Kyron Horman Missing and Endangered: Grand Jury Meets, Indictment Imminent

Portland, OR- In the case of missing 7-year-old Portland child Kyron Horman, developments today continue to unfold at lightening speed.

During a poorly-kept secret convening of a special grand jury that is in session today, sources inside the investigation believe it’s triers of fact will return an indictment against Terri Horman and possibly one other individual.

It is however, unclear as to whether or not the grand jury is hearing evidence in the alleged murder for hire plot MCSO informed Kaine Horman his wife had master-minded, OR evidence surrounding the disappearance of Kaine and Desiree Young’s son Kyron.

KOIN caught Terri Horman’s friend DeDe Spicher, who was subpoenaed to appear in the proceedings this morning, on video with her attorney, entering the courthouse. Spicher was the subject of a public plea asking her to cooperate with investigators by Kaine Horman and Desiree Young last week.  A neighbor of Spicher’s has confirmed the FBI has been seen removing boxes and unknown bagged material from her residence.

According to several sources, DeDe Spicher, Terri’s roommate  post Kaine’s restraining order,  was working in a garden near the Horman home the day of Kyron’s disappearance when she received a call at approximately 11:15 am. She left abruptly, returning at approximately 1:00 pm. DeDe was unreachable on her cell phone during that time and the property owner became concerned. Spicher is a long time friend and workout companion of Horman’s.

Earlier today, Laura Rackner, Kaine Horman’s Family Law attorney filed a motion to find out where the funds are coming from to foot the bill for Terri Horman’s high profile criminal defense attorney, Stephen Houze.

In Horman’s motion, he is seeking the disclosure of the payments made to Houze, and whether or not it came from marital funds. If it has, Kaine Horman wants half the cash to pay his own legal bills. Kaine Horman alleges that Terri Horman disclosed to a third party that she paid a whopping $350,000 retainer to Houze, however, provided no proof of same in the papers filed today.

In what appears to be a media timing coup, tonight’s episode of Dateline NBC will feature Kaine Horman, Desiree and Tony Young, with interviews and coverage of Kyron’s disappearance.

Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office Public Information Officer, Mary Lindstrand, has announced a press conference tomorrow at the MCSO Training Facility, beginning at 2:00 pm PST.

blinkoncrime editor Madeline Tanner contributed to this report

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  1. beejay says:

    Are you’re referring to me? I haven’t mentioned photos, though. But if I’m one of those TH defenders, please read back carefully through all my posts and you might rest easier. My connections with LE, as you’ll see in my posts, have NOTHING to do with this case. I’m from a LE family and have LE friends. I like to chat with my friends about my interests. Do not fear; I am not dangerous. If you’re concerned about my identity, ask Blink to investigate it. If she has any concerns about me I’m sure she already knows my identity. I won’t say anything else to you, providing I remember who you are at the next time. Please just scroll past my posts if you find the subject matter that may come up in this kind of case unsavory. IGNORE me and I’ll return to ignoring you.

    As to the times, please be aware that Blink’s time is currently screwed up and she’s trying to get her computer guru to fix that. And that Blink takes long breaks, when what one posts doesn’t show up at BOC till hours later. Blink’s times are about 2 hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Savings time. She and I are both on the east coast and her time and mine should be the same, but she’s off from mine by that 2 hours. Do figure that into your calculations.

    Um, and please do not accuse me of being TH again. I was trying to ignore you because I thought name-calling was not allowed here.

  2. aibohphobia says:

    “The judge has barred cameras on the upper floors of the courthouse until next Wednesday, Aug. 11.” cut from link below:

    Here’s hoping that next Wednesday will be the end of the GJ?

  3. beejay says:

    More collateral damage in this case:

    “Hi internet sleuths,

    I am Heather Walters from Rosemont Farm in Yamhill (aka @Rosemont_Farm).” snipped from a long posting of hers in which she lists a number of rumors that have compromised the economic viability of her family farm. Here’s the link:

  4. CentralORMom says:


    Hi. I think you have me mixed up with someone else. I do not live by the Skyline school…I live near Bend, OR. I USED to live in the Portland area…Oregon City and Happy Valley, prior.

    Just like most of you I assume, when this all started I input Kyron’s name into Google…I arrived at many sites but found that this one by far – and I mean that with the greatest sincerity – by far does a better job at reporting FACTS and the people who are active on this site are well informed and offer great insight.

