Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Is Jose Baez Out or Just Vacay?

Posted by BOC Staff | Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,Jose Baez,Todd Macaluso | Monday 26 April 2010 2:48 pm

Orlando, FL– Following a Thursday afternoon request for a status meeting request by newly self-appointed-by-way-of recusal, Chief Judge Belvin Perry, Jose Baez filed a notice of unavailability to the 9th Circuit court.

In fact, he filed notices of unavailability in every case he has on the docket.  


Unconfirmed rumors are swirling in abundance today that the Florida Bar Association has finally decided to intervene.

In a conversation with a representative with the FBA this afternoon, was able to learn that if there is a newly filed complaint against Mr. Baez, they would not be able to confirm or deny that information publicly until such time as it reached a “probable cause for investigation status.”  

This comes on the heels of former Anthony defense attorney Todd Macaluso’s REMOVAL from the California Bar, effective today.

It is also noteworthy that recent follow up motions by the defense that were sent to a media outlet in error, prior to their filing, have in fact, not been filed with the court to date.

Did J. Cheney Mason due his diligence and discover discovery he was not aware of?

Did the long alleged dissention in the ranks result in Jose Baez leaving the practice of law?


Late this afternoon, was able to confirm Jose Baez WILL be in attendance this Friday for the management hearing, but will be unavailable for 11 days in June.

Apparently someone has given him the heads up that saying you don’t keep track of your billable hours and then billing clients when your not actually is available is a no no.

Check back to for the developing details.



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  1. dee says:

    der is a God!!!!!!!!!! lets get this case moving as it should, enough of the circus, lets get back to the law and justice!

  2. Kleat says:

    Wow, Blink.

    I guess this means that Todd Mac doesn’t have to file a withdrawl from the case as Judge Strickland had asked for in the indigent hearing as he had an update on all the defense players?? He can just ignore that now?? Geeze…

    Could Todd Mac’s payment of 70 grand to a client be part of this decision by the Cali Bar? (going to his use of funds to fund a client in such questionable circumstances is just bizzare from every perspective).

    My, my– what a difference 10 days makes!!!

    04/16/2010 Motion
    Defendant, Casey Marie Anthony’s Motion to Disqualify Trial Judge

    04/19/2010 Motion
    - Defendant, Casey Marie Anthony’s, Amended Motion to Disqualify Trial Judge (amended as to correct notary)

    04/19/2010 Order
    on Defendant’s Motion to Disqualify Trial Judge
    04/20/2010 Order of Recusal and Order of Reassignment
    04/23/2010 Notice of Unavailability from Jose Baez

    He does not, as he was practicing pro hac vice, not lead.

    I have said this continuously- Baez has bled this girl and this case and he could not give a rats azz if he never practices law again, he has his options lined up.

  3. Teri says:

    Couldn’t this just be a motion letting the court know he is going to be on vacation?

  4. cayleebacker says:

    Well at least maybe with Baez leaving we will see an end to this circus. I see a plea deal coming soon. then the fun begins with the rest of the Scamthony clan. Their will be charges against everyone in this vile family. Caylee, our precious little angel, justice is coming soon.

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  6. Yankee says:

    Great job Blink. Does anyone have a copy of the motion baez filed? It should list the reason correct? My money is on baez being caught passing the letters for kc from and to her family. Big no no. And I have one more question if you please. When the Judge Ordered the SAO, Mason, Lyons, Baden and Baez to court dosen’t that mean they have to be there? Or can he be arressted?

    I suspect we will see an announcement prior to Friday.

  7. Kleat says:

    Judge Strickland did ask a notice of withdrawl from the team though, during the indigent hearing but that’s moot now.

    Can Casey sue her lawyer?

    Casey can and absolutely will sue her lawyer, including Macaluso.

  8. ChicagoJudy says:

    What kind of options do you think Baez has, Blink? Certainly not anything having to do with public speaking I hope!!

  9. Gypsy DD says:

    I am so in agreement with you on this one Blink.

    Baez has all his cards in place outside this when the house of cards that makes up this case comes crashing down he is long gone with the loot..and some media appearances to boot.

    The defense has no use for him any longer, nor his client for that matter. They have made it evident they are preparing to plea her and he doesn’t need, nor his intention, to be along for that ride.

    I just hope he gets some very descriptive letters from the Bar about practicing in Florida…although that may not be needed. Here comes the next talking head..Jose.


  10. Word Girl says:

    Well then, step aside Baez, Esq.

    You can work at your trade or pick up a new one. Any one will do because no one will even know or
    care as long as this case is rid of you. (Don’t let Belvin swat you on the way out.)

