Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Baez Motionfest in Court This Morning

Orlando, FL– If yesterday’s antics at the press conference of attorney for the search group Texas Equusearch, Mark Nejame, were a precursor to this mornings motions hearing, it should prove to be a long day.

Exactly what pending motions are slated to be heard as there are several before the court at this time, remains to be seen, however, all have been initiated on behalf of the defense team Jose Baez and Andrea D. Lyon.

It is presumed the court will hear: Motion to delay the economic charges against Casey Anthony, motion response on behalf of TES Founder Tim Miller to be certified as a witness in the criminal case, Motion of 90 pages regarding evidence tested by the FBI (insert yawn). Motion regarding Anthony Lazzaro phone records, motion regarding Dominic Casey records and motion to preclude Leonard Padilla, Tony Padilla, Tracy Mclaughlin and Rob Dick from testifying as prosecution witnesses. Motion for anything I forgot.

Strap in. Ride starts at 9:30AM EST, live feed here:

Mark Nejame, Todd Macaluso, Andrea Lyon Argue TES Motion 

First Up-Mark Nejame vs. Andrea Lyon TES motion 10:18 AM

White shoes. Repeat. White shoes in court. Got the petty out of the way, thanks for indulging me.

Mark presents to his Honor, Stan Strickland, the vast problematic issues with a broad request, which could encompass 4000 different individuals.

Andrea Lyon argued this is not a fishing expedition, it is the equivalent of the defense relying on the “Trust Me”  argument on behalf of the state. They are not looking to expose people’s personal information. Ms. Lyon went on say the defense is willing to hang out at Mark’s office until they get what they need.

Judge Strickland in recent receipt of the answer, deferring ruling upon review in short order. 

Jose Baez Argues Tony Lazzarro phone records 

Baez argues Lazzarro was served, and that the motion has been narrowed and only received response yesterday at 4PM.

AttorneyJay, for Tony Lazzarro, argues he was not served either, was notified by a third party as to ammended motion. Jay agrees to requesting the 6 week period of records from AT &T, but is not optimistic he will be able to. Furthermore, the materiality of the defense request post July 15, 2008, has not been shown. All communication had ceased by then.

Judge Strickland grants a portion of the defense request, June 1 through September 2008, within 30 days.

Jose Baez Argues Motion to Preclude Leonard, Tony, Tracy and Rob

 Baez calls George Anthony. Casey begins weeping openly. George discusses his interaction with the team.

Linda points out Mr. Padilla puts up $50k  bond, so how is it he was unaware that his intention was to find his grandaughter. George is doubletalking that they volunteered to provide security only once she was out. Jim Campbell, was the retired LE officer was staying at the home at the time. Mr. Baez had to be present when any person spoke to Casey or was around her, if he were not, a family member had to be present at all times.

George states he knew nothing about the privacy arrangements they agreed to. Linda pointed out there were several people that could have transported Casey back and forth, and that they requested this service. 

Ms. Drane Burdick presented the audio interviews of Leonard, Rob, and Tracy, about 3 hours worth which the Judge will review. She requested an original copy of the signed agreements for all parties.

*Secret*.. What Baez presented as the true and correct copies of the executed agreements by all parties is NOT.. Ms. Burdick is aware of this

Judge Strickland points out that Baez has had well over a year to file a temporary restraining order as Padilla as he has been “breaking that agreement” all over TV under this argument.

Ms. Drane Burdick argued Baez motion is essentially a gag order, and their has been no agency established, they posess the burden to establish privlege in the first place.

Oral agreement was hatched upfront between all parties, and prior to the written agreement. The agreement to provide security was a condition of posting the bond in the first place.

BAM… What I eluded to, Tony Padilla did not SIGN that agreement in the motion.  Hello, Florida Bar, please hold… 

I am intentionally shortening this segment, The State ate his lunch, and I have no clue why, but ruling deferred.

Motion to Determine a Trial Date Check Fraud

The state argues the check issues are relegated to specific dates and feels although witnesses may overlap, there is not an issue as to hearing testimony in the murder case. Baez is the only attorney on the docket of the case. The victim, Amy Huizenga, is asserting her right as a victim for the matter to be concluded. As an alternative, the State advises they are willing to go the bench trial route, which would allay the concerns altogether.

