Hannah Graham Body Located: Sources Say Tip Led To Her Recovery

Posted by BOC Staff | Hannah Elizabeth Graham,Morgan Harrington | Saturday 18 October 2014 5:33 pm

Breaking News:  The body of Hannah Elizabeth Graham has been recovered.

Press Conference involving multiple agencies to be held momentarily.

Thoughts and prayers are with Hannah, her family and friends this evening.


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  1. Eloise says:

    wakktwins says:
    November 10, 2014 at 2:50 am


    Re: drug topic on this thread Nov 4. Was the “M” drug in which you were thinking about Midozolam, generic for Versed? I had emergency surgery 2 weeks ago and was very nervous. They offered this med to me to calm me. I found out upon waking up after surgery and remembering nothing that it is an amensic benzo. Evidently I provided quite the entertainment to the medical staff.

    Nurse here>

    Yes it is.

  2. susan says:

    Even more frustrating, if that is the right word—

    After the June 4, 2009 road rage incident, while the system was attempting to minimize this road rage and assault directed at the Attorney Wilkes, there were multiple court hearings and continuances. Morgan went missing in between two of these continuances.

    So while we were sitting here on this thread in Morgan’s case, five years ago wondering how in the world this individual did not have any dna in the system………….

    In fact, Morgan;s t shirt was found on 11/11/09 with this individual’s dna attached, and this assault and grand larceny case was still being continued after that fact. I see no mention that this assualt and grand larceny case was ever dismissed. Can anyone confirm that this matter was dismissed because it many be simply continued time and time again, into the present moment.

    I also see multiple mentions of warrant in debt to Martha Jefferson Hospital which many be the hospital bill for Attorney Wilkes which may have been unpaid by JLM, holding up the dismissal of this matter. That is my working theory.

    This matter is……..beyond frustrating. I can only imagine what these families think, while the system farted around allowing JLM to presumably pay off this hospital bill for the assault, to presumably get this matter dismissed, this individual goes out of the reach of enforcement in their cases. Did he ever even pay off the hospital bill? Or is there more to this story that we do not even want to hear? Such as the orderly job at UVA possibly being a manner of wage garnishment, which is also on his record, to allow this individual to pay off this Wilkes hospital bill and escape this assault charge and the dna being entered in the system?

    Why in the world is no one calling for an investigation of “the system” handling this in Charlottesville?

    From Websleuths–2009—

    Holds taxi permit
    ~~3/14/09 Latonia Smith – Portsmouth, VA http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/…h_latonia.html
    6/4/09 – Assault & Grand Larceny Charge Incident
    6/23/09 – Warrant in Debt – Martha Jefferson Hospital
    7/9/09 – Hearing: RE: 6/4 Assault & Grand Larceny Charges – Continued
    8/20/09 Hearing: RE: 6/4 Assault & Grand Larceny Charges – Continued
    ~~8/27/09 Heidi Childs & David Metzler Virginia Tech students found murdered – Jefferson National Forest
    9/17/09 Hearing: RE: 6/4 Assault & Grand Larceny Charges – Continued
    ~~10/10/09 Cassandra Morton missing – Lynchburg, VA http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sho…chburg-10-Nov-
    ~~10/17/09 Morgan Harrington goes missing (Forensic link to JLM) http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sho…-2009-1/page12
    10/22/09 Hearing: RE: 6/4 Assault & Grand Larceny Charges – Continued
    ~~11/11/09 Morgan Harrington – shirt found @ corner of 15th St & Grady Ave outside apt building
    ~~11/18/09 Tatawanda Hill – Norfolk, VA http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/h/hill_tawanda.html
    ~~11/29/09 Norma Avillan – Herndon, VA http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/…lan_norma.html
    ~~11/29/09 Cassandra Morton – body found on Liberty University property

  3. Eloise says:

    Susan- do you suppose having a relative in the circuit court may have an effect?

  4. A Texas Grandfather says:


    The trial continuances without requiring bail allowed JM to walk around free to do his deeds. This Court and the County Attorney should have locked up JM for the assault on the ACA. They did not do their job and for that lack of duty, JM was able to kidnap and kill two young women that we know about. Your list is longer and he may be responsible for some of them.

    Albemarle County needs a good house cleaning regarding the courts and the County attorney’s office. A court watch group needs to be formed to gather the data.

