Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. radiogirl says:

    mosaic,I am paying attention.

  2. Chad says:


    THANK you! I commented on your post earlier, and was distacted by the violent news of my dear freind.
    Yes, I prob will be boarding yet another plane in response to a form of again, based violence.
    I absolutely loved your post, it rocked me so to speak. So sorry the link didn’t match up, but I see clearly what is going on here.
    Your post validated what I have been feeling…….a huge thank you Just desserts.
    My friend Lisa comes frome a very academic family tree. She, Lisa, has a PHD in Psychology, and Joe, in the Biological field.
    I pause, and then reflect, that a peer, a graduate from Harvard, would pull the trigger on her very own peers?
    She did,dammit and killed at least 3 of her peers.
    For the record: Joe did vote for her tenure, but he was out done by 4 others. Thus, the shooting. .The shooter, I may, add was a grad of Harvard in the biological genetical sceince area. She came with a gu, loaded, and knew that she would be declined.Thus the violence, thus the revenge.
    Peace to her, and her family.
    Please pray for Joe.
    THANK you all! back to Morgan: Continue on:

  3. acho says:

    Tevendale: 551 Allen Road Earlysville, Va. 22936

  4. MsLurkALot says:

    alabamamom says:
    February 12, 2010 at 5:48 pm
    mentioned above was the Blank Stare with no remorse that you see in the eyes of a sociopath , or delusional person in a state of psychosis.
    Yes , that stare is blank & dark . The darkness reminds me of sharks eyes. They are just empty, show no emotion , no sadness , no remorse , no soul , no feelings. Just empty shark eyes. Once you have looked into those eyes , it will make you shudder!

    AMom, I missed something…what/who’s blank stare are you referring to, please? Maybe I haven’t read back far enough and am looking above for a post that is actually “below”, but a link to the original post is helpful. TX.
    Observer says:
    February 12, 2010 at 4:36 pm
    RE: cycling (of which I know nothing): I wonder if VSP’s request (w/ the Bureau’s assistance) of the local cyclists on/near Red Hill Rd. has not to do specifically with the Sunday morning following Morgan’s disappearance; rather, that they are soliciting more general information from cyclists who are familiar with area. For example, LE may be asking cyclists if they recall seeing any individual(s) frequently in the vicinity of Red Hill Rd. during their cycling trips in that area. Just a thought…
    My nomination for one of the most useful posts today…that along with J2K posts about assaults in 1800 block RH Rd….

    Hope this is not a duplicate post…got distracted and went back and forth between threads a coupl’a times…between doggie distractions, hubby, and TV…sorry :)

  5. Eloise says:

    Lurker here, would this offer any visuals or be of help?

  6. Sally Lou says:

    O/T Sally Lou raises her hand with a confession- Career English teacher here (23 years in NC), but not to worry, I leave my red pen at school.

    It is very interesting other places and here to see how people use the
    apostrophe, correctly and incorrectly.

    When I started dating my husband, my M-I-L commented, “She just has to be a teacher and an English teacher on top of that! Son, I know you like her, but you may not be able to hold on to this one.”

    I am happy to report that was 22 years ago when we started dating and we will celebrate 29 years of wedded bliss in October of this year.

    As an English teacher, it is all relative what you tolerate and what you don’t.

    OK, back to reading as you super sleuths deduct and post to find the people responsible for Morgan’s death.

    Thanks for being such an intuitive group.

  7. Ragdoll says:

    PS….can someone please explain to me the ‘cheese’ thing. I am so lost. That and OYE My cheese usually gets served with nachos.

    Infinite peace friends. I recognize we’re all in a state of verklemption and emotions are raw. Let’s remember we are all in this for Morgan and all victims of violence. There are no wall flowers here.

    Je t’aime mom ami <3

  8. susanm says:

    i nominate the post about looking for light disturbances in the satellite pics.

  9. mosaic says:

    Do we have any real estate experts on the Blink board? Question for you in the spirit of Location, Location, Location…

    Does $1.2M seem on the low side for a newly constructed 8,000 sq foot house on 21 acres with fabulous views of the mountains? Not implying anything, just asking.

    I have some background in that area. That is low ball, but could be market reflective.
    I am aware of a property at Blandmar that is 4 BR, approx 5K SQ ft, but same lot size for double that, with no taxes no less :)

  10. Mom3.0 says:

    Chad, I am so sorry. You and your friends are in my thoughts and prayers. Words fail to convey my thoughts to you. Hugs

    J2k, I give up coincidence or clue?