Ms. Lyon argues it is not their position it should never be tried and it is the states fault for seeking the death penalty in the murder case. Ms. Lyon sugested the state postpone the check fraud charges 60–90 days behind the murder charge.

Judge Strickland is considering this ruling as well

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  1. susanm says:

    #550 ann –someone was in a car accident the day she supposedly told cindy zanny was in a car accident ; tony’s two friends, he called him and asked him the date of their car accident during his le interview (june 23rd )cuz thats how he figured out what day she ran out gas in her neighborhood(which still leaves the question of why she told ammy two fridays in a row). but talk about altered reality why did she make up the relationship to cindy with jeff hopkins? the summer before?they were never even close to a anything near a anythingship according to him ,i thought it was to cover ricardo but she didnt date him til january right?

  2. Kleat says:

    Did anyone notice the early surrepticious recording of Casey on the occasion of her second arrest August 29th and through the road noise in the moving car, we can hear Casey ask if she can ask a question, and that is in the 6 weeks of investigation, she asks why there was never an Amber Alert.

    That was 6 weeks of investigating Casey and she’s on the attack– adding another 4 weeks of mommy dearest Casey not asking for an Amber Alert makes 10 (TEN) weeks, and then Casey decides to challenge the authorities WHY not Amber Alert.

    Ok– if the defense is going to suggest that Casey was fearful for her daugher, her family, and lastly, her own safety from the kidnapper(s) threats, and if there was a need to keep things quiet, as if no one should look for the baby except in some sort of indirect way, an Amber Alert with a vehicle and perpetrator description, would be the last thing Casey would want, according to how she was handling things.

    It makes no sense that they were ‘fearful’ yet Casey is critical of NO Amber Alert. Hope the state remembers Casey’s criticism in this recording.


  3. Tommie says:

    Thank you kindly Chica! I have been an avid reader of this blog, pretty much since it started…I just don’t comment much. The main reason being…everyone here is so intelligent, and if/when I do have question or comment — somebody else ALWAYS beats me to it!! :)

  4. westsidehudson says:

    # 504-


    Thank you for the dog info. In the area behind the playhouse, there was also a large pine tree, right?

  5. westsidehudson says:


    “Lee knows what he’s done”…

    Whose quote was this again? Someone in OSCO, I forget?

  6. silverspnr says:

    Westside #524

    Yes. The ruling on the motion re: LP et al is simply about the defense claim of attorney-client privilege, not about the validity of the contract.

    I will go into the contract later, but have to run now–
    All day CLE course– 6th Annual Animal Law Update (I am an animal lover/advocate as well).

    Have a great BLINKER day, all!

    Not guilty does not = Innocent (legally speaking) for whomever asked that earlier.


    Thank you Silver, my friend.
    We will look forward to your thoughts on the contract issue itself.

  7. westsidehudson says:


    “LP may have said that casey always includes a little truth in her lies, and you surely see that ‘truism’ repeated in every blog as gospel, but can’t you guys think of a zillion of her lies where that is not true?”

    I don’t know how much I buy into Leonard’s theory. If you use facets or fragments of other people’s lives, an autobiography, it does not make. It is a novel, under the category of “fiction”.
    Casey weaved in all sorts of details, some pulled from the air, some components of friend’s lives, pieces of TV shows, etc into the narrative of her life. Like a chameleon, or “Zelig” (old Woody Allen film reference, before he turned me off), Casey threw in what she thought other people wanted to hear; what might endear her to them or what might help her escape trouble in any particular moment.
    I believe that many times, we try to dissect her lies to arrive closer to the truth, and it leads us astray. Could some lies be clues, perhaps. But I believe that most are just what they are: fabrications. Remember, the person who initiated the consideration of “truth beneath lies” was Cindy Anthony. She was searching for any route in which she could convince investigators that Casey was actually trying to assist them with clues in finding Caylee. The police tell her that all they have heard from Casey were lies, and Cindy begins to assert that Casey was helping, thereby creating the illusion of cooperation and innocence.

  8. westsidehudson says:

    # 556


    Thank you so much for answering my question on the ruling.


    “All day CLE course– 6th Annual Animal Law Update (I am an animal lover/advocate as well).”

