Morgan Harrington Case: UVA Basketball Players Last To Speak To Missing VT Student

Posted by BOC Staff | Missing Persons,Morgan Harrington | Thursday 12 November 2009 2:31 pm

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Charlottesville, VA– As the web continues to buzz and theorize about what might have happened to 20 year old Virginia Tech Student Morgan Harrington October 17th. in efforts to locate her whereabouts; the last people to speak with her from 9:10 PM – 9:20 PM have been identified as University of Virginia basketball players.


Lead Investigator, Lt Joe Radar refers to the players as “people the VSP have identified” in his press conference on October 28, 2009. 

Speaking on condition of anonymity to blinkoncrime, two separate sources, one within UVA and the other within the investigation, have verified that Morgan Harrington “interacted” with the individuals for approximately 10 minutes in the Lannigan Field Area, where Morgan’s purse was recovered the following morning.

According to Lt Radar, the basketball players, whom they were able to identify and speak with, left the area at 9:20PM in seperate vehicles, stating Morgan was still there when they departed. 

The names of the basketball players interviewed by VSP have not been released. Blinkoncrime attempted to reach Cavalier head coach Tony Bennett for comment but no response was received at press time.

Coach Bennet’s office is currently besieged with calls regarding his announcement yesterday that Senior Forward Jamil Tucker  will be taking an indefinite leave of absence from the Cavaliers roster for personal reasons.

“Jamil has some things he has to deal with at this time,” Bennett said. “This leave of absence will give him time to deal with these matters.”

This announcement comes on the heels of Saturday’s announcement that the Cavaliers center, Assane Sene was suspended for the first 3 games for “conduct detrimental to the team.”

It is not known if either player was one of the team members that saw or interacted with Morgan Harrington, nor should a presumption be made that their player status is in any way linked with anything other than what has been released on behalf of UVA.

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  1. Liz says:

    Why are the police taking the sighting on the bridge so seriously? I mean there have been so many sightings of “Morgan” that were dismissed. Why believe this sighting was the actual last sighting?

  2. Reece says:

    This is interesting, to be taken with a massive grain of salt though ofcourse…12/1142031.php

    “…I can confirm this much. I have an employee that was parked
    outside the JPJ all evening waiting for passengers. He saw a girl that
    matched the description of Morgan, down to what she was wearing. He
    also saw her interact outside the arena with 3 “very tall” black men, and saw them walking together towards U-Hall. They passed right in front o his vehicle. My employee has spoken to the police 3 times since that
    evening about what he saw. This certainly doesn’t prove anything at all relative to any UVA basketball players, but unfortunately it does give the story some credibility. When my emplouee told me the story, my fisrt thought was please,please,please, don’t let any basketball players be involved in this. ”

    Blink note: this link did not work for me, cannot confirm

  3. Gypsy DD says:

    Wondering if these guys noticed anyone else on the fringe waiting around,another car, another guy walking that could be a suspect. I don’t suspect these guys..I do suspect someone else in that same area at the same time. Who purposely left the purse and cell phone there to leave a question in everyone’s minds about the BB players. And we still do not know who those players were..they have not been ID to the public.

    I still don’t trust the sighting of her on the bridge..that makes no sense to me when she could have stayed in a lighted parking lot near the entrance.

    Still thinking we have very few substantiated facts from LE that can mean only one of two things..they have the perp in their sights or they have nothing after the parking lot and supposed bridge sighting.

  4. peggyday says:

    # 19-

    It does seem to bring us back to square one..she was last seen on Copley bridge at approx 9:30 and she was alone.

    All though…It is a strange coincidence that allegedly UVA BB players were last seen with her and now two players are sitting out…one taking a leave of absence and the other suspended for three games.

    If VSP does suspect the BB players (whoever they are)as being involved I think that after the Duke lacrosse fiasco they’d proceed with extreme caution and make sure all their duck were in a row before coming out with possibility that they might be suspects in her disappearance…I’m not in any way saying they are, just making the point that after Duke situation LE and the school would make dang sure they were actually headed in the right direction.

    Hypothetically, they had better. To my knowledge, there have been no suspects named in Morgan’s disappearance.