    Good sleuthing guys. You all amaze me. Have to think on all this new info…

  11. Word Girl says:

    juliemooly, redly, mosaic and others,
    I didn’t write about the cyclists because of what seemed obvious. They’re lower to the ground. They know the ground. They likely aren’t “drafting” at that juncture. They see and hear a lot but may have not known what they had seen.

    Now. This may be a LE message to the perp. We know there were bicycle tracks at the scene. We will get you. Or, it might be a subtle heads-up to the clubs to start looking at their own people without LE getting directly involved.

    Here’s an assault (and other crime map). You can set the dates for your search.

    Roger Friend and Heather Higgins are getting the word out to thousands of cyclists according to various sources, including nbc29. posts the following information about the assaults:
    According to—a web site that maps crime data, linked from the Albemarle County Police Department’s web-site—there were two separate assault incidents reported in the month before Harrington’s discovery. The first, dated December 26, 2009, is listed at the 1800 block of Red Hill Road—less than 2 miles from the entrance to Bass’ property. The most recent occurred on January 6, in the 4900 block of Monacan Trail Road, less than 7 miles from the Anchorage Farm entrance.

    I believe that last we knew 1920 Red Hill was for sale. It was being built or remodeled, but was boarded up. Any more stats on that?

    I might have been repetitive or gotten the party bowling. Let’s do the collab on this and help out Blink.

  12. Grace says:

    Observer sez: (“I wonder if VSP’s request (w/ the Bureau’s assistance) of the local cyclists on/near Red Hill Rd. has not to do specifically with the Sunday morning following Morgan’s disappearance; rather, that they are soliciting more general information from cyclists who are familiar with area. For example, LE may be asking cyclists if they recall seeing any individual(s) frequently in the vicinity of Red Hill Rd. during their cycling trips in that area. Just a thought…”).

    This is an excellent observation, Observer! What if Morgan did run away from her captor into the darkness? And since later-on she never turned up anywhere alive, the person she escaped from could have returned many times to the area looking for her body, which would have been like looking for a needle in a haystack.

  13. Danielle says:

    Chad –

    Many prayers for Joe, family and friends.

  14. mary says:

    Prayers for you and your friends Chad.

  15. Word Girl says:

    Following my last post I realize I didn’t add a question about cyclists’ observations of weekend hunters, workers, warriors. Did they see atvs, jeeps, horses, wheelbarrows, or the like. Is someone following their forums now that this request has been made? Is there a Wheelmen group locally? i understand from nbc that there are 15 known cycling groups in the area.

  16. Observer says:

    Re: alabama mom, 2/12, 5:48pm said “…the Blank Stare with no remorse that you see in the eyes of a sociopath , or delusional person in a state of psychosis. Yes , that stare is blank & dark . The darkness reminds me of sharks eyes. They are just empty, show no emotion , no sadness , no remorse , no soul , no feelings. Just empty shark eyes. Once you have looked into those eyes , it will make you shudder!”

    You offered above the exact same words that I used to describe the eyes of a beautiful, young woman who had murdered her BF in cold blood here in Cville in 1987. [Locals may remember this case: the vic lived on Stribling Ave. with his murderess GF, L. Lucero.] The lead detective on the case asked me what I thought of when I saw her eyes and my very first words to him were “dead eyes–just like a shark”. I’ll never forget that moment.

    You are right, alabama mom: once you have looked into the eyes of a killer like that, you will never, ever forget them. There is no life behind them; it is as if they are one-faceted, w/ no depth.

    Blank…dark…staring…lifeless…without depth or dimension. This is what I imagine Morgan’s assailant’s eyes to look like. Lacking remorse; psychotic; empty; void of all life energy.

    TO: skyler: I’m glad you’re back and (hopefully) feeling better. We need you–and your kind heart–on this forum. Your posts contribute so much…

    TO: Chad, 2/12, 9:28pm: Alas, I can make no claim to Woodstock fame…although two friends did go, and another still holds an unused ticket–probably worth a mint today. [He attempted to go but the traffic was so backed-up he gave up and turned-around before he got to Max Yasgur‘s farm...and has regretted that decision since 1969.] And yes, I bet you’re right: Morgan would have loved to have seen Janis Joplin; a one-of-a-kind she was, just as I’m certain dear Morgan was.

