Kyron Horman Missing: New Years Eve Settlement Ends Horman Marriage

Portland, OR- In a surprise court hearing,  Judge Henry Kantor signed off on the agreement between Kaine Horman and Terri Moulton Horman to end their marriage this afternoon.

Details of the agreement have not been released publicly, but according to KGW,  a financial settlement to include child support and a lump payment to Terri Horman has been reached.

In what can only be described as a bitter family court feud-  the divorce matter was last in court on December 16th to decide if the Horman landscaper,  Rodolfo Sanchez Estrada -who alleges Terri Horman tried to hire him to murder Kaine Horman at a lunch meeting – would testify.

Judge Kantor has not yet filed an order from that hearing but Attorneys for Terri Horman were granted a continuance from the pending temporary custody motion scheduled for December 19th and 20th.



BOC Associate Editor Tarin Kenley contributed to this report.




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  1. Rose says:

    What a business profile. Where was the DOJ? or in the old days, Commerce Dept?

    “… all a big scam — that almost none of the female profiles were real people. The website used trickery to make dead accounts look alive, writes the Boing Boing blog. Ashley Madison apparently lured men — millions and millions of them — onto the site with the promise of confidential sexual affairs, failed to deliver any willing women, and then, when the frustrated customers wanted to bail out, charged them to delete their data. Then the company didn’t delete their data.”

    imo here’s why the absence of Federal regulators:

    “The lustful capital of American cheating, in case you’re wondering, is our nation’s capital. Nearly 10 percent of the District of Columbia’s population is on the site. Second place goes to New York, with 6.37 percent.”

    probably given free accts.

    With the exception that in AM an individual opted into it by creating their account, this reminds me greatly of some ripoff report site I saw a fake “report” I was a drug dealing prostitute with a cleft palate or words to that effect. You can sue the poster but not the site, and false accusations have netted many hundreds of thousands because they DO have to tell you the usage ID of the poster. There is no limit to the idiocy that people think there is a such thing as online anonymity.

  2. Rose says:

    @TRith. Athletic Director. Hires, Terminates, and
    Supervises all team coaches. Selected by the Principal. This was a
    Lincoln Principal issue as he came with a history.

  3. Rose says:

    come to think of it, a Constitutional Sheriff subculture mentality (ie Staton, Tim Moore) would never “surrender” an investigation to the PPB, come what may. Imo grandiose subculture think was more determinative than lust for overtime pay.

  4. T. Ruth says:


    Wyden seeks change in Forest Service wildfire budgeting

    “We can’t have business as usual any longer,” Wyden said. “The business as usual has been that fire prevention always gets shortchanged.

    “I have no higher priority this fall than of getting this fixed,” Wyden said.


    Woke up to the sound of rain drops this morning. Lovely, Blessed Rain. I could almost here the trees sighing some relief. Fed my cats and dogs and got my cuppa and went to sit in the sun-room with a tin roof, just to listen. Got comfy with my kitty on my lap and then… stopped.

    Just drops in our bucket, but at lest it’s raining. Showering off and on this morning. Hope it continues later today and opens the door for some new systems. Just made me smile this morning. Have a good day all. Still praying for rain for California drought stricken and Eastern Oregon/Washington wild fire areas. Bring it on.

    (I say that, but in reality if it rains like they are predicting this late fall/winter, El nino style, there will be yet more devastation in the form of landslides because of the fire damage. So no monsoons please.)

    Have a good Sunday all.

  5. Rose says:

    gotta wonder about Jason Gates.
    Lied to the press and public with impunity after all
    teachers and parents had been interviewed. Why should
    the public believe anything Staton Moore Herron or Gates says
    wrt any case?

  6. MockingbirdSings says:

    T. Ruth says:
    August 30, 2015 at 12:49 pm

    In 2010, Mitchell Whitehouse is also one of the highest paid teachers in Oregon.
    What exactly is an “activities director” for a high school?
    A coordinator for all sports activities – scheduling, etc. They show up at all sorts of events, in smaller schools they are likely to be half time with half time teaching – PE or Business or whatever they are certified to teach. They also deal with PPS district sports rules re athletic eligibility, tournaments, travel arrangements, etc. They get a lot of extra pay, obviously. Some earn it, some don’t, in my opinion. They also often get secretarial help.

    This is where a lot of criticism of PERS retirement benefits occurs too – I worked hard, a lot of extra hours I never got paid for. A friend worked days and coached a little tennis team of 4 people – he got more benefits than I did. It’s an area that should be looked at someday.

