Kyron Hormon Missing and Endangered: Blink Interview And Open Plea to Terri Horman

Posted by BOC Staff | Kaine Horman,Kyron Horman,Missing and Endangered,Missing Child,Stephen Houze,Terri Horman | Saturday 10 July 2010 12:45 pm

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Portland, OR-appearing on Scared Monkeys Radio with host Dana Pretzer, we discussed the case of missing 7 year old Kyron Horman.

Open Letter of Support and Plea to Terri Horman

Ms. Horman-

We have not met, but I almost feel I know you from the abundance of kind and loving photos of your family I have seen in our efforts to help locate your step-son Kyron. I am personally not a fan of the word “step” in relation to blended families, especially given how long this wonderful child has been cared for by you in a maternal role. 

I know you have been active in reviewing the coverage of Kyron’s case, and I can’t help but feel that it must be horrible and terrifying to not be able to defend yourself against some of the things being said. I am hopeful you feel that you have been treated fairly in our work here.


If I may call you Terri– In several hundred articles covering as many cases, I have never reached out personally and publicly to anyone before.

It is because I believe in my instincts as a Mother to two children that I do not believe that you would intentionally harm any child, let alone one you consider to be one of your own.


I do not believe you could look into those gigantic blue peepers of your beautiful and precious Kitty and tell her that her beloved big brother is gone, and watch her pull up her potty to the window to stand on; waiting for Kyron to come home.

It does not matter what I believe, but it very much matters to Kiara.

Whatever happended or did not happen, your baby girl needs this to end, and begin to heal. You studied many years in early childhood education, I know you already know this.

The fear she feels from the fact that someone took her brother with no resolution, and being seperated from you and her home at her age is something that you can make better for her, even from afar right now.

Just because you are not under the same roof at the moment does not make it impossible for you to Mother her. I implore you to do what you have always done for her– put her first.


Yesterday, I posted a picture of Kyron which I believe you took, I wanted to share with you a readers reaction, and my response below.

Ky Rabbit

Blink Poster NoseyRosey:

The picture above makes my heart hurt ;( God bless little Kyron and may he be home soon.

Nosey– I chose it because for me, it reminds me of my little guy. I do not allow him to read here unsupervised so I will sneak this in to all the Mom’s out there. Since he was born, his sister gave him her lamb when we brought him home from the hospital and she demanded he go in HER babies crib in HER room, as he was HER new baby.

We did (it was a “play” wooden English pran, a gift from her Nana) for a few minutes, snapped the required photos and videos; as we did, she went over to her shelf and picked up LLLAAAARRRRYYY ( say with a sheep accent).

As she plunked it down on his little swaddled man-self she said:

“This is your aye aye, cause lambs are for boys. Mommy, You can take him out now, I guess boys don’t even talk or open their eyes or anything funny..”

That lamb traveled everywhere with my weeman, slept with him every single night, sat by his side on every time out and was the cause of many a -turnaround and go back- trips. Every member of our extended family would yell “Do you have Larry??” as we were headed out the door..


These days, it is worn, missing it’s ribbon, needs a darning, and mostly sits on the pillows of his bed. I know I shouldn’t but I wash it 2x a week with his sheets just so it smells like my fabric softener.

Sometimes I sneak it in bed with him under his arm and watch him squeeze it, just for me, to be admonished in the morning when we make his bed that I need to stop doing that- he is not a baby.

2 years ago, I scoured ebay to find an exact duplicate so one day (20 years plus from now- please) when he has a baby on his own, I can give him a Larry for his own child to provide the same comfort and companionship.

This is why I work on these cases that I absolutely hate. It haunts me to my core that I fear this child did not have a Larry in his darkest hour.

I guess it is my way of slipping it under Kyron’s arm while he is sleeping, like I have no doubt Terri has done for him, on many occasions.

I pray she takes the opportunity to do it now.

(editors note: you guessed it, we placed Larry in the pic of Kiara and Kyron so everyone can see how nicely they all get along.)

(editors Note 2: The comments to this article will be expressly limited to support the tone and content contained herein. There are several threads already in progress for alternative sentiment, thanks in advance.

Images created by Klaasend

Special thanks to LLLLAAAARRRRYYY for not being camera shy.




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  1. lily says:

    No my bad B – I know that this thread is about mothers love. The best kind there is. Terri – you’re a mother too – one of us. You will find your way.

  2. Sue says:

    Terri – This may sound morbid, but it is not meant to be. I have gotten to the point in my life when I picture myself on my deathbed, I hope I can feel comfortable going on to the next “life”. I try to live each day doing the best I can, and when my number is up, I hope I will find comfort knowing that I always tried to do “the right thing”. Please consider this and down the road, when you reflect back on your life during this difficult time, at least you can say you did the right thing. Please tell all you know and let the cards fall where they may. In the grand scheme of things, you will judge yourself and it will be easier on you to do so if you do the right thing now.

    So many prayers going out to you and your family.

  3. Leah says:

    It is so unfortunate that we often burden our children with our mistakes and misfortunes. Please do all you can so your children can hold there head up high and proud of their mother. Hiding in fear will only cause you more heartache. Do not be judged on your last mistake, but rather your path to make amends.

  4. Kaylee says:

    Blink, my daughter, who just graduated from high school, also had a mess of blond curls she wouldn’t let me brush. I used to say it was her “raised by wolves” look.

    my daughter has the goldilocks curse as well; I am fortunate as she is far more patient than I

  5. Twinkletoes says:

    No problem. I was on my phone earlier so couldn’t cut and paste. I wrote this to Terri yesterday and I hope it offers her encouragement. I will add that this case has pushed me to a new level of compassion and it is compassion, not anger and hatred, that is going to end violence in this world.

