticed how Jodi lays her arm straight which seems fishy. Is she taking pens with her. It just looks weird. She is doing it today at the end of court. I have seen her do this offer. She is so sneaky.

  45. Malty says:

    I really think that the finger being for Nancy
    Is really funny
    But does this come from a poor little abused crybaby
    We may get to know the real Jodi yet

    Agreed, not a very contrite and injurious victim/defendant for sure.

  46. Duchess says:
    I can reference a link, but not verify the content for factual basis. I just came upon this.. Is this old news? Does anyone know if this is credible material or has this been discussed in court proceeding?

    90% of that was a persons twitpinion ( mark that as new blink word ) and has no bearing on the article from the Nat Enquirer.

    Links to factual or sourced content please. I can’t and won’t post web rumor- Duchess I know you are new to BOC, understood.


  47. Ode says:

    I think there was a sudden peak into JA today. The sudden almost crying came after Ms. L’s response that the child may not have had anyone theycould confide in such as an uncle or grandparent when asked why one sibling in an abusive home reacts differently than the other. I think Ms. L was responding to Travis’ situation but it evoked an emotion from JA. She grew up feeling undetached to anyone. There was no one she trusted to confide in.

  48. Ode says:

    Sorry for spelling…I mean she is unattached to anyone.

  49. NaNa says:

    How is Arias allowed to Tweet from behind bars? And how is she allowed to view media reports, etc.? I thought the rules that apply to the jury applied to EVERYONE involved in the case?

    Oh wait…Jodi is above the law. Nothing applies to her. Never mind.

    Amys Sister…Thanks for the prayers and the advice. And thanks to others who are praying for me. Ive suffered from autoimmunity for years. Had a great Naturopath that literally saved my life after many misdiagnosis and treatments but she moved too far away for me to see her. Found another Naturopath but Im on a waiting list waiting list. Enough about me.

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