Morgan Harrington Murder: Virginia State Police Press Conference Today

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:19 pm


Tip Line for Information Regarding Anchorage Farm

Charlottesville, VA– Corrine Geller, Public relations Manager for Virginia State Police, Appomatox barracks, has announced a Press Conference scheduled for today at 3PM.

“..No arrest has been made. No cause of death has been determined. Today’s press briefing is just an investigative update..”

Lt. Joe Radar, the ead investigator with VSP into the death of 20 year old Virgina Tech student Morgan Harrington, is expected to lead the briefing.

Morgan Dana Harrington, who is scheduled to be laid to rest tomorrow, was found deceased at the Anchorage Farm in a remote location of the vast property.

The press conference is going to focus on the Farm property where Morgan was recovered.

Police have not yet named a suspect in her disappearance and murder.

Please check back to for this continuing story.

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  1. Phyl says:

    1st concert: Rush – Brendan Byrne Arena 1981.

  2. Phyl says:

    Bj – having an ADD wired brain can actually give you an edge. adders are very creative thinkers, extremely intuitive and make associations that leave non-add linear thinkers baffled. From what I’ve learned working with addicts and many of them are criminals is there thinking is freaking screwed up!!’ We need all types of minds to figure them out.

  3. acho says:

    I think we should look at folks who were in town for the JPJ concert, but not because they are Metallica fans. They prefer LOG and Gojira. They might have left after LOG to party locally or in RV lot.

    What and/or who is the link b/n these Valley Boys, if you will, to locals?

    Do I see shrinking friends lists?

    Was EMH on probation in July 09, around the time of All Good?

    Blink, would you consider re-posting your offer of a few weeks ago? Or may I snip it and post in a comment for you? I wonder if certain family members need the opportunity spelled out one last time. (All Good lineup for this summer is out, and it sure would suck to miss it.)

    Please do, lol, I am just getting on here now.

  4. Cat says:

    B – Regarding your belief that Morgan was placed on AF post mortem (meaning she was killed elsewhere), is this belief tied to your perceived/known COD?

    With Blood = Not conducive to portability (too much potential physical evidence left)

    Without Blood = Conducive to portability

  5. Amy S. says:

    Since we are all leaving our first concert, I will share mine. I haven’t posted anything on Morgan’s case although I do read everyday. My first concert was– and I know everyone will get a kick out of this– New Kids On The Block! LOL I went with my mom and sister, my mom’s friend and her daughter… I was just a tween… Yup, that sure dates me!

  6. Chad says:

    Ross Ross Ross,

    Here, Let me help you wipe that dust there off your jacket, (wipe, wipe). I do believe that J2K has gone on and done left you in the dust.

    Good to see you though….(tips hat) see you the on the next ride. Couple weeks maybe?

    He’s smart enough, He’s cute enough, and Dammit people like him.
    Don’t burst his bubble, let’s move past “Ross the Loss”, shall we?


  7. susan says:

    first concert : rick springfield, maybe 81. sad, I know. most recent concert: u2, 09. much better.

  8. Cat says:

    KeeKee – I think you have done some good work. However, I just can’t see Morgan being at any public venue after the end of the timeline. You would have multiple witnesses coming forward if she was seen in a public or a crowded place. I believe she was ONLY with her captors at the end of the timeline.

  9. bob-dog says:

    17.susanm says:
    February 16, 2010 at 12:37 pm
    “in addition to above did you see the hitchhiker reference,in the letter”

    Susanm, what letter with a hitchhiker reference are you referring to? I missed it. Thanks.

  10. redly says:

    Cat says:
    February 16, 2010 at 11:30 pm

    KeeKee – I think you have done some good work. However, I just can’t see Morgan being at any public venue after the end of the timeline. You would have multiple witnesses coming forward if she was seen in a public or a crowded place. I believe she was ONLY with her captors at the end of the timeline.

    Cat — agree but the idea that she thought she was catching a ride to the Corner to see a band makes a lot of sense to me.