    Twinkletoes says:
    July 9, 2010 at 11:31 am

    Blink, you said Terri reads here. It is my hope that she reads this:

    ADVICE TO TERRI MOULTON HORMAN (and to the suffering),
    Find your center, that one that helped you to move through the pain of training, of competitions, of pulling yourself up from the ashes and making a better life for yourself. You know where it is. You’ve been there before. Find that center in spite of this storm and cling to that center for dear life. None of that which is done can be undone. That which is untrue cannot be made true. All that remains is this “now”. You will only regain peace when you find that center. You can only give peace when you find that center. When you move forward, move from that center. When you speak, speak from that center. When you think, think from that center. You will start to move through this when you find your center.
    Namaste. Namaste. Namaste.

  6. KOOL LOOK says:

    Bless the Pleas. Bless the focus of this article and comments, and Bless Terri with wisdom, understanding, love, repentance and forgiveness. I’ve made a plea directly to Terri I believe two articles ago, Woman to Woman and Mother to Mother.

    If I may, my focus is to remain in the spirit of this article, but with some wisdom and understanding I’ve been given through ministering others in good and bad times.

    One of the toughest aspects of mankind to help, burden and lead to healing is “Self Condemnation and Brokeness” within. Far easier to touch those abused, sick, neglected, wronged, sinned, and even killed in a persons life. Its the “Unworthiness” that causes sure Battles with hell in trying to make someone believe and understand there’s “Nothing” I mean nothing you or I can do to separate us from the Love of God.

    There is only one thing “Unforgiveable” and that’s to “Quench the Holy Spirit”. That Spirit inside each and everyone of us that leads our paths, minds and actions to be like the “Creator”. We can deny much in the Kingdom, but not the Power therein thats placed inside of our spirit. We can’t out sin Gods Mercies and Grace. Grace being from “His only Begotten Son”.

    Does hate, revenge, lies, murder and deception turn Gods face away from us, Yes. Does God hate these sins, yes. Will it condemn us forever and eternity from his arms~~ NO~~ Do we hurt the Father with these actions, of course. But truly I tell you this Day, there’s only one heartache God the Father ever has. It’s His Sons and Daughters lost Forever~~~~~~ Not lost, but the forever is when we break his heart. For he sees the future. So when we do wrong, and we do, he knows if we repent, make right our wrongs and seek forgiveness. If your given an opportunity to right a wrong, please right it. The opportunity is the gift and love from him to you.

    This post is of a highly spiritual content, and Blink if you choose not to post, I understand. This plea is for a lifetime, a child, a chance at hope again.

    With all that I knew how to give and share,
    With Warmest Regards,

  7. dew says:

    Dear Terri

    You, and your family, remain in my thoughts and prayers. I cannot even imagine how difficult things must be for you right now.

    This is my favorite passage from the Bible. I hope it might bring you both comfort and guidance —

    “Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” (1 Corinthians 13)


    ps. this passage is often read at weddings. I have already told my son I would like it read at my funeral. I want the last message I send my children to be about the power of love.

  8. Ragdoll says:

    Very moving B.

  9. sean says:

    No matter what happened….or how it happened….you can tell somebody and you will get all the help you need to get through this.
    It really is true the time heals all wounds and you have the clock already going forward.
    I also have had pretty bad stuff thought about me and said about me, but I know in my heart what is true.If you’ve done wrong the minute you admit it and start to fix it…it will get fixed…People do forgive and forget because time is replaced by new better memories.
    The other thing is no matter who you are, when you ask God for forgiveness, He forgives you.
    God has unconditional love, terri.
    As far as Kaine is concerned, he sinned too. Only you know what you know about him. It’s OK.
    If Kyron is alive and you know it, tell someone to go get him. Tell someone you can trust.
    We are all pulling for you, Terri.
    And for what ever the reason, I am really sorry your family broke up.
    I’ve been where you are. It will get better.
    God Bless you Terri.

  10. sean says:

    No matter what happened….or how it happened….you can tell somebody and you will get all the help you need to get through this.
    It really is true the time heals all wounds and you have the clock already going forward.
    I also have had pretty bad stuff thought about me and said about me, but I know in my heart what is true.If you’ve done wrong the minute you admit it and start to fix it…it will get fixed…People do forgive and forget because time is replaced by new better memories.
    The other thing is no matter who you are, when you ask God for forgiveness, He forgives you.
    God has unconditional love, terri.
    As far as Kaine is concerned, he sinned too. Only you know what you know about him. It’s OK.
    If Kyron is alive and you know it, tell someone to go get him. Tell someone you can trust.
    We are all pulling for you, Terri.
    And for what ever the reason, I am really sorry your family broke up.
    I’ve been where you are. It will get better.
    God Bless you Terri.

  11. Suzzanne Collins says:

    Terri, this is sco, suzzanne. I read a very sad post that Hope had made quite some time back. It has lingered in my brain moving around hour by hour by hour since I read it-
    It said how “sometimes accidents happen, like maybe Kyron ran out to get something, or forgot to get something and was accidentally ran over, backed over, etc.”

    I have put that statement above into quotes, but that is not an exact quote. I was summarizing from my memory what it had said.

    I can’t imagine having all of this confrontation from the WORLD. It’s unimaginable for me to even begin to fathom.

    I look at the picture above of you with BioM. Your face is NOT HEARTLESS at all. Your face is carrying HORRIFIC pain and it makes me fully believe that Hope is right.

    I am thinking about u today- I am going to mail u a poem today~ Please accept kindness from a total stranger who can not speak, my only way to communicate is by writing, and I hope u will accept that form of friendship from me.