  5. PamTX says:

    Re: #17 john c. – Welcome to what I personally believe to be one of the most professionally managed victims advocate commenting sites. Blink’s comments are always in bold letters. I believe she has stated her position in her response under #4. It usually does not take her long to remind many of us why we are all here and what she does and does not allow. I believe she has done that here,and in all cases she presents articles on. We are all here because we are victim’s advocates…for people who are missing or no longer have a voice of their own to speak with. Again, welcome.

  6. TR says:

    Blink the Duke players have been alluded to recently in connection to the development that Morgan was seen conversing with a group of ball players near the arena. It seems as though this revelation has sort of slowly leaked out nearly a month after the fact. Do you believe that LE and others involved in the investigation purposefully kept the information out of fear that they would find themselves in a similar scandal if it proved to lead nowhere?

    Initially yes, I do. I actually dont agree it was slowly leaked. In the earliest press conferences, it was established they had bonafide witnesses without really calling them that. Investigative work takes time.

  7. sue says:

    Maybe Morgan voluntarily spent the night with these men, but they are not actually responsible for her disappearance.

    It is extremely odd that the police went to them and they did not initiate contact with LE. Perhaps they spent the night with her, said goodbye, and were then afraid to go to police upon learning of her disappearance.

    Maybe she actually met with foul play the next day. The only problem with that theory is the purse and the phone.

    Yep. LE knows who is responsible.

  8. AtotheK says:

    Possible scenario…but only speculation
    She intended on meeting up with these guys before Metallica took the stage….drink, hang out, hook up..etc.
    The other girls knew all along, but didn’t know any of them personnally. She tried to get back in when she couldn’t. They offered a ride where they parked at rv lot….struggle ensues—she drops purse. OR just being drunk she drops purse.
    I dismiss the sighting on the bridge. I also believe she went home with them….but may have been to drunk/drugged to call friends…
    I event think its possible that she really didn’t go “missing” until that next morning…trying to get back.

  9. peggyday says:


    Okay, so her car was at the arena.

    I guess I’m confused to as why she would need to find her ‘own ride’ if her own vehicle was at the arena. Do you believe she actually said that?

    Hmmm, if that were me I would ask my friend to meet me at door 44 or whatever so I could get my keys and I’d either wait for my friends or they could find their own ride home…..I wonder if ‘friend’ refused to leave concert to bring her the keys and argument she was allegedly seen having was her screaming at friend to bring her keys to her.

    IDK, her saying she’d find her own ride home really doesn’t make sense…since her car was already there.

    Forgive me for asking what might be a dumb question….lol. Have they found her car? I read a few articles and didn’t see anything about it.

  10. gigi says:

    So, Blink if these players are involved in the disappearance…are you thinking crime of opportunity…because this damsel in distress could not get back in arena and trusted these guys as college athletes? Wow…if so this seems to be starting to go in a whole different direction from someone lured her out…or did these players possibly lure her? Blink…I have no clue what to think, but have you ever read about the girl killed at an ivy league school several years ago…and the implication that was made that sometimes girls do things like agitate a situation because they want to do certain things with certain people? I am in no way saying this is the case with Morgan or these basketball players..but…just trying to think this through.

    Im not saying the bball players are involved, gigi. I am saying the UN named players have been interviewed; the contents of which has not been disclosed.

  11. TR says:

    The basketball players scenario seems to fit several of the known facts–notably the proximity,timeline, and witness accounts that place them all in the vicinity and talking to each other not long before the trail goes cold. I’m still troubled by why she left, her leaving her car, wandering off into the night with no destination in search of a ride (when one can assume she would have spent an equal amount of time simply waiting for her girlfriends) and her friends’ lack of concern for her whereabouts. Something is definitely rotten in Denmark.

  12. sherlock says:

    This is certainly one of the most fascinating cases to come up on Blink’s radar in the past few years.
    Fascinating, and frustrating because at this point, we know almost nothing absolutely for sure except –
    1. 4 tickets were scanned.
    2. The backpack/purse and cell phone sans battery were found in the parking lot.

