Kyron Horman Missing: New Years Eve Settlement Ends Horman Marriage

Portland, OR- In a surprise court hearing,  Judge Henry Kantor signed off on the agreement between Kaine Horman and Terri Moulton Horman to end their marriage this afternoon.

Details of the agreement have not been released publicly, but according to KGW,  a financial settlement to include child support and a lump payment to Terri Horman has been reached.

In what can only be described as a bitter family court feud-  the divorce matter was last in court on December 16th to decide if the Horman landscaper,  Rodolfo Sanchez Estrada -who alleges Terri Horman tried to hire him to murder Kaine Horman at a lunch meeting – would testify.

Judge Kantor has not yet filed an order from that hearing but Attorneys for Terri Horman were granted a continuance from the pending temporary custody motion scheduled for December 19th and 20th.



BOC Associate Editor Tarin Kenley contributed to this report.




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  1. Rose says:

    TRuth, about the changes in the announced Press Conference the day after Little Boy Lost.
    (I didn’t see it; anyone have a transcript?).
    There were two probable changes.
    1) Lead Detective Gossun’s announced appearance did not materialize, although at that time he remained Lead.
    (For all we know he had an urgent toothache & swollen face.)
    2) There was no content. no new info. no announcements. A waste of tome one reporter said.
    I infer that Conference featuring the Lead Detective who made himself scarce
    was to announce Terri’s arrest that morning, and something changed their minds,
    and they had no fallback backup information plan. Their info had been poofed.
    Maybe that’s when GJ1 returned no true bill to the DA’s surprise. .

  2. T. Ruth says:

    Bring Kyron Home is still an error. The KHFoundation seems abandoned in 2014, last event posted was January 29, 2014.
    I wonder what is going on here?


    I was just reading about he Ashely Madison hacks. I seriously didn’t realize this was something anyone with a brain would sign up for. I mean, who needs the internet to cheat on a spouse? Apparently, a lot of people. Anyway with all the discussion about extra-marital affairs, and infidelities, I wonder if any certain persons names might end up being on that list. Wiki says AM has been around since 2001. Apparently, if you know someone’s email, you can check to see if they’re on the list. Wow, I’ll bet some of these sites are busy, busy, busy. I could sure see how anyone going through a divorce or custody situation might want to check and see if their ex was using the AM services.

  3. Rose says:

    I say that because when you have an arrest,
    imo lead detective wants to be there to crow.
    If no arrest, no reason to attend.

  4. Rose says:

    the dogooder nonTor translation

    supposedly there were alot of & another ivy (iirc yake) email extensions.

    Personally, I felt this data dump to be spiritual warfare on the side of the angels.
    no reason wives should gratuitously get stds.

    but, think, if millions cross continents on a single vendor
    do hetero online hookups,
    how many more both same sex, and minor hookup assignations via Tor?

    TOR is the vehicle of all things bad- I have to be honest. I do NOT recommend folks download that browser. Professionally, I work on it in a controlled setting when it is a component of a case. In my view, analogous to a first phase drug trial in a third world.

  5. Rose says:

    ” T. Ruth says:
    August 20, 2015 at 6:42 pm
    Bring Kyron Home is still an error. The KHFoundation seems abandoned in 2014, last event posted was January 29, 2014.
    I wonder what is going on here?”

    To comply with irs nonprofit rules, all KHF has to do is “awareness” stuff with publically advertised events.

    And they are — via Facebook.

    imo Kaine has no Foundation or IRS problem.

    My take?

    In 2012 Kristin slipped into and displaced Cindi’s skin in the game on Facebook.

    The BKH site in all its permutations was imo always Neil’s construction baby.

    Neil went awhile to TX VA Hosp. in 2014, or 13???

    Anyway, he’s dead now, and probably dying in 2014. Not able to keep up theKHF site.

    Imo Kaine’s a busy man. working hard at Intel.

    kiara and that Aveda student nanny and those in and out needy girlz are Kaine’s priority–not his dad’s site maintenance, imo.

    imo that bkh feed was always Neil’s.
    And now there’s no Neil.
    And that site is not a car show. no allure to Kaine,

    KM can publicize khf car shows more easily on FB.

    And Kaine delegates on line publicity-wise.