    You’re no doubt having to accept the hate the “perfect” individuals of the world are sending, I am so very much hoping you will consider embracing friendships, too.
    REGARDLESS OF WHAT TOMORROW BRINGS- I extend my hand of friendship to you- sco

  12. mamabear says:

    Terri, people have mentioned you experienced post partum depression, I’m not sure if you have or not but I can tell you that I have and it is a time that I’d like to forget. It was after my second child. She was the most beautiful cherub cheeked chubby girl. Things seemed to be perfect at first, a wonderful husband, a home, a son and now a daughter. A few months later, my life started to unravel. It is something that I cannot put into words and when I try to, my eyes fill with tears. I tried to talk to friends about my feelings and was completely shut down with comments like “snap out of it” “how can you complain, you are so lucky” etc. etc. etc. I next confided in my mom who thought she was helping by tellling me “everything will be ok”. I now had only my husband who figured I needed more time to myself, I was afraid to be by myself because I knew deep down inside that I had the potential to harm myself to be free from a psychological agony that no one knew of, I thought my husband and kids would be better off without me anyway. My doctor told me that it’s common for mothers to experience “baby blues” after giving birth and I had two little ones to take care of. I felt utter fear and panic that no one could help me and no one could understand. My days consisted of not being able to leave my home, which turned into not being able to get out of bed, shower or function. Feeling alone, helpless and full of despair locked in our bedroom, my husband found me and got help. Medication and professional help would finally pull me out of a deep depression and along with that, cause me to gain an unbelievable amount of weight. There is an end to the dark tunnel that is PPD. I have found it and exited from that tunnel. I am here today and I am a good mom. I can find happiness in my children’s happiness. While I have little memory of my daughter’s first year of life and lots of guilt to go along with that, she doesn’t remember, my son does a little bit. I cannot change the past. Going forward, I am making new memories, better decisions and giving them as much love as I have to help form who they become as adults.


  13. NancyS says:

    I wrote the second message to you and was reading thru what the others are saying and I did leave out and Blink did also that if you write on this thread to Blink it is private until she releases each one for us to read. I have trusted her with quite a bit and SHE CAN BE TRUSTED fully. If you write to her on here she will treat it with respect and we won’t even know you are on here…..
    I hope the prayers will guide you in the direction of love Teri.

  14. Anastasia says:

    Terri, I know you have a very strong maternal bond with Kyron. When you both entered one another’s life, you had the choice to leave if you wanted; but you didn’t…I think that says a lot about your character. Kyron is as much your child as James and Kiara. I know he is missing his family but he is missing you the most. You’re the one who wakes him up, makes sure he is fed, goes to school, takes him to his dr. appts., ensures homework is done, bathing, tucking him into bed. I know he needs you right now just as much as you need him. I know you are torn up on the inside. I do not think that you have physically caused any harm to Kyron. I think you love him too much. All I ask is that if you can offer any info that will bring him back to his family and to you then please help him come home. He is depending on you. If there has ever been an instance where he has needed you the most, that would be now. Please help him.

  15. toasty1 says:

    Terri, please, contact Blink. It can be “off the record” I know. I also know that you will never find a more caring or compassionate person to speak with. She has a caring heart that shows in everything she does. You can trust her, which is so important!

    Today is the first time I have seen Kiara’s photo. Oh, my! What a beautiful baby she is! Hair like yours. Lucky baby! She needs to be with you, Terry. From my heart, I pray that you will contact Blink. It will NEVER be mentioned if that is what you wish. That I can promise you. She will do everything in her power to help you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Having a friend like Blink is the best thing that could happen to you at this time. Please, contact her. You, your family, and precious children are in my prayers.

    God Bless,

  16. Twinkletoes says:

    My little boy has “Pinkie”, which started out as a soft cloth dolly for his twin sister. The minute he saw it, at about two months old, he grabbed it and pulled it to his face and squeezed as hard as he could. Pinkie is, well, really pink. She has pink bloomers and a pink bonnet and her skin is pinkish. Now my little man is three and a half years old and Pinkie is still his special lovie. Her “pinkness” has mellowed to a rather beige-ish blush. My sweet boy has chewed holes in her (poor Pinkie has awakened many a morning only to face stitches and emergency stuffing transfusions). He loves Pinkie and refuses to sleep without her. As rough and tumble as he can be, he snuggles up with little Pinkie every night and turns instantly into my little baby again. My husband and I are certain that one day, our son will be walking across a college campus and he will meet a smallish girl, dressed all in pink with a pink bonnet shielding her pink skin from the harsh sunlight–and he reach out to take her pink hand and whisper, “I feel I have known you all of my life!”

  17. Another Nana says:

    Ms. Horman, Please hear Blinks words. They reflect all of us who want to bring Kiara’s brother home. It is no longer about you, your husband, his ex-wife or the mailman. It is bout Kiara. Her world has been turned upside down and inside out. Please help her fix it.

  18. Calista says:

    Dear Terri,

    I have just one thing to say…..(I really hope you get the chance to read everything here): YOU ARE A BELOVED CHILD OF GOD.

  19. myers says:

    We have had a terrible lighting storm here in New Iberia,Louisiana and I am now watching 30 fire trucks putting out the fire that is burning my neighbors home to the ground. As I think of all they have lost, Kyron comes to my mind.. All the material things they have lost doesn’t even matter to them, they are just so happy to be alive together with there four Yorkies. The feeling of not having someone around anymore just takes my breathe away. Kyron needs to come home so the family can have that feeling of being together again or just knowing he is with them in any way. Your baby girl needs you and you can’t let her have the feeling of being lost in her life. Praying everyday for this family

  20. helpfulcharlie says:


    Sometimes the fear of being left alone stops us from overcoming obstacles. Help resolve this and we will be there to help during those times. We will provide unconditional love, nonjudgmental support, and communication when you need it the most. We’re here because we understand human frailty and redemption.