    TO: bevolovr, 2/12, 9:55pm: I can no longer claim “hippie fame”–but I sure could during those heady days! [Moody Blues = sublime.] Still amazes my aging friends (and I!) that, after those, uh, quite “rebellious” years of the 60’s and 70’s, I ended-up not only teaching high school, but later ended-up working in LE–this, from the person who had on more than one occasion run (literally and quite successfully, I might add) from the cops. [Nothing felonious, fortunately.] As Bob Dylan said, the times, they were a’ changing’. “

    RE: FBI involvement today: I believe that putting the Bureau’s name out there now (more prominently, that is) in this investigation lends a whole, new flavor to the BG. Resources, pressure–it all comes to bear on this case, and the BG is by now (or, should be…and my bet is that he rightfully is) poo-ing substantial bricks. And that “tip” that has led investigators to solicit advanced intel from local cycling clubs?…

    …And that swirling, sucking sound we’re all hearing (but no one more acutely than the BG himself)? Well, that’s the BG beginning to circle the drain.

    And what a wonderful, sweet sound it is indeed.

    BTW: When the BG is identified and arrested–and he will be–it will be interesting to see who he retains as defense counsel. If the BG is not a person of means (and my belief is that he is not), then B already knows who my money is on there…[“Scootin’...] Locals probably also know to whom I refer.

    [Sorry; was getting ahead of myself there. I simply have a high level of confidence--and anticipation--of this case coming to closure. And of Morgan and her family finally...peacefully...and at long last...coming to rest.]

    As Observer and some of you are aware. I have developed quite the network of locals.

    These are kind, hard working, conscienscious people that legitimately want the BG found. I keep hearing 4 names, over and over. The funny thing is, a few folks where this is originating, DO NOT own a computer, have access to one, and would not know how to turn it on if they did.

    These are the people I trust and believe in. Give me an authentic land-owning town original who drives to the PO instead of putting his mail in the box for pick up any day. You know who I mean. Every town has one or three.

    My grandparents had an egg and milkman growing up, every Saturday morning until I was a tween. Our house was 2 miles away and we of course went to Acme. I would often spend Friday nights at my grandparents as a kid, I LOVED it there. I was the only kid, and I could fake fall asleep in the living room and listen to them chat just above the old Big Band tunes they would play softly and listen to all the family business. I knew my Uncle would get divorced about 10 years ahead of anyone else.

    Sorry, I digress. Saturday morning the bell would ring and I would let the egg man in and then scooch to watch cartoons on low. He would have a coffee and they would dish about what was going on with everyone in the first half of his route. I can still remember what neighbors kids parked their car half on the grass, who said they broke a milk jug but actually used it to hold change, and whose hubby said he was out of town but his car was in the garage of the Widow Obermyer. I remember thinking, I wonder how long he stays at the poor folks at the end of his route. Does he tell them the same stuff, just adding the second half? My gram and I would bake something every Friday night or Saturday morning so there was something fresh to offer him.

    It is just how people develop their way of life from their generation. In retrospect, if anything major had ever happened, I would go see the eggman to find out what he was hearing.

    These are the folks LE is talking to ( not literall, do not chase the eggmen of Albemarle) to help provide information. They are not going to call the tip line. They are going to tell you about it, at the Post Office, or when you pick up your eggs, or firewood, or whatever. Then it is up to you.

    Remove the shame stigma from where this happened. It would have happened anywhere the bad guys were.

    As ridiculous as this may sound, the countryside where Morgan “ended up” is breathtaking, and putting away the skerf of your community will restore it’s luster.


  17. suz says:

    Chad, I’m so awfully sorry to hear of your personal connection to the tragedy in Huntsville. The whole thing is just so senseless and sad. Prayers and peace to everyone whose loved ones were involved…or just to everyone, everywhere.

    On a lighter note, you know they put goats in with race horses to keep them company and calm them down. Race horses are really high strung and they need little friends. Horses also get along really well with cats. They have the same temperament.

    So, hmmm, an Oct 17 bike event is most interesting. But I guess if I thought it was premeditated (which I don’t at this point), then I’d wonder especially if the bikers saw anything of interest on the 17th itself.