  11. Moonchime says:

    The Harrington’s graciousness and beauty of spirit, never ceases to amaze me:

  12. Chad says:


    I’m still in shock on Chad hearing and meeting Metallica — boy, is my kid gonna be jealous when I tell him : )

    SKY: I was never ever at the concert. I as referring to YOU, and YOUR son being there. I do not think i ever said I met Metallica? I thought you were there and actually had taken pictures of some of the goings on at the concert. I just referred the poster to you because you have shared with us some of what had seen on that night. I thought yu had mentioned that you tried to take pictures of Lamb of God and they said no pictures? Guy had a lot of tatoos?
    Someone help me here……

  13. Cat says:

    33.redly says:
    February 16, 2010 at 11:42 pm
    Cat says:
    February 16, 2010 at 11:30 pm

    KeeKee – I think you have done some good work. However, I just can’t see Morgan being at any public venue after the end of the timeline. You would have multiple witnesses coming forward if she was seen in a public or a crowded place. I believe she was ONLY with her captors at the end of the timeline.

    Cat — agree but the idea that she thought she was catching a ride to the Corner to see a band makes a lot of sense to me.

    You are correct redly, that is a possible scenario, but even if we knew this to be correct, would this information help identify the Perp(s)? We are still left with the reality that anyone could have offered her this ride.

  14. keekee says:

    when you are in a headbanging crowded venue, you only see the people you are with and next to you. also, if a trashed/smashed/delirious blond girl is staggering/leaning/being carried by bgs with her hair hanging in her face, she is not very recognizable. and sad to say, this is not such an unusual site to see on such a raucous night.

    the witnesses, i think, have come forward with what they know.

    if the vsp are being so cryptic about the place/concert she was heading for, why would they release a finished timeline?? they are still trying to flush out the bgs and pit them against each other…

    tick tock

  15. keekee says:

    helllllloooooooooooo all you add blinkers, you

    this is me with add…and i’m medicated

  16. awa says:

    my husband always says the best part of being a business person is to follow up…


    What’s important was OYE flew on here when I posted that pic and said it was photoshopped…
    awa says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    February 16, 2010 at 8:28 pm

    re: sky/ blink @ 8:09 and if oye is not rt, who is she/ he?

  17. Mom3.0 says:

    To all those who are wondering about OYE, Remember Blink never said OYE was Ramona, all she confirmed was OYE was in the pic. Remember also Blink said she believes people know about what happened, and were told that it was a case of accidental death or death caused by Morgan’s partying. This fits what OYE was alluding to specifically alcohol poisoning then covering up the death or wandering off. OYE never went so far as to say murder….. Yes, the photoshopped comment always struck me as weird also.

  18. total amateur says:

    I’m just thinking out loud here-
    nothing to back it up but proximity.

    I heard someone mention a campground earlier. Is it the KOA campgroung down Red Hill RD? I’m just trying to think of a primary crime scene that would be secluded, and difficult to find evidence. Most of the unofficial POI’s being mentioned seem to be younger and living with parents, etc. You cant bring a girl home and murder her. You need a place away from people. If it happened in a house, good chance something got broken, or there would be blood evidence. Same for a car, plus a car would not provide room for multiple attackers. If it was in the middle of the woods though, there would be no stains. No furniture to break. No one to see or hear.

    To locals of C-ville: What is the deal with that campground? Where I’m from, the campgrounds are empty after Labor Day, the staff is gone and its pretty much just walk in and camp if you want to. As I myself love to camp, I also know campsites attract a lot of trash. Camping is free or cheap, and a good place for low-lifes to hang out and get trashed, do drugs, and be obnoxious without being in the public eye. Locals/ family/friends should know if any of these people were down there camping that weekend, or frequent the area. Maybe another reason to ask cyclists if they saw anything? By now, the primary crime scene would be washed away. It would be easy to move a body from a dark secluded campground on a road with no lights. No one would be missing anybody- no witnesses. Nobody to notice you coming in late. You could even burn clothes and evidence without raising an eyebrow. Just a thought.

  19. Mom3.0 says:

    Here is an article where Gil speaks about her beloved Morgan and where she believes the blame lies.

  20. keekee says:

    there is a venue/bar where i live (underage kids cannot drink and drinkers must have a wristband) that’s a converted midtown warehouse. i have attended tons of shows there in the last 10 years and am still going.

    i’ve got kids from early 20s down to 9 years old. they get to start going to concerts with me when they’re about 11 so they can see how stupid the smashed/trashed/drunk/throwing up kids are who miss the show cause they’re having so much “fun”

    every concert we’ve been to, we only see each other….and often we find out later that people we knew were there almost next to us!

    we have gone early before with bands that we know while they set up, but we already know the friends and family then

    at the half century mark, tho, i must admit, there are times when my kids are begging me to go to a concert with them…and i jest gotta say no, no, NO! happily, my daughter tricked me into going to see them crooked vultures last week and i’m glad she did.