  7. Rose says:

    ot @TRuth. unimpressed with Wyden’s statement.
    With Katrina, or NJ’s Sandy, the Govs,
    Senators, and even a Pres were there.

  8. Rose says:

    easy for Obama to have parachuted in
    to view WA/OR disaster regions en route to Alaska.
    Guess he’s avoiding Bean sandbagging him.

  9. erose says:

    So all the husbands telling all the wives that they signed up but never “did anything” are telling the truth, LOL.

    Rose says:
    August 30, 2015 at 1:11 pm
    “… all a big scam — that almost none of the female profiles were real people. The website used trickery to make dead accounts look alive, writes the Boing Boing blog. Ashley Madison apparently lured men — millions and millions of them — onto the site with the promise of confidential sexual affairs, failed to deliver any willing women…

    IKR! Let me be plain- ladies or gentlemen, if your intimate partner has an account on a site like AM they are not to be trusted and you need to figure out what that means for you and your breach of trust. I am in no way a relationship expert but I am very unashamed to say I believe strongly in engaging a qualified therapist for such issues.

  10. erose says:

    O/T @TRuth, Burn baby burn. Good or bad, this is where we are now. I know of one senior regional forester that retired over this policy saying we would unnecessarily lose human life not to mention the vegetation due to late, if any intervention. He did not want the responsibility of administering this policy, that man made intervention is bad.

    snips page 9>

    Wildland fire, as a critical natural process, must be
    reintroduced into the ecosystem . This will be accomplished
    across agency boundaries and will be based
    upon the best available science .

    Agencies will create an organizational climate that
    supports employees who implement a properly planned
    program to reintroduce wildland fire .

    Wildland fire management decisions and resource
    management decisions go hand in hand and are based
    on approved Fire Management and land and resource
    management plans- At the same time, agency administrators
    must have the ability to choose from the full
    spectrum of fire management actions – from prompt
    suppression to allowing fire to function in its natural
    ecological role .

    …No one entity can resolve and
    manage all interface issues ; it must be a cooperative
    effort . Ultimately, however, the primary responsibility
    rests at the State and local levels .

  11. erose says:

    Oops, this sums it up. (same link)

    Finally, agencies and the public must change their
    expectation that all wildfires can be controlled or
    suppressed . No organization, technology, or equipment
    can provide absolute protection when unusual
    fuel build-ups, extreme weather conditions, multiple
    ignitions, and extreme fire behavior come together to
    form a catastrophic event .

  12. T. Ruth says:

    @erose says:
    August 31, 2015 at 8:34 pm

    O/T @TRuth, Burn baby burn.


    Exactly. This has been an eco issue for as long as I can remember. The Rim Fire in Yosemite is an example of the same mismanaged forest. Some of the most beautiful places on earth, which I (delicately and with the utmost respect, I might add) traversed, are gone. Gone for at least a couple of hundred years, never to be viewed in the grandeur and capacity that I was blessed to see them, by for instance my grandchildren, or even my great-great grandchildren. Why? Because of mismanaged forestry. That fire did not have to become what it did and never should have encompassed the area that did.

    Atmospheric instability, hot temperatures and a severe drought fueled the fire, making it difficult to combat. Also contributing to the fire was a pre-1980s policy of suppressing small natural fires, which altered the natural fire regime. The lack of those low intensity surface fires created nearly a century’s worth of fuel on the ground, resulting in a massive forest fire that left large swaths of the forest severely burned, including the overstory.[16] Forest officials estimated “that almost 40% of the area inside the fire’s boundary is nothing but charred land” – nearly 160 square miles out of the 400 square miles burned. They stated that this extent of destruction was “unprecedented” for historic Sierra Nevada fires.[22] On Thursday, October 24, 2013, the Rim Fire was 100% contained.[1]


    Controversy comes from the gap of understanding between the timber industry and the tree huggers. I’m not wanting to debate the issues at hand, but I believe with all my heart that, in a nutshell, trees are a renewable resource. (God willing, without devastating drought or beetle infestation, or some other horrid catastrophe.) Trees can and should be farmed, preserved, harvested and cared for, and all of those things together are possible and work amicably and even symbiotically, when done properly. A house made of timber, that has served it’s purpose after a hundred year or more year, when demolished, by man or nature, will settle right back into the earth and become an integral part of the soil. That same house made of plastics, fiberglass and other man-made materials that do not naturally decompose will become nothing but than a pile a garbage, some of which will be there, as just that…a pile of garbage…. for all of time.

    Okay off my soapbox, and will try to get back on topic.