  18. radiogirl says:

    ot..My brother in law was a big time concert producer and promoter in the 70s and 80s in Kansas City…my husband who is alot younger would go to them often.One time he went in his eagle scout uniform and assisted the over imbibers.

    I’m enjoying coincidence or clue…I’ll keep checking back on the showcase bidders.

    And as always… please don’t forget to spay or nueter your pets.


    Or shelac your hair.

  19. susanm says: —– this is from map my ride,looks like it goes right up our street. cycles post these maps after there rides to share with others,this poster is snaven and took this trail ride on october 1st 2009.

    Good find.

    I use NikePlus for my running maps, which I love. It has an interface component with the site. Looks like it can be used for biking as well.

  20. new says:

    Events helds on Oct 17, 2009 on a Farm in Charolettesville involving cycles and hikers. Don’t know what Farm. Information not mine got it from another site.…costumed-comps

  21. SuzeeB says:

    Good Pics on that house Eloise. They really show the lay of the land.

  22. Enquirer says:


    Saw your 4.25pm response – let me sleep on it tonight. I need to think very carefully how I word a few things. The last thing i want to do is cause added confusion.

  23. bluewillow says:

    Chad, so sorry. Prayers and comfort to Joe, his family and you.

  24. total amateur says:

    Maybe I’m being too specific and reaching here… but anyway:

    Paranormal Bike Race
    October 17, 2009 6pm-10pm
    Tevendale Farm
    Earlysville VA

    If a person that lived on Red Hill Rd (or that locale) attended this event… it ended at 10:00. Dont know if people hang out there after (maybe one of you locals know)… but you’d at least think they would chill for a few minutes, drink some G2, load their bikes up..etc. if they left that venue at say 10:30, according to mapquest its a 38 minute drive from Tevendale to Red Hill Rd. That would put a person on Red Hill Rd at somewhere around 11:10. If they hung around the venue at Tevendale a bit longer, they could have very well passed through there while Morgans murderer(s) was in the vicinity. Maybe even seen something. Probably a longshot… but not that long IMHO. Really depends on when they left Tevendale. Also, depends on the reports of Morgans card being used as late as 11:30.

    I have to go back and look… but didnt the FBI inquiry specifically mention the intersection of RT29 and Red Hill RD? Interesting.

    Also, LE could probably cross reference the Paranormal race results with people that live in the Red Hill area… track them down and ask them specifically if they saw anything.

  25. hummingbird says:

    Chad so sorry about Joe and yet more violence to contend with. Not been online all day and when I did it jumped out at me as I have a home in Alabama one and a half hors from Hunteville which I sometimes fly into from the West Coast. This will have rocked Alabama I am so sorry a Harvard graduate and all.
    Joe is in my prayers tonight take care Chad you are much needed and loved here.

  26. Just Desserts says:

    To Mom3.0 a “thank you” for your kind post at 3:05, which also brings out the possibility that finding another woman in the car might have convinced Morgan to take a ride with guys she really didn’t know. Why not? Fact is, we know next to nothing about what Morgan may have done & with whom after 9:30– and THAT time may no longer stand scrutiny. And thanks further for your 7:31 PM digging out of Hannah’s informative post about Carl “Buster” Shifflett, hopefully nobody’s “boy next door.”

    To Amanda, Red Hill local, and Concerned Bystander, thanks for bringing new food for thought today– gotta have that to keep going.

    To Mike’s comment at 6:01 about squeezing scalpers and such around JPJ to see if there’s any word on the street– AGREED; within legal limits, bring on the garlic press.

    To Jen, writing in the wee hours yesterday about her charming ex who was so proficient at hiding the monster underneath the veneer, thanks for your gift of an arm’s-length, yet still frightening look at a type such as Morgan may have met in her last hours. Took guts and wits for you to have lived to share the tale!

    To Fish, who never seems to rest: I’m in awe of your passion to make something good come out of all this, some recompense for the loss of Morgan in the form of others’ lives redirected toward better aims, less b.s. and more real communication, more heart. Your invite to Ramona T . . .that’s a WOWZA moment, electric with sincerity!