    I respected you before, but now more-so. Please do what you can to make the lives of all creatures who can not speak for themselves better!

  9. westsidehudson says:

    # 552


    Excellent point! I almost missed it. Those two thoughts, or statements, are highly incongruous and defy logic and reason. Defying reason=no reasonable doubt.
    You keep chipping away, bit by bit, things that make no sense.

  10. mjh says:

    #526 I have never heard of the stick with the rope they found. Brings me right to the JonBenet Ramsey case. A stick with a rope tied to it, used for “sexual” torture. I don’t even want to think about this as a possibility for Caylee. I feel myself getting sick already. Did they really find something like this in the Anthony back yard? Does anybody know anything about this, if it is true or not?

  11. Granmomma says:

    #555 – WSH – If I remember correctly it was Lee’s attorney.

  12. Todd in Tulsa says:

    The one thing that will never cease to describe how callous Casey is, is that first interaction with police on Cindy’s 911 call. Here Cindy is, whaling away, describing how they’ve been “missing” for a month, and then the operator asks to speak with Casey. Casey gets on the phone just as calm as ever, “hello? my daughter has been missing for 31 days”. That is mindblowing to me. I have a 5 year old daughter, and I can not even fathom that scenario. Absolutely disturbing

  13. suz says:

    westside, i dunno about the backyard but in page 3472 of discovery they mention the vegetation at the remains scene. The report says there is only 1 pine tree at the scene (a slash pine), and it was located near the road on the upper slope (lane 1). I assume that the laundry bag was in lane 1, too, kind of like ground zero, but i don’t know for sure.

  14. ProvokingPoirot says:

    #545 and Blink …

    I noticed that “worth wild” was used instead of worthwhile and took it as her showing ignorance, plain and simple. Casey makes many, many verbal mistakes and I don’t think they are true “Freudian Slips”. A slip of the tongue that is motivated by and reveals some unconscious aspect of her mind? Could be. Or she could just be stupid. I prefer ignorance. All the Anthonys do it; over and over again. When I hear them make mistakes like this in their lapsus linguae, I always experience a little silent chuckle, which brings me great pleasure, and alleviates any worries I have about the masterminds of the Anthonys. I just can not give the family any merits of brillancy wherein Fraudian Slips can even take place.

    I never disagree with you, though….hardly ever. I just know that George, Cindy and Casey (and Lee, to an extent) think they are better, smarter and can fly higher than any other mortals with their besmirching of others and condescending attitude toward LE, the SA, M&M, and the judicial system. It just rubs me raw because in reality, I think Casey is about as sharp as a bowling ball. I don’t think she is as smart as she is brazen. When this all comes down to trial, I really believe the State will present a very clear, concise, uncomplicated case about a vainglorious, self-serving, selfish, sleazy but above all…unworthy, mother who killed her baby and dumped the body at the most convenient and time-saving place so that she might continue in her narcissistic and phony lifestyle. Simple as A..B..C…(all ’bout Casey).

  15. suz says:

    michigan fan and mjh, here’s a link to the thing about the stick/rope thing. Some kids found what they thought was a grave at the end of suburban drive in Sept. (11th/12th). There was a stick with a rope or a string tied to it that was near some disturbed dirt. Sounds like one end of the rope or string was buried. They came back with shovels to dig it up but never said what they found. (They dug down far enough to see a pipe of some kind, but not to reach the end of the rope/string.) For some reason, each of these folks ends their statement by saying they did not contact the media and/or police about this (what’s that about?). Page 3037 to 3041 of discovery, aka pages 29-31/50 in this pdf (part 15 of the discovery released 11/26/08)

    They each describe the rope/string/stick thing a little differently so I am not sure I have a clear mental picture of it yet. (One describes a rope tied to a rope.) Mostly 16 or 17 y.o. kids, but one dude is 46. I think his statement says he was there on 9/10 and the area was not disturbed, and suddenly there was something that looked like a recent grave on maybe 9/12?

  16. Marcy says:

    The huge problem I have with Casey’s excuse of being terrified for her & her family’s safety is that I think most parents would willingly sacrifice their own lives and/or the well-being of other family members. This was a 2-yr-old child.