    It appears that Chief Longo did his job when the VSP couldn’t find their shoe laces.

  5. MsLAL says:

    From Twitter:

    Coy Barefoot @coybarefoot · 27m 27 minutes ago

    #EXCLUSIVE #BREAKING Jesse Matthew is no longer in Cville. I have confirmed that late last night he was moved to the jail in Fairfax.

    What could this be about?

    Fairfax is taking custody of him pending due process. His lawyers and his ability to appear in court will take priority for the time being.

  6. susan says:

    @ Eloise—Is there a relative? I have missed that point. What specific department or job?

  7. Eloise says:

    Relative =Clerk of the court.

  8. Eloise says:

    I just stumbled across this- kind of ironic in terms of our discussions huh?


    I asked the question. Great catch Eloise. These people and their whitewashing. Literally and figuratively.

  9. FL Grandmother says:

    I have searched around and can’t find out how JLM is related to Charlottesville Rapist Nathan Antonio Washington whether from his mother’s side, where there is a lot of genealogical information or father’s side of the family with no published genealogies that I have found, or even how he’s related to the Cabells.

    If anyone does have that information, several folks would like to know.

    The relationship between these two rapists could be ‘informal’ (undocument kinship without benefit of clergy) or could have been called an uncle just because NAW was his father’s age.

    JLM relative is Clerk of Court for Albermarle county? Aha.

    Because he is not related to him my dear AFG- as I told you. Even if it was informal- what is your theory on informally related rapists because what I can tell you is that there is already plenty of research out there that would allow for correlation but you will not find causation anywhere.

  10. susan says:

    @Eloise. Oh, I see.

    That explains a lot. LAD?

    This looks to be a group who enjoys a good time. Look at the head butting, and the rabbit ears in the photo.


  11. FL Grandmother says:

    I’m not looking for causation (genetic predisposition, etc.), just facts. Wonder why several locals believe NAW is JLM’s uncle?

    That would depend on the local I suppose. I am confused- then what nexus is the issue if he were related to Washington? The fact is they are not related.

  12. Eloise says:

    Actually Charlottesville.

  13. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Thanks for the link eloise

    Young Dani needs to rethink her reason for naming. She is typical of those who feel sorry for actions taken by our ancestors. If there was a particular person that, as a slave, made an outstanding contribution to the construction, then they should or could be added to the list.

    Otherwise this is just a feel sorry for a group of people article. So typical of youth, that have little real world experience.

  14. MsLiberty says:

    If Mr. Matthew’s cousin is the current Clerk of Court, she was elected to that position in November of 2011. The former Clerk, Paul Garrett, was ousted by Democratic caucus after roughly 30 years in that position.

  15. Eloise says:

    For accuracy>

    Deputy Clerk Cville Circuit Court at City of Charlottesville

  16. susanm says:

    camblos was not appointed lead defender. http://www.nbc29.com/story/27289910/jesse-matthew-meets-with-new-members-of-legal-team Camblos describes the meeting as lengthy.probably the length was trying to be lead counsel. or was jesse talking?

    He is appointed, but technically he is 2nd chair to the female ADA ( or Commonwealth equivalent)

  17. alexandra says:

    You all amaze me with your research abilities. JM will face Fairfax charges now, then Hannah Graham….but what is going to happen about Morgan? What did they find in his possessions?

  18. susanm says:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MspO5rC6Vps trailer for ‘tales of the grim sleeper’ I saw this documentary the other day ,it was good. he interviews the community ,the interviews are very insightful.

  19. A Texas Grandfather says:


    To my knowledge, JM has not been charged for anything related to Morgan. The investigators may have found something in the apartment or the taxi that was found. Even if they did find something, the case has to develop. The investigators would not reveal this to JM and the public until they have something other than the T-shirt.

  20. Rose says:

    @susanm. Judge appointed PD Lead at the first hearing over Camblos’ objections.
    A lot of the 2 hours would be taken up by the PD explaining the charges to
    him and outlining what happens next. More in depth interviews woukd take
    place in Fairfax. Next step is to set the trial date, and to get on
    Motions calender if Defense still wants an Eval.

  21. Eloise says:

    This afternoon-

    Sexual assault attempt NORTH GARDEN- near Crossroads store on a female jogger. Was able to get away. Seen on HSTNG on FB.

