Kyron Hormon Missing and Endangered: Blink Interview And Open Plea to Terri Horman

Posted by BOC Staff | Kaine Horman,Kyron Horman,Missing and Endangered,Missing Child,Stephen Houze,Terri Horman | Saturday 10 July 2010 12:45 pm

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Portland, OR-appearing on Scared Monkeys Radio with host Dana Pretzer, we discussed the case of missing 7 year old Kyron Horman.

Open Letter of Support and Plea to Terri Horman

Ms. Horman-

We have not met, but I almost feel I know you from the abundance of kind and loving photos of your family I have seen in our efforts to help locate your step-son Kyron. I am personally not a fan of the word “step” in relation to blended families, especially given how long this wonderful child has been cared for by you in a maternal role. 

I know you have been active in reviewing the coverage of Kyron’s case, and I can’t help but feel that it must be horrible and terrifying to not be able to defend yourself against some of the things being said. I am hopeful you feel that you have been treated fairly in our work here.


If I may call you Terri– In several hundred articles covering as many cases, I have never reached out personally and publicly to anyone before.

It is because I believe in my instincts as a Mother to two children that I do not believe that you would intentionally harm any child, let alone one you consider to be one of your own.


I do not believe you could look into those gigantic blue peepers of your beautiful and precious Kitty and tell her that her beloved big brother is gone, and watch her pull up her potty to the window to stand on; waiting for Kyron to come home.

It does not matter what I believe, but it very much matters to Kiara.

Whatever happended or did not happen, your baby girl needs this to end, and begin to heal. You studied many years in early childhood education, I know you already know this.

The fear she feels from the fact that someone took her brother with no resolution, and being seperated from you and her home at her age is something that you can make better for her, even from afar right now.

Just because you are not under the same roof at the moment does not make it impossible for you to Mother her. I implore you to do what you have always done for her– put her first.


Yesterday, I posted a picture of Kyron which I believe you took, I wanted to share with you a readers reaction, and my response below.

Ky Rabbit

Blink Poster NoseyRosey:

The picture above makes my heart hurt ;( God bless little Kyron and may he be home soon.

Nosey– I chose it because for me, it reminds me of my little guy. I do not allow him to read here unsupervised so I will sneak this in to all the Mom’s out there. Since he was born, his sister gave him her lamb when we brought him home from the hospital and she demanded he go in HER babies crib in HER room, as he was HER new baby.

We did (it was a “play” wooden English pran, a gift from her Nana) for a few minutes, snapped the required photos and videos; as we did, she went over to her shelf and picked up LLLAAAARRRRYYY ( say with a sheep accent).

As she plunked it down on his little swaddled man-self she said:

“This is your aye aye, cause lambs are for boys. Mommy, You can take him out now, I guess boys don’t even talk or open their eyes or anything funny..”

That lamb traveled everywhere with my weeman, slept with him every single night, sat by his side on every time out and was the cause of many a -turnaround and go back- trips. Every member of our extended family would yell “Do you have Larry??” as we were headed out the door..


These days, it is worn, missing it’s ribbon, needs a darning, and mostly sits on the pillows of his bed. I know I shouldn’t but I wash it 2x a week with his sheets just so it smells like my fabric softener.

Sometimes I sneak it in bed with him under his arm and watch him squeeze it, just for me, to be admonished in the morning when we make his bed that I need to stop doing that- he is not a baby.

2 years ago, I scoured ebay to find an exact duplicate so one day (20 years plus from now- please) when he has a baby on his own, I can give him a Larry for his own child to provide the same comfort and companionship.

This is why I work on these cases that I absolutely hate. It haunts me to my core that I fear this child did not have a Larry in his darkest hour.

I guess it is my way of slipping it under Kyron’s arm while he is sleeping, like I have no doubt Terri has done for him, on many occasions.

I pray she takes the opportunity to do it now.

(editors note: you guessed it, we placed Larry in the pic of Kiara and Kyron so everyone can see how nicely they all get along.)

(editors Note 2: The comments to this article will be expressly limited to support the tone and content contained herein. There are several threads already in progress for alternative sentiment, thanks in advance.

Images created by Klaasend

Special thanks to LLLLAAAARRRRYYY for not being camera shy.




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  1. Cherylynne says:

    Terri Horman:
    tell all you know- the truth will set you free

    I edited, meant what I said, supportive or I am not posting.