  6. Rose says:

    @TRith. I remember my team & friend female psychiatrist discussing Fed hospital staff affairs. The more distanced (ie, the Ashley thing as an example), the more forbidden, therefore the more tittilating & arousing. The Anonymous Ashley site liaisons versus known women imo to many males is by virtue of sectecy and distance more arousing. Sadly, my daughter saw such middle class men–professionals, lawyers etc–meeting up in her waitress job this summer — online hookups first liaising in a public place, and now says she’s afraid of marrying upright appearing professional types.

  7. Rose says:


    Hundreds Of White House And Congressional Workers Implicated In Ashley Madison Hack

    I cannot stand how busy I am- the possibilities for a piece on this are endless. I don’t know what it says about me as a criminal investigative analyst- but I thought Ashley Madison was the name of the girls on Full House. An indicator not my area, lol.

  8. Rose says:

    just explained isps to govt worker husband (not on ashley)
    can you imagine how many DC underlings now have something on their biss?

    I have a few K Str lobbyists I hope appear
    & get taken to cleaners.

    I hope the Tor publishing Angel escapes
    criminal this or that, and the Tor translater to we pelebes
    is fine.

    And if this mega thing is hetero, god save minors from predator
    subscription liaison services.

    May Bean see many years inside imo.

  9. Rose says:

    somebody check out wyden

  10. Rose says:

    something on their BOSS

  11. Rose says:

    dad gum

    36 million emails on a hook up site?

    sodom gomorah on the internet freeway

    get me a salt shaker

    LOL LOL. Flash flood warning in my rear property at the same time I read this. A savvy reporter should be capturing the parking garage footage of said Govt installations after this announcement.

  12. T. Ruth says:


    Just curious but does anyone know who the hackers of the AM site are? I mean, not individually, but what their gripe was? I’ve read possibly former employee(s), but I’m wondering if it was a former client who was mislead, perhaps in regard to privacy. IOW, thought there data would be cleaned off the site, but found out it was not. IDK, but that’s some pretty powerful hack-job.

  13. T. Ruth says:

    @Rose says:
    August 20, 2015 at 8:39 pm

    Thing is, when one goes to the FB site, in order to donate, you go to the site, which is a big fat internet error.

    Now, when I got the KHF site and click on donate, it still comes up with Paypal.

    The ebay site, when searched independtly says there’s no such thing, but you can also get there in a weird kinda way, and you can see t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, and weirdly some OJ simpson looking gloves and candy disperser. ????? Also if one goes to the KHF site the link that used to go to Amazon Smile no longer works.

    IMO, something is going on, just don’t know what. Also, still the latest IRS filing I can see for the KHF is 2010, filed in 2012. Long time ago.

  14. T. Ruth says:

    Oh, and on the KHF site, one used to be able to click the link that says about “our sponsors”….no worky no more.

  15. T. Ruth says:

    @Rose says:
    August 20, 2015 at 10:14 pm

    I’ll bet the email sites, like, *find anyone’s email*, whatever, are buzzin’ tonite! Overloaded servers, no doubt.

    I kinda’ feel in the same mind frame as the person who wrote the article, time for me to go outside (it’s a lot cooler tonight) take a breath of fresh air (no smoke either, for a change) and be glad I have nothing to do with any of this crap. Then still, where’s Kyron? Time for smoke and mirrors to dissipate.

  16. T. Ruth says:


    Stay safe. Thank you kindly T. Ruth- we needed the rain badly, but the emergency alert system is hard-wired to the alarm system which then hits the TV’s and our phones simultaneously. I thought we were under invasion, lol.

  17. erose says:


    The hackers, who go by Impact Team, also left a calling card and sort of manifesto:

  18. erose says:

    They call themselves the Impact Team and seem to have formed solely to carry out the attack on the infidelity website. There is no evidence of the group stealing data elsewhere before it announced itself with the Ashley Madison attack on 15 July.

    Comments made by Noel Biderman, chief executive of Avid Life Media, which owns Ashley Madison, soon after the hack became public suggested it knew the identity of at least one of the people involved.

    “It was definitely a person here that was not an employee but certainly had touched our technical services,” he told security blogger Brian Krebs.

  19. erose says:

    O/T The bigger picture for me here is that everything is hack-able, so why do “they” continue to put sensitive data on the internet. No matter how careful I am, I cannot control companies posting my name, social security number, address, healthcare data, bank account info, place of employment, etc. on the internet. (Both my healthcare provider and bank have been hacked in the past, without any help from me.) I didn’t even know about AM, though I assumed sites like that exist. Everyone has access to everything, extra marital affairs included for those who partook. Now what? Land of the Free-for-all?

    o/t: Everything is hackable, period. I think the larger conversation of what idiot pays money through web transactions to a site full of cheaters thinks that is never coming out? Hint: deceptive practices, which I presume also creates a health risk to the unwitting, is a general indication of character, so….