    And to Ramona T: glad you came; wish it had been sooner, but better now than never. Hope you don’t ruffle so easily that you miss what’s laid down here: it’s heartfelt hope that what happened to your friend Morgan need never happen again to someone special. . . and as we all have it in our power to be special to someone, by extension, it’s our heartfelt hope that murderous waste of lives can be laid in its own grave. Yeah, we’re angry sometimes– in part because we’ll never get to meet Morgan as you did. And if we’re harsh toward her other friends it might be because their silence on the subject of what happened (or what was assumed WOULD happen) has been broken only by a costumed “dumb show,” carefully Facebook posted, that seemed to express their contempt for the whole public guesswork inquiry into what became of Morgan and how and why. And sad as it is that their silence is what left guesswork in charge of the day, we can take their mockery of us easier than we could take their seeming mockery of Morgan, too, or the Harringtons’ ways.

    Now time has ticked on and changed much. What’s left of Morgan is mostly memories now, hemmed in with questions and regrets. You tell us her friends are suffering–some more than others, another friend said shortly after she was found– and doubtless, friends would be. You say that Morgan wouldn’t want to be remembered with gloom, and that may be right, but then partying on like she’s just stepped out for a smoke self-servingly tries to forget why she won’t be coming back, why she’ll have no chance to say, “Girls, you know I’ve changed my mind about some things. . .” And it suggests nothing’s been learned and the soul’s truth has been denied.

    If you feel this ain’t so, stick around and substantiate it for us. Have that Starbucks heart-to-heart with Fish; I guarantee you won’t meet a poseur there, but someone who speaks from her heart and will gather into her heart anything you spoken from yours. We’ve all lost people dear to us; we can learn from each other how to go on growing.

  27. Cairn says:

    Sorry, I hit the wrong key, submitted too soon. (delete first post if can) Came across this. Don’t know if interested. My intentions are not to offend. Here for Morgan Harrington’s justice. If timed out, choose active/inactive and type in name william morris.

  28. justiceformorgan says:

    Here’s a link to several photographs of Red Hill Road which provide an idea of the type of terrain in the area. Also, on the left side towards the bottom of the screen, there are some interesting statistics with respect to percentage of homes rented and percentage of vacant homes in the area. I’m assuming the information is current given the copyright for the company providing the information is 2010.

  29. justiceformorgan says:

    First concert; Three Dog Night at the Pacific Colesium in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Last concert; Neil Young, Pacific Colesium also. The 2010 Winter Olympic torch passed through my neighbourhood this week. WOO-HOO!

  30. PM1 says:

    Prayers for you, your friend Lisa, her brother, their families and all the others affected by this unthinkable tragedy. Words cannot adequately express my sorrow and concern. My prayers are also offered to the University community as a whole for the wisdom to deal with the aftemath and move forward.

  31. Minnie Penney says:

    Where she was killed…..I really think she was killed in another location – a safe secure place for the killer to let her decompose into only skeletal remains. Bags of bones are easier to move than an intact body….someone mentioned trying to get a body over barbed wire fences, etc. The killer would be in full control of the situation – things could be done to hasten to process – chemicals or simple boiling. I live next to a state forest and dead deer are a common sight – the buzzards and hawks come quickly. A cattle owner would likely notice and go check it out to see if one of his cows was injured or already dead. One of my neighbors raises Angus and he agreed that he would definitely check it out.

  32. suz says:

    Hey, the FBI was reaching out to cyclists on Jan 28 (oh no, another oppty to say that was my bday, bwa ha ha!)

    Here’s what the bike shop dude told the bike club that the fbi was after:

    >From: “John Lawler – C’ville Bike & Shop”
    >Date: January 28, 2010 01:31:37 PM EST
    >Subject: Morgan Harrington

    >Ladies & Gentlemen
    >Lynne Stopford of the FBI is trying to identify a group of cyclists who
    >ride south of town and sometimes park alongside Red Hill Road just east
    >of 29S…to see if maybe they remember seeing anything unusual about the
    >time of Morgan Harrington’s disappearance. Please put the word out to
    >anyone who might know who these cyclists are.

  33. juliemooly says:

    Ya’ll were busy last night.

    It looks like Blue Ridge Outdoors has been taken off the web (re: this link that I SO wanted to look at
    I could find a link to an old blog (2008), but that’s it. So, between 10:35 pm last night when that post was placed on this site and now, POOF it’s gone.

    CLUE, OR COINCIDENCE?????????????????