  2. NancyS says:

    Dear Teri,
    There is ALWAYS two sides to every story and with me being a single parent of two sons for over 15 years and now a step parent myself, I do understand the pressures of a “blended” family. It is more tough that to do it alone sometimes. I also know how it feels to feel like you are totally alone and that no one would understand how you feel and or why you do the things that you do. IT doesn’t matter, ALL that matters is YOUR personal children and YOUR own family. Do not let others dictate your feelings or actions. Teri I can tell that you are hurting and must be awfully scared, but please tell us your side Teri, we will understand and if not at least know that you love your children.
    Please tell us what you are going through.

    Warm thoughts,

  3. Mom3.0 says:

    I hope Kiara’s and Kyron’s Mother, Terri, reads your plea, Blink and takes your advice.

    I know that she loves all of her children and wants to fix their hurts. What mom wouldn’t want the pain to go away?

    Please tell anything and everything you know. Your children know that you are not perfect and they love you still. A child always forgives their mother for any and all transgressions. I am sure no matter what led up to Kyron’s disappearance he forgives you, and just wants to come home to be with his family.

    Even if only in spirit, Kyron deserves to be home with his baby sister. Kiara deserves to have an answer to why Kyron never came home from school that day. She deserves to know. Don’t let her grow-up wondering about the truth of what happened to her brother. Let her hear the truth from you, her mommy.

    Please, Terri, listen to Blink, let the healing begin.

  4. Saramom says:

    Dear, Dear Terri,

    Please let yourself, if only for one tiny millisecond, feel the love here. It is real. I promise.

    All your beautiful children need you, are counting on you to light the way for them. Let us help you. Let Ms. Blink help you.

  5. mahotchki says:


    I don’t know you and certainly cannot know what you are feeling at this time without your children and with the world judging, presuming, speculating, wondering… I cannot possibly know the pain and sorrow that is your life at this moment.
    The pictures that you have shared paint the portrait of a loving mom.

    From one mom to another, if you know or suspect something or someone please find the courage to share it with someone.

  6. Lisa says:


    I can honestly say that brought tears to my eyes. Beautifully stated. Please Terri, don’t let Kiara grow-up not knowing what happened to her big brother.

  7. SGS says:

    Thank you, thank you, Blink!

    Terri needs support from her “Sister-Mothers”.

    It will be okay.

  8. Kathy says:

    Please Terri,

    For James,Kyron and Kiara’s peace of mind, tell everything you know. I know it is so easy to get caught up in a bad situation and not know which way to turn. Begin by telling what you do know and help ease the fear that James and Kiara must be living through. I can’t imagine not being able to have my children around me but even worse is being the child that can not have their parents or siblings around them. I can’t imagine what poor Kiara is thinking, first losing Kyron and now her Mommy. Please help ease her pain.

  9. PMShadow says:

    Oh Blink, you had me at LLLLAAAARRRRYYY…… You never cease to amaze me. God bless you and all of the helpless victims that are blessed to have you (and your team) on their side…..

  10. JEFF D says:

    We all want only the very best possible resolution to these troubled times. Forgiveness is assured by the selfless sacrifice on the Cross. You and your entire family are in our prayers. Kyron has stolen our hearts and we ache with all of you.

    God Bless…from Kentucky

  11. heat says:

    Since the first day of this missing child case, so much anguish and turmoil has surrounded the entire family…the immediate family specifically, but also the extended families. Each and every member of the Horman, Young and Moulton families are affected. This experience is life changing and I hope for all the family members that the case is resolved soon. My heart especially goes out to Kyron, his four parents and his three siblings. I am sure those two big brothers and especially that baby sister are needing a return to normalcy. Until there is some closure, none of these children – Kiara, Kyron, James or Quinn – will be receiving all they need from their parents. This investigation is just too consuming and disruptive to their lives. I hope Kyron can come home soon and this family can have some closure to this horrible chapter. Until that happens, each of the family members will be missing something they need or be unable to give of themselves what their loved ones need from them. I truly hope for all involved that anyone that can help solve this mystery will soon give that tip or find that clue that will result in finding Kyron and allowing this family to move forward. This family, each one of them, need to find the truth to find peace.

  12. PMShadow says:


    Please dig deep within yourself and find the courage to help Kiara, Kyron and James. They love you unconditionally and always will…..