    Please correct me if I’m wrong. I don’t trust anything the friends have said. The text message could have sent by anyone, if at all and LE hasn’t confirmed that to my knowledge. I think it’s obvious at least some of the friends are hiding information because either they are involved in drug use, or suspect that she has been killed and are scared to come forward since they helped arrange her plan. However, these are middle class kids with no criminal record and, under police pressure, with time they will likely start talking soon, esp. as the holidays approach. Astrologically, if my estimate of her Sagittarius Ascendant is correct, then once the Sun enters that sign by December, we should begin to see more facts emerge.
    I will make a more unpopular prediction however, based on my years with helping LE find missing persons. I do not believe we will find either Morgan alive or her body for some time to come. Maybe one or two years. Sorry, I hope I’m wrong. But it would appear that either she doesn’t want to be found, or she is the victim of a “pro” serial killer who knows how to conceal bodies. Think the “Green River” killer in WA state.

    The best way to approach this case is to put yourself into the mind of Morgan and try to sense what she really was thinking and planing. Impractical, if not impossible to do. But we all were 20 once.
    None of us here knew her personally, and so we’re all in the dark as to her personal inner life.

    However, a few facts give us points from which to conjecture. She had her own apartment, was independent, yet still asked her Mom’s advice on dressing, and needed her dad to help with tutoring instead of using the college services? This, as a psychologist, tells me she had, as many do at 20, some degree of conflict about dependence on family versus being an independent adult. She is also I believe, the “middle child” which in family therapy research is a well known problem for such children who often struggle for their own identity between the oldest child and the “baby”.

    So again I say, we need to ask questions about her family life, her love life and how happy she was in school. How many of us, by the time we were Juniors in college, were growing tired of the pressure and routine and secretly wanted to quit or take a break? I know I did. This factor cannot be discounted, especially in an academic high achieving family like hers (father is a college admins.).I once worked on a case where a 21 year old boy faked a suicide in order to run away. This case has some of those same earmarks, including a strongly religious family. Again, my professional instincts say there were family issues going on that you won’t hear in the news or on “Dr. Phil”.

    We have only three possible scenarios to logically consider.
    1. She did not go to the concert at all, but arranged for a cover story with friend’s help. Why? Any number of reasons. Again, if you ask your mom’s advice on dressing, won’t you also fear her disapproval if you want to date someone older, into drugs or a wild lifestyle. Blink – the reason this was done secretly away from her apartment may be to keep it from an existing boyfriend, or college friends who might have gossiped back to her parents. Same reason married people have affairs out of town. Or instead of a love interest, the runaway possibility at this point in the game still must be on the table. I can guarantee you LE is still privately considering this option. Any cop with experience will tell you so.
    At 20, she was at one of the social peaks of her life in that, esp. in that area of VA – she had the opportunity to meet hundreds of people, some well connected perhaps. We do not know all the people that she possibly had connections to. But with her looks, I’m sure it was more than just the few friends we know about. It is within the realm of possible that someone offered her work in modeling or video, the chance for “stardom” and a lot of money. To a young Leo girl, this is like candy to a baby. That person may have been legit, or had evil intentions – either is possible at this point.

    2. She did go to the concert and was abducted. I must admit, many of you have given a lot of plausible scenarios as to how this could have happened. I could be easily convinced this was true if only a few more facts were known. On your side are these –
    (A) Tickets were bought.
    (B) The backpack and phone were found in the parking lot.
    (C) Apparently, as per today’s news, the basketball players did talk to her? They may not necessarily be involved at all in her disappearance, and I doubt they were. Kids talk to lots of strangers in a concert lot. At 20, you’re very social, okay?
    The “sightings” of Morgan such as on the bridge, etc. I can’t take at face value. Don’t forget it was a college campus AND a rock concert. The possibility of other young women matching her general description is just too high. Plus, as many of you know, in missing persons cases there is a “false positive” factor in that people will WANT to believe they have seen her in order to be helpful or to gain attention from the media.
    Against this scenario are these –
    (A) The friends’ stories are inconsistent.
    (B) No cell phone photos, calls or surveillance video exist (that we know) to prove she was inside the venue.
    (C) The battery removal (they don’t just fall out easily) can only have one motive – to conceal whereabouts and prevent incoming calls. In other words, deception. A killer would have no rational reason to do this since it was left in the lot. Only Morgan.

