Kyron Horman Case: Terri Horman Attorneys Call Her A Suspect

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In court papers filed Wednesday, Bunch went further, noting that Terri Horman is a “de facto suspect” in the second-grader’s disappearance…”

Portland, OR- In a voluntary appearance in court yesterday for matters relating to the pending divorce motion by estranged husband Kaine; Terri Horman showed her face for the first time since the week after her stepson, Kyron, vanished from Skyline School.

Although Kaine Horman opted to be represented by his counsel Laura Rackner and not appear personally to protect himself emotionally, according to Rackner, Terri Horman braved the fray.

Arriving with attorneys Peter Bunch and Stephen Houze, the trio was immediately met and escorted by MCSO deputies in “the box” formation to the 5th floor courtroom where local media scurried in from behind.  Within 45 minutes, Judge Meisenheimer ruled in Kaine Horman’s favor and granted his request that the issues of the mortgage-sized retainer, allegedly furnished by Terri to Houze and other distribution and custody  issues will be heard in a hearing on October 7, denying her request to have the issues bifurcated.

During the proceeding, Bunch argued that his Client cannot properly litigate the divorce and custody actions currently because she is.”..unable to proceed in the ordinary course to protect her rights as to discovery, property division, support and, particularly, custody and parenting time issues.”

In fact, for the first time publicly, we learn a very important detail about the criminal investigation into Kyron Horman’s disappearance.

According to her counsel, who would certainly be “in the know”, Terri Horman has NOT been named a suspect by MCSO in Kyron’s case, but she is painfully aware she is one.

Loosely translated, a defacto suspect is an unofficially declared suspect, but for all intents and purposes is definitely the target of the investigative crosshairs.

The Microsaccade Moment

Microsaccades are tiny involuntary movements of the eye generally caused by visual fixation.  The result on visual perception can cause the beholder to question if they are “really seeing what they are seeing.”

I had a few of those yesterday while analyzing footage of the day’s events in conjunction with known facts of this case.

They Are:

The MCSO guard detail dispatched at the courthouse assigned to Terri and counsel et al for a family court appearance.  I have spoken with a few local family lawyers who do not wish to be identified, with a combined 26 years of practice.  None have ever seen this practice in a similar matter in Multnomah County.  Specifically, the deputies went inside the actual hearing and waited to escort the trio out the back.

During the hearing, there was not a syllable mentioned about the driving force behind the request for expedition of the case in the first place. The very substantive weight that was used to secure an emergency custody and restraining order, which remains uncontested to date: The Alleged Murder for Hire Plot. Why wouldn’t a family lawyer looking to abate the divorce case strike at the very merits on which the plaintiff’s arguments are based? The plaintiff in this case uses an almost one year old mfh plot allegation, which was not carried out, and no person has been declared a suspect or arrested, to control every filing to date and counsel does not refute the claims therein? What possible reason could that be?

A recent interview with Terri Horman’s son James, in which he states that his Mother cannot have a computer, cell phone, or leave her parents home in Roseburg.

Blink Analysis Editorial: Sealed Criminal Indictment OR Civil Commitment?

A Civil commitment, which would have had to been voluntary, such as a concern for Ms. Horman injuring herself, or some sort of dependency is a possibility, but a highly unlikely one considering she appeared in court yesterday.

Strictly my opinion of course, but based on my microsaccades, I think it is entirely possible that Terri Horman is under a pre-arrest indictment in the matter of the alleged murder for hire plot, or some derivative thereof.

It would certainly be unlikely that she could have been booked and granted bail without a leak, but a sealed indictment, which may or may not include a sealed arrest warrant, would follow Oregon’s propensity to use the grand jury as a form of “preliminary hearing.”  In light of the fact that there is an ongoing criminal investigation into Kyron’s disappearance involving Federal, county and State investigative assets, it would be entirely appropriate.

The public would not know until such time as the indictment and any potentially attached writs are unsealed.  Throw in the possibility there is always the chance that Clackamas County may be the charging county for such an offense and not Multnomah.

In which case, this is about to get very interesting.  Recall MCSO chief Dan Staton saying Clackamas County Major Crimes Team is involved in the case?  That would suggest at least part of a crime has been established in their jurisdiction.  Rudy Sanchez resides in Clackamas County.

Clackamas County District Attorney John Foote and Criminal defense attorney Stephen Houze are well acquainted. You might say that Foote owes his very job to Houze in a way-

John Foote  lost as the incumbent DA in 1996 to his own deputy district attorney Terese “Terry” Gustafson.  Terry was in the middle of fighting an Oregon Bar complaint at the time which cleared her name just days before the inauguration.