  22. Eloise says:

    CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA (WCAV)- Orange County officials plan to meet with the press on Sunday, November 16, 2014, at 8:00 a.m., in regards to the search for missing teens Alexis Murphy and Samantha Clarke.


  23. red ranger says:

    1st, apologies for misleading you. When I said “Rader’s cryptic message” I was speaking of his plea for the local public’s help, published around the second anniversary of Morgan’s abduction. As you well know, I am often clear on my thought processes but my fingers fail to convey it via keyboard.

    Rader spoke of needing help from locals in the Albermarle area. The big message was that no scrap of information is too small. Reading this in hindsight tells us that he was putting it out there that he is aware that someone else, family or friend, has added two and two. At least enough to arouse some suspicions that should be reported.

    His message fell on deaf ears, possibly a victim of the “snitches get stitches” code in economically deprived, high crime areas. Crimes are committed in the rural community and word spreads faster than internet rumors. I am a firm believer that many locals were cognizant, especially after Sketch appeared, even with limited similarities between Sketch and Matthew.

    I am looking for some revisionist profiling, based on changes to current known facts. A lot of the big gun profilers used to release a small version after the perp walk to let us know what their profile would have been with the new info. I know it sounds kind of dumb but it was useful in pondering the mind of jackasses. I am finding nothing.

    got it.

    I think I want to wait until we have a firm victim count to expand on his profile more than I have already written because one of my early thoughts which persist today is pretty controversial.
    I will say that nobody will convince me that he does not have issues on a juvenile record.

    I will say in general that it was VSP’s duty to re-canvas the area when sketch was identified to create leads.

  24. A Texas Grandfather says:


    The jogger is lucky to get away. I wish there was some way to convince women who jog to not jog alone. A predator will watch for such a jogger and plan an assault. Sometimes it isn’t planned, but an opportunity presents itself and they act.

    At this time, North Garden appears to be a less than safe place.

  25. susan says:

    We were watching an escalation in progress, aided and abetted by the get out of jail free pass which this dangerous individual was handed carte blanch from “the system.” JLM found out he could be excused for crimes and he took full advantage. We have his own words that in the attack on Wilkes “he was mad that a couple of fares “stiffed him.” I do not believe that any “fares stiffed him.” That sounds like a poor me blame game. I think the “fares that stiffed him” in his own mind, of his “free ride” to full tuition and fees, and football dreams at LU and CNU, were the girls who complained on him in those two incidents. They were the “fares that stiffed him” and he decided to get even.

  26. susan says:

    As we were saying—http://www.timesdispatch.com/news/officials-advocating-expanding-virginia-dna-data-bank-in-response-to/article_77627251-376b-5b68-934c-43a3fc2c60a6.html

    So it does look like JLM’s dna should have been in the system from 2009,based on 2003 rules, whether or not he was getting a pass from “the system” about his case being continued ad nauseum.

    The Albemarle Sheriff doesn’t have his facts correct about the 2009 case, only citing a 2010 trespassing case.

    Now there is talk of state wanting to institute major changes to dna collection for misdemeanors, when all that was necessary in this outrageous matter seems to have been for the rules already in place to be adhered to in 2009.

  27. Rose says:

    not guilty plea. trial next March.
    Back to Cville for his Dec Hannah hearing.
    Then returning to Fairfax.

  28. FL Grandmother says:

    Re: JLM in middle school – There was one person claiming to know JLM and family on the Find Hannah Graham Facebook page.
    “Elida S Logan Basically, we saw something very wrong when he was in the 7th grade, but he was remorseful for hitting my son, and became his friend, giving him rides in his Taxi. in 2009 when I was offered a ride by LJ, it felt wrong, and in the back of my mind I thought, what if he doesn’t take you home, and instead takes you for a ride, and brings up the whole thing about the 7th grade. We did talk for a minute, and he told me about football, and that he was doing well. I told him I was proud of his effort, and for staying out of trouble, boy did I not know……..Then he saw me while we working at the hospital, and he once again came up to me to say hello, and to tell me he was working there, I told him to keep up the good work, stay off the streets, again, wow. My husband saw it then, and now. My son, tried really hard to find a way to not have LJ involved, he wanted to believe he was the nice guy that gave people free rides. And for those who want to attack his mother and sister, please don’t, you haven’t walked in their shoes. His actions, do not make them bad people, no instead, in the south, we are loyal to our families, and for those of you attacking LJ’s family, you can say you would do this or you would do that, but you don’t know that for sure. Here is a very nice story about his sister, who truly walks in the spirit of Jesus. Please don’t judge her, let God do that. http://www.c-ville.com/whats-happening-at-the-jefferson…/