    3. Let us now consider a third possibility that I’d like to see some discussion about. What if the truth is some combination of both 1 and 2? What if she did drive/ride to the concert, but never went in?
    As an old Deadhead myself, I can tell you with certainty that often the scene in the parking lots was often almost as fun as the show itself. Many buses and RV’s parked in that lot, possibly partially shielded from video cameras offer privacy to party inside the vehicle. Of course this still leaves options open as to her intent –
    (A) To make a drug connection before the concert, possibly with someone in the lot she knew, and join her friends inside later. Not to imply guilt or attack Jeni here (Herndon’s friend) but as many know – nurses have access to drugs in a hospital, and unfortunately, many nurses become addicts for this reason. Not to say they are bad people understand me. And, Herndon’s whereabouts on that night are not at this time verified. His possible attendance in the “lot” may only be an innocent part of a chain that led to someone else she met. He may be weird, but not necessarily guilty as such here. His need for a false alibi in this high profile case is understandable, if however unwise.
    (B) To meet with a love interest and/or to run away with someone who was “on tour” and would be in another state by morning, virtually rendering her invisible. Many who follow bands in this fashion live in a virtual underground existence. They sell crafts for income, stay at campgrounds and use cash instead of credit cards. She might live on the road for months without being traceable.
    (C) She stayed in the lot to party before the show and was abducted and/or killed by someone. Unfortunately, this possibility can’t be ruled out either at this point.

    Sorry for the long post Blink, but I have to be thorough in my reasoning. I have tried to not falsely accuse anyone, only offer possible theories. Thanks!

  13. Al Miller says:

    1. Drug deal? 2. BB players leave of absense so they can be witnesses at trial, etc? If they aren’t in fact involved? 3. Morgan didn’t want her parents to know she associated with or dated one of the players? Just some thoughts.

  14. NGfromBoston says:

    #63-Sherlock-Excellent post—raises many valid points.

    Just want to repeat what Blink has already made clear further down in my comments….Also—please, folks & friends of Morgan or anyone from UVA in the circle of Morgan’s Friends…..Please come forward if you know more. AND

    To those who are already name calling—please use discretion as Blink is dedicated to reporting the facts mixed with proper investigatory speculation…. We don’t need friends/family members of these young men BBALL players to come on here and be upset. Blink seeks to aid those who do not have a voice anymore. IMO, this website was not created to cause dissention or bring any harm or emotional distress to victims or persons of interest related to the crimes she reports about. Think this has been clarified many times before-just wanted to mention it again.

    Investigatory work does indeed, take time.

    Let’s hang on for all the deets and up to the minute updates from Blink.

    TIA, Blink for keeping us informed…thanks to bloggers for allowing me to lecture just a bit.


  15. Brandie says:

    If this question has already been submitted, I apologize. Is it known whether the b-ball players came forward on their own with the information of having interaction with Morgan that night?

    It is my understanding that the tip about the interaction came from the limo driver, and then the UVA Police contacted the staff and from those interviews identified the gentlemen “interacting” with Morgan that evening. I am aware of their statements and not releasing that at this time as I have been asked not to. I can say they told LE they left the area at 9:20PM, Morgan was still there, and at the time of their statements LE had no reason to believe that they came back for her or had any further interaction. Beyond that, I have no idea what their status is in the ongoing investigation to find Morgan. I think we need to treat this for what it is, what we know at this time. This is the last verified sighting of a missing woman.

  16. john c. says:

    jamil tucker’s time away from the team has nothing to do with this

    its already been confirmed by a VA basketball insider on’s forums.

    the amount of misinformation here is staggering

    its not a ‘concert lot’ its a ‘basketball arena lot’ that has dining areas, practice facilities, and weight rooms. The arena, in the same building as these areas, happened to have a concert that night.

    also there are two ‘bridges’ in the area. One connects student housing lambeth apartments to where the Arena and the old basketball hall are. It goes over the street. It is well lit. The other is not a pedestrian/car crossing, it is a train track crossing. maybe she wanted to run away and hopped a train.

    im relatively certain there are several blue emergency light phones in the area of the pedestrian bridge.

    again, real uva insiders (as in not made up) say that jamil tucker’s leave of absence and assane sene’s suspension are not related to this.

    neither of these guys are gangsters and pretty insulting to imply they had something to do with this (and then immediately say you are not implying anything.) Its like when a news anchor says “we wouldn’t want to speculate on this, but can you tell me what your best guess is?”