    Right now divorce lawyers around the country are tagging the AM issue on their websites, lol.


  20. Rose says:

    @TRuth. imo all the site stuff is related merely to Neil’s last illness & death.
    Christopher presented his father Neil at a point in time
    as overbearing to the point of beyond emotionally abusive.
    I believe that writeup rather than
    the renaissance man obit. imo the KHF website,
    of which he was the original and at times
    early on inept designer, with glitches & feed flaws,
    is expectably dormant.

  21. Rose says:

    TRuth. After they finally got the 2010 irs 990 straight (in 2012?),
    irs rules loosened & charities of their size no longer were required to file.

    imo all the internet stuff wrt BKH is due to Neil’s illness & death.
    He set up the original site that had news feeds and so on.

    if it implicates money intake, imo KH will plug in another programmer.
    Imo he’s parasitic, or symbiotic, and needs the right host.

  22. Rose says:

    imo an up and up charity would publish its own yearly report showing an overview of income and expenditures with bulleted program accomplishments, and woukd not bound by the 2011ff irs 990 pass. any charity which does not give a minimal yearly report to donors, whether a qualified nonprofit or a gofundme, is a scam. Generally, those brief yearly reports to do ors are in teality Par to stimulate more donations. That KH does not engage in standard ordinary charity PR reports to public tells me he is not serious, really, about fundraising for kyron & other missing children and so his charity has some otherunknown purpose.

    I believe technically it was converted to a foundation from a charity so those reports are not not required to be disclosed publicly- HOWEVER, not a strength area of law for me.

  23. Rose says:

    meant to write: “are in reality PR..”
    geez, sinking to new typo lows.
    up with unlimited texting plan to kid who is in beijing

  24. cd says:

    Rose says:
    August 20, 2015 at 8:39 pm

    imo And now there’s no Neil.
    And that site is not a car show. no allure to Kaine,

    KM can publicize khf car shows more easily on FB.

    And Kaine delegates on line publicity-wise.

    I would think if KH was going to abandon his other websites and switch to the Facebook acct only he would have put some sort message on the bring Kyron home Facebook.

    No one has posted on the bring Kyron home Facebook since Aug 7th. there is a post on the site asking about the bringkyronhome .org site being down commented on Aug 3rd but there has been no answer to that question posted.

    meanwhile the

    remains unavailable.

    I agree with

    T. Ruth says:
    August 20, 2015 at 6:42 pm

    Something might be up.

  25. erose says:

    Blink, You’re right, it is ironic that people extended their trust to a site that promotes the breach of trust, hacked aka stolen by people extolling virtue, and now as you say with 32 million potential cases, the lawyers will be busy. Lawyers-1, Cheaters-Zip.

  26. Rose says:

    There you go, thanks for the research Rose- so does that mean one has only to request it from the foundation, I presume?

  27. Rose says:

    I guess I skipped reading this VF article in 2009 that advertised the site.
    In the last 6 years, it’s subscriberbase has really grown.
    If the site sold ads, its owner might as well retire rich as Croesus.

  28. Rose says:

    idk about the irs, I just think it very odd pr
    and marketing-wise that a very simple one
    page yearly financial statement has never
    been a link on his site. Especially when iirc a
    page on the 2010 listed a matt r as
    treasurer living in Snohomish near his
    father the webmaster’s home.

  29. Rose says:

    Imo what’s up with FB was probably the
    usual summer family vacation back in Calif,
    getting away from it all.
    And the BKH webmaster died this summer.

  30. Rose says:

    Maybe the Impact Team is a wife who got an std and is getting her own back.

  31. T. Ruth says:

    As usual, the IRS is about as clear as mud, but the way I understand it, is if you are telling people their donations are tax deductible, which the foundation is, then you are required to file financials with the IRS in that regard and made public.

    I’m with Rose, any charity that’s not putting forth that type of disclosure of funds, is not on the up and up and I would not donate to them.

    Don’t know why I didn’t look here yesterday, looks like they are up to date in filing with the State through 2014:

    Kyron Horman Foundation, The
    Mailing Address:
    2373 NW 185th Ave, #672
    Hillsboro, OR 97124-7076
    Status: Registered
    Registration: #41566
    Federal Tax Status: 501(c)(3)
    Federal EIN: 27-3291828
    Category: 327 – Prevention of cruelty to children
    Phone: 503.896.9847
    Purpose: To provide funds to locate a lost child.