The embattled DA did not take long to be the subject of more ethics violations including felony perjury charges for lying to a circuit judge about releasing the file of a juvenile that was ordered to be destroyed. Gustafson was disbarred.

Who filed the Bar complaint who also represented the accused boy who was subsequently acquitted?

Who was the prosecuting attorney for the Oregon Bar?

Stephen Houze.

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  1. GraceintheHills says:

    24.Starsky says:
    September 8, 2010 at 10:44 pm
    So help me understand… Do you think she was “in” on having ky kidnapped in order to get Kaine to help pay for the MFH gone bad? Or do you think she was blindsided? Do you think the mix up with doctors Appt was an honest mistake? Blink, are your inside sources giving you any indications that they are getting close to solving this? On another note, any new developments to help the Harringtons?

    Blink says, “I think she is ultimately responsible, but i think she was blindsided, I don’t know how many different ways I can say that.”


    Okay, I am officially a blinkoholic, but I don’t want help for my addiction. I just want more info.

    Blink, with the hole in her alibi that morning, I am having difficulty accepting that she was completely blindsided/out of the loop…unless, of course, she was blindsided by the fact that the abductor snatched Kyron from such a public place, and, learning this, she began to panic. I don’t know.

    Did these idiots actually think for one second that the FBI, DEA, ICE Secret Service, and all the others would not be on their tails from the get-go? If not, they are incredibly stupid criminals.

    Sounds like your sources are telling you this crime or crimes has a long way to go before it is solved. I fear this does not bode well for sweet Kyron.

  2. Falstaff says:

    While reading comments tonight it occurred to me that we don’t know what Kyron called Terri? She is step-mom, was there a term of endearment for her, or maybe he called Terri? I don’t even know why I’m curious, just a thought.

    He called her mom

  3. Falstaff says:

    OMG, chilling, just chilling. “He called her mom”

  4. sjso says:

    Help! who are the Harrington’s? And what 911 calls prior to Kyron going missing? Please? Been following from the beginning but these two things went by me. Thanks to anyone. :)

  5. MockingbirdSings says:

    beejay says:
    September 8, 2010 at 11:06 am

    OK, Twinkletoes: Not about Ky, but about your Russian sex offender/upstanding businessman. And Russian Mafia in Oregon. I got curious about names of Russian origin.

    Just looking at all the local University professor told me that, just to take an example, ‘Roten’ is commonly a shortened surname for Russian names such as Rotenberg. Of Jewish faith, usually. Also, a Jewish name, traced back to Russian origin. (I keep reading that Russian Mafia is predominantly Jewish)

    I found one confirmation of that here:
    “Here are the surnames of people connected with Russia….” [search by letter you're interested in] at this link:
    beejay – Did you choose “Roten” as an example on purpose?

    Michael G. Roten –
    8/20/09 9:02 p.m. Michael G. Roten, 41, was lodged at Clackamas County Jail on suspicion of menacing.
    ORS 163.190¹ Menacing (1) A person commits the crime of menacing if by word or conduct the person intentionally attempts to place another person in fear of imminent serious physical injury.
    (2) Menacing is a Class A misdemeanor. [1971 c.743 §95]

    Haven’t found the resolution to this arrest – it was 2009 and I don’t know if he was ever charged. It seems to me he might have thought he knew who did it and contacted them – it says “suspicion of”, maybe no proof. Might not be related, but there sure are a lot of coincidences around people even remotely related to this case!
    Blink said: Intel colleague and Horman family friend Michael G. Roten, was arrested last August on suspicion of menacing charges in Clackamas County the day after an Intel bag with a Sony computer, prescription Gucci glasses was taken from a vehicle on Country Club Rd. It is not known if the 2 incidents are related. Roten posted on Terri Horman’s facebook offering any help they could, a few days after Kyron’s disappearance was made public.
    MGR’s name also turns up relating to Mercedes Benz enthusiasts, but they post by other names so I haven’t seen much by him – not worth searching for. (Example: “michael mike g roten intel oregon wanted: mint condition galaxy blue”).

  6. MockingbirdSings says:

    He called her mom

    I read that and thought what a powerful statement. You should write a book someday and make that the title: “He Called Her Mom”.

  7. Karey says:

    25.txmom says:
    September 7, 2010 at 7:41 pm
    “Just read Twinkletoes post and Blink’s reply ,but the thing I keep coming back to is the rumor about the doctor’s appointment. That certainly makes TH look like more of an accomplice than just the person that opened the door to a vampire.”