    Bring on Caylee’s justice.

  11. Valhall says:

    Hey B!

    Question…WHERE does a complaint initially get filed against a lawyer? Is it directly to a designated officer of the state bar or is it the attorney general of the state or who exactly?

    I sure would like to know this. (And, yes, there is a particular reason I ask.)

    Let me offline you on that one so I direct you correctly, m’lady.

  12. Mom3.0 says:

    Thank You for the update Blink
    What does this mean to the case? If Casey refuses to plea will it all need to begin again from the beginning?

    No, they will have to sweep the dust under the bed for now and deal with it.

  13. Greg the Mongoose says:

    Look for a plea deal.

    There is no doubt in my mind Mason will seek a plea.

  14. Saramom says:

    In reference to Gypsy, above, “they are preparing to plea her”–is this going to happen, Blink?

    It was this case that first introduced me to your site–Won’t it be nice to be rid of the evilness that poor little Caylee was forced to live and die in. She was not honored in life, but the love of strangers honors her in death.

  15. ChicagoJudy says:

    Please tell me this is not simply another stall tactic by the defense team.

  16. Gypsy DD says:

    When Mason took over this case..the first day in the courtroom, Judge Strickland asked him what took him so long? Mason responded he couldn’t sit back and continue to watch “THIS”. I think the “THIS”, was Jose’s poor lawyering skills and the media circus. I always felt that remark was to put the current defense team, Jose in particular, on notice and in their place. After I heard that comment, in open court, I thought heads are gonna roll here real soon.

  17. Shelly says:

    Chug-a-lug chug-a-lug is my new saying with JudgeB saying JudgeB says: the train starts at such a time and BE THERE…(per Nejame sp?).

    As I posted in my last post grandpa said, “Stupid is as stupid does”. Grandpa also said, “The last laughs on you”. I hope Judge Stan is laughing his A_ _ off right now.

    I think it boils down to the trail of money as you always predicted Blink. :) I think the conductor of this train is going to put all the circus clowns…including Casey and her parents aside and say….this train’s name is the Caylee Express!

  18. Yankee says:

    If kc pleas for LWOP in FL does she have to tell what happened?


  19. Peggy says:

    Wouldn’t this be an interesting turn of events?

    Not sure what “options” you’re referring to b/c I certainly don’t think he’d make it as a legal pundit–we all know he’s an ineffective speaker and 3rd rate attorney (at best). What could he do? Maybe he’ll go back to teaching.

    He will not be able to discuss this case if he leaves, so no book deal or TV deal. A/C privilege still exists and I seriously doubt Casey would ever waive that privilege.

    Personally, I can’t see Baez ever leaving this case–at least not willingly.

    Re: Plea deal-

    What makes you think she’ll plea? She hasn’t waivered once re: that, and her jailhouse letters indicate she’s still thinking about WHEN(not if) she gets out–she’s clearly delusional (IMO). Unfortunately that decision is Casey’s and hers alone–an attorney can recommend she plea until he or she is blue in the face and Casey can still say no and the defense has to comply with her decision even if they disagree.

    I just can’t see her pleading this case as she would have to admit in open court she’s responsible for Caylee’s death.


  20. Nomore999 says:

    Wow Blink… You beat the news with this bomb. Glad to see Bozo will be off the case. Maybe a new judge was a good idea for the prosecutor but it looks like it bite bozo in the as*

    Easy.. No confirmation yet, just presenting the facts :)

  21. Twinkletoes says:

    IMO, a defense attorney contemplating a plea would be trying to get her to admit that she drugged Caylee so she could party and accidentally overdosed her, panicked, then disposed of the body. In that case, she will be seeking a sentence that gives her the possibility of getting out one fine day, ie., it was a reckless and selfish accident and the accident caused her to snap, but that she is rehabitable and remorseful. Aside from the changing of attorneys prolonging the case, only two things would really prevent the plea approach–Casey Anthony refusing to admit even this much because of her crazy-crazy-head thinking she can fool a jury into believing her own theory of kidnapping, etc. OR lack of an offer from prosecution based on some really damaging evidence that shows she intended to kill Caylee and there is no way it could have been an accident. Of course, this case will go on and on and on as long as all the parties involved can feed their gluttonous egos by being in the spotlight. I guess that is why I cringe every time I see news about this case. It is like watching cockroaches eat other cockroaches.

  22. Greg the Mongoose says:

    Casey had affair with Baez? Casey is pregnant with Jose Baez baby?