  13. Rose says:

    TY Malty. I see the pic of R Neil but can’t go further as I don’t subscribe to
    Perhaps Kristi put it up there, but my opinion was when Kristin moved in with Kaine, the Horman
    ancestry was likely to be fully fleshed out by Lightcap, whose 4 husband’s lineages challenged
    and preoccupied her .

  14. Rose says:

    gasp. wants $45/mo for full access.

  15. Rose says:

    ot I think the policy of federal parkland mgmt with limited controlled burning is accepted generally.
    The issue is who is responsible when a fire-related natural disaster occurs. Erose posted the policy change dating to Reagan’s righting the Federal ship of state:
    “however, the primary responsibility
    rests at the State and local levels .

    State and local level responsibility began under Reagan for many Fexeral programs & agencies. Bush 1 took it a step further and across the Board contracting out former Federal business to private bysiness contractors took place.

    Imo the Federal infrastructure needs to be there for multiStage disasters, and it is not.

    Whether child abduction (imo Amber Alert is insufficient response, and so are randomly assembled fbi teams dependent on the whims of local LE) or fire or nuclear reactor meltdowns or an actual terrorist event, the Fed govt is deprogrammed, defamged, and debudgeted since the 1980s.

  16. Rose says:

    Aug 15 update on the site of kiara’s functional stepsister.
    or livein nanny’s 13 yo:
    ” And mine…it will definitely ease up on the anxiety of leaving her alone”

    What a minute…her whole starting point was doctors had advised this 13 yo girl
    should never be left unattended. Here Mom wants anxiety over leave-alone assuaged by a dog.

    Are they in k’s home? was this girl at any time k’s sitter?
    where is Billie Bell? Bunch?

  17. Malty says:

    You can get a 14 day free trial but I did not
    However I just wanted to ask you about that pic of the Richard Neil Horman family
    If you scroll down
    It looks like the two older boys are his and the two younger are hers and she looks a lot younger and maybe
    A little like KM
    I just got it in a search. No money on google
    Is the older little boy. Kaine

  18. erose says:

    @Rose, Thanks for bringing us back to the subject at hand. I think I have googled “Kyron Horman” at least 10,000 times ans I am sure all of you have done the same. I am [pathetically] waiting for DY’s search.

  19. T. Ruth says:

    Anyone have any idea why every time now I am having to re-logon t this site? (I use Firefox)


    I looked at the picture Malty provided and I’m guessing that is Topher on the right (looking at it) and Kaine on the left and Kristopher in the middle and for the life of me, I can’t remember the girls name….Kathy?

    Anyway, thanks Malty, for bringing us that picture. The thing that made me jump and say whoa, was exactly what I’ve been concerned about, i.e., there is no way that Kyron looked at all like his Dad.

    Kyron looks just like his mother, as does his brother, Quinn. So who on earth gave the go-ahead for what appears to me to be an age progressed composite that looks like Kaine? Kyron has his Mother’s attributes, no doubt. So why approve that progressive image that looks nothing like her? Bizarre as hell; this case is. (Sorry, it’s the Yoda in me.)

  20. T. Ruth says:


    I needed a band-aid today, and when I went to the cupboard, the only one I could find was from the box I gave to my hubby as a Christmas stocking present…..CAMMO Band-aids. I had to LOL, when I put it on, because all I could think of was Rose and her adversity towards cammo, and I wondered to myself….”Oh my gosh, I wonder what people, like Rose will think of me going out shopping with a Cammo Band-aid on?”
    No matter, I wore it, and not a sole questioned me. LMAO!

    Lol. Last week I stabbed myself in the finger when opening a package- I had a batman, some neon, and then clear cause I had to be in court. Nobody questioned you because they could not see it, it’s Cammo!

  21. Rose says:

    @Malty. imo his sons Kelly & Christopher were the eldest & youngest respectively.
    In character for him to be in “uniform.”
    Imo a bumptitious bright man whose innocent-appearing stepchildren deserved
    better fathering adult outcomes and
    whose bullying of wounded & ptsd Christopher was tragic.

  22. Rose says:

    I myself await Staton
    retiring to run for office – Gresham seat.

    And someone competent to run the local fbi field office.
    Seems like there’s a paucity of federal prosecutions since
    Amanda hung up her spurs.

    And for Reese to take on Hale.

    And to see why Tony got himself made
    Medford Union President. Aspiring to promotion?

    And to see if Wyden et al are going to nominate
    Kantor again?

    And if Bunch ever deals with custody and visitation, will
    Kantor jump back to a family case?

    And to see what Brown will give Rosenblum.