    @ txmom: I agree. The confusion about the Dr appt couldn’t be merely coincidence, IMO. I think TH told Ky he had an appt (Ky’s classmates new about it; or, did they “know” because the teacher, Mrs. P, told them?). I believe Ky went outside voluntarily because he was instructed to do so at a certain time. I am mulling two different possibilities:

    1.) TH returned to Skyline School on her way to FM2 from FM1. But he was not with TH when she talked to AL at FM2. Also, it would be risky to even leave Ky in the truck or have him transferred to another vehicle in the parking lot without being seen by an acquaintance such as AL. Did she drop Ky off with someone else before proceeding to FM2? Maybe she dropped him off with DDS at WWF, then another vehicle (driven by RS?) picked up DDS & KY, while TH proceeded to FM2 to establish her alibi.

    2.) Someone other than TH drove to Skyline School after TH left. Probably between 9:30 & 10:00. It was important for TH to have an alibi soon after leaving the school (FM1), and again during the time Ky was leaving the school (FM2). Perhaps RS picked up Ky at the school in his white truck. Ky knew he was to meet RS there b/c TH told him. Witnesses may have assumed the white truck was the same one TH had been driving. Then, maybe RS picked up DDS at WWF (she is believed to have left the premises between 9:45 & 10:00).

    The 2nd scenario makes more sense, IMO. Others have suggested that Ky was drugged. He may have been told he needed to take some “medicine” before going to the Dr’s appt & given something to take immediately after getting in the truck to knock him out. That way, if something went wrong or he is later found, Ky will not remember what happened that day.

    Why were RS & DDS involved? It has been proposed that TH backed out of the MFH plot & so RS double-crossed her. On the other hand, it may be RS who refused the MFH & suggested something (in his thinking) a little less nefarious — kidnapping Ky. RS also has ties to MX. DDS indirectly has ties to MX, too. Her former boyfriend, JW, had connections to an orphanage in MX. He likely told DDS about it and she relayed that info to RS, who has contacts in MX with whom he arranged to send KY. I wonder if LE has already checked into this possibility? Perhaps they have, but Ky never made it to MX. As others have suggested, something could have gone wrong with the plan, such as a mis-dose of “medication.” Or, did something happen once Ky was transferred to someone else’s hands? Maybe someone along the way sold him to a child pornography ring?

    I do hope there’s further progress in the case & Kyron returns home safely, soon. That would be the greatest Bday present for Kyron & his family. Happyb Birthday, Kyron, wherever you are!

  8. Cbickel says:

    @chia… I’ve always been of the mind th did not plan this, I’ve also always said that I think she is responsible in the end however to what has happened to this little boy. There are just too many different agencies involved that suggest this is more than something that th could pull together. These agencies have been there from the beginning so obviously there is more to it than th deciding she could put together some crazy ass scheme. If I ever get out of here I’ll try to write it out better. Thoughts and prayers r with kyron his brothers and sister.

  9. enumclawrose says:

    Anselmo flagrante delicto coming up
    in fla·grante de·licto (in flə gran′tē dē lik′tō′) the very act of committing the offense; red-handed
    2.while engaged in sexual activity, often, specif., illicit or perverse sexual activity
    also in flagrante
    Origin: L, lit., during the blazing of the crime

    I am guessing all three apply.

  10. Mom3.0 says:

    sjso , I am not sure what comment you are referring to- I tried to find mention of the Harringtons and 911 calls. Perhaps you could point me to it by giving the posters name and time it was posted. TIA

    As to your question, I can’t spak to the 911 calls but, the only Harrington’s that I am aware of, are the parents of Morgan Dana Harrington 20. She went missing in October of last year, at a Metallica concert in Charlottesville Virginia. Her body was later found in a remote area of a near-by farm. There has been evidence found connecting her death to a rapist that beat a woman brutally 5 years ago and has yet to be caught.

    Her parents, Dan and Gil have worked tirelessly in an effort to bring her killers to justice. Gil writes frequent on-line thoughts about her grief, her love of her daughter, and the case. Morgan’s father now (still?) moderates a FB page, that at one time, was dedicated to finding his daughter, Morgan. Now it is dedicated to her memory and finding justice for his daughter.

    Hope this helps.

  11. Mom3.0 says:

    He called her mom

    This is so profound Blink and I think says it all.
    In fact it took my breath away. I do not comment very often on Kyron’s thread. I just can’t wrap my mind around what happened. I can’t understand Terri’s wanting Kaine dead, reportedly trying to hire a hitman. Why? For what reason? Money? drama? Freedom? Abuse? Why not just divorce him? If it were because she was afraid of loosing her children in a custody battle-well,she sorely misinterpreted the results/fall out.