  13. JEN says:


    Terri, as someone stated above, being part of a blended family is a challenge that takes incredible personal strength. You possess that strength. It is clear from the pictures and posts of your children.

    Someone much wiser than I once told me that secrets keep us sick, but that healing begins when those secrets are made to come out into the light. You possess the strength to share them, Terri. Many of us believe in you. Please believe in yourself. You deserve to begin to heal, Terri. You do.

  14. vidda says:

    B, you made me feel proud of being a mother and woman, reminding how protective and nurturing our nature could be

    Thank you for writing this letter and your big heart reaching out to this lost soul, Terri
    Very touchy,
    It is important to note as Mom’s we are also fallable and imperfect. Blinkette reminds me occasionally how a few years ago, in a stressful traffic commute I yelled her name loudly into the back seat.

    She looked into the rearview and said, What are you yelling at me for? I yelled back.. I DONT KNOW!
    We laugh to this day about that. It was an opportunity to say Mom is stressed out and I took it out on you and I apologize. Imo, kids should never think there parents are perfect, it is a rude awakening otherwise when they become parents themselves, lol.

  15. Cherylynne says:

    HI Blink – Im not sure what your message meant? can you explain

    I was just asking Terri to tell all she knows & the truth will set her free

    Your fine, I had to edit your tone a bit, as I am going to be uber sensitive on this thread. No worries.

  16. lotus says:

    Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by an abnormal lack of empathy combined with strongly amoral conduct, masked by an ability to appear outwardly normal.

    Terri, you have a disorder. It will be understood and forgiven by these supporters here at least. Please come clean.

  17. Eloise says:

    You don’t need to feel so alone and afraid anymore. Blink shared a very personal part of her life with you, with everyone, in order to help you take the steps in sharing your story. No one is wanting more to hear from you than your children, James, Kiara and Kyron. It is not too late. Tomorrow will be a better day, and the next and the next, once you share any information you can, so everyone can begin healing.
    If the mountain is too steep, talk with your parents, your friends, your team, they can help you share your side. God bless you and your family.

  18. Gerta says:

    Forgiveness is an amazing thing and one action I’m not sure I’ll ever fully understand how it works. But from personal experience I can tell you how it sets people free.

    My father made some horrible decisions that had horrific consequences. It was a lifetime ago and a burden I assumed I would have to learn to carry. That was until my father began to make amends and come clean with those he had hurt in the past…his children.

    I can’t describe in words how it felt when he approached us all, openly and honestly…laying himself bare for all to see and hear. It was as if, in an instant the heavy cross that I thought I could carry was removed from my shoulders. It did more for my well being than all the counseling, medication, and strong support ever could. In a very short period of time it set me on a different path, one that was healthier and more rewarding. The steps that my father took to make it right, set us all free, including him.

    Terri, I don’t condemn you, that’s not my place. As a mother I hurt for you. I believe in redemption, I’ve seen it in action, I know that it has restorative power and I’m praying for you and your beautiful family.

    O your dear words touched me. My Mom hates when I tell this story.

    When I was 7 I had long platinum curly hair, lanky and tomboyish-

    Because my Mother went through Hell chasing me around after bath every night to brush through my nest, she decided to have it cut.

    At the time, the look was closely shorn Mia Farrow. My Father came home from work and nearly fell over when he looked in the front room, he said, who’s the little boy playing with the girls?

    I sobbed the rest of the day. My own daddy did not recognize me. I was sure to perish of despair.

    I heard my parents arguing about it later, and my Mom said, you like Mia Farrow, and my Dad said, she does not look like Mia Farrow she looks more like Frank Sinatra with that do-

    The next day, my Mom and Dad dropped my sisters off at the grands and took me to buy a Frank Sinatra record and barretts and headbands. They did not fool me on the record, I knew it was for my Dad cause my Mom was trying to soothe him over.

    For years when we all get together, in those crazy fun Holiday loudfests of ours, I would always yell at my Mom lovingly, “You made me look like the lady from Rosemary’s Baby..” and she would answer, NO, I said you WERE Rosemary’s baby..”

    Not very long ago, we did the same exchange and my Mom crossed the room, took my hand and said, my sweet No.1, I am very sorry that I did that to you. I know in my heart you were hurt by that and I am truly sorry I hurt your feelings, it was not my intention.