  34. suz says:

    So if the FBI was reaching out to cyclists just 2 days after Morgan was found, I guess there’s nothing to my “why now?” theory about why the FBI is suddenly making itself visible. Still…I do like the ‘leaving no stone unturned’ approach they are using.

  35. susanm says:

    i posted a map last night of a biker who bikes thru there ,i dont see the post, i found 5 others who bike thru there too ,but i cant link them now for some reason,its kinda complicated,but i have em saved .so far noone who rode thru there 0ct 17 th,but these guys have ridden thru at least once ,some a few times,maybe they dont map map it every time.does le want to speak to everyone who rides thru there or only the ones who might have been there that night.

  36. Minnie Penney says:

    PS – buzzards were the reason Alicia Reynolds was found by a hunter looking for a wounded deer.

  37. suz says:

    Minnie Penney, yes, I have wondered why no one saw buzzards announcing Morgan’s remains. I guess the farm is so big and hilly it’s possible farmer Bass didn’t notice them (and he was out of town on the 18th, presumably), but folks traveling along the back roads sure should have seen alot of activity. Sunday cyclists prolly would have, but on the other hand, dead creatures and buzzards are fairly common, so maybe it would not have stood out in their minds as to where they saw the buzzards. (And it would have been beyond a tree line anyway, right?)

  38. Judi says:

    Hold up!! Can anyone find out of Daniel N White is related to the Whites on Red Hill?

    See attached news article. He’s 24, got his education in prison (which he was in there for abduction, gun charges, breaking and entering, etc), nice looking.

    I found one article on the White family history but don’t know if same White’s…

    And, another reference to the White family history…

  39. carson says:

    The words about how beautiful Virginia is cannot be stressed enough. IYR, I am from NY, but my father-in-law grew up on the Rappahannock and his family is still there. Probably a lot like the Shifletts. Tons of them and I can NEVER keep them all straight. My daughter applied to UVA and Virginia Tech (Wm and Mary too) because it is just so beautiful there.

    whoever knows something, please come forward. As my daughter acceptance letters come in, make it possible for her to go. Right now, I am fearful of that. So much unsolved crime right now in that area. Don’t let beautiful Virginia get the wrong but well-known stigma of the Appalachians. Beautiful, beautiful country, bad reputation.

  40. Judi says:

    And, if the same Dan White (don’t know if it is), he is a fan of The Southern Cafe and Music Hall, according to facebook. IF the same one, possible music connection? only lists one Dan White in Charlottesville!/pages/Charlottesville-VA/The-Southern-Cafe-and-Music-Hall/160907287483

    Have you checked if he was released in Nov?

  41. juliemooly says:

    Can someone explain to me exactly where you would park your car for cycling if you parked along Red Hill Road EAST of 29S? That doesn’t make sense to me re:”Lynne Stopford of the FBI is trying to identify a group of cyclists who ride south of town and sometimes park alongside Red Hill Road just east of 29S…”

    Looking at the map Red Hill Road runs north/south of Hwy 29, and I don’t see how someone would park alongside Red Hill Road just east of 29S.
    Does that mean the cyclists park on Red Hill Road on the south side of 29S and cross 29S to ride the section that parallels Anchorage Farm? Or does it really matter? I am trying to understand their perspective.

  42. suz says:

    That Paranormal event is interesting. I reckon folks would drive their cars to it rather than ride from somewhere and then participate in a multi-hour endurance race. Costumes, camping, and all that. And those folks would use mountain bikes rather than the genteel bikes of the road racers the FBI is hoping to tap.

    So if folks from Red Hill participated in 2008 (no results from 2009, but we can assume it was held cuz the weather wasn’t that bad?), then it means that…what?

    I wonder how much overlap there is between the road racing crowd and the off-road crowd. If you are into it any serious way, I bet you lean towards one or the other, cuz you always want the best equipment, and it’s expensive equipment, so if you narrow it down to one style, then you can afford a better bike and gear.

    And of course those types of rides offer different challenges (tour-de-france style endurance, vs woohoo trail rides through streams and over moguls and obstacles), would have different appeal, and of course prolly use way different muscles.

    Hmm. I wonder if they’ve gotten any tips from this crowd.

  43. susanm says:

    how come the paranormal bicycle link doesnt work?julie, what was it a costumed bike ride,cuz one of the guys who mapped a ride thru red hill might be a costume maker.