  23. Bees Knees says:

    I’m jumping up and down on my chair (I have one of those huge ball chairs) Wishin’ and hopin’ and prayin’ he’s gone!!!!!

    Blink, do you think the State will deal? I think they will simply because of the financial burden of the case.

  24. NosyParker says:

    Can Casey sue her lawyer?

    Casey can and absolutely will sue her lawyer, including Macaluso.

    On what grounds would she sue Macaluso? He supposedly “donated” $70,000 towards her defense. Unless he’s been invoved in all of the financial scamming that’s been going on in this case? I recall reading about possible money laundering through non-profits,etc. Did I read it here (through you and your team’s investigations)? So much I can’t remember in detail.

    If Baez has to leave the profession in disgrace for financial improprieties and just plain old incompetence, would anyone still want him as a talking head (legal expert) on either a Hispanic or English based network? Or has he become such a celebrity within the Hispanic community that it wouldn’t matter?

    1. YOU CANNOT fund your own defense unless there is contingency deal on the backend for repayment, it is against the rules of the bar. You bet your bippy there is no sign off from her on transfers of those funds..

    2. I believe he is FOS on the no deals issues, etc, and has had conflicts out the wazoo.

    The list is too long.

  25. Norrie says:

    I’m certain if Casey pleads guilty her story will be that it was an accident. She can make up whatever she wants as longs as it sounds plausible. My belief is she will NEVER tell the truth about what she did to Caylee. This tragedy has demenstrated the true colors of so many!

  26. NancyS says:

    lol no confirmation yet! hehe you woudnt have wasted your time if nothin to type about… just sayin…. hehehe (doing a jig and hip hop dance) woo hoot hoot!

  27. Bees Knees says:

    IF he really IS gone, my only disappointment will be in not watching him squirm at Judge Berry’s bench. But that’s a small sacrifice if we don’t have to see uuuuuuummmmmm, uh uh . . . anymore of ummm ahhh him.

    Peggy, after a certain length of time would he be able to discuss the case if he leaves now? I can’t tell you how happy I am to know that as I didn’t realize that was the case. Very good. Like you, I can’t imagine what lies ahead for Jose Baez. He might find success as a used car salesman.

  28. MJ says:

    Let me introduce my leetle friend, Karmanita!

    Even if Baez has options lined up , his credibility is shot. His clout has gone poof. I could see him on Telemundo as a talent show judge but even that’s a stretch. His impromptu talking skills are seriously lacking so my guess is we will see the b o o k. His ‘inside’ version of the Casey A. story. Time will tell but I think he burned a swath of bridges.

  29. Nauseated says:

    @Yankee says: April 26, 2010 at 4:04 pm
    If kc pleas for LWOP in FL does she have to tell what happened?

    Blink – What if her story is so bizarre – no inkling of truth to it?

    Does the court have to accept her ‘story’?

    The judge ultimately decides to accept a plea or not.

  30. Midwest mom says:

    Hi Blink! It’s been awhile.

    Clarification please, you said “that if there was a complaint” correct? So there might NOT be a complaint, he might have something important that he can’t get out of on that day.

    He filed in every case.

  31. Bees Knees says:

    Nauseated, IF they plea, Casey’s details of what happened have to match with the evidence so far collected so she can’t just make something up.

  32. MJ says:

    My greatest joy (at this moment) would be that there is a big fat complaint and that the honorable JS filed it.

  33. Gina says:

    In fact, he filed notices of unavailability in every case he has on the docket.

    Are there many other known other instances of lawyers filing notices to be unavailable for all cases? Is this a common practice or does it usually mean someone’s in big trouble. If complaints to FBA are not at the investigative point yet, Baez is still able to practice law..right?

  34. Twinkletoes says:

    I wonder if you’d consider doing an overall update on the other cases we’ve seen in the last year or so, in particular the Chris Coleman case. I am grumpy today (low carb diet, grrr) and it is annoying me that there is so much press coverage about the Casey Anthony trial, which I am sure she loves, but not much on the Chris Coleman trial, who killed not just one of his precious children but two plus their sweet momma. I am thinking we are granting her greater damnation based on her gender. I do wonder if this case would be half as attention grabbing if she did everything she did, but was a man instead of a woman. Like I said, I may just be grumpy, but it bothers me. I know everyone here is here with good intentions. I just don’t want us to forget the Coleman victims and the heinousness of their killer.

    Twinkle, you are right. However, it is not remotely about gender for me. I will monitor those developments more closely, and wish for more hours in a day :)

  35. Gina says:

    A plea deal to an accident? It was no accident & she could get out in like 10 to 30 years. I can’t see the SAO agreeing to that.