    At 39 years old, I beamed for a week because of what my Mom said to me over something so superficial and ridiculous. I reminded my sisters I am the favorite.

    Forgiveness from someone you love, whether by spirit word or deed are gifts we owe them.


  19. chica says:

    awwwwwwwwww blink
    so good to hear your voice, a first for me. Your such a good empathetic advocate for missing people. I hope your plea to terry bears fruit. I love the picture of terrys daughter with kyron. the little girl is so precious and of course lets not exclude kyron. I pray he comes home safely and if not! at least some form of recovery and explanation with it to give closure to this sad but tragic story. thanks blink for all you do.

  20. shelly says:

    Dear Terri

    Think of little Kiara…your beautfiul little daughter, your “mini-me”, your pride and joy … and how this situation is going to impact the rest of HER life. Her brothers, James and Kyron will not be a part of her life each and every day (as I am sure your little girl looked up to her two big brothers). Little Kiara has to be confused with everything going on…not being in her own home, away from her brothers and her mother and the family cat, away from her bedroom, her toys; her comfort zone. I am sure at her age she can’t voice out what she wants to say, but I am sure she’s probably shown signs that she’s not comfortable or happy with the changes. At her age, she’s way too young to understand what’s going on and what people are saying. Eventually, she will grow up and hear things, whether they are fact or fiction. Terri, please insure little Kiara that you have done everything you could to help find her big brother. If there’s something/anything more you know…please come forward and bring Kyron home!

  21. chica says:

    bingo I hear ya

  22. twinkletoes says:

    blink, I wrote an open note to terri in the other link. if you get a moment, would you dupe it here please? thank you for providing this suffering woman with a refuge. namaste, dear blinky.

  23. Gypsy DD says:

    Blink I think it is time we bow our hearts and head in prayer to ST Anthony to bring Kyron home and heal Terri’s wounded spirit.

    “Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony

    Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints

    O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers.

    Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me Terri Horman’s peace of spirit through truthfulness and Kyron Horman be found and returned to the loving arms of his family.

    O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen.”

    We are praying for you and Kyron, Terri..please help us in this endeavor to find him.

    Gypsy is kind enough to remind me this has helped in locating someone very dear to me and my family.
    Thank you Gypsy.

    I recommend it, whatever your denomination, I am not Catholic, I just start by saying, whoever you are please hear me if you have time.

  24. lily says:

    Well thanks. You made me cry. Please Terri, find this message above the noise of all of those people picking apart the beautiful family you’ve documented and nurtured for all of these years. We mothers all know that there is no pain we would not endure to spare one of our kids the tiniest hurts. I know that you’re in a place where it seems there is no where to turn. But if you go back to your heart you’ll always find your little ones in there. I hope you get to experience the peace that comes with going back to your heart.

    Well you got me back-thanks. Took me hours to get the piece out without getting up and taking a break.

    All I know is that regardless of the outcome, Terri has the ability to have peace with it if she chooses.

  25. lyla says:

    I know you are “listening” to the “still small voice” within your soul.I will hold you in my heart along with many others as you come forward on behalf of your children and all those who love and support you, to help bring Kyron home.

  26. equuslady says:

    Oh my. Tears to my eyes ~ my babies are grown up adults, but in reading this I just remembered another important “member” to our combined family.

    Tiger. Who happened to be a lion, but that didnt matter much to our youngest toddler girl who named him. Tiger, who even went to college, abet missing some fur and a few stitches here and there…Tiger was/is a favorite memory to all of us, even though my babies are ready to have babies. And wonderful family memories are like precious jewels; passed from one generation to the next…

    Sometimes when things just get so tough, so crazy, so wrong though, we all need someone to stop and say, “it will be okay” to us. To let us breathe, re-group, heal, and press on. To be strong enough to tackle the hardest job in our lives at that moment.

    Terri, It will be okay.

    ((((hugs to Terri))))

  27. Moomin says:

    Dear Terri,

    Your photos reflect someone who’s taken time & effort to be a good mom, to give the kids happy family memories & take an interest in their daily activities. For the sake of them now, & for you too as this must be such a difficult situation, please tell someone all you can. Perhaps you’ve wanted to from the start but then felt you had to harden your heart out of fear & all the sudden confusion, but no situation is beyond God’s help, that’s why he sent his Son for us all,

    knowing you can find the courage & resolve w/God’s help & wishing you well as you do so & start to bring peace in the midst of the storm.