    What’s Happening at the Jefferson School?
    Vinegar Hill Cafe Welcomes New Staff Member, Latasha Mathews Latasha Mathews, aka Nicky, started at Vinegar…

    Elida S Logan – No LJ was not involved with gangs, he actually stayed away from the real trouble areas of Charlottesville. LJ wanted to be college like material, not a thug. Believe me there was enough trouble out there for him to get into, other things he could of done with cab, but he didn’t. His crime choice was sexual, and involved memories of his college days, I firmly believe that. His lack of respect for women, came from the philandering father, they wolf in sheeps clothing. You know I only know what I have heard and seen from people who either went to school with LJ, worked with LJ, or played sports with LJ, with the exception of the 7th grade black eye.”

    FWIW – This is not the same commenter that said Nathan Antonio Washington is JLM’s uncle.

    Thanks for posting that FLG- seems like a nice lady- however, she does not know anything the possible motivations of a sexual offense.

  29. A Texas Grandfather says:


    You are in a position to get the facts. Based on what I learned from the research on the Morgan Harrington case, the Albemarle Sheriff has been reduced to supplying a bailiff for the county courts and mostly ceremonial duties. There is a county PD that actually does policing duties. If this is not true, will you give us the actual duties.

    With the advent of “Independent” cities in Virginia, there appear to be considerable changes to the jurisdiction of various agencies.

  30. Eloise says:


    I have missed the boat 2x in 2 days to try and watch these hearings live- oh well.

  31. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Thanks for the link susanm

    This is a considerable amount of money that should make a real difference. If the process cost one hundred dollars, this money would process 350,000 rape kits. Administrative costs could consume up to twenty-five percent of the money.

    There are many groups around the country who have done work of collecting data and doing research in this area. These people, where viable, should be helped with funds and their work product included in solving the problem.

    Rape kits are but one of the problems. The other is assaults as a part of a robbery and proper classification of when to take DNA and put it into the data base. Then we have the juvenile problem that protects those under 18 who commit crimes of rape and murder.

    Our society did not protect the age group of twelve and above until the beginning of the 20th century. A twelve year old can commit rape or murder. We need to rethink how to properly punish these crimes.

  32. Indahlia says:

    [quote] Rose says:
    October 5, 2014 at 12:45 pm
    with due respect to LE and the real searchers, what has gone before, & acknowledging ATG’s longtime geographical & topological prowess, and limited by my 1 finger typing, I did look last nite briefly at a map likely GEarth, but I got there by going to Tempo site, clicking directions, getting a big old fashioned rote map, but when I tapped Charlottesville, a beautiful technicolor topology appeated, for fellow phone users.

    I tried to put myself in Mathew’s mind from the moment he left.

    It seemed to me the obvious routes were Old Lynchburg Rd South, and secondarily Rte 20 South. The ubiquitous
    Red Hill Rd was prominent, and interestingly there is a KOA campground. There are roads branching So off Red Hill,
    but I was drawn to Walnut Park Rd. Most particularly this area has creeks & a river.
    The area is also very wooded. I do not see Mathew was venturing far into woods. Morgan was not in woods. He did not go far into woods in Fairfax. He ran to a denuded beach. Perhaps he is drawn to water. I can see disposal in a river or creek covered by rocks. With much rsspect to LE, after they diligently cover an 8-10 mi radius, I hope they resurvey the old Lynchburg Rd Rte, & isolated areas off Red hill, checking creeks & rivers with non-wooded access points. I think’d he’d carry her 1/4-1/2 mile. What a job!

    The question is, is the current location the crime scene? If we had LE’s info, we’d probably know. I
    don’t recall LE asking for help finding a crime scene, so my guess is they know where it is.
    Putting myself in the mind of a sexual sadist predator that night, I believe when he left Tempo, Hannah was seen as a
    trophy and as a toy. Like a sadist cat with an inert mouse. Imo he took Hannah into the bar not to further inebriate her, but to show her off. To return with a prize in his arms to the Bartender (who imo as a professional bar tender
    should have refused to serve him and stated he was calling an ambulance for Hannah, and if Mathew interfered, he’d call the police). That makes it logical as a trophy, h e would take her back to his own apt & room, at least briefly.