    Godlikeproductions has been on my radar for the past couple of weeks because of Dee Dee’s possible connection – cousin Tom Jones (Jonesr). I read it mostly and posted one other time (not a big poster as you have noticed). I noticed a few individuals posting who seemed to know more than I have found ANYWHERE on the web – so, I have been paying more attention. Lately, there has been a lot of puzzle type clues that he has been giving out and playing along with him were two names (Verity and Scooby) who I thought could very well be Terri and Dee Dee. Then, late last night this Jonesr guy makes the claim (in a very weird way) that this has been all a rouse. There was also some threats made and it started to get ugly. I reported this and wrote the same here.

    However, since that time I have again looked to see if it had been taken down and it hasn’t. Tom Jones is really the name of Dee Dee’s cousin and this guy seemed to have a lot of inside info. Not sure what to make of any of this now. I am sure this has hit the radar of those in authority who will be able to figure this all out.

    Thanks for moderating this website Blink! Like I said, this is by far the best and most informed of the websites out there. Along with your insight and the good people of this website, perhaps the mystery of little Kyron will finally be solved.


  5. Cathy Bickel says:

    @SS I’m not sure who you are referring to in your post. Not sure I want to know at this point, but I did want to state that we are all posting from all over the country and time zones vary at least 3 hours from the east coast to Oregon. Most of us work, if not all of us, not everybody can stop working to post something on this forum during our working hours.

    I have stated many times that I don’t think TH abducted or possibly killed him herself, there just isn’t any proof available to the public for me to make a statement like that. I HAVE said that I believe she is the reason this happened to Kyron, the how’s or why’s I can’t answer because I don’t know. I don’t believe that makes me a TH supporter, I’m not a supporter of any of the parents, they can sort all this out for themselves. I’m a Kyron supporter and I want him home.

    Thoughts and prayers are with Kyron, his brothers and sister.

  6. saramom says:

    Good Day All,

    I would like to know if any of Kyron’s clothes or toys are missing.

    I ask this because I was in a restaurant yesterday in Colorado, just a sandwich shop, and some of the employees had their kiddos with them. The kids were set up at tables with computers and books, etc. to occupy their time. One of the little boys looked very similar to Kyron; I began to wonder if there is any chance at all the TH did stash sweet Kyron somewhere, (a long shot I know, but I am the perpetual Pollyanna) and TH needed the truck for a suitcase or duffle because she had packed some of Kyron’s stuff. Am I a crazy wishful thinker, Blink? TH seems just odd enough to me that she might “torture” the birth parents in this way.

  7. Marci says:

    Susan were you the WICKED ONE? If so… I applaud you and voiced that over there too.

    Blink awesome last night!! I got to listen in for a while and thought you were great! Thanks for all that you do

  8. Annals says:

    Phyl says:
    August 5, 2010 at 2:42 pm

    Here’s the link regarding “the electric one”.


    Thanks for the link, Phil!

  9. ChiaPet517 says:

    @beejay – Good point about school starting up again soon, however if I were a parent I would be more worried about TH running loose than the landscapers – they’re in jail, right? And she’s not. Yet.

  10. CHRISTY says:

    @29.Jackie Bauer :) says:
    Sorry, TH, it’s going to take more than liposuction to suck the bad out of you, mho.

  11. Madame Clouseau says:

    @SS –

    I have asked before if anyone knows if defense attorneys engage people to post on these blogs for the purpose of damage control for their clients. Don’t recall seeing a response.

    Mme. C

  12. rollermonkey says:

    Most importantly, we all hope Kyron is found soon.

    Not accusing, but still wondering. Has Kyron’s friend Tanner’s grandmother been interviewed by police in depth? Has/is she being investigated or watched? Because I have a few of the questions that continue to run through my mind.

    1) She may have been in need of money (e.g. rumor of home being in foreclosure).

    2) She should be acquainted with the Kyron and his family at least to some degreee (e.g. neighbors, children are friends). Kyron would know her.

    3) She seems (seemed) fairly active on-line (postings to friends and family). However, I looked and didn’t see anything posted to Terri or Kaine’s facebook after Kyron went missing. I would think she would have offered her neighborly support.

    4) She let Tanner be interviewed and make statements about when he saw Kyron and specifically where Kyron was going (electrical exhibit)… even after she was (most likely) asked not to speak of the situation by Law Enforcement.

    5) She and Terri could be friends and working on this situation together (e.g. sue school for losing Kyron or sue Law Enforcement for false accusations involvement).

    6) She could be mad at Terri for some reason (e.g. having a affair with her former son-in-law?)

    7) She could be mad and Brian Pumala (as I’ve seen posted on-line that her daughter is now divorced from him). She could be trying to set him up (allowing Tanner to speak on TV and mention the electrical exhibit). She could be doing this with the help of Terri.