    She was Kyron’s ‘mom’ he loved her. He trusted her. She helped raise him. What went wrong in that house? What went wrong with Terri? What happened to Kyron? Where is he?

    “He called her mom.” For the love of God what happened?

  12. Kleat says:

    It’s now September 9th for Kyron and his family in Oregon. What could be better than a healthy boy returning to his loving family by end of day.

  13. Riverpearl says:

    Does everyone remember when DY, TY & KH starting talking without TMH?
    They were statements of WHO was Kyron’s (birth) parents—
    NOT TMH.
    Everyone noticed the strong push to say these are the people that are his parents,
    These are the parents being hurt not having Kyron–
    NOT TMH.

  14. enumclawrose says:

    People – what is REASONABLE here? There are double digit State and Fed agencies involved?

    That is what I thought ever since we were given that laundry list from the press conference. Could this case tie into the huge child porn busts going on in Oregon? All those agencies would have an interest in something like that. I would include human trafficking as they sometimes go hand in hand.

    According to Pavlock’s indictment, sexually explicit photographs and movies were found on his computer by the Oregon Department of Justice’s Internet Crimes Against Children division.
    Kroger declined to give specifics about how the investigation unfolded, but he said it had been going on for a while.
    He also declined to speak about the 77 other suspects his office discovered.

    KVAL News asked Martin if he was concerned there could be victims in the Eugene-Springfield area.

    “Oh, of course absolutely,” Martin said.

  15. Mom3.0 says:

    Blink you wrote:
    I NEVER SAID it was coincidence, every thing you have mentioned I am clearly on the record.

    People – what is REASONABLE here? There are double digit State and Fed agencies involved?
    This is no Law and Order episode.

    Well if it were a Law and Order episode, than we we would clearly have a stepmother that somehow was directly involved in the disappearance and probable death/murder of her stepson. All the evidence- dirty little secrets, strange behavior, point to the stepmothers guilt. She after trying to off her husband, got angry and out of revenge or other- hurt the child-if it were a L&O episode she would have given up Kyron’s whereabouts- out of guilt and being found out.

    Since it is NOT an episode of Law and Order, but in fact the real life tragedy of a little boy- and as you so clearly pointed out, “There are double digit State and Fed agencies involved”-

    I would think if there were direct evidence connecting Terri to Kyron’s disappearance and death these agencies would have found it. Perhaps all they have found is that this family, this woman, was battling many demons. She had alot of secrets. She possibly plotted to have her husband killed, contacted, and maybe set up, payments to have this done- or told people how much money she had to spend- but she backed out- She didn’t go through with it- So other than that- and a series of strange- behaviors-actions what do they have?

    We don’t know- but here’s a thought- what if she went shopping her plan around to alot of dirty, dark, sinister people- what if she cried on alot of shoulders and gave up alot of intimate details regarding herself, her husband and her children’s habits and routines in an effort to plan out the hit- but when she backed out or didn’t hire some of these people- they got pizzed -but hey they knew everything they needed to know to get back at her for leaving them high and dry- maybe they thought they were doing her a favor and would get paid on the backside? But in any event they knew the when, they knew the where, and they knew the who-

    They also had the added bonus of knowing what the police and feds would uncover if they looked alittle deeper into Terri and her ‘needful things’- hence throwing the investigation in the wrong-direction- or at least slowing it down. Enabling them, to go undetected and free to go about their business knowing exactly what part if any, that the diabolical needful tease had in Kyron’s disappearance.

    Leaving a guilt ridden stepmother, who clearly had a part in Kyron’s disappearance, even if only in her series of poor choices and needful things, holding the bag, an unable to shout the truth from the roof tops. Prevented by her guilt and fears. Afraid of not only the long arm of the law, but afraid of retribution from the dark and sinister people she set loose on her family.

    Clearly not a Law & Order episode but sadly, perhaps a Stephan King novel.

    Excellent Point.

  16. Mom3.0 says:

    Last thought-

    Or it could be even worse than that. As Blink saidthis isnt an episode of L&O and it isn’t a Stephen king novel either. We may be fooling ourselves into believing that Terri knows anything about Kyron’s disappearance. Yes- she is strange. Yes she isn’t very likable. But think of that case where the dingos took that baby away from the family and the mother was thought to be guilty because of her behavior. Or think of Polly Klaas’s father, who in essence had to prove his innocence.