    My theory would be his roommates moved out either because they were limited witnesses to something & left for a secure location while he was free, or the apt was determined a crime scene.
    Their role as witnesses of some sort could have provided the info for LE’s
    second apt search.

    I suspect Mathews feels OK waiting for his Initial Hearing because he knows LE has already searched her current location, and he thinks he is secure from discovery. His reaction will be interesting when LE announces returning to certain likely target areas they went to initially imo. [/quote]

    I showed this to my husband earlier because he refuses to believe in psychics or even intuitives… But this message from Rose certainly hit the nail on the head didn’t it? I think Rose’ message came 18 days before the discovery of Hannah body.

    Around the same time give or take a week or so I saw a message from a psychic concerning Old Lynchburg Road and Red Hill Road with emphasis on searching low lying area. His was good but Rose was better. Thanks Rose for your contributions here. I’m learning as I’m sure are many others.

  33. OperaRach says:

    Blink- just saw your message back to me. No, I didn’t know that. :) and, sadly I’m not sure which book you are talking about. You’ll have to let me know. But, I was being sincere. :) I didnt mean to be vague (though now I can’t exactly remember how vague I was…).

  34. FL Grandmother says:

    Indahlia, There does seem to be a water connection. Morgan H, Hannah G and Cassandra Morton were found by creeks. The Fairfax rape victim was dragged/carried/attacked near a pool.

  35. Rose says:

    In retrospect, he took little care to hide or bury the bodies.
    He merely looked for a secluded dip on a property known
    to him, & a creek bed affords being out of sightline. I will
    look forward to knowing if LE identified where
    Hannah’s crime scene was. In Morgan’s case,
    perhaps her bones were broken post mortem to
    enable transportation in some object while hiding her
    removal from the crime scene from public view.

    If I were SAR Director, Va DPS, my takeaway would be to keep one
    roving search team free from the grid search to dispatch to
    high tip locations. To me a high tip area would be proximate
    to JM’s neighborhood of origin & of Morgan’s location, and a
    local frequently in that area reporting 20-30 buzzards at a vacant house
    never seen before would at least prompt followup phone calls
    to neighbors asking about their observations on the buzzards.
    This is the kind of tip an unassigned team could work.

  36. susan says:

    @ ATG— Regarding your question on LE agencies in Va, Wikipedia has some bare bones info on “Va LE agencies” but totally misses VA College Police forces, More about that later.

    The counties and cities in Virginia have always been separate. This is different from many other states. Unincorporated towns are inside some counties, but cities and counties in VA do not overlap.

    Some of the rural areas which had sheriff’s now have police dept alsos, and that is a real political adjustment between the dual staffs as a county is growing. It is a fight between history and progress, the elected sheriff and the appointed police chief.

    After 2007, the VA Tech debacle and massacre, many campus police departments started trying to get accredited. However this is not always the postive which it appears on surface. I dk about UVA but I do know about some others, and there are major problems now with level of professionalism in some of these college pd’s when these units report to the College administrations—– politics, corrupt agendas, and other unsavory antics, trying to fly under the radar with their off the wall and unacceptable stunts and arrangements of bending the rules, sometimes to frame kids for crimes they did not commit.. Arrest quotas for underage drinking, getting even with kids for whatever, some officer feels dissed, etc. Then they got the bad press recently for stocking up with the fully auto and semi auto machine guns and other war toys to use on the students if unrest breaks out. Google it. These people are not qualified to be using M-16′s. This is a real disgrace which was in the news in August for these rambo cowboys wanna be paramilitary avengers in campus police to now have war toys at their disposal.

    Let me tell you that I know firsthand that professionalism in some of these campus police unites is a REAL problem, same as in the Daly Case, and in some cases much worse. They they lie for each other and try to cover up the damage.

    Compare that with the JLM situation and his special snowflake treatment in this case.

    Blink if you are reading at least you will get a heads up on what dear little Ms. Blinkette may see at some point in her college career. If she ever sees any of this bullying of the College kids, inside or outside of Virginia, I think her first words should be ” I want a lawyer.”


    It is all very unsettling, and on top of that we have the “clerks of court,” function, adding in their agendas to the process, in this case ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,need I say more?