  44. Kim says:

    I appreciate all the input everyone gives on this site to keep on the objective. So many smart, yet differing minds. That’s what keeps the creativity going. And I’m so wishy-washy that I’m finding it hard to decide on a path to follow. That being said, a few things that crossed my mind:

    a) re: the Sheriff’s suicide. I thought of a possibility for a ‘coincidence’ and not conspiracy. News articles stated that: Former Greene County Sheriff William L. “Willie” Morris shot himself Thursday because of a constant roar in his ears, he wrote in a final letter.

    “I hope that my death will help bring about some cure for those that suffer with tinnitus, by bringing attention to it,” he wrote. “It is important that my life will not be wasted.”

    I’m not familiar with Charlottesville (I’m in Michigan) and I wonder if I’ve ever heard of it in the news. If that is the case, perhaps he knew the attention Moran’s case would get. Now I realize that it sounds like I’m implying he was hopping on a bandwagon or trying to take attention away. Not what I’m implying. But IF he had been contemplating wanting to die… maybe he saw that as a way to ‘bring.. attention to it”. And perhaps being such an extremely ABLE person.. this was so debilitating to him he couldn’t bear it. We’ve seen the reports of his ‘feats of strenght’ and helping attitude. Maybe he couldn’t bear the opposite. Or not. :)

    b) 1924 Red Hill Rd:
    The house directly across from the spot she was found (if I read posts correctly). Tell me those pictures of the landscape are facing south? I wonder what ‘view’ of the Blandemar and Anchorage Farm property. Does it overlook it (can’t tell from Google earth…) even tho not exactly physically see the spot Morgan was… perhaps in emotional ‘view’. If it can see the spot…. whoa.
    Have any local residences/buildings been searched/ruled out?

    c) Of Mice & Men: 2 perps. One strong minded, one simple minded (no disrespect) Morgan perishes at hand of BG, gets his ‘simple/trusting’ friend involved, convinces him he’s responsible, etc. Thus the ‘tragedy’ alluded to in press conf. This person would be more agitated, especially if LE is getting close. And loyal. But torn. And scared. Very scared. It would be so calming for them if they came forward and helped that poor girl. It would show they were the stronger/better man than the bad guy.

    d) Did Dan Bass have to go to a local store to get ‘supplies to do some mending.. thus prompting knowledge of him going far out onto the property? I imagine LE is aware of who may have had knowledge of this. Tightening their noose?

    I’m sorry this is so long.


    b. I am as equally as confused about this listing. For starters, there are 2 different homes (finished) in those pics. Neither of which matches the blueprints presented. As built, the house featured in the plans has a 6 car garage, 3 bays on both sides. I do not know the area specifically, but I do know custom built homes very well.

    This is a highly custom floor plan of an 8,000 sq ft house that got scaled back significantly.
    Anyone check the permits on this? It should go for twice that. I cant tell if the Southern exposure here is of this property.

  45. suz says:

    Minnie Pennie, interesting theory. If the perp went to the trouble of skeletonizing her, why not just chuck the bones into a river or something? Why leave them at AF—or is it similar to the I’ll-return the-purse-to-JPJ theory of misdirection?

    I agree that it would be tricky to carry a body over the fences adn through the woods, which is why I either have her getting there on her own two feet (whether naively willingly, or forced), OR—-since Bass was out of town—just being driven straight through the open front gate and into the back fields, and then either dumped or carried out of the vehicle (dead), or done in right there in the field.

    Blink seems adamant that she was already dead. I’m trying to noodle through what evidence would point to that, rather than the remains site possibly being the murder scene, but I’m coming up empty. It’s a head scratcher.

    Yep. I am firm she was deceased or near death, but completely incapacitated either way.

  46. SuzeeB says:

    Suz, it looks like the FBI and LE know the point of entry to the AF Farm. I would love to see Red Hill’s GPS map.

  47. rita says:

    The cyclists are outdoors, so not only did they see anything, did they smell or hear anything? As well as sighting something unusual, did they notice something slightly different, just marginally out-of-place in relation to its customary position?

  48. cadillac says:

    Ahh – first concert – The Beatles, Atlanta Fulton County Stadium, 1963?, my mom and sister took me!

    Chad – a dear, dear friend of mine was in Huntsville last evening when I heard the news. I had to text to see if everyone there was okay. Your friends and their families are in all of our thoughts and prayers here in Alabama. Senseless anger…

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