    Perhaps Kyron’s disappearance is the ultimate nightmare- a stranger abduction and Terri nor anybody else,that we know of is involved. That would truly make Kyron’s disappearance hard to solve. Just like thousands of other abducted and missing children’s cases.

    Sad thought. What’s more disturbing thinking we KNOW what happened and who is to balme or NEVER knowing what happened and who’s to blame? Especially if we can’t see through the L&O episode script?

  17. MissMonkey says:

    Happy Birthday, Kyron, wherever you may be. You have an entire country .. and even more .. wishing they could be celebrating with you today.

    You are a much loved little boy, and we will not give up the search until your mommy and daddy have their sweet little boy back.

  18. Riverpearl says:

    JMHO–The WHY doesn’t TMH tell all—
    Jail time with MFH plot verses murder/ kidnapping.
    BIG difference.
    House is well known for getting the ‘best’ deal for his cilents.
    Plea agreements..
    I do not know the length of jail time but the guilty do use their past “good record” to cut jail time or get no jail time.
    Can we say community service, mental health treatment etc. ?
    Recall TMH divorce lawyer wants to delay UNTIL the “KH Case” is over.

    The Sheriff Dept. said early on—they do not need ‘a body’ to prosecute.
    JMHO the DA, Sheriff etc are not looking for ‘a deal’.
    They want to NAIL each & everyone who had a hand in what has happen to Kyron.

    Also, remember each of us can recall a crime where someone was murdered
    & someone involved will say “I did not want X dead” or “I wasn’t there when X was killed”.
    But they were involved, they did not stop the death, they did not tell LE before.
    LE still charges them with the murder.
    So than as such is how TMH is responisble for the “trigger” that started the series of events on June 4th.

    Regardless if the vampires knew Kyron was TMH step-son,
    As Blink has said many times:

    They (vampires) had NO intention of returning Kyron–ransom or not–
    something went wrong during the commission of the Kyron-napping.

    Because she does not know where he is.

  19. MockingbirdSings says:

    I was so inspired by S driving around and checking on things that I decided to take a drive of my own. Early this evening (Sept. 8), I went to the house on SE Renada Street which was listed on Rudy’s Business Name Registry. Of course, I didn’t expect to find Rudy, but I wanted to see what or who might be there now. Clues in this case don’t just appear and get used like a puzzle piece, they evolve and change shape and color while you’re holding them, so I think we should continue to go back and look in the nooks and crannies over and over.

    I had already looked up the house online. Owner is listed as “ANGEL-GOMEZ OCTAVIANO”. It was last sold/purchased in 2006 for $329,000 (a lot more than my house). The area has nice houses and well cared for properties. I’ve looked at several aerial views and you can see a gate across the driveway (now has a “no trespassing” sign) and a small building in the back corner. The Google Map satellite (2010 sometime) view shows a red pickup behind the gate and a trailer, some “stuff” in the back by the shed, and more vehicles in front. I suspect it is a rental house.

    I saw a large black van with a nice sign (painted on the side) on the highway and wondered if it was going there – I don’t know why – it struck me as “flashy”. I got caught at a stoplight, and guess what was parked in the driveway when I got there. It was pulled up tight against another car and the house as though they expected more vehicles so it was difficult to read the sign, but I wrote down part of it. I drove by 3 times, but fortunately there was a boat for sale across the street so I wrote down the sales information – don’t want a boat.

    Everything I found is from public records and in no way intended to accuse anybody of anything.

    The black van advertises a company called “Clean Factor.” This name was registered on August 28, 2010. The address is the same house on Renada Street that Rudy used. The business owner is Jaime Estrada who also has a PO Box in Oregon City. He has a web site (looks professionally done): JE says he is a certified technician but does not say in what area ( and does not show up on the online list of referrals to certified technicians. He is a board member of a small networking business group: that tries to mentor each other and use each other’s services.

    In the usual online people searches (only in the Canby, Milwaukie, Oregon City, and Portland areas), Jaime Estrada is also listed as Jaime Sanchez Estrada. Rudy Sanchez is listed as Rodolfo Sanchez Estrada. The ages vary as many as 3 times for the same person, but are all in the 30’s. There are other relatives listed, but Jaime and Rudy are the only ones I found using the same street address. I’d like to know where JSE got the money to start his company less than a month ago – and whether he lived there during Rudy’s 2 business years – and who else lives there.

    Jaime says he worked as a carpet cleaner for maybe 5 years. His picture is also on his website. IF he and Rudy are brothers, or even cousins, they may look something alike.