    Wouldn’t you, fellow Blinker, decide that a baby’s life & safety were paramount, even if that meant the baby’s grandparents might be harmed? It would be a terrible dilemma to face, but the baby would win hands down.


  17. suz says:

    According to WESH, a source close to the investigation said, “We kind of treat him separately. He knows what he has done.”

  18. dee says:

    Kleat #535 my feelings exactly…that is how I feel everytime I hear the A’s (the whole bunch) saying “ABSOLUTELY” they all say, if you listen to their recordings, their depo’s, their interviews, they say it over and over like they are trying to convince not just us but themselves, everytime they say it I get chills…

    I “Absolutely” hate when they say this word!

    Word Usage (interesting)

    Some people dislike the use of absolutely to give strong emphasis (That is absolutely disgraceful!), and regard it as an affectation. Also controversial is its use to express agreement. It retains some meaning in uses such as “Do you like it?”-”Yes, absolutely,” but is simply an intensifier when used with answers that are factual rather than an expression of opinion: “Have you been to Paris?”-”Yes, absolutely.”

  19. westsidehudson says:

    # 561-Granmomma

    “If I remember correctly it was Lee’s attorney.”


    Wow….That’s all I’ve got on that one. I hope Lee fessed up to whatever he did.

    # 562 Todd

    Agreed…and the classic

    “calling you guys,: a huge waste”, when asking for Tony’s number from the jail, (angrily), while her friend is crying about Caylee.

  20. Marcy says:

    #564, P.Poirot: You & I have the same opinion about Casey. I still laugh when I think about Casey telling detectives (in the interview at Universal, I think) that she had some “perspective” ideas on where Zanny may have gone.

    Casey tries to come across as smart, but her vocabulary & pronunciation belie that attempt.

    You are right when you say that rather than being smart or wily, Casey is just brazen.

  21. suz says:

    marcy, i don’t know that anyone would just willy nilly sacrifice their own parents for their child, yipes! A normal person faced with this dilemma might go to her parents and explain the danger they are in and the danger of going to the police, and then they could jointly decide how to proceed. That is, i wouldn’t blindside my parents by not letting them know they are in imminent danger just so i can get my kid back.

  22. westsidehudson says:

    # 563-suz

    Thanks. I was thinking about the terps found in the trunk. I didn’t know if they might have been transferred back into the trunk from the “dump site”, or transferred from the back yard to the trunk. If the dogs ‘hit’ around the playhouse, and the playhouse was surrounded by pine, perhaps it was transferred whilst Casey had Caylee lying on the ground? Other than that, I didn’t know if the terps were from cleaning agents.
    Or if, we were speculating, Casey had Caylee in one location and then moved her.
    Maura tends to discount this though, and I do value her analysis.

  23. Todd in Tulsa says:

    I must state an expression of disappointment for a good portion of the male gender. Common sense and justice often get clouted by the appearance of outward “beauty”. The men (which are probably single and living at home with mom) who continue to replenish Casey’s jail junkfood account need to get out of the house and start dating actual possibilities, instead of focusing on inmate infatuations.

  24. Kleat says:

    wow, I knew I liked the posters here!!! CLE… knew silverspnr had a lot more going for her than the average lawyer, a lot more

  25. ChicagoJudy says:

    Thanks for the link to that statement analysis. I’d never seen that before. Sure shows that C had her story already brewing in her sick mind. ZFG could have taken Caylee anywhere from New York, to Jacksonville to Miami. All she wanted was to get those cops as far away from Suburban Drive as she could.

    Kleat, your post about the Amber Alert was perfect. Sure hope LE made a note of that discrepancy in C’s story.

    Provoking, your post was dead-on with regard to the whole A family (except George!). When you first hear them speak, you think they’re all pretty intelligent. But when you really listen to what they’re saying, they try to use big words but they’re not the “right” words and their mispronunciation of some just show their ignorance. i.e. “I have perspective ideas.”

  26. westsidehudson says:

    # 566-Marcy

    “The huge problem I have with Casey’s excuse of being terrified for her & her family’s safety is that I think most parents would willingly sacrifice their own lives and/or the well-being of other family members. This was a 2-yr-old child.”