  21. total amateur says:

    Any way to check satellite images of the campground on the evening of Oct 17th and the morning of Oct 18th?

  22. acho says:

    The snow has everyone crazy for warm weather and fun, and–perfect timing!–the All Good schedule is out (Bonnaroo lineup just out, too). A reminder that the summer fun and mountain top you crave won’t come if you’re associated with Morgan’s killers. Please read Blink’s post above, in case you missed it. I hope it touches your heart and your sensibilities.

    Note her important addition to the post, which I’ve pasted in below. Morgan has since been recovered, but Blink will still help you make sure this nightmare doesn’t happen again.

    1. I will take it one better. If someone has information that can lead to Morgan’s recovery and has a legal concern, I would be willing to secure a pro bono attorney and make the connection to them privately.

  23. fish says:

    As I have no pearls of wisdom tonight, this is all I’ll say.

    “Maybe maybe maybe… (where’s my lobelicious fish?)” and to think that I wanted to be called “warmflakytart”! Oh, J2K or whoever you are, at this moment…I heart you! Happy Bday! get it, heh, heh get it!!

    Chad: Thanks for splainin’ Gasbag. Sorry, I never miss my Desserts but must have that time! Why would one choose that name when there are so many others?! Mine was forced upon me.
    Also, I pick up what people lay down pretty fast…so like I said, I’m on board with FB.

    Lovely, see baited breath, ain’t all that bad! (smile)

    Blink: I am thinking that the explaination for my name will be needed soon. I said after Morgan was found but too distraught and too many memories but I then changed it to after the BG was caught. This I have always had good feelings about. Both in my past life and now the future. We all just may need that itty bitty time to be able to smile for even a brief second.
    But, for now, I wait.

    Wait? I thought that I had nothing to say!

    Courtesy of “The Hook’s Off the Block” section:

    Just an example, specfically August 20, 2009
    l Surety Trustees LLC to Deutsche Bank National Trust Co., lot 40 phase IV Blandemar Farms, $1,046,100 by deed of transfer.

    Courtesy of “fish’s mad copy & paste skills” section:

    And now, still for sale…there’s a good deal of dough to try and unload and not speak up! Location, location, location. Who would want to do a land deal? Go to the expense of building, all the while, knowing what is about the corner!
    Could this be what our dedicated Lt. Rader had in mind?

    Blandemar Farm Estates – Lot 30 Price; $625,000
    Blandemar Farm Estates – Lot 31 Price; $600,000
    Blandemar Farm Estates – Lot 39 Price; $650,000
    Blandemar Farm Estates – Lot 43 Price; $575,000
    Blandemar Farm Estates – Lot 45 Price; $550,000
    Blandemar Farm Estates – Lot 47 Price; $550,000
    Blandemar Farm Estates – Lot 48 Price; $550,000
    Blandemar Farm Estates – Blandemar Dr.
    NORTH GARDEN Price; $650,000


    RED HILL Rd. Price; $575,000

    and this,

    NORTH GARDEN Price; $630,000

    Oh and now! The big guns!

    BUNDORAN FARM Hightop Dr.
    NORTH GARDEN Price; $800,000
    CROZET Price; $1,000,000
    BUNDORAN FARM Hightop Ln.
    NORTH GARDEN Price; $1,050,000

    Note: These properties listed just show what is available in the area. Do not draw any conclusions. They are not clues. I am not that smartert. I am just providing the above for our out-of-town BOC’s! They might not know the lay of the land, so to speak.

    Acho, don’t you agree that this is some high-priced, countryside dirt! Somebody should jump on Blink’s offer. It’s a keeper.

    Why are all the social sites leavin? (tap*tap*tap*)
    That’s for you Ms. Multi!

    Oh, Sky & Chad! That was me that touched the Rock God, himself! Sklyer, someday we shall have a sit down and I will tell you and your son all about it! See I was into “Poison”. Still hopeful Bret would come for me. My sis was into Metal! They didn’t even have high hair and the higher the hair, the closer to God! That’s what I always say.