    John- I am on record repeatedly telling people not to jump to conclusions. Insulting readers does not a valid point make. Here’s a thought- I knew about the bball players being interviewed 2 days ago from yes, a real UVA insider, and did not write this piece until I could confirm it with LE. That is my responsibility in reporting E V E N T S surrounding the disappearance of Morgan Harrington. Also located on the sabre you reference is the owner of a limo company which his driver claims Morgan ( in his opinion) and 3 very tall black males passed directly in front of his vehicle at the time frame introduced by LT Radar and his first thought was “Please dont let basketball players be involved..” He has been interviewed by LE at least twice that I am aware of. If you don’t think these several corroborators aren’t a nexus to at least ask the questions, that’s just not reality.

  17. Debidoll says:

    Has anyone else looked at the video of the Metallica interview backstage on October 18, 2009?..the blond girl in the door frame looks a lot like Morgan..long shot..but possible.

  18. Kat says:

    Why didn’t LE give out this information from the start? Something is wrong with this case and the investigation as far as I can tell.

    If I were the parents I would be livid and have no more patience. JMO

  19. gotoutofpcity says:

    I must say this announcement has definitely changed the story significantly, yet still leaves multiple possibilities. If she was planning her own disappearance, it could have been a very calculated move on her part to interact with these guys and throw LE off the trail completely. However, it is far more likely that this meeting was purely coincidental and foul play is definitely a factor in her disappearance.

  20. SuzeeB says:


    Do you know if her checkbook was in her purse? Was there any unusual purchases in the days prior to her disappearance or did she take out an unusual amount of cash?

    Did she ever make it to her seat at all and then say she was going to the restroom? Did someone offer to go with her? Did she refuse the company? Are there pics of other people standing in line for the restrooms? Then why not her?

    If her car was driven to the arena (still not clear on this one) why did Morgan not drive it herself?

    I have been told that LE is satisfied via security video Morgan was in the venue, and made it to her seat, etc.
    She goes to the restroom (inside) and ends up outside for which nobody has an explanation. There is nothing whatsoever ( and good questions btw) to indicate Morgan was anticipating leaving on her own accord.

  21. SuzeeB says:

    Do pics exist of the BBall players at any point in or around that building?

    If your referring to the outbuilding by the field I am not sure, but I can confirm that is where the athletes park

  22. Lily says:

    Basketball season… were they already under “season rules” such as no drinking etc?????

    Only asking because the 3 day suspension could be connected to going to a party or such.

    Could they have told Morgan about it and she decided to go there and wait out the concert? It doesn’t make them guilty of a crime and I am not suggesting they are the perps.

    If the suspension and LOA are connected then I think we will eventually find answers. If not, then let’s not make these young men collateral damage of the abduction.

    Blink, I am new to your blog and really like what I see. Thank you for responsibly getting information out!

    Thanks Lily. Can I ask you a favor, we already have a Lily, would you mind using Lily2 or some other variation. Welcome to BOC.

  23. dddeerma says:

    Can someone clarify for me whether the BB players came forward with their information or were located through tips to LE?

    While it may not mean much, there is a difference here that leads to natural speculation if the players did not volunteer to help LE when they had information on a nationally reported missing girl. A lack of early cooperation might lead the coach to a suspension, but the leave of absence is troubling.

    As someone who adores very tall athletic men, I will surprised and disappointed if these young men are actually involved in a crime.

    Does anyone have any information about whether Morgan did go somewhere with the three very tall men? That would be huge, given the timing of this meeting in the parking lot.

  24. chitown lady says:

    Blink……Morgan stopped for 10 solid minutes and talked with the BB players…..Are there any cameras in this area to validate the story? Seems cameras are all around us now, especially on campus’s

    I have not been able to verify where cameras are located within that lot, there is a direct witness though.