  21. Nancy says:

    Dear Terri,
    Finally a place to show some compassion and not just a place to voice an opinion. We all need to see beyond the obvious and not pass judgment.Only GOD has that power. There is always a reason for why things happen and that is not always what it may seem. If GOD brings you to it, he will bring you through it. If you can speak to him tonight and ask him to guide you to the place where the light will shine brightly on where the truth lies. He will take you by the hand and lead you to a solution for the good of all who are involved. It might not be as difficult as you might think to shed light on what you feel you can not do. I feel your anguish in this sad situation. You will find a way to redeem yourself.

  22. KOOL LOOK says:

    Blink may I twitter this site? I already have and didn’t think to ask, forgive me Darling if I did wrong. I’ll try to always ask for permission in the future. KL

    we are on twitter my friend, but of course, thank you

  23. Shawna Kay says:

    Dear Terri
    I almost lost my precious seven year old boy yesterday when he was left unattended in our community pool by his swim instructor, and it scared the life out of me. I froze when I saw him in distress, I could barely call for help, and I began beating myself up because I didn’t dive into the water to save him. As a mother, aren’t I programmed to respond in an emergency like that? One minute, things were jovial and light, the next, it was near tragedy. I can’t stop thinking about how our lives could have changed that day in one single moment of being human and not knowing how to react. Luckily, the lifeguard heard my calls for help and hauled him out of the water before he went completely under, and I thank God and my Mom for watching out for him and letting him be all right. It all happened so quickly, I still don’t know what to make of it. It was definitely a reality check that, even being a few feet away, I am sometimes powerless to keep my little guy safe. Seems he was trying to swim to me from across the pool so I would be proud and didn’t realize he was in over his head (the pool has one of those gradual inclines). My first reaction was to scold him for not being mindful of the danger, but then I realized how close I’d come to losing him, and then I just held him and cried.
    Though I feel the staff at the pool was a tad negligent in their duties, when it counted most, they were there and rescued my son. What could have been a tragedy was averted because of the lifeguard’s quick thinking. Once it was brought to her attention, she reacted where I could not. I am so very fortunate and blessed that I still have him at this moment to hug and kiss and tuck in bed, that I can still hear him laughing and talking to himself in the next room, that we can finish Charlotte’s Web together and he can build more replicas (of what I don’t know) with his Tinker Toys. Right now, even though I froze up at the pool, all is forgot and I’m his hero because I found the secret code to unlock Mort in his favorite video game. It’s amazing how appreciative our wonderful little snips and snails and puppy dog tails can be of just the simplest things that we do, and how forgiving they can be of the things that are not. I think that is why we love them so much, and I will always be in awe at how much they love us.
    May God Bless you all.
    Mrs. A.
    Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever. Unknown.

  24. ProvokingPoirot says:

    My darling friend Blink, what courage it took to reach out and let Terri know, the depth of emotion and pain she must be feeling and also that we are feeling…so many MOTHERS; be they step or natural means nothing. We are a sisterhood of mothers and Terri is one of us.

    Now, Terri, I can only pray you see that people do care about you and are reaching out to you without any stone throwing, any accusations, just reaching out to let you know that you are in prayers, thoughts and believing this situation can have the outcome of little Kyron being found safe.. The Lord knows my heart. I am so distraught over Kyron. I stepped from away from all blogs for a while after sweet little Shaniya Davis was found. Missing children affect me so deeply. Even though I did not bear these children; so many precious little ones that for only reasons God himself knows, are born and then return to heaven in such a short time. But then there are the happy endings like Alisa Maier, Cole Puffinburger, Natalie Rose Flores, and some have lived through nightmares beyond the scope of imagination like Jaycee Lee Dugard but they are ALIVE and we rejoice.

    I am the natural mother of 3 and the step mother of 3 more. We have 6 grown children between the ages of 36 and 26 and they ALL are blessings. I am so privileged to have my first grandchild, who is now 3 months and the daily joy she gives me is wonderful, endless tears of thankfulness. Tears of joy, of knowing the blessing she has brought into all our lives. However, I am reminded of when I had 3 babies in 3 years by my own choice and there were days that I was overwhelmed. Reality is reality and sometimes, it’s hard to bear. I know that I denied my first year of motherhood. I didn’t want to admit that I struggled with a lot of issues that were going on at that time. No one wants to admit that being a mother is hard sometimes and that it’s tedious, boring and sometimes, just too much. But isn’t that true of life? Being a mother may be a job but it is a job that spans over an entire lifetime; and like any job, there are moments of pleasure, joy and tedium.

    It’s hard being a mother. Anyone who says it isn’t is lying. There are schedules to juggle, feelings of inadequacies, aloneness, joy unspeakable and incredible times of sorrow. Mistakes are sometimes made that we can never get past and feel guilt in such abundance for; we berate ourselves on a regular basis. I recently read a book 30 years too late but immediately passed it on to my 4 girls entitled: The Mask of Motherhood: How Becoming a Mother Changes Our Lives and Why We Never Talk About It by Susan Maushart. And then there is the other end of the spectrum of being the daughter. Our family is dealing with a situation right now that is ripping our hearts out with my own Mother and Father who are in their mid-70’s. My father and mother are living a fictional life, a fictional movie, a fictional book that many are familiar with and that is THE NOTEBOOK by Nicholas Sparks. My mom is in the deep clutches of Alzheimer’s disease and my Dad is in total denial. My younger sister says to leave Daddy alone but I am struggling to let Daddy be “Duke” because I am losing him through the stress of the load to carry this burden alone. He won’t let us help; he won’t let anyone near her but himself. He loves her with such passion that he will give his life and all that goes along with it up for her. We are all strangers to her and her first; most beautiful miracle of a granddaughter is no more than an incredibly beautiful baby that she doesn’t remember who it belongs to. Family is so very fragile at times. Your enemies can’t hurt you, but your friends will kill you. While that is also true in life, generally — I define “friend” as a “person who has not yet betrayed you” — there is a category of individuals even more dangerous than mere friends: family. They know so much about you and they’re so tired of you. Flaws that friends manage to shrug off can cause a family member to snap. And when they do, they have your whole life at their disposal, and it’s so easy for them to reach into your past, pick out something large and heavy, and bring it crashing down. Once again, they know so much about you and they’re so tired of you; sometimes they will snap to a judgment that is unfair and untrue. Or sometimes, it’s something very small and meaningless, so that only “you” will “get” it…it being the true meaning of how they feel about you. Those aggravating things that go wrong in the day and those irritating things that go bump in the night – disrupting routines and interrupting sleep – all have a cumulative effect on your brain, especially its ability to remember and learn and make conscious and right decisions for all concerned. Some days, I feel like I just can’t cope anymore and that’s when I feel that I am in the deep end of the ocean. We have all been there in the throes of stress, mothers, sisters, daughters and wives.