    Fiscal Year Beginning 1/1/2010 and Ending 12/31/2010
    Report Year: 2010
    Beginning Assets: $0
    Revenue: $27,246
    Program Services: $0
    Ending Assets: $25,620

    Fiscal Year Beginning 1/1/2011 and Ending 12/31/2011
    Report Year: 2011
    Revenue: $31,867
    Ending Assets: $23,833

    Fiscal Year Beginning 1/1/2012 and Ending 12/31/2012
    Report Year: 2012
    Revenue: $17,938
    Ending Assets: $15,734

    Fiscal Year Beginning 1/1/2013 and Ending 12/31/2013
    Report Year: 2013
    Revenue: $15,162
    Ending Assets: $23,834

    Report Year: 2014
    Beginning Assets: $0
    Revenue: $15,658
    Program Services: $0
    Management Expense: $0
    Fund Raising Expense: $0
    Total Expenses: $0
    Ending Assets: $28,970

    Spent 1,626 (or somehow otherwise reduced assets) in 2010; 33,654 in 2011; 26,037 in 2012; 7,062 in 2013; 10,522 in 2014.

    So since inception the foundation has brought in $107,871 in revenue, and spent somewhere around $78,901 dollars on something. I wonder where all that money went? t-shirts & braclets? garage sale spaces?
    car show trophies?

    The above BKH link in the state report doesn’t work either.

  32. Rose says:

    I don’t remember the BKH Fdtn website content, but I do recall a news article feed was prominant from the first days. Many of those articles included interviews with DY & KH saying Terri did it, or Terri & DeDe. Maybe one of the ladies’ attorneys is making Kaine scrub those 3rd party press accusations from his site.
    from Google.
    Bring Kyron Home – About Kyron › about-kyron
    Mobile-friendly – email tips to: … Kyron’s Awareness Fund via the Kyron Horman Foundation (tax deductible).

    observation: rather strange the public is asked to email “tips” to and not to an MCSO tipline. imo he has inserted himself & his site volunteer into the investigation.
    twitter was silenced on July 17, 2012.
    maybe that was when maintenance switched from Cindi to Kristin.

  33. Rose says:

    now here’s a good question. based on seeing Kaine creating his own tipline on bkhf.

    To what extent in Jine 2010 and subsequently over tome did Mr H insert himself into the investigation?

    SoldierStacey recently helpfully posted the DA’s objections to Mr H’s divorce depo as to protective order sought.

    That Order request by Rees reasonably covered what Mr H has been told.

    The other50% covered anything (ie “circumstances”) Mr H told LE.

    So just what did Mr H voluntarily mention about Terri to his handlers that the DA did not want her to know?

    Pity Mr H will never be tested on the stand.

  34. thatkewlgirl says:

    Side Note:

    Former Portland Police Chief Reese’s new ‘gig’….

    and here is the ad that is running here in Oregon.

    The ad I saw was on KEZI. He does a ‘walk thru’ with kids etc, backing the extended background checks… Yep, he’s going political now… what office would you guess he’s aiming for?

  35. MockingbirdSings says:

    T. Ruth says:
    August 19, 2015 at 10:09 pm
    @MockingbirdSings says:
    August 19, 2015 at 6:06 pm

    Since we are going back over things – I was recently struck by this quote from Staton. It’s the only time I remember seeing anyone mention “faculty”. I can hear the collective gasps from PPS even now.
    (snippety du dah)
    MbS, can you elaborate on what your feelings are in this regard? I would love to hear your take.
    @T. Ruth -

    First, Staton says, as quoted from the article:
    He said the circumstances — Kyron disappeared from school on a busy morning — prompted him to ask for help from the feds.

    “I wanted them involved because the last time this child was seen was inside a school,” he said. “This was not a child walking away from their home or getting lost in the woods. This is a child who got lost inside a school with faculty there. That was the last time the child was seen.”

    A lot has been blamed on the distraction of the “busy morning”, but his statement that Kyron “got lost inside a school with the faculty there” is, to me, giving the school a large, maybe even the greatest, share of the responsibility for not keeping him safe.

