Kyron Horman Missing: New Years Eve Settlement Ends Horman Marriage

Portland, OR- In a surprise court hearing,  Judge Henry Kantor signed off on the agreement between Kaine Horman and Terri Moulton Horman to end their marriage this afternoon.

Details of the agreement have not been released publicly, but according to KGW,  a financial settlement to include child support and a lump payment to Terri Horman has been reached.

In what can only be described as a bitter family court feud-  the divorce matter was last in court on December 16th to decide if the Horman landscaper,  Rodolfo Sanchez Estrada -who alleges Terri Horman tried to hire him to murder Kaine Horman at a lunch meeting – would testify.

Judge Kantor has not yet filed an order from that hearing but Attorneys for Terri Horman were granted a continuance from the pending temporary custody motion scheduled for December 19th and 20th.



BOC Associate Editor Tarin Kenley contributed to this report.




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  1. thatkewlgirl says:

    BLINK>>> I have tried to post a comment twice now, and it’s not showing up. Please, if it is a glitch, deleted one of the posts, or let me know if I somehow screwed up posting by using a ‘taboo’ word (?) and I will repost the comment edited.


    I do not have anything in moderation for you, if you post and it does not say “awaiting moderation” it is not posted- But I believe you will find them in newer comments.


  2. venetia says:

    Interesting! your post re:
    World of Wyn
    Kimberly Dahm

    I notice there are 2 addresses to choice from.


    13022 182nd Ave Se | Owner: Horman Kelly S
    13022 182nd Ave Se is located in Snohomish Wa 98290-3629 and has a value of $175,600. The legal description for this property is Robinhood Park Div. No.

    Kelly S Horman: related to a Kristian S Korman – Shoreline

    Other addy: 31022 SE 58th St, PRESTON, WA 98050 (beautiful)

    Pending: $1,600,000

    Curiously – there is another link w/no pic showing the last sold price was $187,500 V

    $1.6 seems like the right #

  3. Rose says:

    LOL and PFFFFT.


  4. thatkewlgirl says:

    (Trying one last time, written a little differently?)

    @AlbaLass says:
    May 27, 2014 at 11:22 am
    That’s Tom’s fantasy speaking. I have never posted on the Trashy’s Too page, nor am I an admin on any day of the week. I have not even ‘liked’ the page, in Facebook-speak. That page is mainly a page to harass Tom Jones, it seems, with bonus points for the rest of the ‘Hater Crater’. The owner/admin claims to be from the PDX area. I am not.

    Tom has created this rivalry in his own mind, where he fancies himself a sort of modern day Ahab (the tragic hero seeking revenge), referring to me as his ‘Moby’ (Btw, the whale wins. Classic, eh?). He has repeatedly claimed he would ‘slay’ me and has done everything in his power to character assassinate me, and the ‘anti’s and chalker group’ all jump on board his whaling ship with him. It’s an obsession in his own mind, as I don’t recall ever actually having a conversation with this guy anywhere. He has become just another sad footnote to the Kyron Horman disappearance, in my opinion.

    Going to sound a mild warning here. I am not going to allow engagements of the hater crater and it’s board of people we have been bored with forever. Let’s all move to high ground please.


  5. T. Ruth says:

    July 22, 2010:

    “Yes, it is an unusual case,” Schrunk said. “I think you have a lot of different dynamics. You have a school. You have a science fair. You have a lot of people involved. And you have seemingly no explanation for why the child is missing.”

    So, after the sting, after whatever, still no clue. No wonder Schrunk retired. They have been looking down the wrong rabbit hole. Schrunk pretty much sums it up right here. “no explanation for why the child is missing”. there ya’ go.

    (Sorry to post old stuff, but I’d somehow missed his comment here.)

  6. erose says:

    klassend posted this on SM (kewl, thanks for the Schaeffer name)

    …the 3 people moderating the Terri Horman Support appear to be 3 separate people. The names were listed on the wall for the administrators and they were Mary Covington, Marybeth Schaeffer and Cindy Butcher-Traynor Smalley.

  7. erose says:

    Rose, Seems like the demise of the site was internal. I have to say all this stuff escaped me at the time it was going on.