    I tried to follow something on SM about this and I have trouble with all those overlapping boxes – I lose things. So I copied some of it. I’m not sure where the information came from to get to SM, but I looked up every business name that was supposedly using the same PO Box and that is not the case. I can’t ask anyone on SM and I don’t know if that topic went any further. MY NOTES are after each name in the list with a # at each end. I think you can tell they are not part of the SM quote. I couldn’t figure out a better way to do it.
    Scandi with reply from Blonde – August 19th
    I’m wondering how we first got the name Rudy Sanchez? I can’t remember the link where we learned about the school landscape project and her meeting him there. Maybe that is where his name came out. If it stated the name of the LS firm and these 2 guys worked for him {since neither of their names were Rudy} – well I am confused about that and need to figure it out. xox
    I got it from here
    these are all listed at the same PO BOX as Rodolfo/Rudy Sanchez/Estada (sp.) the landscaper.

    347 PO BOX CANBY, OR 97013

    Clackamas, OR

    Canby, OR
    Oregon city, OR
    GRAMA’S CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CARE LLC # began 6/27/2005 and the dissolution date is 9/29/2005. The registered agent was Christopher Boyajian who was in Iraq in 2004 and before (don’t have timeline). Not sure how he got connected to this list. He is listed as from Molalla and also has an Oregon City address, I believe. #

    INNOVATIONS BY GLORIA JEAN # Franchise company for coffee started in Australia – maybe someone sent for information? #
    MARTIN INSPECTION SERVICE #? to many “Martin’s” to tell, not PO Box though #
    ABSOLUTE SPARKLE BY ANASTACIA #SW Bertha BV address for beauty and barber shops #
    EQUINE BODYWORKS # no PO Box – has street address (farm) #
    STILLER CONSTRUCTION # different PO Box – 2001-2003 lapsed license #
    HAHN BUILDING DESIGN LLC # address in PDX and Oregon City, not Canby #

    Canby, OR
    Portland, OR

    Canby, OR
    Oregon city, OR
    IRISQUILTS # company that sells quilts East Coast and prob online #

    Canby, OR
    Clackamas, OR
    Milwaukie, OR
    I’m going to bed now and will probably dream about money laundering.

  20. MockingbirdSings says:

    PS to last post – about the black van for “Clean Factor” – I couldn’t see what kind it was, but it is NOT cheap, definitely not a bottom of the line utility van.

    Mockingbird, holding your post until my new piece is up, and then I will bring it over, lol.

    Yes, we are aware. There are some residences attributable to several individuals at the same time, one of them was a one bedroom with no less than 8 cars/vehicles outside.

  21. wc says:

    Happy Birthday, sweet boy !

  22. Justanothermom says:

    Whose choice was that? I have my suspicions.

    3.MockingbirdSings says:
    September 9, 2010 at 1:43 am
    He called her mom

    I read that and thought what a powerful statement. You should write a book someday and make that the title: “He Called Her Mom”.

  23. GraceintheHills says:

    Happy Birthday, Kyron. Hope you can come home soon.

  24. Ode says:

    Sweet Kyron, Happy Birthday. You did not deserve what has happened to you. You family loves you so much and want you home with them. There are so many people you do not even know that love you also and want you to be home with your family. I hope you are not afraid were ever you are. I hope you are warm and I hope you are waiting to come home to your family. If you are no longer with us than I know God is keeping you warm and surrounded by love, waiting for your family to come home to you. God bless you Kyron and God bless all that love you.

  25. S says:

    Happy Birthday Kyron!

  26. beejay says:

    Call me a diehard, and I do find the “Twink/Blink Theory” elegant, but it still could have been a stranger. It did NOT have to be someone Ky knew. AND, the chaotic school day, I think, would have played into a stranger-abduction perhaps even better than one by someone known to Ky (other than TH or other Ky relative)–at least in terms of the hope of getting away with it.

    Here’s a snip from a former university security guy, about some later work he did under a fed. grant:

    “It is not uncommon for elementary students to leave school undetected during the school day, and perpetrators of student abductions have previously exploited peak times of visitor traffic to abduct students.
    I recently simulated the abductions of three students from a North Carolina elementary school during a red team assessment funded by the United States Department of Education. I was able to “abduct” all three students quickly and easily within a few minutes of entering the campus in the morning while parents where dropping their children off.

    …a student had actually been abducted from the same school in the exact same manner 15 years ago.”


  27. TBZ says:

    Happy 8th Birthday! I hope you come home soon to Kaine and Desiree. The Portland area will throw the biggest party ever. It will be bigger than even say the Trail Blazers winning some championship. Heck the whole state of Oregon and other states in the US will be celebrating your return. You are the boy with the huge smile and we love you!