    Yes, that was ridiculous. But if you noticed, later, Cindy Anthony started to shift this idea away from concern for the family to concern for, and protection of, Caylee. Remember how when the press started to ask her tougher questions, she (paraphrase) said that they would be responsible for the death of Caylee?

    If, however, we look at Kleat’s post about how Casey criticized police because they did not activate an amber alert, it blows that explanation out of the water.

  27. Midwest MOM says:

    #552 Comment by Kleat

    Thanks for the audio!

    Looking at the bigger picture(the safety of our children)..Why haven’t we asked why an amber alert was not called?

  28. michigan fan says:

    Thanks #565 Suz
    I knew that I read it somewhere and just couldn’t remember where or when.

  29. Todd in Tulsa says:

    What is also disturbing is the dehumanization she displayed towards Caylee. Always “the kid”, “snothead”, “little girl”, etc. It’s beyond angering seeing how Casey wanted all the perks, wanted all the attention, wanted the pampering, etc. “Hey Casey, now I’m not sure, but I don’t think Miller Genuine Draft is on the jailhouse menu. Sorry!!

  30. westsidehudson says:

    Adding to my last post…

    Not to mention that Cindy and George were all over the media. How did their actions put Caylee’s life in any less peril? It’s all so convoluted.

  31. westsidehudson says:

    # 571


    “marcy, i don’t know that anyone would just willy nilly sacrifice their own parents for their child, yipes! A normal person faced with this dilemma might go to her parents and explain the danger they are in and the danger of going to the police, and then they could jointly decide how to proceed”

    After Casey was in jail, the lid was off the can of worms, if you will, and Cindy said to Casey, are you trying to protect us? Don’t worry about us…. Casey STILL DID NOT share anything with the police.

  32. Kleat says:

    yes, Marcy, and Casey was a runner, fit, and if she doesn’t know fear, why was she ‘afraid’ of defending her baby from unarmed women in a public park, a public park where there had been an attack on a woman recently, and where people would certainly have that fresh in their minds and been more aware of their surroundings. So Casey being minimally loudly argumentative, screaming WAIT, don’t take my baby!! You can’t do this!! Stop!! (while not staying put back where the baby was taken– she is a runner, she could have easily beaten the two women with toddler in tow, to the car, made a fuss, blocked a door, grabbed her child, threatened them ‘back’, if that didn’t work, she could have grabbed the legs of one of the women and hung on. (I’ve seen a demo on tv, where a small child was trying to be grabbed by a big male, and when the child was taught to hug a leg of that person, that big male couldn’t get the child lifted into a car, nor could he get far himself).

    Defies logic, but what does make sense, is the need to change the Casey Sawgrass story as it pinned down too much info that coudn’t be confirmed– the empty apartment, the name of the woman ZG, who never lived there, never babysat.

    Casey, once again, took the idea of attack at Blanchard park, from something she heard about.

    Why was Casey afraid of the two women when she’s not afraid, intimidated, by law enforcement who have her number– John Allen, Yuri Melich, and others who they could bring in, like the FBI. But afraid, so afraid of two young women, not to go after them verbally and physically to draw attention about the plight of her baby, in the middle of the day in a park.

  33. Marcy says:

    #571, Suz: Guess I didn’t express myself well or coherently. I wouldn’t just toss my parents’ lives out the window! What I didn’t write was that of course I would tell my parents that they might be harmed if I went to the authorities. I would let them know, even if in a limited way, that my baby had been kidnapped.

    The other part of this story concocted by Casey is that the FBI certainly knows how to investigate a kidnapping without getting other people killed. So why not call them directly?

    Of course, as others have pointed out, with Casey accusingly asking the police why no Amber Alert had been issued, she kind of blows her “I was scared” theory out of the water. By the way, that Amber Alert thing is right out of George’s mouth. I recall him asking that on a TV interview a while ago. Sorry, can’t remember any more details, but I do specifically recall that.

    Apparently the Anthonys do not understand that an Amber Alert is only effective if it is issued immediately after a child’s disappearance or abduction.

  34. mjh says:

    Thank you, Suz. Can’t quite figure out exactly what it was they were talking about. As you said, they all describe it a little differently. I wonder if it was actually located and taken into evidence? It was supposedly near the site on Suburban where Caylee was eventually found. Doesn’t sound like what I was thinking, though. At least, I hope not.