    Remember, we “are the authors of our own life” and if we do not like something about ourselves or about a particular situation, then we must re-write our scripts. Even if we must re-write every single new day until we get it right, we HAVE to. I am praying that Terri Moultan Horman will be able to be at peace by taking control of this situation and factually, intentionally and quickly change this dark hour into a much brighter tomorrow. A most precious little angel is somewhere, lost or missing and a most precious little angel is without her own mother. Kiara and Kyron, so perfect and innocent in the eyes of God and all mothers who have walked in stressful shoes, yet shoes that are also full of blessings need all the courage, faith and truth to be focused on them. We’ve all made mistakes and that is why we all need grace. With no judgment in my heart against Terri, I simply pray that if she has the power to change the outcome of this nightmare, to do so quickly and help, in a noble, humane, and devoted nature.

  25. Mary says:

    Prayer to St. Anthony (short version)

    Tony, Tony, turn around…
    What is lost shall now be found.

    Love to all,

  26. Tracygirl says:

    Terri if you read here. Please rise above all of this and say what happened and everything you know. Sometimes we make choices that we have to admit to, rise above and over come. You can do this Terri, I know you can.

    Let me tell you why I am reaching out to you tonight. I am actually doing this in memory of my mother and for the little girl inside of me. When I was a little girl I witnessed my mothers horrible abuse upon the children in her daycare. For years I carried the scars upon my heart. I can still see the scared little faces of the children. What is worse then the memories, is the fact that my mother would never admit to it, never. She died not admitting what I needed her to. To this day I don’t know why she did what she did and why she couldn’t just tell the truth. I guess she was afraid of what would happen to her and I think she was afraid of losing my brothers and I. I loved my mother very much don’t get me wrong, But she did lose us, she lost our respect.
    Please Terri for your children, I beg you to please tell what you know. Do it because you love your children more then you love your self. If there is no pain Terri, there will be no gain.

  27. Karen says:


    One of the hardest things to do is to forgive ourselves when we realize we’ve made a mistake. The first step is to admit that we’ve made a mistake. Otherwise, we tend to only compound our burden and it can weigh very heavily on our shoulders.

    Sharing your burden can bring about an unforeseeable peace. I’m sure you have thought a lot about what happened that day and have had many a sleepless night. I, like many others here who do not even know Kyron, have lost much sleep worrying about him, and our thoughts often go to him throughout the day.

    I hope there will soon be a resolution to all of this…for Kyron, for you, for all of us.

    May you come to know the peace that passes all understanding.

  28. mag603 says:

    Lord -
    I know that you are close to the broken hearted and those who are crushed in spirt (Psalm 34:18). I ask you to draw Terri Horman close to you; and give her a strength that she never knew she had.

    This is one my favorites and just thought I’d share.

    Thank God for Kids
    by the Oak Ridge Boys

    If it weren’t for kids have you ever thought
    There wouldn’t be no Santa Clause
    Look what the store just brought
    Thank God for Kids

    We’d all live in a quiet house
    Without Big Bird or a Mickey Mouse
    And Kool-aid on the couch
    Thank God for Kids

    Thank God for kids there’s magic for a while
    A special kind of sunshine in a smile
    Do you ever stop to think? or wonder why?
    The dearest thing to Heaven is a child

    Daddy how does this thing fly?
    A hundred other where’s and why’s
    You really don’t know but we try
    Thank God for Kids

    When you look down in those trustin eyes
    That look to you, you realize
    Its love that you can’t buy
    Thank God for Kids

    Thank God for there’s magic for a while
    A special kind of sunshine in a smile
    Do you ever stop to think? or wonder why?
    The dearest thing to Heaven is a child

    When you get down on your knees tonight
    To thank the Lord for his guiding light
    And pray they turn out right
    Thank God for Kids

    Peace & Prayers.

  29. fish says:

    I held a baby, Terri. One not my own.
    Loved and cherished, none the less.
    You and me are not that far apart, really. Life is difficult and makes us do things that we would never consider in a million years. Time, stress, age, family, emotions get the best of us.

    Give Kyron peace Terri.
    Together we can do it.

    We all come from broken pasts filled with good and bad decisions. It is how one handles it all that defines us.

    I have faith in you sister. I do.

    Please Mrs. Horman, please let him come home.
    Home to his family that loves him.
    Home to what he knows.
    Home to where he will have peace.

    Take it from me, YOU need to be there in every first your daughter will have from here on out.
    This will be what defines you as a mother.
    Not a title of step, adopted, bio or any of our written words.

    Just be his MOM, Terri.
    Be his mom.

  30. donnab says:

    I really don’t even know how to address this because I don’t feel it is fair for me to sound as if I know you so here goes… I always say I don’t walk in anyone else’s shoes as I have a hard enough time walking in my own, therefore I will not judge. I can have opinions and even be guilty of assuming but admit when I am wrong, and am sorry If I come to rash conclusions. I want you to know that inside of you is a spirit that shines inspite of how dark things may seem. Whatever you are fighting you can conquer. If you let that bad overcome then it wins. We are not born losers in life but winners. So in ending I say to you Terri, God loves everyone. We as humans can be cruel, but there are alot of good hearted people still left in this world. You can find comfort in knowing this. So if you do know where Kyron is it is time to set him and yourself free.