    Ok, now give me a can of AquaNet and I’m done.

  24. Enquirer says:

    Michael, Michael, Michael, I like you I really do – you’ve got sass. Your only misgiving though is that you are the proud owner of just under half a brain. Whilst your attacks on Observer, J2K and myself are admirable in your mind im sure, if you had bothered to read this thread many or the moronic myths your spinning would of been busted. Or perhaps your reading comprehension skills are on the slide?

    Let me make something completely clear to you – i don’t have anything to prove to you, anyone here or anyone on any other site. I do what I do here, not to parade ‘inside information’ but because I believe it is necessary and deserved. You have little to no idea of what I do away from this site so you’re making one hell of an assumption about my perceived recklessness. I could make assumptions too, I could make wild the assumption that your are the poster ‘GSOE’ from the hook, or perhaps ‘Ross’ or ‘Debbie’? Perhaps I could assume that something here is making you nervous? But see that would be wrong.

    Now we do agree on one point, this is about Morgan, not about personalities. So how about you add something here; a theory, some constructive discussion point or perhaps a witty joke veiled as an observation (you know something like: “What’s with this weird hotel custom of leaving a piece of chocolate on the pillow? I awoke thinking my brain had hemorrhaged some sort of fecal matter. ” ) or if you cant why dont you do us all a solid and just scurry back to your hole and bother someone else.

    If you don’t like it, change the f’ing channel.


  25. Bj says:

    LOL keekee – I prolly should be on meds as it does help with concentration but my husband says it makes me bitchy. Hah! That was just menopause – men – on – pause.

    Keep up the good work! :) I’ll get there…

    Thanks Phyl – I needed that. :) I will say, I am extremely intuitive.

  26. Bj says:

    Sorry you are so dang busy B but it is helping me get caught up. Hope you’re taking your vitamins.

  27. susanm says:

    well its intersting corrine gellars statement (sorry i cant link)something like “i’d hate for someone who gave her a ride and left her at say a gas station to be afraid to talk to us” and then her card usage became known ,enquirer, commented that–paraphrased– someone may not be telling the truth about the last time they saw her. and it seemsblink has alluded to that as well. so i’d guess they have talkied to someone who they believe was with her in some sort of capacity after 9:30.wouldn’t you say. bob-dog that was a myspace friend who mentioned he wanted to pick up a hh someday,i didnt wanted to drag another name so i asked blink to vet it , it must have been nothing,

  28. ross says:

    Blink? Is there another Ross posting or am I missing something?

    ” He’s smart enough, He’s cute enough, and Dammit people like him.
    Don’t burst his bubble, let’s move past “Ross the Loss”, shall we?


    In response to the nasty post a “Ross” posted to J2k

    Let’s make this about Morgan, k guys?

  29. Just Desserts says:

    Haven’t posted for a couple days, during which my nose was intensively practicing for the Nose Running Olympics, running fast, running long. Today, finally, I seem to have given up my temporary status as #1 Consumer of Kleenex Products, so I’m trying to catch up with all the developments on this very busy board.

    Seems like a lot of Blink biscuits may be deserved for all the good research  I hope it’s helping LE’s investigation, too, but if they’ve been there ahead of us, at least it seems we’re honing in on some folks who think they know something (which they may not have volunteered) about the how, who or why of Morgan’s death, even if they didn’t have a hand in it directly.

    Special thanks to keekee, whose premise that the regional music scene is sort of incestuous, all the regulars having at least passing familiarity w/ each other, seems to have yielded plenty of connections to her cybertracking efforts. This is a point I’ve believed in from the get-go: these big-name concerts are like stops of a traveling carnival; they draw fans of music from a fairly wide region, including local musicians who aren’t booked for that time themselves, specific and general groupies, and a traveling cast of “vendors.” The venue is almost incidental; Metallica/LOG/Gojira playing at JPJ doesn’t draw a Charlottesville crowd, it draws a heavy metal crowd and, beyond that, a crowd heavily into music spectacles and all that goes with them. What keekee’s comment the other day at 12:05 PM did, however, was to make the clear point (which I hadn’t so clearly seen) that musicians in other bands in the region would have been here for the festivities, if they themselves weren’t playing that night, or,— like the local band she proposes– may have been at JPJ until they had to split to make gigs of their own.