  25. chad says:

    WOW! I watched that video on the above link. Interesting. Perhaps Morgan DID make it back stage?? I did notice the necklace though that the girl in the video was wearing. Certainly is worthy of further clarification. Could that possibly be the necklace police describe she was wearing the night of?? Morgans parents should be able to clarify if this girl in the video is Morgan.
    Listen to link below. Corrine desccribes the necklace. This was just released this morning:

    News/Talk 960 WFIR – Top Local Stories – New theory in missing VT student case
    There is new information about what 20-year-old Morgan Harrington might have been doing the night she disappeared in Charlottesville. Details from News/Talk 960′s Timothy Martin.

  26. Cville Girl says:

    Some have asked why the BB players were there, or if it was unusual. Those from out of town may think the JPJ Arena is for concerts and such, and it is, but its primary purpose is the arena for Cavalier Basketball. Before JPJ, the basketball arena was University Hall (“UHall”), which is across the street. I don’t think UHall is used anymore.

    Here’s a map if anyone wants to see:

  27. chad says:

    Here is the video that was posted above at 3:20 am this morning. I know it is definitely a long shot if it is Morgan, but you never know!

    I think it was smart to check that out, but I watched it in it’s entirety and I do not think that is Morgan, fwiw.

  28. M. says:

    #68 – that would be very strange if that were Morgan in the video, since Metallica knows she is missing & has added to the reward money. I think that’s another long-haired blonde.

  29. chad says:

    Thanks Blink! Your opinion is worth a lot (fwiw). I just noticed the necklace that the girl was wearing in the video.

    Thanks, the point is that everyone is working to find her ( Debi I think originally posted that, IIRC) and that energy helps.

  30. NYMom says:

    Hi Blink,

    From the Nov. 7 press release–this is UVA’s head BB coach speaking:

    “We have expectations for the individuals in our program that Assane has not met,” Bennett said. “He will not play in our closed scrimmage with St. John’s on Sunday and in the first three games of the regular season, but will practice with the team. My hope is Assane will learn from this situation as we move forward.”

    IMO, the coach chose his words carefully and with oversight from UVA legal. He would have said “no comment” at most if Assane’s behavior were related to LE suspicions of involvement with Morgan’s abduction.

    All I know for sure is that he missed practice Nov. 5 th citing “personal reasons.” I agree with your logic.

  31. J says:

    J, I just emailed you.

  32. lily says:

    Thanks Blink – from the original Lily. I have been reading on this one and I have had absolutely nothing of value to add – but this morning I started thinking. I have 4 boys – late teen through mid 20′s. Morgan is a beautiful young lady – and 10 minutes of talking with someone like her – out there all by herself – would have been something remembered for at least a few days. I know college athletes date the beautiful girls easily – but still?

    Morgan would have had to do some pretty convincing talking to get most guys to just leave her out there by herself without some sort of offer to help or have her hang out with them until the concert was over. I also have to think that it was very well known on campus very early that coincidentally a beautiful girl matching the description of the beautiful girl they talked to all by herself was missing. Why not come forward on their own?

    I think all theories are possible right now and I just wish to maintain objectivity until more facts are known. I am now of the opinion she was headed in that direction to catch a cab/car service since we know the limo guy was parked there.

  33. Susan says:

    Theory and potential profile: What if some guy was trolling the lot for a victim, noticed the standout Morgan, then revved himself up for an abduction by growing increasingly angry with her for talking to and maybe smiling and flirting a bit with the basketball players. A girl like Morgan would never give this creep the time of day. So he waits for the guys to leave, then grabs Morgan.
    This is only a theory, of course, but the profile that emerges for me with this added info and admittedly quite a bit of imagination is this:
    White guy
    Mid to late 30s
    Deep, though maybe not public, racist issues
    control/power issues
    hates/fears women
    quiet in appearance, nervous
    holds a steady job doing something menial, resents authority
    uses drugs or alcohol to fight inhibitions
    From somewhere else, uses large gatherings as hunting grounds, then goes back to a place he considers safe, home, solitude
    Lives alone
    only child
    estranged from mom, or mom is gone for some reason
    relationship with enabling dad

    Wow, that was a wierd thing for me to do. I totally had a picture of this guy in my head. I’m not a psychic. But my gut is pouring this out here today. Thanks, Blink, for letting me toss this out there. Like everyone else, I am just thinking out loud.