  8. vwoolf says:


    Nora Schreibner’s claim to fame in the Horman case:

    “Nora Schreiber, a Skyline parent and volunteer, said the school has three main entrances and one secure exit. Two of the doorways are near the main office and are monitored, while a third on the north side of the school is not. Kyron’s classroom is adjacent to that door, which opens onto a rear parking lot.

    Schreiber said she and her son, Jacob, 9, were interviewed Sunday by a federal agent. She said she told the agent that Friday was an especially hectic day at Skyline.

    “On a normal day, seeing a stranger will make you go, ‘Hmm. I wonder who that is?’ On such a hectic day as Friday, there was such a lot going on. To tell you the truth, I was focused on looking at the (science) project and helping Jacob fill out his (evaluation) form and not on the faces around me.”

    Schreiber said Kyron was supposed to perform in the school’s talent show at 1 p.m. but she didn’t see him there.

    (ps. just a little hinky… her son was a 9y/o. Why would Nora notice that Kyron was NOT at the talent show?

    Why would she describe seeing a stranger?

  9. Malty says:

    The hater sights really did a number on Sandy Lessman I checked out all I could find and there are actual
    News reports on her Her life is not perfect but the bondage thing is part of the way she was treated by the haters
    Along with other worse stories Based on some small truth and twisted. Into mean nasty stuff
    She has a FB It is clean and Ok
    I heard the rumor that the hate sites think she is spying on the car washes. They hate her
    Good thing to look at in neutral and stay out of

    I have no idea who Trashy is but I like her and go there. She has the kind of humer that makes me laugh
    She sees the funny side of things
    Then there is Tom J. Still hanging in the with his veiw

    All this is IMO For what it is worth

  10. Malty says:

    I find it hard to read about this foster care stuff Makes me feel sick
    But appreciate all the research Erose is doing and Rose It is so sick about some one saying a locked refrig
    Dead bolts on all the doors and this person was a good foster parent.
    What do these kids learn from this Upsets me

  11. Malty says:

    I really enjoyed seeing the pics of Terri and Kiara on that support link
    Kiara sure looked like Terri
    I am glad those pics are still around And Terri and the other kids to I hope these pics don’t get lost in all this hassle
    And Terri has copies

  12. erose says:

    Have we seen this on Kathleen Renee De Spain Moore?

  13. erose says:

    Rose, I know you did a lot of research on Kathleen Moore. If I am duplicating your links, I apologize in advance.

    (Lightcap is Kristin Mickelson’s mother)


    Entrepreneur and child advocate Kathleen Moore, began her career in social services shortly after moving to Sacramento, CA for college. Working diligently, daily within a “system” she felt was unfortunately failing society… Moore jumped the fence from social services and tossed her hat into the cause related marketing arena. Read Kathleen’s Story –

    Eileen Lightcap ·
    · Mar 6, 2012

    I am so proud to be associated with this cause. Keep up the good work, angels.

  14. Malty says:

    Last. I have a hard time understanding Kaine and his fund raising for searches
    Is he hire ing private searchers or what. Does he ever make it clear exactly what searches he is talking about

  15. erose says:

    Another unsatisfied customer


    I know there are many good people linked to and who support Army of Angels.I hate to bring suspicion upon a nonprofit whic has the support of people whom I respect, like Marc Klaas and Mark Lunsford, among others, but the public needs to be aware that Army of Angels has issues and that its Founder and “higher-ups” in this nonprofit, have no tolerance for anyone who dares to challenge them or raise concerns about their methods. – See more at:

    Link did not work for me erose- could be me, as I have limited access through the weekend.

  16. Malty says:

    Today I got to check out this Ken Smith that Truth is talking about
    Does he look like a suspect Camas is not that far from Skyline

    @ Erose did you mean Terri has family in CA ???