  36. Gina says:

    Maybe he’s stone cold broke..he blew through that 250,000 mighty fast before the indigent decision. And Caylee photos are probably not being sold to media since ABC was exposed as supporting the defense of a baby killer.

  37. lisah says:

    new judge
    new defense attorney

    ca & ga awfully quiet

    could it be that the wheels of justice just hit a straitaway and put the pedal to the metal?

  38. Peggy says:

    I believe A/C privilege exists even after the death of the defendant.

    I do not believe he’ll ever be able to discuss the particulars about this case (unless she waives her rights)–he could (if anyone would actually want to listen to him)discuss legal issues pertaining to this case in a very general sense, such as-what it’s like to be an attorney on a high-profile case, he could also discuss the impact of the sunshine laws in Florida. But there will be no scoops from Baez about Casey, nothing that would violate A/C privilege.


  39. Bees Knees says:

    Oh, lisah!! The very thought of it is just delicious!!! Dare we hope?

  40. Steadychick says:

    If Baez were disbarred, or left the practice of law voluntarily, would he still be bound to not talk about the case or profiting from it? Just thinking ahead as to what may be going through Josebegood’s head right now.

  41. LindaNewYork says:

    That is some news……..

    Now, if Casey does plea and has to tell what happened, being the liar she is, how could anyone believe what she says regarding what/when/where/how? (We alrady know the who). Could her new attorney really talk her into a plea? I truly think she will not cop a plea. Ireally think she is stupid enough to not take that advice.

    Looking forward to see how this plays out with Baez.

  42. Kleat says:

    Allocution for a plea deal– question, everything can be known about this case now IF all discovery is released as demanded by the defense, and as well be done according to the schedule. Won’t it be only AFTER all information is out, the state lays out ever card, every detail, that a defense/client would be in a position to figure out what their client should say in a plea, if leaving room for accident or otherwise minimize intent?

    Normally, the investigators might withhold details that only the perp would know, and in this case, there could be details that point away from ‘accident’ and towards ‘intent’ and planning, and malice. Would the state withhold such details so that if there is a plea, the prosecution can be sure the defense doesn’t fit the allocution by the client, to minimize intent, planning, and even be able to fit an accident into the scenario?

  43. Gypsy DD says:

    I say the defense team doesn’t need Baez anylonger…they are well padded with Mason, Lyons and Baden. Baez is taking a powder because the moo-la is gone, he isn’t a death penalty lawyer..and why waste the time when bigger, better things are on the horizon.

    As far as credentials you really think that Grace, Rivera, or any of the talking heads are any better then him?
    Do you listen to them every night?
    I used to..haven’t in ages.

    They have the facts wrong so much of the time you want to scream at them do some research. Seems like the perfect company for Baez. Doesn’t matter what you say for goodness sake (as long as we don’t get sued).

    Facts or not..they have what counts…ratings count. And he will draw ratings because of this case..if for nothing else then for people to rant about. In TV land all that matters is the ratings..truth be damned.

  44. Peggy says:

    I could see where they state might accept a plea–it would certainly save the state hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions when you consider appeals (which are automatic if she’s convicted then sentenced w/the DP).


  45. Kleat says:

    Gina, Hornsby speculated only, on blogtalk radio a couple weeks ago, that a plea deal could be for less years than that. Still time to make another baby.

  46. Ali in PA says:

    Hi Blink,
    Been reading your site off/on for a couple years.
    Just a quick question. Do you kind of feel like a dum-dum stretching a standard notice – to Baez being off the case? I personally want to see the “alledged” murderess get what’s coming to her but, I get so excited reading your conclusions – only to be let down by the truth.
    I wish you only the best with your investigations but SO wish what I read here was in fact, the truth.
    Good luck to you. Still a fan :-)

    No, I do not, your assuming it is what he says it is. We shall see.

    Have I let you down yet?

  47. jean says:

    blink-again your genius abounds and we thank you for your repeated efforts. I am absoutely giddy with the anticipation of this new development-Karma is finally coming and I think that we haven’t heard the end of the lies and deceit.Keep up the info.tia

  48. cayleebacker says:

    Blink, do you think maybe the $70,000.00 that Macaluso donated to the alleged child killers defense was some of the money that he misappropriated from his clients that got his butt into trouble with the Cali bar? Isn’t it ironic that stolen money was used to help a thief and murderer?

  49. Li'l Al says:

    I’m just so happy, I have to sit on my hands to keep from clapping. Yahoo

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