  34. lily says:

    I understand what you’re saying Blink. And I can see her trying to take care of her predicament by herself – and while waiting for a car service she could have talked to any number of people. The next question would be – is there any way of knowing what cab/limo services were there that night? Its a Captain Obvious question I know.

    Further research into the UVA players would indicate that these are all fine young men. I didn’t want to imply otherwise. Now I just wonder if the LE did enough to get the word out to the student population so that if there was any interaction with Morgan they would know to come forward?

  35. tmom says:

    Just read that the talk radio show has reported that State Police believe she may have been hitchiking… It is very hard to believe she would risk that considering the background we’ve heard about her. I have 2 nieces, 20 something, they may not be as cautious as we would like but hitchiking would never enter their mind. I know I’ve asked this question before but WHY have they not released the surveillance video??? There must be a reason…

    AAAAHHHHH. I have spent most of this morning dispelling that report. What it said is erroneous. Corrine Geller wanted people to remember if they may have seen Morgan getting in a car, or hitching a ride. They DO NOT have a theory she was hitchhiking and their is no sightings of her doing so.

  36. lily says:

    I’m sure you’ve seen this Blink? Don’t post if you think its just too much focus on this young man. Thanks

    Yes, thanks Lily, I have. He was recruited from Africa, IIRC

  37. SuzeeB says:

    Why spend the money on car service/cab. I would think it would cost a fortune for the distance she had to travel versus buying another ticket to get back in for the show unless she was just going to find the nearest coffee shop or something until it was over and then her friends could pick her up? At least that would make sense.

    Oh, this is so frustrating.

  38. susanm says:

    the only thing that supports her running off of her own volition imo (but imo i dont think so),is the checkbook balancing lesson for overdrawing,math test tutor session,on sunday after the show. Sounds like something to look to forward to me!!joking

  39. susanm says:

    if actual video exists of her in line for the restroom and shows her exit the arena,there has to have been logical deductions drawn about what caused her exit,was she disoriented,was she on the phone at the time,was there a general flow toward to exit that she got got caught in,did she interact with anyone in line,did she have camera in hand etc. by reading her body language,if video exists,you could draw some general conclusions.

  40. john c. says:

    Blink –

    “According to Lt Radar, the basketball players, whom they were able to identify and speak with, left the area at 9:20PM in seperate vehicles, stating Morgan was still there when they departed.”

    So either Lt Radar was your ‘source’, or you just falsely attributed information about the basketball players to Lt Radar.

    “Coach Bennett’s office is currently besieged with calls regarding his announcement yesterday that Senior Forward Jamil Tucker will be taking an indefinite leave of absence from the Cavaliers roster for personal reasons.”

    How do you know his office is ‘besieged with calls?’?

    from the forums:
    “I found it odd that the week of first games in his Senior year with a team down 2 players, prior to prime scouting for scholarships, in it’s first coaching year by Tony Bennett, who had the second most winningest starts for Washington in NCAA history prior to accepting the nod at UVA, would take an indefinite leave of absence to focus on “personal matters.” Again, could be nothing whatsoever, request we don’t post his name unless it becomes pertinent.”

    1) Whose senior year — tucker?
    2) ‘Scouting for scholarships’ — what? Do you mean scouting by the NBA for the draft? The players on the team already have scholarships committed to them. Scholarships for high school students have already been given out. It is signing period now. If you mean scouting for the draft, well, tucker is not going to the nba.
    3) What does Tony Bennett having won at Washington have to do with the reasons behind why someone would take a leave of absence. This stuff happens at every school — are you saying winning coaches would never let a player take a leave of absence?

    man, even the ads on this website are sensationalized

    Move on, I provided a link to Lt. Radar’s press conference, I confirmed sources as to the basketball players issue, and the rest should I be inclined to answer you puts additional emphasis on 2 guys that as far as we know one got suspended and the other took an indefinite leave of absence. They play on the same team where a few individuals were interviewed about their exchanges with a girl who went missing 10 minutes after they left, allegedly. What don’t you get about that being relevant? Lastly, if your going to lift posts from other forums, you need to provide a source link, most especially when you cut and paste them out of context.