    8) As I understand, Law Enforcemnt specifically checked her property (on more than one occassion).

    9) She has/had a white truck on her property.

    10) The picture of her property looks like she may have a large greenspace and it might need the use of a landscaper/yard maintenance… maybe she knows Landscaper too.

    11) Did Tanner go to school after Kyron went missing? If so, I would take this as her not being very worried that anything would happen to Tanner (e.g. already knew some “stranger” didn’t take Kyron).

    Anybody have any opinions on my “wonderings”?

  13. Kaylee says:

    NancyS says:
    August 5, 2010 at 1:31 am
    “I would think that that Kyrons wall would be being watched as they say the perp always returns to the place of the crime right?”

    Terri Horman is prohibited from visiting Skyline school, per the Restraining Order.

  14. twinkletoes says:

    I shoot skeet and target practice. If I were a rural dweller, I’d probably do the same on my property, if I thought it was a safe thing to do. Owning a gun and firing a gun says nada about this case.

  15. Savryn says:

    Over the last several weeks there has been alot of talk and discussion regarding the possibility that Terri and/or her friends may be posting on a variety of websites under a number of different aliases (HopeinVA, 42ndState, Scooby, lentres, etc.) regarding the the Kyron case. Clearly, some of these posts have shown inside information on the case and were decidedly pro-Terri (and often anti-Kaine). Nowhere is this more prevalent than on the messageboards connected to, which is also the site that Terri was was reported to have been confirmed as posting on in the past after Kyron’s disappearance. It seems that a small group of posters have created a decidedly pro-Terri atmosphere there.

    It struck me last night that these regular posters may not be Terri, Terri’s friends, or other misguided individuals. If LE’s strategy so far has been to isolate Terri, wouldn’t it also make sense to create an environment where she felt welcome? From what I read she is pretty involved in social networking if not downright addicted. Could the posters that people are complaining about actually be law enforcement, trying to encourage Terri to talk?

    Any thoughts? If its a public forum, they wouldn’t need to read her Miranda rights would they?

  16. Cherlyn Guido says:

    Funny Blink on Crime…You let people slander my family and myself but when my husband comments on this site its not posted as this probably wont be posted…This is a piece of shit gossip site…Get your shit together before you let others post lies…

    Ms. Guido, your husband’s comment was posted, and I requested the origin of his sentiments.

    I can assure you should you take the time to review my work on this site, it is anything but a gossip site.

    Lastly, I would appreciate if you refrained from the language, not blinkonspringer.

  17. Annals says:

    Sources: 2 friends gave Terri Horman cell phones

    Link to Aug 5 KGW article;

  18. Phyl says:

    Oh brother, I can’t see why LE is having such a hard time coming up with a motive for the Landscaper for Hire contract hit. I can give them a laundry list of motives why a woman would want to cause her husband bodily harm. My husband unknowingly helps me add more to this list every day. Most wives have the means, opportunities and motives(MOM). But what stops them? Well other then the whole love thing. I came up with what stops me, and what would have probably stopped TH if she had them too.
    Sense of humor

  19. minima says:

    I just want to give my interpretation of DeDe’s “smug” look, which just based on the few seconds of news footage I saw. Personally, I don’t think she looks “smug,” I think she looks anxiety ridden and trying to look confident. I don’t know what she knows, or doesn’t know, how involved she is or not, that’s just what I felt when I saw her. Almost as though she’s trying to convey, “I don’t have anything to hide.” Hopefully we will find out sooner than later whether that is true or not. I completely agree that she has made a deal for “immunity” with her testimony, which I think is actually a very promising sign. In my gut (which doesn’t mean much) I just don’t think her involvement is that sinister. I do hope that this has been a wake-up call to her and anyone else that may have information to come forward, and it has been made clear that this is about Kyron, not about protecting TH. At this point it’s up to LE and the judicial system to declare TH’s guilt or innonocence, not her friends.

    Blink: what do you think is coming next?

    To All: I am a little confused on the GJ proceedings, maybe I missed something, but here are my questions:

    1) There must be a “crime committed, that the DA files with the court system? Is this a closed document that isn’t open to the public? We don’t know (for fact) what/who the GJ is looking to indict, or do we? And what would the crime be if they aren’t certain of Kyron’s status?

    2) How long can a GJ process take, is there a time limit?

    3) After the GJ has made a decicion, how long until a person must be charged?

    4) And finally, if a GJ does not find sufficient evidence to indict can a GJ be called again for the same reason and to indict the same person, or would this be like “double jeopardy?”