  35. westsidehudson says:

    # 577-Midwest MOM

    Let me throw this back at you: Why didn’t CASEY alert police to the fact that her daughter was missing, EVER, so that they could issue an amber alert?

    Amber alerts are normally issued at the time of an abduction or very shortly there after. Not at 30, 31 days later and counting….

    She had a lot of nerve criticizing their actions, after SHE NEVER contacted them for help, and, in fact, her mother called police instead.

  36. Kleat says:

    thanks for the link, Todd, will check it out later. Yes on those words the Anthony’s use, they become extra annoying hearing them in the media. Cindy uses one word that is fine for using in text messages, in these type posts, where we shorten down words in a way, but would never ‘speak’ them unless being very casual with friends. I noticed how she used the word ‘prolly’ in her deposition, where she was in an official and legal proceeding, being audio and video taped, with transcripts to be produced, and she uses ‘PROLLY’.

    We can use that here, prolly no prob at all. But Cindy was facing down John Morgan at the moment, pointing her fingers, shifting her eyes at Ms. Gonzalez, and then prolly because her mouth was chock full of gum, she couldn’t pronounce ‘probably’. Cindy, the stickler for typos and detailed technical clarification by her opposition, uses a gum-slappin’ ‘prolly’ as she demands to know from Ms. Z, what ‘C stands for’ and ‘Zenaida’s prolly her middle name’.

    Prolly the chewing gum’s fault, it makes too much saliva and she chews mouth open style.

    Fine to use that typing, texting, chats with buddies… it’s cute. But now I’m stuck with the ‘Cindy image!!’

  37. Granmomma says:

    I’m thinking at some point the defense has to tell Crazy to crawl under the bus…..when will this happen? After the book or movie has been published? We know the defense and the experts aren’t doing this for free, right? Why would anyone risk their whole career on someone as pathetic as Crazy and the Crazy train (Spindy, Georgetta & Lee). Is that why the defense wants to delay the trial as long as possible? So all the money that can be made off of the precious baby’s death can be collected?

    Well, I don’t go to church every Sunday and I’m not hear to preach but we can all rest assured that any money made from this tragedy the Anthony’s will not get to hang onto for long. As the old saying goes…..Easy Come, Easy Go! They will never live another day of peace in their entire lives! God will see to that!

  38. Marcy says:

    When this case first made national news, my daughter-in-law (who does not follow this case at all) remarked that “even a bad mother would report her daughter missing.”

    A simple observation, but true.

  39. Kleat says:

    simple as A.B.C.! Perfect sense, Poirot! (and fitting with the addition of cheeze puffs and crabby cakes)

    (say, did anyone notice on the Cupid Profile, her ‘Travels’ section? All about her ‘theme’ parks– names each one.)

    BTW, with the news story headlines about Disney having to up it’s gate fees, wow, even with an employee discount, the nanny had to be shelling out mega-bucks for Caylee on a weekly basis. Did Cindy never see any employee perks passes, coupons around the house, for the theme parks? (Casey was big on free stuff– ‘hey it’s free ice-cream day at Ben n’ Jerry’s’.

  40. Todd in Tulsa says:

    Now, if Casey had been a saint all her life, and had been described as a “selfless” person, then I’d be willing to buy into the notion of how she was “protecting her family”. However, since she is of the selfish, narcissistic, and sociopathic nature, if I was a juror, I’d see right through that blatant act of “fictious gallantry”

  41. ChicagoJudy says:

    One of the things I find so interesting about this case (and there are many, many more) is the fact that Cindy and her daughter (I can’t even type her name and I’m trying to be nice and not use the word I’ve used before) are/were both so upset that the cops were not taking “her” clues and running with them in their efforts to find Caylee. I must be very naive because I always thought that the cops take your “truthful” statments and use them in their investigative efforts. I didn’t realize that they’re supposed to try and figure out a suspect’s “clues”. Are they serious? Do they really think that anyone believes anything that any of them say??