  23. T. Ruth says:

    Malty, not positive but, my guess is in that picture is Neil’s son Kelly on the right, Kaine on the left (looks just like him to me, and btw, a whole lot like Kyron’s age-progressed photo, which IMHO looks nothing like Kyron, but a lot like Kaine), Kristian and Christopher.

    Just my guess.

  24. T. Ruth says:

    ^^ Changed my opinion after looking back at R. Neil’s obit, of who’s who in the photo, but I could still be wrong. I’m pretty sure that that is Kaine on the left though and Kristian next to him.

  25. T. Ruth says:

    It will be interesting to see where they have decided to search. Will it be based on one of the white pick up sightings? I’m pretty sure LE already did those in depth with the exception of the possible Kyron/grey pick sighting heading toward the coast on that Saturday.
    Or is DY just basing her searches on psychic tips now?

    Question, I don’t recall, but have any of DY’s searches been on Sauvie Island? I was thinking not, but I can’t remember for sure. If not, then it occurs to me that DY & TY are both now aware of LE’s unfounded ping searches and also possibly the unfounded tip on whatever vehicles were allegedly facing around and reported there the morning of June 4, 2010. If those tips were still proven to be true today, then it seems to me that’s where she would be searching.
    I looked back and in 2013 she was searching around Germantown Rd., and in 2014 somewhere near Skyline. That’s all I saw.

  26. T. Ruth says:

    Well, FWIW Here’s my idea of what Kyron might look like on this upcoming 13th birthday. Now, don’t get to critical, because I’m no artist, and this is a mish-mash of pictures I found on line (of he and his bro) along with some touch up handy work. (You can see I never took an art class, and the whole time I was apologizing to Kyron for my not being an artist. LOL) Anyway, I hope this link works, if you want, Blink you can post it up here, but I made it purposely fuzzy to cammo my handiwork. (I had nothing better to do when and it was so darn hot here, and at least now I feel like I’ve done something to actually help, because I just don’t feel his currently *authorized* or whatever they called it, aged-progression pic does him justice at all.)


  27. Malty says:

    I had to laugh on Roseburg Justice
    A post says not a quote
    I was watching the news when K went missing
    His dad had thrown the stepmothers son out and the next day the step mother and her friend got mad and got rid of K

    Oh yes and what else do you know :)

  28. erose says:

    @TRuth, I think you did a fantastic job.

    @Malty, Great research!

    @Rose, You will see results with your list before I with mine.

  29. Rose says:

    not averse to cammo.
    I too have worn cammo bandaids.
    long ago when I had a boy.
    just saying havent seen them on man or
    boy in my region in over a decade.
    tho I bet they’re seen at paintball.
    Don’t recall them on men unless I’m shopping in Cabelas.

    Heart u Rose- and a little jealous. The closest I come is a shooting vest from Eddie Bauer. There will never be any chuckers in the pockets, lol

  30. Malty says:

    Help help
    Truth or anyone how do I call up the pic of K. I am trying to think how do I do that Blink do you know
    Otherwise I will miss the artwork I don’t want to miss out I am on Apple iPad Do I put it in search ????
    Who is hi tec around here

  31. cd says:

    T. Ruth says:
    September 2, 2015 at 3:49 pm

    Well, FWIW Here’s my idea of what Kyron might look like on this upcoming 13th birthday.
    Wow thats a great age progressed picture. it looks just like Kyron only older.

  32. Malty says:

    I did it. I sent it to my email addy hit sent and back it came a piece of art But a shock. Truth now
    He looks like my son at that age. However you are good very good At drawing I will go look closer

    What I want to know is the larger of the two small boys in front (on the left) Kaine if it is notice how stiff he holds his arms and uncomfortable he looks. The smallest must be Kristain Aren’t they two years apart in age That girl must be Kristi kaine’s mom as it is suppose to be a family of 4 boys

    I can’t find a pic of grandpa Melvin. And Kurtis Mengel still has Kristi Mengel as an associate
    I thought she married R Neil Horman in 1981.

    Oh well draw some more I enjoyed that. Thanks Truth.

  33. Malty says:

    Has anyone ever found a pic
    Of Kurtis Mengel or what kind of work he did was he Mason also

    This is keeping me doing something while we wait for that search
    She wants to search Kaine’s place Wonder if she can swing that ever

  34. Malty says:

    As far as the psychic early on about 4 or more had a vision of Kyron near a curve on Skyline Blvd they came to
    Portland and searched along Skyline Blvd But found nothing I hung out on their site until they finished the search
    It was about a half a day they had cameras and cells to keep track of each other
    They may have done others but that was the one that caught my interest that’s the psychic detectives.