    TIA for any info/comments on that

  20. Nanc Drewtoo says:

    I have an overwhelming suspicion that Terri Moulton is reading everything that’s posted here. Where is Kyron?

  21. NancyS says:

    God Bless you, I could not have said it better. I totally agree, I don’t care who is shootin a gun or texting some people or haaving sex with a gardener, it is used as a distraction and God forbid this little man is not with us any more. we need to find him and hope there is enough evidence with him to catch whoever did this AFTER HE IS FOUND! look what happened with little Caylee Anthony, her KILLER left all kinds of evidence with her little body.

    KYRON lead someone to where you are. Tell your mom and dad where to go. where to look, who to call, whatever.

  22. Kathy says:

    re:Maggie_M says:
    August 5, 2010 at 1:22 pm
    Another child missing in Oregon since yesterday…


    Found safe!


  23. aibohphobia says:

    Some GOOD news!

    NEAR FLORENCE, Ore. – A 5-year-old boy who disappeared from an Oregon coast campsite was found unharmed Thursday afternoon after apparently spending a night outdoors alone.
    cur from:

  24. aibohphobia says:

    2 friends gave her cell phones!
    Also, focus of the Grand Jury, like we didn’t know.

  25. MockingbirdSings says:
    In case you don’t have this yet. I believe it was already confirmed that one of the friends who provided a cell phone was DeDe. I haven’t seen another name yet.

  26. Ava says:

    Thanks for posting the link Phyl.

    RE: Annals. So, in light of that; Has it subsequently been revealed that the “cool electrical one” is a project by Brian Pumula; Tanner’s father?

    It hasn’t. I should have been more clear about my post, and adorned it with links. It was late, please forgive me.

    FLGirl is right on….my post was purely speculative in assuming Brian was even at the science fair (which was based on hearsay from Maebe). Who knows if its true or not, but it seems plausible. It could also be hooey.

    Given the Tanner quote about seeing an “electric one”, and Maybe’s post from a while back — combined with the fact that I don’t believe Tanner’s story — its merely fodder for speculation.

    MC and DDS came out of the woodwork, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more people involved that we haven’t heard much about yet. Given the proximity and ties to the family I don’t think BP should be ruled out completely. This is just a hunch. I could be totally wrong too. It has happened a few times.

  27. NancyS says:

    I found this when I did update search it is about the grand jury in session today again and 2 people gave Teri phones now? G

  28. NancyS says:

    I found this while doing on update on Kyrons case today.
    It says that DeDe was testifying on grand ury today and that 2 friends gave her phones to use after Kyron came up missing and the LE wants to know why they did that?

  29. Ava says:

    Haha, my apologies to Maebee for misspelling her name several times up there, whoops.

    My mind immediately goes to Maeby Fünke from Arrested Development and I smile thinking singing in Dr. Fünke’s 100 Percent Natural Good-Time Family Band Solution.

  30. shelbar says:

    Per the Willamette Week “The Kyron Files” , Teri was worried about turning 40 in march 2010 and wanted liposuction. Ok, that got me thinking about, maybe she wanted more cosmetic surgery than just liposuction. Cosmetic surgery is expensive and life insurance might be enough to pay for it.

    Several months before she turns 40, she goes on a fishing expedition inquiring about a MRH plan. Doesn’t work out for some reason, then BINGO…..way more money if the Kyron goes missing from the school.

    Maybe she doesn’t despise Kaine or Kyron or Desiree, enough to be hell bent on having them killed or suffer emotionally. Maybe she loves herself more and wants a lot of money for a total body makeover.

    I’ve read where people say she is a narcissist and is devoid of feelings, so why not bump someone off for self indulgence.

    I still stand by my original opinion that Teri is the one responsible and Kyron is not alive. At first I thought she did it because she was jealous of Desiree and felt she was a threat to her marriage, that she felt Kaine was getting “closer” to desiree, so eliminate Kyron thus, no reason for Kaine to be in contact with Desiree. Now maybe, I think the reason might be “vanity”.

  31. LPB says:

    Amazingly ridiculous:

    “Sources, including one who has spoken with investigators, told KGW that at least two friends of Terri’s purchased cell phones for her in the days after Kyron’s disappearance.”

    Ok, really?! I’m thinking about my own relationships here. If my BFF’s son or daughter went missing and my BFF asked me to get her a throw away phone DAYS after the disapperance, no way would I grant that request. It goes against all logical thinking.

    Why would TH need a sneak phone? If she is innocent she has nothing to hide. If she is innocent she would show through ACTIONS that she is innocent and stay transparent. At least 2 friends gave her a phone?! This lady is doing nothing to help her, her family, or little Kyron. JMO, but I’m not seeing a PPD/PPP event here. It was all planned and calculated. WTH?