    Though it isn’t exclusive– that is, doesn’t necessarily point us at a particular POI– IMO, that realization could free our thinking about events of that night in a couple of ways. First, if Morgan indulged her eclectic interest in music by attending all sorts of live musical events, from big festivals like Bonnaroo to very small venues, it may be likely that at the Oct. 17th concert she met several people from her circle of musical acquaintance. If that truly was Morgan seen walking with the 4 MIB, it seems as likely that they may have been local musicians leaving to play elsewhere—or fans of such musicians– as that they were roadies for one of the intro bands, or that they were Lamb of God fans who were blowing off Metallica. OK, then if she’s seen the locals play somewhere (or she’s WANTED to see them play), and they/their fans are off to a gig and offer her a ride, and she’s cold and damp and locked out of Metallica, might she not just go along? Even if she’s called an out-of-town pal [speculation] who’s on his way to pick her up [further speculation], can’t she assume she’ll just call him again from another venue and “make a new plan” (one that doesn’t leave her looking quite so helpless ditsy)? Likewise, vis-à-vis her unhelpful friends still inside JPJ. So, by this chain of thought, she could have left the JPJ/UHall/RV lot setting intent on seeing music somewhere else, rather than on going/returning to a private party [speculation], or on getting a ride straight out of town [to Harrisonburg? Roanoke?] with her car left behind.

    Of course, if Morgan met up with a group of guys outside JPJ and was then seen “partying” with that whole group, the group might have split up later, with some ( band members?) leaving to go play and the rest going somewhere else first; hey, if the bar band starts at 10, the cool fan comes later, right? Go somewhere private to relax with a beer, some smokes; plenty of time to rejoin the musicians once they’ve got things cooking. To this point, things might have looked pretty safe to Morgan, even familiar, if past plans had unravelled, had to be respliced, yet had wound up working out OK. And any who’d left early from the group she’d initially walked/partied with might have no knowledge of what further interaction she’d had with the guys who’d dallied in the parking lot with her; or, put it this way, if she never turned up where those who left early had gone, they’d only know what the dalliers chose to tell them about what she’d done after they left.

    Does it kick us loose from the assumption that a BG from the concert might have needed to return to JPJ before Metallica finished, to give himself a witnessed alibi?

  30. Just Desserts says:

    Hey, Chad, pssst! The “Mayflower” brought the Pilgrims to Plymouth, Mass. But don’t let that stop you from revisiting Virginia!

    You asked about my first concert; which was also my first non-concert. Temptations. Winter of ’68-69, at the Civic Center in Roanoke, Sunday afternoon show. Icy, snowy, cold outside; inside, no more than two-thirds full. Crowd is close to 50/50 black and white, with a tentative relaxed vibe– this in a city that was still fighting in courts to keep Patrick Henry HS in the “old money” side of town segregated all-white and Lucy Addison HS by the “projects” all-black. Five minutes after the show was to have started announcer came on stage to tell us that the band (and its opening band, too) had been delayed leaving Albany, Binghamton, someplace upstate NY and should be leaving Philly soon. We sat, Temps songs on the speakers. Announcer comes out to say they’re on the plane; should be in Roanoke in an hour. People groan, squirm, some give up and go. Two girls behind us start into a long discussion of David Ruffin, how the band’s not as good since he left, what was his problem anyway? Too many temptations! says a black woman beside the girls, but didn’t he look sharp, though! (Who knew? I had just come for the music and the dance line.) People gradually melting away until, almost two and half hours after scheduled start, the announcer comes out to say the Temps have deplaned—in Philly and the show’s cancelled. Oh, well, later shows at UVa made up for it—Janis Joplin in my first semester (a pair of my drunken suitemates climbed up on stage to present her with a fifth of Virginia Gentleman, like she needed their help or they were gentlemen), The Faces (with a young Rod Stewart, who temporarily alienated the affections of my girlfriend), Chuck Berry (great show), Paul Simon (splendid, and he liked the slightly odd acoustics enough to put cuts on In Concert), many. . . B. B. King (amazing!), and one I can’t forget, Richie Havens, who deliberately broke guitar strings till he was down to 2—from which he wrung more than most good guitarists get out of 6! Those were some days! I’m a jazz/blues guy now, prefer smaller clubs when I go.