  28. sunshine says:


    your article made me cry. i am the oldest of three, and when my brother came home from the hospital, i had just turned 3 years old, and i had a monkey stuffed animal named “mookie” which i put in his crib with him and told my parents i wanted it to be his. he still has mookie to this day, he is 22 and I just turned 25. It is still in his room and sits on his bookshelf. thank you for sharing this piece.

    i will be praying the st. anthony prayer that kyron comes home safely

    Here- you can introduce Mookie to Larry:

  29. vidda says:

    Thx for the response, B !

    I like your sharp/ellegant reactions and great reasoning when I listen/read your opinion. After 2 years of addiction to BOC I can tell what is dragging me back here all the time – your passion about the casses and your style to express it( of course, after your position and sympathy to the victums first). You are a class act and you deserve all the admiration from us. Please ,dont change !

    We deal with so much emotions in every case.I will put it this way , it s more likely for me to meet your LLLAAARYYY before I became objective when there is a kid victum! That’s why I appreciate even more your open letter to Terri today ( before was the example with the wedding in Aruba…defines what type of human you are big time )
    enjoy the weekend

  30. Nanc Drewtoo says:

    This quote by Mark Twain is for you: “Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” It is never too late for a new beginning. We are all imperfect creatures, but where there is life there is hope. Let today be the beginning of a new life for you. There is nothing that you can have done that God will not forgive if you are truly sorry. Please tell all that you know about Kyron and what has happened to him. Please help to find Kyron. Saint Anthony, please guide those who are searching for Kyron straight to that dear child.

    O that is my new fave Twain quote, how visually fragrant- ty.

  31. tracygirl says:

    Beautiful posting Blink, just a wonderful story and plea.

  32. minima says:

    Children are so wonderful and forgiving. And one of the greatest gifts that, we, as mothers can give them is the truth. From my experience children that grow up knowing the truth, even if it’s a difficult truth, fair so much better, and can forgive, so easily and so sincerely.

  33. Maggie_M says:

    This morning I hung Buddhist prayer flags in my garden, as I hung them I thought of Kyron, you and your sweet family, then sent a prayer out with the the wind that you will find the strength to tell the truth, whatever that truth may be. I don’t live far from you Terri and the wind is blowing in your direction, I hope that my prayer finds its way to your heart…

  34. Titch says:

    @Gypsy – Thanks you & here goes (kisses)
    Prayer in numbers…

    Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony

    “Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints

    O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers.

    Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me Terri Horman’s peace of spirit through truthfulness and Kyron Horman be found and returned to the loving arms of his family.

    O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen.”

    @Blink – I’m so proud of you & don’t even know you! I truly feel blessed for encountering you on WS & SM, now your own blog. Thank you for all that you contribute. You truly make a difference in this world.

    @Terri – If you happen to read here, please reach out to somebody, please. Dig deep within yourself, find your strength, reach out. There are people that will be there no matter what, people that will help, people that you can lean on. Kiara needs you, James needs you, Kyron needs you – your parents need you. Please please please reach out and grab these hands attempting to pull you up. We’re all routing for you to do the right thing…no matter what that may be. Praying for you…

  35. Titch says:

    @Klaas, Thanks to you, also, for all that you do…

  36. Kaylee says:

    Blink, no one can state as eloquently as you the need for Terri to do her best for her family. But I do want to add to my letter from yesterday.

    You have too much time, energy and love invested in your beautiful family to let allow it to all fall away like this. I know you’re still in there behind that stare. Fight to be present in your body so that you can help figure this thing out. Your attorney should be able to provide a counselor to help you sort out what you may have witnessed or what happened to you. Maybe you have been living in a private hell for some time. Please reach out and accept the help that so many are offering. Many people are depending on your cooperation, but you have to do this for your own peace of mind, so that you can begin healing.

  37. bingobingo says:

    That was absolutley beautifully written!!!!!!!!!

  38. Oregon Craig says:


    You moved me with your words. It made me recall the words from a poem from the German Bertolt Brecht:

    “For her sin was black but her pain was great.
    Therefore, I beg you, hold back your wrath and scorn
    For man needs help from every creature born.”

    Here is a link to the translation:

    There is more than enough sadness to go around

  39. Word Girl says:

    There is a Proverb…

    “Don’t withhold good from those in need when it is in your power to act.”