  32. Nancy says:

    KGW is reporting that “sources” tell them that two of Terri’s friends bought her cell phones in the days immediately following the disappearance of Kyron. They are also reporting that the Grand Jury is looking into the activities of Terri and De De on the day of Kyron’s disappearance.

  33. Mermaid14 says:

    Being from Texas, I am quite familiar with target practice in rural areas. You obviously did not take my “tongue in cheek” comment in the right context either. I was simply making humor out of the thought of Kaine who seems quite the antithesis of a shoot first ask questions later. There was nothing in my post that indicates a need to “calm down”.

  34. Redrock says:

    It is only with a great deal of planning that even a prepaid cell phone is completely anonymous. There may well me a credit card record of its purchase (traced through the IMEI) or a record of an IP addy or CC if minutes were purchased and added. And if a data tree is constructed of calls, it is not insurmountable to piece the owner’s ID together based on incoming and outgoing calls. And the signal can sometimes be triangulated because the prepays all work of the same big 4 carriers. The only way it is really anonymous is to use, crush and toss in the storm drain.

  35. melissab says:

    SS could you please enlighten me ‘o dense confuscious one’ as I call myself sometimes!!!

  36. snapoutofit says:

    #17 Michelle says:
    August 5, 2010 at 2:01 am RE I need to know who Brian Pumala’s PARENTS are and where they live?

    They live across the street from Horman’s. Go to Blink On Crime and find the thread that has the list of facts.

  37. CentralORMom says:

    nope, your fine, everything is up.

  38. snapoutofit says:

    Portland, OR: KPTV online: Another friend of Terri Horman showed up at the Multnomah County Courthouse on Thursday to testify before a grand jury.

    Chelsea Aleshire walked out of the courthouse at 2:45 p.m. after giving her testimony. She said she is a friend to Terri Horman, who is the stepmother of missing 7-year-old boy Kyron Horman. “I can’t tell you what happened (in the grand jury) but I can tell you that you guys are going down a dead end,” Aleshire said. “She was my friend and I talked to her that day as a friend and that’s all.”
    Blink: Isn’t there a basis for LE requesting a subpoena?

  39. KB in OR says:

    They found the other little boy lost in Oregon. Wishing we could have the same happy ending for Kyron!!

  40. Hulagirl says:

    Besides Chelsea Aleshire, who were the other 2 friends of TH’s whom testified today? Anyone know?

  41. NancyS says:

    blink I have 3 messages waiting for moderation I think I am getting cuaght in spam mail or something?

    OH k I didnt put the link in my last post so here it is. It is an update on the grand jury today and that TWO friends got Teri cell phones to use AFTER Kyron came up missing? oh I hope DeDe testify today and I am not sure if a Grand Jury can indict more than one person per hearing? If anyone knows please tell me… thank you in advance.

  42. sean says:

    i hope that rumor is true.

  43. S says:

    SS – it could be that those who don’t post during the times Terri is seen at her attorney’s office can’t because they live on the west coast and they are at WORK during the day. Not really all that creepy.

    Came home to read good news today, little boy on southern Oregon Coast was found. Good story with a happy ending.

    Poor little Kyron has been all but forgotten by the mainstream media. All the focus is on his parents and step parents.

    That note to Kyron really bothered me but I chalked it off to someone saying Goodbye in their own way.

    I live in the country and I hear shots right now. I lived in a mean city for many years and when we heard shots we got away from the windows and called the police. Out here, it’s hardly worth paying attention. I doubt the WW thought about how excited people would get about Kaine shooting a gun. Around these parts, people don’t give it any serious thought, but do get a tiny smile on their face when they think about it. (“Yeah Kaine, we’re with ya.”)

  44. Faith says:

    Okay, where did everyone go again???? 8:23 PM PDST Pacific Daylight Saving Time

    My last post is waiting moderation since this morning. I feel like…….Where is everyone hiding. You are here somewhere.

  45. mag603 says:

    Prayers the Kyron is found soon. Prayers go out for Sylar, Emmitt, Trudie Hall who I saw on the news tonite and all those still missing.

  46. Malty says:

    that site is a waste I read there sometimes
    but it is a site I would never join
    Blink has a good site here
    I also go scared monkeys and the local sites
    some people just like to stir up stuff
    I just ignore it and move on
    my code is don’t join until you have read a month or so
    anyway it is good to stay with Blink
    this is the only site I joined after the mess at WS That site was
    a big disappoint to me. :(

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