    But Rock on, Morgan! you’ve got the big band of All Stars now, and we’re just making do.

  31. Just Desserts says:

    I really regret that the YouTube videos from the Blue Ridge Trail Music Festival have been taken down, because I believe I saw Morgan in quite a different portion of the frame than others have described and in somewhat more detail.

    The “Morgan” I saw fit the description given by whoever posted those links for us [TY, BTW—was it you, keekee? You’ve been top-grade reinforcement!]: blackish outfit (maybe lace-bordered over her shoulders); straight blond hair to about mid-shoulder blade; a bit taller girl with russet hair in a ponytail standing (at times) to her left, occasionally in profile. In my view, if the stage and band appear in the “12 o’clock” position, “Morgan” was at about 11 o’clock (measuring horizontally). Except for a couple very brief facial turns toward her left, her attention remained fixed on the stage and she moved head and arms to the music.

    What drew my attention soon was a dark-haired young guy neatly dressed in a blue polo shirt and white or off-white chinos/slacks who stood throughout the video just behind “Morgan” and slightly to her left. He did NOT appear to be looking at the stage, but at her back or over her shoulder. Fairly early in the longer video he stepped forward and said something into Morgan’s left ear; she turned her head left briefly, said something short, and turned back toward the music. Guy stepped back, continued staring (seemingly) at Morgan; didn’t know what to do with his hands, finally jammed them into his back pants pockets. He sort of edged back and forth laterally behind her till the video ended.

    Her body language throughout said, “I’m here for the music, don’t bug me.” His body language at first seemed to say, “Let’s blow this joint,” but then, after her brief apparent dismissal/ rejection of what he had said to her, changed to, “OK, you wanna be THAT way about it. Look at me! Don’t think you can diss me; I’m stickin’ right here.” For the briefest moment, when he’d stepped forward and half-turned and leaned toward her ear, it looked like he might be wearing a baseball-style cap, dark like his hair—the rest of the way, I couldn’t tell. He didn’t look a lot taller than “Morgan”—maybe 3-4 inches and slightish medium build, so maybe 5’10” and 160-170 lbs. College age, tops.

    But if y’all can’t see it, we can’t compare notes, so this might not be worth anything if I got “the wrong Morgan.” I agree, though—we may be making some folks nervous. ;-)

  32. yoshi says:

    uh-oh keekee…

    I don’t want to take away from anything you have done here as you’ve brought to light many connections with your research and hard work, but I think raw dawg played at Zinc on Oct. 17, 2008.

    They definitely did. Yes.
    I do believe that venue is now closed? When did it, if that’s correct info?

  33. acho says:

    Hey Enquirer,
    A question I just remembered I had for you yesterday:
    Do you remember, ages ago, alluding to Morgan and friends camping at Smith Mtn Lake and Claytor Lake? I asked you a couple followups about that and never got a response.
    As we tidy up and filter, so to speak, I wonder if you still find that information relevant?
    Thank you!

  34. J2K says:

    Michael P. – re: Unsolicited Tit for Unsolicited Tat

    Save your billable minutes for those crying out for “Help When (They) Need It Most.”
    Maybe you fritter away client time-sheets by lurking here on BOC or deep within the comment sections of articles that hint at pending criminal proceedings, but the name on the door *here* is Blink – and if she thinks a commenter is out of line, that individual knows it soon enough. (And I’m quite sure she does not have you on retainer to advise us as to her generally unspoken but well-known posting policies.)

    As it happens, I’m free to structure my comments however I like, within reason; and, as such, the dozens/hundreds of thoughtful, opinionated people also posting on/reading this thread are free to respond as they will.

    I’m far from the most prolific or useful commenter here, but the “coincidence or clue” conversation (which took place over the course of one day out of the nearly four months I’ve posted here), for me, solicited an array of useful replies in regard to the questions I put forth on still-forming ideas and theories being explored at the time. If you were irked because you didn’t get to participate and contribute in that round, well – what can I say? Shoulda pushed your buzzer, dude.

    Far be it for me to tell you how to best approach a grieving family on how they can capitalize on their tragedy; far be it for you to tell me how to maintain continuous attention on the as-yet-unsolved four-month-old homicide investigation into a woman’s brutal death.