  37. FL Grandmother says:

    In a few years, LE could possibly have portable DNA units that cost around $250. and the tests would cost less than $20.


    Great for victims and law enforcement – bad for perps.

  38. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Thanks for the reply to my question Susan.

    Skipping over a lot of your reply and concentrating on the false hope of campus police reporting to the college administration being able to do a credible job, I think it is wishful thinking. The local police for the community should always have the job of policing a campus. These officers are certified and must report to a chain of command that is responsible to the community, not a school administration. This of course, eliminates a school being able to receive surplus military equipment.

    There IMO should be very few SWAT teams that have experienced officers with multilevel training. Most of the SWAT training is fit for military operations, not public police work.

    I find it very interesting that JM’s abductions have a relation to wooded areas and water. The one in Fairfax was within 75 feet of a swimming pool. Morgan Harrington was found in a low depression in the field that would contain water if present that would drain into the Hardware Rive(a creek in reality)and Hannah Graham in or near a creek bed. JM is supposedly a camper and he would know that a creek bed is normally a clear path when compared to woods.

  39. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Fl Grandmother

    A good link to the new technology regarding detection of DNA with a handheld device. There are people working on detecting,cleaning up dirty DNA and sequencing. All of this is due to improvements in solid state devices. The one in your referenced article is presently using masking techniques that are several years old. This capability will be improved and extended over time. This machine will detect foreign DNA that is different from that of a victim. The next step would be identification of human and animal DNA which would also require some sequencing.

    In the mean time, people in the medical field and LE are learning new ways to process data. For example, a young female researcher at UVA developed a faster process for getting DNA into a usable state for sequencing. This happened about five years ago. Just where this process is in getting it certified for use in the medical and forensics communities is not known.

  40. Slowroller says:

    OT-kind of

    Just learned that in Southern CA, Orange County to be exact, they are offering first time offenders HUGE reductions on fines and/or sentencing for voluntarily offering their DNA to be added into a database.

    While I definitely see and understand the merits of collecting DNA, as a law abiding citizen the Big Brother slant still gives me pause…

    So who is going to offer their DNA ( presuming they must know of course) it could be linked with another crime, thinking they will get a reduction of sentence for their current incarceration, but a new and lengthy stay courtesy of their DNA and survive their highly unforeseen future and rate of recidivism? Call me the wet blanket, but that is lip service and not well thought-out at that.

  41. Slowroller says:

    Well my thoughts exactly, but it would put people who declined on the radar “unofficially” of course.

  42. Rose says:

    @Slowroller. gotta be some cost-savings in govt kind of thing.
    Personally, I feel it unethical of govt, if not unConstitutional
    (where is aclu on this proposal?).
    poorly educated, or nonEngl as a 1st language, or LD,
    or anxious 1st time offenders will bite. balanced against the
    good it will do, to catch Offenders of the
    Future, will not offset the dna collection, retention, & analysis costs.

  43. Rose says:

    @slowroller. If I could teach my kids anything, it is Decline.
    Terri H should thank Houze for the word Decline.

  44. alexandra says:

    So, now that he enters a “not guilty” plea, there will be a trial? I was surprised he plead not guilty and I hope there is much evidence to convict him, for Fairfax. My thoughts when I heard he plead not guilty,…(coward)

  45. A Texas Grandfather says:


    I am not surprised at the Not Guilty plea by JM in the Fairfax case. He didn’t get caught on that one for nearly ten years. With all the passes he has managed to get for the various assaults at college and the ACA in Cville, he thinks he can get away once more.

    This time, will be different. LE and the courts will bring everything they can to convict him of assault, rape and murder.

    I would like to see the courts unseal his juvenile records (there will be some)to learn about his behavior from the time he was in middle school till he reached the age of 18. They should also go back and interveiw his teachers, coaches and schoolmates. This behavior has been built up over a long period of time.

  46. A Texas Grandfather says:

    In reference to Belsma’s post. The state medical examiner has been requested by Albemarle County to withhold the cause of death of Hannah Graham. It is reported in Belsma’s link and is also carried on Fox News.

    With the condition of the remains, a cause of death would be difficult to determine. That they were able to make a positive determination is remarkable.

    There is some great importance attached to the case regarding this information. Are they holding it to prevent the defense and JM from having the information or is there a hold in order to advance other cases?

    I believe they are seeking a formal indictment.

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