  17. T. Ruth says:

    I wonder, what if Kyron had taken the bus to school that morning. Would the investigation have been handled differently? If, let’s say the last known person to see Kyron was the bus driver. What would have happened next? Would Desiree still blame TMH? Would Tony? Would Kaine? I wonder. See, I’m still having a problem with motive in this case, I don’t think a husband cheating on you, results in killing his son. Him? maybe, but his child?, nope. More likely have your own affair, or leave the bastard and take all his money, let him take care of his own kid. This has never made any sense to me. Is this what LE thinks? That TMH killed Kyron because she was pissed at Kaine? Is this what DY & TY think? I guess someone may do such a thing, but I’ve never heard of it. As far as motives go, I think this one is one of the farthest removed. Maybe just me.

  18. T. Ruth says:

    Pacific Northwest author, R. Neil Horman, brings life to the local mountains from a new point of view in Tokens of Trust

    Cover art by Kimberly Dahm, 2001

  19. T. Ruth says:

    A little more information on Smith’s arrest.

    Kenneth Edward Smith, 53, pleaded guilty to possession and distribution of child pornography and was sentenced to serve 68 months in federal prison.

    Smith became the focus of a federal investigation when a special agent with the FBI used an undercover account to target individuals distributing videos and images depicting minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct, according to documents filed in U.S. District Court for Western Washington.

    The agent first contacted Smith on April 9, 2013, and through Smith the agent downloaded 123 images and five videos of sexually exploited children, ranging from infants to teenagers, according to court documents.

    When authorities served a search warrant at his Camas residence in July, they found that Smith’s residence had a hidden mechanism accessed by turning a can of PVC Cement, which led to an outbuilding and a small elevator, according to court documents.

    In that building, they found a computer containing 15,481 images and 518 videos depicting sexually explicit content involving children, according to court documents.

    (snipped, more @link)

  20. T. Ruth says:

    Ooops, was going to offer my thanks to the FBI, before posting that link. I couldn’t imagine a more horrific job, than having to view children being abused and pretend to deal with these puke-bags.

  21. T. Ruth says:

    Smith’s story led me to this guy in Clarks County also busted in 2013.
    Claimed his wife put the images on his computer. Wonder if he knows Logan Storm?

    Interesting note in there about the law changing in March 2010.

  22. T. Ruth says:

    Is this the same guy?

    Christopher Eger‎D.A.D. Dads Against Discrimination
    April 11, 2010


    BLUF: I have very little money but I want my sons back.

    1. I am a male victim of Domestic Violence. My wife has been mentally abusing me for years and in October when I found out that she cheated on me it turned physical with her attacking me to get rid of the evidence of her adultery. (This is not easy to say especially in front of many who know me and those who do not. However, my sons are more important than my pride. So I put this out there for all who know me)

    2. If you are in the Vancouver-Portland Metro area please email me. I need help!!!!

  23. T. Ruth says:

    Answering my own question, I think so. Larger picture here:

  24. SuzieQ says:

    Wow, Kathleen Moore, could this group of miscreants get any weirder?

    You prolly should not have said that out loud :)

  25. erose says:

    Malty, Yes, IIRC TH has cousins in CA.

  26. Seeker says:

    @T. Ruth says:
    May 28, 2014 at 12:32 pm

    You asked what would have happened if Kyron took the bus that morning. If Kyron had taken the bus, this is what I think would have happened:

    Desiree would have criticized Terri for not driving Kyron to Skyline. Everything Terri did and said still would have sounded “off” to her. She still would have started the ball rolling in blaming Terri. LE would still have ignored/down-played SZ because of PPS liability. Porter would still have come up with her CYA Dr. Appt. excuse after the fact. LE would still tell Terri she failed her polys, regardless of the truth. LE would still have found Rudy and gotten him to say what he said. The lynch mob would still accuse Terri of harming Kyron, claiming she put Kyron on the bus to avoid suspicion and then somehow got to the school, unseen, and lured him out. Kaine would still have seized the opportunity to get his LE/DA-backed divorce and custody. Kiara would still have been used as a bargaining chip/pawn.

    Kiara would still be without her mother, thinking her dead.
    Kyron would still be missing.

    Oh, and Kyron might have gone missing even sooner than he did that morning because SZ wouldn’t have had to wait so long for Kyron to be without a watchful parent, thus giving him an even bigger head-start.