  42. Marcy says:

    #589, Kleat: Well, Kleat, evidently you forgot that Zanny, who has a lot of money, just loved Caylee so much that she took care of everything for her. Caylee had an entire wardrobe at Zanny’s place, with a crib, sheets & blankets, etc. Casey never paid a dime to Zanny because of the nanny’s love for Caylee. Hotels, theme parks, beaches, meals ~ all paid for by Zanny.

    Boy, I wish I’d known Zanny when my kids were little.

  43. Todd in Tulsa says:

    Speaking of wanting a nanny like Zenaida, working for Universal Studios, or Colorvision in a photo booth sounds like a great place to work. I don’t know of too many “blue collar” jobs (especially ones that take your picture in a booth) that hand out company cell phones. How convenient that all her memory cards that stored all the numbers to verify her bogus information had “vanished”

  44. Kleat says:

    well there ya’ go, Marcy– I done plum fergot. Must have been a whopper of a mental breakdown that ZG and her sister had all at once, to kidnap the child who they loved so much and more, to invest so much in the child, their love for her aside, all those costly things, all those hours, and right in the middle of potty training and the terrible two’s too! If the person who took Caylee loved her, as the theory goes, and the reason to teach Casey a lesson about something, perhaps being a bad mother, stealing money, then Caylee will be returned once the lesson learned, WHY kill the child, and WHY the duct tape? Then WHY dispose of the remains in a hard to access place ‘that had been searched already’, when police, protestors, maybe undercover people around too, tons of lookie-loo-garbage-sifting-photo’ing activities going on.

    But ToddyMacs knows the evidence is ‘proof’ of innocence– then BRING it! Get your client out!! (or do you have a book and movie deal too, to play this out as long as possible for your own purposes!? If not, lay out the evidence, not the inuendo.

  45. Kleat says:

    The lawyers wont’ get paid by Casey if they plead early– they have to play out the media deals first, that’s certain. Just how long the Bar will let this go on….

  46. suz says:

    P Poirot, whether or not your “Fraudian slip” was a Freudian slip, it was funny…!

  47. Shelly says:

    Per Casey & her Amber Alert

    Cindy from almost day one kept saying the LE didn’t even request and Amber Alert (31 days after Caylee went missing).

    Ponder this…other than that ONE question from Casey (which her mother coached her to ask LE)…..what other question did Casey ever ask regarding how the search for her child was proceeding?

  48. suz says:

    For her own sanity, Cindy “needs” casey to be innocent. Cindy says right in the FBI interview that she is presuming that casey is innocent, cuz that is what you do. Therefore she needs casey’s wild stories to be true in some form, even if she has to make the mental leap that casey’s nonsense = casey giving her clues to unravel. I don’t find that very hard to understand. She is hoping against hope that casey did not do this, and is willing to grasp at anything that can ease her mind.

  49. suz says:

    Marcy, your parents and I are relieved! (lol, even without knowing you I am sure you wouldn’t let your parents die to save your kid if there were other options)

    : )

  50. Midwest MOM says:

    #585 Comment by westsidehudson


    I would have to disagree with peoples perception of what a mother would do when faced with a child in danger..

    This weekend we went on a canoe trip with many families, and had a crash involving 3 canoes and 7 kids. My daughter and I was in one canoe that flipped over. (I have been afraid of water all of my life)I can tell you the only thought in my mind was getting to her and keeping her safe, when I came out from under the water and saw the fear on her face, I went in to mother mode and can guarantee that know matter how afraid I was, she did not see any signs of fear on my face or fear in my voice. There were two children(brother and sister) pinned between two canoes and a tree. My husband was holding the canoes preventing the two children from being crushed as others quickly came to help. When my daughter and I got to shore, there stood the mother of the two children calm and waiting. In fact THERE WAS NOT a single parent that showed the turmoil that was going on inside of them when there children were in danger.

    I asked the mother how she remained so calm, she laughed and said how did you? I did not realize my outward appearance was not matching my inside turmoil (I also noted: that it wasn’t until I verbally spoke it out loud later did it become real and I “LET” myself have a good cry) The Mother went on to state that it does not do anyone any good, especially her children if she was to start freaking out.

    I know, Not exactly the same, however it may be that mothers in similar situation appear more in control vs. hysterical like Susan Smith. IIRC Natalie Hathaways mother appeared very strong.. imo.

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