Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Mexican Macaluso Manjito Manscaper

Posted by BOC Staff | "Todd Black",Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,Jose Baez,Todd Macaluso,Tot Mom | Thursday 4 March 2010 1:54 am

Corona, Mexico– From the LOST segment of the series:

“How The Little People Bring Me Beer On Vacation From The Whirlybird I paid For With Client Cash..”

Todd Macaluso, facing California Bar sanctions, resigned from the BAEZ LAW FIRM last month.

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Youtube courtesy of Klaaend

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  1. Juli Sweeney says:

    Uuuuuuuummmmm……. WTF????? Sorry Blink but seriously??????


  2. Mom3.0 says:

    Blink, I’ m not sure what this was about- I feel really out of the loop. Plus side, I got to see two naked male butts… although not my favorite male heart throbs tush. Is that what they mean by the balance of Justice?

  3. MJ says:

    HURRY Silvernitrate for my eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They’re burning, ouchie

    Blink is that how the other half lives? (the other half being unethical attys)
    It could only have been better if the esteemed J Baez & Bodacious A Lyons would have been cavorting with him.

    This was “pre” Baez et al. Circa 2005

  4. Greg the Mongoose says:

    Blink, I think Todd is boinking his clients and Bif. :-)

  5. Gina says:

    Really, what was that? A Macaluso look alike? This is the icing on the cake if it’s really Todd, how many freaks are involved in this case? Or were because Todd is gone, but doesn’t look all that upset if that video is recent. Wow, he’s obscene in his pure greed to live the decadent high life, even stealing someones life savings to get beer delivered to him & his boy toy at a Mexican resort, lol.

    It is definitely Todd.

  6. NickySaya says:

    I wish there was a way for my eyes to “un-see” Todd bareass running on a beach…. OMG Blink! How is the world did you find this!!???

  7. Teri says:

    I’m in desperate need of eye bleach.

    WARNING: To All READERS, DO NOT put Bleach or any other chemical in your eyes, lol.

  8. monkalicious says:

    Thanks, Blink! Now I have had Coffee and Buns for breakfast!

  9. kyrasmommy says:

    So much @$$….so little class

  10. ada says:

    Delete this if you think to, but this is from Somethingswrong (Deb Walker) at Topix. She was asking about Mandy who is on the soon to be released discovery.

    Somethingswrong wrote:

    Isn’t Mandy connected to Blink?

    Isn’t Blink the one who bugged Cindy into calling TES? Allegedly (you said to use that word) she is also connected to JJ and Henady. It would seem that everyone is connected to everyone.

    I think we’ve discussed this before somewhere….Maybe I’m mistaken though, but it seems that this was talked about before.

    Somethingswrong wrote:

    Isn’t Mandy connected to Blink?
    Banished_Boozer wrote:

    Oooh!! Juicy!! As we used to say when pretending to be clueless.
    Isn’t Blink the one who bugged Cindy into calling TES? Allegedly (you said to use that word) she is also connected to JJ and Henady. It would seem that everyone is connected to everyone.

    I think we’ve discussed this before somewhere….Maybe I’m mistaken though, but it seems that this was talked about before.

    I have never spoken with Cindy Anthony and I do not know Joe Jordan. I know of him because of his underhanded activities in this case. I worked with Tim Miller and TES previously, that is no secret, so do not understand the juicy part, but ok :)


  11. Alegna says:


  12. Trimm says:

    OMG Blink……that is priceless!

    TY Trimm- I wonder if he used this video for admission to the ADP?
    For the record, he does not have a bad tush, and I positively identified him through his Brightling.

  13. dee says:

    Blink you may have read this from the Hinky Meter but it sure fits in well over here, not sure how much of it is true but lets say if half is true then Team Casey has a huge problem on their hands. What a joke…

    Thanks Sally for the laugh! Hope you don’t mind I shared your post…

    “» Sally Says said: { Mar 3, 2010 – 04:03:38 }
    The defense has not submitted a witness list but with these characters on her side who needs enemies.

    1-Attorney Jose Baez, who was denied a license to practice law for eight years because he owed back child support and filed bankruptsy.
    2-Attorney Andrea Lyon, who called judges ugly, juries killers and female prosecutors unspeakable names and complains because the state wants to “kill” the baby killer she represents.
    3-Attorney Linda Kinney-Baden, who was accused of lying and hiding evidence in the Phil Spector case.
    4-Attorney Todd Macaluso, who left the case after the Florida Bar disciplined him for misappropriating funds in several trust accounts of clients he represented.
    5-George and Cindy Anthony, who have been unemployed since July 2008 and whose home is in foreclosure.
    6-Attorney Brad Conway, whose condo went into foreclosure and was sold at auction.
    7-Anthony groupie Joy Wray, who has been Baker Acted too many times to count.
    8-Anthony friend Holy Gagne, who was arrested for beating her husband with a baseball bat and then the charges were dropped.
    9-Baez/Anthony PI Dominick Casey, whose office is closed and house is in foreclosure.
    10- James Hoover, whose financial situation and background are a mystery since he showed up on the Anthony doorstep and agreed to work for them free.
    10-Dennis and Sherry Milstead, convicted felons whose scam organization Kid Finders went bankrupt and whose house is in foreclosure.
    11- Jill Kerley, Kronk’s ex wife who is bi-polar and has several felonies.”

  14. oneshot says:

    might the nude dude whose hand he’s holding & skipping to the surf with his now-deceased brother?