  27. erose says:

    Blink, I had the same problem with the link. This one might work. It is a subscriber service it so might not.

  28. erose says:

    I got thru on that link. Then just scroll down and click on the complaint.

  29. Rose says:

    my own take is to steer clear of anyone with the mien of Borderlines (I knows it when I sees it) whether or not they are diagnosed or diagnosable. Re “internal implosion” that’s what happens when several with propensities find each other. It sounds like kewl has set her own effective limits on such sorts. Here we can give thanks Blink does the limit setting thinking for us. For that reason, personally having a bit of Father-involved info on his California connection, I have no interest in more, including on us when appropriate. As far as nonprofit child-related agency marketing, most such agencies are effective in their niches without more than their own homespun marketing as there are always plenty of couples desperate for children. TV stations & newspapers have freely for decades marketed individual hard to adopt children in State custody.

    Have just driven 9 hours after treatment this am for positional paroxysm vertigo and didnt go off a mtn en route….
    Christopher, with the birth mother in Spokane & father near Seattle, was linked to Kelly (wife Melissa) and iirc he said he was 1 of 4 brothers, 2 dead. So I did not see him was stepbrother to Kaine/Kristian. The whole relative thing is murky, and all I get out of it was Terri’s husbands 1&2 families of origin were a lot more put together generationally than no.3. She seemed to lower the bar seeking fathering & a home for her son imo.

  30. Rose says:

    a write up on Schreiber found Tues
    she seemed to have been very present in school activities
    The point she and other pta moms should have made to mcso
    was with enough collaboration & mutual interviewing,
    the always-present uber pta leaders like Schreiber
    at the SF ought to have been able to
    have come up with identifying probable strangers & their descriptions.

    Shrunk was nonsensical for a criminal prosecutor. Instead of “no explanation for why the child is missing,” he should’ve told mcso to follow what Blink calls protocol for opportunistic stranger abduction. Portland seems to have had its fair share of other attempts. What is truly odd is no media person offered that comeback Q to him—why not follow protocol Mr Shrunk?

  31. Rose says:

    This is good, Seeker: “Oh, and Kyron might have gone missing even sooner than he did that morning because SZ wouldn’t have had to wait so long for Kyron to be without a watchful parent, thus giving him an even bigger head-start.”

    That would explain why SZ waited til 9 or so (due to Terri’s presence) despite all those other tempting boys.
    That suggests he’d been in the school in some capacity previously as Blink once theorized and had singled Kyron out
    based on personality or type. I would like to know if any other child was asked to go outside that am, or did mcso even ask that Q of all children?

  32. Malty says:

    The thing is if you look around a bit you find some really evil stuff going on as is being revealed
    For some this is all one big mind game of hate And getting even with old foes from the past
    Sad that Kyron is still lost
    Kiara hasn’t seen mommy
    And that some people have suffered at the mean behavior on the internet
    But I think it is best to know then stay away from it

  33. Rose says:

    @erose. re
    The oddity is why the complainer would be “devestated”, reflecting her own instability.
    She’d only been a facebook fundraiser anyway.

    There’s that Wyn agency again tho. 96% of whose $ on irs 990 came from a govt grant.

    The Army theme is “awareness.” That appears to be the theme of Kaine, Tommy & other parent orgs who
    want to raise $ yet qualify for nonprofit status using a public purpose. Of course KH’s award likely went on his
    good Dad resume.

  34. tanya says:

    Looks like HLN is going to do a story on Kyron Horman some time this week ?

  35. T. Ruth says:


    I think you are most probably right. I just can’t get over LE having such tunnel vision, but I guess it happens.

    I would love to know if LE dug into anyone’s past (like say the other 60 POI’s and family members) as much as they have TMH.


    July 22, 2010, approx. a month after the failed sting:

    Staton said investigators have not found any items that belong to Kyron, and again declined to name the stepmother, Terri Moulton Horman, as a person of interest in the investigation.


    The sheriff said the stepmother, who has moved 175 miles away, has “not refused” any requests from his detectives.

    I’m thinking maybe Sheriff Staton should request that $900k back so he can start over.