    If Observer, Enquirer or I ever litigiously slip and fall in the Greater Peninsula area, perhaps one of us will give you a call. For now, piss off.


  35. juliemooly says:

    keekee, the rock quarry you are thinking about is in Gordonsville, which is northeast of Charlottesville on a stretch of road that is coincidentally also called Red Hill. It is not the same Red Hill Road that runs parallel to the western border of Anchorage Farm.

  36. test says:

    Re: juliemooley’s post at 9/:14 Feb 17.

    I cannot find Keekee’s original post about a quarry, but there definitely IS a quarry very near (very near=within a 5 mile or so radius) Anchorage Farm. I grew up in Cville, and during my high school years we used to go out to the quarries in the summer to jump off the cliffs into the water. I absolutely cannot believe we did that, but we did. It used to be a big gathering spot for teenagers- hanging out, beer drinking (in combination with jumping off cliffs into pitch black water *slaps forehead* how stupid), etc. Not sure what Keekee’s post was about, but I am 100% certain there are rock quarries, filled with water, very near the farm that are used as a hang out spot- or once were hang out spots. They are difficult to find though. I remember getting lost many times on the way out there. Just thinking as I type here, and not that it is important now, but maybe the killer(s) were headed out to the quarries to dump a body, couldn’t find them and stopped by the farm as a back up. I do know that the quarries are very very deep. My brother was a member of an adventure club years ago, they were going on a trip somewhere and they used the quarries to practice deep water scuba diving. Don’t know if any of that information helps, but wanted to clarify for you because I too had been thinking about those quarries when I heard the location of the farm.

  37. Justice says:

    Gil Harrington never ceases to amaze me! What an honor it must have been for Morgan to be her child:

    Gil Harrington’s thoughts from February 17, 2010

    My obscenity riddled to-do list has included words like victim, scent item, fingerprints, DNA, skeletonized, cadaver dog, medical examiner, now I add view remains. And that’s just what Morgan has been reduced to – calcified fragments.

    All he left us with was her bones – but they are precious to us. It is a primal emotion to get the body back to mourn and to honor the life that was lost.

    We honored Morgan to the best of our abilities with a moving funeral Mass and a celebration of Morgan’s brief life.

    We mourned Morgan to the best of our abilities by viewing with clarity her cast off bones. Holding her in our own hands in this form as part of our leave-taking. Holding the last remnants of our girl, to try and let the enormity and finality of her death penetrate somehow past the barriers in our minds that still scream “how can this be – it isn’t happening”. Peering into Morgan’s empty orbital sockets the mind protests- but must concede, it is. Not an exercise in reality I ever want again to come to me.


  38. Concerned Mom says:

    No, Impossible. That was in regard to visiting other sites of the social variety.

  39. J2K says:

    B, yoshi – re: zinc
    Zinc is not closed; here’s a recent event blurb for:

    Great work by keekee over the last few days making various intriguing music connections – but excellent eye, yosh (my fellow closet Deadhead).

    Zinc appears to host live local music on occasion, and it appears they had a Halloween costume party Oct. 31, ’09 – at which RD *did* play.

  40. juliemooly says:

    Starr Hill closed. The link leads to an article explaining it.

    Zinc is still open (Zinc is primarily a restaurant that has occasional music).

  41. J2K says:

    Chad, fish – I sincerely heart both of you lovely, sleuthing ladies! (you too, Lovely – and I still owe you my take on your O/T KV question).

  42. test says:

    Just to add to my post, I did a little googling, apparently there is a company called Red Hill Quarry that is located at 2625 Red Hill Road, North Garden, VA. I google mapped it, and it is there but it is a dry quarry. Maybe this is what Keekee was referring too. However, the quarries I previously mentioned were filled with water and to get to them you would (coming from Charlottesville) turn LEFT either just before or just after the crossroads store. From there, my memory fails me, but I know we didn’t have to drive too far past the store to get to the area. We would park and walk a short distance through woods to get to the area, I remember that. Again, just FYI.