  35. Malty says:

    @Truth I studied you art The reason it looks like my son is those heavy dark eye brows. That is a family trait here the women hate them in my family to much upkeep
    It seems like Kyron sort of tilted his head upward. Just slightly. Lead with his chin
    But yours is better than the accepted one. IMO

  36. T. Ruth says:

    Lol. Last week I stabbed myself in the finger when opening a package- I had a batman, some neon, and then clear cause I had to be in court. Nobody questioned you because they could not see it, it’s Cammo!


    Well, of course, silly me, it was cammo! LMAO!!! (I needed that! Thanks for the laugh!)

    Lol- well worn out joke here so I appreciated the appreciation, lol

  37. T. Ruth says:

    @erose says:
    September 2, 2015 at 6:31 pm

    Thanks, erose, I hope it just gets some views, because I truly believe it looks more like Kyron would look this September 9, than the “authorized” one. Btw, those are Q’s eyes, Q’s nose, Q’s chin, all made to fit Kyron’s face (used the over-sized white shirt pic) and a wig I snatched off of some wig site, as Kyron’s aunt once said Kyron’s hair was naturally curly like DY’s.

    So sorry I never got take an art class. Back in my day, if you had a B+ average you were required to pick another language as your extra. I was bummed, and to this day, feel I missed out on something that I would have really loved. So, my “unhandiwork” is what it is.

  38. T. Ruth says:


    Hey Malty, did you get more rain today? How about you, erose? It’s starting to feel like fall here, which is unusually early, but this summer has been so hot, I’m more than ready!

  39. T. Ruth says:

    T. Ruth says:
    September 2, 2015 at 1:19 pm

    Correction. ^^
    That was supposed to say “racing” around SI, not “facing”. Sorry.

  40. T. Ruth says:

    I forgot to mention to ya’ll if you want to view the picture I posted, leave off the “IMG” portion and just copy paste the middle part, the http through the jpg part.

  41. T. Ruth says:


    Forest Grove teacher arrested for meth, prostitution

    FOREST GROVE, Ore. — A Forest Grove middle school teacher arrested last week is facing charges of methamphetamine possession and patronizing a prostitute, according to police.

    It’s the second time he’s been arrested since May.

    (snipped, more@ link)

  42. T. Ruth says:

    @MockingbirdSings says:
    September 1, 2015 at 11:26 pm

    Hey, thanks for the link:–323798261.html :

    Even if leagues run background checks, as many claim they do, he said parents need to be vigilant and ask tough questions.

    “Do you collect fingerprints? Is it something where someone just said, ‘I certify that I don’t have a criminal record,’” said Fried. “If they’re doing a cheap, $15 test, they’re probably not gonna be checking every single state in the United States. If they’re doing an FBI and nationwide search, you’re more likely to find issues, especially if someone has moved.”

    Fried said parents should also ask that a background check be done every year – even on coaches and volunteers who may be popular.

    He said often there’s a good ol’ boy system in sports but that shouldn’t keep parents from knowing the background of those who spend time with their kids.


    Interesting, the term good ‘ol boy was used there, isn’t it?

  43. Rose says:

    good work TRuth. I recognized Quinn’s brows. they are also Kaine’s in his presteroid day pics, & also young’s father’s. Nice low set ears & flatter midline. I like preserving the un-braced teeth. Also you alluded to his vision disability. There would not be a true focused gaze but a milky one.
    I think any photo without glasses is unrealistic tho–fie on mcso, not you.
    If an abductor took him out in public, he wouldn’t want him stumbling about, tripping over curbs, calling attention to his disability. So he’d have contacts or glasses. In my experience, pediatric opthal’s want kids of this severity to wear shatterproof glasses for protection of residual vision, and recommend against contacts due to the severe outcome (total vision loss) should an infection occur.

    -I saw camo pants on a preteen boy, pj appearing bottoms, on landing in an airport in a red state.

  44. Rose says:

    @Malty. w/out looking back at the photo, imo the righthand littlest is likely Christopher (Topher), Neil’s. The two younger boys on left are likely K & K, Kurtis’ sons. Yes they look stiff, Kristian more so. The Admiral apparently had high expectations and standards for his “little men’s” snap to “attention” moments, like photo shoots.

  45. erose says:

    Sorry I read on and see that Malty got the link.

    O/T We did get some rain. Did you hear this?

  46. erose says:

    WRT teachers and meth and prostitutes and coaches and background checks which may or may not be off topic here, I just remember the days when being a teacher or a cop was a calling and can’t believe what has become of both occupations. Maybe it was always like this and we are just getting better at exposing the bad apples. How do people send a little kid out the door and say listen to the teacher, or ask a cop for help, IDK.

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