    I’ll put it another way. I don’t buy the “busy morning” excuse. First of all, teachers multi-task all the time – it’s a way of life (or work, at least). Teachers are natural organizers, or they are forced to learn or to get help with organizing supplies, lists, plans, schedules, conferences, work clothes, etc. In addition, every class has one or a few students at least who are great organizers and never fail to tell the teacher if she/he missed something that needs to be done. Plus the main secretary, the librarian, many volunteers – all tend to be organizers. And ALL of them were certainly capable of understanding a district security policy that was already in place whether they were organized or not.

    We all know at the school level, the buck stops with the principal. However, not every principal is a multi-tasker, organizer, or effective boss even if a nice person. I don’t know about Keefer, but I do know I have seen many teachers speak up, or rise up and take charge of planning and carrying out an event or activity when those higher up didn’t seem capable of or interested in doing it. In that sense, I do hold the entire faculty responsible, not just the few who have been named. For whatever reason, I don’t feel the sense of unity within the staff that I would always hope for.

    I am personally sick and tired of frequently hearing that it takes a whole village to raise a child IF we don’t follow that up with the actions to carry it out. In that sense, I also hold Keefer responsible for not leading by example and developing that culture within his “village” – a village that should NEVER have lost a child without even knowing he was gone.

    I think Staton sensed this in the beginning. My guess is that he didn’t have the guts (confidence) to stand up and make the site a crime scene and confront the school and district staff when he was being advised and pressured by others to go in a different direction. Pressured by which others? Just about everybody, it seems to me. In this respect, I don’t see him as any better leader than Keefer.

    Beyond that, it just seems like almost everybody in this case has been out to save their own reputations (personal or professional) and assuage their own feelings of guilt about something they did in the past, or could/should have done for Kyron – either directly or by association. Totally selfish, IMO.

  36. Rose says:

    the AM data dump was on TOR. But
    Someone ( my link above) put the capacity to search email addresses
    on regular http whatever, no need to go to TOR.

    But my Q is, was the Ashley signup for hookups and chat whatever on TOR only originally?
    I don’t think so. Press portrays AM as a regular site.

    There was one customer at dau’s waitress sports bar in June who the bartender looked up on FB and saw he
    was married with pretty wife. But he had connected with a woman on line, on a site like AM, & they met up there.
    dau said he bragged about his money to her. Dau was shocked, thinking this hookup of a married man was like a TV script. the AM dump tells us 36 million are out there.

  37. Rose says:


    Do you go with Blink’s analytic most-probable (unknown sexually motivated organized type) or
    some other scenario? If some other, echoing TRuth, a motive?

    Did you know either of these 2 Hormans preabduction?

    OK with me not to answer my Qs, staying private.

  38. T. Ruth says:

    Hey, where is everyone? Oh, I know, ya’ll are out checking your Ashley accounts……JUST KIDDING!!

  39. T. Ruth says:

    o/t: Everything is hackable, period.

    @Blink says: ^^^^ understatement for sure. Everything and anything one ever posts online or even in so-called private email accounts is out there somewhere. And btw, it’s going to get worse IMO, with the introduction of the “cloud”. Why would anyone, ever think that anything they are *virtually* beaming up to Scotty, think that it’s private? Who in the heck do they think Scotty is? (My personal opinion is that would have been a great name for the “cloud”, at least Scotty sounds like someone who might be more personal and keep a secret, then letting float around on a cloud.) Oh well. Point is, never, ever say anything, unless in person, to anyone that you would not want someone else to know. Hard? Yes. Safer? Yes.

    Sometimes the internet is a scary place and I wonder what these pervs did without it before? I think sometimes that perhaps therein lies the answer. How did a perv go from this one media sharing to another. Well, I’m sure the pros have probably looked into this but it’s still a question in my mind. How do bad people get away with doing bad things, while looking perfectly normal to the rest of us? Newest case in point, Jared the Subway guy. Brings Ted Bundy to mind for me. Look normal, almost too perfect, feign some sort of problem and there ya’ go… opened to Mr. Alter-Ego. Creepy is as creepy does IMO.


    Showed some sort of map on our local news tonight of how many people in a certain area (e.g. Portland, Vancouver, even Beaverton) showed up on the AM website. Don’t seem to find a link right now, but it was ineresting. Darn.

  40. Rose says:

    If that site was shut down so abruptly there was and has been
    no explanation anywhere from the Marketeers, don’t you think it
    possibly the result of a Court order?
    Any Motions involving Horman lately?

  41. Rose says:

    we need our Court records Woolf.

  42. erose says:

    @MBS, Great thoughts. A village can share credit, but how does a village share responsibility when there is no one ultimately accountable?