  31. Jackie Bauer :) says:

    I, too, believe in the strength of prayer.

    Terri, I hope you’ll listen to and trust Blink’s words. She is the person to whom I’d turn in a crisis like this. We are praying for you and Kyron, Kitty, and James.

    Blink, beautifully written. Hugs to Larry and the wee ones.

    “Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony

    Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints

    O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers.

    Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me Terri Horman’s peace of spirit through truthfulness and Kyron Horman be found and returned to the loving arms of his family.

    O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen.”

  32. shelly says:

    Blink, just read this on facebook, have no clue if there is any validity to this post : (From “Missing Kyron Horman” page)

    If you live in the Charleston ,West Virginia
    area please be on the look out for a 94 silver Ford van with no windows.
    The FBI has alerted the police in that area that Kyron maybe in that
    area….call 911 if you spot it
    8 minutes ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · View Feedback (96)

  33. Barbara says:

    I was regretting the past and fearing the future.
    Suddenly, my Lord was speaking:
    “My name is I am.” He paused.
    I waited. He continued,
    “When you live in the past
    with its mistakes and regrets,
    it is hard. I am not there.
    My name is not I was.
    When you live in the future,
    with all it’s problems and fears,
    it’s hard. I am not there.
    My name is not I will be.
    When you live in this moment
    it is not hard. I am here
    my name is I am.”

    Helen Mallicoat

  34. Summer says:


    If Blink believes that you have a pure spirit, then I am inclined to agree.
    I can’t imagine all of the emotions you’ve had to go through these past weeks. In addition to all of the loss and pain that I am imagine you’re feeling, I’m sure that you’re so scared… and feel like the world has turned against you.
    None of the people judging you knows what actual events took place. Some people seem to thrive on hate and sensationalism, and they stir each other up and things just get worse.
    Please know that there are people out here who don’t think the worst of you. I think that right know you’re probably so scared, and that you might think that everything is hopeless. Perhaps you’re afraid that if you tell all you know, that the repercussions would be to great to bear.
    The only thing I do know, is that sometimes we need to find amazing strength within ourselves to do the right thing.
    I believe that you’re a very intelligent, caring woman who is in a horrendous situation. I’m so sorry that Kyron is lost. My heart also breaks for your inability to see your beautiful daughter right now.
    I do think that if all the events are laid out on the table, a huge weight could be lifted from your spirit, and that comfort could be brought to many, many people.
    I wish you strength for the days ahead, and I hope that you and others will be brought the beginnings of peace and calm very soon.
    Blessings from Oregon.

  35. Spam says:

    News Breaking on local PDX stations – Kyron spotting in West Virginia. News so new, I’m not able to find a link.

  36. angelab says:

    I’ve been following your site for a while and never commented before. I had to now. Blink, what you wrote was so touching and true, amazing really. thank you so much for the positive posts.

    To Terri, I will say that so many of us have fallen in love with sweet Kyron and we just want him home. I have a 5-yr old boy with big blue eyes,too, and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for him. That is what Mothers do, we love our children and we try to make the world a better place for them. Please think of your children, Terri, and help in any way you can.
    My son used to have horrible, wake-up-screaming kind of night terrors when he was 2 years old until he was 4. Almost every single night my husband and I would rush into his room to comfort him, to hold him until he stopped crying. One night I tried something new. I took my nightgown that still smelled like Mom and wrapped it around him as he slept. He didn’t wake up at all that night. Mommy magic. That nightgown didn’t stop his night terrors, but they did start to happen less often. He still sleeps with that ratty, blue nightgown. He calls it his “blue blankie.” Blue Blankie has been to Disneyworld and Six Flags and preschool; quite the traveler. We will have funny stories to tell our boy about Blue Blankie when he’s older. I will keep it forever.
    thank you to everyone for sharing.

  37. elpy says:

    I can’t imagine how much pain you are in right now. The pressure from the media and those around you must be unbearable, on top of dealing with whatever happened with Kyron.
    I am not a religious person, but I do know that in the face of immense tragedy and stress, we, as human beings, have the capacity to reach deep inside ourselves,accept the reality of what has happened and do what needs to be done to ease the pain in ourselves and in those we love.
    I believe that we all do the best we can do at the time. When we are able to do better, we do.
    When I was a child, my father left my mother. My mother fell apart, and the advice she received from her doctor was to think about how to get through one day at a time and not worry about getting through tomorrow. She took his advice and focused on making it through the day. When you do that, things are less overwhelming, and the next day is a little easier.
    One step at a time, Terri. Each day will get easier. People will come into your life who will be a support for you. I am seeing that here on this site.
    There are total strangers out there who want you to be okay. One little step at a time, you can work to make this situation a little less painful. Don’t get sidetracked at the unfairness and judgement of others. They don’t matter.
    Reach deep, and find strength. You can’t change the past, but you can affect the future. There is great strength in knowing you are doing the best you can at the time, and even greater strength in knowing you are doing the best you can for those you love.