  28. JEN says:

    Happy Birthday, Kyron. May you know that across the earth, there are countless people holding you within their hearts today and until you come home.

  29. Idahogal says:

    Happy Birthday, sweet beautiful Kyron. There are no more tears in Heaven, angel. We are all working so hard to bring peace to your loved ones, and we will, I promise. We love you, little buddy.

  30. JEN says:

    Blink, you said:

    Anselmo flagrante delicto coming up

    Does this mean that LE is hoping to catch him in the act of something criminal? That he’s in federal prison because he was already caught in said act? That he’s going to implicate himself somehow, or that he already has?

    Blink-speak AND Latin…I need another cup of coffee. ;-)

  31. beejay says:

    @MockingbirdSings and @Graceinthe Hills:

    Sorry, in my previous post to you, Mockingbird, the part about our LE connections keeping us in the dark should have been addressed to Grace.

  32. SunShine says:

    Clean Factor’s Oregon business registry shows the same address as RS Landscape Maintenance. 7169 SE RENADA ST, MILWAUKIE, OR

    The authorized rep and registrant for Clean factor is Jaime Estrada. For RS Landscape the authorized rep and registrant is Rodolfo Sanchez.

    Clean Factor has a website and there is a picture of the owner: Jamie Estrade. Slight variation on spelling of the name in the Oregon Business registry.


    Are Rodolfo (Rudy) Sanchez and Jaime Estrada(e) the same person? If so, here he is:

  33. cartwheel says:

    Happy Birthday Kyron! My little boy had his birthday yesterday and we were celebrating at a restaurant somewhat near your own home…and I thought of you often. I so hope someone will find it in their heart to come clean on your birthday.

  34. Kleat says:

    Blink, can you take my ‘its Kyron’s birthday’ post out of moderation please?

    This article adds to what we know about the bright little boy. This must be a terribly hard week for Kaine and Desiree and Tony, the birthday and the start of a whole new school year.

  35. kuaitzudog says:

    Happy Birthday sweet boy…may the angels watch over you and bring you safely home!!

  36. lily says:

    LOL JEN – Blink-speak AND Latin. As if Blink isn’t cryptic enough sometimes, right? That was funny.

  37. Jeff D says:

    Happy Birthday Kyron!…you are with us all

  38. twinkletoes says:

    I nannied for a family when I was younger and the two little girls (4 and 5 yrs old) asked if they could call me “Mom”. I was kind of shocked and said absolutely not and told them how special it is to be called Mom and that only their actual mommy was allowed to be called by that name. I would lose my mind with jealousy if my babies called another woman Mom. My older son once raved about his friends’ mom’s scrambled eggs and how they were better than mine and I am still slightly bitter toward her about that. lol!

    Happy birthday, sweet Kyron.

  39. mag603 says:

    What if ultimately Terri let the vampire in the room.

    She contacted RS regarding MFH/4KH. She changed her mind – they still wanted their money. She refused to pay — they took Ky. They called her cell or left a msg at the house which said if you don’t pay up then………

    TH freaks out calls DDS and they go searching; which explains why she was in the Sauvie Island area.

  40. twinkletoes says:

    Looking forward to the new piece, Blink.

  41. twinkletoes says:

    I challenge anyone not to cry as you read these lyrics. These are the lyrics to Fireflies by Owl City, according to Kaine, one of Kyron’s favorite songs:

    You would not believe your eyes
    If ten million fireflies
    Lit up the world as I fell asleep
    Because they’d fill the open air
    And leave teardrops everywhere
    You’d think me rude but I’d just stand and stare

    I’d like to make myself believe
    That planet Earth turns slowly
    It’s hard to say that I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep
    Because everything is never as it seems

    Because I’d get a thousand hugs
    From ten thousand lightning bugs
    As they tried to teach me how to dance
    A foxtrot above my head
    A sockhop beneath my bed
    A disco ball is just hanging by a thread

    I’d like to make myself believe
    That planet Earth turns slowly
    It’s hard to say that I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep
    Because everything is never as it seems

    When I fall asleep leave my door open just a crack
    (Please take me away from here)
    Because i feel like such an insomniac
    (Please take me away from here)
    Why do I tire of counting sheep
    (Please take me away from here)
    When I’m far too tired to fall asleep?