    MockingbirdSings says:
    August 21, 2015 at 8:19 pm

    I am personally sick and tired of frequently hearing that it takes a whole village to raise a child IF we don’t follow that up with the actions to carry it out.

  43. erose says:

    O/T Aww, I am so naive. I saw the divorce lawyers coming and forgot about these guys.

    Ashley Madison faces $578M Canadian class-action lawsuit

  44. thatkewlgirl says:

    @ Rose says:
    August 21, 2015 at 9:32 pm

    Do you go with Blink’s analytic most-probable (unknown sexually motivated organized type) or
    some other scenario? If some other, echoing TRuth, a motive?

    Did you know either of these 2 Hormans preabduction?

    I don’t know what happened to Kyron. But I can keep an open mind to any possibility, from a SZ to a parent involved snatching for custody reasons. I haven’t even ruled out the kid that wandered yet, tho it’s least likely on my list. I can imagine a motive for each scenario (sometimes several motives). I have a comment waiting moderation that delves into my theories on how any of the four parents COULD be involved, but that is NOT my sole point of view. Until we Find Kyron First, I don’t think we will know the answers. And I fully believe it will take HIM finding himself, because I think the updated photo is so far off what he probably looks like that nobody is looking for this kid. I still feel they need to create a pic using more of Quinn’s structure and place his features in the right places (such as his low set ears, as was mentioned earlier by someone). I feel that if a SZ was involved, we would likely have found at least a TRACE of Kyron by now. But there is NOTHING. Nada. Zip. It’s as if an invisible alien spaceship came and snatched him out of Skyline’s Parking lot or something. (No, I don’t give that theory any credibility.)

    I did NOT know any of the characters in this mess pre-abduction. Never heard the Horman name prior to the news the weekend of June 4, 2010. I spoke out online somewhere about how it drew me in due to my nephew’s case, having my reputation immediately trashed by SM members, and I was invited to be part of early TH and DS support pages, and that is how I even got sucked into this mess. The one thing I had plenty of was time, and interest.

  45. MockingbirdSings says:

    Rose says:
    August 21, 2015 at 3:20 pm

    from Google.
    Bring Kyron Home – About Kyron › about-kyron
    Mobile-friendly – email tips to: … Kyron’s Awareness Fund via the Kyron Horman Foundation (tax deductible).

    observation: rather strange the public is asked to email “tips” to and not to an MCSO tipline. imo he has inserted himself & his site volunteer into the investigation.

    @ Rose – Why strange? Wouldn’t whoever checks the email tips get a first look at any tip that comes in? Who would know if they screened, shared with unknown persons, declined to forward to MCSO, or even altered any particular tips they chose? Are they protecting themselves (KH, DY, TY, others?) this way? Or making sure others can stay a target of their accusations?

    And how does this relate to the connection between a significant tip and a reward?

    And it seems to me an email may feel anonymous at times, but “there’s them that have ways” of finding the source.

    To me, this is more troublesome than what they spend their money on, although I feel sorry for those who give if they think it’s all truly helping Kyron be found.

  46. Malty says:

    I will never trust links Completely or links of links On the Internet

  47. MockingbirdSings says:

    Well – I loved this opinion piece. Made me wonder what PPS would actually report about Kyron. Probably nothing since they could claim nobody knows what happened and no one has been charged with a crime. I can think of others though. And this sort of reporting might have had an impact on transferring employees instead of prosecuting – maybe a new principal would be less likely to accept such a transfer if there was the potential to have to report any crime that occurred.

    I’m sure there would be many objections about reporting for secondary schools, but at the least, I don’t think they should be able to refuse basic data if someone asks.

    As a high school counselor I was very concerned about college campuses – drinking, sexual assault, etc. I did my best for years to try to get high schools in PPS to offer a class or a workshop or a parent meeting or something about college campus safety – we had so many kids who were the first in their family to go to college or even finish high school. Would they do it? or allow it? Nope. Common answer was that it might discourage kids from going to college at all. I was so glad when some degree of crime reporting was required of colleges, even if small.

  48. Rose says:

    good observations mbs.

    imo Tips that flow thru Kaine’s hands before reaching investigators are like roadside trash that flows thru Stacey & Desiree’s hands first. No credibility of any kind in a trial setting.

  49. Rose says:

    @tkg. He was strongly rumored to be running
    for office prior to retiring and iirc
    it was Mayor. why not?

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