  38. Nadineann says:


    My thoughts have been with you since day 1. Life can be cruel and I can’t imagine the hell that you must of gone though since Kyron went missing. People have turned on you and tried to drag your name though the mud. I have always been told to make a difference and don’t do the same things to others. You have been very sweet about that, not saying a word against anyone. I don’t know if you had anything to do with Kyron’s disappearance, but I ask you to open your heart and try to think of anything that might bring Kyron back home. If he is deceased, he needs to have a blessed service and be buried. If he is alive he still needs to come back home. No one knows what someone else goes through unless they have walked in that person’s shoes. My daughter is 30 years old and I almost killed her when she was about 3. She was sitting on the kitchen table and I got very angry at my husband and I had a bad habit of throwing things. I grabbed a cup to throw at my husband and it missed my daughter by a hair and smashed into the wall. I could have killed her not meaning to do it. Thank God the cup missed her. Accidents happen and people get upset. I know that you had a lot of things happening to you. Taking care of everything that you had to do and wondering what your husband was up to. I beg you if you know of anything or could think of anyone please speak up. I know that you love Kyron and your son and daughter. You love children, please, please, if you know where Kyron is or what happened, please tell your attorney asap. You don’t have to talk to reporters or answer to your ex or his wife, but please do the best thing that you can do. I also noticed that this has horrified you very much. You look like at the first press conference that you were going to pass out. May God Bless you and give you the answers as to what happened. If you are holding damning evidence against Kaine, please speak to your attorney and open up. You are a very beautiful woman.

  39. dee says:

    Blink that was the most beautiful article but then again truly sad.

    My 16 year old still has his “Larry” but his name is “Jacob” a floppy beat up rabbit, we have saved him for when he has his own baby….

    This situation (case) breaks me down in a big way, I truly believe Justice will come for this darling lil Guy…I will continue to pray..

  40. S says:

    Hi Terri,

    While I enjoy them, I can’t find a poignant phrase that represents my support for you. I’ve concluded that the only appropriate way for me to proceed is to talk to you like I would with a friend, with total honesty.

    Your life has now changed forever. I understand how afraid you must be and how alone you must feel. I’m sure your insides are shaking and you want to run and run and run.

    There are women among us who have never thought of you as the devil. Since Kyron disappeared, I have come to your defense. I am one who, without my stepmother, would never have known a mother’s love and compassion. Over the past month, those reports from former day care workers and teachers that you loved Kyron and that he loved you have continually surfaced in my mind. I don’t think we can hide love. I think it always shows its face to others and I think the love and bond you and Kyron had was very real.

    That thing you are so terrified to say, we all know. The public, your family, friends, the police. Everyone already knows. I know it seems that it can’t actually be possible and that it is easier to believe it did not happen, sticking with the story. But that is just trapping you into a more desolate and painful future than all the anguish you’ve suffered in the past. I bet you wish people gave half the crap awhile ago that they do now about all the details of your life. I bet you wish this never happened.

    But it has happened and it is irrevocably tied to your future. Nothing can change what has already happened. The immense pressure you feel now won’t stop until this is resolved. No one is going to give up until there is resolution. That resolution is irrevocably tied to you.

    You have put up the good fight, showing incredible strength. You have shown you are a survivor. But all your efforts have only afforded delays, they can’t stop the inevitable. Don’t allow grief, shame and pride, and fear to incapacitate you. Forge ahead. Don’t wait, hoping in vain that resolution will never come. Your life has now changed forever.

    I know you are very afraid, but realize that your fear does not necessarily depict what reality holds in store for you. Please ask for the help and support you need. Your attorney will work hard for you, but you will need to tell him the truth. Say it all out loud and let him work for your benefit. I don’t hate you, Terri. I don’t judge you for things of which I have no facts. I hope you find peace.

    S, that is about the truest “letter” to Terri one could write. This outcome is inevitable, how she effects it personally, can only happen now. I pray for her soul to soul and I know she will hear us.

  41. MaidenAmerica says:

    Titch says: Prayer in numbers…

    Amen, Titch. I add mine to be lifted up also.

    “Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints

    O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers.

    Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me Terri Horman’s peace of spirit through truthfulness and Kyron Horman be found and returned to the loving arms of his family.

    O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen.”

  42. Malty says:

    Hi Terri
    yesterday I realized I don’t know you
    I have seen all the great pics of your kids James. Kyron. Kiara
    they look clean,well dressed and happy
    it takes time and love to take so many pics
    I have seen the text of your FB site You have so many friends
    expressing love for you and your family
    when I was young I had to deal with bouts of depression
    Most of the meds are fat trips that make a person feel worse
    one day I just got well , it took awhile
    I tried hard to be a great mom
    it was the hardest job My son is older than you and in 2006 my
    sweet daughter died. Heart break for me
    Terri we need to find Kyron soon
    Please help. Thanks

  43. Candi123 says:

    Thank you for your support.

  44. TBZ says:


    Please come forth if not for at least your beautiful daughter. She does need you. I am sure you love Kiara and are missing her.

  45. gigi says:

    Blessings and prayers to all who have spoken here and to those who read, as well as those in need. So many things in my heart, but my mind cannot form the words for my fingers to type…Thank you, everyone. And thank you Blink for this site.

  46. melissab says:

    I apologize Mrs. Horman because I was one who thought you might be guilty in the beginning only based on the fact you took him to school. Quick to judge, always am and it’s a fault of mine. Now all I can think is my gosh, what if she is totally innocent then I’ve been a part of the mudsling and ruining her life. I’m sorry, sometimes we forget, innocent until proven guilty. What if the look on her face at the press conf. is a look of “I’m sorry I was last to see him but I didn’t hurt him”? Everyone seemed to turn on her and shun her at that moment. I can’t imagine dropping my son off to school and someone taking him and all of the country pointing at me. How horrible and totally alone she must be. In two seperate days (June 4 and 28? I believe)she has lost everything, Kyron, Kiara, her marriage, home, life as she knew it. Please Mrs. H, if you can point to someone you think might have had it out for you or whatever get your lawyer to get in touch with Blink. She has the most incredible team of experts that can help you. I promise!!! It would not hurt for you to reach out and at least see what help she has to offer and she would never tell if you did. This is the most honest, willing to help woman you will ever meet. Maybe you’ve read here before? Then you would already know what she can do. I’ve spent a lot of time getting out of bad situations I created and a lot of time in regretland because I didn’t know how to ask for help. Just do it.