    I am reminded of Flannery O’Connor stories where the protagonist moves through trauma, spiritual crises, violent experiences/acts, into a grace-filled time which leads to an epiphany and then toward wholeness and redemption.

    O’Connor’s world is Catholic and traditionally Christian. Mine is one of Larry meets Lambie meets Garlic Bear (children of a chef, what can I say?) meets Oily and Olive.
    Grace abounds. Wholeness is word of the day.


  40. Jane says:

    Ms. Terri
    Here’s a great quote “There is no saint without a past – no sinner without a future.” Although I don’t know it’s origin I think it speaks volumes. I’m saying a prayer for you as I type. May the good Lord guide you and watch over you and your family.

  41. Muse says:

    You’re a first-class act all the way, dear kindred spirit Blink. Light always prevails. Thank you for being the torch-bearer.

  42. PackLeader5 says:


    Motherhood is the closest thing on earth to unconditional love that will ever exist. We love our little darlin’s even when they’re the worst of little stinkers, and they look up to us with those eyes and know that Mommy can make everything better. Always. Everytime. We, the sisterhood of mothers, we don’t work real miracles, do we? No, we just do the best we can, and miracles seem to follow us—like a powerful gift, of sorts. Miraculous Mothers are we.

    Your little Kiara wants her Mommy to kiss it and make it better. Work a miracle today, Terri. As I said, it just takes a little “Mommy Love” to make a miracle.

    You can do this, Terri. Ultimately, you will do it, because you don’t want to see Kiara hurting.

  43. peg says:

    Terri – I know how angry one can get at a child. Many years ago I found myself holding my 5 year old by her long hair with a wire coat hanger drawn back, ready to strike.. I dropped it and her. Some idiot dr had given me some meds because I was “moody”.. Not an excuse,
    is what happened. If I had not came to myself,I could have easily killed my child. Yes,I stopped the meds,told the dr..He said,’Yeah,that happens sometimes” !!!

  44. kharis says:

    Isaiah 61:1 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, Because the LORD has anointed me To bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to captives And freedom to prisoners; (NASB ©1995)

    you do not need to be sitting in darkness, brokenhearted, a captive or prisoner to this anymore…bring the truth forward…

  45. cc says:

    After reading one of Terri comments (#44)in her Terriology I was very touched by her answer and pray for her to be guided by the sprirt of selflessness.

    44) If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
    Yes so I could make sure everyone else had what they needed from me.

    I also pray for her parents her children and her friends to have strength and unconditional love
    Kaine ..she was at one time your best friend and love and she will always your childs Mother so I also pray you find the strength to be selfless also and lead James and Kitty to unconditional love and peace

  46. Dee says:


    I see much of myself when I read about your life. My birthday is only four days after yours, a fellow Piscean (the best sign of the zodiac imo), I also volunteered in my son’s class and before that I was a teacher. I work out to stay healthy and look good and, like you, I’m good with children. I don’t think you could be good with children if you didn’t love them because children know who loves them and who doesn’t. For this reason, I don’t believe that you could find it in your heart to hurt a child. Have I been mad at you? Absolutely, especially when I think that you might know something, anything, that would help bring Kyron home and are not sharing it out of fear of what might happen to you if you did. Well, Terri, I think you’re better and more courageous than that. I think, if you really dive deep into your heart, you will find that your love of your children trumps your fear. I hope you will allow this noble sentiment to move you to do what is right in this situation and alleviate a great deal of suffering for so many people, yourself included. You are in my prayers.

  47. gretchen says:

    This changed my life:

    The Serenity Prayer

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.

    There are some things here that Terri can still change.

  48. kevinjoneil says:


    Please check the thread your posting on.

    This thread is very specific. I hate to delete posts that are fine on another threads, but I will not be able to move them.

    ps. not to lily, that was my bad.


  49. Sister says:

    Terri, of all the people I have met through the internet, the one I trust completely is Blink. I know you love Kyron, there is no doubt in my spirit. You need someone who shares your love of Kyron and will help you through this seemingly impossible journey. Turn your eyes upon Jesus and turn yourself to Blink. You, dear child of God, are in my prayers — it’s what I do.

    And I you sister.

    These are words I do not use lightly, this lady is about as pure of spirit as it gets.

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