  36. nate0419 says:

    vwoolf says:
    May 28, 2014 at 2:28 am

    (ps. just a little hinky… her son was a 9y/o. Why would Nora notice that Kyron was NOT at the talent show?

    I cannot provide a link as it was long ago that went poof. In the very beginning I do remember reading that when it was time for Kyron and his partner to perform in the talent show that Kyron’s name was called out and asked to come up on the stage. If Nora had been there she would have remembered that.

  37. MockingbirdSings says:

    nate0419 says:
    May 29, 2014 at 3:47 pm
    vwoolf says:
    May 28, 2014 at 2:28 am
    (ps. just a little hinky… her son was a 9y/o. Why would Nora notice that Kyron was NOT at the talent show?

    I cannot provide a link as it was long ago that went poof. In the very beginning I do remember reading that when it was time for Kyron and his partner to perform in the talent show that Kyron’s name was called out and asked to come up on the stage. If Nora had been there she would have remembered that.

    @nate0419 – I remember that also. I thought I saved it but couldn’t find it. In the beginning, I didn’t save as much as I do now – never thought it would go on so long with so many twists and turns. I believe it was posted here by a parent though as opposed to a quote in newspaper, etc.

    No way to know if true, but certainly within the realm of possibility. I have seen NOTHING that would make me think they were organized enough to give an absentee list to whoever was getting kids off and on stage, and I am NOT convinced Kyron had been marked absent by then. I have always wondered, however (if true), what his partner thought and who it would have been. If it was a child from Kyron’s classroom, that child would have already known Kyron wasn’t there since it seems a partner in the same room would notice if the other was missing (could have been a girl).

    It is also not surprising to me that, as we heard, most parents didn’t go. If the talent show consisted of kids signing up to do something, an adult (or older student) calling names to come and perform, and a lot of milling around, most likely unrehearsed, it doesn’t sound like there would be much appeal for adults to come to school again, or to leave work. I’ve seen those events – they are “end of the year fluff”, IMO. I’ve never done one because I can’t stand anything that disorganized.

    I did write a Bicentennial (1976) musical show that included every child (hundreds) in my school, complete with costumes, musical numbers, a tap dancing 4th grade Uncle Sam, elementary school band, lighting, narration, etc. Kids assembled scene by scene in the cafeteria, came onstage to a packed house, and off again (I wish it had been recorded) – and I never lost a single child. Every teacher and other staff members were like hawks. Every child had a place to be and somebody with a clipboard knew right away if you weren’t there. Nobody can do that alone AND you can’t start it at the end of the year. It takes a conscious culture of always practicing safety – it’s obvious to me that Skyline did not have that.

  38. vwoolf says:


    “I cannot provide a link as it was long ago that went poof. In the very beginning I do remember reading that when it was time for Kyron and his partner to perform in the talent show that Kyron’s name was called out and asked to come up on the stage. If Nora had been there she would have remembered that.”


    Tried to find that link. And many others today. Sadly…so many corroborating vids and testimonials and LE statements have disappeared from the internet. I do know internet sleuths could find and re-habilitate them…for a price. And part of me wonders if it is deliberate rather than expeditious.

    Not sure Nora has anything at all to do with this lack of info. And she simply could have been reacting to an LE questions such as….”Did you see anyone here, a stranger, that looked suspicious that day?”

    What really bothers me about the tactics and “impressions” LE had that day and for 2 weeks hence….is that they did NOT treat the school as an abducted child crime scene and instead focused on the PPS and Neighborhood PANIC and sought to quell the fears by suggesting a lost child and then a parental abduction. With NO basis for either.

  39. erose says:

    The Snowman Foundation came to help after Kyron went missing. Wondering if Harrison was scheduled for the talent show.

    Support helps Skyline carry on

    June 11, 2010

    •Musician Michael Allen Harrison and the Snowman Foundation

    Michael is the founder and president of the Snowman Foundation. The Snowman Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to advocating and providing services for music education. By way of funding this non-profit, Michael organized the Ten Grands concert series, which is presented annually at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall in Portland, Oregon

  40. erose says:

    I guess if the Snowman Foundation was to be at the talent show, it would have been advertised on the billboard.