    To ten million fireflies
    I’m weird because I hate goodbyes
    I got misty eyes as they said farewell
    But I’ll know where several are
    If my dreams get real bizarre
    Because I saved a few and I keep them in a jar

    I’d like to make myself believe
    That planet Earth turns slowly
    It’s hard to say that I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep
    Because everything is never as it seems

    I’d like to make myself believe
    That planet Earth turns slowly
    It’s hard to say that I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep
    Because everything is never as it seems

    I’d like to make myself believe
    That planet Earth turns slowly
    It’s hard to say that I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep
    Because my dreams are bursting at the seams

    I knew would never make it through this day- I am going to listen to this on my run, thanks for the reminder.
    Sweet dreams our little guy the firefly.

  42. Cherylynne says:

    Blindsided ? I think she arrange for him to go missing as the ultimate way to hurt & shock the husband that she once wanted to have murdered! the public is just having a hard time with that possibility because little Kyron is so sweet & no one wants to believe she did this intentionally- IMOO

    Blindsided? who did she think she was dealing with here -Price line negotiators? (no disrespect intended for the family)
    as in ” Murder my husband I will give you cold hard cash- changed my mind & but never thought you would take the child permanently?

    I am surprised that people paint her in a light of naive or unaware like she just took some silly wrong turn & it just got too tangled for her own good. like poor Terri she didnt mean for it to get to this. Folks, she was plotting to murder a human being; I dont put anything past her.

  43. angelab says:

    Happy birthday Kyron. Prayers for your family and friends. My heart goes out to all.

  44. pps_mom says:

    I think this is unrelated to Kyron, but interesting because of the Blink connection:
    I think Blink was prophetic in looking at the convicted pedophile, Timur Van Dykes early on in Kyron’s investigation. Blink said, “He is listed “likely to reoffend” and a predator.” IMO, he did try to offend again in Beaverton this August–Van Dyke sure looks a lot like this police sketch:

    (Van Dykes appears younger in the photo that Blink has, but he is 53 today and certainly could have garnered more grey hair.)
    Hope they catch WHOEVER molested that child. Why are there such sickos out there?
    Tough week. Prayers.

  45. hervness says:

    I just can’t wrap my mind around motivation in all of this. Regardless of any vampires TMH let in, what’s their motivation in taking Kyron after the fact? Assuming (putting on my “bad dude” morals at this point) I was contracted to do a MFH on someone I didn’t know (A HUGE RISK, even as a bad guy), was promised money, perhaps even spent the money before I had it, and the contracting party backed out . . . what does taking a little boy (again, ANOTHER HUGE RISK) do for me? I’m risking getting caught to get revenge? Or am I risking getting caught for a ransom? Unless I’m really stupid, I don’t do that. Assuming this theory is right, as the vampire, I *already* don’t trust TMH (remember, she already backed out once), so why would I trust that ransom will be paid? I don’t. It doesn’t make any motivational or even common sense to take Kyron because TMH backed out on the MFH. There’s too much personal risk. If someone burns you once, even criminals have standards, why would you place so much personal risk to try to get ransom from them?
    Placing myself in the vampires shoes, why would I do that? I guess that’s my struggle with this whole thing. Having dealt with an addict (who turned criminal) for most of my adult life, I can pretty easily spot the less morally inclined amongst us. The common theme is that they don’t do anything unless it’s of direct benefit to them. That’s where I’m missing the boat I guess. Where does taking Kyron directly benefit anyone? The only person I can come up with is TMH. So, assuming she let the vampire in, how does taking Kyron benefit the vampire? Someone help me understand this!
    BTW-I love reading all of the theories here, and trying to wrap my mind around this. You’re all talented and I truly appreciate the way you all interact towards a common goal. Other boards/posters have nothing on the people here.

  46. Shannon says:

    Anselmo flagrante delicto coming up

    @ Blink – Anselmo caught red-handed?

  47. lyla says:

    Question for Blink, Blinkaholics..

    If remains were found and identified would the agencies involved be any closer to solving this case?

  48. Shannon says:

    Mom3.0 says:
    September 8, 2010 at 11:35 pm

    Blink says –> Mom 3.0, those were not my words, they were DD Gypsy’s that somehow got attributed.

    @ Blink, they look they are your words because they are somehow in BOLD in a post by Christy, in case you were able to go back and unbold them for clarity I don’t know.

    christy says:
    September 8, 2010 at 7:19 pm

  49. TammeraJean says:

    we always say this to our kids on their birthday…

    Dear Kyron,

    Many happy returns on the day of thy birth
    May sunshine and gladness be given
    and may the dear Father prepare thee on earth
    for a beautiful birthday in HEAVEN.

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