  47. sean says:

    Amen for all these letters and especially # 40, ” S”
    You can do it Terri.
    We are here for you, just get it over with.
    And remember one more thing, the attorney works for you, you pay, and if he doesn’t work get another one…I’ll bet that Gloria Alred ( spelling?) would even take you or someone like her. Cause this guy won’t even let you make a statement….and that’s not good. You are a sitting duck and that’s not good.
    Just remember, this is still your life. Nobody can take your motherhood away from you. You have rights.
    Email to Blink, she will help you.
    I am praying for you everyday

  48. lizzygoat says:

    Dear Terri,

    I’ve been trying to articulate what I want to say since this post was put up,this morning I hope it comes out the way it is in my head. There are two sides to every story and the human condition to judge others is…well…one of those things that we are supposed to strive to overcome in life. But like most people we simply cannot help ourselves.

    I have my own issues that others judge and of course…in some instances this causes me to roll my eyes and in other instances I step back try to see myself…my actions through their eyes. I don’t always like what I see in myself. But always view it as an opportunity to improve. In general I think that human beings do the best that they can given their circumstances and upbringing in life. In truth Terri, we are all basically the same.

    I have been reading a lot about human nature and recently came across the writing of Philip Zimbardo. He is the Stanford professor who conducted the Stanford Prison Experiment ( )
    The thing that surprised me was that he was caught up in the experiment himself and only ended it when his future wife adamantly told him how wrong it was and that it needed to be shut down. Terri what nobody talks about or is willing to admit is that we are almost all the same and given the same set of circumstances most of us act the same way. By circumstances…I mean that if we walked in your exact shoes with every moment of your exact life experiences…our responses would most likely be the same.

    Philip Zimbardo put forth an idea called THE HERO PROJECT, dedicated to “Developing and spreading the conception of heroes as ordinary, everyday people who are motivated to act on behalf of others or for a moral cause with action that is extraordinary.”

    Terri you have been a hero in many areas of your life with the decisions you have made. Your oldest boy in photos you posted seems to be full of life and compassion for his younger siblings. That is a true accomplishment! (my own siblings were constantly finding new ways to torture me….”if you stick your tongue in a light socket it will feel good” Yes I actually did as suggested at the age of four!

    Your actions have been heroic getting a degree in education. I truly admire that since I am a college drop-out. I think that all women who bring forth life are heroic in their efforts. Not only heroes giving birth but heroes every day they wake up and continue to nurture and care for their children. Unfortunately stay at home moms are denigrated by many in today’s society…I have read the insults about your choice too many times by men who think more highly of your husbands ability to make money. I was lucky to be raised by a father who believed that mothers had far more important jobs than a father working 9 to 5. You made a heroic decision when you made the decision to raise a boy that you did not conceive. And more importantly you made a heroic decision that in my opinion was overlooked, to give that same boy back to his mother when she became able to care for him herself. Unfortunately this was not a decision that you were in control of..and if it had been your decision I suspect that the number one story in the news would be different today. You have heroically donated your time and energy to the public school system….a place in great need of heroes.

    Now Terri the time has come to make another heroic decision. The future of your children depend on it. Suffering from PPD things must be confusing at this time and lines have become blurred. The next decision you make is of monumental heroic proportions. James, Kyron and Kiara need you to be a hero now… more than ever before. I KNOW that as a parent if you could see into the future… the pain and uncertainty recent events will inflict on your children for years to come, that you would make the heroic decisions that you have made in the past. I know somewhere inside swirling among the fear and confusion…the changes brought on by PPD, that you know what the heroic decision is.You have made that heroic decision more often than many I know. The heroic decision is yours and yours alone to make.

    Terri, I wish you all of my best.

    (blink…I love the story about being the favorite. My own Dad during a moment of frustration said “If I had to do it all over again I would throw every damn one of you kids out when you were six! He then turned to me and said “Except for you…I’d let you stay until you were 9.” WOW I thought…I REALLY AM HIS FAVORITE!)

  49. Elizabeth says:

    Dear Terri,

    The only comment I’ve ever put on this site was to express my horror at the awful things people have assumed and said about you.

    I’m far from a perfect person and I don’t judge others, because I haven’t walked in their shoes. My Dad, who died when I was a barely a teenager, taught me that.

    I have no idea what pressures were on your extended family through the past months and years. No one knows what goes inside a family except the family members. And sometimes they don’t even know, or let themselves know.

    I’ve been troubled by Kaine Horman’s rather vague statements that you went through the anguish of postpartum depression and that you were on at least one medication for PPD that he didn’t know the name of. News articles have said that he stated that you had mood swings after the birth of your little girl. It’s hard to know how accurate news reports are – I’ve been seriously misquoted by newspapers – and it’s hard to know what Kaine Horman may have actuallly said or known. I haven’t walked in his shoes either. I don’t judge him.

    But if you did go through a miserable postpartum depression, you sure have my sympathy. I had the “baby blues” for a few days after the births of my kids. But as a mental/medical health professional working with pregnant and postpartum women, I worked with a lot of women who suffered terribly from short-term or long-term postpartum depression, suffered so badly that some of them attempted suicide.

    I certainly hope that if you or any woman goes through this, that they have the involved support of their husband, someone who knows what medication(s) are being taken and their side effects. I hope that any woman with PPD has a husband who visits her doctor with her and tries to understand what she is going through. I hope that her husband tells her twenty times a day how much he loves her and asks what he can do to help, that he talks with her about her fears and sadness, that he makes sure that she gets a good diet, plenty of rest, exercise, lots of cuddling, time to herself, frees her from whatever stresses he can and that he doesn’t leave her alone to cope with the anguish of depression.

    I don’t judge you and I never will judge you. I send you my best wishes and my hope that you find strength and peace, dear Terri.

    Your friend,

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