  41. Elizabeth says:

    I am a bit confused and would like to ask.
    Morgan is seen with three basketball players. Of the two that were suspended were either of them part of the three? Thanks.

    Not released at this time.

  42. Elizabeth says:

    Another quick question. A poster above makes reference to Morgan being the middle child. I always thought it was just Morgan and Alex. In her article on Empty Nest Syndrum she writes her parents will experience that when she would be leaving for college. The article was written before she went to college but it is in the Find Morgan section of her familys website.

  43. chitown lady says:

    I watched that video taken with that artist a few times. Had my son play with it (computer eng. major). From what I can tell (great shoot of her at the 7:02) its not her. Hair seems shorter and she is wearing all black. Even the facial features seem off to me. This young women even hugs some of the people in the hallway as they were leaving. She even seems to know the people there. How would Morgan know anyone…..Which would leave me to believe she is part of the band crew somehow. Unless Morgan travels around with the band on a regular basis, I do not see her hugging people like that. That would be one heckl of a double life. I hardly believe its Morgan.

    Blink, have they actually talked to the band and backstage people at all? Actually I have a problem with a 20 year old girl (s) even liking this bans music. That to me is rare in itself. Young women at this age is hardly into heavy metal…but who knows….

  44. Kathy Stacey says:

    #71, is Morgan a smoker? Could she have left the venue to smoke a cigarette?

  45. PamTX says:

    Re: #46 Debidoll, Chad, and those who have watched this video. Thanks for digging and sharing this.

    Huggy group of guys aren’t they? I have watched this video a few times, enlarged it, stopped it, and I do not think it is Morgan. The main reason is that towards the very end of this video, Metallica’s bass player Rob actually leans through the door to give her a hug. He would have remembered her imo. Also, the top she is wearing has longer sleeves (than the reported tee she was wearing) as a few times she pushes them. I am also under the impression in the video, the shirt she is wearing may have be a turtle-neck, cowl neck, or something similiar.

    IMO it’s digging like this that is so very important to the momentum of missing persons cases. I feel in the last 24 hrs. there is a renewed energy here, and how wonderful is that.

    Also, IMO of course, since it is basketball pre-season, I am not surprised any bb players are/were in that particular vicinity. More personal feelings about that, but for now I am going to sit on this topic and wait for further articles.

    I am of the opinion that LE has had their eye on someone for awhile now, which could possibly explain minimal public information, so Blink I am there with you on that one. I also believe Morgan is no longer in the Charlottesville area and hasn’t been for quite some time. This is where national media attention is so critical. But OMG, everytime we turn on the TV, someone else is missing. As fall/winter approaches, Blink has mentioned a few times about the dropping of foilage. There are numerous cases of missing persons found in these types of conditions where visibility is much easier and hunters have come across someone’s loved one during hunting season.

    One can only hope and pray that motel searches have been covered in the surrounding areas and beyond. It’s nice to continue reading everyone’s post as it gives me hope for this family…for it is obvious much was going on with LE than I had originally thought.

  46. AtotheK says:

    Big question I havent seen posted yet.
    This *almost* verifies the paper delivery lady. I am not sure where I read it but was convinced she saw Morgan sans tights at 3am with 3 men.

  47. cville says:

    It seems to be too much of a coincidence to me that she has her last cell phone activity at 9:20 pm around the exact same time that she is seen with the basketball players. Shortly after that, they apparently drive away, she isn’t seen again (except for a possible bridge citing that doesn’t seem to be too trustworthy) and there is no more cell activity.Her purse is found in this location as well. Either a MAJOR coincidence or something is up.

  48. TR says:

    Elizabeth I think the poster was suggesting that Morgan appeared to demonstrate “middle child” characteristics more so than those of the “baby.” From everything I’ve read,the family was comprised of only Morgan and an older brother.

  49. R.L Haley says:

    I dont understand Morgans friends no photos, come on girls. Do they all have legal council at this point,and is it possible Morgan was under the influence of some kind of drug…I just mean the sighting of her wandering are strange.

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