  41. quizzical says:

    Skyline parent says – not at the science fair but was at the talent show, principal called his name.


    Skyline parent says:
    October 6, 2010 at 5:42 pm

    I was not at the science fair that morning, so I will let another speak to that, as anything I said would be heresay. We have lots on involved fathers at Skyline so I have a lot of trouble believing there wasn’t a single man chaperoning that day, let alone that Terri would have that info.

    I was at the “talent” show – as were many other parents. Let me tell you that is an incredibly slow two hours. I wouldn’t blame Terri at all for punting it, if that were her only suspicious behavior. I think whatever Kyron was planning to do, it was probably short and not that well rehearsed.

    I can’t tell who the guy in the backround of the pic is. Possibly I just don’t have the screne res for it. But honestly I think its a red herring. I think someone nailed it a while back when they said they didn’t release that info due to privacy. Assuming he was a Skyline dad, he would have talked to the cops on Sunday, just like the rest of us.

    Skyline parent says:
    October 23, 2010 at 10:38 am

    Kyron was supposed to be in the talent show. The principal called his name and his teacher said he was absent. Lots of parents were there.

  42. Mom3.0 says:

    Mom 3.0- I appolly, it is me. My schedule for through the 2nd week in July has me without the ability to effectively moderate any posts of length, I promise to get to it this weekend.

    I appreciate your patience.

  43. erose says:

    car wash

    Everyone sees the words donation and “together we can bring Kyron home” verbiage in that flyer, correct?

  44. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Mockingbird Sings

    Your last paragraph in your post #37 above says it all. The school was not organized and everything was “helter skelter” with no one actually in charge. This starts at the top and without true leadership, the results are usually poor.

    Children are very capable of doing some wonderful things that express their interest and talent. They lack experience in getting it organized and will need help from the teachers and administrators to get it together.

    Skyline is listed as a school that has less than a 70 percent record. This is a direct reflection of the administration leadership and the classroom teachers not getting the proper job done.

    We keep finding all types of situations that should have indicated that Kyron was not present. This IMO is a direct cover-up by the school to push the responsibility to the parents. LE is deeply involved in protecting the school and the MFH situation developed by MCSO is a great way to misdirect any efforts to find the child.

  45. T. Ruth says:

    @MbS You made me wonder, who was in charge of the talent show that day?
    I don’t think I’ve ever heard which teacher or admin was in charge. Anyone know or find out which teacher was in charge of the past ones?

    Maybe one of the people in charge was Nora Schreiber, maybe she was a parent volunteering during the talent show that day and that’s how she knew Kyron was supposed to be in the show. Did they need to bring in outside sound equipment or anything special for that show that day?

  46. T. Ruth says:

    Why would she describe seeing a stranger?

    Okay, I’ll bite. Because someone had asked her if she had seen a stranger?

  47. T. Ruth says:

    Also, IIRC a nine year old testified before the GJ. Without any parent. I was amazed and concerned at that one.

  48. erose says:

    Dos centavos. Why would anyone at Skyline describe a stranger when LE was not focused on who were the strangers at the SF.

  49. Rose says:

    @Blink. I got 2 things out of
    First it is labeled a “private” search.
    You’d think even an idiot reporter would ask what role mcso plays in the search.
    Has she even talked to mcso about it?

    Second her $ stash is now called Justice for Kyron *** Search Fund.***
    Byebye tort suit.

    If she’s nickel/diming $-intake
    with car washes, I bet she’s been resentful of Kaine’s stash.

    I have noticed that these car washes went from raising $60 to over $700, the bulk of the donation coming in through the go fund me site. I remain curious as to whether or not she was paid in any form for the Dr. Phil appearance and the funds from same are being diverted. I really have no issue with that as long as she is willing to provide accounting and disclose same- they are soliciting public funds for private use that is not tax deductible to any donors- it’s appropriate.


  50. Malty says:

    @Erose I got your link on complaints
    It seems like we read some place else about this woman and her body
    What I want to know is the Army of angels Still around or are they finished

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