  43. J2K says:

    acho – re: Dude Quartet?
    (you noted) “I think we should look at folks who were in town for the JPJ concert, but not because they are Metallica fans. They prefer LOG and Gojira. They might have left after LOG to party locally or in RV lot. …”

    This is where my (still chocolate-covered) cheese lies. I’m not able to shake out the image of the four young men in black seen with MH. Obvs LE knows of this sighting though, as they interviewed the witness multiple times – wonder if it proved a dead end or a link/the possibility of MH’s further interaction with the MIB (suz!) is still being explored. Regardless of whether they parted ways soon after leaving Massie, those boys were likely leaving the arena following the LOG set.

    I did (sort of) spotlight a certain young, musically/black-clothing inclined RSO in town (non-v) who’s band has played on larger bills with LOG circa 2008, and whom I believe is more likely a fan of them than Metallica. As I previously noted in this regard, however, the profile fits, but there’s no indication (at the moment and in what I’ve seen online so far) that he’s anything more than a misguided young man (under 25 y/o), who has a penchant for illicit pics of underage female fans.

    In re: to your next question:
    “Was EMH on probation in July 09, around the time of All Good?”
    He was forced (read: convicted of failing to register) to renew his SO registration in late 2008. As an *R*SO, he’s technically still monitored by LE in a manner similar to probation, I believe. So, I would answer your question as: yes — pending further insight from others here.

  44. alexandra says:

    31.yoshi says:
    February 17, 2010 at 7:34 am
    uh-oh keekee…

    I don’t want to take away from anything you have done here as you’ve brought to light many connections with your research and hard work, but I think raw dawg played at Zinc on Oct. 17, 2008.

    They definitely did. Yes.
    I do believe that venue is now closed? When did it, if that’s correct info?
    This link says Raw Dawg played at Zinc on Oct 17 2008 at 10pm not 2009. Is that a mistake?

  45. keekee says:

    google maps 1685 rock hill rd north garden va = rock hill quarry

  46. keekee says:

    this would be very familiar territory for the local hellraisers

  47. keekee says:

    2008 for raw dawg…yes…now still venues there with the brewery with live music on oct 17 09…checking cached now

  48. keekee says:

    lemme tell ya…dey be jammin togedder allz deh time, monz

  49. E in SA says:

    I am in South Africa, which has one of the – if not THE – highest crime rate in the world. Hundreds upon hundreds of people get murdered here every day and it does not even make the newspapers. We are all so “jaded” here and “used to it” that it seems nothing can shock us anymore. But for some reason I have been following this case from the very first day, when it was just announced that she had disappeared from the concert. I don’t know why, but like all of you here, for some reason I feel drawn to Morgan (which, by the way, I think is a beautiful name!). And also to her family. Her parents seem so wonderful. Don’t get me wrong, my parents are wonderful, but they are quite “cold” and not really the type to express their feelings. I have never once heard either one of my parents tell me or my brother that they love us (the closest my mother has come was telling me that “Just because I love you, doesn’t mean I have to like you!” I know they do love me and I love them, but we are just not the type of family to say so! Anyway, I find myself wishing we were when I read Mrs Harrington’s poems and messages about her daughter. Things I wish my own mother had said to me. Well, I am now in my thirties and have always been into the “alternative” scene (more the “gothic” scene). I have 27 piercings and 2 tattoos and also wear black and listen to “alternative” music (although I was never a Metallica fan, but my fiancee is). I don’t wear nearly so much black anymore and my previously black hair is back to its natural blonde, I have ditched the black lipstick, etc. (but can’t seem to let go of the piercings). I have also done my fair share of partying and still do, although not so much (I have a full-time job and own my own home, so am all “grown up” now, no kids though!) I have done my fair share of drinking and drugs (reaching my “peak” with heroin eventually – HUGE regrets there), which my parents never knew about. My fiancee and I have been together for about 12 years now, went through years of addiction together and came out the other side together. We both have good jobs, own our home, etc. and have been clean for a number of years. I guess what I am trying to say is that what happened to Morgan could so easily have happened to me. Actually, it SHOULD have happened to me and not to her. I live in a much more dangerous country, used to hang out with a much “darker” crowd (not a folk music-type “hippy” scene), did much more dangerous drugs than weed and beer. I have a feeling we would have been friends if we had ever met. I come to this site every day and I spend more time with you all than with the real people around me! After all these months, I just wanted to finally say something. To let you know that Morgan’s story is touching people even all the way over here in deepest, darkest Africa! As you can see, we do have electricity here and even computers and the internet!! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go and chase that pesky lion out the garden again!!

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