    Possible, but not confirmed.

  15. Mariann says:

    WTF? lol I SWEAR I had nothing to do with the removal of HIS clothes! We have some sweet members on Second Life who can help him recover them though!

  16. cindeefromwisconsin says:

    WHAT AN ASS… no pun intended.

  17. chitownlady says:

    Now that I have blinded (and NOT by the light) these two just miht be best suited for tighten your buttocks ad! WHat’s next in this saga…Cindy and George dancing naked on that CRUISE SHIP?…OMG!

  18. chitownlady says:

    LOLOLOL DEE…… that reads like an ad for THE SCUMBAG LAWYER LOTTERY! Great job!

  19. acho says:

    Oh the price of wearing status symbols and nothing else on the beach.

    ROTFL at Monkalicious’ “coffee and buns.”

    Thank you so much for the comic relief. The fancy editing tools really add that special something.

  20. In Memory of Gini says:

    A fitting attorney for such a young “lady” who partied while her toddler was dead. I am surprised Casey wasn’t there on the beach with him. Sad…so incredibly sad.

  21. eviemae says:

    wow…, and this guy is how old? lol…. birds of a feather flock together…. lol….

  22. Sister says:

    thanks, my butt needed trimming.

  23. Juli Sweeney says:

    I though I had a nightmare last night and I wake up and find out it’s for real!! I don’t know what’s worse… the fact they’re naked or the watching Todd’s butt bouncing up and down when he’s running… GROSS!!

    Blink, you’re awesome!

  24. Carmen says:

    Were my eyes deceiving me or were they running hand in hand towards the water?

  25. Mom3.0 says:

    ????? That is Todd? Well, in my defense, I was very tired, and I did not recognize him, or his butt, not that I had ever seen his butt before …..

    You are such a card Blink, I guess you can add comedienne to your arsenal…Thanks for the laugh.


  26. Mom3.0 says:

    Extra Extra Read All About It
    Blink’s Headline Today :

    -Todd Macaluso, Well Known Attorney Becomes Butt of Jokes-

    Way to go, I was wondering when this was going to start.

    There is a reason for the slogan “Crack Kills”.

  27. awa says:

    remind me not to get on your bad side, BUTT this is hilarious

  28. lily says:

    Oh you guys are killin’ me! I’m not worthy *bowing down to your wit and humor*

  29. BB12-Chris says:

    Circus !

  30. dee says:

    dear Lord, where did this shizza come from, I hope Lady Lyon doesn’t have one of these you tubes floating out there…

    Sorry Blink

  31. dee says:

    missing in Sally’s list

    “4-Attorney Todd Macaluso, who left the case after the Florida Bar disciplined him for misappropriating funds in several trust accounts of clients he represented”

    Part 4-a: and runs naked hand in hand with his buddy into the water and becomes Shark Bate ….Worms on a hook!

  32. chica says:

    17 cindeefromwisconsin
    too hella funny
    hahah your comment what an ass to funny.

  33. chica says:

    glad they didnt both bend over
    we could of looked all the way into their name and adress!!

  34. chica says:

    glad they didnt both bend over
    had they bent over we could of looked deeply into their name and adress

  35. Mom3.0 says:


    Love it Blink! Crack Kills! Especially when you introduce sand into the Mixture!!

  36. Marine Mama says:

    Oh my God!!! Has Macaluso Manjito Manscaper contacted you yet?? I’m rolling! How soo not happy is he???

    I’ll let you know, we’re having dinner later. He’s sending his whirlybird, isn’t that nice?

  37. NoseyRosey says:

    what a disASSter!

  38. Marine Mama says:

    I knew it! I knew it!!!! He wants you up in his whirlybird! Please wear a parachute!

    (Had to think there for a minute about the whirlybird…sounded kinky to me at first)

  39. Granmomma says:

    Blink, is he trying to make you an official member of the mile high club? What a cast of characters in this saga!!!!

    Too late.

    Heh heh. Let’s see where that ends up :)

  40. cindeefromwisconsin says:

    2 idiots among the mASSES!

  41. bluewillow says:

    My, my!

  42. Ragdoll says:

    He’s soooo gonna be the butt of everyone’s jokes.

    Yuk yuk yuk.

  43. Ragdoll says:

    Wait…there’s more….

    What has been seen cannot be unseen!!!

  44. Ragdoll says:

    The Cheers gang: ‘NORM! What’s shaking????’

    Norm: ‘All 4 cheeks and a couple of chins’.

  45. just_a_mom says:

    Ya just can’t make this stuff up! Thanks for a little humor while we wait for the docs.

  46. Bees Knees says:

    AAAARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! Eye rape!

    LMAO. Post of the Day.

  47. Valhall says:

    WTF!!!! My eyes! my eyes!

    Holy toledo, Blink. LMAO that’s a stellar performance you dug up there.

    It needs a warning though – may cause ocular degeneration.

    What the heck is this from? Any details?

    Lol, Lol.

    All I can say is my friend Phil McKrackin sent it to Vert Smile who sent it to Whitey Buddox who sent it to Tube Ischium, sent it to me.


  48. NoseyRosey says:

    Nancy Grace “BUM-Shell” tonight, Todd Macaluso naked on You Tube.
    Out to Bees Knees, Bees what are the actual charges for eye rape?

    I love it- I may have to borrow it sometime.
    Thanks for the laughs everyone!!!!!!!!

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